3.9.13 - News Review - Mike Nova's starred items
3.9.13 - News Review: Deep federal budget cuts are forcing the U.S. to send fewer surveillance planes ... - AP | Policía ateo Alvin Marrero Méndez demanda porque lo obligan a rezar en la Policía de Puerto Rico - elnuevodia.com | Atheist Puerto Rico cop files lawsuit charging discrimination by island's ... - Washington Post | More Than 200 Federal Agents Search Puerto Rico Jail - Latin American Herald Tribune | *Puerto Rican* ATM Spits Out 'We Hate Fags' Receipt| *News* *...* | SUV stopped in Puerto Rico with $16M in cocaine; driver escapes | Alejandro García Padilla Governor announced today that it will submit two bills to give the protection of the Domestic Violence Act 54 to same-sex couples and immigrants... - El gobernador Alejandro García Padilla anunció hoy que someterá dos proyectos de ley para darles las protecciones de la Ley 54 de Violencia Doméstica a las parejas del mismo sexo y a los … | Ricky Martin nos da un adelanto de sus proyectos en el 2013, incluyendo una nueva producción musical y construirá … | El legado de Chávez y cómo su muerte podría afectar al Caribe - via Global Voices en Español » Caribe by Sonia Ordóñez | Romero Barcelo's column: Public letter to President Obama - caribbeanbusiness | Royal Caribbean Says 105 Passengers Taken Ill on Ship - Businessweek | Gay Life in *Puerto Rico* - GlobalGayz
US budget cuts curb LatAm drug fight
Deep federal budget
cuts are forcing the U.S. to send fewer surveillance planes ...
US budget cuts curb LatAm drug fight
By : The Associated Press
Deep federal budget cuts are forcing the U.S. to send fewer surveillance planes and Navy ships to halt Latin American drug shipments, meaning the anti-drug effort will depend more on local governments hobbled by lack of equipment and official corruption.
The military/civilian task force that patrols drug-trafficking routes off the Central and South American coasts said Friday that two Navy ships won’t be replaced when they return to U.S. ports in coming weeks. Flights by Customs and Border Patrol radar planes are being cut back by 40 percent, leaving them with time equivalent to roughly 100 flights for the rest of the year.
A wide range of U.S. military services and civilian agencies work with Central and South American governments on the mission known as Operation Martillo, or Hammer, which is dedicated to halting shipments of cocaine headed north from Colombia and Venezuela up the Pacific and Caribbean coasts of Central America and on to Mexico and the United States.
Radar-equipped planes operated by Customs, the Navy and others operating from airports in Costa Rica, Panama, El Salvador and the Caribbean island of Curacao patrol the oceans looking for suspicious boat traffic. When they spot a suspect vessel, they alert local governments and U.S. ships in the area. For countries with small, underequipped navies unable to operate far from the coast, the powerful U.S. Navy and Coast Guard ships operating under Operation Martillo are often essential to halting suspect boats.
The frigates USS Gary and USS Thach are slated to return to port by the end of April. Navy officials said this week that they don’t plan to replace them, as previously intended, because of $85 billion in automatic budget cuts that went into effect last week. The cuts were designed to be so crude and controversial that the Obama administration and a bitterly divided Congress would be forced to find a better way to cut the federal deficit. When that didn’t happen, federal agencies were forced to chop the same rough percentage of their budgets.
U.S. Customs and Border Protection has cut 1,900 hours of flight time for its P3 radar planes, a nearly 40 percent cut in flights in the fiscal year ending in September. That leaves the program with only 800 hours for the rest of the year, an amount that could be used up after several dozen flights. The program currently flies several times in an average week.
Jody Draves, a spokeswoman for the military/civilian task force that patrols drug-trafficking routes off the coasts of Central America, said the withdrawal of two Navy ships would cut into the U.S. ability to interdict drug shipments. The task force normally has between two and five Navy and Coast Guard ships, and dozens of ships from Colombia and Central American nations, mostly smaller boats and often speedboats seized from drug traffickers.
“Will it have a serious impact if we don’t have those (Navy) ships? Absolutely,” she said. “There’ll be an effort to try to mitigate not having as much of a U.S. presence ... We’re going to have to depend, at least for the interim, on partner nations.”
Most governments that participate in Operation Martillo declined to comment on the possible effects of U.S. budget cuts.
Jose Raul Mulino, Panama’s public security minister, told The Associated Press that, “We work both cooperatively and autonomously and we’ll keep on with our work with or without Martillo.”
Other U.S. radar flights that operate from bases in El Salvador and Curacao may also be subject to cuts, said Jose Ruiz, a spokesman for the U.S. Southern Command, although he declined to provide further details.
The U.S. is planning to focus more intensely on the coasts of Colombia, Venezuela and Ecuador, the departure points for many drug boats and a place with higher likelihood on catching shipments.
“If we end up with fewer flight hours and fewer assets, our interest is going to be in allocating those resources at our disposal over those areas where these is the greatest likelihood of success,” Ruiz said.
The U.S. Coast Guard is facing a 25 percent cut in operations. A spokesman said he no immediate information on how that would affect Coast Guard participation in Operation Martillo.
A wide range of U.S. military services and civilian agencies work with Central and South American governments on the mission known as Operation Martillo, or Hammer, which is dedicated to halting shipments of cocaine headed north from Colombia and Venezuela up the Pacific and Caribbean coasts of Central America and on to Mexico and the United States.
Radar-equipped planes operated by Customs, the Navy and others operating from airports in Costa Rica, Panama, El Salvador and the Caribbean island of Curacao patrol the oceans looking for suspicious boat traffic. When they spot a suspect vessel, they alert local governments and U.S. ships in the area. For countries with small, underequipped navies unable to operate far from the coast, the powerful U.S. Navy and Coast Guard ships operating under Operation Martillo are often essential to halting suspect boats.
The frigates USS Gary and USS Thach are slated to return to port by the end of April. Navy officials said this week that they don’t plan to replace them, as previously intended, because of $85 billion in automatic budget cuts that went into effect last week. The cuts were designed to be so crude and controversial that the Obama administration and a bitterly divided Congress would be forced to find a better way to cut the federal deficit. When that didn’t happen, federal agencies were forced to chop the same rough percentage of their budgets.
U.S. Customs and Border Protection has cut 1,900 hours of flight time for its P3 radar planes, a nearly 40 percent cut in flights in the fiscal year ending in September. That leaves the program with only 800 hours for the rest of the year, an amount that could be used up after several dozen flights. The program currently flies several times in an average week.
Jody Draves, a spokeswoman for the military/civilian task force that patrols drug-trafficking routes off the coasts of Central America, said the withdrawal of two Navy ships would cut into the U.S. ability to interdict drug shipments. The task force normally has between two and five Navy and Coast Guard ships, and dozens of ships from Colombia and Central American nations, mostly smaller boats and often speedboats seized from drug traffickers.
“Will it have a serious impact if we don’t have those (Navy) ships? Absolutely,” she said. “There’ll be an effort to try to mitigate not having as much of a U.S. presence ... We’re going to have to depend, at least for the interim, on partner nations.”
Most governments that participate in Operation Martillo declined to comment on the possible effects of U.S. budget cuts.
Jose Raul Mulino, Panama’s public security minister, told The Associated Press that, “We work both cooperatively and autonomously and we’ll keep on with our work with or without Martillo.”
Other U.S. radar flights that operate from bases in El Salvador and Curacao may also be subject to cuts, said Jose Ruiz, a spokesman for the U.S. Southern Command, although he declined to provide further details.
The U.S. is planning to focus more intensely on the coasts of Colombia, Venezuela and Ecuador, the departure points for many drug boats and a place with higher likelihood on catching shipments.
“If we end up with fewer flight hours and fewer assets, our interest is going to be in allocating those resources at our disposal over those areas where these is the greatest likelihood of success,” Ruiz said.
The U.S. Coast Guard is facing a 25 percent cut in operations. A spokesman said he no immediate information on how that would affect Coast Guard participation in Operation Martillo.
By : The Associated Press
Atheist Puerto Rico cop files lawsuit charging discrimination by island’s police department
By Associated Press,
© The Washington Post Company
via puerto rico - Google News on 3/8/13
Washington Post | Atheist Puerto Rico cop files lawsuit charging discrimination by island's ...
