
Saturday, May 4, 2013

Lydia we are one disco version caligula love theme | Huffington Post SAT MAY 4TH, 2013BRIE DYAS Ernest Hemingway's House In Key West Has Charm, Cats And A Urinal Fountain (PHOTOS)

Lydia we are one disco version caligula love theme

Uploaded on Aug 6, 2008
When the infamous caligula was released, as part of the promotion the love theme music was released in a disco version.
it's incredibly cheesy - yet great!
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    Prokofiev - Romeo & Juliet - Juliet's Funeral And Death

    Uploaded on Jul 10, 2009
    Prokofiev - Romeo & Juliet - Juliet's Funeral And Death

    Ernest Hemingway's House In Key West Has Charm, Cats And A Urinal Fountain (PHOTOS)
    On this day in 1953, Ernest Hemingway won the Pulitzer for fiction for "The Old Man And The Sea." You know, the book you pretended to read in high school. I don't know how you bluffed your way through that essay, either. But as an adult, you'd most likely appreciate the book's straightforward writing style and symbolism.

    You'd also appreciate a look into Papa's home in Key West. He lived at this gorgeous estate between 1931 and 1940, where it served as stomping grounds for his circle of friends (including Marlene Dietrich, of all people) and a six-toed cat.


    Governo di larghe intese: la guardia del bidone dell'Austerity
    L'autorevole editorialista del Financial Times, Wolfgang Munchau, scriveva sul suo giornale il 28 aprile che "paradossalmente la sola maniera di rendere sostenibile la posizione attuale dell'Italia nell'eurozona consiste, in linea di principio, nella capacità di essere pronti a lasciare l'euro. Se invece, per principio preso, il governo italiano scarta questa opzione, aumenta davvero per l'Italia la probabilità di uscire dall'euro, poiché ci sarà una minore pressione sui paesi dell'eurozona nell'attuare i cambiamenti necessari".

    La risposta italiana non si è fatta attendere. In modo implicito nel recente tour di Enrico Letta, fatto più che altro per rassicurare la Merkel e Barroso, senza al contempo dispiacere troppo ad Hollande. In modo esplicito nell'intervista del nuovo ministro dell'economia a Repubblica del 3 maggio, nella quale Fabrizio Saccomanni definisce senza se e senza ma il deficit del 3% (e quindi tutta l'impalcatura dei trattati europei vecchi e nuovi) "un limite invalicabile, per quest'anno e per quelli successivi".


    Hot Docs 2013: 'Furever' Is The Festival's Crazy Cat Lady
    Hot Docs has always done a fantastic job finding the stories that ask what it means to be human, even if it means screening documentaries on animals to do it.

    2013 was another stellar year at the festival for films that explored the animal kingdom, from one man’s love for a fox to delving inside the mind of a killer whale. Special mention goes to the Canadian production "The Ghosts In Our Machine"which begs serious ethical questions about our relationship with sentient beings in a world fraught with factories and fur farming.


    Syrians Flee Sunni 'Sectarian Cleansing' By Assad Forces In Costal Towns Banias And Al-Bayda
    Thousands of Syrians have fled costal towns, amid reports that roving pro-government gunmen were targeting people in the area, killing men, women and children.

    Gruesome images of burnt bodies, dead or dying children and mutilated corpses, purportedly from the towns, were widespread on TV stations and video sites. Experts at AP said they appeared genuine.


    Darrell Issa: State Department Officials To Testify On Benghazi Attack
    Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) said three witnesses will testify Wednesday on the 2012 terrorist attack on the American diplomatic post in Benghazi, Libya.

    State Department officials Gregory Hicks, Mark Thompson and Eric Nordstrom were identified as the "whistleblowers" who will testify on the Benghazi attack that left U.S. ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans dead.


