10:03 AM 4/11/2019 - El Mundo al Día
El Mundo al Día by vozdeamerica
Lo que sucede en Washington, Estados Unidos y el mundo en un solo lugar.
La administración Trump aseguró que la decisión sobre esta política fue negociada entre ambos países. Sin embargo, la Cancillería mexicana indico a través de un comunicado que se trató de una determinación unilateral.
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Cada día, la información que afecta e interesa a los hispanos en Estados Unidos con nuestros presentadores:
Noticiero Univision 6:30pm
Jorge Ramos e Ilia Calderón
Noticiero Univision Edición Nocturna
Enrique Acevedo y Patricia Janiot
Noticiero Univision Edición Digital
Carolina Sarassa y Javier Olivares
Noticiero Univision Fin de Semana
Arantxa Loizaga y Félix de Bedout
Noticiero Univision 6:30pm
Jorge Ramos e Ilia Calderón
Noticiero Univision Edición Nocturna
Enrique Acevedo y Patricia Janiot
Noticiero Univision Edición Digital
Carolina Sarassa y Javier Olivares
Noticiero Univision Fin de Semana
Arantxa Loizaga y Félix de Bedout
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Un oficial de Inmigración le dijo a Univision que por el momento ningún oficial de Aduanas y Protección Fronteriza ha llegado a los centros de detención para procesar a familias inmigrantes. La falta de este personal en las garitas ha provocado que los conductores de camiones deban esperar hasta el doble de tiempo para cruzar a EEUU.
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Dale ‘Me Gusta’ en Facebook: http://uni.vi/ZStby
Síguenos en Twitter: http://uni.vi/ZStfn e Instagram: http://uni.vi/ZSuld
Cada día, la información que afecta e interesa a los hispanos en Estados Unidos con nuestros presentadores:
Noticiero Univision 6:30pm
Jorge Ramos e Ilia Calderón
Noticiero Univision Edición Nocturna
Enrique Acevedo y Patricia Janiot
Noticiero Univision Edición Digital
Carolina Sarassa y Javier Olivares
Noticiero Univision Fin de Semana
Arantxa Loizaga y Félix de Bedout
Noticiero Univision 6:30pm
Jorge Ramos e Ilia Calderón
Noticiero Univision Edición Nocturna
Enrique Acevedo y Patricia Janiot
Noticiero Univision Edición Digital
Carolina Sarassa y Javier Olivares
Noticiero Univision Fin de Semana
Arantxa Loizaga y Félix de Bedout
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Organizaciones proinmigrantes y coaliciones de derechos civiles protestaron en contra de la SB-168 y la HB-527, las cuales siguen avanzando en la legislatura estatal. La mayor crítica a estas iniciativas es que podrían afectar las relaciones de los inmigrantes con las autoridades policiales. Expertos en derecho ya amenazan con acudir a los tribunales si finalmente las propuestas se convierten en ley porque las consideran anticonstitucionales.
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Dale ‘Me Gusta’ en Facebook: http://uni.vi/ZStby
Síguenos en Twitter: http://uni.vi/ZStfn e Instagram: http://uni.vi/ZSuld
Cada día, la información que afecta e interesa a los hispanos en Estados Unidos con nuestros presentadores:
Noticiero Univision 6:30pm
Jorge Ramos e Ilia Calderón
Noticiero Univision Edición Nocturna
Enrique Acevedo y Patricia Janiot
Noticiero Univision Edición Digital
Carolina Sarassa y Javier Olivares
Noticiero Univision Fin de Semana
Arantxa Loizaga y Félix de Bedout
Noticiero Univision 6:30pm
Jorge Ramos e Ilia Calderón
Noticiero Univision Edición Nocturna
Enrique Acevedo y Patricia Janiot
Noticiero Univision Edición Digital
Carolina Sarassa y Javier Olivares
Noticiero Univision Fin de Semana
Arantxa Loizaga y Félix de Bedout
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En la ciudad de Crosby el mandatario se reunió con un sindicato de ingenieros y allí firmó dos decretos para impulsar la construcción de oleoductos e infraestructura para el intercambio comercial. Al parecer, en el estado no solo buscó reforzar su base política sino también elevar su mensaje de emergencia en la frontera al presentar en San Antonio a un grupo de rancheros que denunciaron que inmigrantes cruzan sus tierras diariamente.
