Monday, August 13, 2012


via O m a r B a n u c h i on 8/12/12

“Virgen de Talavera”
29 de septiembre de 2010

There was some kind of parade (actually it was the Puerto Rican Day Parade, or more precisely the National Puerto Rican Day Parade - what is "national" about Puerto Ricans in New York?) which held up buses between ...

Memo to the PNPers: the United States trumps you on your desires to keep the Puerto Rican Olympic team intact. All this boricua pride and flag waving would go away. Puerto Ricans would become part of the US team, and ...

Weather's just fine for Meriden's Puerto Rican Festival
Meriden Record-Journal
Weather's just fine for Meriden's Puerto Rican Festival Kimberly Primicerio Record-Journal | 0 comments. MERIDEN — Hubbard Park was full of Puerto Rican pride Sunday afternoon as the city held its 45th annual Puerto Rican Festival. People waved Puerto ...

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via Caribbean Business on 8/12/12
Monday, August 13th, 2012

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AreciboArecibo was the third Spanish settlement
CaguasCaguas derives its name from a local Indian chief (Caguax)
MayagüezHome of the only Zoo in the island

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San JuanCapital city
Monday, August 13, 2012

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via Puerto Rico News - Archive Links's Facebook Wall by Puerto Rico News - Archive Links on 8/13/12
Guaynabo, Puerto Rico - 13/08/12


Guaynabo, Puerto Rico - 13/08/12
Guaynabo, Puerto Rico - 13/08/12 Última Actualización 3:24:31 AM This post has been generated by Page2RSS

Mike Nova's starred items

Puerto Rico's UFO Home (House of the Day)
AOL Real Estate (blog)
Retired industrial arts teacher Roberto Sanchez Rivera built his home in Ponce, Puerto Rico, to look like a spaceship, complete with blinking strobes, technicolor lights and even audio effects. Yes, that's right: The UFO-inspired house makes the five ...

Florida Democrats struggle to attract Hispanic candidates
Sarasota Herald-Tribune
Newer immigrants and the fast-growing Puerto Rican community are more likely to register Democratic but less likely to vote or get involved in campaigns, let alone run for office. Romero, the Broward congressional candidate, said it's simply a question ...

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via Puerto Rico News - Archive Links's Facebook Wall by Puerto Rico News - Archive Links on 8/13/12

The costs of depopulating Puerto Rico.
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via Opinión - El Nuevo Día on 8/13/12


La corroboración del superintendente de la Policía, Héctor Pesquera, de que están investigando denuncias sobre manipulación de estadísticas del crimen que se le atribuye a la Uniformada, debe desembocar en una depuración absoluta de responsabilidades, en bien de la seguridad pública y para tranquilidad del pueblo.

Por el bienestar del pueblo

JOSÉ L. DALMAU SANTIAGO El derecho de toda persona imputada de haber cometido un delito a permanecer libre bajo fianza va de la mano con la presunción de inocencia que tiene todo ciudadano acu

Dos “no” igualitos

WILDA RODRÍGUEZEl domingo 19 de agosto sabremos cuán dañada está el alma boricua a la esperanza y a la fe en nosotros mismos. Si votamos para limitar el derecho a la fianza y reducir la represent

¿Qué hacer?

Rafael AcevedoUna frase de Slavoj Zizek es perfecta para describir nuestro estado de cosas. “Nos sentimos libres porque carecemos del lenguaje para expresar nuestra falta de libertad”. Habría qu

No estoy de acuerdo con el propuesto cambio a la Constitución para limitar el derecho a fianza. En vez de eso, lo que deben hacer es legislar para que los delitos tengan una pena fija.
Que ningún juez pueda rebajar una fianza ya establecida. Que se eliminen las probatorias, que eliminen las bonificaciones a los presos, y por último, que se les quite a los presos el derecho al voto.
Estos cambios sí que serían beneficiosos. Tomen nota.
Maritza Coll
El mejor récord de Javier Culson en toda su gloriosa carrera es de 47.72 (Ponce Grand Prix 2010). Esa marca es la número 23 entre las mejores de la historia.
Pero, aun si Culson hubiese repetido esa marca el lunes pasado, Félix Sánchez hubiera ganado con sus 47.63.
No es que Culson perdió, es que Sánchez ganó.
José A. González Taboada
Como estudiante de décimo grado, me preocupa mucho la limpieza de nuestras playas. El pasado 23 de junio celebramos la tradicional Noche de San Juan. Que desilusión tan grande ver al otro día nuestras playas destrozadas.
Nunca en mi vida había visto algo así. Pero, no quiero ser una más que critica la problemática, prefiero mejor ser parte de la solución. Sugiero que se desarrolle una campaña, un buen nombre sería “Jóvenes al rescate de nuestras Playas”. Donde escuelas y colegios se unan en un esfuerzo y adopten una playa por un mes.
Así ellos se darían a la tarea de ir los fines de semana y entregar bolsas de basura a los visitantes para que recojan sus desperdicios y no los dejen tirados en la arena e interactuar con los bañistas y tratar de concienciarlos de que así como ellos se toman su tiempo preparando la neverita, ‘munchies’ etc., por qué no hacer lo mismo a la hora de la salida.
Carolina C. Santa Rosa Camacho
El nuevo contrato de Alianzas Público Privada que este gobierno está negociando con una compañía mexicana en realidad es un regalo. Podemos comparar el dicho que le entregamos la carne y nos quedamos con el hueso.
Le estamos entregando un aeropuerto que genera ganancias de sobre $80 millones anualmente y nos quedamos con el hueso de los aeropuertos regionales que solo dejan pérdidas. Ese contrato se debe analizar e incluir todos los aeropuertos en la isla y así se sabe si en verdad los licitadores son buenos administradores y hacen cambios para que los demás aeropuertos sean remodelados y tengan más flujo de vuelos.
Le pido al gobernador Luis Fortuño que tome nota y haga lo que se hizo en la República Dominicana que se le dieron todos los aeropuertos al privatizador y no solo el de la capital, que es el que deja ganancias.
Jaime Muñoz
Santa Isabel

ES FALSO que el aumento de precios se debe a la alimentaria.
Si Puerto Rico cultivara sus alimentos no necesitaría de adquirirlos en el mercado internacional a precios inflados. Hoy los minoristas y mayoristas son los que ganan y los agricultores apenas sobreviven.
Necesitamos una revolución verde donde nuestros mercados estén accesibles y con justicia social.
No hay peor ciego que el que no quiere ver. Llevar bocado de alimento al estómago mañana es lo que hoy tenemos que entender. En la alimentación los monopolios extranjeros nos quitan vida y no aseguran nuestro futuro. Hoteles en nuestras tierras no producen alimentos.
Hay que luchar por tener un número de campesinos/agricultores necesarios para alimentar el resto de la población.
Puerto Rico necesita despertar, ser reaccionario y perceptivo a esta necesidad que está por venir, debido a sequías y a otros problemas en el mundo que nos suple.
La soberanía alimentaria de Puerto Rico tiene que ser parte de la política de nuestra isla.
José Raúl Sánchez

¿Qué te ha impresionado más de las Olimpiadas concluidas ayer?

Las ceremonias de apertura y clausura.
El récord de medallas de Michael Phelps
El dominio en velocidad de Usain Bolt
La demostración del Dream Team

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via Puerto Rico News - Archive Links's Facebook Wall by Puerto Rico News - Archive Links on 8/13/12
Yoani Sanchez: Carlos Alberto Montaner's "The Colonel's Wife": We Show Ourselves to Be Passionate Because We Cannot Show Ourselves to Be Free

Yoani Sanchez: Carlos Alberto Montaner's "The Colonel's Wife": We Show Ourselves to Be Passionate Because We Cannot Show Ourselves to Be Free
A caress for a protest, fleeing to an orgasm so as not to face the anti-riot troops... we show ourselves to be passionate, because we cannot show ourselves to be free. The bed as an escape valve, towards which they push us, but also where they monitor and trap us.

