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via YouTube Videos matching query: puerto rico by MrTvNews10 on 8/15/12
Spain Vs Puerto Rico 2-1 All Goals & Highlights Puerto Rico vs spain 1-2 ALL GOALS AND HIGHLIGHTS FULL firendly match 15/8/2012 Tags::real madrid vs barcelona 1-1 16.04.2011 xavi hernandez la pelopina skill dribble andres iniesta victor valdes david villa lionel messi sergio busquets dani alves gerard pique fontas dos santos thiago alcantara la masia ballon dor tiki taka rooney 5-0 1-0 2-0 3-0 4-0 6-0 1-1 2-1 3-1 4-1 5-2 4-2 3-3 barcelona barca real madrid camp nou pedro goal passing leo blaugrana santander sevilla passing game panathinaikos zaragoza ceuta beautiful sevilla kazan camp nou free kick penalty complication new world cup holland germany chile paraguay eric abidal puyol keita yaya toure fc barcelona video HD how to make goal blaugrana 551 rihanna T-pain lil wayne justin bieber F50 la más ligera jugador rápido tv tox Oliver smith-Nimbus(Original mix) crush Schiller mit Mila Mar - Liebe (ATB Dub Remix) FC Barcelona vs RCD Espanyol 18.12.10 All goals and highlights FC Barcelona vs Athletic Club 21.12.10 All goals and FC Barcelona vs Levante UD 02.01.11 All goals and highlights FC Barcelona vs Athletic Club 05.01.11 All goals and highlights FC Barcelona vs Deportivo 09.01.11 All goals and highlights FC Barcelona vs Málaga CF 16.01.11 All goals and highlights FC Barcelona vs Racing 23.01.11 All goals and highlights FC Barcelona vs Hercules 30.01.11 All goals and highlights FC Barcelona vs Athletico Madrid 06.02.11 All goals and highlights FC Barcelona vs Sporting <b>...</b>
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Time:02:41 | More inSports |
via YouTube Videos matching query: puerto rico by ArtisanNewsService on 5/3/07
Even though Rosie Perez was born and raised in Brooklyn, she considers herself Puerto Rican first and foremost and wants to show the world the pride of her heritage and history in the documentary I'm Boricua, Just So You Know. "One thing that we tried to explain in the documentary that when you grow up Puerto Rican, you're Puerto Rican first and foremost and that even before you understand your history there is a pride that is instilled in you. So that's what I mean when you're Puerto Rican, you're just Puerto Rican. And the pride that your parents had just comes down and then when you get older you start to learn the history and then the pride increases. It does enforce or dictate who you...
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Time:03:14 | More inNews & Politics |
via Puerto Rico Report by hadeninteractive on 8/8/12
As you can see in the close-up below, Reuters claimed that Puerto Rican voters would decide the first question — whether or not to make a change in the status of Puerto Rico — on August 12th.
Only if voters chose to make a change, they continued, would there be a November election on the second question.
We checked the facts with leaders in Puerto Rico, and we are assured that this is not the case. The election, including both the questions, which you can see on our homepage, will take place in November as planned. For details, you can read the text of Law 283 in PDF form.
We understand that people make mistakes. We’re surprised by this particular mistake, however.
For one thing, this is not a typo. It’s not someone hastily writing “August” when they meant “November.”
For another, Puerto Rico’s election is not just another “world election.” It is a vote taking place in a U.S. territory, a vote which could lead to the formation of the 51st state in the Union. It seems like something the news mavens at Reuters would have clearly enough in mind that they wouldn’t make such a striking mistake about the details.
Is it time for mainland media to take this issue more seriously? Perhaps we should be having serious national discussion on the potential effects of the various possible outcomes of the plebescite. Perhaps we should be taking this particular vote, which could have far-reaching consequences for our nation as well as for Puerto Rico, with enough seriousness that major news sources would feel a need to check their facts.
via Puerto Rico Report by KG on 8/10/12
Previously when we reported on why Puerto Rico’s lack of representation in Congress matters, we focused on how important it is to have several Members of Congress to best represent ideological diversity in heavily populated states. States with many Members of Congress have another significant advantage: the ability to represent the state across numerous congressional committees.
Despite its population of 3.7 million U.S. citizens, Puerto Ricans are represented by a single, non-voting Resident Commissioner, Pedro Pierluisi (D), who serves on three committees: Ethics, Judiciary, and Natural Resources. Consequently, Puerto Ricans have no direct say on any legislation that could impact them unless it comes before one of these three committees.
Oregon, a state of comparable size to Puerto Rico, enjoys the representation of five Members of Congress and two Senators. In the House of Representatives, Oregon’s delegation together has a voice on nine different committees, including Agriculture, Budget, Transportation & Infrastructure, Small Business, and committees handling taxes and health care. Oregon’s two Senators together serve on half of the Senate’s twenty committees.
Iowa also has broad committee representation. The state’s five representatives are members on ten of the House’s twenty-five committees, covering issues related to agriculture, the armed services, appropriations, oversight, infrastructure, transportation, small businesses, and veterans affairs. In the Senate, Senators Charles Grassley (R) and Tom Harkin (D) are members of nine committees, and Iowans enjoy concentrated representation by both of their senators on the Agriculture Committee, as area of significant importance to Iowa’s economy.
Normally, a state’s delegation works together as a team across all the committees where they have a collective presence to help their constituents. Puerto Rico’s sole Resident Commissioner is confined to representing the territory on only three committees – a factor that reduces the voices of Puerto Ricans in Washington.
For a recent example of why committee membership is so important, see our previous article about nutrition assistance in Puerto Rico.
Despite its population of 3.7 million U.S. citizens, Puerto Ricans are represented by a single, non-voting Resident Commissioner, Pedro Pierluisi (D), who serves on three committees: Ethics, Judiciary, and Natural Resources. Consequently, Puerto Ricans have no direct say on any legislation that could impact them unless it comes before one of these three committees.
Oregon, a state of comparable size to Puerto Rico, enjoys the representation of five Members of Congress and two Senators. In the House of Representatives, Oregon’s delegation together has a voice on nine different committees, including Agriculture, Budget, Transportation & Infrastructure, Small Business, and committees handling taxes and health care. Oregon’s two Senators together serve on half of the Senate’s twenty committees.
Iowa also has broad committee representation. The state’s five representatives are members on ten of the House’s twenty-five committees, covering issues related to agriculture, the armed services, appropriations, oversight, infrastructure, transportation, small businesses, and veterans affairs. In the Senate, Senators Charles Grassley (R) and Tom Harkin (D) are members of nine committees, and Iowans enjoy concentrated representation by both of their senators on the Agriculture Committee, as area of significant importance to Iowa’s economy.
Normally, a state’s delegation works together as a team across all the committees where they have a collective presence to help their constituents. Puerto Rico’s sole Resident Commissioner is confined to representing the territory on only three committees – a factor that reduces the voices of Puerto Ricans in Washington.
For a recent example of why committee membership is so important, see our previous article about nutrition assistance in Puerto Rico.
via Puerto Rico Report by KG on 8/15/12
Florida may soon surpass New York as the state with the most Puerto Ricans, and with this growth has come significant political implications.
In Florida, the Puerto Rican population has ballooned over the last decade, expanding from 482,027 in 2000 to 847,550 in 2010, a growth rate of 75 percent.Meanwhile, New York’s Puerto Rican population held relatively steady, going from 1,050,293 people in 2000 to 1,070, 558 in 2010 according to Census data, and increase of only 1.9 percent.
Puerto Ricans are the second largest Hispanic population in Florida after Cubans, and the Puerto Rican growth rate over the last decade has dwarfed the Cuban growth rate of 45 percent. There are nearly 100,00 Puerto Ricans living in Miami-Dade County alone, and more than 156,000 in Orange County. It is not surprising that recent presidential campaigns have concentrated more heavily on Puerto Ricans in Orlando and along the I-4 Corridor than in the heavily Cuban Miami area.
The growing presence of Puerto Ricans in Florida is especially significant because Florida is considered to be a presidential swing state. Democrats and Republicans alike have been courting Florida Hispanics – and Puerto Ricans in particular – for their votes in the upcoming presidential election. In fact, President Obama’s 2011 visit to Puerto Rico, where residents are unable to vote for President, is widely viewed as an attempt to actually garner the political support of Puerto Ricans in Florida (and, to a lesser extent, Pennsylvania, New York and other states).
Both Presidential candidates have been joined by Puerto Rican leaders as they campaign in Florida. In January, Mitt Romney earned the endorsement of Governor Luis Fortuno, who affiliates with the Puerto Rican statehood New Progressive Party (NPP) as well as the national Republican Party. Romney and Fortuno appeared together in Orlando in the days leading up to the Florida Republican primary.
