
Monday, June 17, 2013

AGP: Estadidad convertiría PR en "Gueto Latinoamericano" #Mentira544AGP - YouTube

AGP: Estadidad convertiría PR en "Gueto Latinoamericano" #Mentira544AGP - YouTube   -   Monday June 17th, 2013 at 4:00 PM

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AGP: Estadidad convertiría PR en "Gueto Latinoamericano" #Mentira544AGP

Luis Anthony Luis Anthony·997 videos

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Published on Jun 17, 2013
"Yo no creo en la estadidad, sería desastrosa para la economía de Puerto Rico, convertiría a Puerto Rico en un gueto, en un país entero convertido en un gueto latinoamericano", expresó el Gobernador Mentiroso y Mediocre Alejandro Garcia Padilla.

"El Ghetto del ELA Colonial en Puerto Rico con Garcia Padilla y el PPD"
Read the whole story
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Ricky Martin Performs Come With Me: The Voice Australia Season 2 - YouTube

Citizen Cosponsors Helps Citizens Participate in the Legislative Process - via Puerto Rico Report | Pierluisi: “estadidad o soberanía” via El Nuevo Dia : Noticias

via Puerto Rico Report by hadeninteractive on 6/17/13
Cosponsor visitors support HR 2000

Eric Cantor (R Virginia) has launched a new website, Cosponsor, where citizens can “cosponsor” congressional legislation with one click — two if they allow the site to connect with their Facebook accounts. All new legislation brought to the floor of the house is listed, with information on the sponsors of the bill and its progress through the House. Visitors can search for a specific bill, click through to bills on particular issues such as Science and Technology or Education, or sort the bills y popularity and other factors.
The most popular bill at Cosponsor right now? The Puerto Rico Status Resolutions Act.
The “Citizen Cosponsor Project” is intended to increase citizen awareness of legislation and to increase citizen involvement. Some commentators have suggested that it is also intended to improve the dismal (21%) approval rating of Congress. Both goals seem laudable. The text of the bill is not included, not is there a link to the full text of any bill, but the information provided is shown in a clear, graphic form that should be easy for all citizens to grasp.
HR 2000 at
HR 2000, the Puerto Rico Status Resolution Act, is by far the most popular legislation at the moment, its 1,129 Citizen Sponsors give it 25% more supporters than the Fair Tax Act and more than twice as many than any other piece of legislation listed. The site has been up for less than a week, so there will doubtless be changes as it evolves, but one conclusion can be drawn.
The idea that the average American is opposed to Puerto Rico’s statehood is false. Even if we assume that most visitors to the site at this point are Republicans, we are still seeing an impressive level of support for the bill among visitors to the website.

via El Nuevo Dia : Noticias on 6/17/13
Dice ante el Comité de Descolonización de la ONU que Puerto Rico le retiró el consentimiento al ELA

Pierluisi: "statehood or sovereignty"
via The New Day: News on 6/17/13
He says before the Committee on Decolonization of Puerto Rico UN withdrew its consent to the ELA

AGP afirma que estadidad convertiría la Isla en un "gueto latinoamericano" – AGP argues that statehood would turn the island into a "Latin American ghetto" - Metro

via Caribnews's Facebook Wall by Caribnews on 6/17/13
AGP afirma que estadidad convertiría la Isla en un "gueto latinoamericano" – Metro

AGP afirma que estadidad convertiría la Isla en un "gueto latinoamericano"
El gobernador Alejandro García Padilla reafirmó en el programa Choque de Opiniones, que transmite la cadena de noticias CNN, que él cree en el desarrollo del Estado Libre Asociado, y que la estadidad...

via Puerto Rico News and Journals's Facebook Wall by Puerto Rico News and Journals on 6/17/13
Presentes en la ONU casos de Oscar López y Vieques

En la sesión de hoy del Comité de Descolonización se discutirá otros asuntos relacionados la status

Crean el certamen Miss. Puerto Rico Gay Universe – Metro

via Caribnews's Facebook Wall by Caribnews on 6/15/13
Crean el certamen Miss. Puerto Rico Gay Universe – Metro

Crean el certamen Miss. Puerto Rico Gay Universe
Desde el pasado viernes, 14 de junio, y hasta el 19 de Octubre de 2013, Puerto Rico abrirá sus puertas al primer certamen de Miss. Puerto Rico Gay Universe (MGU), será el primer evento de una alta categoría...