12:57 PM 4/3/2012
Mike Nova's starred items
Updates to | LINK | Puerto Rico News: 4/3/2012
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Updates to | LINK | Puerto Rico News: 4/3/2012

Updates to | LINK | Puerto Rico News: 4/3/2012
10:56 AM 4/3/2012 Mike Nova's starred items LINK | Puerto Rico News: 4/3/2012 via Puerto Rico News - Archive Links's Facebook Wall by Puerto Rico News - Archive Links on 4/3/12 LINK | Puerto Rico News: 4/3/2012LINK | Puerto Rico News: 4/3/2012Puerto Rico News: 4/3/2012 Mike Nova's starred items · Tuesday, April 3, 2012.
(title unknown)
via Puerto Rico News's Facebook Wall by Puerto Rico News on 4/3/12
LINK | Puerto Rico News: 4/3/2012
Puerto Rico News: 4/3/2012 Mike Nova's starred items · Tuesday, April 3, 2012. via Local News - Puerto Rico Daily Sun - Timely news about Puerto Rico, the Caribbean and the world on 4/3/12. Tuesday, April 3, 2012. (title un... Mike Nova - 8:50 AM - +1'd on prnewslinks.blogspot.com...
Mike Nova: Variations on “Publish!”
via Puerto Rico News - Archive Links's Facebook Wall by Puerto Rico News - Archive Links on 4/3/12
Mike Nova: Variations on “Publish!”

Mike Nova: Variations on “Publish!”
Variations on “Publish!”: 1. ”Publish and be damned!” Publish and be damned!... - The Quotations Page www.quotationspage.com/quote/14599.htmlCached - Similar Publish and be damned! Arthur Wellesley, Duke of Wellington, Attributed; when the courtesan Harriette Wilson threatened to publish her memoirs and his letters ... 2. “Publish or perish…” Publish or perish - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Publish_or_perishCached - Similar "Publish or perish" is a phrase coined to describe the pressure in academia...
Immigration Sweep Nets Thousands Of Criminals, Immigration Violators
via Puerto Rico Newswire on 4/3/12
... 32 from Connecticut, the agency announced Monday. Arrests occurred in all 50 states, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, three U.S. territories and the District of Columbia. ERO officers arrested 2,834 individuals that had prior criminal convictions ...
Puerto Rico dedicates Holocaust memorial - Jewish Telegraphic Agency
via puerto rico - Google News on 4/3/12
Puerto Rico dedicates Holocaust memorial
Jewish Telegraphic Agency
"Puerto Rico is honored to have one of the largest and most important Jewish communities in the Caribbean,” said Puerto Rico Gov. Luis Fortuno during the ceremony. “It's a community that has contributed to every aspect of our society; the economy, ...
Santorum's Gaffes: The Netherlands, Puerto Rico and now California - The Moderate Voice
via puerto rico - Google News on 4/3/12

The Moderate Voice
Santorum's Gaffes: The Netherlands, Puerto Rico and now California
The Moderate Voice
Then, getting a little closer to home, he displayed some more ignorance, offended an alienated the people in Puerto Rico — perhaps contributing to his primary defeat there — by incorrectly asserting that if Puerto Ricans want their Commonwealth to ...
22 people in Puerto Rico face federal drug charges - KENS 5 TV
via puerto rico - Google News on 4/3/12
22 people in Puerto Rico face federal drug charges
AP SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP) — A Santeria leader and a former local basketball player are among 22 people sought in Puerto Rico as part of a US federal investigation into an alleged drug trafficking organization. The acting special agent in charge of ...
Hyatt Announces Plans for a Hyatt Place Hotel in Bayamón, *Puerto* *...*
via puerto rico business - Google Blog Search by admin on 4/2/12
Hospitality Business News |Hotel News |Restaurant News |Visit our site daily for hotel business news.
Hostage releases: Watershed in Colombia's conflict?
via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean on 4/3/12
Do latest rebel moves signal a real step towards peace?
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Arrestos, armas y droga ocupada en Cidra
via Primera Hora : Noticias on 4/3/12
La policía arrestó a dos hombres en una intervención por ley de tránsito y realizó un hallazgo de drogas, armas y municiones en hechos separados en la tarde de ayer, en Cidra.

Fallece el ilustrador y dibujante español Antonio Mingote
via Primera Hora : Noticias on 4/3/12
Murió en el hospital Gregorio Marañón de Madrid a causa del cáncer hepático que padecía, informó ABC, periódico para el que él trabajaba desde 1953.

Responde a tratamiento turista atacada en Vieques
via Primera Hora : Noticias on 4/3/12
Primera Hora supo que familiares se encuentran con la joven, pero se desconoce cuando ésta será dada de alta.

Radican cargos a psicólogo fatulo en Caguas
via Primera Hora : Noticias on 4/3/12
Éste practicaba la profesión de psicólogo desde el año 2008, sin estar debidamente autorizado por la Junta Examinadora de Psicólogos de Puerto Rico.

State Sen. Sandra Cunningham gives huge flag to Puerto Rican salsa festival as ....
via Puerto Rico News's Facebook Wall by Puerto Rico News on 4/3/12
State Sen. Sandra Cunningham gives huge flag to Puerto Rican salsa festival as ... - The Jersey Journal - NJ.com

State Sen. Sandra Cunningham gives huge flag to Puerto Rican salsa festival as ... - The Jersey Journal - NJ.com
The Jersey Journal - NJ.comState Sen. Sandra Cunningham gives huge flag to Puerto Rican salsa festival as ...The Jersey Journal - NJ.comBy The Jersey Journal Enlarge Michael Dempsey/The Jersey Journal Puerto Rico's March 25th Dia Nacional De La Salsa Event in its Press conference, is honored to receive the biggest Puerto rican flag from Jersey City, NJ 110 feet by 25 feet, ...and more »
'Mala Mala' Follows Young Transexuals And Drag Queens In Puerto Rico
via Puerto Rico News's Facebook Wall by Puerto Rico News on 4/3/12
'Mala Mala' Follows Young Transexuals And Drag Queens In Puerto Rico
'Mala Mala' Follows Young Transexuals And Drag Queens In Puerto Rico
... MALA: a Transformative Puerto Rican Documentary , Documentary , Drag Queen , Gender , Kickstarter , Mala Mala , Puerto Rico , Transgender , The Commonwealth of Puerto Rico is a difficult case; its residents live in a strange realm where they are not ...
'MALA MALA' Follows Young Transexuals And Drag Queens In ...
via Puerto Rico News's Facebook Wall by Puerto Rico News on 4/3/12
'MALA MALA' Follows Young Transexuals And Drag Queens In ...
'MALA MALA' Follows Young Transexuals And Drag Queens In ...
The Commonwealth of Puerto Rico is a difficult case; its residents live in a strange realm where they are not strictly "American" or "Puerto Rican", but somewhere in between. Documentary "MALA MALA: A Transformative ...
'Mala Mala' Follows Young Transexuals And Drag Queens In Puerto Rico
via Puerto Rico News's Facebook Wall by Puerto Rico News on 4/3/12
'Mala Mala' Follows Young Transexuals And Drag Queens In Puerto Rico

