Thursday, March 29, 2012

7:29 AM 3/29/2012 | Puerto Rico's police chief quits amid crime spike | It was time to Emilio Diaz Colon – El Nuevo Dia | Emilio Diaz Colon leaves Police - | Mike Nova's starred items

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Puerto Rico's police chief quits amid crime spike - The Seattle Times

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Puerto Rico's police chief quits amid crime spike
March 29, 2012 02:35 GMT

SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP) -- Puerto Rico's police chief has quit nearly one year after being appointed to lead a department that federal agents have accused of corruption, illegal killings and civil rights violations.

The resignation of former National Guard general Emilio Diaz Colon comes amid criticism that he did not do enough to combat violence that resulted in more than 1,100 homicides last year.

Gov. Luis Fortuno said in a statement late Wednesday that Diaz resigned because he didn't want his continued leadership to negatively affect reforms being undertaken inside the police department.

El Nuevo Día@ElNuevoDia

En portada:Se fue el Superintendente de la Policía 

Le llegó la hora a Emilio Díaz Colón

Héctor Pesquera, exjefe de la oficina local del FBI, suena como sustituto

Díaz Colón estuvo casi nueve meses en la Policía, pues fue designado el 6 de julio, cuatro días después de la salida, también abrupta, de José Figueroa Sancha. (Archivo El Nuevo Día)

Por Javier Colón Dávila /

Emilio Díaz Colón, superintendente de la Policía durante casi nueve turbulentos meses en los cuales nunca pareció plenamente en control del cargo, salió ayer de manera abrupta de su posición, luego de que el gobernador Luis Fortuño, quien lo sacó de un apacible retiro el pasado verano, le pidiera la renuncia.

Díaz Colón al parecer se levantó ayer sin saber que era su último día en la Policía. Pero en la tarde tuvo una extensa reunión con Fortuño y varios líderes del Partido Nuevo Progresista (PNP), incluido el presidente del Senado, Thomas Rivera Schatz, y ahí se selló su destino, dijo a una estación de radio (WKAQ) el senador Carmelo Ríos.

La Fortaleza hizo el anuncio en un parte de prensa difundido a las 7:32 de la noche. “Díaz Colón nos dejo saber que no desea afectar los planes de trabajo actuales de la Uniformada, ni las reformas esenciales que se están llevando a cabo en ese cuerpo”, dijo Fortuño.

Fortuño designó anoche al coronel José Luis Rivera como superintendente interino y destacó que en los próximos días anunciará un posible sustituto.

Varias fuentes dijeron a El Nuevo Día que el sustituto es Héctor Pesquera, quien dirigió la oficina del FBI en San Juan entre 1996 y 1998, tras lo cual encabezó la oficina de dicha dependencia en Miami, donde reside ahora.

Lo sacaron del retiro

Pesquera, de 65 años, se retiró del FBI en diciembre de 2003, tras lo cual trabajó como asesor en la Oficina del Alguacil del Condado de Broward. Recientemente, trabajaba como director de puertos en Miami, dijeron fuentes.

Díaz Colón, un exjefe de la Guardia Nacional, vivía retirado hasta que en los primeros días de julio, su amigo Fortuño lo llamó para que sustituyera a José Figueroa Sancha, a quien también se le pidió la renuncia por su incapacidad para manejar la histórica ola criminal que ha vivido el País durante los pasados tres años.

Díaz Colón asumió el reto de buen ánimo. Pero nunca pareció estar en control del cuerpo y fueron múltiples las ocasiones en que no podía responder con precisión a preguntas básicas sobre el funcionamiento de la Policía, sobre pesquisas en proceso o sobre los sucesos policiacos de los que los periodistas lo preguntaban continuamente.

Muchos alcaldes, incluidos del PNP, pedían continuamente su renuncia. Uno de ellos, Abel Nazario, de Yauco, dijo hace un par de meses que no iba a hablar más del tema por petición de Fortuño, pero que seguía pensando igual sobre Díaz Colón.

Muchos sorprendidos

El anuncio de la renuncia sorprendió a muchos. Por ejemplo, varios jefes regionales dijeron desconocer la noticia en momentos en que ya era del dominio del todo el País.

Miguel Colón March, de la región de Guayama, dijo que no haría comentarios porque el gobierno no había confirmado la noticia y se cantó sorprendido.