PonceSecond largest city
AguadillaAguadilla is best known to visitors for its beaches

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SuperSport (blog)

Spain players annoyed at Puerto Rico tie
SuperSport (blog)
When asked about the Puerto Rico game last week, the usually diplomatic Andres Iniesta - who was voted best player at Euro 2012 said: "Well, it is not going to be a very comfortable game for us, to say the least." Since Iniesta scored the winning goal ...

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via PUERTO RICO NEWS by Mike Nova on 8/13/12
August 13th 2012

The Puerto Rican “Brain Drain”

After several years of strong migration, more Puerto Ricans now live in the fifty states than in Puerto Rico. According to the 2010 Census, there ... Read more...

Mike Nova's starred items

via Puerto Rico Report by KG on 8/13/12
After several years of strong migration, more Puerto Ricans now live in the fifty states than in Puerto Rico. According to the 2010 Census, there are 4.7 million Puerto Ricans living in the non-territorial United States and 3.7 million living in Puerto Rico. All states but one experienced an increase in their Puerto Rican populations between 2000 and 2010, with 300,000 additional people moving from Puerto Rico to the states between 2005 and 2009 as the territory experienced a recession.
Although Puerto Ricans remain most concentrated in the Northeast and Florida, Puerto Rican communities appear in almost every state throughout the country. For example, according to the U.S. Census Bureau’s American Community Survey from 2008 and 2009, the Puerto Rican population of Alaska grew nine percent - from 4,587 to 5,000. Texas saw one of the largest growths in its Puerto Rican populations: a 12 percent increase, from 104,564 to 115,871.
The Midwest also experienced an influx of Puerto Ricans during this time. The American Community Survey raised its estimate for Puerto Ricans in Ohio 9.4 percent, from 78,549 to 85,909 between its 2008 and 2009 estimates, an increase of 7,360 people. Over the same time period, the Puerto Rican population in Indiana grew five percent from 26,768 to , a difference of 1,333.
Populations also grew in areas already known for their strong Puerto Rican constituencies. In Florida, the state with the second-largest number of Puerto Ricans, the population grew 7.1 percent from 714,153 to 764,611, an increase of 50,458. Even in New York, which is losing Puerto Ricans to Florida and Puerto Rico, the Puerto Rican population slightly expanded between 2008 and 2009 from 1,084,417 to 1,090,272, or 0.5 percent. Connecticut had a similar story, with its population increasing by 6,395, or 2.9 percent, over the same time period (2008 to 2009).
In the South, the number of Puerto Ricans grew 12.2 percent in Virginia, up 7,165 from 58, 577 to 65,742. The population grew 8.4 percent (from 50,762 to 55,032) in North Carolina and 6.4 percent (from 53,850 to 57,277) in Georgia.
Finally, the Mid-Atlantic States have not been left out of this population growth. Delaware experienced the largest percentage increase in the region, with the Puerto Rican population growing 10 percent from 17,902 to 19,691. Pennsylvania’s Puerto Rican population also grew significantly from 312,730 to 339,222, an increase of 8.5 percent.
According to the Statistical Institute of Puerto Rico, people leaving Puerto Rico tend to be younger and more educated than those who chose to remain. This may stem from Puerto Rico’s unusually high unemployment rate, which significantly exceeds those of the fifty states and has done so for many years. Economists and others who care about Puerto Rico’s future are concerned about the impact of the Island’s “brain drain.” There is a common lament that if only Puerto Rico could finally resolve its status debate, officials could dedicate the time and attention necessary to address economic challenges and end the wave of migration from Puerto Rico.

via Puerto Rico News - Archive Links's Facebook Wall by Puerto Rico News - Archive Links on 8/13/12
The Puerto Rican “Brain Drain” - Puerto Rico Report

The Puerto Rican “Brain Drain” - Puerto Rico Report
August 13th 2012The Puerto Rican “Brain Drain”After several years of strong migration, more Puerto Ricans now live in the fifty states than in Puerto Rico. According to the 2010 Census, there ... Read more...

Why some stocks are sinking despite big profits. Read more: #caribbeanbusiness

HootSuite Photos

Illegal Slot Machines Threaten Puerto Rico Casinos
ABC News
He is just one man gambling alone, his face lit by the pink glow of a slot machine in a dark neighborhood bar, but 69-year-old Pedro Rodriguez represents a threat to one of Puerto Rico's most important money makers — legal gambling. As Rodriguez ...

Illegal slot machines threaten Puerto Rico casinos
The Associated Press
SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP) — He is just one man gambling alone, his face lit by the pink glow of a slot machine in a dark neighborhood bar, but 69-year-old Pedro Rodriguez represents a threat to one of Puerto Rico's most important money makers ...

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via NYT > Global Home by By SIMON ROMERO on 8/13/12
Buenos Aires now provides pensions to about 80 writers, and as other countries trim social programs, Argentina is considering expanding the literary benefit nationwide.

via NYT > Global Home by By JACKIE CALMES on 8/12/12
While it is not uncommon for a presidential candidate to know his opponent’s No. 2 better, the history between President Obama and Paul Ryan sets up an especially intriguing showdown.

via Mike Nova - Google Blog Search by Mike Nova on 7/27/12
Posted by Mike Nova at 7/27/2012 09:08:00 AM · Email ThisBlogThis ... Mike Nova's starred items Santorum's Gaffe May Cost Him in Puerto Rico via U.S. News - News on 3/17/12 Santorum, Romney face off in Puer... 2:14 PM ...

via Uploads by TheVillageLTD by TheVillageLTD on 6/19/12
WE Party & Gay-ville Present: MADRID PRIDE 2012 Get your tickets now - Produced and directed by Eliad Cohen and Victor Pallas Shooting by Nir Sarig Editing and post production - Yosi Lagzeal Music by Barak Ben David Starring- Eliad Cohen, Antonio Collado Garcia, Gila Goldstein, Jack Jefferson. Special thanks to Ohad Heim, Kristina Deetox, Elad Baron.
Time:01:19More inComedy

The Puerto Rican “Brain Drain” - Puerto Rico Report

August 13th 2012

The Puerto Rican “Brain Drain”

After several years of strong migration, more Puerto Ricans now live in the fifty states than in Puerto Rico. According to the 2010 Census, there ... Read more...

Saturday, August 11, 2012

The traveling exhibition of images and documents on immigration, "Spanish in the U.S. and Puerto Rico from 1880 to today" opened at the House of Spain in San Juan. Arrives in Puerto Rico exhibition on the ...

The presence of illustrious Spanish migrants in Puerto Rico, especially after the Civil War (1936-1939), is proven with photographic documents in the sample of Casals, permanently installed on the island from ...



Llega a Puerto Rico una exposición sobre la inmigración española en EE.UU. Puerto Rico comes to an exhibition of Spanish immigration in the U.S.