Earlier this month, President Obama campaigned in Central Florida with Puerto Rico Secretary of State Kenneth McClintock, of the statehood New Progressive Party (NPP), and gubernatorial candidate Alejandro García Padilla, of the Popular Democratic Party (PDP). Despite their different positions on the status issue, both men affiliate with the national Democratic Party.
via Puerto Rico Newswire on 4/17/10
Parrot lovers can cruise and see parrots while sailing from San Juan, Puerto Rico on November 7 - 14, 2010 in the Caribbean Princess .
via Puerto Rico Newswire on 8/15/12
World and European champions Spain missed a glut of scoring chances but still completed a 2-1 victory over lowly Puerto Rico in their international friendly on Wednesday.
via Puerto Rico News on 8/15/12
Gabriela Fajardo, 15, smiles as she waits next in line to process her passport at the Honduran Consulate and apply for relief under a new Obama Administration policy that suspends deportation for immigrants brought to the country at a young age on Wednesday, Aug.
Mike Nova's starred items
via Puerto Rico News on 8/14/12
Eighteen people, among them a U.S. military veteran, were murdered last weekend in Puerto Rico , raising the murder count on the island so far this year to 595, police said Monday.
via Puerto Rico News on 8/15/12
A man from the Dominican Republic who is wanted in Massachusetts on drug and assault charges has turned himself in to authorities in Puerto Rico SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico - A man from the Dominican Republic who is wanted in Massachusetts on drug and assault charges has turned himself in to authorities in Puerto Rico.
via Puerto Rico News on 8/14/12
FAJARDO, Puerto Rico -- Federal and state law enforcement agencies in Puerto Rico recently uncovered a "hidden treasure" consisting of approximately 18 pounds of bricked cocaine buried in an area protected by Fish and Wild Life Reserve at the Municipal Island of Culebra, Puerto Rico.
via Global Voices » Puerto Rico (U.S.) by Marianna Breytman on 8/16/12
Much has been said in Puerto Rico about the fact that the key to creating a better society is investing in our youth, creating spaces and opportunities so that they can express themselves — whether it be in the arts or in sports — and so that they have a place to channel their energy in a beneficial way.
This is precisely what photojournalist José Jiménez is doing with his project, Activao [es] (slang for the Spanish term “activado,” which means “activated”). This website is the only space in Puerto Rico dedicated entirely to school athletics, where young people can get professional photos taken of their performances in sports, which include swimming, basketball, ball playing, volleyball, athleticism, and soccer, among others. In the company of his two faithful canine friends, Maximiliana and Mila, Jiménez spoke in detail about what exactly the Activao project is:
© José Jiménez. Used with permission.
Activao has existed since 2010, but José says that the project has really only been developing for closer to one year, not counting the months it was inactive. Nevertheless, the project has truly caught the attention of much of the public:
Photo by José Jiménez (©). Used with permission.
With respect to the minimal presence that the coverage of school athletics has in traditional media, I commented that, after having seen his website and having been able to appreciate the large quantity of activity that there is in this field, it seemed strange to me that other forms of media did not pay as much attention to this as one might imagine:
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This is precisely what photojournalist José Jiménez is doing with his project, Activao [es] (slang for the Spanish term “activado,” which means “activated”). This website is the only space in Puerto Rico dedicated entirely to school athletics, where young people can get professional photos taken of their performances in sports, which include swimming, basketball, ball playing, volleyball, athleticism, and soccer, among others. In the company of his two faithful canine friends, Maximiliana and Mila, Jiménez spoke in detail about what exactly the Activao project is:
José Jiménez (JJ): Parte de una premisa que es una plataforma donde es un contenido puramente positivo, para tener como un espacio donde la juventud se coja un break de toda esta información negativa que, por la razón que sea, están siendo bombardeados constantemente por los medios tradicionales. Aquí siempre se ha hablado mucho de que las noticias positivas no venden y yo he probado que eso es falso. […] No es que no se cubra la parte negativa. Yo lo que creo es que se le da demasiado protagonismo a la criminalidad en los medios. […] Entonces, yo parto de esa parte, de crear un espacio que sea un proyecto social para la juventud. Ese es el fin del proyecto.
José Jiménez (JJ): [It's] part of a premise that it is a platform where there is purely positive content, to have a space where young people take a break from all of this negative information that, for whatever reason, traditional media is constantly bombarding them with. Here we have always talked about this idea that positive news does not sell, and I have proved that this is false. […] It's not to ignore the negative part either. What I think is that the media gives too much prominence to criminality. […] So I'm starting from that part, to create a space that is a social project for the youth. That is the goal of the project.
JJ: Nosotros empezamos en octubre de 2010 […] Tenemos sobre 15,000 friends en Facebook. Sobre 85,000 personas han visto la página. El primer año […] toda la plataforma era en Facebook. Yo vine a abrir la web en abril del 2011. La web, de abril de 2011 hasta hoy, la han visto sobre 85,000 personas. Pero esa web estuvo bien inactiva de abril a octubre del año pasado, porque todo yo lo hacía en Facebook. De agosto 2011 hasta ahora, que es prácticamente un año, es que en verdad esa web ha estado activa. […] Así que el primer año fuimos una plataforma puramente Facebook y social media, y el segundo año estuvimos en la web y se posteaba en Facebook.
JJ: We started in October 2010 […] We have around 15,000 friends on Facebook. Around 85,000 people have visited the page. The first year […] the entire platform was on Facebook. I came to open the website in April 2011. The website, from April 2011 until today, has had over 85,000 visitors. But that website has been pretty inactive from April to October of last year, because I made it on Facebook. From August 2011 until now, which is practically one year, is when the website has actually been active. […] So the first year we were a social media platform purely on Facebook, and the second year we had our own website in addition to posting on Facebook.
Interestingly enough, the project exists on different platforms online, each one as if a branch from the same tree, taking you to another branch:JJ: Yo aproveché la plataforma de Facebook para crecer. […] Yo uso Twitter, pero es simplemente para anunciar que se posteó una nueva galería. Yo no pongo ningún tipo de mensaje. Es simplemente para los followers que tengo en Twitter que ellos se enteren que yo acabo de postear una galería y ellos pueden ver.
JJ: I took advantage of Facebook's platform to grow. […] I use Twitter, but it's simply to announce when a new [photo] gallery has been posted. I don't post any messages there. It's just for the followers I have on Twitter to be aware of when I post a gallery so that they can see it.
JJ: No lo ves porque es una costumbre. Yo lo veo así porque aquí se habla mucho de las tres b: baloncesto, béisbol y boxeo. […] Los medios les pasa una cosa: las sociedades de deportes han perdido mucho su espacio y su protagonismo. Aunque, esto está cambiando, porque cibernéticamente, las secciones de deporte han ganado un auge […] pero en el print, con el tiempo, han bajado el espacio. Entonces, ellos han acostumbrado a sus lectores a las tres b. […] Todos los medios tradicionales cubren deportes escolares, pero es muy poco. […] Por lo menos una vez a la semana sacan una notita. Y ahora con el espacio cibernético, pues ponen un poquito más.
JJ: You don't see it because it has become common [no to cover these sports]. I see it that way because here, people often talk about the three b's: basketball, baseball, and boxing. […] One thing in particular is happening in the media: sports sections have lost their space and prominence quite a bit. Even though this is changing, because sports sections have gained traction online […] but in print, over time, space has decreased. Therefore, they made their readers accustomed to the three b's. […] All traditional media outlets cover school athletics, but on a very small scale. […] At least once a week there is a small bit of news. And now with online spaces, well, they report a bit more.
With school athletics having such a small presence in other forms of the media, I ask him how they learn about events that can be covered for Activao:JJ: Son tantos, que no es difícil enterarse. Yo no sabía que había tanto deporte escolar. […] Y ya la gente, pues me conoce y constantemente en el wall del Facebook los nenes están posteando […] y ellos piden que Activao los cubra.
JJ: There are so many, that it isn't difficult to find them. I did not know that there were so many school sports. […] And now people already know me and kids are constantly posting on the Facebook wall […] and they ask Activao to cover them.
Talking a bit about future plans for Activao, José reveals that he would like to expand what he does to go beyond solely photographing sports:JJ: A la larga, me gustaría producir eventos para seguir creando plataformas positivas para la juventud. […] Yo me he dado cuenta que a la juventud, si tú no le haces algo diferente, no le va a llamar la atención. Ellos están tan y tan bombardeados de tanta información y mucha de esta información se le presenta de manera bastante repetitiva.
JJ: Eventually, I would like to produce events to continue creating positive platforms for the youth. […] I have realized that, for young people, if you don't do something different it's not going to get their attention. They are bombarded with so much information, and so much of this information is presented to them in quite a repetitive manner.