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Dale ‘Me Gusta’ en Facebook: http://uni.vi/ZStby
Síguenos en Twitter: http://uni.vi/ZStfn e Instagram: http://uni.vi/ZSuld
Cada día, la información que afecta e interesa a los hispanos en Estados Unidos con nuestros presentadores:
Noticiero Univision 6:30pm
Jorge Ramos e Ilia Calderón
Noticiero Univision Edición Nocturna
Enrique Acevedo y Patricia Janiot
Noticiero Univision Edición Digital
Carolina Sarassa y Javier Olivares
Noticiero Univision Fin de Semana
Arantxa Loizaga y Félix de Bedout
Noticiero Univision 6:30pm
Jorge Ramos e Ilia Calderón
Noticiero Univision Edición Nocturna
Enrique Acevedo y Patricia Janiot
Noticiero Univision Edición Digital
Carolina Sarassa y Javier Olivares
Noticiero Univision Fin de Semana
Arantxa Loizaga y Félix de Bedout
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De acuerdo al meteorólogo de Univision, Eduardo Rodríguez, lo peor en cuanto a nieve y viento se presentará en Nebraska, Dakota del Sur y Minnesota en las próximas 72 horas. El elemento blanco que trae el fenómeno meteorológico podría afectar la parte superior de los grandes lagos. En Ohio, Tennessee y en valles del Mississippi hay advertencia de tormentas eléctricas. 200 millones de personas están en alerta.
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Dale ‘Me Gusta’ en Facebook: http://uni.vi/ZStby
Síguenos en Twitter: http://uni.vi/ZStfn e Instagram: http://uni.vi/ZSuld
Suscríbete: http://uni.vi/ZSubK
Infórmate: http://uni.vi/4mSc8L
Dale ‘Me Gusta’ en Facebook: http://uni.vi/ZStby
Síguenos en Twitter: http://uni.vi/ZStfn e Instagram: http://uni.vi/ZSuld
Cada día, la información que afecta e interesa a los hispanos en Estados Unidos con nuestros presentadores:
Noticiero Univision 6:30pm
Jorge Ramos e Ilia Calderón
Noticiero Univision Edición Nocturna
Enrique Acevedo y Patricia Janiot
Noticiero Univision Edición Digital
Carolina Sarassa y Javier Olivares
Noticiero Univision Fin de Semana
Arantxa Loizaga y Félix de Bedout
Noticiero Univision 6:30pm
Jorge Ramos e Ilia Calderón
Noticiero Univision Edición Nocturna
Enrique Acevedo y Patricia Janiot
Noticiero Univision Edición Digital
Carolina Sarassa y Javier Olivares
Noticiero Univision Fin de Semana
Arantxa Loizaga y Félix de Bedout
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Uno de sus abogados aseguró que planean apelar la decisión ya que la consideran injusta porque el exmandatario ha acudido a declarar cada vez que se lo han solicitado. El expresidente de Perú estaba con impedimento de salida mientras se le investigaba por sus vínculos empresariales con la constructora brasileña, razón por la que tuvo que renunciar a la presidencia en 2018.
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Dale ‘Me Gusta’ en Facebook: http://uni.vi/ZStby
Síguenos en Twitter: http://uni.vi/ZStfn e Instagram: http://uni.vi/ZSuld
Suscríbete: http://uni.vi/ZSubK
Infórmate: http://uni.vi/4mSc8L
Dale ‘Me Gusta’ en Facebook: http://uni.vi/ZStby
Síguenos en Twitter: http://uni.vi/ZStfn e Instagram: http://uni.vi/ZSuld
Cada día, la información que afecta e interesa a los hispanos en Estados Unidos con nuestros presentadores:
Noticiero Univision 6:30pm
Jorge Ramos e Ilia Calderón
Noticiero Univision Edición Nocturna
Enrique Acevedo y Patricia Janiot
Noticiero Univision Edición Digital
Carolina Sarassa y Javier Olivares
Noticiero Univision Fin de Semana
Arantxa Loizaga y Félix de Bedout
Noticiero Univision 6:30pm
Jorge Ramos e Ilia Calderón
Noticiero Univision Edición Nocturna
Enrique Acevedo y Patricia Janiot
Noticiero Univision Edición Digital
Carolina Sarassa y Javier Olivares
Noticiero Univision Fin de Semana
Arantxa Loizaga y Félix de Bedout
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La campaña de recaudación de fondos a través del portal GoFundMe la inició una de sus clientas al conocer que al anciano, de 80 años de edad, lo habían asaltado varias veces cuando vendía sus empanadas en Chicago. Modesto Fuentes recibió 15,000 dólares, agradeció la generosidad de las personas y aseguró que, mientras el clima y la salud se lo permitan, seguirá ofreciendo sus productos en las calles.
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Infórmate: http://uni.vi/4mSc8L
Dale ‘Me Gusta’ en Facebook: http://uni.vi/ZStby
Síguenos en Twitter: http://uni.vi/ZStfn e Instagram: http://uni.vi/ZSuld
Suscríbete: http://uni.vi/ZSubK
Infórmate: http://uni.vi/4mSc8L
Dale ‘Me Gusta’ en Facebook: http://uni.vi/ZStby
Síguenos en Twitter: http://uni.vi/ZStfn e Instagram: http://uni.vi/ZSuld
Cada día, la información que afecta e interesa a los hispanos en Estados Unidos con nuestros presentadores:
Noticiero Univision 6:30pm
Jorge Ramos e Ilia Calderón
Noticiero Univision Edición Nocturna
Enrique Acevedo y Patricia Janiot
Noticiero Univision Edición Digital
Carolina Sarassa y Javier Olivares
Noticiero Univision Fin de Semana
Arantxa Loizaga y Félix de Bedout
Noticiero Univision 6:30pm
Jorge Ramos e Ilia Calderón
Noticiero Univision Edición Nocturna
Enrique Acevedo y Patricia Janiot
Noticiero Univision Edición Digital
Carolina Sarassa y Javier Olivares
Noticiero Univision Fin de Semana
Arantxa Loizaga y Félix de Bedout
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A U.S. court document last year inadvertently revealed Assange had been charged with undetermined crimes. He says he expects to be extradited to the United States to face whatever charges they may be.