Washington Post
SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico — Lawyers filed a lawsuit Friday against some of Puerto Rico's top police officials, accusing them of discriminating against an officer for being an atheist and not adhering to the separation of church and state. It is one of the ... Saturday, March 9th, 2013
via Caribbean Business on 3/8/13
Atheist Puerto Rico Cop Files Discrimination Suit - ABC News
7Online WSVN-TV |
Atheist Puerto Rico Cop Files Discrimination Suit
ABC News Lawyers filed a lawsuit Friday against some of Puerto Rico's top police officials, accusing them of discriminating against an officer for being an atheist and not adhering to the separation of church and state. It is one of the first cases of its kind ... Atheist Puerto Rico cop files lawsuit charging discrimination by island's ...Fox News Drugmaker to cut 400 jobs in Puerto RicoNew York Daily News Puerto Rico Police Officer Sues to Stop Department's Compelled PrayersAmerican Civil Liberties Union News and Information (press release) GlobalPost all 5 news articles » |
Policía ateo Alvin Marrero Méndez demanda porque lo obligan a rezar en la Policía de Puerto Rico
Alega que ha sido marginado por no querer rezar
El agente Alvin Marrero Méndez alega que la Policía lo castiga por no orar. (Archivo)
Por El Nuevo Día
La Fundación de la Unión Americana de Libertades Civiles y la Unión Americana de Libertades Civiles de Puerto Rico (ACLU, por sus siglas en inglés) demandó al superintendente de la Policía, Héctor Pesquera, y otros supervisores por supuestamente hostigar al agente Alvin Marrero Méndez por negarse a participar en los rezos que se efectúan en el cuerpo policiaco durante reuniones y eventos oficiales.
La demanda, sometida ayer en el Tribunal Federal en Hato Rey, plantea que el policía Marrero Méndez es ateo y no está obligado a participar en círculos de oración.
El abogado William Ramírez Hernández, director ejecutivo de la ACLU, detalló por escrito que la Policía retiró a Marrero Méndez de sus funciones regulares para asignarle tareas de mensajero y el lavado de los vehículos oficiales de la Policía, en ocasiones, bajo el sol candente.
“Las agencias gubernamentales no pueden requerirles a los empleados públicos que participen en oración oficial en su lugar de empleo”, afirmó Ramírez Hernández. “Incurrir en dicha conducta atenta contra uno de los pilares de la Constitución, tanto de los Estados Unidos como del Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico, la cual exige completa separación de Iglesia y Estado”, agregó.
Los abogados argumentan que la práctica de incorporar una oración religiosa en las reuniones y otras funciones oficiales de la Policía constituye una violación a la prohibición constitucional sobre separación de Iglesia y Estado que exige las constitución del Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico y la Primera Enmienda de la Constitución de los Estados Unidos. También plantean que la práctica de castigar a Marrero Méndez, quien ingresó a la Policía en el 1999, por negarse a participar de estas oraciones constituye violaciones federales y a las leyes de Puerto Rico. “El demandante es un ateo abierto y, por ello, que no se suscribe a la fe cristiana o a otra doctrina religiosa”, reza la demanda de 13 páginas. “El demandante está profundamente ofendido y se opone a las prácticas religiosas oficiales de los demandados porque estas promueven creencias religiosas con las que no está de acuerdo. Adicionalmente, el demandante objeta estas prácticas porque son religiosamente coercitivas y lo presionan para que participe en la oración y la adoración”, agrega el documento de demanda. Los abogados piden una orden contra los supervisores de Marrero Méndez para que cesen en el trato discriminatorio en su contra por profesar sus creencias, que incluye el derecho a no practicar una fe.
Solicitan, además, una orden para que se detenga esa oración oficial en la Policía, así como el pago de daños y de los honorarios de abogados. “Los empleados del Gobierno nunca deben ser obligados a participar en oración con su patrono”, señaló Dan Mach, director del Programa sobre Derechos Religiosos y de Fe de la ACLU. “La Policía debería estar salvaguardando los derechos constitucionales, no pisoteándolos”, añadió.
La demanda, sometida ayer en el Tribunal Federal en Hato Rey, plantea que el policía Marrero Méndez es ateo y no está obligado a participar en círculos de oración.
El abogado William Ramírez Hernández, director ejecutivo de la ACLU, detalló por escrito que la Policía retiró a Marrero Méndez de sus funciones regulares para asignarle tareas de mensajero y el lavado de los vehículos oficiales de la Policía, en ocasiones, bajo el sol candente.
“Las agencias gubernamentales no pueden requerirles a los empleados públicos que participen en oración oficial en su lugar de empleo”, afirmó Ramírez Hernández. “Incurrir en dicha conducta atenta contra uno de los pilares de la Constitución, tanto de los Estados Unidos como del Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico, la cual exige completa separación de Iglesia y Estado”, agregó.
Federal Agents Launch Extensive Search Operation at Puerto Rican Prison
Hispanically Speaking News - 12 hours ago
More than 200 federal agents from different departments carried out a search operation Friday in the Metropolitan Detention Center Guaynabo in suburban San Juan, the FBI office in Puerto Rico said. The agents examined the entire prison, FBI spokesman ...
Federal Agents Launch Extensive Search Operation at Puerto Rican Prison
Published at 6:08 pm EST, March 8, 2013
More than 200 federal agents from different departments carried out a search operation Friday in the Metropolitan Detention Center Guaynabo in suburban San Juan, the FBI office in Puerto Rico said.
The agents examined the entire prison, FBI spokesman Moises Quiñones told the media, though no reason was given for the operation.
The massive search came after the Feb. 26 murder of Lt. Osvaldo Alvaroti, an investigative officer at MDC Guaynabo, who was shot while driving home from work.
Senior officials from the Federal Bureau of Prisons oversaw the search, according to the press, which reported that cell phones, chargers, drugs and knives were seized from the inmates during the search.
Taking part in Friday’s operation were agents of the FBI, Drug Enforcement Administration, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, and ICE Homeland Security Investigations.
The head of the FBI for Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands, Carlos Cases, said on Feb. 28 that maximum efforts would be undertaken to get to the bottom of Alvaroti’s murder.
El Nuevo Dia newspaper reported that four inmates at MDC Guaynabo, from whom Alvaroti seized several cell phones, were being investigated by federal authorities as possible suspects in the murder.
The agents examined the entire prison, FBI spokesman Moises Quiñones told the media, though no reason was given for the operation.
The massive search came after the Feb. 26 murder of Lt. Osvaldo Alvaroti, an investigative officer at MDC Guaynabo, who was shot while driving home from work.
Senior officials from the Federal Bureau of Prisons oversaw the search, according to the press, which reported that cell phones, chargers, drugs and knives were seized from the inmates during the search.
Taking part in Friday’s operation were agents of the FBI, Drug Enforcement Administration, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, and ICE Homeland Security Investigations.
The head of the FBI for Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands, Carlos Cases, said on Feb. 28 that maximum efforts would be undertaken to get to the bottom of Alvaroti’s murder.
El Nuevo Dia newspaper reported that four inmates at MDC Guaynabo, from whom Alvaroti seized several cell phones, were being investigated by federal authorities as possible suspects in the murder.
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Latin American Herald Tribune | More Than 200 Federal Agents Search Puerto Rico Jail
Latin American Herald Tribune
SAN JUAN – More than 200 federal agents from different departments carried out a search operation Friday in the Metropolitan Detention Center Guaynabo in suburban San Juan, the FBI office in Puerto Rico said. The agents examined the entire prison, FBI ... Drugmaker Baxter to cut 400 jobs in Puerto RicoGlobalPost all 5 news articles » |
Mike Nova's starred items
via Puerto Rico News on 3/8/13
SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico - An SUV has been stopped in Puerto Rico with a load of cocaine valued by federal agents at $16 million dollars, a spokesman for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement said Friday.
$16M in cocaine seized in Caguas
By CB Online Staff
Police seized a stash of cocaine with an estimated street value of $16 million during a traffic stop in Caguas.
Patrol officers ordered the driver of the Ford Expedition to pull over for a moving violation on PR-52. The man steered the sport utility vehicle to the side of the highway, stopped, jump out and fled into a wooded area.
A search of the vehicle turned up more than 1,500 pounds of cocaine.
The case and the contraband were turned over to the U.S. Immigration & Customs Enforcement’s Homeland Security Investigations unit.
The seizure came just days after local police and ICE agents found $600,000 in cash stashed inside an illegally parked car in Carolina.
A search of the vehicle turned up more than 1,500 pounds of cocaine.
The case and the contraband were turned over to the U.S. Immigration & Customs Enforcement’s Homeland Security Investigations unit.
The seizure came just days after local police and ICE agents found $600,000 in cash stashed inside an illegally parked car in Carolina.
via Puerto Rico News - Archive Links's Facebook Wall by Puerto Rico News - Archive Links on 3/8/13
8 de marzo de 2013 06:48 p.m.
8 de marzo de 2013 06:48 p.m.