La muestra itinerante de imágenes y documentos sobre inmigración "Españoles en Estados Unidos y Puerto Rico desde 1880 hasta nuestros días" se inauguró en la Casa de España de San Juan. The traveling exhibition of images and documents on immigration, "Spanish in the U.S. and Puerto Rico from 1880 to today" opened at the House of Spain to San Juan.
La exposición cuenta con fotografías y documentos aportados por asociaciones de españoles establecidas en Puerto Rico como la Casa Balear, el Centro Asturiano o la propia Casa de España. The exhibition includes photographs and documents provided by Spanish associations established in Puerto Rico and the Balearic House, the Asturian Center or the House itself in Spain.
La presencia de emigrantes ilustres españoles en Puerto Rico, en especial tras la Guerra Civil (1936-1939), queda constatada con documentos fotográficos de Pau Casals, instalado en la isla definitivamente desde 1956. The presence of illustrious Spanish migrants in Puerto Rico, especially after the Civil War (1936-1939), is proven with photographic records of Pau Casals, permanently installed on the island since 1956.
News / Culture and Varieties


Llega a Puerto Rico gran exposición de obras sobre la inmigración española en EE.UU. Puerto Rico comes to major exhibition of works on Spanish immigration in the U.S.

Puerto Rico comes to major exhibition of works on Spanish immigration in the U.S.
Archivo EFE Photo EFE
La muestra itinerante de imágenes y documentos sobre inmigración "Españoles en Estados Unidos y Puerto Rico desde 1880 hasta nuestros días" se inauguró en la Casa de España de San Juan. The traveling exhibition of images and documents on immigration, "Spanish in the U.S. and Puerto Rico from 1880 to today" opened at the House of Spain to San Juan.

La consejera de Trabajo e Inmigración de la Embajada de España en Washington, Elisa Carolina de Santos, dijo que se trata de una exposición que da a conocer mejor el proceso migratorio hacia Estados Unidos, incluido su territorio de Puerto Rico. The Minister of Employment and Immigration, Embassy of Spain in Washington, Elisa Carolina de Santos said that this is an exhibition that gives a better understanding of the process of migration to the United States, including the territory of Puerto Rico.
De Santos señaló que en el caso de Puerto Rico la emigración tuvo unas características especiales, ya que durante el pasado siglo XX llegaron a la isla caribeña renombrados especialistas españoles de diferentes disciplinas que contribuyeron a la formación de generaciones de profesionales en la universidad local. De Santos said that in the case of Puerto Rico emigration had special characteristics, since during the last century came to the Caribbean island renowned Spanish specialists from different disciplines who contributed to the formation of generations of professionals at the local university.
La exposición cuenta con fotografías y documentos aportados por asociaciones de españoles establecidas en Puerto Rico como la Casa Balear, el Centro Asturiano o la propia Casa de España. The exhibition includes photographs and documents provided by Spanish associations established in Puerto Rico and the Balearic House, the Asturian Center or the House itself in Spain.
La muestra recoge fotos de la familia asturiana del propio Santiago en San Juan, del músico catalán Pau Casals o documentos de 1912 del Hospital de la Sociedad Española de Auxilio Mutuo y Beneficencia de Puerto Rico, institución que hoy se mantiene como el primer centro médico de la isla. The exhibition includes photos of Asturian own family in San Juan Santiago, the Catalan musician Pau Casals or documents of 1912 the Hospital of the Spanish Society of Mutual Aid and Welfare of Puerto Rico, an institution which today remains the first medical center the island.
La presencia de emigrantes ilustres españoles en Puerto Rico, en especial tras la Guerra Civil (1936-1939), queda constatada con documentos fotográficos en la muestra de Casals, instalado en la isla definitivamente desde 1956. The presence of illustrious Spanish migrants in Puerto Rico, especially after the Civil War (1936-1939), is proven with photographic documents in the sample of Casals, permanently installed on the island since 1956.
El censo estadounidense de 2010 identifica como españoles a 635.000 personas, siete veces más que los 82.858 de hace solo una década. The 2010 U.S. census identifies as Spanish to 635,000 people, seven times more than 82,858 just a decade ago.
La tendencia creciente de inmigrantes españoles altamente cualificados se refleja en las más de ochenta asociaciones de españoles en Estados Unidos y Puerto Rico que existen actualmente. The growing trend of highly qualified Spanish immigrants is reflected in the more than eighty associations of Spanish in the U.S. and Puerto Rico that currently exist.
Publicado el 10 Agosto 2012 Published on August 10, 2012
Fuentes: EFE Sources: Reuters

Puerto Rico comes to an exhibition of Spanish immigration in the U.S.
The traveling exhibition of images and documents on immigration, "Spanish in the U.S. and Puerto Rico from 1880 to today" opened at the House of Spain to San Juan.
The exhibition includes photographs and documents provided by Spanish associations established in Puerto Rico and the Balearic House, the Asturian Center or the House itself in Spain.
The presence of illustrious Spanish migrants in Puerto Rico, especially after the Civil War (1936-1939), is proven with photographic records of Pau Casals, permanently installed on the island since 1956.
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Home > Get to Puerto Rico major exhibition of works on Spanish immigration in the U.S.
Puerto Rico comes to major exhibition of works on Spanish immigration in the U.S.
Created 10/08/2012 15:42


The traveling exhibition of images and documents on immigration, "Spanish in the U.S. and Puerto Rico from 1880 to today" opened at the House of Spain to San Juan.
The Minister of Employment and Immigration, Embassy of Spain in Washington, Elisa Carolina de Santos said that this is an exhibition that gives a better understanding of the process of migration to the United States, including the territory of Puerto Rico.

De Santos said that in the case of Puerto Rico emigration had special characteristics, since during the last century came to the Caribbean island renowned Spanish specialists from different disciplines who contributed to the formation of generations of professionals at the local university.

The exhibition includes photographs and documents provided by Spanish associations established in Puerto Rico and the Balearic House, the Asturian Center or the House itself in Spain.

The exhibition includes photos of Asturian own family in San Juan Santiago, the Catalan musician Pau Casals or documents of 1912 the Hospital of the Spanish Society of Mutual Aid and Welfare of Puerto Rico, an institution which today remains the first medical center the island.

The presence of illustrious Spanish migrants in Puerto Rico, especially after the Civil War (1936-1939), is proven with photographic documents in the sample of Casals, permanently installed on the island since 1956.

The 2010 U.S. census identifies as Spanish to 635,000 people, seven times more than 82,858 just a decade ago.

The growing trend of highly qualified Spanish immigrants is reflected in the more than eighty associations of Spanish in the U.S. and Puerto Rico that currently exist.

0 .
 Culture and Varieties
Puerto Rico

Local News - - Local News
Cox Alomar reiterates that shipping lines donating to Pierluisi were fined for million-dollar fraud
August 3, 2012   
Tito Kayak to pause in his protest journey
August 3, 2012   
Committee rejects alleged disinformation expressed by some candidates
August 3, 2012


Spanish-American War: Trial Run for Interventionism

Spanish-American War: Trial Run for Interventionism
The New American
Defeated on land and sea, Spain sued for peace. The war lasted less than four months; our fighting forces distinguished themselves with valor; and the United States, acquiring territory from Puerto Rico to the Philippines, emerged as a “world power ...

Friday, 10 August 2012 00:00

Spanish-American War: Trial Run for Interventionism

Written by James Perloff    
Spanish-American War: Trial Run for Interventionism 
U.S. Secretary of State John Hay called the Spanish-American War of 1898 a “splendid little war.” Superficially, the description seemed apt. After the battleship Maine mysteriously exploded in Havana Harbor — an incident then blamed on Spain — America went to war, our citizens urged to free Cuba from Spanish rule as well as avenge the Maine. Largely a naval war, an American squadron under Commodore George Dewey destroyed the Spanish squadron at Manila; likewise, the U.S. Navy crushed Spain’s Caribbean squadron off Cuba’s port of Santiago. In each engagement, the United States suffered only one fatality. Things went tougher for American troops in Cuba, where malaria and yellow fever proved as daunting as Spanish bullets. But American schoolchildren would thereafter thrill to tales of Teddy Roosevelt and his “Rough Riders,” and of the famed charge up San Juan Hill. Defeated on land and sea, Spain sued for peace. The war lasted less than four months; our fighting forces distinguished themselves with valor; and the United States, acquiring territory from Puerto Rico to the Philippines, emerged as a “world power.”

