6:45 AM 4/19/2012 - News Review - Mike Nova's starred items
via Caribbean News Now!: News from Puerto Rico on 4/18/12
- First ferry service launched to Bahamas
- OECD approves Barbados framework for tax transparency and information exchange
- Haiti's disaster risk management and recovery experience showcased in Washington
- Ancient mariner sets sail from St Maarten to Bahamas
- Cruise ship passengers missing in BVI, passports maybe fake
- Mexico to support CARICOM issues at G20
- Colombian president recognises Cuba's right to participate in Summit of the Americas
- Infrastructure, ICTs, poverty, crime emerge from OAS summit
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via The Guardian's Facebook Wall by The Guardian on 4/19/12
via Puerto Rico News - Archive Links's Facebook Wall by Puerto Rico News - Archive Links on 4/19/12
Jueves 19 de abril de 2012 74 1608 598 2273 1377 ¿Qué opinas de que se le mantenga en el cargo al director de la AEE? No tienen de inmediato otro candidato para reemplazarlo. Es una decisión para no provocar inestabilidad ante la venta de bonos de la AEE. Se queda porque ha habido demasiadas destituciones en el Gobierno en pocos meses. La Junta de Gobierno de la AEE está actuando de espaldas...
Jueves 19 de abril de 2012 74 1608 598 2273 1377 ¿Qué opinas de que se le mantenga en el cargo al director de la AEE? No tienen de inmediato otro candidato para reemplazarlo. Es una decisión para no provocar inestabilidad ante la venta de bonos de la AEE. Se queda porque ha habido demasiadas destituciones en el Gobierno en pocos meses. La Junta de Gobierno de la AEE está actuando de espaldas...
via Puerto Rico News - Archive Links's Facebook Wall by Puerto Rico News - Archive Links on 4/19/12
Guaynabo, Puerto Rico - 19/04/12

Guaynabo, Puerto Rico - 19/04/12
Guaynabo, Puerto Rico - 19/04/12 Última Actualización 2:49:30 AM This post has been generated by Page2RSS...
Guaynabo, Puerto Rico - 19/04/12
Guaynabo, Puerto Rico - 19/04/12 Última Actualización 2:49:30 AM This post has been generated by Page2RSS...
via caribbeanbusiness.pr on 4/18/12
Thursday, April 19th, 2012 |
Report: ‘Pudge’ hanging up his mittPuerto Rican Iván “Pudge” Rodríguez plans to announce his retirement Monday, end ...Romney, Obama battle over economyCHARLOTTE, N.C. — Their battle joined, challenger Mitt Romney savaged President ... |
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via puerto rico - Google News on 4/18/12
Bank Owing U.S. $935 Million Has CEO Family Bad Debts: Mortgages Bloomberg Popular Inc. (BPOP), the Puerto Rican bank that owes $935 million to the US government, has surged 30 percent this year as more customers pay their debts on time. Its board members and their relatives aren't always among them. Bank Owing US $935 Million Has CEO Family Bad Debts: MortgagesBusinessWeek all 2 news articles » |
via Puerto Rico News - Archive Links's Facebook Wall by Puerto Rico News - Archive Links on 4/18/12
Voto Latino: Jorge Steven Acuña Opens Up About Being Detained By ICE

Voto Latino: Jorge Steven Acuña Opens Up About Being Detained By ICE
By Jorge Steven Acuña A typical day for a college student usually starts off with the constant snoozing of an alarm clock prior to our first class, but life as we know it doesn't always go as planned. What I thought was supposed to be an ordinary college day, took a turn for the worse on the morning of Wednesday, March 7....
Voto Latino: Jorge Steven Acuña Opens Up About Being Detained By ICE
By Jorge Steven Acuña A typical day for a college student usually starts off with the constant snoozing of an alarm clock prior to our first class, but life as we know it doesn't always go as planned. What I thought was supposed to be an ordinary college day, took a turn for the worse on the morning of Wednesday, March 7....
via Puerto Rico News - Archive Links's Facebook Wall by Puerto Rico News - Archive Links on 4/18/12
Afirman que hay medicamentos suficientes en el Programa Sida de
Afirman que hay medicamentos suficientes en el Programa Sida de
Afirman que hay medicamentos suficientes en el Programa Sida de San Juan 18 de abril de 2012 08:33 p.m. El legislador municipal de la capital, Robert Martínez, desmintió hoy las denuncias de un grupo de pacientes de VIH que afirmaron que en el Programa Sida de San Juan hay escasez de medicamentos. Mart... 18 de abril de 2012 07:34 p.m. Fallo a favor de Ángel Pérez 18 de abril de 2012 06:47 p.m. La Comisión Especial de Primarias...