'Mala Mala' Follows Young Transexuals And Drag Queens In Puerto Rico
Documentary "MALA MALA: A Transformative Puerto Rican Documentary" examines another group living outside binaries: the transexual and drag queen populations on the island.
Las Malvinas: 30 años después
via Puerto Rico News's Facebook Wall by Puerto Rico News on 4/3/12
Las Malvinas: 30 años después
Las Malvinas: 30 años después
A 30 años del inicio de la guerra urge consensuar una política de estado inteligente, por parte del gobierno argentino para recuperar la soberanía del archipiélago del Atlántico Sur.
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Puerto Rico dedicates Holocaust memorial - Jewish Telegraphic Agency
via Puerto Rico News's Facebook Wall by Puerto Rico News on 4/3/12
Puerto Rico dedicates Holocaust memorial - Jewish Telegraphic Agency
Puerto Rico dedicates Holocaust memorial - Jewish Telegraphic Agency
Puerto Rico dedicates Holocaust memorialJewish Telegraphic Agency"Puerto Rico is honored to have one of the largest and most important Jewish communities in the Caribbean,” said Puerto Rico Gov. Luis Fortuno during the ceremony. “It's a community that has contributed to every aspect of our society; the economy, ...
Keeping the Ladino Language Alive Through Music
via Latino.FoxNews.com on 4/3/12
A group of Jews who trace their ancestry back to Spain meets periodically in Los Angeles to sing in Ladino, part of their Sephardic cultural heritage that fuses medieval Spanish and Hebrew.
Cardenal mexicano: visita de Papa causó entusiasmo
via Latino.FoxNews.com on 4/3/12
El cardenal mexicano Javier Lozano Barragán destacó el entusiasmo que provocó la visita del papa Benedicto XVI a México.
Roland Emmerich Will Direct ‘White House Down’
via Latino-Review.com by Philip Sticco on 4/3/12
World destroyer Roland Emmerich is in talks to direct White House Down for Universal. This is the spec script Uni bought from The Amazing Spider-man writer James Vanderbilt for $3 million, you can read more about that here.
White House Down is about a paramilitary takeover of the White House. It’s one of those “Die Hard in…” scripts that seem to be all the rage again.
This is going to be Emmerich’s next directorial effort. Originally he was going to do Singularity next, but that didn’t happen. It’s still a high priority over at Columbia, so Emmerich will most likely move on to that once he’s finished with White House Down.
SOURCE: Deadline New York
Sotomayor Gives No Hints On Health Care Decision
via Latest News by AP on 4/3/12
WASHINGTON -- Justice Sonia Sotomayor is giving no hints on what the Supreme Court is going to do on the question of whether President Barack Obama's signature health care overhaul law is constitutional.
Sotomayor was the featured speaker Monday night at a lecture hosted by the University of the District of Columbia.
The court recently heard arguments on the health care law and is expected to make a decision before the end of June. But Sotomayor made no comment on the widely followed case.
The justice used most of her conversation with Wade Henderson, president of the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, to explain how the Supreme Court works and how she decided to become a lawyer and a prosecutor.
Sotomayor also said she's a fan of Jeremy Lin, whose NBA career with the New York Knicks has spawned "Linsanity." Sotomayor, a New York native, says "New York loves him" but decried some of the racist comments the Asian-American basketball player has faced as "ugly."
"It's a sad statement people that people still say those words," said Sotomayor, who is Hispanic.
Latino Student Union awards scholarships - The Statesman
via latino - Google News on 4/3/12
Latino Student Union awards scholarships
The Statesman
By By Steve Kent RUBEN MONTERROSA ACCEPTS A $500 SCHOLARSHIP from Latino Student Union President Cristina Medrano during the Fiesta Americas celebration Saturday. MELODY SANCHEZ photo This year the Latino Student Union celebrated Latino culture through ...
MLB Preview: National League Central - Fox News
via latino - Google News on 4/3/12
MLB Preview: National League Central
Fox News
Here are the Latino MLB players to lookout for in the National League Central this season. Major League Baseball's largest division, the NL Central, has experienced a huge shake up since last season. With the current World Champion St. Louis Cardinals ...
and more »
Getting the Dream Act right - The Hill (blog)
via latino - Google News on 4/3/12

Getting the Dream Act right
The Hill (blog)
In the current environment of politics, riding on the wake of the “Yo Decido” cover of TIME Magazine, both parties are noticeably vying to score points with Latino voters. The Republican party has been relying upon Florida Senator Marco Rubio to ...
New GOP Immigration Proposals Aim to Woo LatinosFox News
Latino Group To Sen. Marco Rubio: Where is your plan to do the "right" thing?Tucson Citizen
Marco Rubio's "Belly-Flop" on the DREAM Act: A Modern 3/5 Compromise?Huffington Post (blog)
Clarksville Leaf Chronicle -Sturgis Journal (blog) -Politico
all 58 news articles »
ElNuevoDia: Radican cargos criminales contra hombre que se hacía pasar por psicólogo http://t.co/W1WWO7TH
via Twitter / ElNuevoDia on 4/3/12
ElNuevoDia: Radican cargos criminales contra hombre que se hacía pasar por psicólogo http://t.co/W1WWO7TH
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ElNuevoDia: EN VIVO: Fiscalía detalla esquema de narcotráfico │Sigue la transmisión desde las oficinas centrales de la DEA http://t.co/BPoiD4zn
via Twitter / ElNuevoDia on 4/3/12
ElNuevoDia: EN VIVO: Fiscalía detalla esquema de narcotráfico │Sigue la transmisión desde las oficinas centrales de la DEA http://t.co/BPoiD4zn
Guaynabo, Puerto Rico - 03/04/12
via Fotogalerías- Primerahora.com on 4/3/12
Guaynabo, Puerto Rico - 03/04/12 Última Actualización 6:27:30 AM
primerahora: Aspirante transexual podrá competir en #MissUniverso #Canadá http://t.co/FCPWu4Oh
via Twitter / primerahora on 4/3/12
primerahora: Aspirante transexual podrá competir en #MissUniverso #Canadá http://t.co/FCPWu4Oh
primerahora: Arrestos, armas y droga ocupada en Cidra http://t.co/nVF0ZGyo
via Twitter / primerahora on 4/3/12
primerahora: Arrestos, armas y droga ocupada en Cidra http://t.co/nVF0ZGyo
primerahora: En vivo: conferencia de prensa de la DEA sobre operativo de esta mañana: http://t.co/BGHmvUJ5
via Twitter / primerahora on 4/3/12
primerahora: En vivo: conferencia de prensa de la DEA sobre operativo de esta mañana: http://t.co/BGHmvUJ5
Responde a tratamiento turista atacada en Vieques
via Primera Hora : Lo Ultimo on 4/3/12
Primera Hora supo que familiares se encuentran con la joven, pero se desconoce cuando ésta será dada de alta.

Se retiran los dos principales directivos de Servicio Nacional de Meteorología e...
via Caribnews's Facebook Wall by Caribnews on 4/3/12
Se retiran los dos principales directivos de Servicio Nacional de Meteorología en San Juan http://ow.ly/a2TvG

Arranca la búsqueda de nuevas caras para Meteorología - El Nuevo Día
Se retiran directivos del Servicio Nacional de Meteorología
FALLECE ACADÉMICA DE LA PUCPR La Pontificia Universidad Católica de Puerto Rico...
via Ponce News's Facebook Wall by Ponce News on 4/3/12
La Pontificia Universidad Católica de Puerto Rico y su presidente, se unen a la pena que embarga a la familia de la Dra. Noemí Alvarado Ramos. La profesora Alvarado se destacó en el Departamento de Física –Matemática del recinto de Ponce de la PUCPR. La directora del Departamento de Física-Matemática, Prof. Ada Junco, la recordó como una profesional activa y muy cooperadora con las actividades de su comunidad. “Siempre fue una mujer activa y participaba mucho en los eventos del departamento. Apoyaba a los estudiantes. Era muy cooperadora con las actividades de su comunidad en Villalba” Descanza en Paz...
Ya los Partidos Politicos parecen Puntos de Droga! Se matan, ocultan y violan to...
via Ponce News's Facebook Wall by Ponce News on 4/3/12
Ya los Partidos Politicos parecen Puntos de Droga! Se matan, ocultan y violan toda ley para mantener el Poder!!!!!