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The poll cited found an overall job approval for Trump of 43 percent. The president’s tweet put it at 55 percent, as did the erroneous Fox Business Network graphic.

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What happens next with Julian Assange? The Washington Post
"Russian Intelligence services and organized crime" - Google News
1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (196 sites)
A U.S. court document last year inadvertently revealed Assange had been charged with undetermined crimes. He says he expects to be extradited to the United ...
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is arrested by British police after Ecuador withdraws his asylum. Judge Andrew Napolitano reacts. #FoxandFriends #FoxNews
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![]() | Michael_Novakhov shared this story from ![]() |
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Graham: If FBI's 'Spying' on Trump Campaign Was Based on Steele Dossier, It Wasn't Lawful Fox News Insider
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) joined Sean Hannity Wednesday to discuss his efforts to get to the bottom of the Justice Department and FBI's handling of the ...
The Strange Case of John Brennan — and Mr. Hide Patriot Post

What is up with former Obama CIA Director John Brennan? In one of the oddest displays in modern American history, Brennan lashed out after the 2016 election ...
Jeffrey Toobin Goes Off on Barr: ‘Fox News is in Charge of the Justice Department’ Mediaite
CNN's Jeffrey Toobin lambasted Attorney General William Barr on Thursday claims of “spying” on the Trump campaign, declaring Fox News is now essentially in ...
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Stan Getz - The Cool Sound of Stan Getz (Not Now Music) [Full Album]
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Julian Assange arrested & escorted out of Ecuadorian Embassy - RT special coverage
Julian Assange: Wikileaks co-founder arrested in London- BBC News

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange arrested by British police after being evicted from Ecuador’s embassy in London - Google Search
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Wed, 10 Apr 2019 08:28:19 +0000 Video Review: San Juan Mayor On Trump Complaining About Puerto Rico Funding | Hardball | MSNBC by Puerto Rico News Videos Wednesday April 10th, 2019 at 5:21 AM San Juan Mayor On Trump Complaining About Puerto Rico Funding | Hardball | MSNBC by Puerto Rico News Videos Wednesday April 10 th ... |
Wed, 10 Apr 2019 08:28:06 +0000 Video Review: San Juan Mayor On Trump Complaining About Puerto Rico Funding | Hardball | MSNBC by Puerto Rico News Videos Wednesday April 10th, 2019 at 5:21 AM |
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Wed, 10 Apr 2019 08:28:19 +0000 Video Review: San Juan Mayor On Trump Complaining About Puerto Rico Funding | Hardball | MSNBC by Puerto Rico News Videos Wednesday April 10th, 2019 at 5:21 AM San Juan Mayor On Trump Complaining About Puerto Rico Funding | Hardball | MSNBC by Puerto Rico News Videos Wednesday April 10 th ... |
Wed, 10 Apr 2019 08:28:06 +0000 Video Review: San Juan Mayor On Trump Complaining About Puerto Rico Funding | Hardball | MSNBC by Puerto Rico News Videos Wednesday April 10th, 2019 at 5:21 AM San Juan Mayor On Trump Complaining About Puerto Rico Funding | Hardball | MSNBC by Puerto Rico News Videos Wednesday April 10 th ... |
Wed, 10 Apr 2019 06:40:33 +0000 The Crown's Diana, Carson Jones, Devin Nunes, Felicity Huffman, Jude Law, The Avengers: HOT LINKS - Towleroad Gay News ![]() SUING EVERYBODY. Devin Nunes is now suing McClatchy for $150 million. ‘The defamation lawsuit seeks $150 million and the deletion of an article in The Fresno Bee, a McClatchy newspaper, about Alpha Omega Winery, a company that Mr. Nunes partially owns. The article, published last May, described a ... |
Wed, 10 Apr 2019 06:38:25 +0000 Pete Buttigieg – Web Review | Gayland - gayland.org pete buttigieg - Google Search Wednesday April 10th, 2019 at 2:49 AM pete buttigieg - Google Search Wednesday April 10th, 2019 at 2:49 AM 1 Share pete buttigieg - Google Search Wednesday April 10th, 2019 at 2:49 AM 1 Share pete buttigieg - Google Search Wednesday April 10th, 2019 at 2:48 AM 1 Share.... |
Tue, 09 Apr 2019 20:48:46 +0000 Posts | The Brooklyn Radio - bklynradio.com The Global Security News: “fbi criticism” – Google News: Capitol Hill hearing on online hate sees it firsthand – Albuquerque Journal Spread the love April 09, 2019 FBI News Review at 16 Hours “fbi criticism” – Google News: Capitol Hill hearing on online hate sees it firsthand – Albuq... |