However, behind victory’s fervor lay deceptions, and principles of the Founding Fathers were discarded, portending future misery for Americans.

Cuba: Background to a Battleground

In the late 19th century, citizens were increasingly alarmed that monopolistic New York banking interests — represented by such names as Morgan, Rockefeller, Harriman, Carnegie, and Rothschild — were gaining a stranglehold on our economy. This helped inspire the 1891 establishment of the Populist Party, a grassroots movement of dissatisfied voters who perceived increasingly fewer differences between the Democratic and Republican parties, many of whose bosses were beholden to the bankers.

The Wall Street cabal realized that to thwart populism, it would be expedient to remove attention from themselves by inflaming Americans with hatred of another enemy. The enemy chosen was Spain, over the issue of Cuba. The reasons for this choice were as complex as they were sinister.

Spain was Europe’s leading colonial power in the 16th and 17th centuries, occupying much of North and South America. Through treaties and local revolutions, Spain lost much of this territory by the 19th century, but still retained a few possessions — notably Cuba, the world’s wealthiest colony and largest sugar producer by the 1820s.

Also in the late 19th century, a violent revolutionary movement hobbled Cuba’s prosperity. Most Americans considered this an internal Spanish affair. They had always viewed the purpose of our military as self-defense; furthermore, intervening in Cuba would have violated our neutrality laws. Transforming these attitudes required manipulation of public opinion.

Yellow Journalism

Thomas Jefferson said in 1807:
Nothing can now be believed which is seen in a newspaper. Truth itself becomes suspicious by being put into that polluted vehicle. The real extent of this state of misinformation is known only to those who are in situations to confront facts within their knowledge with the lies of the day.
Regrettably, Jefferson’s sentiments were little heeded in the 1890s. And a new media rogue had arrived — William Randolph Hearst, whose name became synonymous with “Yellow (dishonest) Journalism.” In 1895, the wealthy Hearst purchased the New York Journal and battled Joseph Pulitzer’s New York World to achieve the nation’s highest circulation. Hearst won, learning that in journalism, lies can become “truths” for the right price. But he and Pulitzer shared a common goal: war with Spain over Cuba.

Americans were told Cuba’s rebels were like our Revolutionary War soldiers — men yearning for self-government. While genuine patriots were among the Cuban insurgents, their leader, Máximo Gómez, was a Dominican-born revolutionary who could be compared to Fidel Castro, not George Washington.

Gómez avoided confronting Spanish troops, whom he could not hope to defeat. Instead he launched terrorism. Attempting to expel the Spanish economically, he set ablaze millions of sugar cane acres, making the island a virtual torch. Cubans who refused to support him were hanged from trees or hacked to death with machetes as “traitors.” Gómez’s men descended at night, setting small towns on fire after looting them. They stole all available cattle and horses, and at harvest seized farmers’ crops — much like the bandits in the films The Seven Samurai and The Magnificent Seven. Gómez also seized the farmers’ sons, forcing them into his ranks. Within his army, he was feared as ruthless and dictatorial, meting out the death penalty by machete to soldiers without due process.

As a result, rural Cubans fled to fortified towns. But there was little work for them, and with Gómez torching all crops he couldn’t steal, famine began in Cuba. Hearst’s Journal and Pulitzer’s World reported none of this — except the starvation, which they blamed on the Spaniards, who were trying their best to feed the population under devastating conditions.

Hearst and Pulitzer both claimed the problem was Cuba’s Spanish governor, General Valeriano Weyler, ordering “reconcentration” of citizenry into fortified towns. The accusation had a grain of truth. Weyler was sent to Cuba because the leniency of his predecessor, Arsenio Martinez Campos, had emboldened the revolutionaries. Since Gómez refused to fight in the open, Weyler decided to turn the tables — cut him off from his source of food and recruits. Weyler discovered that many Cubans still outside the fortified towns were Gómez sympathizers, acting as suppliers or spies. Weyler ordered them into the towns. This compounded the famine, but didn’t start it.

The Yellow Press called him “Butcher Weyler,” endlessly inventing atrocities, such as Spaniards roasting Catholic priests. On October 6, 1896, Hearst’s Journal carried this headline: “CUBANS FED TO SHARKS. Cries Heard at Night — They are Taken Outside the Harbor, and the Silent Ferryman Comes Back Alone.” Pulitzer’s World raved: “RAIDED A HOSPITAL — More than Forty Sick and Wounded Cubans Butchered.” But no hospital even existed in the region the World described.

Hearst discovered that tales of atrocities against women struck a special chord with readers. In December 1896 his Journal blared: “BUTCHERED 300 CUBAN WOMEN — Defenseless Prisoners Shot Down by Spanish Soldiers.” Americans were regaled with stories of Cuban “Amazon women” fighting the Spanish with Rambo-like ferocity. The New York Sun carried this headline in October 1896: “SHE SHOT SEVENTEEN SPANIARDS … She did not Retire Before the Attack of the Regulars, But Picked Them Off, Man by Man.”

Newspapers could not reproduce photographs then, so drawings were used. This enabled Hearst to “authenticate” stories with artists’ fabrications. He hired noted painter Frederic Remington. After Remington arrived in Havana in 1897, a famous exchange occurred. Reportedly, he cabled Hearst: “Everything is quiet. There is no trouble. There will be no war. I wish to return.” Hearst replied: “Please remain. You furnish the pictures and I’ll furnish the war.” Although Hearst denied this exchange took place, the words embody the reality.

Perhaps Remington’s most infamous illustration was a naked girl surrounded by three smirking Spanish ruffians, under Hearst’s Journal headline: “REFINED YOUNG WOMEN STRIPPED AND SEARCHED BY BRUTAL SPANIARDS WHILE UNDER OUR FLAG.” In reality, a Cuban woman, who had aided the revolutionaries, was searched by a Spanish matron, in privacy. Remington had not witnessed the event.

Hearst’s reporters rarely ventured outside Havana’s bars. Some never even traveled beyond Florida, where they forwarded tales spun by Cuban émigrés sympathetic to the revolutionaries. And some stories Hearst invented himself in New York.

Reporters telling the truth were few. One was the New York Herald’s George Bronson Rea, who got information first-hand by riding with the rebels for nine months. He summarized his experiences in his book Facts and Fakes About Cuba.

Although Rea favored Cuban independence, he proved that tales of Spanish oppression — beyond singular acts of revenge and counter-revenge one might expect in any war — were fabricated. He wrote: “I lived in Cuba for five years previous to the insurrection, and spent the best part of my time in the country, and I must say that if the Cubans were oppressed, I failed to discover in what manner.”

Rea demonstrated that the Yellow Press grossly exaggerated the number of rebels, invented battles from thin air, knew little of Cuban geography, and eventually claimed the insurgents had captured more towns than existed. At the lunacy’s height, Pulitzer’s World said the rebels possessed a navy and had conquered Havana.

Congress Moves Toward War

Unfortunately, the Yellow Press drowned voices of men like Rea. This impacted not only public opinion, but members of Congress, many having no other information sources about Cuba.