El martes Díaz Colón había reunido a los jefes de región. “Nos felicitó por el plan de trabajo y porque se habían dado muchas intervenciones por tintes en los vehículos”, dijo Colón March.

“Yo no sabía eso”, agregó, por su parte, el comandante Carlos Miranda, jefe de Carolina, quien precisamente el martes divulgó un comunicado en que elogiaba la labor de su ahora exjefe.

Carlos Colón Alsina, de Humacao, dijo que se enteró por la prensa.

El presidente del Frente Unido de Policías Organizados, Diego Figueroa, aseguró que no le sorprendía la noticia.

“No dio pie con bola, no pudo engranar y no tenía conocimiento administrativo de la Policía. En ocasiones (bajo Díaz Colón) la Policía se quedó sin su líder y otros tomaban las decisiones y tenían el poder. Ahora la Policía esta totalmente desmoralizada”, dijo.

Nombramiento inexplicable

El exsuperintendente de la Policía y ahora candidato al Senado por el opositor Partido Popular Democrático, Miguel Pereira, se cuestionó no por qué lo sacan ahora sino por qué lo nombraron en un principio. “Este señor no tenía ninguna experiencia en nada que tuviera que ver con actividades investigativas”, dijo Pereira.

Sobre Pesquera, Pereira dijo que lo considera su amigo, y que le tiene afecto personal. “Le deseo bien y que triunfe, pero en los ocho meses que restan no puede cambiar nada en la Policía”, dijo Pereira.

Irónicamente, Díaz Colón tuvo ayer el que quizás fue su momento de mayor lucidez en público.

Logró explicar sin mayores problemas el esquema de una pandilla detenida ayer por clonación de tarjetas de crédito, fue amable, le leyó a los periodistas los nombres borrosos del organigrama ya que estaba cerca del cartelón) y hasta soltó una sonrisa.

It was time to Emilio Diaz Colon
Hector Pesquera, former head of the local FBI office, it sounds as a substitute
Photos: Meet the possible replacement
Colon Diaz was nearly nine months in the police, having been appointed on July 6, four days after the start, too abrupt, Jose Figueroa Sancha. (Archive The New Day)
By Javier Davila Colon /
Emilio Diaz Colon, Superintendent of Police for nearly nine turbulent months in which he never seemed fully in control of the position, abruptly left yesterday from his position, after Gov. Luis Fortuño, who took out a peaceful retirement last summer, asked him to resign.
Colon Diaz apparently stood up yesterday without knowing it was his last day in the police. But in the afternoon had a lengthy meeting with several leaders Fortuño and the New Progressive Party (PNP), including Senate President Thomas Rivera Schatz, and there he sealed his fate, he told a radio station (WKAQ) senator Carmel Rivers.
Fortress made the announcement in a press release distributed at 7:32 pm. "Colon Diaz let you know we do not want to affect the plans of work of the Uniform, or the essential reforms that are taking place in that body," Fortuño said.
Fortuño appointed last night to Colonel Jose Luis Rivera as interim superintendent, adding that in the coming days, announce a possible replacement.
Several sources told El Nuevo Dia that the substitute is Hector Pesquera, who led the FBI office in San Juan between 1996 and 1998, after which he led that agency's office in Miami, where he lives now.
They took him out of retirement
Pesquera, 65, retired from the FBI in December 2003, after which he worked as a consultant in the Sheriff's Office Broward County. Recently, he worked as director of ports in Miami, sources said.
Colon Diaz, a former head of the National Guard, lived in retirement until the first days of July, his friend called him to Fortuño to replace Jose Figueroa Sancha, who also asked to resign for his inability to handle the historic wave criminal who has lived the country over the past three years.
Colon Diaz took on the challenge of good cheer. But never seemed to be in control of the body and were multiple occasions when I could not accurately answer basic questions about the functioning of the police on investigations in progress or police about the events of the journalists asked him continuously.
Many mayors, including the PNP, continually asked for his resignation. One of them, Abel Nazario, of Yauco, said a couple of months I was not going to talk more about it at the request of Fortuño, but Diaz kept thinking the same about Columbus.
Many surprised
The announcement of the resignation surprised many. For example, several regional leaders claimed to know the news at a time when it was the dominion of the whole country.
Miguel Colon March, the region of Guayama, said he would not comment because the government had not confirmed the news and sang surprised.
On Tuesday Diaz Columbus had brought together the heads of region. "We welcomed the work plan and because there had been many interventions by dyes in vehicles," Colon said March.
"I did not know that," he added, for its part, the commander Carlos Miranda, head of Carolina, who precisely on Tuesday issued a statement praising the work of his now ex-chief.
Colon Carlos Alsina, Humacao, said he learned from the press.
President of the United Front of Cops Organized, Diego Figueroa, said he was not surprised by the news.
"He did not stand with ball, could not engage and had no knowledge of police administration. Sometimes (under Diaz Columbus) Police was left without its leader and other decision makers and had power. Now the police is completely demoralized, "he said.
Appointment unexplained
The Police exsuperintendente and now Senate candidate for the opposition Popular Democratic Party, Miguel Pereira, questioned why not take it out now but why he was named at first. "This man had no experience in anything having to do with research activities," said Pereira.
On Fisheries, Pereira said he believes his friend, and he has personal affection. "I wish him well and succeed, but in the eight remaining months can not change anything in the police," said Pereira.
Ironically, Diaz Columbus had yesterday was perhaps his greatest moment of lucidity in public.
Achieved without major problems explain the outline of a gang arrested yesterday by cloning credit cards, was friendly, read to reporters blurred the organizational names as it was near the poster) and even gave a smile. 