José ends with his thoughts on social media networks, particularly Facebook:JJ: Facebook es la plataforma más impresionante que hay ahora mismo para informar al público. No hay nada, nunca ha habido nada como Facebook. Y en Puerto Rico se va a mantener así por mucho tiempo. […] 50% de todos los jóvenes que tienen Internet que tienen una cuenta de Facebook en Estados Unidos […] ven noticias por Facebook, no van a las páginas. […] Los periódicos migran su gente de su Facebook al periódico. […] Para mí Facebook es sinónimo de pregonero; él te entrega la noticia. […] Eso no lo hace nadie. En términos de medios, es el pregonero más eficiente del mundo. […] Eso es lo increíble de Facebook. Nada en el mundo es tan eficiente como eso.
JJ: Facebook is the most impressive platform that is out there right now for keeping the public informed. There is nothing, nor has there ever been anything, like Facebook. And in Puerto Rico it's going to stay this way for a long time. […] 50% of all young people who have the Internet and have a Facebook account in the United States […] read the news on Facebook, they do not go to the websites. […] Newspapers move their people from Facebook to the newspaper. […] For me, Facebook is synonymous with the “town crier”, they deliver the news to you. […] This is not done by just anyone. In terms of the media, it is the most efficient town crier in the world. […] That is what is so incredible about Facebook. No one in the world is as efficient as them.
Written by Ángel Carrión · Translated by Marianna Breytman · View original post [es] · comments (0) Share: Donate · facebook · twitter · reddit · StumbleUpon · delicious · Instapaper
via Global Voices » Puerto Rico (U.S.) by Chellsy Alis Manning on 8/14/12
This post is part of our special coverage of the London 2012 Olympics.
On 11 August 2012 Jaime Yusept Espinal became the second medallist for Puerto Rico in the London 2012 Olympic Games, after Javier Culson's bronze medal. Espinal, born in the Dominican Republic, won his historic silver medal in the final of the 84 kilo division freestyle wrestling. He wrestled against Sharif Sharifov of Azerbaijan who then went on to win the gold medal. There was a tie for third place and the bronze medal between Dato Mrsagishvili of Georgia and Ehsan Lashgari of Iran.
It is the first time that Puerto Rico has reached a final in wrestling and the first time that they have won an Olympic medal in this sport. This medal is also the second Olympic medal that the country has won in a sport that is not boxing. Puerto Rico now has six bronze medals (five in boxing and one in athletics) and two silver (one in boxing and one in wrestling) making a total of eight Olympic medals.
The euphoria was clear on Twitter since early in the morning. The hashtag #JaimeEspinal became a trending topic on a global scale as soon as it was known that Puerto Rico were guaranteed a silver medal and that there was a possibility for a gold medal. Once the result of the final was known, Jaime Espinal again became a trending topic.
Emotions were running high with Twitter users celebrating Puerto Rico's silver medal in the freestyle wrestling event:
The wrestler Franklin Gómez was eliminated after fighting for the bronze medal in the 60 kilo event against Yogeshwawa Dutt of India. Gómez had a good chance of winning a medal, but these hopes were dashed after he contracted the flu which meant that he almost did not make it for his first fight against the Russian Besik Kudukhov.
Although he felt weaker than usual, the fighters were leveled after the first period. However, Kudukhov won the next two rounds in the close fight. When Kudukhov reached the final, it was known that Gómez still had the chance to compete for the bronze medal against Dutt.
The first two rounds saw the fighters drawing 0-0, which meant that the fight would go on to a draw to see who would have the advantage of having the first attacking movement with the other not being able to defend. In both occasions Dutt won the draw and was overall the victor.
Whatever the result of the final fight, Gómez was always one of the favourites to win a medal and he was always at the height of his game and gave everything - even with the flu. Jaime Espinal and Franklin Gómez are the first to compete for Puerto Rico in Olympic wrestling after three consecutive Olympic games without fielding a competitor in the freestyle wrestling event.
This post is part of our special coverage of the London 2012 Olympics.
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On 11 August 2012 Jaime Yusept Espinal became the second medallist for Puerto Rico in the London 2012 Olympic Games, after Javier Culson's bronze medal. Espinal, born in the Dominican Republic, won his historic silver medal in the final of the 84 kilo division freestyle wrestling. He wrestled against Sharif Sharifov of Azerbaijan who then went on to win the gold medal. There was a tie for third place and the bronze medal between Dato Mrsagishvili of Georgia and Ehsan Lashgari of Iran.
It is the first time that Puerto Rico has reached a final in wrestling and the first time that they have won an Olympic medal in this sport. This medal is also the second Olympic medal that the country has won in a sport that is not boxing. Puerto Rico now has six bronze medals (five in boxing and one in athletics) and two silver (one in boxing and one in wrestling) making a total of eight Olympic medals.
The euphoria was clear on Twitter since early in the morning. The hashtag #JaimeEspinal became a trending topic on a global scale as soon as it was known that Puerto Rico were guaranteed a silver medal and that there was a possibility for a gold medal. Once the result of the final was known, Jaime Espinal again became a trending topic.
Emotions were running high with Twitter users celebrating Puerto Rico's silver medal in the freestyle wrestling event:
@myma27: Y nos quedamos con la #Plata con la misma emoción y orgullo. #JaimeEspinal eres otro #OrgulloBoricua! GRACIAS por esta medalla! #PUR :')) <3
@myma27: So we have the #Plata (silver) with the same excitement and pride. #JaimeEspinal You are something else! #OrgulloBoricua (Puerto Rico Pride). THANK YOU for this medal! #PUR :')) <3
@belenguis: #JaimeEspinal gracias por esa de plata
@belenguis: #JaimeEspinal thank you for this silver
@20_dariana: Una medalla de plata no es nada facil de lograr #OrgulloBoricua#JaimeEspinal!
@jrvesco: #JaimeEspinal: gracias por la medalla!!! Pusiste a Puerto Rico en alto!
@jrvesco: #JaimeEspinal: thank you for the medal!!! You have put Puerto Rico on the map!
@xero94: Excelente combate de #JaimeEspinal ORGULLO BORICUA Y DEL CARIBE! #Plata
@PedVidSa: Fue de Plata pero para todo Puerto Rico fue de ORO Felicidades a #JaimeEspinal En hora buena…
@PedVidSa: It was silver but for everyone in Puerto Rico it was GOLD congratulations go to #JaimeEspinal Well done…
@JLebronMillan: Por poco se me Sale el Corazón! #JaimeEspinal medalla de plata que vale como ORO! Felicitaciones!!!
@JLebronMillan: My heart is in my mouth! #JaimeEspinal the silver medal is the same as GOLD! Congratulations!!!
Franklin GómezThe wrestler Franklin Gómez was eliminated after fighting for the bronze medal in the 60 kilo event against Yogeshwawa Dutt of India. Gómez had a good chance of winning a medal, but these hopes were dashed after he contracted the flu which meant that he almost did not make it for his first fight against the Russian Besik Kudukhov.
Although he felt weaker than usual, the fighters were leveled after the first period. However, Kudukhov won the next two rounds in the close fight. When Kudukhov reached the final, it was known that Gómez still had the chance to compete for the bronze medal against Dutt.
The first two rounds saw the fighters drawing 0-0, which meant that the fight would go on to a draw to see who would have the advantage of having the first attacking movement with the other not being able to defend. In both occasions Dutt won the draw and was overall the victor.
Whatever the result of the final fight, Gómez was always one of the favourites to win a medal and he was always at the height of his game and gave everything - even with the flu. Jaime Espinal and Franklin Gómez are the first to compete for Puerto Rico in Olympic wrestling after three consecutive Olympic games without fielding a competitor in the freestyle wrestling event.
This post is part of our special coverage of the London 2012 Olympics.
*Cover photograph by Quique Aparicio, courtesy of the Olympic Committee of Puerto Rico.
Written by Ángel Carrión · Translated by Chellsy Alis Manning · View original post [es] · comments (0) Share: Donate · facebook · twitter · reddit · StumbleUpon · delicious · Instapaper
via Global Voices » Puerto Rico (U.S.) by Firuzeh Shokooh Valle on 8/10/12
El Punto features [es] the amazing urban street art by Alexis Díaz and Juan Fernández from Puerto Rico, AKA “La Pandilla.”
Written by Firuzeh Shokooh Valle · comments (0)
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Written by Firuzeh Shokooh Valle · comments (0)
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via Global Voices » Puerto Rico (U.S.) by Firuzeh Shokooh Valle on 8/10/12
Auralís Herrero-Lugo writes about her trip [es] with a group of friends to the town of San Sebastián, Puerto Rico, to go to the famous 32nd Festival of the Hammock, a traditional event where artisans show their amazing craft of making hammocks.