After the Journal’s fake “strip-searching women” piece, Congressman Amos Cummings introduced an angry resolution in response. Deceived by tales of “Americans starving in Cuba,” Congress appropriated $50,000 for their relief, but U.S. consuls in Cuba were hard-pressed finding “starving Americans” to dispense the money to. The belligerently pro-war Senator John T. Morgan, chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, quoted extensively from a report in Hearst’s Journal; Morgan’s successor as chairman, John Sherman, also relied on the Journal, calling it “one of the great journals of the country.”

After President McKinley appointed Sherman secretary of state, the latter wrote to the Spanish government, condemning General Weyler’s forcefulness, and urging “conduct of the war in a manner responsive to the precepts of ordinary humanity.” However, Sherman’s brother was Civil War General William T. Sherman, whose “war is hell” tactics made him abominable to Southerners. This irony was not lost on the Spanish foreign minister, whose reply reminded the secretary of “the expedition of General Sherman, that illustrious and respected general, through Georgia and South Carolina.”

According to Ferdinand Lundberg in his classic America’s Sixty Families, President William McKinley was beholden to the Rockefellers and Standard Oil. While governor of Ohio, McKinley went bankrupt, and was secretly bailed out by a syndicate headed by Rockefeller frontman Mark Hanna, who had known John D. since they were high-school classmates. Hanna became McKinley’s political manager. Many considered him the real White House boss; critics called the president “McHanna.” J. P. Morgan was another McKinley backer. Chicago’s Chronicle of April 14, 1898, commented: “The Rothschilds and the Morgans control the White House.”

As American cries for war grew, Spain sought to avoid it. General Weyler was recalled; the “reconcentration” policy was to be substantially reformed; and Cuba was offered semi-autonomy, similar to Canada’s relationship with Britain. Had McKinley and his controllers genuinely wanted peace, this should have placated them. Instead, the battleship Maine was dispatched to Cuba.

Tragedy in Havana Harbor

The Maine’s sinking remains the most enduring mystery of the Spanish-American War. One of McKinley’s riskiest appointments was Teddy Roosevelt, as assistant secretary of the Navy. Roosevelt incessantly pushed for a shooting war. Among his characteristic quotes: “McKinley is bent on peace, I fear.” One afternoon in February 1898, Roosevelt exploited the absence of Navy Secretary John Long to put the Navy on a war footing; he cabled Commodore Dewey in Hong Kong to prepare to attack Manila — even though war had not begun. When Secretary Long learned of this, he didn’t revoke the order, but said of Roosevelt, “the very devil seemed to possess him yesterday afternoon.”

On January 24, 1898, the inflammatory decision to send the Maine to Cuba was made at a White House meeting — of which no minutes were kept. Although the Spanish were advised that a warship would eventually visit, they were not expecting the Maine when it sailed into Havana January 25. This was unknown to the ship’s commander, Captain Charles Sigsbee, who wrote: “It became known to me afterward that the Maine had not been expected, even by the United States Consul General.”

With potential war looming, by what “oversight” did Washington fail to notify both Spanish and American officials in Havana of the battleship’s arrival? However, if anyone hoped shooting would erupt in the harbor, leading to war, they were disappointed. The Spanish, courteously if coolly, welcomed the Maine and permitted her to dock.

William Randolph Hearst now pushed the war buttons harder. He had paid bribes to have the private correspondence of Spanish Ambassador Enrique Dupey de Lôme spied upon. In a private letter to a friend, the ambassador called McKinley “weak and catering to the rabble,” “a low politician” who desired to “stand well with the jingos of his party.” In violation of diplomatic immunity, the letter was stolen and reprinted in Hearst’s Journal under the headline “THE WORST INSULT TO THE UNITED STATES IN ITS HISTORY.”

In reality, the leader of Cuba’s insurgents, Máximo Gómez, had paid far worse insults to America, lambasting George Washington, claiming McKinley and Congress were “in the employ of Spain,” and boasting that his men could lay waste to Florida in under a week. But Americans were not permitted to hear these words — only those of Dupey de Lôme, who resigned in embarrassment. The Spanish government apologized, but Hearst and other “Yellow Journals” had driven anti-Spanish feelings to fever pitch.

Two days later in Havana Harbor, a massive nighttime explosion tore apart the Maine. The horror was unimaginable. Of 355 crew members, 266 perished; only 16 survivors escaped uninjured. The day after the incident, Hearst’s Journal already published artistic renderings of how it was supposedly done — torpedoes, placed under the ship, connected to the shore by electric wires. A Naval Court of Inquiry convened. After hearing testimony from witnesses and divers, it concluded that a submerged mine sank the Maine. However, it fixed no responsibility for the deed.

But the Yellow Press had no reservations. Hearst’s Journal called it an act of “Spanish treachery.” As war cries intensified, a slogan was proclaimed: “Remember the Maine and to hell with Spain!” This was probably intended to arouse the desire for vengeance in the same manner that “Remember the Alamo!” inspired Sam Houston’s troops at the 1836 battle of San Jacinto. There was a glaring difference, however: The Mexican army undeniably slaughtered the Alamo’s defenders, but no proof implicated Spain in the Maine tragedy.

Spanish sailors risked their lives rescuing Maine survivors, who were cared for by Spanish doctors and nurses. The Spanish had no motive to provoke America, and desperately tried to avoid war. Spain still had mostly wooden warships, many in disrepair, which could not match the firepower of America’s increasingly steel navy. Admiral Pascual Cervera, who commanded Spain’s Atlantic squadron, warned his government of “our lack of everything that is necessary for a naval war, such as supplies, ammunition, coal, provisions, etc. We have nothing at all.” Furthermore, land war against American troops would be difficult in Cuba — less than 100 miles from the United States, but over 4,000 miles from Spain.

War Arrives

Spain conceded to every U.S. demand except complete withdrawal from Cuba, and offered to submit the matter of the Maine to arbitration. Nevertheless, demands for war erupted in Congress. To insure against Senate reservations, Senator Redfield Proctor made a quick visit to Cuba. After returning, he consulted McKinley, and that same day made a fiery Senate speech. Describing hunger and disease he had witnessed, Proctor urged Cubans’ “deliverance from the worst misgovernment of which I have ever had knowledge.” His speech strongly impacted the Senate, but Proctor omitted the main reason for the suffering: Cuba’s rebels themselves.

McKinley, now falsely proclaiming he had “exhausted” all diplomatic means of maintaining peace, asked Capitol Hill for authorization to intervene militarily. Congress issued a joint resolution
For the recognition of the independence of the people of Cuba, demanding that the government of Spain relinquish its authority and government in the island of Cuba and Cuban waters, and directing the President of the United States to use the land and naval forces of the United States to carry these resolutions into effect.
Spain could not have accepted this demand. It had ruled Cuba since 1511. All Spanish political parties, liberal and conservative, considered Cuba part of Spain, just as Americans consider Hawaii part of America. If it relinquished Cuba, the Spanish government would have faced revolution at home. Given a choice between revolution and war, the Spanish elected to fight, with honor, a war they could not hope to win. This delighted William Randolph Hearst. With the war in full swing, his newspaper’s headline gloated: “How Do You Like the Journal’s War?”

While America’s military fought with tremendous valor during the war, as much may be said of the hundreds of Spanish sailors who died under U.S. Navy firepower, and of the defenders of San Juan Hill who, outnumbered over 15 to one, held until their ammunition ran out.

Combat Versus Conquest

Although the war was ostensibly over Cuba, U.S. forces attacked Spain’s other colonies. This might be excused as strategically necessary — had not the United States subsequently absorbed these ­territories.

In July, after Santiago had fallen and Spain had already sued for peace, U.S. forces invaded the Spanish colony of Puerto Rico, whose defenders surrendered after token resistance.