    U.S. Monitoring Venezuela's Political Crackdown On Opposition, Obama Says

    May 3 (Reuters) - The United States is watching "crackdowns on the opposition" in Venezuela, President Barack Obama said in a television interview aired on Friday when asked if he considered newly elected Nicolas Maduro to be the country's legitimate president.
    Maduro, elected in April by a narrow margin, earlier this year accused the United States of seeking to kill opposition leader Henrique Capriles to stir chaos and spark a coup. Maduro's mentor and predecessor, the late Hugo Chavez, was one of the world's most vocal critics of the United States.
    "I think that the entire hemisphere has been watching the violence, the protests, the crackdowns on the opposition," Obama said in the interview with Univision News during a trip to Mexico. "I think our general view has been that it's up to the people of Venezuela to choose their leaders in legitimate elections."
    Opposition-led protests the day after the April 14 vote turned violent and, according to the government, caused nine deaths. Maduro accused Capriles of trying to start a coup against him.
    The opposition says officials exaggerated the violence, and some of the deaths were caused by common crime. It accuses the government of persecuting state employees who voted for Capriles, and arresting some activists, in what it calls a wave of repression.
    "Our approach to the entire hemisphere is not ideological. It's not rooted back in the Cold War. It's based on the notion of our basic principles of human rights and democracy and freedom of press and freedom of assembly. Are those being observed?" Obama said.
    "There are reports that they have not been fully observed post-election," he added. "I think our only interest at this point is making sure that the people of Venezuela are able to determine their own destiny free from the kinds of practices that the entire hemisphere generally has moved away from."
    Obama held up Mexico's peaceful transition from a conservative to a centrist government last year, and flagged examples in Colombia, Chile and Peru.
    The United States angered Maduro when it last month held back recognition of his narrow victory over Capriles. (Reporting by Steve Holland and Mark Felsenthal; Writing by Simon Gardner; Editing by Lisa Shumaker)


12:04 PM 5/4/2013

12:04 PM 5/4/2013

The bioluminescent leaves of Puerto Rico - io9 - io9

The bioluminescent leaves of Puerto Rico - io9
Miya Ando is an artist who released 1,000 bioluminescent leaves into a pond in Puerto Rico. She had coated the leaves in a non-toxic, phosphorescent resin. After a day in the sun, the resin on the outside of the leaves would release photons all night ...

Saturday, May 4th, 2013
Saturday, May 4th, 2013

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Internet sales tax bill #CaribbeanBusiness
Internet sales tax bill #CaribbeanBusiness

Congress moves forward with Internet sales tax bill - Caribbean Business
u.s. senate action expected next week; puerto rico lawmakers target online retail to boost local revenue
coto a acuerdos para la impunidad

coto a acuerdos para la impunidad

La reclasificación de las violaciones de leyes cometidas por el hoy exrepresentante José Luis Rivera Guerra a categorías menos ofensivas y menos graves a cambio de su admisión de los hechos por los cuales se le acusó, constituye una mala práctica que alienta, en lugar de disuadir, el flagelo de la corrupción pública.

Vieques: los próximos diez años

Por siglos, Vieques estuvo a merced de las rivalidades entre las grandes potencias. Nunca fue más evidente ese destino que durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial y la Guerra Fría. Conve

Castigo al que produce

¿Por qué razón en Puerto Rico hemos llegado colectivamente a una visión sin sentido que aplasta y castiga a los que producen y cada vez hace más cuesta arriba el crear movimiento e

Otro asalto a la UPR

Ante el hecho de que la alta gerencia de la Universidad de Puerto Rico condujo a nuestra centenaria universidad a uno de los peores momentos en su historia, la comunidad universita


Orlando Alberto Jesús Vélez
Descartando algún conglomerado empresarial, una que otra playa tropical, tres o cuatro campos de golf o la música de Tito “El Bambino”, la Universidad de Puerto Rico y sus recintos