El gobernador Alejandro García Padilla anunció hoy que someterá dos proyectos de ley para darles las protecciones de la Ley 54 de Violencia Doméstica a las parejas del mismo sexo y a los …
Gobernador presenta proyecto para atemperar la Ley 54 a ley federal
También se extenderán las licencias de maternidad y paternidad a padres y madres biológicos y adoptantes, independientemente de si se trata de parejas gay
García Padilla hizo el anuncio con motivo del Día Internacional de la Mujer, acompañado por la primera dama, Wilma Pastrana, y la secretaria de la Familia, Idalia Colón. (wandaliz.vega@gfrmedia.com)
Por Alba Y. Muñiz Gracia / alba.muniz@gfrmedia.com
El gobernador Alejandro García Padilla anunció hoy que someterá dos proyectos de ley para darles las protecciones de la Ley 54 de Violencia Doméstica a las parejas del mismo sexo y a los inmigrantes, y para extender las licencias de maternidad y paternidad a padres y madres biológicos y adoptantes que sean empleados públicos, independientemente de su orientación sexual.
Según García Padilla, el proyecto que enmendaría la Ley 54, atemperaría “nuestra ley de violencia doméstica al lenguaje abarcador de la ley federal de violencia doméstica contra la mujer. Por ello, el lenguaje de dicha ley en Puerto Rico tiene que garantizar la protección a todas las parejas, independientemente de su estado civil, orientación sexual y de su estatus migratorio”, explicó el primer ejecutivo.
De esta forma, García Padilla busca atemperar la ley local con el nuevo estatuto federal, firmado por el presidente de Estados Unidos Barack Obama en los pasados días, que prohíbe el discrimen por orientación sexual y origen en las organizaciones que reciben fondos federales.
Según García Padilla, de no enmendar la ley local se pondrían en peligro unos $10 millones en asignaciones al gobierno e instituciones que ayudan a las sobrevivientes de la violencia de género.
“Nuestro compromiso es absoluto sin importar la edad, el estado civil, la orientación sexual, la condición social o el origen nacional. He dicho anteriormente que la palabra de Puerto Rico hay que cumplirla para que nos respeten internacionalmente. Si defiendo la palabra de este país ante los retos económicos, tengo que ser más contundente la defensa de la palabra de los puertorriqueños a la hora de cumplir con los deberes del país en materia de derechos humanos”, puntualizó.
El mandatario hizo el anuncio en una conferencia de prensa celebrada en La Fortaleza, con motivo del Día Internacional de la Mujer. Le acompañaron la primera dama, Wilma Pastrana, y la secretaria del Departamento de la Familia (DF), Idalia Colón.
En el caso de la otra propuesta, García Padilla dijo que extendería de 12 a 14 semanas la licencia por maternidad y de cinco días a dos semanas la licencia por paternidad a los empleados y empleadas del Gobierno, y aplicaría también a las parejas del mismo sexo. El gobernador explicó que la licencia de paternidad podría extenderse otras dos semanas adicionales por condiciones de salud del menor.
“Los mismos derechos que tendrán las madres y los padres biológicos los tendrán las madres y los padres adoptantes. A la hora de conceder estas licencias tampoco se puede tener en consideración el estatus civil de los padres y madres adoptantes, ni si la adopción fue efectuada de manera individual o conjunta, siempre que exista cohabitación sostenida de ambos con el menor”, explicó García Padilla.
“Incluye a los padres biológicos y los padres adoptantes aunque el que adopte sea solo uno. No es que se esté legalizando la adopción o el matrimonio (de parejas homosexuales)”, reiteró.
De igual forma, García Padilla indicó que es necesario evaluar el efecto que tendrían las extensiones de las licencias por maternidad y paternidad a los empleados del sector privado y si es conveniente trabajar legislación para hacerlo.
“La medida se tiene que tomar de una manera responsable. En el gobierno no tiene impacto fiscal. Pero en la empresa privada podría tenerlo. Por eso es necesario estudiarlo, primero en unión a la distintas entidades que agrupan la empresa privada y de parte del propio gobierno, que continuamente tiene intervención en la empresa privada”,indicó.
“No queremos afectar la creación de empleos y las oportunidades de empleo para las mujeres en la empresa privada”, añadió.
Ayuda a los viejos
En la rueda de prensa, la titular del DF anunció un anunció la creación de un proyecto denominado Redes de Apoyo y Convivencia Comunitaria con el que esperan proveerles atención a las personas de la tercera edad y crear unos 1,000 empleos.
“Vamos a proveerle a ese viejo el cuidado de una ama de llaves, vamos a adiestrar a la mujer para que sea la cuidadora de ese viejo y a esta otra mujer que está buscando empleo la vamos a adiestrar para que cuide los hijos de la que va a estar cuidando al viejo”,indicó.
La funcionaria manifestó que destinarán $5 millones a la creación de este programa. Colón indicó que para desarrollar el proyecto tuvo acuerdos con el proyecto Matria y la Fundación Sila M. Calderón.
Google Translation:
Governor presents bill to adjust Act 54 to federal law
Also extend maternity and paternity to biological parents and adoptive parents, regardless of whether it is gay couples
García Padilla made the announcement on the occasion of International Women's Day, accompanied by first lady, Wilma Pastrana, and Secretary of the Family, Idalia Columbus. (Wandaliz.vega @ gfrmedia.com) .
By Alba Y. Muñiz Gracia / alba.muniz @ gfrmedia.com
Alejandro García Padilla Governor announced today that it will submit two bills to give them the protections of the Domestic Violence Act 54 to same-sex couples and immigrants, and to extend maternity and paternity to biological parents and adoptive who are public employees, regardless of their sexual orientation.
According to Garcia Padilla, the project that would amend Act 54, atemperaría "our law encompassing domestic violence to the language of the federal law of domestic violence against women. Thus, the language of the law in Puerto Rico has to ensure protection to all couples, regardless of their marital status, sexual orientation and immigration status, "said the chief executive.
Thus, García Padilla seeks to temper the local law with the new federal statute, signed by U.S. President Barack Obama in recent days, which prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation and origin in organizations that receive federal funds.
According to Garcia Padilla, not to amend the local law would jeopardize about $ 10 million in allocations to government and institutions that help survivors of domestic violence.
"Our commitment is absolute regardless of age, marital status, sexual orientation, social status, or national origin. I said above that the word of Puerto Rico must fulfill to respect us internationally. If the word defend this country to the economic challenges, I have to be more forceful defense of the word of Puerto Ricans when fulfilling the duties of the country's human rights, "he said.
The president made the announcement at a press conference at La Fortaleza, on the occasion of International Women's Day. He was accompanied by the first lady, Wilma Pastrana, and Secretary of the Department of Family (DF), Idalia Columbus.
In the case of the other proposal, García Padilla said he would extend from 12 to 14 weeks maternity leave and five days to two weeks paternity leave to employees and employees of the Government, and also apply to same-sex couples . The governor explained that paternity leave could be extended two additional weeks for minor health conditions.
"Shall have the same rights as mothers and the birth parents have mothers and adoptive parents. When granting such licenses can not take into consideration the civil status of the adoptive parents, or if the adoption was done individually or together, provided there is sustained both cohabiting with the child, "explained García Padilla .
"It includes the birth parents and adoptive parents although it only take one. Not being legalizing adoption or marriage (homosexual couples), "he reiterated.
Similarly, García Padilla said it is necessary to evaluate the effect of extensions have maternity and paternity leave to employees in the private sector and if appropriate legislation to make it work.
"The measure has to be taken in a responsible manner. The government has no fiscal impact. But in private enterprise could have it. Therefore it is necessary to study, first binding to different entities grouping of private enterprise and the government itself, which has continually intervention in private enterprise, "he said.
"We will not affect job creation and employment opportunities for women in the private sector," he added.
Help the old
In the press conference, the head of the City announced announced the creation of a project called Support Networks and Community Coexistence waiting to provide care for elderly people and create about 1,000 jobs.
"We will provide the care that old of a housekeeper, we will train the woman to be the caretaker of this old and this other woman who is looking for work we will train to take care of children ranging to be caring for the old, "he said.
The official said that aside $ 5 million to the creation of this program. Colon said the project was to develop agreements with the project and the Foundation Matria Sila Calderón.
via puerto rico news - Google Blog Search by Breaking Travel News on 3/8/13
JetBlue Airways is pleased to announce its intention to launch new daily nonstop service from Chicago's O'Hare to San Juan. JetBlue's third destination from the Windy City is scheduled to begin service on November 20, 2013 ...
Mike Nova's starred items
via puerto rico news - Google Blog Search by Derrick from Philly on 3/8/13
A bar called El Ocho de Blanco and an ATM operator in San Juan, Puerto Rico have distanced themselves from an incident in which an ATM at the bar spit out a receipt with the message.