Tue, 09 Apr 2019 20:48:23 +0000 The Global Security News: 1. World from Michael_Novakhov (22 sites): FOX News: Elisabeth Moss says 'The Handmaid's Tale' runs 'parallel' to her Scientology beliefs | The Brooklyn Radio - bklynradio.com Actress Elisabeth Moss didn't specifically address Scientologist faith, but she did hit back at critics who say her beliefs directly contradict her role on Hulu's "The Handmaid's Tale." FOX News 1. World from Michael_Novakhov (22 sites) The Global Security News |
Tue, 09 Apr 2019 20:05:21 +0000 1. New York and Brooklyn from Michael_Novakhov (110 sites): "Borough Park Brooklyn" – Google News: Exit Poll: Netanyahu, Gantz Tied In Israeli Election – The Forward – Forward | The Brooklyn Bridge Exit Poll: Netanyahu, Gantz Tied In Israeli Election – The Forward ForwardContradictory exit polls: Gantz and Netanyahu tied. "Borough Park Brooklyn" - Google News 1. New York and Brooklyn from Michael_Novakhov (110 sites) |
Tue, 09 Apr 2019 19:36:24 +0000 mikenov on Twitter: PBSNewsHour's YouTube Videos: WATCH: Will Barr let any members of Congress see the full report? (Trump News TV from…) michael_novakhov.newsblur.com/story/pbsnewsh… pic.twitter.com/MVZaDKLxV5 | The Brooklyn Bridge PBSNewsHour's YouTube Videos: WATCH: Will Barr let any members of Congress see the full report? (Trump News TV from...) michael_novakhov.newsblur.com/story/pbsnewsh… pic.twitter.com/MVZaDKLxV5 Posted by mikenov on Tuesday, April 9th, 2019 5:16pm mikenov on Twitter |
Tue, 09 Apr 2019 19:35:25 +0000 bklyn-ny.net |
Tue, 09 Apr 2019 19:34:33 +0000 Trumpistan Today: "Jared Kushner" – Google News: Gilbert Gottfried will perform at Blue Room Comedy Club in Springfield – Springfield News-Leader | The Brooklyn Bridge Gilbert Gottfried will perform at Blue Room Comedy Club in Springfield Springfield News-Leader "At least 80 percent of your career is reminding people you're not dead," the Brooklyn-born comedian told the News-Leader Friday. "Jared Kushner" – Google News Trumpistan Today |
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A panel of experts highlight the problems with all major claims of the official account of the 9/11 attacks.
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Manafort – News Review – Trump Investigations Report Saturday December 29 th , 2018 at 1:18 PM Trump Investigations Report 1 Share Manafort “Manafort” – Google News Mueller: Paul Manafort lied about contacts with Trump… »1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (198 sites): “2016 elections and mental health” – Google News: The Tribune’s Top 10 SLO County CA stories of year for 2018 – The Tribune
29/12/18 13:26 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
The Tribune’s Top 10 SLO County CA stories of year for 2018 The Tribune The Tribune’s top-10 stories from San Luis Obispo County in 2018 include the jail death video, the mid…READ MOREOperation Trump By The New Abwehr Demiurge, as Linked Together By Michael Novakhov – Reviewed on 1.13.19 Sunday January 13th, 2019 at 4:21 PM The FBI News ReviewJanuary 13, 2019Operation Trump By The New Abwehr Demiurge, as Linked Together By Michael Novakhov – Reviewed on 1.13.19Sunday January 13th, 2019 at 4:21 PM The FBI News Review 1 Share Operation Trump By The New Abwehr Demiurge, as Linked Together By Michael NovakhovREAD MORE
trump | »Trump Investigations Report:Merkel targets Trump in New Year speech and vows to FIGHT for world order | World | News 01/01/19 11:55 from Trump Investigations Report – Posts Review from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites) Mrs Merkel used her annual New Year’s Eve address to fire a salvo of shots across the bows of the White House and pledged her country would fight more powerfully against the slide towards nationalism. She vowed to help transform the Euro… The New Abwehr Hypothesis of Operation Trump by Michael Novakhov – Google SearchFriday January 4th, 2019 at 1:07 PMREAD MORE» The New Abwehr Hypothesis of Operation Trump by Michael Novakhov – Google Search 04/01/19 13:05 from Mike Nova’s Shared NewslinksJanuary 06, 2019The New Abwehr: From Canaris To Operation Trump by Michael Novakhov
» The New Abwehr Hypothesis of Operation Trump by Michael Novakhov – Google Search 04/01/19 13:05 from Mike Nova’s Shared Newslinks >> Mike Nova’s Shared NewsLinks Review In Brief »michael cohen cell phone prague germany – Google Search
06/01/19 14:13 from Mike Nova’s Shared Newslinks
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from “michael cohen cell phone prague germany” – Google News. Cell signal traced to ex-Trump lawyer Michael Cohen outside Prague … Chicago Tribune – Dec 27, 2018 The new information regardin… »READ MOREThe New “Germany’s Strategic Repositioning”, also as this propaganda piece, and the New Abwehr Hypothesis of the Trump Crisis and the so called Trump Russia Affair. – M.N. – 9:58 AM 12/30/2018December 30, 2018The New “Germany’s Strategic Repositioning”, also as this propaganda piece, and the New Abwehr Hypothesis of the Trump Crisis and the so called Trump Russia Affair. – M.N.