Afirman que hay medicamentos suficientes en el Programa Sida de
Afirman que hay medicamentos suficientes en el Programa Sida de San Juan 18 de abril de 2012 08:33 p.m. El legislador municipal de la capital, Robert Martínez, desmintió hoy las denuncias de un grupo de pacientes de VIH que afirmaron que en el Programa Sida de San Juan hay escasez de medicamentos. Mart... 18 de abril de 2012 07:34 p.m. Fallo a favor de Ángel Pérez 18 de abril de 2012 06:47 p.m. La Comisión Especial de Primarias...
Mike Nova's starred items
via Puerto Rico News - El Nuevo Día on 4/18/12
Full support to cabotage rules exemption efforts
18 de abril de 2012 02:17 p.m.By José A. Delgado/jdelgado@elnuevodia.com
WASHINGTON – The manufacturing sector considers it important to collaborate with the study to be carried out by the Government Accountability Office (GAO), in an effort to free Puerto Rico in the futu...
Best Buy shutting down 50 stores nationwide
18 de abril de 2012 00:00 a.m.By Yalixa Rivera Cruz/yrivera@elnuevodia.com
The Best Buy store at Las Catalinas Mall in Caguas is the only establishment of the electronics retail chain that, according to official reports, is closing its doors in Puerto Rico, as part of the co...
Exchequer pays high price for white-collar tax evasion
18 de abril de 2012 00:00 a.m.The Department of the Treasury loses $700 million to $900 million a year, courtesy of tax evasion by the white-collar sector, which includes but is not limited to doctors, lawyers, entrepreneurs and c...
Last farewell to the Cardinal
18 de abril de 2012 00:00 a.m.By Keila López Alicea/keila.lopez@elnuevodia.com
“After having lived among us for many years, Cardinal Luis Aponte Martínez is now celebrating an eternal Resurrection with the Lord in the heavens.” With these words, Cardinal Emeritus from Sev...
Casa Lola inspires the Criollo movement
18 de abril de 2012 00:00 a.m.By Maribella Martínez Bousquet
The new native Puerto Rican cuisine is represented at Casa Lola since it opened its doors seven months ago in the Condado area in San Juan. The Boricua traditional flavors prepared in style...
Fuddruckers to open in Mayagüez this summer
18 de abril de 2012 00:00 a.m.By Marian Díaz/mdiaz1@elnuevodia.com
Fuddruckers, the food chain specialized in charbroiled burgers and American food, will open its first restaurant in Mayagüez this summer. The store, to be located on Road PR-2 at Plaza Sultana, will ...
Cruise ship fares, twice as expensive
18 de abril de 2012 00:00 a.m.By Joanisabel González and Andrea Martínez/joanisabel.gonzalez@elnuevodia.com
Despite the fact that the government assures the low in the number of cruise ships leaving from Puerto Rico to other Caribbean destinations shouldn’t have a significant impact to that segment of our t...
CCE announced agreement with Rooms to Go
17 de abril de 2012 01:00 p.m.By El Nuevo Día
The Commerce and Exportation Company (CEC) signed an agreement with the Rooms to Go Puerto Rico corporation to operate under the Foreign Trade 61 Free Zone Program (Programa de Zona Libre de Comercio ...
Attabeira Awards on Earth Day
17 de abril de 2012 00:00 a.m.By El Nuevo Día
Festival Attabeira (“Mother Earth” in Taíno Arawak tongue) is slated to take place on Sunday, April 29 at the foyer of the General Studies Building at the University of Puerto Rico (UPR), Río Piedras ...
Tax relief, only a real relief for a few
17 de abril de 2012 00:00 a.m.Most individuals, especially those with incomes of $20,000 or less, will not have to pay taxes this year, thanks to the tax reform. Those who for years have carried the heaviest tax burden will...
Another scene down south
16 de abril de 2012 00:00 a.m.By Yaritza Rivas/yrivas@elnuevodia.com
The sun is warming up in Ponce, regardless if the rain is pouring on the north coast of the island. Once you cross the mountaintops in Cayey, the greenness starts turning into yellow and even brown ...
By Marian Díaz/mdiaz1@elnuevodia.com
By Joanisabel González/joanisabel.gonzalez@elnuevodia.com
- 04/18/12 02:17 p.m.Full support to cabotage rules exemption efforts
- 04/18/12 00:00 a.m.Best Buy shutting down 50 stores nationwide
- 04/18/12 00:00 a.m.Exchequer pays high price for white-collar tax eva...