Alumnos y exalumnos de la Escuela Juan José Osuna, de Baldrich, celebrarán El Gran Encuentro hoy sábado, 4 de mayo, de 9:00 a.m. a 4:00 p.m. en el Parque de Baldrich. (787) 763-2734
CON LA ABRUPTA renuncia de los expresidentes de la Universidad de Puerto Rico y de la Junta de Síndicos, Miguel Muñoz y Luis Berríos Amadeo, respectivamente, se cierra un capítulo nefasto y tenebroso lleno de malversación de fondos federales, malas decisiones administrativas, timos, conatos de huelha, preponderancia y arrogancia de poder. Esto conllevó al descrédito fiscal, la desconfianza en su gestión pública y la llegada de una investigación federal.
Con la composición de la nueva Junta de Gobierno esperamos el regreso en funciones de la autonomía universitaria. La Universidad es la casa de estudios que muy bien definió y encarriló don Jaime Benítez.
El presupuesto que se designa es para utilizarse en los proyectos de investigación cintéifica y en otras materias de estudio.
Allí no puede haber signos de corrupción, barbarie y agendas salpicadas de corte político partidista. La Universidad es el centro idóneo para la formación de servidores públicos; por lo que debe estar ajena a esquemas corruptibles.
Nuestra juventud merece una Universidad digna de respeto, transparencia, calidad y sana excelencia. En nuestra eterna Casa de Estudios se forjan los nuevos profesionales del Puerto Rico del mañana.
William Andrade Santiago
Luego de leer el artículo en torno a las carpetas dirijo esta comunicación para dar a conocer nuestra experiencia. Mi esposo, el licenciado José Ramón Ríos Viera y la suscribiente fuimos perseguidos y “encarpetados” por el “grave” delito de amar a nuestra patria y abogar para verla libre y soberana, ocupando su lugar en el consorcio de los pueblos libres de nuestra América Latina.
Leer dichas carpetas mueve a risa por la cantidad de disparates y mentiras, amén de la ira que produjo en nuestros ánimos. Pasaron los años, y volvimos a sentir la persecución del Sistema por razón de la relación de sangre entre mi esposo y su sobrino, Filiberto Ojeda Ríos.
Doble persecución en los trabajos, en la comunidad, en los comercios. Doble persecución a los hijos en las instituciones educativas.
En fin, en todos los aspectos de la vida misma, ¡persecución!
Henrietta Orlandi
El juez federal Gustavo Gelpí se ha escupido sobre los derechos civiles de los miles de contribuyentes que han cerrado sus urbanizaciones debido a la alta incidencia criminal. Los Testigos de Jehová no tienen el derecho de entrar no solo a la urbanización donde resido, sino que invaden mi propiedad entrando y parándose en la puerta por 15 o 20 minutos esperando que asome la cabeza.
Lo que ha hecho el juez Gelpí es una afrenta a las personas que queremos vivir en paz y tranquilidad ya que esto da pie para que, cualquiera, desee hacer lo mismo. Los mismos Testigos de Jehová pueden entregar los beepers, que tanto trabajo nos costó y tanto dinero, a otras personas para que entren, en cualquier momento a nuestras casas.
Haré valer mis derechos cuando vengan. Saldré con mi cámara, les tomaré una foto y llamaré a la Policía ya que han invadido mi propiedad. Unámosnos los que hemos dado el todo por poder vivir en paz en urbanizaciones con control de acceso y hagamos una masiva protesta.
María M. Castro
La polémica desatada por el supuesto Altar de la Patria del arzobispo Roberto González Nieves fue resuelta hace ya muchos años por Jesucristo.
El fundador de la Iglesia Católica fue enfático cuando dijo: “Dar al César lo que es del César y a Dios lo que es de Dios”.
Arzobispo González Nieves, “a buen entendedor, pocas palabras bastan”.
Manuel B. Freiría

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4 Killed, 6 Injured in Shooting in Puerto Rico - ABC News

New Straits Times

4 Killed, 6 Injured in Shooting in Puerto Rico
ABC News
4 Killed, 6 Injured in Shooting in Puerto Rico. SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico May 4, 2013 (AP). Share. 0. Four people have been killed and six others injured in a drive-by shooting in Puerto Rico. Police said in a statement Saturday that a 45-year-old woman ...
Another Puerto Rico university official resignsSacramento Bee
4 killed, 6 injured in shooting in Puerto Rico - NewsdayNewsday

all 16 news articles »
The Puerto Rican Diaries
Caroline and Tom visit Vieques, San Juan, and elsewhere.
From: Tom Elliott
Views: 1
Time: 04:11More in Travel & Events
4 killed, 6 injured in drive-by shooting in Puerto Rico - Fox News