Germany’s Strategic Repositioning – LawfareSunday December 30th, 2018 at 8:42 AM 1 ShareREAD MORE6:30 AM 1/9/2019 – Did Deutsche Bank sell Trump’s debt to Sberbank? Would it mean that he is “owned” by Russia? – M.N. | “Had Deutsche sold any part of Trump’s debt to foreign entities?” – The Sydney Morning Herald-Dec 30, 2017January 09, 20196:30 AM 1/9/2019 – Did Deutsche Bank sell Trump’s debt to Sberbank? Would it mean that he is “owned” by Russia? – M.N. | “Had Deutsche sold any part of Trump’s debt to foreign entities?” – The Sydney Morning Herald-Dec 30, 2017
“There were legitimate things to ask. Such as: Had Deutsche sold any part of Trump’s debt to foreign entities?What meetings had the bank held with the Trump administration?Had Trump or his family received preferential treatment?Who decided to carry on lending to Trump after he defaulted in 2008?Had Russia or Russian entities underwritten any aspect of these loans?Was Deutsche shielding the President because of the Justice Department’s ongoing investigation into mirror trades? Every inquiry, question, and query came up against a wall… Did Trump accept Russian sources of funding during these times? Richard Dearlove, the former head of MI6, said this question hangs over the President. Dearlove told the magazine Prospect: &…READ MOREThe Proposal for the Interdisciplinary Evidence Based Consensus Model in the Counterintelligence Investigations of Donald Trump – By Michael Novakhov, M.D. | A panel of experts highlight the problems with all major claims of the official account of the 9/11 attacks. 9/11 Unmasked: An International Review Panel Investigation Paperback – September 11, 2018 by David Ray Griffin (Author), Elizabeth Woodworth (Author) – 6:33 AM 1/31/2019January 31, 2019–
9/11 Unmasked: An International Review Panel InvestigationPaperback– September 11, 2018 by David Ray Griffin(Author), Elizabeth Woodworth(Author)
A panel of experts highlight the problems with all major claims of the official account of the 9/11 attacks.
Many Americans have been embarrassed by the Trump presidency. But Americans should also be embarrassed by the fact that this country’s foreign policy since 2001, which has resulted in millions of deaths, has been based on a complex deception.
9/11 Unmasked is the result of a six-year investigation by an international review panel, which has provided 51 points illustrating the problematic status of all the major claims in the official account of the 9/11 attacks, some of which are obviously false. Most dramatically, the official account of the destruction of the Twin Towers and World Trade Center 7 could not possibly be true, unless the laws of physics were suspended that day. But other claims made by the official account including…READ MOREM.N.: Does Putin or any other foreign entity (possibly masking as Putin) influence the cabinet appointments? And many other similar questions… | “How is Putin still getting these talking points to Trump?” – 7:50 AM 1/4/2019January 04, 2019Who is “The Whisperer In Chief”?“How is Putin still getting these talking points to Trump?”M.N.: Does Putin or any other foreign entity (possibly masking as Putin) influence the cabinet appointments? And many other similar questions…
“So who’s the go-between these days?”
Does Melanie whisper sweet somethings into the Donald’s willing and attentive big ears?! That might be the answer that every one is so gingerly avoiding. – M.N.
Or is Jared Kushner “The Whisperer In Chief”?
Is Jared Kushner the De Facto President of the USA?
Is Jared Kushner “The Whisperer In Chief”? Friday January 4th, 2019 at 7:08 AMREAD MORE3:18 PM 12/29/2018 – Mueller: Paul Manafort lied about contacts with Trump… – TRUMP INVESTIGATIONS NEWS REVIEW IN BRIEFDecember 29, 2018TRUMP INVESTIGATIONS NEWS REVIEW Trump – from Huffington Post
Trump Investigations from Michael Novakhov In 250 Brief Posts – »Trump Investigations: 2:25 PM 12/29/2018 – Manafort – News Review: Mueller opened the floodgates on Cohen and Manafort – CNN
29/12/18 13:26 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Manafort – News Review – Trump Investigations Report Saturday December 29 th , 2018 at 1:18 PM Trump Investigations Report 1 Share Manafort “Manafort” – Google News Mueller: Paul Manafort lied about contacts with Trump… »1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (198 sites): “2016 elections and mental health” – Google News: The Tribune’s Top 10 SLO County CA stories of year for 2018 – The Tribune
29/12/18 13:26 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
The Tribune’s Top 10 SLO County CA stories of year for 2018 The Tribune The Tribune’s top-10 stories from San Luis Obispo County in 2018 include the jail death video, the mid…READ MOREOperation Trump By The New Abwehr Demiurge, as Linked Together By Michael Novakhov – Reviewed on 1.13.19 Sunday January 13th, 2019 at 4:21 PM The FBI News ReviewJanuary 13, 2019Operation Trump By The New Abwehr Demiurge, as Linked Together By Michael Novakhov – Reviewed on 1.13.19Sunday January 13th, 2019 at 4:21 PM The FBI News Review 1 Share Operation Trump By The New Abwehr Demiurge, as Linked Together By Michael NovakhovREAD MORE
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WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange arrested by British police after ...
