Monday, November 19, 2018

News / MN Newsletter // November 19

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November 19, 2018
Noticias y Blogs de PR - Review: El mundo al día [Radio] - Voice of America: El mundo al día [Radio] - noviembre 19, 2018
Noticias y Blogs de PR - Review: Miedo ¿o cordura?
Agencia EFE | | Edición USA: EEUU CHAPO - "El Rey" Zambada da más detalles sobre el Chapo en el control de la droga
Agencia EFE | | Edición USA: EL SALVADOR JUSTICIA - Doce testigos declararán en el juicio contra el exfiscal de El Salvador

Noticias y Blogs de PR - Review: El mundo al día [Radio] - Voice of America: El mundo al día [Radio] - noviembre 19, 2018

Noticias de Puerto Rico from Michael_Novakhov (35 sites)
El Vocero de Puerto Rico Lee El Vocero de hoy, libre de costo suscripcion/
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Noticias y Blogs de PR - Review: Miedo ¿o cordura?

Noticias de Puerto Rico from Michael_Novakhov (35 sites)
Cordura se refiere a un estado mental cuando una persona es prudente y sensata,​ opuesta a la locura.Mi apoyo a Alfredo Ocasio y al Movimiento Alianza Estadista generó toda clase de reacciones, desde apoyo, miedo y hasta coraje.
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Agencia EFE | | Edición USA: EEUU CHAPO - "El Rey" Zambada da más detalles sobre el Chapo en el control de la droga

Noticias de Puerto Rico from Michael_Novakhov (35 sites)
Jesús "El Rey" Zambada García, que estuvo a cargo de operaciones del cartel de Sinaloa en Ciudad México y es testigo de la Fiscalía de Nueva York contra Joaquín "El Chapo" Guzmán, detalló hoy cómo evolucionó la relación de ese grupo con el cartel de los Zeta y cómo estalló la guerra entre ellos en 2008.
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Agencia EFE | | Edición USA: EL SALVADOR JUSTICIA - Doce testigos declararán en el juicio contra el exfiscal de El Salvador

Noticias de Puerto Rico from Michael_Novakhov (35 sites)
Doce testigos declararán durante el juicio que comenzó hoy y se extenderá "varios" días contra el ex fiscal general salvadoreño Luis Martínez (2012-2015), acusado de revelar unas grabaciones reservadas de un sacerdote español, informó el Centro Judicial de El Salvador.
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Videos - Voice of America: Venezolanos claman justicia y liberaciones
Videos - Voice of America: Inmigración continúa dividiendo a EE.UU
Videos - Voice of America: Los migrantes de las caravanas deberán esperar meses para entrar a EE.UU.
Videos - Voice of America: Aumentan los tiroteos en los Estados Unidos
Videos - Voice of America: ¿Quién asesinó a Jamal Khashoggi?

Videos - Voice of America: Venezolanos claman justicia y liberaciones

Puerto Rico News Videos from Michael_Novakhov (20 sites)
En Venezuela, persiste la lucha de los familiares de los caídos y denominados presos políticos de la nación, en esta oportunidad la defensa del concejal fallecido Fernando Albán instó a una investigación imparcial y reiteró que no se quitó la vida.
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Videos - Voice of America: Inmigración continúa dividiendo a EE.UU

Puerto Rico News Videos from Michael_Novakhov (20 sites)
La inmigración, su impacto político y la participación de los latinos en los procesos electorales de EE.UU fueron el foco de atención esta semana en Foro. Videos - Voice of America
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Videos - Voice of America: Los migrantes de las caravanas deberán esperar meses para entrar a EE.UU.

Puerto Rico News Videos from Michael_Novakhov (20 sites)
El presidente Donald Trump advierte que las esperas en la frontera para los migrantes que llegan en caravana pueden alcanzar los seis meses. La secretaria de Seguridad Nacional, por su parte, anunció que uno de los principales puertos de entrada fue cerrado para endurecer las medidas de seguridad.
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Videos - Voice of America: Aumentan los tiroteos en los Estados Unidos

Puerto Rico News Videos from Michael_Novakhov (20 sites)
En recientes semanas ha habido dos tiroteos en los Estados Unidos. Uno en Pitsburg, Pennsylvania, y otro en la costa oeste de Estados Unidos. Para una nueva generación que está creciendo en Estados Unidos, prepararse mentalmente para un tiroteo puede suponer la diferencia entre la vida y la muerte.
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Videos - Voice of America: ¿Quién asesinó a Jamal Khashoggi?