Written by Firuzeh Shokooh Valle · comments (0)
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Written by Firuzeh Shokooh Valle · comments (0)
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via Opinión - El Nuevo Día on 8/13/12
Lymarimar Rivera (16 años; estudiante de la Escuela del Deporte de San Juan)El pasado 2 de abril de 2012, El Nuevo Día publicó una noticia sobre la inauguración de un centro de autismo ubicado en el hospital público Centro Médico de Río Piedras. Me llamóSIN FUTURO LOS JÓVENES
Ninoshka M. León (Estudiante del RUM de la Universidad de Puerto Rico)Los adolescentes de hoy no tienen remedio. Eso es lo que escucho a mi alrededor a diario de parte de adultos: los jóvenes no tienen futuro. Y es algo que, como joven y aunque deb
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via Opinión - El Nuevo Día on 8/14/12
El País recibe hoy agradecido a su delegación olímpica que, con la medalla de plata de Jaime Espinal, la de bronce de Javier Culson, la sexta posición del gimnasta Tommy Ramos en las anillas y la actuación notable de los demás atletas y técnicos, cinceló en los XXX Juegos de Londres el mejor desempeño de Puerto Rico en la historia.La consulta a lo Chomsky
SILVERIO PÉREZNoam Chomsky es un lingüista y filósofo norteamericano que ha sido reconocido como uno de los pensadores más importantes de nuestros tiempos. Escribió las diez estrategias de manipEl derecho absoluto a la fianza
RODOLFO E. CHACÓN CHALUISÁNautorPartiendo de la premisa de que el derecho absoluto a la fianza es un principio constitucional, el cual establece que todo acusado debe contar con una presunción de inocencia h140
Huáscar Robles CarrasquilloTuiteísmo. Debería ser un deporte: la habilidad innata de comunicar ideas virtualmente innecesarias en un récord de 140 caracteres. Sería genial darle medallas a quienes no compite
Felicito a Javier Culson, a Jaime Espinal y al resto del equipo que nos representó en las Olimpiadas. En estos días nuestro pueblo se ha desbordado en elogios para Javier y Jaime y, no es para menos, lograron brillar en el mundo del deporte olímpico, gracias a su esfuerzo y al apoyo que le brindaron aquellos que creyeron en ellos.
Para muchos era desconocido la calidad de nuestro equipo, por que estamos en el limbo, por que estamos más pendientes de ver La comay y otros chismes televisivos o, sencillamente, no les importa lo que sucede en el deporte.
Ahora reclaman esas medallas como si fueran de ellos. Pues no, no les pertenecen a los indiferentes que no prestan de su tiempo para ayudar a nuestros niños y a nuestra juventud. No les pertenecen a los politiqueros que difaman a otros y que cuando el Comité Olímpico local necesita dinero, se lo niegan. Tampoco a aquellos que no desarrollan programas en pro del deporte puertorriqueño ni para los alcaldes que dejan las facilidades deportivas en constante deterioro, y ahora quieren posar junto a los medallistas olímpicos.
Tampoco merecen reclamar esas medallas los que no tienen sentido patrio, los que nos enajenan diariamente, restringen los derechos y oprimen con sus políticas y fascismo social. Tampoco merecen esas medallas aquellas empresas que fueron mudas cuando alguien se les acercó a pedir una contribución económica.
Para merecer medallas, de oro, plata y bronce, necesitamos evaluarnos como pueblo y dar la milla extra con hechos. Puerto Rico, se superara cuando pensemos, actuemos y realmente nos sintamos puertorriqueños.
Reinaldo Acevedo
Las Piedras
Para muchos era desconocido la calidad de nuestro equipo, por que estamos en el limbo, por que estamos más pendientes de ver La comay y otros chismes televisivos o, sencillamente, no les importa lo que sucede en el deporte.
Ahora reclaman esas medallas como si fueran de ellos. Pues no, no les pertenecen a los indiferentes que no prestan de su tiempo para ayudar a nuestros niños y a nuestra juventud. No les pertenecen a los politiqueros que difaman a otros y que cuando el Comité Olímpico local necesita dinero, se lo niegan. Tampoco a aquellos que no desarrollan programas en pro del deporte puertorriqueño ni para los alcaldes que dejan las facilidades deportivas en constante deterioro, y ahora quieren posar junto a los medallistas olímpicos.
Tampoco merecen reclamar esas medallas los que no tienen sentido patrio, los que nos enajenan diariamente, restringen los derechos y oprimen con sus políticas y fascismo social. Tampoco merecen esas medallas aquellas empresas que fueron mudas cuando alguien se les acercó a pedir una contribución económica.
Para merecer medallas, de oro, plata y bronce, necesitamos evaluarnos como pueblo y dar la milla extra con hechos. Puerto Rico, se superara cuando pensemos, actuemos y realmente nos sintamos puertorriqueños.
Reinaldo Acevedo
Las Piedras
La medalla de plata de Jaime Espinal le da una dura lección al Comité Olímpico (COI) y a los auspiciadores de los atletas que no le dieron ninguna publicidad.
En comparación con Javier Culson, casi no invirtieron dinero en él para entrenar. El gobernador Luis Fortuño no fue a ver las peleas con su mamá y fueron pocos los fanáticos que fueron a ver la pelea en vivo. Sin embargo, Espinal respondió.
No importa de dónde sea, representaba a nuestro país y, a diferencia de otros que nos han representado en otros deportes en el pasado, al menos habla español.
Muchas felicidades a Jaime Espinal y a su familia. Esperemos que ahora se haga justicia con él y que no se deje utilizar por los políticos de este país que, seguramente, lo van a estar esperando en el aeropuerto para tener una foto con él y usarla en sus anuncios políticos.
Héctor Zaragoza
En comparación con Javier Culson, casi no invirtieron dinero en él para entrenar. El gobernador Luis Fortuño no fue a ver las peleas con su mamá y fueron pocos los fanáticos que fueron a ver la pelea en vivo. Sin embargo, Espinal respondió.
No importa de dónde sea, representaba a nuestro país y, a diferencia de otros que nos han representado en otros deportes en el pasado, al menos habla español.
Muchas felicidades a Jaime Espinal y a su familia. Esperemos que ahora se haga justicia con él y que no se deje utilizar por los políticos de este país que, seguramente, lo van a estar esperando en el aeropuerto para tener una foto con él y usarla en sus anuncios políticos.
Héctor Zaragoza
Inscribir tres partidos políticos adicionales es una forma de lucrarse con licencia. Por ejemplo el MUS (Movimiento Unión Soberanista) crea su liderato, aunque ficticio, y al otro día hace alianzas con el Partido Popular Democrático (PPD). Esto demuestra que ese partido se compone de populares que se avergüenzan de serlo y otros a los que el Partido Independentista Puertorriqueño (PIP) botó.
Botaron a Enrique Vázquez Quintana, que era estadista, para tener el camino libre para el traqueteo. Con esta alianza, el PPD adquiere el dinero de estos partidos simbólicos y llena su pote para hacer campaña contra el PNP y el PIP. Lo que falta es que el PIP preste su voto nuevamente al PPD y no quede inscrito.
Rafael VelÁzquez
Aguas Buenas
Botaron a Enrique Vázquez Quintana, que era estadista, para tener el camino libre para el traqueteo. Con esta alianza, el PPD adquiere el dinero de estos partidos simbólicos y llena su pote para hacer campaña contra el PNP y el PIP. Lo que falta es que el PIP preste su voto nuevamente al PPD y no quede inscrito.
Rafael VelÁzquez
Aguas Buenas
Digo no a limitar la fianza porque no estoy dispuesta a que me quiten más derechos de los que ya el gobierno ha quitado. No hay estudio que demuestre que eso resolverá el problema.
El problema está en los hogares, en los padres que no se ocupan de sus hijos, que no les enseñan a ser ciudadanos de bien, que no apoyan a los maestros y, en cambio, se vanaglorian cuando su hijo les falta el respeto.
El problema es el gobierno, que mientras gasta dinero en cosas banales no lo invierte en la educación de los jóvenes, ni en deportes.
Sí, es cierto que los jueces deberían ser más estrictos en la imposición de la fianza, pero en nuestro país somos inocentes hasta que se demuestre lo contrario.
Más herramientas para los policías, los fiscales. Es increíble que en mi país se gaste más por un preso que por un estudiante. Si vamos a quitar algún derecho que sea a los presos, para que no les quede ningún deseo de volver a cometer un delito.
Digo no a la reducción de la legislatura, porque ya voté por una legislatura unicameral y el partido de turno no respetó mi derecho. Disminuirán la cantidad, pero ganarán más dinero. Es politiquería total, no habrá parcialidad en las decisiones tomadas.
No permitamos que con las palabras y caras lindas de nuestros políticos nos engañen. Lean, busquen información al respecto, no se trata de colores, nuestros derechos no son rojos, azules, ni verdes. Nuestros derechos son neutrales. Por esto y muchas cosas más el 19 de agosto vota no.
Yezi Alemán
Vega Alta
El problema está en los hogares, en los padres que no se ocupan de sus hijos, que no les enseñan a ser ciudadanos de bien, que no apoyan a los maestros y, en cambio, se vanaglorian cuando su hijo les falta el respeto.