Washington Post-11 minutes ago
PARIS — Ecuador handed Julian Assange over to British authorities ... WikiLeaks founder holed up in the Ecuadoran Embassy in London for nearly seven years. ... being pulled by British police officers down the steps of the embassy .... by British police after being evicted from Ecuador's embassy in London.
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange arrested by police in London
<a href="http://NBCNews.com" rel="nofollow">NBCNews.com</a>-11 minutes ago
<a href="http://NBCNews.com" rel="nofollow">NBCNews.com</a>-11 minutes ago
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange arrested after eviction from ...
Washington Examiner-34 minutes ago
Washington Examiner-34 minutes ago
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5:32 AM 4/11/2019:

Tirana Airport
At least two members of an armed gang remain at large after raiding an Austrian Airlines plane on the runway of the Tirana International Airport in Albania, and managing to get away with an estimated $11 million in cash. To defend against bank robberies —a regular occurrence in crime-ridden Albania— the Bank of Albania does not accept large cash deposits. Consequently, branches of foreign-owned banks that operate in Albania export their hard-currency deposits abroad via regular flights to Vienna, Austria.
On Tuesday, as the Austrian Airlines airplane was preparing to take off from the Tirana International Airport, a white van bearing the logo of the General Directorate of Taxation —the revenue collection agency of the Albanian Government— smashed through the gate used by the airport’s emergency services and drove up to the airplane. Three masked men dressed in military fatigues exited the van and reportedly threatened the luggage handlers with AK-47 rifles. They then forced open the cargo doors of the plane and removed several bags full of hard currency. In less than four minutes, they started to drive back toward the emergency gate, when they were confronted by a police patrol that opened fire on them. One of the robbers was reportedly shot in the head and died instantly.
On Wednesday, police identified the dead robber as Admir Murataj and said that he had been the mastermind of the operation. By the end of Wednesday, police had arrested four men and questioned at least 40 other people in connection with the robbery. Initial reports said that the robbers had left the scene of the crime with about $2.8 million in cash, but subsequent reports said that as much as $11 million had been stolen. Investigators said that the robbers must have had inside knowledge about the Austrian Airlines plane and its cargo. A spokesperson for Austrian Airlines said that there would be no further transfers of cash from Albania to Austria following the robbery.
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S.E. Cupp: The silver lining in Trump’s homeland security purge Stephenville Empire-Tribune
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They are decapitating the entire department,” a Department of Homeland Security official ominously told The Washington Post of this week's alarming purge that ...
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There are two countries that I've been professionally, emotionally and intellectually involved with my entire journalism career — the United States and Israel.
If you don't want Trump to win in 2020, make sure he faces a serious primary challenge USA TODAY
"Comey resignation" - Google News
Lesson for #NeverTrumpers: From Ford to Carter to George H.W. Bush, every modern president who lost reelection faced tough primary opposition first.
In what was at the time justified as a preemptive strike against a possible coup, in the summer of 1934, Adolf Hitler ordered the murder of Ernst Röhm and several of his “brownshirt” lieutenants. The net effect of this purge was to rein in the more thuggish elements of Hitler’s regime and consolidate his power. It largely worked and the evening of 30 June, 1934 became known as the “Night of the Long Knives,” in commemoration of those brutal murders.
With Donald Trump ordering the termination of Kirstjen Nielsen and Service Director Randolph Alles, and with other DHS and ICE personnel also on their way out, it’s ironic in light of reflected history that Trump was motivated to take these actions because the personnel he’s purging, though thuggish in their own right, have not, by his lights, been sufficiently thuggish enough. Even so it might not be out of line to call Monday, the eighth of April, and events immediately following, the “Day of the Long Knives,” as a memorialization.
With John Kelly gone, Josef Goebbels lookalike and White House cockroach in residence Stephen Miller is the Svengali currently holding the lion’s share of Trump’s strings. Miller’s well-known toxic views on immigration (it was he who made sport of the “New Colossus,” poem at the base of the Statue of Liberty) are quickly becoming Trump’s too. These days it may even turn out to be dangerous in Trumpland to despise, with substandard zeal, immigrants and asylum seekers. Look for Insufficient Hate to become a fireable offense in the Trump White House soon.