Puerto Rico News Videos from Michael_Novakhov (20 sites)
El gobierno de EE.UU. aún no ha llegado a una conclusión sobre el asesinato de Jamal Khashoggi, dijo el Departamento de Estado. Entre tanto, el presidente Trump afirmó que su gobierno publicará un informe completo sobre el caso, reporte que incluirá información sobre quién asesinó al columnista.
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El mundo al día [Radio] - Voice of America: El mundo al día [Radio] - noviembre 19, 2018

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November 19, 2018
El mundo al día [Radio] - Voice of America: El mundo al día [Radio] - noviembre 19, 2018
Twitter Search / LeninPR: Y este junte "incidental"... ¿Qué creen? @normandoh @profangelrosa albert.cruz57 …
Buenos Días América - Voice of America: Buenos Días América - noviembre 19, 2018
Twitter Search / radioislatv: Conductor ebrio choca con sexagenaria en Arecibo
Twitter Search / radioislatv: Accidente fatal con motociclista en Toa Baja

El mundo al día [Radio] - Voice of America: El mundo al día [Radio] - noviembre 19, 2018

Puerto Rico News Podcasts from Michael_Novakhov (8 sites)
Las noticias del acontecer de Estados Unidos y el mundo con la Voz de América. [30 min.] Download audio:
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Twitter Search / LeninPR: Y este junte "incidental"... ¿Qué creen? @normandoh @profangelrosa albert.cruz57 …

Puerto Rico News Podcasts from Michael_Novakhov (8 sites)
Y este junte "incidental"... ¿Qué creen? @normandoh @profangelrosa albert.cruz57 … Twitter Search / LeninPR
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Buenos Días América - Voice of America: Buenos Días América - noviembre 19, 2018

Puerto Rico News Podcasts from Michael_Novakhov (8 sites)
Información ágil y actualizada en las voces de los protagonistas con todo lo que sucede en el mundo, los deportes y el entretenimiento. Download audio:
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Twitter Search / radioislatv: Conductor ebrio choca con sexagenaria en Arecibo

Puerto Rico News Podcasts from Michael_Novakhov (8 sites)
Conductor ebrio choca con sexagenaria en Arecibo #RadioIslaTV — Radio Isla 1320 (@radioislatv) November 19, 2018
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Twitter Search / radioislatv: Accidente fatal con motociclista en Toa Baja

Puerto Rico News Podcasts from Michael_Novakhov (8 sites)
Accidente fatal con motociclista en Toa Baja #RadioIslaTV — Radio Isla 1320 (@radioislatv) November 19, 2018
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Noticias de Puerto Rico from Michael_Novakhov (35 sites): Noticias y Blogs de PR - Review: The News and Times of Puerto Rico: Puerto Rico News: Caribbean Business: Larry Thompson Re-elected Vice Chairman of Federal Home Loan Bank of New York

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November 19, 2018
Noticias de Puerto Rico from Michael_Novakhov (35 sites): Noticias y Blogs de PR - Review: The News and Times of Puerto Rico: Puerto Rico News: Caribbean Business: Larry Thompson Re-elected Vice Chairman of Federal Home Loan Bank of New York
Noticias de Puerto Rico from Michael_Novakhov (35 sites): Twitter Search / LaPerlaPR: FBI arresta joven por pagar $4,000 por tener sexo con menor de edad |
Noticias de Puerto Rico from Michael_Novakhov (35 sites): Voice of America: Tiroteo en Chicago, policía reporta múltiples víctimas
Noticias de Puerto Rico from Michael_Novakhov (35 sites): Agencia EFE | | Edición USA: Lantronix to Present at the 11th Annual LD Micro Main Event on December 5, 2018
Puerto Rico News from Michael_Novakhov (55 sites): Caribbean Journal: Sandals Expands Barbados All-Inclusive With New Suites

Noticias de Puerto Rico from Michael_Novakhov (35 sites): Noticias y Blogs de PR - Review: The News and Times of Puerto Rico: Puerto Rico News: Caribbean Business: Larry Thompson Re-elected Vice Chairman of Federal Home Loan Bank of New York

Puerto Rico News and Noticias from Michael_Novakhov (4 sites)
El Vocero de Puerto Rico Lee El Vocero de hoy, libre de costo suscripcion/
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Noticias de Puerto Rico from Michael_Novakhov (35 sites): Twitter Search / LaPerlaPR: FBI arresta joven por pagar $4,000 por tener sexo con menor de edad |

Puerto Rico News and Noticias from Michael_Novakhov (4 sites)
FBI arresta joven por pagar $4,000 por tener sexo con menor de edad |  @LaPerlaPR Twitter Search / LaPerlaPR Noticias de Puerto Rico from Michael_Novakhov (35 sites)
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Noticias de Puerto Rico from Michael_Novakhov (35 sites): Voice of America: Tiroteo en Chicago, policía reporta múltiples víctimas