In the Pacific, a U.S. cruiser began shelling Guam. The hapless Spaniards on that isolated island did not even know a war was on. They rowed out to the ship and apologized for not having the cannons necessary to return the “salute.”

In August, U.S. troops, supported by naval bombardment, seized Manila after light resistance, unaware that Spain had already signed a peace protocol.

Under the final treaty, Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines became possessions of the United States, which paid Spain $20 million — on a take-it-or-leave-it basis — as compensation. In July, the United States also annexed Hawaii — though not a Spanish colony, it was absorbed during “expansion fever.”


To justify expelling Spain from Cuba, some congressional interventionists invoked the Monroe Doctrine. Declared by President James Monroe in 1823, the doctrine stated that America would view future European interference in the Western Hemisphere as aggression.

However, Monroe did not apply the doctrine to existing colonies like Cuba. Furthermore, the doctrine was intrinsically isolationist, affirming that nations should remain in their own spheres. By what logical consistency, then, could the United States overtake lands as distant as the Philippines? Americans were told we required overseas possessions to “protect our interests,” but why couldn’t Spain have that same privilege?

American soldiers were told they were “fighting colonialism” in Cuba, yet by usurping Spain’s colonies we became a colonial power ourselves. Calling them “possessions” was essentially an exercise in semantics.

Americans were also told we must fight for Cubans’ “self-determination.” But when the Filipinos requested the same right, it was refused. U.S. troops spent four years suppressing a Filipino independence movement. Forty-two hundred U.S. soldiers and 20,000 Filipino insurgents died in the fighting. Ironically, in the Philippines, when American General J. Franklin Bell realized rural people were aiding the rebels, he ordered them into concentrated zones. Thus the United States adapted the same strategy it condemned when employed by the Spanish in Cuba.

A few Americans recognized the hypocrisies. Massachusetts Senator George Hoar stated that “if we are to govern subjects and vassal States, trampling as we do it on our own great Charter which recognizes alike the liberty and dignity of individual manhood, then let us resist this thing in the beginning, and let us resist it to the death.” Delaware Senator George Gray warned that the treaty with Spain “introduces European politics and the entangling alliances against which Washington and all American statesmen have protested. It will make necessary a navy equal to the largest of powers [and] a greatly increased military establishment … multiply occasions for dangerous complications with foreign nations, and increase burdens of taxation.” The newly formed Anti-Imperialist League declared: “We regret that it has become necessary in the land of Washington and Lincoln to reaffirm that all men, of whatever race or color, are entitled to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. We maintain that governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed.”

These voices were drowned out as flags waved to speeches about America becoming a “world power,” justified by our “Manifest Destiny.”

Behind the Scenes

One can better understand the war by following actions of National City Bank, forerunner of today’s Citibank. National City was America’s most powerful bank, with a board including representatives of the Rockefeller, Morgan, and Rothschild interests. Historian Ferdinand Lundberg noted: “National City Bank during McKinley’s incumbency was, significantly, more closely involved in Administration affairs than any other bank.”

To finance the war, Assistant Treasury Secretary Frank Vanderlip negotiated a $200 million loan from National City Bank. After the war, the bank made Vanderlip its president. In that capacity he participated in the infamous Jekyll Island meeting, where private bankers secretly plotted creation of the Federal Reserve Bank.

A new tax was announced to fund the war (or, practically speaking, to reimburse National City Bank). Since the Supreme Court had ruled an income tax unconstitutional in 1895, a federal excise tax was levied on telephone service. The tax remained in force for over a century, until it was repealed in 2006.

More than loan interest was at stake. Sugar seems ordinary today, but long ago its profitability earned the nickname “white gold” — much as oil, dominated by the Rockefellers’ Standard Oil, was called “black gold.” Lundberg writes of the Spanish-American War that “the Rockefeller-Stillman National City Bank benefited most directly from it, for Cuba, the Philippines, and, indeed, all of Latin America soon afterward became dotted with National City branches, and the Cuban sugar industry gravitated into National City’s hands.” William Guy Carr affirmed in Pawns in the Game: “National City Bank owned and controlled Cuba’s sugar industry when the war ended.” Mark Twain wrote:
How our hearts burned with indignation against the atrocious Spaniards.… But when the smoke was over, the dead buried and the cost of the war came back to the people in an increase in the price of commodities and rent — that is, when we sobered up from our patriotic spree — it suddenly dawned on us that the cause of the Spanish-American War was the price of sugar.
Hawaii and the Philippines also yielded huge sugar revenues, and were steps toward a larger economic target: China. By 1899, McKinley already proclaimed his “Open Door” policy, demanding that European nations grant the United States equal access to Chinese ports.

Major General Smedley Butler was, at the time of his death (1940), the most decorated Marine in American history. In his book War Is a Racket he revealed:
I have spent 34 years in active service as a member of the Marine Corps. And during that period I spent most of my time being a high-class muscle man for big business, for Wall Street and for the bankers. In short, I was a racketeer for capitalism. I helped make Mexico safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank to collect revenues.
Nevertheless, the war disabled opposition that had been simmering against Wall Street monopolists. Thanks to press propaganda, “Spain” replaced “Morgan and Rockefeller” as the enemy. The rising Populist Party was neutralized. After the 1896 elections, it ceased to play a significant role in American politics. Distinctions between the Democratic and Republican parties, both of whom supported the war, continued fading.

Correspondingly, the war was exploited to consolidate the North and South, which animosity had divided since the War between the States and Reconstruction. McKinley cleverly appointed ex-Confederate generals such as Joseph Wheeler and Thomas Rosser, along with old Union officer William Shafter, who commanded the expeditionary force to Cuba. Having Southerners fight alongside Yankees would rebuild the cohesiveness needed to make America’s military a world police force.

Birth of the Anglo-American Establishment

Few know that the war inaugurated a U.S.-British alliance that began dissipating the aversion most Americans still held toward their former colonial ruler. Of the European powers, Britain alone sided with America during the war, and provided covert assistance. So strong was the partnership that Germany’s Kaiser Wilhelm II called it “the American-British Society for International Theft and Warmongering.”

In 1896, when Spain sought support from a coalition of the European powers, Britain’s ambassador to Spain, Henry Drummond Wolff, sabotaged the plan by leaking it to the U.S. government. Shortly before war began, Maria Cristina, Regent of Spain, wrote to England’s Queen Victoria (her aunt), imploring British solidarity with Spain. But Victoria politely declined at the insistence of Britain’s powerful prime minister, Lord Salisbury. Before the invasion of Puerto Rico, the land was spied out by U.S. Lieutenant Henry Whitney — disguised as a British officer. When Manila was bombarded in August 1898, British warships positioned themselves between Dewey’s ships and a nearby German fleet.

Before the war, Britain’s Colonial Secretary Joseph Chamberlain declared: “I should look with pleasure to the possibility of the Stars and Stripes and the Union Jack floating together in defence [sic] of a common cause sanctioned by humanity and justice.”And with the war under way, he said that “terrible as war may be, even war itself would be cheaply purchased if, in a great and noble cause, the Stars and Stripes and the Union Jack should wave together over an Anglo-Saxon alliance.” As relations warmed, a new organization formed in July 1898: the Anglo-American League, with branches in the United States and England. The league led to the founding of the secretive Pilgrims Society in 1902.