El problema es el gobierno, que mientras gasta dinero en cosas banales no lo invierte en la educación de los jóvenes, ni en deportes.
Sí, es cierto que los jueces deberían ser más estrictos en la imposición de la fianza, pero en nuestro país somos inocentes hasta que se demuestre lo contrario.
Más herramientas para los policías, los fiscales. Es increíble que en mi país se gaste más por un preso que por un estudiante. Si vamos a quitar algún derecho que sea a los presos, para que no les quede ningún deseo de volver a cometer un delito.
Digo no a la reducción de la legislatura, porque ya voté por una legislatura unicameral y el partido de turno no respetó mi derecho. Disminuirán la cantidad, pero ganarán más dinero. Es politiquería total, no habrá parcialidad en las decisiones tomadas.
No permitamos que con las palabras y caras lindas de nuestros políticos nos engañen. Lean, busquen información al respecto, no se trata de colores, nuestros derechos no son rojos, azules, ni verdes. Nuestros derechos son neutrales. Por esto y muchas cosas más el 19 de agosto vota no.
Yezi Alemán
Vega Alta
Para indicar los siglos, se utiliza la numeración romana. Ejemplo: siglo XXI (no siglo 21).
¿Apruebas la visita de la selección española de fútbol para jugar en Puerto Rico?
Sí, porque los futbolistas locales pueden aprender mucho y fomentan afición. |
No, porque con el dinero que se gastan en traerlos podrían emplearlo en desarrollar a deportistas olímpicos. |
Sí, porque le da visibilidad internacional a Puerto Rico |
No, porque no puedo darme el lujo de ir al evento por el precio de las taquillas. |
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Mike Nova's starred items
via Opinión - El Nuevo Día on 8/15/12
La propuesta de un mero recorte de escaños legislativos a considerarse en el referéndum constitucional el domingo debe ser derrotada, porque, sin representar ahorro para el fisco, suma poder a la partidocracia y restringe aun más las opciones de representación de los movimientos ciudadanos y partidos minoritarios en la Asamblea Legislativa.Fianza versus dignidad
ENRIQUE CRUZLa primera oración del Artículo 2 sección 1 de nuestra Constitución en la Carta de Derechos habla sobre el derecho inviolable a la dignidad. Al buscar la definición de dignidad nosOasis
Ileán Pérez CruzDice Roberto Bolaño que “para salir del aburrimiento, para escapar del punto muerto, lo único que tenemos a mano, y no tan a mano, es el horror, es decir el mal”. Bolaño, autor de
En un país donde toda inversión gubernamental es cuestionada, puesta en duda, ridiculizada o menospreciada en acuerdo con el color o ideología política es necesario que tratemos, libres de apasionamientos, efectuar esta evaluación urgentemente.
En un excelente artículo investigativo de El Nuevo Día, la semana pasada se informó que el gobierno invirtió la friolera de $40 millones en cuatro años para desarrollo deportivo. ¿El resultado? Dos medallas olímpicas.
En un país donde se critica continuamente la falta de fondos para seguridad, salud, educación o proyectos de infraestructura relevantes, esta cantidad invertida versus sus resultados es totalmente inaceptable e inadmisible.
Realmente tenemos nuestras prioridades invertidas. Si este fuera el resultado en una empresa privada, desde el CEO hacia abajo, toda la plana mayor gerencial sería cesanteada de inmediato. Y por favor no vengan a arroparse con la bandera. Los mismos que son críticos de la falta de fondos para muchísimas cosas más importantes que el deporte, son los principales defensores de este despilfarro de fondos públicos.
Que la legislatura no dé un dólar más hasta que no le provean un informe detallado, crítico y realista. Y que se evalúe con seriedad y detenimiento. Que se tomen las decisiones difíciles o antipáticas que haya que tomar. Este gobierno se ha distinguido por tener ese valor. Que lo vuelva a refrendar para el deporte, sin amiguismos, politiquería ni temores.
Que solamente se les provea estipendios a atletas elite probados. Los que quieran llegar ahí, que se prueben. Nada de marcas “b” para las olimpiadas. Solo marcas “a”.
Cero turistas olímpicos como fue la gran mayoría de los que nos representaron. Y todavía Luis Dieppa, vicepresidente de la Federación de Atletismo de Puerto Rico, tiene la osadía de pedir más dinero sin resultados que lo ameriten. Increíble.
Edgar O. Vélez
San Juan
En un excelente artículo investigativo de El Nuevo Día, la semana pasada se informó que el gobierno invirtió la friolera de $40 millones en cuatro años para desarrollo deportivo. ¿El resultado? Dos medallas olímpicas.
En un país donde se critica continuamente la falta de fondos para seguridad, salud, educación o proyectos de infraestructura relevantes, esta cantidad invertida versus sus resultados es totalmente inaceptable e inadmisible.
Realmente tenemos nuestras prioridades invertidas. Si este fuera el resultado en una empresa privada, desde el CEO hacia abajo, toda la plana mayor gerencial sería cesanteada de inmediato. Y por favor no vengan a arroparse con la bandera. Los mismos que son críticos de la falta de fondos para muchísimas cosas más importantes que el deporte, son los principales defensores de este despilfarro de fondos públicos.
Que la legislatura no dé un dólar más hasta que no le provean un informe detallado, crítico y realista. Y que se evalúe con seriedad y detenimiento. Que se tomen las decisiones difíciles o antipáticas que haya que tomar. Este gobierno se ha distinguido por tener ese valor. Que lo vuelva a refrendar para el deporte, sin amiguismos, politiquería ni temores.
Que solamente se les provea estipendios a atletas elite probados. Los que quieran llegar ahí, que se prueben. Nada de marcas “b” para las olimpiadas. Solo marcas “a”.
Cero turistas olímpicos como fue la gran mayoría de los que nos representaron. Y todavía Luis Dieppa, vicepresidente de la Federación de Atletismo de Puerto Rico, tiene la osadía de pedir más dinero sin resultados que lo ameriten. Increíble.
Edgar O. Vélez
San Juan
Puerto Rico tiene leyes que nadie implementa. En vez de tantos legisladores vamos a usar ese dinero para implementar leyes, para esclarecer crímenes, para mejorar nuestra sociedad.
Muy pocos legisladores aportan a nuestro bienestar sin embargo, tiene sueldos, dietas, chofer y ayudantes y secretarias. Ganan mucho más que el 75% de los ciudadanos en Puerto Rico.
Votemos por candidatura, por los que quieren un Puerto Rico mejor. Los partidos protegen a buenos y malos porque son parte del gremio.
Esto es un ejercicio de votación de dos partes: menos legisladores y votar por candidatura. Los dos van de la mano para un mejor Puerto Rico.
Marisa A. GonzÁlez-López
San Juan
Muy pocos legisladores aportan a nuestro bienestar sin embargo, tiene sueldos, dietas, chofer y ayudantes y secretarias. Ganan mucho más que el 75% de los ciudadanos en Puerto Rico.
Votemos por candidatura, por los que quieren un Puerto Rico mejor. Los partidos protegen a buenos y malos porque son parte del gremio.
Esto es un ejercicio de votación de dos partes: menos legisladores y votar por candidatura. Los dos van de la mano para un mejor Puerto Rico.
Marisa A. GonzÁlez-López
San Juan
El pueblo no se ha percatado del error tan grande que cometerían de votar a favor en ambas enmiendas. Si votan afirmativo permitirán que eliminen las minorías. Ganando Cámara y Senado se aprueba cuanta barrabasada se inventan, imagínense siendo todos mayoría. Con reducir el tamaño de la Legislatura no ganaremos nada. No reduzcan el tamaño, reduzcan los gastos.
En cuanto a la enmienda a la fianza eso es un fronte para decir que están haciendo algo. Los ‘carjackings’ siguen siendo un delito federal. Los ataques a policías, eso no amedrenta a nadie. Lo que lo pasa es que al gobierno le gusta “el juey sacao”, no mete la mano a la cueva ni pa’ Dios.
Yo también votaré “no” en ambas propuestas.
José R. González
En cuanto a la enmienda a la fianza eso es un fronte para decir que están haciendo algo. Los ‘carjackings’ siguen siendo un delito federal. Los ataques a policías, eso no amedrenta a nadie. Lo que lo pasa es que al gobierno le gusta “el juey sacao”, no mete la mano a la cueva ni pa’ Dios.
Yo también votaré “no” en ambas propuestas.
José R. González
Tarde mágica con la Orquesta Filarmónica
La Orquesta Filarmónica de Puerto Rico se merece una gran ovación de todo Puerto Rico por el Concierto Mágico de Disney que presentó en Bellas Artes, el pasado domingo.