Puerto Rico News and Noticias from Michael_Novakhov (4 sites)
La policía en Chicago emitió una alerta al público para que evite el área del hospital Mercy en la ciudad, tras un tiroteo que ha dejado múltiples víctimas. El Chicago Tribune cita a un vocero del Departamento de Bomberos de la ciudad, indicando que funcionarios del departamento llamaron a un servicio de emergencias médicas para que envíen al menos 10 ambulancias al lugar debido a una situación de "tiroteo activo".
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Noticias de Puerto Rico from Michael_Novakhov (35 sites): Agencia EFE | | Edición USA: Lantronix to Present at the 11th Annual LD Micro Main Event on December 5, 2018

Puerto Rico News and Noticias from Michael_Novakhov (4 sites)
Lantronix to Present at the 11th Annual LD Micro Main Event on December 5, 2018 IRVINE, Calif., Nov. 19, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Lantronix, Inc. (the “Company”) (NASDAQ: LTRX), a global provider of secure data access and management solutions for the industrial Internet of Things (IoT), today announced that President and CEO Jeff Benck, and CFO Jeremy Whitaker will present an overview of the Company’s business at the 11th Annual LD Micro Main Event on December 5, 2018 at 4 PM Pacific Time (7 PM Eastern Time) at the Luxe Hotel located at 11461 Sunset Boulevard in Los Angeles, California.
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Puerto Rico News from Michael_Novakhov (55 sites): Caribbean Journal: Sandals Expands Barbados All-Inclusive With New Suites

Puerto Rico News and Noticias from Michael_Novakhov (4 sites)
 By the Caribbean Journal staff Sandals’ newest resort in the Caribbean has gotten even bigger. Sandals has officially launched 50 new luxury suites at its all-suite Sandals Royal Barbados resort, the company announced on Monday.
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The News and Times of Puerto Rico: Puerto Rico News: Caribbean Business: Larry Thompson Re-elected Vice Chairman of Federal Home Loan Bank of New York

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November 19, 2018
The News and Times of Puerto Rico: Puerto Rico News: Caribbean Business: Larry Thompson Re-elected Vice Chairman of Federal Home Loan Bank of New York
The News and Times of Puerto Rico: Puerto Rico News: latino – Google News: Why Philadelphia hosted anti-deportation training for Latino workers –
Carlos Cases - BingNews: Nissan chairman Carlos Ghosn arrested over ‘numerous’ misconduct acts
Carlos Cases - BingNews: Carlos Ghosn and Nissan: Another CEO with too much power is about to lose it all
Carlos Cases - Google News: 18-Year-Old Vanishes On Way to Meet Her Mom — 5 Years Later, a Suspect Is Charged -

The News and Times of Puerto Rico: Puerto Rico News: Caribbean Business: Larry Thompson Re-elected Vice Chairman of Federal Home Loan Bank of New York

Puerto Rico News - Francisco Caparros Case from Michael_Novakhov (21 sites)
El Vocero de Puerto Rico Lee El Vocero de hoy, libre de costo suscripcion/
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The News and Times of Puerto Rico: Puerto Rico News: latino – Google News: Why Philadelphia hosted anti-deportation training for Latino workers –

Puerto Rico News - Francisco Caparros Case from Michael_Novakhov (21 sites)
El Vocero de Puerto Rico Lee El Vocero de hoy, libre de costo suscripcion/
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Carlos Cases - BingNews: Nissan chairman Carlos Ghosn arrested over ‘numerous’ misconduct acts

Puerto Rico News - Francisco Caparros Case from Michael_Novakhov (21 sites)
Carlos Ghosn, chairman of Nissan Motor Co for nearly two decades and Japan’s most celebrated foreign executive, has been arrested.
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Carlos Cases - BingNews: Carlos Ghosn and Nissan: Another CEO with too much power is about to lose it all

Puerto Rico News - Francisco Caparros Case from Michael_Novakhov (21 sites)
The SEC mandated that Musk step down from the chairmanship, but his replacement, Australian businesswoman Robyn Denholm, has been on the board since 2014. Whether she can muster the authority to rein in the willful Musk, whose role at Tesla is thought to be one factor in its market valuation, which outstrips those of larger, more conventional automakers, is an open question.
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Carlos Cases - Google News: 18-Year-Old Vanishes On Way to Meet Her Mom — 5 Years Later, a Suspect Is Charged -

Puerto Rico News - Francisco Caparros Case from Michael_Novakhov (21 sites)
It was five years ago this past Saturday that 18-year-old Zoe Campos vanished without a trace in Texas. On Friday, police in Lubbock announced a break in the case and filed a felony murder charge against 25-year-old Carlos Andrew Rodriquez.
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Caribbean Business: Larry Thompson Re-elected Vice Chairman of Federal Home Loan Bank of New York

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November 19, 2018
Caribbean Business: Larry Thompson Re-elected Vice Chairman of Federal Home Loan Bank of New York
Caribbean Business: Nelipak expands its Humacao operations
Caribbean Business: Think Strategically: Gov. Rosselló 20 Months On
Caribbean Business: Puerto Rico CPA Society announces forum on Tax Reform
Caribbean Business: Animus doubles down on backing women’s growth