I do not believe that history repeats itself, per se. I do believe, however, that certain identifiable patterns do recur. So apart from yet another tired Hitler dig on Donald Trump, and obvious comparisons of Trump sycophant and lapdog Stephen Miller with Josef Goebbels, what can be achieved by rechristening the eighth of April, 2019, the “Day of the Long Knives”? Only this. During Adolf Hitler’s second year of his rise to power, Hitler never once held in his mortal hands the power to destroy all life on Earth. In fact, he never did. Donald Trump holds two weapons of clear and present danger to the future survival of the human race: the largest nuclear arsenal ever assembled, and a complete disregard for the science of global climate change.
So let’s never lose sight of this chilling reality. Adolf Hitler, with far fewer weapons of far lesser power, and wielding the same simple, inimical bigotry that Donald Trump wields every day, still managed to massacre millions of innocent people, and very nearly destroyed the world. If christening Trump’s latest act of hate-inspired xenophobia the “Day of the Long Knives” reminds you of Trump’s potential to destroy us all, then I see it as a good thing. We need to stay scared.
Robert Harrington is an American expat living in Britain. He is a portrait painter.
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Is the FBI capable of handling the counterintelligence matters? – by Michael Novakhov

Is the FBI capable of handling the counterintelligence matters? – by Michael Novakhov
Is the FBI capable of handling the counterintelligence matters? – by Michael Novakhov
Is the FBI capable of handling the counterintelligence matters, in its present structure, and as a matter of personnel selection, their education, training, and the FBI’s institutional culture? The record does not look impressive.
Is there something structurally wrong? Would the new forms of the workforce organization be helpful? Should the Counterintelligence Services and Forces be grouped directly under the ODNI, and it’s central apparatus, and in greater collaboration with other related services? What should be the strategic directions? Rethinking, reconceptualization and the reorganization might be the more healthy alternatives to the present structure, which appears to be largely dysfunctional, for a number of reasons, still not formulated, analyzed, and comprehended properly.
“Critics claim that the FBI’s law-enforcement structure is inadequate for twenty first century counterintelligence realities and should be replaced by a separate service staffed by counterintelligence officers, presumably with no law-enforcement powers.”
“The need for proactive and preventive approach, combined with a lesser visibility and a lesser emphasis on the formal law enforcement functions as compared with the counterintelligence functions proper, was advocated by the researchers:
“The third quality essential to counterintelligence operation is a preventive disposition. As Christopher Andrew has noted, a counterintelligence organization may be better evaluated by preventing spies from gaining any foothold than by the number of spies caught.(343) MI5 has always aimed to prevent threats from materializing. This is most evident in the Service’s
penchant for running double agents in general and in the Double Cross System in specific. Having double agents in place within target organizations can prevent any success on the part of
that organization and the strategic deception on D-Day obviated the bulk of Nazi forces and prevented countless allied casualties. The FBI’s most notable cases of preventive counterintelligence or counter-terrorism operation are more recent, particularly after Director Mueller’s concerted drive to push the Bureau in this direction.(344) The Bureau’s rise to the
challenge posed by terrorism will absolutely require it to become more preventive because the FBI cannot wait for terrorists to be successful before they apprehend them.
penchant for running double agents in general and in the Double Cross System in specific. Having double agents in place within target organizations can prevent any success on the part of
that organization and the strategic deception on D-Day obviated the bulk of Nazi forces and prevented countless allied casualties. The FBI’s most notable cases of preventive counterintelligence or counter-terrorism operation are more recent, particularly after Director Mueller’s concerted drive to push the Bureau in this direction.(344) The Bureau’s rise to the
challenge posed by terrorism will absolutely require it to become more preventive because the FBI cannot wait for terrorists to be successful before they apprehend them.
Finally, and most crucially, the Bureau must become more preventive and proactive in contrast to its established preference for reactive law enforcement.(345) This quality is at the heart of counterintelligence and counter-terrorism and will absolutely be the most difficult change for the
Bureau. If the FBI can make this cultural shift, it will be able to prevent and counter intelligence and terrorist threats just as well as any other organization, including MI5.”
Bureau. If the FBI can make this cultural shift, it will be able to prevent and counter intelligence and terrorist threats just as well as any other organization, including MI5.”
And this is not to say that the MI5 is any more successful in its counterintelligence efforts (recently) than the FBI.
By the way, and interestingly enough, the Russian Counterintelligence Services, starting from their very inception in 1920-s and the “Operation Trust“, emphasized and practiced the sophisticated and aggressive proactive and preventive approach, it was the matter of the very survival for them. It looks that their counterintelligence operations outgrew and expanded into the intelligence operations proper. The recent events might be the confirmation of this thesis, just like the recent expansion of the FSB mandate into the foreign activities and operations.
How far will this approach take them eventually, and how successful it will be in the present circumstances, is very much the open question, projected into the future. This approach is the result and function of their deep historical insecurity. But it is quite effective apparently, and it should be studied, understood and comprehended, and reciprocated with the comprehensive multiplications. The resources are there, the resolve and will are needed, the qualities that apparently are lacking lately, after the ill-conceived and the counterproductive euphoria of 1990-s.