CP24 Toronto's Breaking News

4 killed, 6 injured in drive-by shooting in Puerto Rico
Fox News
SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico – Four people have been killed and six others injured in a drive-by shooting in Puerto Rico. Police said in a statement Saturday that a 45-year-old woman and her 17-year-old daughter are among the victims. Police say they were ...
Another Puerto Rico university official resignsSacramento Bee
4 killed, 6 injured in shooting in Puerto RicoLas Vegas Sun
4 killed, 6 injured in shooting in Puerto Rico - NewsdayNewsday

all 16 news articles »
Don Omar: Rappers Wisin and Yandel are breaking up -

Don Omar: Rappers Wisin and Yandel are breaking up
SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico -- The popular Puerto Rican reggaeton duo of Wisin and Yandel is breaking up. Accompanied by Yandel, reggaeton singer Don Omar made the announcement late Friday at a concert in the U.S. territory as he praised Yandel's future ...

and more »
GAP budget proposal: #CaribbeanBusiness
GAP budget proposal: #CaribbeanBusiness

García Padilla budget proposal rests on $2 billion in new revenue -...
businesses will pay much of the increase; chamber of commerce warns of cascade effect
'Latino Americans,' New PBS Documentary Series, Is First On US Latino History - Latin Times

'Latino Americans,' New PBS Documentary Series, Is First On US Latino History
Latin Times
The series will be narrated by actor Benjamin Bratt and feature interviews with almost 100 Latinos noted for their influence in politics, business and culture as well as chronicles of Latinos who lived through key points in American history. Like Us on ...

4 killed, 6 injured in drive-by shooting in Puerto Rico
... Hockey League, as voted by Cosmopolitan magazine readers. (There is only one Vancouver Canuck!) SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico - Four people have been killed and six others injured in a drive-by shooting in Puerto Rico. Police said in a statement Saturday ...
Don Omar: Rappers Wisin and Yandel are breaking up - News & Observer

Don Omar: Rappers Wisin and Yandel are breaking up
News & Observer
SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico — The popular Puerto Rican reggaeton duo of Wisin and Yandel is breaking up. Accompanied by Yandel, reggaeton singer Don Omar made the announcement late Friday at a concert in the U.S. territory as he praised Yandel's future ...

and more »
New retirement window #caribbeanbusiness
New retirement window #caribbeanbusiness