La calidad del sonido, el repertorio, el montaje de luces y audiovisual y, sobre todo, la emoción y cohesión con la cual los casi 60 miembros de la orquesta tocaron fue digno de los mejores escenarios del mundo. Traer la música de Disney a Puerto Rico atrajo muchos niños, que se mantuvieron callados y escuchando inspiradamente la música de sus películas favoritas.
A mi hija de cinco años le brillaban los ojos de la emoción. Pareciera que la melodía se le metía a uno por dentro y el publico que abarrotó la Sala de Festivales estaba como hipnotizado. Además, los arreglos se notaban sumamente practicados y perfectos.
Se merece un gran honor la Orquesta, dirigida por el maestro Rafael Enrique Irizarry, por su gran talento. Son esos eventos los que despiertan en los niños un amor por la música que les dura una vida entera, como despertó en mí un musical que vi a los cinco años y no he parado de tocar piano desde entonces.
Exhorto a que continúen persiguiendo estos éxitos y puedan regalarle a los puertorriqueños más música y entretenimiento de calidad. Fue una tarde mágica que me llenó de orgullo que se diera en mi Isla. ¡Enhorabuena!
Federico Stubbe, hijo
En español se escribe Kioto (no Kyoto).
¿Qué te pareció el recibimiento que se le dio a la delegación olímpica?
Histórico |
Excesivo |
No se compara con los que recibió Tito Trinidad |
Sobraron los políticos |
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via Opinión - El Nuevo Día on 8/16/12
que sea el inicio de la austeridad real
La derogación de los aumentos salariales automáticos a los legisladores constituyó un paso de rectificación por parte de éstos que debería servir para abrir camino a otros reajustes, como la revocación del andamiaje de excesos fiscales y de privilegios que predomina desde hace décadas en el Poder Legislativo.LA CONSTITUCIÓN NO NOS HA FALLADO
ROGELIO FIGUEROAEl partido Puertorriqueños por Puerto Rico (PPR) está en contra de la reforma constitucional para eliminar el derecho absoluto a la fianza y reducir los escaños de la Legislatura.NO Y NO
ARTURO HERNÁNDEZEl 19 de agosto el pueblo de Puerto Rico está convocado a las urnas para participar en un referéndum, donde estamos enfrentando dos propuestas de enmienda a nuestra Constitución.
Luego de ver el recibimiento a la delegación puertorriqueña que nos representó en las olimpiadas Londres 2012, vemos a los grandes ausentes; los padres de estos jóvenes que son los que se sacrifican día a día para ver cumplido el sueño de sus hijos.
Que merecido y hermoso hubiera sido que cada uno de estos atletas estuviera acompañado de sus padres al momento de presentarse a los medios a su llegada al aeropuerto. Si alguien merece reconocimiento, además de los atletas, son estos padres cuyo esfuerzo, dedicación y sacrificio son vitales en los logros de sus hijos.
No obstante, vemos a ciertos políticos ahora acercándose a nuestros atletas como si hubiesen estado ahí durante todo el trayecto dándole la mano. Esperemos que la gesta lograda por estos jóvenes sirva para que se asignen más fondos y recursos que facilite la labor de todos estos sacrificados padres.
Nuestros atletas se acaban de convertir en el esfuerzo, la voluntad y la gloria de todo un país, Puerto Rico. Y, más aun, de todos esos padres que con su sacrificio y esfuerzo, hoy ven el fruto germinado.
Esperemos que este gran triunfo de nuestros atletas sea un triunfo que aúna a todos los puertorriqueños en ese orgullo patrio que se siente con tan honroso logro.
Felicitaciones a todos esos padres que con su trabajo y sacrificio entregan todo su corazón y empeño en ver cumplido el sueño de sus hijos. Para todos esos padres, la medalla de oro por toda su dedicación.
Randy Martell
Que merecido y hermoso hubiera sido que cada uno de estos atletas estuviera acompañado de sus padres al momento de presentarse a los medios a su llegada al aeropuerto. Si alguien merece reconocimiento, además de los atletas, son estos padres cuyo esfuerzo, dedicación y sacrificio son vitales en los logros de sus hijos.
No obstante, vemos a ciertos políticos ahora acercándose a nuestros atletas como si hubiesen estado ahí durante todo el trayecto dándole la mano. Esperemos que la gesta lograda por estos jóvenes sirva para que se asignen más fondos y recursos que facilite la labor de todos estos sacrificados padres.
Nuestros atletas se acaban de convertir en el esfuerzo, la voluntad y la gloria de todo un país, Puerto Rico. Y, más aun, de todos esos padres que con su sacrificio y esfuerzo, hoy ven el fruto germinado.
Esperemos que este gran triunfo de nuestros atletas sea un triunfo que aúna a todos los puertorriqueños en ese orgullo patrio que se siente con tan honroso logro.
Felicitaciones a todos esos padres que con su trabajo y sacrificio entregan todo su corazón y empeño en ver cumplido el sueño de sus hijos. Para todos esos padres, la medalla de oro por toda su dedicación.
Randy Martell
Los residentes de la urbanización Extensión Praderas de Ceiba Norte II, de Juncos, estamos confrontando problemas con varios caballos, al parecer sin dueños, que se han apropiado de nuestros patios. Es de todos conocido que estos animales son portadores de garrapatas y de otras enfermedades que pueden afectar nuestra salud, al igual que la de nuestras mascotas. Además, tengo entendido que varios automóviles han sufrido daños.
También dentro de la urbanización hay varios perros que se dedican a romper las bolsas de basura y a voltear los zafacones.
Hacemos un llamado a las autoridades pertinentes, especialmente, a las municipales para que tomen acción al respecto.
Manuel Esguerra
También dentro de la urbanización hay varios perros que se dedican a romper las bolsas de basura y a voltear los zafacones.
Hacemos un llamado a las autoridades pertinentes, especialmente, a las municipales para que tomen acción al respecto.
Manuel Esguerra
Hace año y medio que el acondicionador de aire del Centro Pediátrico, en Arecibo, no funciona lo que es una tortura para los infantes y niños que acuden para ser atendidos como para los empleados. El personal médico y clerical hacen lo indecible por atender los casos bajo las pésimas condiciones dentro de unas facilidades que carecen, de ventilación regular. No se puede entender cómo el gobierno invierte el dinero en cosas extravagantes y superfluas mientras a los niños en este Centro se les tortura sin compasión.
Por su parte, el Departamento de Salud se hace de la vista larga con este atropello que crea ansiedad y daño a la salud de los aludidos. El secretario de Salud, Lorenzo González, tiene la palabra por el bien de nuestros niños.
Charlie Aguilar
Por su parte, el Departamento de Salud se hace de la vista larga con este atropello que crea ansiedad y daño a la salud de los aludidos. El secretario de Salud, Lorenzo González, tiene la palabra por el bien de nuestros niños.
Charlie Aguilar
Este próximo domingo al acudir a las urnas, no le estaré quitando el derecho a ningún asesino; esos no tienen fianza, van derechitos a la cárcel.
La fianza es un derecho que tenemos todos si nos acusan de asesinato -los culpables y los que no lo somos-. ¿O es que todavía existe quien piensa que no se fabrican casos ni testigos?
Lo que verdaderamente hacemos si votamos “Sí” es renunciar a nuestro derecho, no al del otro. Es esta suma de voluntades la que sigue fortaleciendo a ese monstruo que se llama “estado”. Ese estado que para lograr su propósito utiliza mecanismos engañosos, valiéndose de la histeria colectiva y el dolor de otros; como si cada víctima que aparece en sus anuncios, por ese mero hecho, quedara exenta de ser acusada algún día por ellos mismos.
Votar “Sí” es como entregarle la llave de tu casa al pillo para que entre a robar. La Constitución es una “armadura” que nos protege; no del otro, sino del gobierno.
De ese mismo gobierno que te fabrica el caso, que no investiga, que comete brutalidad policiaca. Ese gobierno que te pide el voto pero no acepta que lo fiscalices. A esos verdaderos asesinos... no.
Wilmari Pérez
La fianza es un derecho que tenemos todos si nos acusan de asesinato -los culpables y los que no lo somos-. ¿O es que todavía existe quien piensa que no se fabrican casos ni testigos?
Lo que verdaderamente hacemos si votamos “Sí” es renunciar a nuestro derecho, no al del otro. Es esta suma de voluntades la que sigue fortaleciendo a ese monstruo que se llama “estado”. Ese estado que para lograr su propósito utiliza mecanismos engañosos, valiéndose de la histeria colectiva y el dolor de otros; como si cada víctima que aparece en sus anuncios, por ese mero hecho, quedara exenta de ser acusada algún día por ellos mismos.
Votar “Sí” es como entregarle la llave de tu casa al pillo para que entre a robar. La Constitución es una “armadura” que nos protege; no del otro, sino del gobierno.
De ese mismo gobierno que te fabrica el caso, que no investiga, que comete brutalidad policiaca. Ese gobierno que te pide el voto pero no acepta que lo fiscalices. A esos verdaderos asesinos... no.