Boicot partidista al escrutinio de las primarias - El Nuevo Día
El PNP logró paralizar el proceso
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10:56 AM 4/3/2012
Mike Nova's starred items
LINK | Puerto Rico News: 4/3/2012
via Puerto Rico News - Archive Links's Facebook Wall by Puerto Rico News - Archive Links on 4/3/12
LINK | Puerto Rico News: 4/3/2012

LINK | Puerto Rico News: 4/3/2012
Puerto Rico News: 4/3/2012 Mike Nova's starred items · Tuesday, April 3, 2012. via Local News - Puerto Rico Daily Sun - Timely news about Puerto Rico, the Caribbean and the world on 4/3/12. Tuesday, April 3, 2012. (title un... Mike Nova - 8:50 AM - +1'd on prnewslinks.blogspot.com...
via Puerto Rico News - Archive Links's Facebook Wall by Puerto Rico News - Archive Links on 4/3/12
2:00 AM 4/3/2012 from El Nuevo Día - Opinión A SOCIAL PACT FOR EDUCATION To fully carry out its constitutional role of ensuring quality education, the state has to undertake a profound reform process, based on the principles of democratic education, direct the main emphasis and resources toward the student's needs and set transformative curriculum....
(title unknown)
via Puerto Rico News - Archive Links's Facebook Wall by Puerto Rico News - Archive Links on 4/2/12

Pablo Casals plays BACH - Suite no 1 for Cello -BWV 1007 (part 1)
♥ ♥•.¸¸.•´¯`•♥ • • ♥ •.¸¸.•´¯`•♥ ♥ (Classical mussiC) www.facebook.com/Classical.Mussic ♥ •.¸¸.•´¯`•♥ ♥ (Classical mussiC) ♥ ♥•.¸¸.•´¯`•♥ • • ♥ •.¸¸.•´¯`•♥ ♥
(title unknown)
via Puerto Rico News - Archive Links's Facebook Wall by Puerto Rico News - Archive Links on 4/2/12

Pablo Casals plays BACH - Suite no 1 for Cello -BWV 1007 (part 2)
♥ ♥•.¸¸.•´¯`•♥ • • ♥ •.¸¸.•´¯`•♥ ♥ (Classical mussiC) www.facebook.com/Classical.Mussic ♥ •.¸¸.•´¯`•♥ ♥ (Classical mussiC) ♥ ♥•.¸¸.•´¯`•♥ • • ♥ •.¸¸.•´¯`•♥ ♥
8 de abril del 2010
via O m a r B a n u c h i on 4/3/12
Mike Nova's starred items
8 de abril del 2010
via O m a r B a n u c h i on 4/3/12
8 de abril del 2010
KEYC - Mankato News, Weather, Sports -Handyman convicted of killing cleaner in ... - KEYC TV
via puerto rico sports - Google News on 4/2/12
KEYC - Mankato News, Weather, Sports -Handyman convicted of killing cleaner in ...
Pabon, whose family is originally from Puerto Rico, had worked at the building for a few years. Rodriguez, originally from San Francisco de Macoris in the Dominican Republic, was married with three children and had worked at the building for about a ...
and more »
Resumen de la jornada del lunes en la NBA
via El Nuevo dia : Acción Deportiva on 4/3/12
Con triple, Mayo define victoria de Grizzlies sobre el Thunder.

Aspirante transexual podrá competir en Miss Universo Canadá
via Primera Hora : Lo Ultimo on 4/3/12
La organización de la competición dijo en un escueto comunicado que "permitirá a Jenna Talackova competir una vez que pruebe que cumple los requisitos legales de reconocimiento de sexo de Canadá.

Ashton Kutcher interpretará a Steve Jobs en filme biográfico
via Primera Hora : Lo Ultimo on 4/3/12
El actor de 34 años, quien cuenta con más de 10 millones de seguidores en Twitter, interpretará a Jobs desde sus años de hippie.

A prisión pirómano que quemó más de cien vehículos en Berlín
via Primera Hora : Lo Ultimo on 4/3/12
La defensa únicamente pidió para su cliente "una pena justa".

(title unknown)
via Puerto Rico News's Facebook Wall by Puerto Rico News on 4/3/12

Operativo de la DEA en Bayamón, Dorado y Vega Baja
Se espera que todos los detalles de la operación se divulguen durante una conferencia de prensa en las oficinas de la fiscalía federal en San Juan.
(title unknown)
via Puerto Rico News's Facebook Wall by Puerto Rico News on 4/3/12