Students of conspiracy and the “new world order” often hear of the Council on Foreign Relations, Britain’s Royal Institute of International Affairs, the Trilateral Commission, and Bilderbergers. Receiving less attention, though predating them all, is the Pilgrims Society. Ostensibly formed to promote goodwill between the United States and Britain, its membership consists of “upper crust” from government, business, banking, and media in both countries. Members today include luminaries ranging from David Rockefeller to Queen Elizabeth II. Its earliest members included Spanish-American War generals Joseph Wheeler and Leonard Wood, along with a “who’s who” of Wall Street monopolists and Federal Reserve founders — John D. Rockefeller, Jr.; Andrew Carnegie; Paul Warburg; Jacob Schiff; Nelson Aldrich; and Frank Vanderlip. J.P. Morgan was the society’s first vice president. In Britain, early members included Lord Salisbury, powerful financier Nathan Rothschild, Bank of England governor Montagu Norman, world government advocate Philip Kerr, and Winston Churchill (whose 1895 visit to Cuba sparked controversy in England, where he was accused of meddling in non-British affairs). The Pilgrims Society’s motto is “Hic et Ubique” (here and everywhere), an evident complement to “Ubique,” the word on the logo of the Council on Foreign Relations — which many American members of the Pilgrims Society have belonged to.


The “splendid little war” wasn’t so splendid. Populism’s threat to the stagnating Democratic and Republican parties was foiled; Wall Street monopolism strengthened. No longer was our military restricted to national defense; instead it became a global policeman, righting wrongs overseas. Many of these “wrongs” would be inventions or exaggerations of the press, which honed its skill at reporting phony atrocities during the Spanish-American War. A new Anglo-American alliance subverted the natural isolationism of transatlantic boundaries, entangling the militaries of both countries in common causes to this day.

Teddy Roosevelt acquitted himself well in combat, and swiftly turned his fame to political advantage. By November 1898, he had already been elected New York’s governor, and three years later became president of the United States. His distant cousin, Franklin D. Roosevelt, followed a hauntingly similar path. Like Teddy, FDR was assistant secretary of the navy during a controversial naval incident (the Lusitania disaster) that helped propel us into war. And like Teddy, FDR became governor of New York and then president.

The ultimate loser of the Spanish-American War was Cuba herself. In the 1950s, Marxist revolutionary Fidel Castro emulated Máximo Gómez in trying to seize the island. The American public had still not grown wise to Yellow Journalism tactics. William Randolph Hearst was succeeded by television’s Ed Sullivan, who praised Castro as “Cuba’s George Washington,” and the New York Times, which lauded his “strong ideas of liberty, democracy, social justice.”

After becoming dictator in 1959, Castro converted the island into a communist prison, and soon aimed Soviet nuclear missiles at the United States. Would Americans have fought in Cuba in 1898, had they known it would ultimately lead to deadly threats against their grandchildren? Today it is not so much the Maine we must remember, but history’s true meaning.
Sidebar: What Sank the Maine?
The original Naval Court of Inquiry, headed by Captain William Sampson, concluded that the Maine sank when a mine detonated, causing the ship’s forward magazines to explode. The court of inquiry based this on eyewitness testimony of two explosions, as well as inward bending of part of the hull. However, it did not fix responsibility for the mine.

The Spanish wanted to undertake a joint investigation with the United States. When refused, they conducted their own inquiry, which attributed the explosion to a fire in a coal bunker adjacent to the Maine’s munitions stores. They cited lack of evidence for things normally seen in mine detonation, such as a column of water, dead fish, etc.

In 1911, the Maine’s wreckage was raised and subjected to a new court of inquiry headed by Rear Admiral Charles Vreeland. It confirmed Sampson’s conclusion of an external device; the wreck was subsequently taken out to sea and scuttled.

In 1974, Admiral Hyman Rickover conducted a private investigation, finding that a coal bunker fire caused the explosion. In 1998, National Geographic commissioned a study using computer models that blamed a mine. In 2002, the History Channel produced a documentary in which scientists reconstructed part of the hull. Their verdict was an accidental coal bunker fire, concluding that the hull’s inward bending resulted from inrushing water.

None of these investigations seem totally satisfying, as they explore how rather than who. Although coal bunker fires did occur on some U.S. warships of that era, none blew up. By what coincidence was the Maine the only ship to so explode, while in Havana Harbor, and just when cries for war peaked? The bunker in question had working fire alarms, and the Maine had a competent crew.

With a crew of 355, a bomb would have been difficult to plant unnoticed. As the explosion occurred after nightfall, it is possible someone used the cover of darkness to float an external mine to the Maine. Who had motive? Spain’s actions and internal documents prove it wished to avoid war at all costs. The primary beneficiaries were the Wall Street establishment and Cuba’s revolutionaries. The latter were using dynamite to destroy trains and bridges. They surely knew that if the ship met disaster, America would likely win their war. In Who Sank the Maine? historian Thomas Fleming noted that 50 to 100 pounds of dynamite, exploding externally, could have sufficed to detonate the Maine’s munitions.

Police stops in NYC stirs safety vs. rights debate - Wall Street Journal

Police stops in NYC stirs safety vs. rights debate
Wall Street Journal
Five years later, he sat with other Hispanic and black teenagers with similar stories at Make the Road, a community organization in a Brooklyn neighborhood of taco trucks, coconut ice cream vendors, and Puerto Rican flags peeking from grimy windows ...

and more »

Rare Genetic Disease That Mostly Affects Puerto Ricans Is Topic Of Film,0,2883728.story

Rare Genetic Disease That Mostly Affects Puerto Ricans Is Topic Of Film

Documentary To Be Shown Saturday At Discovery Museum In Bridgeport

The Hartford Courant
5:09 PM EDT, August 8, 2012
At birth, Yeida Soto says, she was "slapped with a label" — albinism.
Growing up, she experienced issues with bleeding, but doctors never connected them to her skin disorder, she said, because "doctors didn't know much about albinism to begin with, and besides, who would?"
It wasn't until she was researching information about albinos' impaired eyesight that Soto, 34, found information about Hermansky-Pudlak Syndrome, a rare genetic disease whose most common symptoms are albinism, bleeding disorders, gastrointestinal difficulties and sometimes fatal pulmonary fibrosis.
"When I read it, I'm like, this is me to a T," Soto said.
Soto, who lives in New Britain, said her doctor initially dismissed her suspicions, but she perservered, and seven years ago at age 27, Soto was diagnosed with HPS.
"I had to be my own advocate because so little was known about it," she said.
The syndrome — which occurs in one in 500,000 to one in 1 million people worldwide — is the subject of a documentary film that will be shown Saturday in Bridgeport.
Soto said knowledge about HPS is still "in its infancy." Patients are sometimes diagnosed with albinism and other unrelated illnesses, or, because they don't fit a certain image of what a person with albinism might look like, they go under the radar entirely.
"People think of white hair, red eyes — the way an animal with albinism would look," she said. "But we have dark-skinned, black-haired people."
The disease is most prevalent in people of Puerto Rican descent, and one in every 1,800 Puerto Rico natives carries the HPS gene. Both Soto's parents are from Puerto Rico.
Heather Kirkwood, vice president of the nonprofit Hermansky-Pudlak Syndrome Network, said, "Even in areas where there's a big Puerto Rican community, you'd think they'd have known about it, but they don't."
As of 2010, Connecticut had the highest percentage of Puerto Rican-American residents of any state, at 7.1 percent, and the city of Hartford has a thriving Hispanic population — about 45 percent — many of whom are Puerto Rican-American.
Soto, who is actively involved in the HPS Network, said that "four or five" people from Connecticut with HPS are currently connected through the organization. Because of underdiagnosis and misdiagnosis, she said, other people in the state probably have the disease.
Kirkwood, an HPS patient whose great-grandfather was Puerto Rican, said that based on the network's research there "definitely" are people in Connecticut who "don't know they have it."
The network will screen "Rare," a documentary about three HPS patients, including Kirkwood, and their experiences in a drug trial to treat some of their symptoms, Saturday at 6 p.m. at Bridgeport's Discovery Science Museum.
The HPS Network advocates testing to identify people who are undiagnosed or misdiagnosed and uses the Internet and social media to unite and inform those who are already aware of their disease.
"We're unique because we're so rare," Soto said. "We're sprinkled all over the world. It's nice to be able to keep in touch over the Internet."
The network also presents yearly conferences in New York and Puerto Rico, where doctors who have studied the disease present the latest research and answer questions.
The network's members face the challenges and successes of navigating the uncharted territories of a rare disease together.
"For a number of us, it can be deadly. Unfortunately, we've lost several people and that's hard," Soto said. But, there are also the stories of successful lung transplants, which, she added, "gives you hope for your situation."
"Rare" will be shown Saturday at 6 p.m. at the Discovery Science Museum, 4450 Park Ave., Bridgeport. For information about the screening, call 203-522-3599. For information about the Hermansky-Pudlak Syndrome Network and HPS, go to or call 800-789-9HPS.

