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Puerto Rico News - | NewsLinks℠ to Puerto Rico, Caribbean and Latino Culture - NewsLinks℠ a Puerto Rico, el Caribe y la Cultura Latina
“Si tratamos de proteger la frontera de Estados Unidos con México sin aumentar la seguridad en la frontera caribeña de Estados Unidos, sólo estaríamos desplazando la actividad criminal de una frontera a otra”, dijo Pedro Pierluisi. |
Puerto Rico House Approves Antidiscrimination Bill Puerto Rico's House of Representatives today passed a comprehensive LGBT rights bill, prohibiting discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity in employment, housing, governmental services, public accommodations, and private entities, ... Puerto Rico Outlaws Discrimination Based On Gender Or Sexual OrientationFox News Latino all 11 news articles » |
Puerto Rico Approves LGBT Non-Discrimination And Domestic Violence ...
Huffington Post "The Puerto Rican LGBT community has endured an epidemic of anti-LGBT violence that has taken more than 35 lives in the past three years," the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force's Executive Director Rea Carey said in a statement. "Nonetheless, this ...
via puerto rico - Google News on 5/25/13
Ощущается стойкий химический запах, в носоглотке возникли болезненные ощущения. [...] А источник заполнения этого хим озера, как выяснилось, – сгнившая труба. Возможно её прорвало в праздники, но скорее всего она всегда была такой.
I could feel a strong chemical smell, which created painful sensations in my nose and throat. [...] The source filling this chemical lake, as it turned out, was a rotten pipe. Perhaps it burst over the holidays, but likely it was always like this.
Как и предполагали, они стали препятствовать сбору проб воды. [...] Впоследствии при попытке оказать на нас физическое воздействие, чтобы отобрать взятые пробы, люди, позиционирующие себя сотрудниками охраны завода “Русский Хром 1915″ были остановлены моим предупреждением о возможном разливе собранных проб на их руки, лицо и тело.
As we suspected, they were creating obstacles for taking water samples. [...] Later, after trying physically to force us to give up the collected samples, these people (who said they were security staff from the “Russian Chrome 1915″ factory) finally backed off when I warned them that I might spill the sample on their hands, face, and body.
[...] неустановленные лица в количестве 5 человек пытались проникнуть на территорию станции нейтрализации промышленных стоков ЗАО «Русский хром 1915». При себе имели бутыли, наполненные неизвестной жидкостью.
[...] unknown parties, numbering 5 people, tried to gain access to the territory of the industrial wastewater neutralization station of “Russian Chrome 1915.” They had with them bottles filled with an unknown liquid.
В ответ он нанёс мне удар в лицо, затем появились ещё двое, которые подбежав заломали мне руки. В это время первый, [...] начал наносить целенаправленные удары мне в голову. Когда я вырвался и нанёс ему удар, меня повалили и стали бить ногами те двое, которые держали мне руки. [...] На очередную попытку встать один из нападавших достал пистолет и ударил мне рукоятью в голову. Я временно потерял сознание. [...] По итогу я имею разбитую голову, зашитую двумя швами и выбитые верхние передние зубы.
In response, he hit me in the face, then two more ran up and twisted my arms behind my back. At the same time, the first one [...] started delivering direct blows to my head. When I managed to evade their grasp and hit him, the two that were holding me forced me to the ground and started kicking me. [...] When I tried to get up again, one of the assailants took out a gun and hit me in the head with the grip. I briefly lost consciousness. [...] As a result I have a busted head, with two stitches, and my upper front teeth are knocked out. |
Puerto Rico Approves Anti-Discrimination Bill
Huffington Post SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico -- Legislators in Puerto Rico on Friday approved a heavily debated bill that outlaws employment discrimination based on gender or sexual orientation. Opponents of the bill prayed on the steps of the seaside Capitol building as ... Puerto Rico House Approves Antidiscrimination Puerto Rico rejects its present colonial status; wants statehoodThe Hill (blog) Puerto Rico's Colonial Status and the US InvasionCenter for Research on Globalization On Top Magazine -Washington Blade -Gay Star News all 11 news articles » |
Scenes from El Yunque Rainforest in Puerto Rico. Observation tower, waterfalls, creeks and streams.
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Time: 03:24 | More in Travel & Events |
Some sunset clips at Vega Baja beach...
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Time: 04:44 | More in Sports |
“The equality march in defense of the gays” will not take place in Kyiv! Very soon, Ukrainians will start preparing to resist the attempts to impose these perversions on us! Resistance will take place on all fronts, physical as well as intellectual! Politicians as well as public figures, writers, the clergy and ordinary Ukrainians will stand up against it, arriving from all over [Ukraine] to Kyiv to defend the traditional family values! Liberal fascism shall not pass! [...]
[...] Aren't you sick and tired of shouting slogans left and right? “Shall not pass!”, “liberal fascism!” [...] These constant cliches and slogans aren't doing you any good, but are instead equating you to the communists who never did anything but yell, “let's fulfill the five-year plan in three years!” It's time to outgrow demagoguery and start doing your job quietly.
I've noticed one thing: the worse the situation in the country is, the more [VO Svoboda] is attacking women – proposing to send them to jail for seven years for abortions – as well as gays and lesbians and others – those who aren't as scary and dangerous as [President Viktor Yanukovych]. [...]
One should defend family values in one's own family. If they are endangered by a peaceful gay rally, then they are not values, but an imitation [of values].
And why aren't you saving Ukrainians from drug addiction and alcoholism? Are gays really Ukraine's biggest problem?! And in general, are they a problem to anyone? Maybe it would be better if you set up sports facilities [in Kyiv's districts of Troyeshchyna and Borshchahivka]? Or you could at least come over [to these districts] to see how many young people are ruining their lives. [Instead], you act like thugs.
[...] Don't you feel you're wasting the trust of those people who voted for you in the last election? There are enough real problems in the country, but you, just like the Russian government, are re-orienting the public attention to gays… [...]
Looking at the comments, I have only one question: doesn't [...] VO Svoboda realize that most voters expect truly high-quality and useful actions from them [...], not some pathetic populism?
Ukraine faces many problems in various areas (medicine, economy, education), corruption and chaos are everywhere, and yet VO Svoboda has decided to fight the country's greatest evil – the gays… You didn't have to go to Parliament for that, let alone the fact that it's a violation of human rights.
[...] Propaganda of various perversions is a violation of human rights!
Viktoriya, where were you one, two or three years ago? Every year we put up resistance to perverts, and we aren't making a secret of it! So don't tell me that “some people put their trust in us”…
Don't you think that the real perversion is when people like [President Yanukovych, First Vice PM Serhiy Arbuzov and PM Mykola Azarov] are in power, and not homosexuality? You'd be better off if you paid a visit to [Yanukovych at his Mezhyhirya residence] and “put up resistance on all fronts” to that pervert who is hiding behind the fence there… [...]
First, they'll “just take a walk,” the way it was in Europe, too…, then they'd like us to give them the right to get married, then the right to adopt children, then they'll be setting churches on fire! (the way it was in Norway), and then they'll be filing criminal lawsuits, the way it happened with one priest who was reading the Bible… I don't know what will happen next, but I don't want them to “just take a walk” in Ukraine…
Why beat anyone? I've always suspected that overly aggressive people, who condemn something [theatrically], definitely have something shameful about themselves to conceal… [And those tools that can be turned into improvised weapons would serve much better at summer houses in the countryside.]