Tremendo robo en supermercado J. F. Montalvo de Caguas
Se llevaron aproximadamente $21,000 en cheques y dinero en efectivo. (Vídeo)
Joan Mateo, Happy Birthday!!!!!
via Puerto Rico News's Facebook Wall by Puerto Rico News on 4/3/12
Joan Mateo, Happy Birthday!!!!!
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Sheila N. Berríos, Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!
via Puerto Rico News's Facebook Wall by Puerto Rico News on 4/3/12
Sheila N. Berríos, Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!
Man accused of trafficking drugs in pineapples bailed
via Jamaica Observer on 4/3/12
A man who was reportedly caught trafficking 42 pounds of ganja hidden in dasheens and pineapples was yesterday offered $500,000 bail when he appeared in the Corporate Area Resident Magistrate’s Court.
Honduras Succeeds Haiti for Chairmanship of OAS Permanent Council
via Caribbean Journal by admin on 4/2/12
Above: Honduras’ Leonidas and Haiti’s Duly Brutus (OAS Photo/Juan Manuel Herrera)
By the Caribbean Journal staff
Honduras’ Permanent Representative to the Organization of American States, Leonidas Rosa Bautista, yesterday assumed the chair of the OAS Permanent Council, succeeding Haitian Ambassador Duly Brutus.
Rosa Bautista will hold the position for the next three months.
“The chairmanship that we begin now has the goal of continuing the tone of responsibility, affability and consensus,” established by Bautista’s predecessors, he said.
“During the period of Honduras’ chairmanship we are going to have two hemispheric events of great importance; the Summit of the Americas in Cartagena de Indias and the OAS General Assembly in Cochabamba [Bolivia],” Bautista said.
The Ambassador said this would mark the third of four countries in a row “bathed by the waters of the Caribbean” to assume the council’s chairmanship, promising to “stamp some of the joyful and festive nature of our warm and generous lands” on the position.
Bolivian Permanent Representative Ambassador Diego Pary assumed the role of Vice Chair of the Permanent Council, pending the return to Washington of Brazil’s Permanent Representative.
Kickstarter Spotlight: Young Transexuals And Drag Queens In Puerto Rico
via Latino Voices on HuffingtonPost.com by Priscilla Frank on 4/3/12
The Commonwealth of Puerto Rico is a difficult case; its residents live in a strange realm where they are not strictly "American" or "Puerto Rican", but somewhere in between. Documentary "MALA MALA: A Transformative Puerto Rican Documentary" examines another group living outside binaries: the transexual and drag queen populations on the island.
Through directors Antonio Santini and Dan Sickles, we see a community that embraces transformation. The documentary shows a life in which the line between performance and reality fades away, where fantasy and fact contribute to one's reality. As expressed in the film: "It's you. It's your alter ego. It's you to your fullest potential in the body of a woman." A fabulous Marilyn Monroe lookalike and a prissy Puerto Rican Paris Hilton are just some of the characters in a world where capturing ephemeral moments of beauty and fun are what being young is all about.
"MALA MALA" provides a thought-provoking look at where gender identity and cultural identity intersect, while showing that life still revolves around the search for selfhood and the love between friends. As directors Santini and Sickles said: "At its core, this film is a people piece. We are interested in the relationship between the internal and external being, the dynamics between performance and gender, and the power of self-discovery."
Help "MALA MALA" achieve its goals by donating to their Kickstarter page.
Hear from the directors and characters themselves below:
Schools focus on outreach to *Latino* parents » Local News *...*
via latino - Google Blog Search by By Bethany Bray on 4/2/12
"Latino families want to participate, and we want them to be part of this discussion, too. ... If we want to be engaged with our Latino families, we need to make that as easy and as comfortable as possible. Translation is key if we ...
Al Dia: First *Latino* Battalion Chief Motivates *Latinos* — Philadelphia * ...*
via latino - Google Blog Search by Stephanie L. Klock on 4/3/12
Battalion Chief Joaquin Colon is not the average employee at the Philadelphia Fire Department but it's not just because of his high rank. Colon is the only Latino in the city to ever receive the ranking of battalion chief. He was ...
Mistakes campaigns make when courting the *Latino* vote | 89.3 KPCC
via latino - Google Blog Search by By Jude Joffe-Block on 4/2/12
Latino voters could very well decide the presidential race. But candidates have tried to appeal to Latino voters for decades, and have made plenty of blunders along the way.
Erwin de Leon: Georgia, *Latinos*, and the *Latino* Vote
via latino - Google Blog Search by Erwin de Leon on 4/3/12
Latinos and other immigrant communities need to vote and vote into office those who have their best interest in mind.
Voto *Latino*: Chilean Graffiti Artist Explores Immigration
via latino - Google Blog Search by Voto Latino on 4/3/12
It's not everywhere you see graffiti pieces about immigration, but Brooklyn-based Chilean artist Nelson Rivas aka makes it a point to explore this theme based on his own personal experiences.
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Mike Nova's starred items
Kickstarter Spotlight: Young Transexuals And Drag Queens In Puerto Rico
via Latino Voices on HuffingtonPost.com by Priscilla Frank on 4/3/12
The Commonwealth of Puerto Rico is a difficult case; its residents live in a strange realm where they are not strictly "American" or "Puerto Rican", but somewhere in between. Documentary "MALA MALA: A Transformative Puerto Rican Documentary" examines another group living outside binaries: the transexual and drag queen populations on the island.
Through directors Antonio Santini and Dan Sickles, we see a community that embraces transformation. The documentary shows a life in which the line between performance and reality fades away, where fantasy and fact contribute to one's reality. As expressed in the film: "It's you. It's your alter ego. It's you to your fullest potential in the body of a woman." A fabulous Marilyn Monroe lookalike and a prissy Puerto Rican Paris Hilton are just some of the characters in a world where capturing ephemeral moments of beauty and fun are what being young is all about.
"MALA MALA" provides a thought-provoking look at where gender identity and cultural identity intersect, while showing that life still revolves around the search for selfhood and the love between friends. As directors Santini and Sickles said: "At its core, this film is a people piece. We are interested in the relationship between the internal and external being, the dynamics between performance and gender, and the power of self-discovery."
Help "MALA MALA" achieve its goals by donating to their Kickstarter page.
Hear from the directors and characters themselves below:
Schools focus on outreach to *Latino* parents » Local News *...*
via latino - Google Blog Search by By Bethany Bray on 4/2/12
"Latino families want to participate, and we want them to be part of this discussion, too. ... If we want to be engaged with our Latino families, we need to make that as easy and as comfortable as possible. Translation is key if we ...
Al Dia: First *Latino* Battalion Chief Motivates *Latinos* — Philadelphia * ...*
via latino - Google Blog Search by Stephanie L. Klock on 4/3/12
Battalion Chief Joaquin Colon is not the average employee at the Philadelphia Fire Department but it's not just because of his high rank. Colon is the only Latino in the city to ever receive the ranking of battalion chief. He was ...
Mistakes campaigns make when courting the *Latino* vote | 89.3 KPCC
via latino - Google Blog Search by By Jude Joffe-Block on 4/2/12
Latino voters could very well decide the presidential race. But candidates have tried to appeal to Latino voters for decades, and have made plenty of blunders along the way.
Erwin de Leon: Georgia, *Latinos*, and the *Latino* Vote
via latino - Google Blog Search by Erwin de Leon on 4/3/12
Latinos and other immigrant communities need to vote and vote into office those who have their best interest in mind.
Voto *Latino*: Chilean Graffiti Artist Explores Immigration
via latino - Google Blog Search by Voto Latino on 4/3/12
It's not everywhere you see graffiti pieces about immigration, but Brooklyn-based Chilean artist Nelson Rivas aka makes it a point to explore this theme based on his own personal experiences.
primerahora: Indios logran su séptimo triunfo seguido http://t.co/PKPB5oU4
via Twitter / primerahora on 4/3/12
primerahora: Indios logran su séptimo triunfo seguido http://t.co/PKPB5oU4
primerahora: Viequenses se sienten desprotegidos http://t.co/iWScAbRR
via Twitter / primerahora on 4/3/12
primerahora: Viequenses se sienten desprotegidos http://t.co/iWScAbRR
primerahora: Escasa la representación boricua en las Grandes Ligas http://t.co/xpt4jp0z
via Twitter / primerahora on 4/3/12
primerahora: Escasa la representación boricua en las Grandes Ligas http://t.co/xpt4jp0z
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primerahora: Detienen en #Fajardo a fugitivo por delitos sexuales en #Texas http://t.co/nrr5TApf
via Twitter / primerahora on 4/3/12
primerahora: Detienen en #Fajardo a fugitivo por delitos sexuales en #Texas http://t.co/nrr5TApf
primerahora: #Policía entrevista a dos sospechosos de agresión a turista en #Vieques http://t.co/Y9X00onH
via Twitter / primerahora on 4/3/12
primerahora: #Policía entrevista a dos sospechosos de agresión a turista en #Vieques http://t.co/Y9X00onH
Arrestos, armas y droga ocupada en Cidra
via Primera Hora : Lo Ultimo on 4/3/12
La policía arrestó a dos hombres en una intervención por ley de tránsito y realizó un hallazgo de drogas, armas y municiones en hechos separados en la tarde de ayer, en Cidra.

Sexagenario se ahorca en su residencia en Mayagüez
via Primera Hora : Lo Ultimo on 4/3/12
El hombre fue hallado por su hermana María González, colgado de un abanico de techo.

Detienen en Fajardo a fugitivo por delitos sexuales en Texas
via Primera Hora : Lo Ultimo on 4/3/12
Por otra parte, Julius Mercado Quiñones, de 22 años, fue arrestado en la calle Roque de Valle Puerto Real, en Fajardo, por haber golpeado a su esposa.

Policía entrevista a dos sospechosos de agresión a turista en Vieques
via Primera Hora : Lo Ultimo on 4/3/12
El comandante Antonio López Figueroa confirmó a Primera Hora que dos individuos, de 19 y 24 años, serán entrevistados.

Guaynabo, Puerto Rico - 03/04/12
via Fotogalerías- Primerahora.com on 4/3/12
Guaynabo, Puerto Rico - 03/04/12 Última Actualización 6:27:30 AM
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Fallece el ilustrador y dibujante español Antonio Mingote
via Primera Hora : Lo Ultimo on 4/3/12
Murió en el hospital Gregorio Marañón de Madrid a causa del cáncer hepático que padecía, informó ABC, periódico para el que él trabajaba desde 1953.