Wilmari Pérez
En la expresión no ha lugar, ha se escribe con h.
¿Qué opinas del banquete que se regalaron los senadores que incluía langosta?
Es un agravio a las personas que están pasando estrecheces a causa de la crisis. |
Los 95 años de existencia del Senado lo ameritaba |
Ya no causan sorpresa las extravagancias de los legisladores. |
Fue una imprudencia, pero se ha exagerado la gravedad del hecho |
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$22M in federal funds for PR airport; PR seeks OK for Baldorioty cameras http://ow.ly/cZy1W #federalfunds #caribbeanbusiness

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HootSuite Photos
via Puerto Rico by Fight Back on 7/27/09
Chicago, IL - Ricardo Jimenez was the first newly freed Independista to speak to the 300 strong rally, welcoming home the patriots who were jailed for fighting against the U.S. colonization of Puerto Rico. Jimenez told the cheering crowd "the struggle for independence continues!"
The five and a half hour rally, organized mostly by word of mouth, was impressive, with more and more people showing up throughout the evening to participate in this historic and joyous moment in the Puerto Rican community.
Three other freed Independistas spoke to the rally; Alejandrina Torres, Alberto Rodriguez, and Luis Rosa.
Due to the repressive conditions of release imposed by President Clinton, the Independistas are not allowed to appear together, nor are they allowed to communicate with each other.
Two political prisoners, Antonio Camacho-Negron and Oscar Lopez-Rivera, refused the offer of clemency from President Clinton because of the harsh conditions tied to the release.
The Independistas were never given a fair trial to begin with. Under international law, they, as prisoners of war, should have been tried in a Geneva Court. Even today, the mainstream media never mentions that Puerto Rico, after more than a hundred years, remains a colony of the U.S.
Nine of the eleven freed Independistas lived in Chicago before being captured. Only two, Alejandrina Torres and Alberto Rodriguez plan on remaining in Chicago, the rest will live in Puerto Rico.
Luis Rosa, who was 19 years old when imprisoned, said that he would not be able to lead a normal life if he stayed in Chicago. Mayor Daley has stated his opposition to the Independistas' freedom and threatened to use the FBI to keep surveillance on them.
These activists have suffered tremendously inside and outside prison at the hands of the American government. Yet their faith is firm in one day seeing justice for their people and the end of colonialism - ¡Viva Puerto Rico Libre!
The five and a half hour rally, organized mostly by word of mouth, was impressive, with more and more people showing up throughout the evening to participate in this historic and joyous moment in the Puerto Rican community.
Three other freed Independistas spoke to the rally; Alejandrina Torres, Alberto Rodriguez, and Luis Rosa.
Due to the repressive conditions of release imposed by President Clinton, the Independistas are not allowed to appear together, nor are they allowed to communicate with each other.
Two political prisoners, Antonio Camacho-Negron and Oscar Lopez-Rivera, refused the offer of clemency from President Clinton because of the harsh conditions tied to the release.
The Independistas were never given a fair trial to begin with. Under international law, they, as prisoners of war, should have been tried in a Geneva Court. Even today, the mainstream media never mentions that Puerto Rico, after more than a hundred years, remains a colony of the U.S.
Nine of the eleven freed Independistas lived in Chicago before being captured. Only two, Alejandrina Torres and Alberto Rodriguez plan on remaining in Chicago, the rest will live in Puerto Rico.
Luis Rosa, who was 19 years old when imprisoned, said that he would not be able to lead a normal life if he stayed in Chicago. Mayor Daley has stated his opposition to the Independistas' freedom and threatened to use the FBI to keep surveillance on them.
These activists have suffered tremendously inside and outside prison at the hands of the American government. Yet their faith is firm in one day seeing justice for their people and the end of colonialism - ¡Viva Puerto Rico Libre!
via Puerto Rico by Fight Back on 7/29/09
San Juan, Puerto Rico - Demanding a halt to the repression of activists working for the independence of Puerto Rico, about 1000 people rallied at the Federal Courthouse here, Jan. 10. Protests took place in ten other cities including, Chicago, New York City and Los Angeles.
Three young Puerto Ricans, Tania Frontera, Christopher Torres and Julio Pabón, have been subpoenaed to appear before a grand jury in New York. Organizers of the protests say the government wants to obtain information about the Popular Boricua Army - Macheteros, including identifying a series of independence leaders affiliated with organizations that struggle for the decolonization and independence of Puerto Rico.
The grand jury, which was scheduled to convene in mid-January, has now been pushed back to February.
Puerto Rico is a colony of the United States. A large movement is working to end U.S. domination there to achieve independence.
Three young Puerto Ricans, Tania Frontera, Christopher Torres and Julio Pabón, have been subpoenaed to appear before a grand jury in New York. Organizers of the protests say the government wants to obtain information about the Popular Boricua Army - Macheteros, including identifying a series of independence leaders affiliated with organizations that struggle for the decolonization and independence of Puerto Rico.
The grand jury, which was scheduled to convene in mid-January, has now been pushed back to February.
Puerto Rico is a colony of the United States. A large movement is working to end U.S. domination there to achieve independence.
via Puerto Rico by Fight Back on 5/27/10
San Juan, Puerto Rico - The University of Puerto Rico administration continues to refuse to negotiate with the students here, as the 24-hour strike started April 21 has extended into its dramatic fifth week.
One of the demands the strike is fighting for is continuing financial assistance for athletes, art students and sons and daughters of the university employees. The university administration and the government do not see eye to eye with the students and what has been offered so far many students see as only scraps.
The most important points in the negotiations have not been met - like the financial extensions or the demand to protect the strike against repression. Another important demand is that the university opens its financial books to the public. This is where the administration doesn’t want to go and what keeps the movement on its feet.
Already the riot police have been used against the students on more than one occasion. There is constant watch by the state police, but the students have held their ground bravely, with help from the incredible worker and community support. Different camps have been set up in and around the campus, maintained by the workers, professors, parents of the students, unions and organizations.
This is all created as a direct result of the chief of police recently stating that no one can take food or water to the strikers. The chief of police decided to do this after Governor Luis Fortuna, in his State of the Country speech, said, “To study in the University of Puerto Rico is a privilege not a right.” This is the attitude that the university administration, backed by the government, has tried to take in regards to the students, but the students are still fighting and standing strong and they will not stop until every one of their demands are met.
One of the demands the strike is fighting for is continuing financial assistance for athletes, art students and sons and daughters of the university employees. The university administration and the government do not see eye to eye with the students and what has been offered so far many students see as only scraps.
The most important points in the negotiations have not been met - like the financial extensions or the demand to protect the strike against repression. Another important demand is that the university opens its financial books to the public. This is where the administration doesn’t want to go and what keeps the movement on its feet.
Already the riot police have been used against the students on more than one occasion. There is constant watch by the state police, but the students have held their ground bravely, with help from the incredible worker and community support. Different camps have been set up in and around the campus, maintained by the workers, professors, parents of the students, unions and organizations.
This is all created as a direct result of the chief of police recently stating that no one can take food or water to the strikers. The chief of police decided to do this after Governor Luis Fortuna, in his State of the Country speech, said, “To study in the University of Puerto Rico is a privilege not a right.” This is the attitude that the university administration, backed by the government, has tried to take in regards to the students, but the students are still fighting and standing strong and they will not stop until every one of their demands are met.
Mike Nova's starred items
via Puerto Rico by Fight Back on 7/10/12
On June 30 the Puerto Rican legislature approved a new Penal Code that includes sharp restrictions on a broad range of civil liberties and rights. Supporters of civil liberties refer to it as essentially a ‘wish list’ of many regressive laws the right wing has dreamed of passing. It now awaits either the approval or veto of Puerto Rican Governor Luis Fortuño, who is from the New Progressive Party (PNP) of Puerto Rico, and is also a member of the U.S.’s Republican Party.
The new changes to the penal code include restrictions on freedom of assembly and expression that would criminalize many forms of protest. The law would criminalize, with a mandatory three-year jail sentence, any protest that might “perturb, interrupt or impede” politicians, or “any disorder” around them. The law would also prohibit protests that “obstruct the providing of services or access” at schools, universities and health institutions. This is clearly targeted at criminalizing anything like the recent university student strikes or actions to defend public services that are threatened by budget cuts and austerity. Violations of this law would mean six months in jail and/or a $5000 fine.
The bill includes severe restrictions and criminalization of abortion (currently legal under Puerto Rican and U.S. law). The new penal code would also create lengthy mandatory minimum sentences for a range of crimes. There is a separate (but politically related) constitutional referendum that will be voted on, which would remove the right to bail for people accused of some crimes.