'We Hate Fags' Is Puerto Rico ATM's Receipt Message - The New Civil Rights Movement
The New Civil Rights Movement |
'We Hate Fags' Is Puerto Rico ATM's Receipt Message
The New Civil Rights Movement Instead of “Gracias” or “Have a nice day,” an ATM at a local bar in San Juan, Puerto Rico, is printing “WE HATE FAGS” at the bottom of its receipts. Bar owners say they have nothing to do with the machine — it's owned and run by a separate company ... |
Mike Nova's starred items
via caribbean - Google News on 3/8/13
100-plus fall ill on Royal Caribbean cruise ship
The Republic PORT EVERGLADES, Florida — A Royal Caribbean International cruise ship has returned to South Florida, concluding a voyage that saw more than a hundred people develop a gastrointestinal illness. The cruise line reported Friday that 105 of 1,991 guests ... |
via caribbean - Google News on 3/8/13
Royal Caribbean Says 105 Passengers Taken Ill on Ship
Businessweek The ship, which arrived in Port Everglades, Florida, this morning, will depart on schedule at 4:30 p.m. this afternoon, Miami-based Royal Caribbean said today in a statement. The vessel has gone through “an extensive and thorough sanitizing onboard ... |
via caribbean - Google News on 3/8/13
100-plus fall ill on Caribbean cruise
Northwest News and Tribune PORT EVERGLADES — A Royal Caribbean International cruise ship has returned to South Florida, concluding a voyage that saw more than a hundred people develop a gastrointestinal illness. The cruise line reported today that 105 of 1,991 guests and 3 of ... |
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Why are some leaders' corpses put on permanent display?
via puerto rico politics - Google Blog Search by Richard on 9/1/12
Puerto Ricans became U.S. citizens in 1917, and today the United States Congress governs many aspects of Puerto Rican political life. The island's current status, including the possibility of statehood or independence, ...
lobalGayz » Caribbean » Puerto Rico » Gay Life in Puerto Rico
The island was originally populated and ‘owned’ for hundreds of years by indigenous aboriginal Taínos. However all that changed when Christopher Columbus presumptuously decided the place should belong to Spain, in 1493.
The island was then forcibly colonized and the Taínos were coerced into slavery and nearly exterminated by weapons and Euro-diseases. In 1520 King Charles I ended slavery and Spain possessed Puerto Rico for more than 400 years during which immigrants from all over Europe moved to the islands. There are actually several islands under the name of Puerto Rico including Vieques, Culebra, and Mona.
Under the Treaty of Paris of 1898, Spain ceded the island to the United States after the Spanish-American War. Puerto Ricans became U.S. citizens in 1917, and today the United States Congress governs many aspects of Puerto Rican political life. The island’s current status, including the possibility of statehood or independence, is widely debated in Puerto Rico. A referendum on statehood, independence, or continuance of the status quo will be held on November 6, 2012.
Laws versus Attitudes
Puerto Rican civil rights laws to forbid discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation in the areas of employment, public transportation and public facilities, business transactions and housing.
Despite such laws, a research study done in 2007 of graduate students in public health in PR found that 82% of those interviewed felt some kind of prejudice against LGBT people in Puerto Rico; 17% felt no prejudice or were indifferent to gays. In 2012, a CNN poll on the mainland revealed that 55% of those questioned support gay marriage. The poll did not include Puerto Rico but is offered here as a sign that attitudes in the Americas toward LGBT people are shifting toward fairness. Mexico City allows gay marriage; Colombia was the first South American nation to officially recognize gay unions and Argentina now allows full gay marriage. In Brazil, a LGBT couple may convert their civil union into marriage with the approval of a state judge. In Ecuador civil union couples are legally recognized as a family and share all the same rights of married heterosexual couples.
Puerto Rico now leans in favor of gay marital-type partnerships given the influence of the mainland’s culture war which is leading the move, hit and miss, in that direction. Despite the absence of official statutes that legalize gay marriage or partnerships in Puerto Rico, the nearby Virgin Islands are the scene of hundreds of gay wedding-like commitment ceremonies each year, done in paradise venues. It’s hard to tell the difference between a wedding and a commitment ceremony; many LGBT couples say the difference no longer matters.
Even without full legal recognition in Puerto Rico there are thousands of LGBT couples living as domestic partners without interference from authorities or, for the most part, from neighbors or families.
When this writer visite
d San Juan several years ago I was introduced to dancers from the Ballet de San Juan company, which is a serious and skilled dance company. Not surprisingly, there were a number of LGBT dancers and staff members involved with the company. Several of the older teachers were coupled for many years and some of the younger ones for several months. Most of the company were non-gay but had no reservation about anyone’s orientation. They were a bubbly hard-working troupe and presented a fine production of Swan Lake that year. (One of them was a svelte handsome dancer, David Cuevas, whom I met and interviewed. He later went on to perform with the American Ballet Theatre in New York; tragically he died at the age of 33 from AIDS.
Styles of Homosexual Behavior
Regardless of tribal or racial affiliations, LGBT natives are naturally everywhere in the Caribbean. Their particular personal situations vary widely according to their family, religious and political circumstances, as well as the level of homophobia in their state. The most public type is
a person who feels unashamed and identifies as gay and desires intimate contact only with others of the same gender. These people form the core of the modern gay-rights movement. Most of these people are out and accepted by their friends and family. (photo right Ricky Martin)
Some others are quietly known and are left alone while others are harassed and bullied and occasionally injured. Those with strong self-confidence are amused and talk back to their offenders but, sadly and commonly, many LGBT people fear coming out and are urged to marry and have kids in order to fit in and avoid suspicion.
Homo Types
This leads to the reality that in Puerto Rico there are various degrees of sexual behavior with many closeted gays married, as mentioned, to the opposite gender and thus compelled into bisexuality. Bisexuality also varies according to circumstances such as when essentially straight people live in institutions such as schools, prisons or military troops and having same-sex contact.
Another active population is the sex-trade, or ‘industry’. These are gay and straight ‘workers’ that populate the world over. Some of these are captive sex-slaves (mostly heterosexual females) abducted or sold from their (foreign) homes and forced into the trade. Many others are not slaves but are attracted by the money from paying clients especially tourists. These ladies and laddies of the night are regularly seen on street corners or hustling in bars, usually dressed suggestively.
There is much documentation of sex tourism in the Caribbean which plays on the stereotype of the genitally well-endowed Afro-Caribbean male who is ever-present and looking to satisfy the ‘lonely’ ladies and gents who go on holiday in quest of sunshine and pleasure. “On certain street corners throughout the islands, West Indian males strike a familiar pose with one hand resting authoritatively on the crotch, with an occasional squeeze. Sometimes this is simply a reassuring habit, a reminder that the bamboo is ready for action”. Often a male poser (rent-boy or gay-for-pay or taxi boy) will be more assertive and inviting toward his targeted visitor, certainly more overt than the usual ‘look’ often associated with casual cruising.
It should be added, however, that erotic fantasies often translate into less than fun times: in a recent study, “some women did not have a satisfying sex experience. Said one, the average West Indian man’s “understanding of good sex is restricted to painful banging”. As well, women of the Caribbean are speaking more openly now of their partners’ insensitivity and ignorance.” So, a good endowment does not ensure good quality.
Dangerous, Dark and Down-Low
A highly sensitive variant of Caribbean sexuality can be read on a new online website called Discreet City, “the first online magazine created by and for Masculine Gay/Bisexual Men of Color.”
One of their dozen-plus categories of information (politics, advice, health, social & travel, etc.) is Sex & Dating that includes talk about being on the ‘down low’, heterosexually married men who have sex with other men. (Although undocumented, some women also engage with other women.)
Once a deep secret in the closet and underground, in recent years this has become widely known in the gay and straight communities. For ‘down-low’ men in the homophobic Afro-Caribbean population in Puerto Rico it is a way of life for survival’s sake as well as a way to find authentic or momentary pleasure (and love) while avoiding exposure and public shame. These folks are virtually invisible and very private. No one reveals himself willingly; it’s secretive and plays on the edge of duplicity, deception and betrayal. It is an emotionally stressful consequence of the disease of homophobia.
Not even a gay (or lesbian) tourist who happens to trick with a ‘down-low’ husband (or wife) is likely to know the truth about his or her Mr/Ms Right-Now.
Significant forces help create this down-low life behavior: religion, machismo, and strong family/nationalistic ties. The Puerto Rican population is 95% Catholic. The Church is strong with a fundamental Christian base that preaches against the sin of homosexuality–indeed any sex outside of marriage.
Living discreetly helps avoid any family shame or dishonor. “It appears that any expression of sexuality outside patriarchal heterosexuality is uniformly unwelcome,” wrote one researcher. “We grow up in very close-knit families with the mother as the anchor of the matriarchal hierarchy. Men wear the pants but women are the ones we fear.