Hermansky-Pudlak Syndrome - Google Search

Friday, August 10, 2012


  • Puerto Rico the 51st state? Not likely. - World - - Thursday, August 09, 2012 - Mika Rekai

  • On Nov. 6, Puerto Rico is holding a referendum on the territory’s tricky political status with the United States. Puerto Rican support for formal statehood has been growing steadily in recent years, with polls showing 41 per cent want the island to become the 51st state.
    Yet on the mainland, the issue makes for toxic politics. The status of Spanish—which is spoken by 95 per cent of Puerto Ricans—as an official language is unpopular with conservative Republicans. And recession-weary Americans are unlikely to be enthused about any extension of national entitlement programs such as medicare and social security to an island plagued by poverty and joblessness.
    President Barack Obama has admitted that a majority vote would not be enough to start the process of bringing Puerto Rico into the union. Congress, he says, will wait for a “stronger inclination” before taking action.
    Few Americans are tuning in to Puerto Rico’s debate, and the Caribbean protectorate is largely deciding its future without mainland influence. But should they vote to join the union, Puerto Ricans, who have U.S. citizenship but no U.S. political representation, may find they are not as welcome as some U.S. political leaders would have them believe.

    The Inconvenient Truth about Privatization of Correctional Health Care Revealed
    Physician uncovers what happens behind the walls of private health care facilities

    St. Augustine, FL (PRWEB) August 10, 2012
    Xlibris, the print-on-demand self-publishing services provider, announced today the release of Greed Versus Love: An Inconvenient Truth About the Privatization of Correctional Health Care, a book by Raquel Sanchez-Castro, made available through Xlibris.
    This book narrates the experience of a physician working in the correctional system. It describes the difference in the modus operandum and the attitude of the two types of administrative personnel (public and private correctional health care). With true clinical cases, the author uncovers the sad reality of the corruption existing in the private correctional facilities, where the main priority is the profit and not the patient.
    A gripping journey of a young Puerto Rican girl with a proclivity for healing to a practicing physician in an American penal system, Greed Versus Love: An Inconvenient Truth About the Privatization of Correctional Health Care will find readers thinking about those who suffer from illnesses and diseases that are too often left with a pill, when they need surgery, or an aspirin, when they need a more powerful medication. For more information on this book, interested parties may log on to
    About the Author
    Raquel Sanchez-Castro, MD was born in San Juan, Puerto Rico, on January 28, 1971. In 1995, she completed her BS in Natural Sciences with a Major in Biology. At the age of twenty-nine, she graduated from medical school in Dominican Republic. She worked one year in a HIV clinic and five years in the emergency room. From 2005 to 2006, she completed a training program in Chinese medicine and acupuncture and migrated to Florida. Since 2007, she has been working in the correctional system as a physician.
    Greed Versus Love * by Raquel Sanchez-Castro
    An Inconvenient Truth About the Privatization of Correctional Health Care
    Publication Date: July 14, 2010
    Trade Paperback; $15.99; 72 pages; 978-1-4535-1236-4
    Trade Hardback; $24.99; 72 pages; 978-1-4535-1237-1
    eBook; $9.99; 978-1-4535-1238-8
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    Puerto Rico, Drug Corridor to the Mainland United States

    Published August 09, 2012
    | Fox News Latino
    On the western coast of Puerto Rico, it’s wheels up for yet another night of high-tech hunting. Hunting, for cocaine smugglers.
    “This boat looks interesting,” says officer Creighton Skeen, as he sits onboard a specially designed US Customs and Border Protection airplane. He and his partner typically sit alone, dimly lit in green, staring at and analyzing their wide-screens, which show the boats below.

    On these routine missions, officer Skeen uses infra-red cameras, radar and one-the-ground intelligence to alert CBP 4 engine fast boats on the water when and where to interdict. This night, they’re focused on the 60 mile stretch between Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic.
    "Before, we didn't' see as many mother ships coming to Puerto Rico,” says Skeen. “Now, they're becoming ordinary."
    And almost as ordinary, enormous busts like the one this week along the coast of Ponce. So much cocaine, it took a production line of people to haul heavy bag after heavy bag from the police cargo van to the table. Some of the cocaine bricks were labeled with a sticker showing a drawing of a threatening tiger, to discern which drug dealing organization supplied the coke, and who is to be paid the $20,000 for the kilo. By the time it arrives in the states, that kilo sells for $25,000.
    This bust in total, “approximately 1000 kilos,” says Pedro Jasner, Agent in Charge for the Drug Enforcement Administration, “with a street value of 80-million dollars."
    The US Commonwealth is booming as a trans-shipment point for the South American drug cartels. Because once the drugs get here, they’re much more easily smuggled into the US mainland as “domestic cargo,” with far fewer inspections.
    But the eyes of US law enforcement are watching. CBP officers also operate in the bowels of the San Juan Post Office Processing Center, where the x-ray and cut open suspect parcels headed from the US Virgin Islands to the US, and vice versa. These mail inspections reveal the multi-billion dollar drug trade there, as well. In one box destined for South Carolina, three tightly-wrapped “burritos,” a package, within a package, within a package. Masked with laundry detergent, the chemical test confirms the inner package’s white powder is indeed cocaine. Another package, once cut open, immediately engulfs the room in a distinctive aroma.
    “Most of the time it’s marijuana, cocaine and weapons,” says CBP Supervisor Carlos Morell.
    But the bulk of the explosion in smuggling is coming in via boat, like the 1000 kilos captured off Ponce. Most of the drugs, agents say, are destined for the US East Coast, mainly entering the states through the Miami and New York City regions.
    “We need more resources and this is the proof,” says Hector Pesquera, Puerto Rico Police Superintendent.
    "We're not just saying it, we're showing it. 80% of this, 800 kilos, would have been going to the northeast corridor."
    What Puerto Rico’s police and Governor have been calling for is initiating the Caribbean Border Initiative, more money and resources dedicated to reducing the flow of drugs from South America to the US Mainland. The Southwest Border Initiative along the Mexican border resulted in a doubling—if not tripling—of officers there. But due to apparent funding issues, the White House—which didn’t comment for this story--hasn’t committed.
    The consequence of the drug trade locally is surging crime, 70% of which is directly connected to drug gangs, according to police. Last year there were more than 1100 murders in Puerto Rico; this year, more than 500. The Puerto Rican murder rate is now 6 times higher than in the states.
    And for officer Skeen, flying above the boat traffic at midnight, for the time being, he sees no imminent change.
    "As long as there's a need--a demand--for Cocaine, we'll be seeing this. It's not going away."
    Phil Keating is national correspondent for Fox News Channel out of the Miami bureau.

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