Many of these measures have been proposed before and failed, and the constitutionality of some of them is questionable. There is a concern expressed by opponents of the bill that this is just the first step and the government would then attempt to restrict other rights such as the right to strike. Strikes in Puerto Rico in recent years have been militant and effective at fighting austerity. More austerity is expected in the coming period.
Puerto Rico’s status as a colony (‘commonwealth’) of the U.S. means that Puerto Rico is subject to the U.S.’s federal laws and courts in addition to Puerto Rico’s own laws. Some of the provisions in this new bill could be found unconstitutional under U.S. and Puerto Rican law, but the legislature seems intent on pushing the limits to try to criminalize a broad range of actions. These changes to the Puerto Rican penal code come in a context of sharpening repression in the United States as well, and many of the parts of this law appear to be models for deepening repressive laws in the U.S.
The new changes to the penal code include restrictions on freedom of assembly and expression that would criminalize many forms of protest. The law would criminalize, with a mandatory three-year jail sentence, any protest that might “perturb, interrupt or impede” politicians, or “any disorder” around them. The law would also prohibit protests that “obstruct the providing of services or access” at schools, universities and health institutions. This is clearly targeted at criminalizing anything like the recent university student strikes or actions to defend public services that are threatened by budget cuts and austerity. Violations of this law would mean six months in jail and/or a $5000 fine.
The bill includes severe restrictions and criminalization of abortion (currently legal under Puerto Rican and U.S. law). The new penal code would also create lengthy mandatory minimum sentences for a range of crimes. There is a separate (but politically related) constitutional referendum that will be voted on, which would remove the right to bail for people accused of some crimes.
Many of these measures have been proposed before and failed, and the constitutionality of some of them is questionable. There is a concern expressed by opponents of the bill that this is just the first step and the government would then attempt to restrict other rights such as the right to strike. Strikes in Puerto Rico in recent years have been militant and effective at fighting austerity. More austerity is expected in the coming period.
Puerto Rico’s status as a colony (‘commonwealth’) of the U.S. means that Puerto Rico is subject to the U.S.’s federal laws and courts in addition to Puerto Rico’s own laws. Some of the provisions in this new bill could be found unconstitutional under U.S. and Puerto Rican law, but the legislature seems intent on pushing the limits to try to criminalize a broad range of actions. These changes to the Puerto Rican penal code come in a context of sharpening repression in the United States as well, and many of the parts of this law appear to be models for deepening repressive laws in the U.S.
Puerto Rican Governor Fortuño signs repressive penal code changes; lawsuit filed to stop it
BY Brad Sigal | Puerto Rico | 8/08/12
On July 30, Puerto Rican Governor Luis Fortuño signed a highly controversial and sweeping new penal code into law that includes sharp restrictions on a broad range of civil liberties and rights. It’s slated to go into effect on September 1. A week after Fortuño signed it, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) filed a lawsuit to stop the new law, calling it unconstitutional.
Puerto Rican Governor Fortuño signs repressive penal code changes; lawsuit filed to stop it
August 8, 2012
Read more articles in Puerto Rico
On July 30, Puerto Rican Governor Luis Fortuño signed a highly controversial and sweeping new penal code into law that includes sharp restrictions on a broad range of civil liberties and rights. It’s slated to go into effect on September 1. A week after Fortuño signed it, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) filed a lawsuit to stop the new law, calling it unconstitutional. "The statute is evidently intended to suppress speech, to stop people from protesting against government policies," William Ramirez, local ACLU director, said in the Washington Post.
The new law includes restrictions on freedom of assembly and expression that criminalize many forms of protest. The law criminalizes, with a mandatory 3 year jail sentence, any protest that might "perturb, interrupt or impede" politicians, or "any disorder" around them. The law also prohibits protests in schools, universities and health institutions that "obstruct the providing of services or access." This is clearly targeted at criminalizing anything like the 2010 student strike at the University of Puerto Rico or actions to defend public services that are threatened by budget cuts and austerity. Violations of this law mean 6 months in jail and/or a $5000 fine.
Puerto Rican Governor Fortuño is with the New Progressive Party (PNP) of Puerto Rico. Since Puerto Rico is a colony ("commonwealth") of the U.S., politicians there can also be affiliated with U.S. parties; Fortuño is also a member of the U.S.’s Republican Party and a member of the Republican National Committee, the leadership body of the Republican Party. He will be a featured speaker at the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Florida in late August along with other controversial right wing politicians such as Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker. There will be large protests outside the Republican National Convention, centered by a mass march on August 27.

The hidden contraband allegedly was buried there several years before, after it washed up on the small island of Culebra. It is alleged that an unknown individual found and hid the contraband as far back as seven years ago. Supposedly he told a friend, Rodney Hyden, 54, of the buried “treasure” and Hyden was seeking help to transport it from Puerto Rico to Florida. As part of an undercover operation that began in early June in Jacksonville, Florida, federal and state agencies worked together to find and seize the drugs.
On Thursday, federal agents and authorities from Puerto Rico, using maps provided by Hyden, found the spot and unearthed a bag containing approximately 18 pounds of bricked cocaine. CBP officers seized the drug and turned it over to Homeland Security Investigation agents for continuation of the investigation.
Hyden was arrested on Friday in St Augustine, Florida, after he attempted to receive the contraband from undercover agents.
The new law includes restrictions on freedom of assembly and expression that criminalize many forms of protest. The law criminalizes, with a mandatory 3 year jail sentence, any protest that might "perturb, interrupt or impede" politicians, or "any disorder" around them. The law also prohibits protests in schools, universities and health institutions that "obstruct the providing of services or access." This is clearly targeted at criminalizing anything like the 2010 student strike at the University of Puerto Rico or actions to defend public services that are threatened by budget cuts and austerity. Violations of this law mean 6 months in jail and/or a $5000 fine.
Puerto Rican Governor Fortuño is with the New Progressive Party (PNP) of Puerto Rico. Since Puerto Rico is a colony ("commonwealth") of the U.S., politicians there can also be affiliated with U.S. parties; Fortuño is also a member of the U.S.’s Republican Party and a member of the Republican National Committee, the leadership body of the Republican Party. He will be a featured speaker at the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Florida in late August along with other controversial right wing politicians such as Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker. There will be large protests outside the Republican National Convention, centered by a mass march on August 27.
HRC condemns anti-gay violence in Puerto Rico
WASHINGTON – The Human Rights Campaign today called upon federal and local government officials and law enforcement authorities to strengthen their efforts to implement a long-term strategy to address violence against LGBT individuals in Puerto Rico.
Three LGBT Puerto Ricans have been found dead over the past several days and 18 LGBT Puerto Ricans have been murdered over the last year and a half, according to reports.
On Tuesday, it was reported that Ramón “Moncho” Salgado was found dead along the side of a highway; Karlota Gómez Sánchez, a transgender woman, was found shot to death at an intersection on Monday; and Alejandro Torres Torres was found stabbed to death over the weekend.
“The alarming rate of violence against LGBT Puerto Rican's cannot be tolerated,” HRC President Joe Solmonese said. “Puerto Rican government officials and law enforcement, as well as the U.S. Department of Justice, must ensure that LGBT people have the protection they need to survive. When a community has to live in constant fear of violence and even death for who they are, everyone suffers.”
Puerto Rico has a hate crime law that covers sexual orientation and gender identity. In addition, federal law prohibits hate crimes based on sexual orientation and gender identity. The Community Relations Service of the Department of Justice entered an agreement with the Puerto Rico Civil Rights Commission, the Puerto Rico Police Department and the Colegio Universitario de Justicia Criminal in 2010 to create a cooperative effort to develop and implement hate crime training initiatives and civil rights curriculum for the Puerto Rico Police Academy and Puerto Rico Police Department.
Despite such legal protection and ongoing efforts to address hate violence, the murders of LGBT individuals have continued.
Cocaine ‘treasure island’ found off Puerto Rico
Published: August 15, 2012
FAJARDO, Puerto Rico — Federal and state law enforcement agencies in Puerto Rico recently uncovered a “hidden treasure” consisting of approximately 18 pounds of bricked cocaine buried in an area protected by Fish and Wild Life Reserve at the Municipal Island of Culebra, Puerto Rico.The hidden contraband allegedly was buried there several years before, after it washed up on the small island of Culebra. It is alleged that an unknown individual found and hid the contraband as far back as seven years ago. Supposedly he told a friend, Rodney Hyden, 54, of the buried “treasure” and Hyden was seeking help to transport it from Puerto Rico to Florida. As part of an undercover operation that began in early June in Jacksonville, Florida, federal and state agencies worked together to find and seize the drugs.
On Thursday, federal agents and authorities from Puerto Rico, using maps provided by Hyden, found the spot and unearthed a bag containing approximately 18 pounds of bricked cocaine. CBP officers seized the drug and turned it over to Homeland Security Investigation agents for continuation of the investigation.
Hyden was arrested on Friday in St Augustine, Florida, after he attempted to receive the contraband from undercover agents.