ElNuevoDia: Operativo de la DEA por sustancias controladas http://t.co/Su2UPCgJ
via Twitter / ElNuevoDia on 4/3/12
ElNuevoDia: Operativo de la DEA por sustancias controladas http://t.co/Su2UPCgJ
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ElNuevoDia: Detienen a dos sospechosos de golpear a turista en #Vieques http://t.co/Ht5xcbXM
via Twitter / ElNuevoDia on 4/3/12
ElNuevoDia: Detienen a dos sospechosos de golpear a turista en #Vieques http://t.co/Ht5xcbXM
ElNuevoDia: "Para poder enseñar a todos los hombres a decir la verdad, es preciso que aprendan a oírla." -Samuel Johnson │Buenos Días
via Twitter / ElNuevoDia on 4/3/12
ElNuevoDia: "Para poder enseñar a todos los hombres a decir la verdad, es preciso que aprendan a oírla." -Samuel Johnson │Buenos Días
ElNuevoDia: En Portada: El PNP y PPD protegen los trapos sucios. http://t.co/rc269ZPl │ http://t.co/Er3R3Jqz
via Twitter / ElNuevoDia on 4/3/12
ElNuevoDia: En Portada: El PNP y PPD protegen los trapos sucios. http://t.co/rc269ZPl │ http://t.co/Er3R3Jqz
ElNuevoDia: Son cinco los sospechosos de atacar a la turista de #Vieques http://t.co/uNlq2oGQ
via Twitter / ElNuevoDia on 4/3/12
ElNuevoDia: Son cinco los sospechosos de atacar a la turista de #Vieques http://t.co/uNlq2oGQ
CEE investiga querellas de irregularidades en primaria republicana
via Política - El Nuevo Día on 4/2/12
2 de abril de 2012 09:08 p.m.
Los delegados del aspirante a la candidatura presidencial del Partido Republicano de Estados Unidos, Ron Paul informaron hoy que comenzaron a recibir cartas del presidente de la Comisión Estatal de El...
2 de abril de 2012 08:52 p.m.
El secretario de la Vivienda, Miguel Hernández Vivoni, dijo hoy que el sujeto arrestado por las autoridades federales el pasado fin de semana en el Residencial Alturas de Isabela no es líder comunitar...
2 de abril de 2012 05:50 p.m.
Por Daniel Rivera / drivera2@elnuevodia.com
El director de campaña de Luis Fortuño, Ángel Cintrón, anunció esta mañana que sus funcionarios electorales no participarán del escrutinio general de las primarias hasta que surjan cambios en la man...
2 de abril de 2012 05:44 p.m.
Por Yanira Hernández Cabiya / yhernandez@elnuevodia.com
La Comisión Estatal de Elecciones (CEE) presentó hoy ante el Tribunal de Primera Instancia de San Juan un recurso de mandamus para que se le ordene al comisionado electoral del Partido Nuevo Progresis...
2 de abril de 2012 02:50 p.m.
Por Daniel Rivera Vargas y Yanira Hernández
El presidente de la Comisión Estatal de Elecciones (CEE), Héctor Conty Pérez, irá hoy al tribunal para buscar una orden judicial para que el Partido Nuevo Progresista (PNP) se integre a las mesas de e...
2 de abril de 2012 02:24 p.m.
PONCE – Este municipio adquirió 10 camiones militares para patrullar las carreteras de la ciudad, anunció hoy la administración municipal.“Continuamos con nuestro compromiso de brindar al ciudadano ...
2 de abril de 2012 01:45 p.m.
Por Cynthia López Cabán / cynthia.lopez@elnuevodia.com
El gobernador Luis Fortuño aseguró hoy que, aunque difiere de las medidas tomadas por el presidente de la Comisión Estatal de Elecciones (CEE), Héctor Conty, todavía el funcionario mantiene su confian...
2 de abril de 2012 12:58 p.m.
El comisionado electoral del PNP, Iván Cabán, reiteró que no regresarán a las mesas electorales a trabajar, a pesar de la orden del presidente de la Comisión Estatal de Elecciones (CEE), Héctor Cont...
2 de abril de 2012 12:12 p.m.
Por Yanira Hernández Cabiya / yhernandez@elnuevodia.com
El senador Jorge Suárez denunció esta mañana que el gobernador Luis Fortuño ha desarrollado un esquema antiético para que compañías privadas paguen sus viajes políticos a Estados Unido...
2 de abril de 2012 11:30 a.m.
Por Frances Rosario / frosario@elnuevodia.com
Ante la detención del proceso del escrutinio general por parte del Partido Nuevo Progresista (PNP), los comisionados electorales se reunieron en la mañana de hoy con el presidente de la Comisión Estat...
2 de abril de 2012 11:08 a.m.
El comisionado electoral del Partido Popular Democrático (PPD), Eder Ortiz, acusó hoy al Partido Nuevo Progresista (PNP) de boicotear el escrutinio general ordenado por la Comisión Estatal de Elecci...
2 de abril de 2012 10:17 a.m.
El comisionado electoral del Partido Independentista Puertorriqueño (PIP), Roberto Iván Aponte, se opuso hoy al reclamo del Partido Nuevo Progresista (PNP) de que se entreguen las listas de las primar...
2 de abril de 2012 08:32 a.m.
Pasar el tiempo en familia y reflexionar sobre el sacrificio de Jesús para salvar a la humanidad serán las dos actividades principales que realizarán los políticos y funcionarios durante este Semana S...
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LINK | Puerto Rico News: 4/3/2012
via Puerto Rico News - Archive Links's Facebook Wall by Puerto Rico News - Archive Links on 4/3/12
LINK | Puerto Rico News: 4/3/2012

LINK | Puerto Rico News: 4/3/2012
Puerto Rico News: 4/3/2012 Mike Nova's starred items · Tuesday, April 3, 2012. via Local News - Puerto Rico Daily Sun - Timely news about Puerto Rico, the Caribbean and the world on 4/3/12. Tuesday, April 3, 2012. (title un... Mike Nova - 8:50 AM - +1'd on prnewslinks.blogspot.com...
via Puerto Rico News - Archive Links's Facebook Wall by Puerto Rico News - Archive Links on 4/3/12