New retirement window proposed for Ports Authority employees - Caribbean...
Amid the great amount of criticism surrounding changes to the Puerto Rico Government Employees Retirement System, Gov. Alejandro García Padilla...
President Barack Obama visits Mexico and Costa Rica
On May 2, U.S. President Barack Obama began his trip through Mexico and Costa Rica with the intention of addressing vitally important themes for the region that include the expansion of commerce and economic and energy cooperation, as well as issues of security, immigration, government and control of illegal drug trafficking. With this visit, Obama completes his fourth visit on Mexican soil.
President Obama's visit arrives at a time when the possibility of establishing migration reform that permits the legalization of more than 11 million undocumented immigrants is still being discussed in Washington. Therefore, before beginning his visit, the president met with dozens of Hispanic leaders in the White House to discuss the cultural, familial and economic ties that the U.S. maintains with its Latin American neighbors.
El Presidente Barack Obama inicia su periplo por México y Costa Rica. Foto de Flickr/jamesomalley (CC BY 2.0)
President Barack Obama begins his trip through Mexico and Costa Rica. Photo from Flickr/jamesomalley (CC BY 2.0)
Many analysts agree the visit should not only concentrate on issues of security, as Obama used to do during Felipe Calderón's term, but should also address the economic growth that Mexico has experienced in that past years, the growth of the middle class and the purchasing power in the countries that he intends to visit. According to a recent article from Foreign Policy, Mexico has decreased its use of U.S. military services to capture mafia “Big Fish” such as Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzman, stemming from the Mexican's impatience with the way the U.S. has approached the issue of drugs.
Some Twitter-users, like Mexican Martha Delgado (@marthadelgado) [es], expressed their expectations before Obama's visit.
@marthadelgado: Costa Rica pedirá inversión en energías limpias al presidente Obama…¿serán energías limpias tema en la visita de Obama a México?
@marthadelgado: Costa Rica will ask President Obama for investment in clean energy…will clean energy be a topic in Obama's visit to Mexico?
Angélica Fernández (@OyeAngelica) [es] does the same:
@OyeAngelica#Latinoamerica México recibe a Obama con la esperanza de definir una nueva relación estratégica
@OyeAngelica#Latinoamerica [Latin America] Mexico receives Obama with the hope of defining a new strategic relation [es]
The economy will be the primary topic, according to (@blogtico) [es]:
@blogtico: Según la Casa Blanca: la visita de Obama a México y Costa Rica tendrá acento económico #costarica
@blogtico: According to the White House: Obama's visit to Mexico and Costa Rica will have an economic emphasis [es] #costarica
Others, like Razor (@hale_razor), argue that President Obama should do more for the local economy than for the economies of other countries.
@hale_razor: Obama heads to Mexico & Costa Rica in May to promote economic growth & development in Central America. He might want to try that here. #tcot
Others, like Pablo Ventoso (@blito_amargo) [es], are not optimists about Obama's trip:
@blito_amargo: Obama sobre viaje a México y Costa Rica: “Queremos asegurarnos de que nuestro hemisferio esté más integrado” Ojalá y hable del cerebral
@blito_amargo: Obama on his visit to Mexico and Costa Rica: “We want to make sure that our hemisphere is more integrated.” I hope he is referring to the cerebral [hemisphere]
María Hilaria Max (@mariamasherrera) [es] affirms that the delicate topic of Venezuela will also be discussed during the trip:
@mariamasherrera: Obama espera abordar el tema de la situación política de Venezuela en su gira por Latinoamérica… vía @noticias24
@mariamasherrera: Obama hopes to address the political situation in Venezuela during his trip through Latin America… [es] from @noticias24 [news24]
Desiree Rivas (@DesireeRivasRui) [es] disagrees about the possibility that Venezuela will be a topic of discussion:
@DesireeRivasRui: Quien le dijo a Obama q aborde el tema de Venezuela en su gira por latinoamérica? Ojalá nuestros hermanos no c presten para este tema interno
@DesireeRivasRui: Who told Obama to address the topic of Venezuela in his trip through Latin America? Hopefully our brothers don't lend to this internal issue.
Vanessa Ortiz (@VanessaOrtiz) [es] affirms that Obama's visit will only create arguments:
@VanessaOrtiz@FGM91 @MexicanoHoy Esa visita de OBAMA por la Latinoamerica me trae sospecha, de seguro para crear conflicto contra MADURO.
@VanessaOrtiz@FGM91 @MexicanoHoy [Mexican Today] Obama's visit through Latin American makes me suspicious and will surely create conflict against Maduro [Venezuelan President].
Meanwhile, other Twitter users, like Politico Incorrecto [Incorrect Politics] (@El_incorrecto_) [es], come to Obama's defense:
@El_incorrecto_: Que fácil es echarle la culpa a Obama de todo los males de Latinoamérica. Que difícil es asumir responsabilidades y trabajar.
@El_incorrecto_: How easy it is to throw the blame on Obama for all the problems in Latin America. How difficult it is to assume responsibility and work.
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#YouTube says the battle with TV is already over. Read: #ca...
#YouTube says the battle with TV is already over. Read: #caribbeanbusiness

New president to lead University of Puerto Rico amid flurry of resignations - Calgary Herald

New president to lead University of Puerto Rico amid flurry of resignations
Calgary Herald
SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico - A new president has been appointed to oversee Puerto Rico's largest public university after several top officials resigned to protest a plan to reform the institution's board of directors. The new board of the University of ...

Puerto Rico Struggles With Contamination 10 Years After Activists ...
On the Puerto Rican island of Vieques, thousands are commemorating the 10th anniversary of when the U.S. Navy stopped using their home as a bombing range. Since the 1940s, the Navy used nearly three-quarters of the island for bombing practice, war ... Navy out in 2003,” says Robert Rabin of the Committee for the Rescue and Development of Vieques. “This is a process that we believe is happening with no real supervision, no genuine community participation.”...