Do catch their arrows and send them back to them, with the overwhelming force and the well thought out strategic determination.
Michael Novakhov
FBI and Counterintelligence – 11.14.17
- 1:12 PM 11/13/2017 – Is the FBI capable of handling the counterintelligence matters? | FBI News Review
- Is the FBI capable of handling the counterintelligence matters? – Google Search
- The Future of FBI Counterintelligence Through the Lens of the Past Hundred Years | FBI Studies
- The FBI probe into Trump and Russia is huge news. Our political system isn’t ready for it. – Vox
- counterintelligence fbi – Google Search
- fbi counterintelligence program – Google Search
- fbi counterintelligence investigation – Google Search
- fbi counterintelligence – Google Search
- problems with fbi counterintelligence – Google Search
- For America’s Top Spy Catcher, A World Of Problems To Fix — And Prevent : Parallels : NPR
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- five functions of counterintelligence – Google Search
- Operation Trust – Google Search
- Russian Counterintelligence Services – Google Search
Election – 2016 Meddling:
FBI, Russia, and other players
4:33 PM 5/7/2017 - Recent Posts: WATCH: Comey admits FBI investigating leaks to Giuliani and Trump team
To add some comments to this very good and straightforward article, in my humble opinion. This situation is further complicated by the strong suspicions that a certain, pro-Trump faction of the FBI‘s upper echelons, possibly represented by Kallstrom (reportedly, Trump’s old childhood friend), and the Giuliani circles, reportedly very close to the New York branch of the FBI, might have been a prominent part of this conspiracy against the U.S., or the so called FBI NY branch cabal, or according to Sidney Blumenthal: “Cabal Of Right-Wing FBI Agents” who “Took Down Hillary In A “Coup D’Etat”. Both of them, Kallstrom and Giuliani, apparently, and again, reportedly, and assumingly, aspired to lead the FBI after Trump’s win.
The statistical effects of the October 28 Letter | Federal Bureau of Investigation - NYT
It is also my suspicion that the FBI engineered the Abedin – Weiner email affair as their sexual-political “sting operation”, which is an old, familiar and the favorite trick in both their own and Mr. Putin’s political toolboxes. In these circumstances, the question that logically and inevitably arises, is: What was the degree of cooperation between them and the Russians? This is the big and the important question, and it has to be addressed and answered. This affair led to the October 28, 2016 Letter, which in the opinion of the pollsters, now broadly accepted, did decide the outcome of the elections.
The question about how the hundreds of thousands of emails (650,000) ended up on Abedin – Weiner laptop, remain essentially unanswered. Who planted them there and with whose help? If you get the wind that there might have been a covert or overt collusion between the Russians and the FBI, it would be hard to accuse you of the lack of logic in your thinking. Naturally, the next set of questions that inevitably arise, is the degree of infiltration and penetration of the FBI by the Russians and the others, who worked hard on this for many years. They do have a sad history in this regard, illustrated recently by this account.
Mr. Mueller’s Investigation proceeds at its pace and seems to be rather deep and comprehensive, and I think and hope that he and his team will address these issues in their customary and expected depth, and will not cover up the FBI’s possible wrongdoings if any are discovered, and/or confirmed; although some observers expressed their strongly worded doubts on this account.
The truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. That what we need if we really want to recover and to understand what happened, starting from 1990-s, and encompassing both the 9/11, 2001 and The Elections 2016. These two epochal events do seem to be the connecting links of the same mysterious chain, as the author suggests, and as was noted by many others, of the writing and thinking public, on this subject.
Michael Novakhov
“After weeks/months of the Hillary campaign bashing Trump for “irresponsibly” questioning the legitimacy of the election process, Clinton-insider, Sid Blumenthal, is apparently making the media rounds in Europe attributing her loss to a “coup d’etat” organized by “a cabal of right-wing agents of the FBI in the New York office attached to Rudy Giuliani.”
“It was the result of a cabal of right-wing agents of the FBI in the New York office attached to Rudy Giuliani, who was a member of Trump’s campaign.”
“I think it’s not unfair to call it a coup. Yeah, a coup d’etat.”
Of course, Blumenthal is well known within Clinton world for his wild conspiracy theories as John Podesta pointed out he is “lost in his own web of conspiracies.”
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- Dana Priest | The New Yorker
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- The Cabal against Clinton: Giuliani, Bannon and the FBI New York bureau (part 2 of 2) – YouTube
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- Sidney Blumenthal: “Cabal Of Right-Wing FBI Agents” Took Down Hillary In A “Coup D’Etat” | Zero Hedge
- News Reviews and Opinions: The Autumn Of Our Discontent – by Michael Novakhov
- Mueller’s Investigation – Google Search
- News – Mueller’s Investigation – Google Search
- New York branch of the FBI and Trump – Google Search
- Kallstrom and Trump – Google Search
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The attorney general plans to review whether the Justice Department’s alleged actions were “adequately predicated."

Donald Trump

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