2:00 AM 4/3/2012 from El Nuevo Día - Opinión A SOCIAL PACT FOR EDUCATION To fully carry out its constitutional role of ensuring quality education, the state has to undertake a profound reform process, based on the principles of democratic education, direct the main emphasis and resources toward the student's needs and set transformative curriculum....
Confronting the people-traffickers
via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean on 4/2/12
Confronting Argentina's people-traffickers
Obama in US-Canada-Mexico talks
via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean on 4/2/12
Combating drugs and reducing trade barriers dominate a one-day summit between the leaders of the US, Canada and Mexico at the White House.
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VIDEO: Farc hostages flown to freedom
via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean on 4/2/12
Colombia's leftist Farc rebels have released their last 10 police and military hostages.
Pauline's Pirates & Privateers: History: In the *Caribbean* Sea
via caribbean - Google Blog Search by Pauline on 4/2/12
History: In the Caribbean Sea. Mustered and inspected the crew. At 9 A.M., sent a boat on board of a Spanish schooner twenty days from Boston, bound to the port of San Domingo. Received some newspapers by her as late ...
Born in Haiti’s Football Fields, JahNesta Makes Its Mark in Reggae
via Caribbean Journal by admin on 4/2/12
By Alexander Britell
Before the music, there was football.
Haiti’s premier reggae band was born on Haiti’s football fields, where Alain Moraille would play in what he calls the sport’s “school of life.”
The same friends with whom Moraille competed on Port-au-Prince’s fields eventually became his collaborators in JahNesta, a reggae band which continues to make its mark on the increasingly global reggae scene.
“Before playing music, we were playing ball,” he says.
Despite a dearth of Haiti-sourced reggae to date, the music is broadly appreciated in the country, according to Moraille.
Modern Haitian reggae largely began with Port-au-Prince native Bigga Haitian, who rose to prominence in the 1990s after spending his formative years in Brooklyn.
While Moraille is quick to say JahNesta did not invent Haitian reggae, his group has certainly brought it to the forefront.
“People tend to say JahNesta is the first reggae band in Haiti,” he says. “But I’ll be the first one to say no. Because I was influenced by other artists — at the time, they were doing another type of music, but they would have one reggae song on their album. So it already started there.”
Reggae’s popularity has only grown in the country, he says, though it has always been something of a force.
“It’s not like other types of music where it’s a fashion trend,” he says. “Reggae was already there. When you go into the ghetto, for example, people really listen to reggae music. That’s why it was natural for me to do reggae music in Creole. Because I always knew that people would identify themselves with the music.”
The music resonates in Haiti, he says, because of its message.
“Coming from a third world country, or any country, I think reggae is a music that deals with reality, what people are living,” he says. “As Bob Marley would put it, reggae is ‘news.’ There’s no fiction in roots reggae. It’s real — it’s something that people are living.”
JahNesta, which has grown to include members from Jamaica, Brazil and South Africa, is expanding its portfolio to include songs in English and French, in order to concentrate on the international market — although Moraille said the group would merely change the lyrics — not the message.
“The content is something that is very important to me,” he says. “The more people can dig and understand the message, the better it is. That doesn’t mean we’re going to stop doing music in Creole — that’s where we come from. It’s just to have a broader perspective.”
JahNesta continues to tour, though its membership has seen turnover through the years. A number of players, after touring in the US and Canada, chose to stay abroad, as the political situation got “heavy” in Haiti.
Not much has changed today — and as the domestic political situation continues to face uncertainty, it’s on the mind of Moraille, who says music can be crucial in helping to harmonize the country.
“Music is a big tool — an important to tool,” he says. “I feel that unless we really, deeply change our mindset, our conscience, no politics will be able to change.”
And reggae may even be the solution.
“I would invite the politicians to listen more to reggae,” he says. “Maybe they would be better politicians!”
Ecuador boycotts Americas summit
via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean on 4/2/12
President Rafael Correa of Ecuador says he will boycott this month's Summit of the Americas in Colombia because Cuba is not invited.
Colombian hostages' long wait for freedom
via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean on 4/3/12
Colombian joy as rebels release hostages
The giant snake that stalked the Earth
via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean on 4/2/12
The giant snake that slithered in South America's swampy jungles
Booming bamboo: The next super-material?
via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean on 4/3/12
Nicaragua aims to capitalise on the fast-growing plant
“Climate change not the cause of *Caribbean* coral reef decline *...*
via caribbean - Google Blog Search by Steven Goddard on 4/3/12
No doubt we will see lots of retractions and apologies from the hockey team for endlessly lying about this. Climate change not the cause of Caribbean coral...
10:34 AM 4/3/2012
Mike Nova's starred items
Confronting the people-traffickers
via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean on 4/2/12
Confronting Argentina's people-traffickers
Obama in US-Canada-Mexico talks
via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean on 4/2/12
Combating drugs and reducing trade barriers dominate a one-day summit between the leaders of the US, Canada and Mexico at the White House.
VIDEO: Farc hostages flown to freedom
via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean on 4/2/12
Colombia's leftist Farc rebels have released their last 10 police and military hostages.
Pauline's Pirates & Privateers: History: In the *Caribbean* Sea
via caribbean - Google Blog Search by Pauline on 4/2/12
History: In the Caribbean Sea. Mustered and inspected the crew. At 9 A.M., sent a boat on board of a Spanish schooner twenty days from Boston, bound to the port of San Domingo. Received some newspapers by her as late ...
Born in Haiti’s Football Fields, JahNesta Makes Its Mark in Reggae
via Caribbean Journal by admin on 4/2/12
By Alexander Britell
Before the music, there was football.
Haiti’s premier reggae band was born on Haiti’s football fields, where Alain Moraille would play in what he calls the sport’s “school of life.”
The same friends with whom Moraille competed on Port-au-Prince’s fields eventually became his collaborators in JahNesta, a reggae band which continues to make its mark on the increasingly global reggae scene.
“Before playing music, we were playing ball,” he says.
Despite a dearth of Haiti-sourced reggae to date, the music is broadly appreciated in the country, according to Moraille.
Modern Haitian reggae largely began with Port-au-Prince native Bigga Haitian, who rose to prominence in the 1990s after spending his formative years in Brooklyn.
While Moraille is quick to say JahNesta did not invent Haitian reggae, his group has certainly brought it to the forefront.
“People tend to say JahNesta is the first reggae band in Haiti,” he says. “But I’ll be the first one to say no. Because I was influenced by other artists — at the time, they were doing another type of music, but they would have one reggae song on their album. So it already started there.”
Reggae’s popularity has only grown in the country, he says, though it has always been something of a force.
“It’s not like other types of music where it’s a fashion trend,” he says. “Reggae was already there. When you go into the ghetto, for example, people really listen to reggae music. That’s why it was natural for me to do reggae music in Creole. Because I always knew that people would identify themselves with the music.”
The music resonates in Haiti, he says, because of its message.
“Coming from a third world country, or any country, I think reggae is a music that deals with reality, what people are living,” he says. “As Bob Marley would put it, reggae is ‘news.’ There’s no fiction in roots reggae. It’s real — it’s something that people are living.”
JahNesta, which has grown to include members from Jamaica, Brazil and South Africa, is expanding its portfolio to include songs in English and French, in order to concentrate on the international market — although Moraille said the group would merely change the lyrics — not the message.
“The content is something that is very important to me,” he says. “The more people can dig and understand the message, the better it is. That doesn’t mean we’re going to stop doing music in Creole — that’s where we come from. It’s just to have a broader perspective.”
JahNesta continues to tour, though its membership has seen turnover through the years. A number of players, after touring in the US and Canada, chose to stay abroad, as the political situation got “heavy” in Haiti.