Less visible but equally powerful is the inherited African ethos of male machismo that infuses an individual’s masculine development, starting in childhood. (See this sad report: children prefer machismo over education.) It seems women are not acknowledged when it comes to homosexuality in the Afro-Caribbean culture, which leads to both a certain feminine freedom as well as ignorance about same-sex intimacy.
By tradition, a young adult is not supposed to leave their parents’ home until married or go to University. So most of these people live at home and never have a place to make out (both homosexual and heterosexual). “That is why cars and public spaces in Latin cultures are so busy,” laughed one discontent ex-pat in Florida.
This man’s life in PR was not happy: “homosexuals in Puerto Rico have not been able to achieve a sense of community. Too afraid to come out of the closet, they do not organize and contribute to eradicate their own problems… Our culture makes them incapable of preventing diseases, mainly because a lot of gay Puerto Ricans can’t admit that they are gay. They get married, have families, but then go on the down low to get homosexual sex: thus exposing wives and relatives to diseases.” (Quoted from Windy City)
Ironically, the long standing tradition of criminalizing homosexual behavior was initiated by the British (now a leader in gay-lib) when many Caribbean islands were forced into becoming colonies of the once-great Empire. As well, the historic prejudice against homosexuality in the African cultures was imported to the Caribbean with slavery in the 18th and 19th centuries until it was outlawed around 1848 by the English.
Gay Scene in Puerto Rico
In contrast to the preceding negative view, the visible scenes In San Juan and Ponce, appears quite lively with numerous gay and gay-friendly bars and clubs. A quick look on the Internet reveals a colorful nightlife selection with the usual music, dancing, drinking and cruising–similar but smaller than mainland gay life.
“Many gays in San Juan live in the Condado and Ocean Park areas, the more modern districts east of Old San Juan so the beaches there tend to be more gay-popular and gay-friendly. The most predominately gay beach in Puerto Rico is the stretch of sand fronting the gay Atlantic Beach Hotel at the end of Calle Vendig in Condado. A visitor will see LGBT life more openly displayed—open as in smooching lesbians, chatty twinks, the odd hustler, and tourists in Speedos especially during winter high season.
“Another gay-popular beach area is around the point east of Condado in the upscale residential low-rise Ocean Park area. The somewhat gayish beach there is located between the ends of Calle Taft and Calle Santa Ana streets. This is a better option if you want to feel more like a local. The beaches have been cleaned up in recent years from trash on the sand and seedy characters. It’s openly creasy at night which can be risky.” (Quoted from Away.com)
Gay Pride Fest
SanJuanBrothas is the annual gay pride event held in San Juan each Memorial Day weekend. It started a few years ago with a small group of friends as a sort of festive party. The following year the friends invited more friends for
the get-together at the same place.
The party has jumped from 75 friends and acquaintances to become the crowded annual pride celebration known as SanJuanBrothas, with more than 3,000 local and international participants. (photo right)
See this issue of Enkidu magazine for photos and story about the Pride Fest.
Middle Ground–Activists
Between the two extremes of gay expression–down-low and bubbly night life and Pride–are LGBT people who choose to live ‘normal’ openly gay lives and are not ashamed or in hiding. Some are activists and want to move LGBT citizens forward to full equality and representation on the political and social scene. Equal rights is not yet an achievement on the island.
The most active groups are:
(1) Orgullo Boricua.net (a human rights site) (http://www.orgulloboricua.net/portal/) or (http://dlconfessionssequel.com/2012/06/03/gay-life-in-puerto-rico-a-pictorial/), there is a list of LGBT organizations in PR). Orgullo Boricua also has a monthly online newsletter called Nuevos Tiempos (New Times) (http://www.orgulloboricua.net/portal/)
(2) Puerto Rico Para Todos (Puerto Rico for Today) (a social justice project) http://www.prparatodos.org/index.html
(3) ACLU of PR (http://www.aclu-pr.org/)
(4) Coalición Orgullo Arcoiris (ArcoIris Rights Coalition; http://www.facebook.com/pages/COA-Coalicion-Orgullo-Arcoiris-Inc/169033179827490)
(5) Fundacion de Derechos Humanos (Human Rights Foundation: an international nonprofit, independent, apolitical organization that promotes/advocates human rights worldwide, with extensive knowledge and experience in the Americas.) http://fdhpr.org/about_us
These are people engaged in other efforts and special interests groups that are not focused on rights or politics–such as Gay Parents, Parents of Gays, Writers, Women’s Support, Bisexual Support, Youth Support and more.
Listed here are several more organizations that organize for fun or for a specific purpose:
-Gay Scene (http://www.orgulloboricua.net/touristbrief/gayscene.html)
-El Centro de Jovenes (Youth Center); http://www.centrodejovenespr.com/#!colores
-Corporacion Orgullo Gay del Oeste (Gay Pride on the West coast);
-Escritores Homosexuales de Puerto Rico (Gay Writers of PR)
-Gay San Juan (offers minimal information on the LGBT scene: http://www.gaysanjuan.com/)
-Grupo de Padres Gay ó Bisexual (Parents Group of Gays or Bisexuals)
-Madres Lesbianas (Lesbian Mothers) http://perfiles.universogay.com/
-Mujer x Mujer (Woman to Woman) (http://mujerxmujer.com/blog/)
-Pacientes de SIDA pro Politica Sana (AIDS Patients for Sound Policy)
-PFLAG Puerto Rico (http://community.pflag.org/)
-Puerto Rico Breeze (LGBT Scene-zine) (no website)
-Saliendo del Clóset (Coming Out) http://www.saliendodelcloset.org/start.htm
-Taller Lesbico Creativo (lesbian Creative Workshop) http://www.cafra.org/spip.php?article12
-Taller Salud, Inc. (Health Workshop)
Other articles about gay Puerto Rico:
Enkidu Magazine
Growing up gay in Puerto Rico
Changing Attitudes in the PR Anglican Communion
Gay San Juan (Passport Magazine)
Gay Ponce (Passport Magazine)
Transsexuals in PR (Passport Magazine)
(Photo right from PhotoBucket)
Anyone interested in the condition and circumstance of LGBT people in the Caribbean should read the report issued by the International Lesbian and Gay Association in 2011.
It is a complete report that lists the gay-friendly as well as homophobic states in the Caribbean. In the following nine countries homosexuality is criminalized:
Antigua and Barbuda,
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines,
Saint Kitts and Nevis,
Saint Lucia,
Trinidad and Tobago.
Fortunately in the Caribbean there are more countries in which same-sex activity is legal. These are:
Bahamas (although with high homophobia),
British Virgin Islands ( Tortola, Virgin Gorda, Jost Van Dyke, Anegada, + others), legal since 2000
Cayman Islands, since 2000
Cuba, since 1979
Dominican Republic,
Montserrat, since 2000
Netherlands Antilles,
Aruba, Bonaire, Curacao (off the Venezuelan coast)
Sint Maarten, Saba, and Sint Eustatius (southeast of the Virgin Islands)
French West Indies (Guadeloupe, since 1791, St Barths, Martinique, since 1791, St Martin)
Haiti, since 1986
Puerto Rico,
Turks and Caicos Islands, since 2000
US Virgins Islands (St. Croix, St. John, St. Thomas, Water Island), since 1984
Also, see this LGBT report on eleven Caribbean destinations that includes some gay owned and gay-friendly venues:
Gay Life in Puerto Rico
| Saturday, September 1st, 2012 | Comments OffPuerto Rico is the most gay-friendly island of all the nations, territories and dominions of the Caribbean. Perhaps Havana, Cuba has more LGBT people but the scene there is muffled by the authorities who are willing to look the other way but only up to a point. No such restraint appears in PR which is an overseas territory of the USA and therefore is freer and happier place to be gay.
The island was originally populated and ‘owned’ for hundreds of years by indigenous aboriginal Taínos. However all that changed when Christopher Columbus presumptuously decided the place should belong to Spain, in 1493.
The island was then forcibly colonized and the Taínos were coerced into slavery and nearly exterminated by weapons and Euro-diseases. In 1520 King Charles I ended slavery and Spain possessed Puerto Rico for more than 400 years during which immigrants from all over Europe moved to the islands. There are actually several islands under the name of Puerto Rico including Vieques, Culebra, and Mona.
Under the Treaty of Paris of 1898, Spain ceded the island to the United States after the Spanish-American War. Puerto Ricans became U.S. citizens in 1917, and today the United States Congress governs many aspects of Puerto Rican political life. The island’s current status, including the possibility of statehood or independence, is widely debated in Puerto Rico. A referendum on statehood, independence, or continuance of the status quo will be held on November 6, 2012.
Laws versus Attitudes
Puerto Rican civil rights laws to forbid discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation in the areas of employment, public transportation and public facilities, business transactions and housing.