Caribbean Business: Larry Thompson Re-elected Vice Chairman of Federal Home Loan Bank of New York

Puerto Rico News - Caribbean and Latino Business from Michael_Novakhov (5 sites)
SAN JUAN – The Federal Home Loan Bank of New York (FHLBNY) announced Friday that Larry E. Thompson, who has served on the bank’s board as an independent director since Jan.1, 2014, has been re-elected to serve as vice chairman for a two-year term commencing Jan.1.
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Caribbean Business: Nelipak expands its Humacao operations

Puerto Rico News - Caribbean and Latino Business from Michael_Novakhov (5 sites)
SAN JUAN – Manuel Laboy, the secretary of Puerto Rico’s Economic Development and Commerce Department (DDEC by its Spanish acronym), announced the expansion of Nelipak Puerto Rico Inc., following an investment in construction, machinery and equipment, which will create 50 jobs.
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Caribbean Business: Think Strategically: Gov. Rosselló 20 Months On

Puerto Rico News - Caribbean and Latino Business from Michael_Novakhov (5 sites)
Measuring government with unbiased benchmarks This issue of Think Strategically is dedicated to evaluating how the Puerto Rico economy has performed after 20 months under Gov.
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Caribbean Business: Puerto Rico CPA Society announces forum on Tax Reform

Puerto Rico News - Caribbean and Latino Business from Michael_Novakhov (5 sites)
Home   >   Economy   >   Banking   >   Puerto Rico CPA Society announces forum on Tax Reform Puerto Rico CPA Society announces forum on Tax Reform
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Caribbean Business: Animus doubles down on backing women’s growth

Puerto Rico News - Caribbean and Latino Business from Michael_Novakhov (5 sites)
SAN JUAN – Animus, the summit designed to inspire and open doors for women to pursue their highest level of personal and professional development, will hold its fourth edition Nov.
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latino - Google News: Why Philadelphia hosted anti-deportation training for Latino workers -

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November 19, 2018
latino - Google News: Why Philadelphia hosted anti-deportation training for Latino workers -
latino - Google News: Diabetes rates for Hispanic and Latino population higher than most - Chicago Sun-Times
latino - Google News: Fatalities Reported Among Hispanic/Latino Workers Are Above Average - EHS Daily Advisor (press release) (blog)
Twitter Search / NewsAmericasNow: A snap shot of all the top #news stories from the #Caribbean In one place for Nov. 19, 2018 … via @NewsAmericasNow
Twitter Search / NewsAmericasNow: Its all about #TurksandCaicos in today’s #Caribbean #Travel #photooftheday … via @NewsAmericasNow

latino - Google News: Why Philadelphia hosted anti-deportation training for Latino workers -

Puerto Rico News - Caribbean and Latin America from Michael_Novakhov (11 sites)
Earlier sessions of the academy, hosted in Southwest Philly and Oxford Circle in the Northeast, featured workshops on sexual harassment, how to advocate for yourself, and what to expect in the American workplace.
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latino - Google News: Diabetes rates for Hispanic and Latino population higher than most - Chicago Sun-Times

Puerto Rico News - Caribbean and Latin America from Michael_Novakhov (11 sites)
Concepción Aguilar was a little surprised when she was diagnosed with diabetes 10 years ago. She was petite and active. She didn’t feel sick. Her doctor told her to watch her blood sugar-levels, but it wasn’t anything diet and exercise wouldn’t nip in the bud.
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latino - Google News: Fatalities Reported Among Hispanic/Latino Workers Are Above Average - EHS Daily Advisor (press release) (blog)

Puerto Rico News - Caribbean and Latin America from Michael_Novakhov (11 sites)
The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (NCDHHS) recently reported that after a general decline between 2007 and 2013, the rate of occupational fatalities in the state steadily increased through 2016 and has surpassed the national rate (which has also been increasing since 2013) since 2015.
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Twitter Search / NewsAmericasNow: A snap shot of all the top #news stories from the #Caribbean In one place for Nov. 19, 2018 … via @NewsAmericasNow

Puerto Rico News - Caribbean and Latin America from Michael_Novakhov (11 sites)
A snap shot of all the top #news stories from the #Caribbean In one place for Nov. 19, 2018 … via @NewsAmericasNow
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Twitter Search / NewsAmericasNow: Its all about #TurksandCaicos in today’s #Caribbean #Travel #photooftheday … via @NewsAmericasNow

Puerto Rico News - Caribbean and Latin America from Michael_Novakhov (11 sites)
Its all about #TurksandCaicos in today’s #Caribbean #Travel #photooftheday … via @NewsAmericasNow Twitter Search / NewsAmericasNow
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