Not much has changed today — and as the domestic political situation continues to face uncertainty, it’s on the mind of Moraille, who says music can be crucial in helping to harmonize the country.
“Music is a big tool — an important to tool,” he says. “I feel that unless we really, deeply change our mindset, our conscience, no politics will be able to change.”
And reggae may even be the solution.
“I would invite the politicians to listen more to reggae,” he says. “Maybe they would be better politicians!”
Ecuador boycotts Americas summit
via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean on 4/2/12
President Rafael Correa of Ecuador says he will boycott this month's Summit of the Americas in Colombia because Cuba is not invited.
Colombian hostages' long wait for freedom
via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean on 4/3/12
Colombian joy as rebels release hostages
The giant snake that stalked the Earth
via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean on 4/2/12
The giant snake that slithered in South America's swampy jungles
Booming bamboo: The next super-material?
via BBC News - Latin America & Caribbean on 4/3/12
Nicaragua aims to capitalise on the fast-growing plant
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Mike Nova's starred items
“Climate change not the cause of *Caribbean* coral reef decline *...*
via caribbean - Google Blog Search by Steven Goddard on 4/3/12
No doubt we will see lots of retractions and apologies from the hockey team for endlessly lying about this. Climate change not the cause of Caribbean coral...
Malawi: Conoce al abogado de Malawi más seguido en Facebook
via Global Voices en Español » Inglés by Adriana Pedemonte on 4/3/12
Facebook se ha convertido en una de las principales plataformas para actualizaciones y discusiones socio-políticas en Malawi. Por ejemplo, el arresto [en] del prominente abogado y activista de Malawi, Ralph Kasambara [en], en febrero de 2012, atrajo una atención masiva en Facebook. Después que su colega y abogado Wapona Kita [en] publicara la noticia en su página de Facebook [en], los principales medios tuvieron que seguir las actualizaciones de su Facebook para mantener a los lectores, oyentes y teleespectadores informados.
En una entrevista especial con Global Voices Online sobre por qué es tan proclive a utilizar Facebook, Kita dijo que Facebook lo ayuda a conectarse con tanta gente como le es posible sobre asuntos importantes que afectan a la nación:
Estar en una red social ya no es una opción en estos tiempos. Las actualizaciones que solían tomar días o meses en llegar son ahora accesibles en solo segundos. Entonces, así como yo me beneficio con las actualizaciones de otras personas, del mismo modo me veo obligado a actualizar a mis amigos, y si estás en una posición privilegiada en la que consigues información fácilmente, ¡por qué no compartirla si es buena para el consumo público!
Wapona Kita, el abogado de Malaui más seguido en Facebook. Fuente de la imagen: página de Facebook de Kita.
Kita agregó que ya alcanzó el número máximo de 5000 amigos en Facebook, y todavía tiene 2000 solicitudes de amigos a confirmar.
Valoro a todos estos amigos por lo que son y por lo que puedo darles en términos de compartir información de una manera aceptable.
Blogueros como Mbachi Joyce Ng'oma [en] postearon mensajes en apoyo a Kasambara. El arresto y detención de Ralph Kasambara, ex fiscal general, tuvo lugar después de una disputa en su bufete con gente que, él sostiene, fue contratada por el gobierno de Malawi para atacarlo y arrojar una bomba de gasolina a su oficina.
Kita, socio residente en Ralph y Arnolds Asociados en Lilongwe, saltó a la fama cuando tomó un caso que involucraba a Jim Jumani Johannson [en], quien afirmaba ser el hijo del expresidente de Malawi Kamuzu Banda. El año pasado, desafió a la Autoridad Reguladora de Energía de Malawi por el alza en los precios del combustible, que registraron un ajuste mayor al 20 por ciento con respecto al precio estándar.
Según Internet World Stats, a partir del 31 de diciembre de 2011 hubo 716,400 usuarios de Internet [en] en Malawi. Actualmente hay 127,740 usuarios de Facebook [en] en Malawi. Malawi ocupa el número 134 en el ranking de estadísticas de Facebook por país.
Siguiendo la crisis de la falta de combustible en Malawi, un internauta, Frederick Bvalani [en], creó un grupo de Facebook [en] como herramienta para que los ciudadanos puedan actualizarse mutuamente sobre los últimos suministros de combustible en las gasolineras.
Escrito por Victor Kaonga · Traducido por Adriana Pedemonte · Ver post original [en] · Comentarios (0)
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Libertad de Internet en el Sudeste Asiático
via Global Voices en Español » Inglés by Veronica Sabalete on 4/3/12
Expertos en ciberpolítica, blogueros y activistas de Facebook en Tailandia se sienten a menudo profundamente frustrados y disgustados por la ausencia de libertad para escribir sin restricción.
No obstante, la frustración de los ciberciudadanos ante la censura, al parecer, creciente, no es exclusiva de Tailandia, sino que es más bien parte de la ola global de control estatal sobre la libertad en Internet.
A medida que Internet y los nuevos medios de comunicación dominan el flujo de noticias e información en el planeta, los gobiernos contraatacan con medidas de control, regulan y censuran contenidos de blogs, sitios web y mensajes de texto.
Un nuevo estudio [en] dirigido por OpenNet Initiative, un reconocido grupo de investigación que estudia la vigilancia y el filtrado en Internet, con sede en la Universidad de Toronto, condujo pruebas sobre el grado de filtrado y transparencia en varios países del Sudeste Asiático. Los resultados revelan ciertas tendencias generales.
Si bien el aumento en el uso de Internet en toda la región (excepto en Burma) ha causado inquietud entre los líderes políticos, las razones de esta preocupación son de distinta índole.
Indonesia y Tailandia centran sus esfuerzos de la censura de Internet sobre cuestiones sociales, particularmente en la pornografía en internet, mientras que Malasia, Vietnam, Burma y, en cierta medida, Tailandia, hacen todo lo posible para reprimir a los ciber disidentes que ellos estiman son una amenaza a la estabilidad del régimen.
Los diversos grados de filtrado en temas sociales, políticos y de importancia para la seguridad nacional, dan muestra de la prioridad de cada país respecto al control en Internet.
Algunos líderes, sin embargo, se muestran más paranoicos sobre la amenaza de Internet que otros.
El Gobierno de Birmania ha tomado medidas desproporcionadas para restringir la libertad de Internet respecto a la magnitud del problema.
No solo el número de birmanos que accede a Internet es inferior al 1%, sino que el toque de queda de permiso de conexión, restringido al horario de 9 p.m. a 5 a.m. disuade más si cabe, a los usuarios de la red.
Los ataques cibernéticos cometidos a los grupos de la oposición están a la orden del día; además, duras sanciones aguardan a cualquier infractor.
Otros líderes, mientras mantienen la guardia sobre los potenciales impactos negativos de Internet en la estabilidad política, han optado por conceder mayor libertad de Internet.
Singapur, gobernado por un partido hegemónico, presenta uno de los índices de penetración de Internet más altos a escala mundial. En vez de poner en marcha la vigilancia cibernética y el filtrado, sus líderes prefieren confiar en los medios no tecnológicos para contener los comentarios en la red que se estiman como una amenaza a los valores sociales, así como a la armonía étnica y religiosa. Estos mecanismos de control de “segunda generación”, como los querellas, las multas elevadas, y el enjuiciamiento criminal, funcionan como disuasores de conductas “inapropiadas” en Internet.
Tailandia, a diferencia de sus vecinos, presenta una práctica de censura de Internet bastante “esquizofrénica”. El estado tailandés comenzó su vigilancia cibernética en 2002 sobre las asuntos de pornografía, separatismo, apuestas, terrorismo y los comentarios negativos vertidos a la monarquía, pero en los últimos años han concentrado muchos de sus esfuerzos en éste último. El estudio revela que el filtrado no se ejerce de forma consistente entre los proveedores de Internet: “TOT”, gestionado por el estado, lleva a cabo mayor vigilancia que su homólogo privado ”True”.
De hecho, el país no dispone de una ley explícita sobre privacidad y las regulaciones en materia de censura permanecen opacas -lo cual concede poder desmesurado al estado para ejecutar a los ciber disidentes a su antojo. Pese a este clima de miedo permanente y de auto censura entre los ciberciudadanos tailandeses, un número creciente de ellos ha resistido con cierto éxito al control gracias a diversas herramientas de circunvención.
El futuro de la libertad de Internet mundial parece sombrío pese al crecimiento de los usuarios de Internet. El Sudeste Asiático no parece ser una excepción. Los gobiernos, ricos y pobres, han perfeccionado sus medidas de ciber control, y cada vez emplean más herramientas sofisticadas para censurar Internet en nombre de la “seguridad nacional”.
Las compañías privadas reaccionan con mayor innovación a la ciber seguridad, en contraposición a desarrollar nuevas formas de promover conexiones cibernéticas e instrumentos para burlar la vigilancia.