Despite such laws, a research study done in 2007 of graduate students in public health in PR found that 82% of those interviewed felt some kind of prejudice against LGBT people in Puerto Rico; 17% felt no prejudice or were indifferent to gays. In 2012, a CNN poll on the mainland revealed that 55% of those questioned support gay marriage. The poll did not include Puerto Rico but is offered here as a sign that attitudes in the Americas toward LGBT people are shifting toward fairness. Mexico City allows gay marriage; Colombia was the first South American nation to officially recognize gay unions and Argentina now allows full gay marriage. In Brazil, a LGBT couple may convert their civil union into marriage with the approval of a state judge. In Ecuador civil union couples are legally recognized as a family and share all the same rights of married heterosexual couples.
Puerto Rico now leans in favor of gay marital-type partnerships given the influence of the mainland’s culture war which is leading the move, hit and miss, in that direction. Despite the absence of official statutes that legalize gay marriage or partnerships in Puerto Rico, the nearby Virgin Islands are the scene of hundreds of gay wedding-like commitment ceremonies each year, done in paradise venues. It’s hard to tell the difference between a wedding and a commitment ceremony; many LGBT couples say the difference no longer matters.
Even without full legal recognition in Puerto Rico there are thousands of LGBT couples living as domestic partners without interference from authorities or, for the most part, from neighbors or families.
When this writer visite
Styles of Homosexual Behavior
Regardless of tribal or racial affiliations, LGBT natives are naturally everywhere in the Caribbean. Their particular personal situations vary widely according to their family, religious and political circumstances, as well as the level of homophobia in their state. The most public type is
Some others are quietly known and are left alone while others are harassed and bullied and occasionally injured. Those with strong self-confidence are amused and talk back to their offenders but, sadly and commonly, many LGBT people fear coming out and are urged to marry and have kids in order to fit in and avoid suspicion.
Homo Types
This leads to the reality that in Puerto Rico there are various degrees of sexual behavior with many closeted gays married, as mentioned, to the opposite gender and thus compelled into bisexuality. Bisexuality also varies according to circumstances such as when essentially straight people live in institutions such as schools, prisons or military troops and having same-sex contact.
Another active population is the sex-trade, or ‘industry’. These are gay and straight ‘workers’ that populate the world over. Some of these are captive sex-slaves (mostly heterosexual females) abducted or sold from their (foreign) homes and forced into the trade. Many others are not slaves but are attracted by the money from paying clients especially tourists. These ladies and laddies of the night are regularly seen on street corners or hustling in bars, usually dressed suggestively.
There is much documentation of sex tourism in the Caribbean which plays on the stereotype of the genitally well-endowed Afro-Caribbean male who is ever-present and looking to satisfy the ‘lonely’ ladies and gents who go on holiday in quest of sunshine and pleasure. “On certain street corners throughout the islands, West Indian males strike a familiar pose with one hand resting authoritatively on the crotch, with an occasional squeeze. Sometimes this is simply a reassuring habit, a reminder that the bamboo is ready for action”. Often a male poser (rent-boy or gay-for-pay or taxi boy) will be more assertive and inviting toward his targeted visitor, certainly more overt than the usual ‘look’ often associated with casual cruising.
It should be added, however, that erotic fantasies often translate into less than fun times: in a recent study, “some women did not have a satisfying sex experience. Said one, the average West Indian man’s “understanding of good sex is restricted to painful banging”. As well, women of the Caribbean are speaking more openly now of their partners’ insensitivity and ignorance.” So, a good endowment does not ensure good quality.
Dangerous, Dark and Down-Low
A highly sensitive variant of Caribbean sexuality can be read on a new online website called Discreet City, “the first online magazine created by and for Masculine Gay/Bisexual Men of Color.”
One of their dozen-plus categories of information (politics, advice, health, social & travel, etc.) is Sex & Dating that includes talk about being on the ‘down low’, heterosexually married men who have sex with other men. (Although undocumented, some women also engage with other women.)
Not even a gay (or lesbian) tourist who happens to trick with a ‘down-low’ husband (or wife) is likely to know the truth about his or her Mr/Ms Right-Now.
Significant forces help create this down-low life behavior: religion, machismo, and strong family/nationalistic ties. The Puerto Rican population is 95% Catholic. The Church is strong with a fundamental Christian base that preaches against the sin of homosexuality–indeed any sex outside of marriage.
Living discreetly helps avoid any family shame or dishonor. “It appears that any expression of sexuality outside patriarchal heterosexuality is uniformly unwelcome,” wrote one researcher. “We grow up in very close-knit families with the mother as the anchor of the matriarchal hierarchy. Men wear the pants but women are the ones we fear.
Less visible but equally powerful is the inherited African ethos of male machismo that infuses an individual’s masculine development, starting in childhood. (See this sad report: children prefer machismo over education.) It seems women are not acknowledged when it comes to homosexuality in the Afro-Caribbean culture, which leads to both a certain feminine freedom as well as ignorance about same-sex intimacy.
By tradition, a young adult is not supposed to leave their parents’ home until married or go to University. So most of these people live at home and never have a place to make out (both homosexual and heterosexual). “That is why cars and public spaces in Latin cultures are so busy,” laughed one discontent ex-pat in Florida.
This man’s life in PR was not happy: “homosexuals in Puerto Rico have not been able to achieve a sense of community. Too afraid to come out of the closet, they do not organize and contribute to eradicate their own problems… Our culture makes them incapable of preventing diseases, mainly because a lot of gay Puerto Ricans can’t admit that they are gay. They get married, have families, but then go on the down low to get homosexual sex: thus exposing wives and relatives to diseases.” (Quoted from Windy City)
Ironically, the long standing tradition of criminalizing homosexual behavior was initiated by the British (now a leader in gay-lib) when many Caribbean islands were forced into becoming colonies of the once-great Empire. As well, the historic prejudice against homosexuality in the African cultures was imported to the Caribbean with slavery in the 18th and 19th centuries until it was outlawed around 1848 by the English.
Gay Scene in Puerto Rico
In contrast to the preceding negative view, the visible scenes In San Juan and Ponce, appears quite lively with numerous gay and gay-friendly bars and clubs. A quick look on the Internet reveals a colorful nightlife selection with the usual music, dancing, drinking and cruising–similar but smaller than mainland gay life.
“Another gay-popular beach area is around the point east of Condado in the upscale residential low-rise Ocean Park area. The somewhat gayish beach there is located between the ends of Calle Taft and Calle Santa Ana streets. This is a better option if you want to feel more like a local. The beaches have been cleaned up in recent years from trash on the sand and seedy characters. It’s openly creasy at night which can be risky.” (Quoted from Away.com)
Gay Pride Fest
SanJuanBrothas is the annual gay pride event held in San Juan each Memorial Day weekend. It started a few years ago with a small group of friends as a sort of festive party. The following year the friends invited more friends for
The party has jumped from 75 friends and acquaintances to become the crowded annual pride celebration known as SanJuanBrothas, with more than 3,000 local and international participants. (photo right)
See this issue of Enkidu magazine for photos and story about the Pride Fest.
Middle Ground–Activists
Between the two extremes of gay expression–down-low and bubbly night life and Pride–are LGBT people who choose to live ‘normal’ openly gay lives and are not ashamed or in hiding. Some are activists and want to move LGBT citizens forward to full equality and representation on the political and social scene. Equal rights is not yet an achievement on the island.
The most active groups are:
(1) Orgullo Boricua.net (a human rights site) (http://www.orgulloboricua.net/portal/) or (http://dlconfessionssequel.com/2012/06/03/gay-life-in-puerto-rico-a-pictorial/), there is a list of LGBT organizations in PR). Orgullo Boricua also has a monthly online newsletter called Nuevos Tiempos (New Times) (http://www.orgulloboricua.net/portal/)
(2) Puerto Rico Para Todos (Puerto Rico for Today) (a social justice project) http://www.prparatodos.org/index.html
(3) ACLU of PR (http://www.aclu-pr.org/)
(4) Coalición Orgullo Arcoiris (ArcoIris Rights Coalition; http://www.facebook.com/pages/COA-Coalicion-Orgullo-Arcoiris-Inc/169033179827490)
(5) Fundacion de Derechos Humanos (Human Rights Foundation: an international nonprofit, independent, apolitical organization that promotes/advocates human rights worldwide, with extensive knowledge and experience in the Americas.) http://fdhpr.org/about_us
These are people engaged in other efforts and special interests groups that are not focused on rights or politics–such as Gay Parents, Parents of Gays, Writers, Women’s Support, Bisexual Support, Youth Support and more.