Primera Hora 


Emilio Díaz Colón sale de la Policía

Gobernador acepta la renuncia

El gobernador Luis G. Fortuño informó que Emilio Díaz Colón, presentó su renuncia al puesto de Superintendente de la Policía.

"Díaz Colón nos dejo saber que no desea afectar los planes de trabajo actuales de la Uniformada, ni las reformas esenciales que se están llevando a cabo en ese cuerpo", afirmó el Gobernador en un comunicado recibido hoy pasadas las 7:30 p.m..

El Primer Ejecutivo aceptó su dimisión y destacó su profesionalismo y caballerosidad. "El General ha sido un gran ejemplo de profesionalismo y un extraordinario ser humano. Agradezco su dedicación y su entrega en estos meses. Los resultados de su esfuerzo ya se empiezan a ver. En ese sentido, debemos destacar que llevamos 5 meses consecutivos con menos asesinatos que el año anterior para esa misma fecha. En lo que va de año se han registrado 67 asesinatos menos", concluyó el Ejecutivo.

Aunque Fortaleza informó que el coronel José Luis Rivera asumirá la superintendencia interinamente y, próximamente, se daría a conocer quién sustituirá a Díaz Colón en su cargo permanentemente, Primera Hora supo que será el pasado director del FBI en Puerto Rico, Héctor Pesquera, quien ocupará este puesto.

Recientes sondeos periodísticos revelaban disgusto por las ejecutorias de Díaz Colón al frente de la Policía, debido a que el alza en la criminalidad es uno de los asuntos que más preocupa a la gente.

El ex ayudante general de la Guardia Nacional de Puerto RicoDíaz Colón había sido designado por el gobernador Luis Fortuño el pasado 6 de julio de 2011.

Ya era hora de que se fuera

La candidata del PPD a la alcaldía de San Juan, Camen Yulín Cruz, aseguró que “ya era hora de que este señor se sumara al catálogo de funcionarios ineptos que han tenido que renunciar en esta administración. En el día de hoy, el gobernador Luis Fortuño tuvo que reconocer lo que durante meses el país le ha dicho en repetidas ocasiones, más sin embargo él nunca quiso escuchar: Una ola criminal nos arropa y Emilio Diaz Colón no ha podido presentar un plan para combatir el crimen. Pero esto va mucho más allá que un cambio de Supertintente. El país necesita que se presente y se ejecute un plan integrado que atienda la problemática a corto y largo plazo. Hago un llamado al Gobernador, y a quien quiera que vaya a ocupar este cargo, a que presenten al país un plan para atender el crimen, y que presten atención a San Juan, que se ha convertido en una de las ciudades más sangrientas del mundo". 