Fuente: Adaptación de Access Contested —”Acceso Disputado”— (2011), a excepción de Singapur, cuyos resultados provienen de su estudio en 2007. La columna Net Freedom —”Libertad en Internet”— se basa en las pruebas llevadas a cabo por Freedom House Net Freedom en 2011. * El índice de penetración se basa en el estudio de la Unión Internacional de las Comunicaciones —ITU, por sus siglas en inglés—, 2009, 2010.
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Escrito por Aim Sinpeng · Traducido por Veronica Sabalete · Ver post original [en] · Comentarios (0)
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Corea del Sur bloquea la entrada a Greenpeace por su posición nuclear
via Global Voices en Español » Inglés by Cati Restrepo on 4/3/12
Las autoridades de inmigración surcoreanas bloquearon la entrada al país a tres miembros de Greenpeace. Kumi Naidoo, director ejecutivo internacional de Greenpeace tuiteó acerca del incidente y sus varios tuiteos [en] fueron rápidamente traducidos al coreano.
Escrito por Lee Yoo Eun · Traducido por Cati Restrepo · Ver post original [en] · Comentarios (0)
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Timeline Of 10 Major U.S. Federal Immigration Laws
via Cultura on Huffington Post by The Huffington Post News Team on 4/3/12
Last week, Politico honored the anniversary of our nation’s first immigration law, the Naturalization Act of 1790.
What was required of foreign-...
Read more: Immigration Reform, Cultura, Video, US Immigration Laws, US Immigration, Latino Politics, Immigration, Latino Prosperity, Slidepollajax, Latino Voices News
Las Malvinas: 30 años después
via 80grados.net by Diego Gil Mortola on 4/3/12
A 30 años del inicio de la guerra urge consensuar una política de estado inteligente, por parte del gobierno argentino para recuperar la soberanía del archipiélago del Atlántico Sur.
#roadkill (Taken with Instagram at Parque Luis Muñoz Rivera)
via Fotos de Hoy on 4/2/12
Puerto Rico News: 4/3/2012
9:56 AM 4/3/2012
#roadkill (Taken with Instagram at Parque Luis Muñoz Rivera)
via Fotos de Hoy on 4/2/12
#roadkill (Taken with Instagram at Parque Luis Muñoz Rivera)
#roadkill q carajos es eso? #pelosconplumas (Taken with...
via Fotos de Hoy on 4/2/12
#roadkill q carajos es eso? #pelosconplumas (Taken with Instagram at Paseo De Los Presidentes)
Taken with Instagram at Cementerio Santa Maria Magdalena De...
via Fotos de Hoy on 4/2/12
Taken with Instagram at Cementerio Santa Maria Magdalena De Pazzis
Taken with Instagram at Castillo San Felipe Del Morro
via Fotos de Hoy on 4/2/12
Taken with Instagram at Castillo San Felipe Del Morro
Francia: Lyon será sede de la Conferencia World Wide Web 2012
via Global Voices en Español » Inglés by Cati Restrepo on 4/3/12
La conferencia World Wide Web 2012 [en] tendrá lugar este año en Lyon, Francia, del 16 al 20 de abril, y presentará a muchas prominentes figuras, actuales e históricas, de la Web. La autora de Global Voices Online Danica Radovanovic [en] presentara el primer día un estudio sobre “una de las más populares dinámica social y de comunicación en las redes y medios sociales”. Lea másen su blog aquí [en].
Escrito por Suzanne Lehn · Traducido por Cati Restrepo · Ver post original [fr] · Comentarios (0)
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Emiratos Árabes Unidos: Activista arrestado por sus tuiteos
via Global Voices en Español » Inglés by Elizabeth Rivera on 4/3/12
El tuiteo de Saleh Aldhaifairi cuando fue arrestado
Con el nacimiento de la Primavera Árabe, las autoridades de los Emiratos Árabes Unidos parecen intimidarse por cualquier voz que clame por reformas o cambios. Todo comenzó con los arrestos arbitrarios de cinco activistas por haber firmado una petición en internet y su detención ilegal por meses antes de otorgarles el ‘perdón' como parte de las celebraciones nacionales anuales.
Poco tiempo después, a siete activistas políticos [en] se les quitó su nacionalidad después de una orden emitida por el Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, presidente de los Emiratos Árabes Unidos. Ahora último, un nuevo caso de violación de la libre expresión se dio a conocer después del arresto de Saleh AlDhufairi, un islamista que pedía cambios.
En su último tuiteo [ar], AlDhufairi (@SalehAlDhufairi) escribió que estaba siendo arrestado en su casa de Ras Al-Khaimaa. La policía de Dubai publicó una declaración [en] explicando:
El Vocero de la Policía de Dubai anunció que Saleh Al Dhafairi ha sido arrestado por incitamiento. De acuerdo con la declaración de la Policía de Dubai, Al Dhafairi ha sido acusado de incitar, a través de la escritura o verbalmente, la difusión de ideas que dañan la unidad nacional o la paz social. El vocero confirmó que Al Dhafairi será derivado al Fiscal General después de 48 horas enfatizando que la ley castiga a los sediciosos. Añadió que lo que hizo el acusado cae bajo la jurisdicción de las leyes federales.
En respuesta, Al-Islah, un grupo islámico, emitió un comunicado [ar] condenando el arresto de AlDhafairi, asegurando que las detenciones no evitaran sus demandas y que están en contra de quitar la ciudadanía o de los arrestos. Al-Islah indica que cuando lo detuvieron, AlDhafairi pidió su orden de detención, y en respuesta las fuerzas de seguridad irrumpieron en su hogar y se lo llevaron.
Escrito por Mona Kareem · Traducido por Elizabeth Rivera · Ver post original [en] · Comentarios (0)
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Argentina: Cubriendo el 30avo aniversario de la Guerra de Las Malvinas
via Global Voices en Español » Inglés by Cati Restrepo on 4/3/12
Lillie Langtry del blog Memory in Latin America [en] muestra la cobertura de los medios al 30avo aniversario del inicio de La Guerra de Las Malvinas. Lillie además comparte algunas caricaturas del caricaturista Miguel Rep en Página/12, sobre el aniversario.
Escrito por Silvia Viñas · Traducido por Cati Restrepo · Ver post original [en] · Comentarios (0)
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Un archipiélago de sonidos
via 80grados.net by 80grados on 4/3/12
Sesiones en estudio de algunos grupos de la escena alternativa grabadas en video, ese es el nuevo proyecto de Puerto Rico Indie.
Anunciamos la Cumbre de Medios Ciudadanos de Global Voices en Nairobi, Kenia
via Global Voices en Español » Inglés by Gabriela Garcia Calderon Orbe on 4/3/12
¡Nos complace anunciar la Cumbre de Medios Ciudadanos de Global Voices 2012! [en]. Este año nuestra reunión tiene lugar en Nairobi, Kenia el 2 y 3 de julio, en sociedad con iHub [en] de Nairobi.
Visita el sitio web de la Cumbre [en] para ver información de los antecedentes sobre los objetivos de la reunión [en] - muy pronto, agregaremos detalles para el registro.
En los próximos días y semanas complementaremos el programa, agregaremos las biografías de los oradores, una lista de los asistentes y más — y sigue mirando en el sitio para ver posts y comentarios de los participantes de la Cumbre y otros, y para unirte a la conversación también.
La Cumbre de Medios Ciudadanos de Global Voices 2012 ha sido posible gracias al generoso apoyo de Google, Hivos, MacArthur Foundation, Open Society Institute, Adessium Foundation, Knight Foundation y Yahoo!.
Escrito por Georgia Popplewell · Traducido por Gabriela Garcia Calderon Orbe · Ver post original [en] · Comentarios (0)
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Mike Nova's starred items
'Mala Mala' Follows Young Transexuals And Drag Queens In Puerto Rico
via Puerto Rico Newswire on 4/3/12
... MALA: a Transformative Puerto Rican Documentary , Documentary , Drag Queen , Gender , Kickstarter , Mala Mala , Puerto Rico , Transgender , The Commonwealth of Puerto Rico is a difficult case; its residents live in a strange realm where they are not ...
'MALA MALA' Follows Young Transexuals And Drag Queens In Puerto Rico (WATCH) - Huffington Post
via puerto rico - Google News on 4/3/12
'MALA MALA' Follows Young Transexuals And Drag Queens In Puerto Rico (WATCH)
Huffington Post
The Commonwealth of Puerto Rico is a difficult case; its residents live in a strange realm where they are not strictly "American" or "Puerto Rican", but somewhere in between. Documentary "MALA MALA: A Transformative Puerto Rican Documentary" examines ...
State Sen. Sandra Cunningham gives huge flag to Puerto Rican salsa festival as ... - The Jersey Journal - NJ.com
via puerto rico - Google News on 4/3/12

The Jersey Journal - NJ.com
State Sen. Sandra Cunningham gives huge flag to Puerto Rican salsa festival as ...
The Jersey Journal - NJ.com
By The Jersey Journal Enlarge Michael Dempsey/The Jersey Journal Puerto Rico's March 25th Dia Nacional De La Salsa Event in its Press conference, is honored to receive the biggest Puerto rican flag from Jersey City, NJ 110 feet by 25 feet, ...
and more »
Updates to | LINK | Puerto Rico News: 4/3/2012
via Fotos de Hoy on 4/2/12
via Puerto Rico News by Mike Nova on 4/3/12
Puerto Rico News: 4/3/2012
9:56 AM 4/3/2012
Puerto Rico News: 4/3/2012
Mike Nova's starred items · Tuesday, April 3, 2012. via Local News - Puerto Rico Daily Sun - Timely news about Puerto Rico, the Caribbean and the world on 4/3/12. Tuesday, April 3, 2012. (title un...
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El Vocero de la Policía de Dubai anunció que Saleh Al Dhafairi ha sido arrestado por incitamiento. De acuerdo con la declaración de la Policía de Dubai, Al Dhafairi ha sido acusado de incitar, a travé...