Listed here are several more organizations that organize for fun or for a specific purpose:
-Gay Scene (http://www.orgulloboricua.net/touristbrief/gayscene.html)
-El Centro de Jovenes (Youth Center); http://www.centrodejovenespr.com/#!colores
-Corporacion Orgullo Gay del Oeste (Gay Pride on the West coast);
-Escritores Homosexuales de Puerto Rico (Gay Writers of PR)
-Gay San Juan (offers minimal information on the LGBT scene: http://www.gaysanjuan.com/)
-Grupo de Padres Gay ó Bisexual (Parents Group of Gays or Bisexuals)
-Madres Lesbianas (Lesbian Mothers) http://perfiles.universogay.com/
-Mujer x Mujer (Woman to Woman) (http://mujerxmujer.com/blog/)
-Pacientes de SIDA pro Politica Sana (AIDS Patients for Sound Policy)
-PFLAG Puerto Rico (http://community.pflag.org/)
-Puerto Rico Breeze (LGBT Scene-zine) (no website)
-Saliendo del Clóset (Coming Out) http://www.saliendodelcloset.org/start.htm
-Taller Lesbico Creativo (lesbian Creative Workshop) http://www.cafra.org/spip.php?article12
-Taller Salud, Inc. (Health Workshop)
Other articles about gay Puerto Rico:
Enkidu Magazine
Growing up gay in Puerto Rico
Changing Attitudes in the PR Anglican Communion
Gay San Juan (Passport Magazine)
Gay Ponce (Passport Magazine)
Transsexuals in PR (Passport Magazine)
(Photo right from PhotoBucket)
Anyone interested in the condition and circumstance of LGBT people in the Caribbean should read the report issued by the International Lesbian and Gay Association in 2011.
It is a complete report that lists the gay-friendly as well as homophobic states in the Caribbean. In the following nine countries homosexuality is criminalized:
Antigua and Barbuda,
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines,
Saint Kitts and Nevis,
Saint Lucia,
Trinidad and Tobago.
Fortunately in the Caribbean there are more countries in which same-sex activity is legal. These are:
Bahamas (although with high homophobia),
British Virgin Islands ( Tortola, Virgin Gorda, Jost Van Dyke, Anegada, + others), legal since 2000
Cayman Islands, since 2000
Cuba, since 1979
Dominican Republic,
Montserrat, since 2000
Netherlands Antilles,
Aruba, Bonaire, Curacao (off the Venezuelan coast)
Sint Maarten, Saba, and Sint Eustatius (southeast of the Virgin Islands)
French West Indies (Guadeloupe, since 1791, St Barths, Martinique, since 1791, St Martin)
Haiti, since 1986
Puerto Rico,
Turks and Caicos Islands, since 2000
US Virgins Islands (St. Croix, St. John, St. Thomas, Water Island), since 1984
Also, see this LGBT report on eleven Caribbean destinations that includes some gay owned and gay-friendly venues:
via puerto rico - Google News on 3/8/13
'Daily Show' Asks Puerto Rico Statehood Supporters Why They Want To Join ...
Huffington Post Statehood failed to receive the majority of votes in a non-binding referendum on the island's status held during the November elections. The two-part referendum first asked whether Puerto Ricans were happy with the current relationship with the United ... and more » |
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Global Grind |
If You Don't Know! Morning News & Politics: Puerto Rico ATM Prints ...
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The New Civil Rights Movement |
'We Hate Fags' Is Puerto Rico ATM's Receipt Message
The New Civil Rights Movement Instead of “Gracias” or “Have a nice day,” an ATM at a local bar in San Juan, Puerto Rico, is printing “WE HATE FAGS” at the bottom of its receipts. Bar owners say they have nothing to do with the machine — it's owned and run by a separate company ... |
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Se presume que la muerte del teniente Osvaldo Albarati estuvo relacionada con una venganza por su …

Además, en la reunión se estableció el calendario de trabajo del
Además, en la reunión se estableció el calendario de trabajo del PNP
Se presume que la muerte del teniente Osvaldo Albarati estuvo relacionada con una venganza por su …

Además, en la reunión se estableció el calendario de trabajo del
via ESTOS SON...OTROS $20 PESOS by Meryland Cuevas (Otros20Pesos.com) on 3/7/13
Por Meryland Cuevas - otros20pesos.com
Puede sonar un poco increíble, en el 1940 el famoso actor de películas silentes Charles Chaplin, escribió y dio este discurso al final de su memorable película "The Great Dictator". Esta película fue la primera de Chaplin la cual era completamente hablada. Su discurso ha sido considerado como uno de los más memorables que se hayan podido grabar en la historia.
Aunque los tiempos son diferentes, aún hay muchas de estas palabras que son tan vigentes como si las estuviera diciendo ahora mismo. Antes los protagonistas y los oprimidos eran otros, pero las situaciones no son tan distintas a las que vivimos hoy día.
Quizás es un buen momento para escucharlo y ponerlo en práctica. Ya vemos que 73 años después, todavía el mensaje puede ser tan inspirador y trascendental como lo fue en el momento que se grabó.
Te invito a compartirlo.
via Global Voices en Español » Caribe by Sonia Ordóñez on 3/8/13
La muerte del presidente venezolano, Hugo Chavez [en], el martes provocó una gran variedad de reacciones en la blogosfera - en Latinoamérica, por supuesto – pero ahora también en todo el Caribe.
Naturalmente, los territorios regionales de habla española fueron rápidos en bloguear sobre la noticia. Desde Cuba, Imagen.cu, que escribe en español, intentaba darle la vuelta a la realidad con un titular que decía:
“Homenaje a Hugo Chávez en 24th y Mission en San Francisco”, de Steve Rhodes, usada bajo una licencia de Creative Commons
The Cuban Triangle [en] reflexionaba que:
“Homenaje a Hugo Chávez en 24th y Mission en San Francisco”, de Steve Rhodes, usada bajo una licencia de Creative Commons
Por el contrario, Erasmo Calzadilla [en] no tenía la impresión de que los cubanos estuvieran excesivamente conmovidos por el fallecimiento de Chávez:
El internauta Armando Chaguaceda [en] escribió un post invitado que trataba de ser al mismo tiempo respetuoso y personal:
Los internautas de la República Dominicana también compartían sus pensamientos sobre la muerte de Chávez y las posibles implicaciones que podría acarrear para la RD [en].
Curiosamente, los blogueros de territorios del Caribe de habla inglesa también intervinieron. Desde Jamaica, Tallawah [en] comentaba que Chávez era “un fuera de serie”, mientras Barbados Underground [en] se preguntaba sobre las implicaciones “para Barbados y el resto del Caribe”:
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Naturalmente, los territorios regionales de habla española fueron rápidos en bloguear sobre la noticia. Desde Cuba, Imagen.cu, que escribe en español, intentaba darle la vuelta a la realidad con un titular que decía:
¡Chávez no ha muerto!El post continuaba:
¡El mundo no te olvidará…CHÁVEZ ES EL PUEBLO!Proposiciones reflejaba esta idea:
Chávez estará por siempre en el corazón de todos, el compromiso de vida se ensancha porque él indicó el camino a un pueblo, que en su inmensa mayoría siempre lo apoyó.
La Revolución Bolivariana llevará su impronta eternamente. Fuerza Venezuela, Chávez vivirá mientras sigamos su ejemplo…
Hugo Chávez tuvo una racha bastante buena, gobernando Venezuela desde 1999, ganando cuatro elecciones, y teniendo mucho tiempo para poner en marcha y desarrollar su marca de socialismo.El post examinaba el efecto que la muerte de Chávez podría tener sobre Cuba y echaba un vistazo a los posibles escenarios que podrían surgir a partir de las próximas elecciones de Venezuela:
Deja una gran huella. En un momento en que el hemisferio, a través de la OEA, se había unido en un compromiso de rechazo a los golpes de Estado y usurpaciones similares de la democracia, gobernó ganando elecciones y luego erosionando elementos de la democracia en Venezuela, sin llegar nunca a activar un dispositivo que atrajera una respuesta internacional. Se benefició de los partidos de oposición que habían excluido a los pobres de Venezuela durante sus décadas en el poder, y que nunca encontraron la unidad o el equilibrio en la oposición.
Chávez se preocupaba por los pobres y tenía una extraña manera de demostrarlo. Puso en marcha programas sociales – salud, educación, asistencia económica – y al mismo tiempo implementó políticas que han hecho mucho por demoler la economía en la que los venezolanos pobres y todos los demás viven. Acabó con las inversiones extranjeras, erosionó los derechos de propiedad, impuso controles de divisas que distorsionan la economía entera y que llevan a la corrupción, y creó escasez de alimentos. Todo esto, en una economía que es muy capaz de mantener tanto un sector privado fuerte como un gran compromiso financiero para combatir la pobreza.