Emilio Diaz Colon leaves Police
Governor accepts the resignation
Governor Luis G. Fortuño said that Emilio Diaz Colon, has resigned the post of Superintendent of Police.
"Colon Diaz let you know we do not want to affect the plans of work of the Uniform, or the essential reforms that are taking place in that body," the Governor said in a statement received today just after 7:30 pm.
The Governor accepted his resignation and highlighted their professionalism and sportsmanship. "The General has been a great example of professionalism and an extraordinary human being. I appreciate your commitment and dedication during these months. The results of their efforts are beginning to see. In this regard, we note that we have 5 consecutive months with less murders last year to that date. So far this year there have been 67 murders so, "concluded the Executive.
Although Fortress reported that Colonel Jose Luis Rivera will assume interim superintendent and soon would become known who will replace Diaz in office permanently Columbus, Primera Hora learned that will be the last director of the FBI in Puerto Rico, Hector Pesquera, who occupy this position.
Recent newspaper polls showed distaste for Diaz enforceable Columbus in front of the police, because the rise in crime is one of the issues that most concern people.
Former Adjutant General of the National Guard of Puerto RicoDíaz Columbus had been appointed by Gov. Luis Fortuño on 6 July 2011.
It was time to leave
The PDP candidate for mayor of San Juan, Camen Yulin Cruz, said "it was time that this man be joined with the catalog of inept officials have had to resign in this administration. On this day, Governor Luis Fortuño had to admit that for months the country has repeatedly said, but however he never wanted to hear: A crime wave envelops us and Emilio Colon Diaz has failed to submit a plan to fight crime. But this goes far beyond a change of Supertintente. The country needs to present and implement a comprehensive plan that addresses the problems in the short and long term. I call on the Governor, and whoever will occupy this position, the country to submit a plan to address crime and pay attention to San Juan, which has become one of the bloodiest cities the world " .


Puerto Rico's police chief quits amid crime spike
The Seattle Times
Puerto Rico's police chief quit late Wednesday, less than a year after being appointed to lead a department that federal agents have accused of corruption, illegal killings and civil rights violations. The Associated Press No comments have been posted ...
Puerto Rico's police chief resigns; agency struggles to fight crime ...Washington Post
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Puerto Rico's police chief quits amid crime spike -

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Puerto Rico's police chief quits amid crime spike
SAN JUAN, Puerto RicoPuerto Rico's police chief quit late Wednesday, less than a year after being appointed to lead a department that federal agents have accused of corruption, illegal killings and civil rights violations. The resignation of Emilio ...

Puerto Rico's police chief resigns; agency struggles to fight crime ... - Washington Post

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Puerto Rico's police chief resigns; agency struggles to fight crime ...
Washington Post
SAN JUAN, Puerto RicoPuerto Rico's police chief quit late Wednesday, less than a year after being appointed to lead a department that federal agents have accused of corruption, illegal killings and civil rights violations. The resignation of Emilio ...
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Puerto Rico's Police Chief Quits Amid Crime Spike - ABC News

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Puerto Rico's Police Chief Quits Amid Crime Spike
ABC News
Puerto Rico's police chief quit late Wednesday, less than a year after being appointed to lead a department that federal agents have accused of corruption, illegal killings and civil rights violations. The resignation of Emilio Diaz Colon, ...

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Flavor bulletins from Puerto Rican places, plus Lokal love.
Monterey County Weekly
By Mark C. Anderson Forgive the coroner his surprise when he opens my chest cavity – where he expected to find an aortic organ, he discovers a small open-air roadside shack filled with Puerto Ricans instead. I found it along a skinny, ...

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Puerto Rico gang members face drug, murder charges
San Francisco Chronicle
(03-28) 09:24 PDT San Juan, Puerto Rico (AP) -- US agents in Puerto Rico are serving 32 arrest warrants against members of two drug-trafficking gangs accused of several killings including that of a police helicopter co-pilot.

Puerto Rico gang members face drug, murder charges - The Associated Press

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Puerto Rico gang members face drug, murder charges
The Associated Press
SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP) — US agents in Puerto Rico are serving 32 arrest warrants against members of two drug-trafficking gangs accused of several killings including that of a police helicopter co-pilot. US Attorney Rosa Emilia Rodriguez said that ...

US agents seek 32 Puerto Rico gang members on drug, murder charges - Washington Post

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US agents seek 32 Puerto Rico gang members on drug, murder charges
Washington Post
SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico — US agents in Puerto Rico are serving 32 arrest warrants against members of two drug-trafficking gangs accused of several killings including that of a police helicopter co-pilot. US Attorney Rosa Emilia Rodriguez said that at ...

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