- 04/18/12 00:00 a.m.Last farewell to the Cardinal
- 04/18/12 00:00 a.m.Casa Lola inspires the Criollo movement
- 04/18/12 00:00 a.m.Fuddruckers to open in Mayagüez this summer
- 04/18/12 00:00 a.m.Cruise ship fares, twice as expensive
- 04/17/12 01:00 p.m.CCE announced agreement with Rooms to Go
- 04/17/12 00:00 a.m.Attabeira Awards on Earth Day
- 04/17/12 00:00 a.m.Tax relief, only a real relief for a few
- 04/16/12 00:00 a.m.Another scene down south
2 3 |
- 02:17 pm Full support to cabotage rules...
- 00:00 am Best Buy shutting down 50 stor...
- 00:00 am Exchequer pays high price for ...
- 00:00 am Last farewell to the Cardinal
- 00:00 am Casa Lola inspires the Criollo...
- 00:00 am Fuddruckers to open in Mayagüe...
- 00:00 am Cruise ship fares, twice as ex...
- 01:00 pm CCE announced agreement with R...
- 00:00 am Attabeira Awards on Earth Day
- 00:00 am Tax relief, only a real relief...
- Cruise ship fares, twice as expensive
- Full support to cabotage rules exemption...
- Tax relief, only a real relief for a few
- Fuddruckers to open in Mayagüez this sum...
- Another scene down south
- Casa Lola inspires the Criollo movement
- Best Buy shutting down 50 stores nationw...
- Last farewell to the Cardinal
- Exchequer pays high price for white-coll...
- Attabeira Awards on Earth Day
This post has been generated by Page2RSS
via puerto rico news - YouTube on 4/18/12
The first hurricane of the season is on a fast-moving path that leads to the US Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico. WFOR-TV's David Bernard reports.
Mr Salsa Presents Bory Pa salsamagazine Salsa Awards 2012 nominations
ELLA ESTA LOCA Anthony Vasquez, Bory pa, was born on Manati, on December 28th 1987. Bory pa was involved in the Double A (AA)mambohiphop1 hour ago6 views
BOPR NATION [PR]esents: Clanes de PR | Ep. 3 Featuring: Hybrid Gaming Tv
gaming tv Black Ops ... boprnation bopr nation blackopspuertorico black ops puerto rico blackops puertorico bestoffensepr best offense ...BlackOpsPuertoRico2 hours ago
11 hours ago
11 hours ago
15 hours ago
1 day ago8 views
2 days ago41 views
video lang: es
East Coast Preps for Hurricane Earl
at least $150 million in damage from the Virgin Islands to Puerto R...CBS7,772 views
- Language: English
- Location: Worldwide
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via puerto rico politics - Google News on 4/18/12
Haven Woman Key To Obama Campaign The Ledger I was impressed." Acosta, a Puerto Rico native, has clearly impressed the Obama campaign. Though a relative political neophyte who voted in her first US presidential election in 2004, she is one of just five volunteers chosen as national co-chairs. |
via puerto rico search results on washingtonpost.com on 4/18/12
via puerto rico - Google News on 4/18/12
Boxscore News | First Point of the Season for the Eddies in Puerto Rico Boxscore News Bayamon, Puerto Rico. - FC Edmonton earned its first point of the season in a place where points come few and far between. It was a back and forth first half at the Bayamon Soccer Complex in Puerto Rico on Wednesday evening as FC Edmonton took on the ... Eddies earn point in Puerto RicoiNews880.com all 3 news articles » |
via The New York Times's Facebook Wall by The New York Times on 4/18/12
Is Facebook worth $104 billion?

With Instagram Deal, Facebook Shows Its Worth
In negotiations to buy the photo sharing service Instagram, the parties are said to have valued Facebook at roughly $104 billion, which could offer insight into the potential for the social network's highly anticipated initial public offering.

With Instagram Deal, Facebook Shows Its Worth
In negotiations to buy the photo sharing service Instagram, the parties are said to have valued Facebook at roughly $104 billion, which could offer insight into the potential for the social network's highly anticipated initial public offering.
via FT World News's Facebook Wall by FT World News on 4/18/12
King Juan Carlos of Spain apologises for going on an elephant-hunting trip
Spanish king says sorry for hunting trip - FT.com
Spain's King Juan Carlos I hobbled out of a Madrid hospital on Wednesday and apologised for making an elephant-hunting trip to Botswana - a jaunt which has caused outrage in a country suffering from an economic crisis.
Spanish king says sorry for hunting trip - FT.com
Spain's King Juan Carlos I hobbled out of a Madrid hospital on Wednesday and apologised for making an elephant-hunting trip to Botswana - a jaunt which has caused outrage in a country suffering from an economic crisis.
via puerto rico - Google News on 4/18/12
Puerto Rico Announces Plans for $22 Million Bilingual School in San Juan Caribbean Journal By the Caribbean Journal staff Puerto Rico Governor Luis Fortuño and San Juan Mayor Jorge Santini have announced plans to build a $22 million bilingual school in San Juan. The School of San Juan II, which will operate under the local educational system ... |