Para Cuba, el riesgo al morir Chávez es que la relación económica con Venezuela puede cambiar o terminar, elevando el costo de los suministros de energía de Cuba y dañando la economía entera. El partido socialista de Chávez, después de haber ganado la presidencia el pasado octubre y 20 de 23 gubernaturas estatales en diciembre, tiene que ser considerado como favorito en un escenario de elecciones anticipadas en 30 días en Venezuela. Si los socialistas ganan, el proyecto bolivariano parece seguro, incluyendo sus aspectos internacionales. Si la oposición gana, la relación con Cuba probablemente sería recortada y se aplicarían precios nuevos al canje de médicos por petróleo que tanto beneficia a Cuba hoy.Havana Times informaba que Cuba estaba de luto por Chávez [en], con el Gobierno declarando dos días de duelo tras la noticia de su muerte:
La conclusión es que la política post-Chávez es nueva en Venezuela, y eso aporta una nota de incertidumbre para Cuba, lo último que el comandante Chávez habría querido dejar atrás.
“Chávez es también cubano”, dijo una nota del gobierno de La Habana leída en la televisión estatal, horas después de que Chávez falleciese en Caracas a los 58 años debido a un cáncer, contra el que había luchado desde mediados de 2011.En otro post [en], el blog se refería a Chávez como el heredero perdido de Fidel Castro:
El gobierno cubano ordenó que la bandera ondeara a media asta el miércoles en edificios gubernamentales e instalaciones militares por el luto oficial.
Con la muerte de Hugo Chávez, también Cuba ha perdido al gran líder político que añoraba tras la lenta desaparición pública de Fidel Castro.
Admirador y amigo íntimo del revolucionario cubano, el venezolano fue la persona que mejor encarnó las ideas de Castro en las últimas décadas en toda América Latina.
Chávez se encargó no sólo de ayudar con petróleo a una Cuba afligida económicamente, sino también de dar aire fresco a las ideas políticas de Fidel.
Si Castro fue para Chávez el gran modelo a seguir, también Chávez fue para Castro su heredero ideal en los foros de toda Latinoamérica y el Caribe.
Cuando la muerte de Chávez fue anunciada, yo estaba en el centro de la ciudad y fui capaz de captar parte de los sentimientos de la gente sobre la marcha del presidente.Havana Times también cubrió algunas reacciones de celebridades estadounidenses a la muerte del presidente [en]; El Cafe Cubano [en] se refería a ellos como “amantes de un dictador”.
No sé lo que sentían en el interior de sus almas, pero la gente en la calle no parecía demasiado afectada por esta nueva noticia. Era un día como cualquier otro, excepto que la noticia estaba en todos los televisores.
Yo fui una de las personas más conmovidas por la muerte de Chávez.
Sospecho que los tiempos difíciles volverán a Cuba si Maduro es derrotado en las próximas elecciones.
Las crisis son también momentos de oportunidad. El terremoto político podría promover un cambio positivo en Cuba: más democracia, más empoderamiento popular y menos dependencia del petróleo.
La crisis podría ser explotada por el estado autoritario para reprimir con más dureza, y también podría abrir las puertas del país al neoliberalismo, lo cual sería desastroso para la mayoría y el medioambiente aquí.
El internauta Armando Chaguaceda [en] escribió un post invitado que trataba de ser al mismo tiempo respetuoso y personal:
El martes 5 de marzo, al filo de las 5 pm, las redes sociales colapsaron ante la noticia de la muerte de Hugo Chávez. Esto ocurría entre las lágrimas –falsas o sinceras– de los devotos (que parecen creer que el mundo se acaba sin la presencia física del líder venezolano) y el odio –torpe y visceral– de aquellos que lo culpan de todas las desgracias de esta incurable humanidad.Along the Malecon meditaba [en]:
La dimensión histórica de Hugo Chávez está fuera de toda discusión. Su figura es parte de un movimiento de demandas sociales y conquistas políticas democráticas del pueblo venezolano, creciente en los últimos treinta años.
Al ascenso de Chávez y su movimiento le debemos el inicio de la quiebra de la hegemonía neoliberal, que había generado niveles indecentes de desigualdad y exclusión social en los países latinoamericanos.
Chávez es, sin duda, una persona y un símbolo. Su imagen y legado serán apropiadas por diferentes personas y perspectivas. Los psicólogos hablarán de un ser claramente convencido de la necesidad de esgrimir la espada de Bolívar; los historiadores señalarán su admirable capacidad como animal político, que ganó sucesivas contiendas electorales hasta el filo de la muerte.
Los politólogos ponderarán sus esfuerzos por crear una democracia participativa sobre los cadáveres de viejos partidos, al tiempo que reproducía (y amplificaba) los vicios autoritarios, clientelares y pretorianos de la política venezolana.
Chávez era una figura combativa y polarizante. Sus partidarios decían que defendía a los pobres y marginados en Venezuela. Sus críticos le acusaban de dirigir un gobierno secreto y corrupto, y celebraban cada vez que surgían nuevos rumores de que Chávez estaba muerto.El blog de la diáspora cubana babalú no dejaba títere con cabeza [en], blogueando sobre un altercado [en] entre partidarios de Chávez y un grupo de estudiantes en Chacao, Venezuela, informando [en] sobre lo que consideraba tuiteos de mal gusto de políticos estadounidenses y acusando a los chavistas de “creer en la mayor de todas las mentiras: que el socialismo puede realmente lograr la prosperidad y la justicia social”.
Washington no echará de menos a Chávez. Raúl Castro sí. El gobierno venezolano, rico en petróleo, proporcionó a Cuba subsidios por valor de miles de millones de dólares al año.
Los internautas de la República Dominicana también compartían sus pensamientos sobre la muerte de Chávez y las posibles implicaciones que podría acarrear para la RD [en].
Curiosamente, los blogueros de territorios del Caribe de habla inglesa también intervinieron. Desde Jamaica, Tallawah [en] comentaba que Chávez era “un fuera de serie”, mientras Barbados Underground [en] se preguntaba sobre las implicaciones “para Barbados y el resto del Caribe”:
Su legado será recordado por los barbadenses por su postura política exterior anti-norteamericana y en nuestro patio trasero el acuerdo de Petrocaribe, del que muchas islas caribeñas son signatarias.El bloguero de Bermudas Catch a fire [en] entristeció al oir la noticia de la muerte Chávez:
Chávez, con todos sus defectos, representaba una idea, una idea que otro mundo mejor es posible.
Fue pionero de la idea de un socialismo para el siglo XXI.
Se pueden hacer críticas de su liderazgo, tanto como presidente de Venezuela, y como una especie de líder de hecho de la izquierda latinoamericana – que a su vez ayudó a inspirar a movimientos de todo el mundo.
Para mí, sin embargo, su legado perdurable es la idea que él representaba.
Su muerte tendrá consecuencias regionales y mundiales y supongo que ciertas facciones en toda Latinoamérica, sin duda con el apoyo activo o “pasivo” de los EE.UU., intentarán deshacer algunos de los logros que el movimiento socialista ‘bolivariano’ de Chávez había obtenido, ya sea en Argentina, Bolivia, Brasil, Ecuador, Nicaragua, Perú y otros países. Cuba, sin duda, se verá afectada.
En cierto modo, su muerte transforma a Chávez de deficiente y demasiado humano a una «idea» pura de ese mundo mejor y el movimiento para construirlo.
Las imágenes utilizadas en este post son tomadas del set de fotos de Flickr “Homenaje a Hugo Chávez en 24th y Missión en San Francisco”, aquí y aquí, de Steve Rhodes [en], bajo una licencia de Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-SinObraDerivada 2.0 Genérica [en].
Visita la fotogalería de Steve Rhodes en flickr [en].
Escrito por Janine Mendes-Franco · Traducido por Sonia Ordóñez · Ver post original [en] · Comentarios (0) Visita la fotogalería de Steve Rhodes en flickr [en].
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via 80grados.net by 80grados on 3/7/13
"Dialogamos por más de tres horas. Habló de su niñez, de su primer sueño: ser pintor, y de su segundo sueño: ser pelotero profesional de béisbol..." (documental)
Mike Nova's starred items
via 80grados.net by Tariq Ali on 3/7/13
Cuando la centro-izquierda y centro-derecha luchaban tenazmente para encontrar algunas diferencias entre sí y la clase política se componía por hombres obsesionados con hacer dinero, Chávez iluminó el panorama político.
Mike Nova's starred items
via puerto rico - Google News on 3/8/13
7Online WSVN-TV |
Atheist Puerto Rico Cop Files Discrimination Suit
ABC News Lawyers filed a lawsuit Friday against some of Puerto Rico's top police officials, accusing them of discriminating against an officer for being an atheist and not adhering to the separation of church and state. It is one of the first cases of its kind ... Atheist Puerto Rico cop files lawsuit charging discrimination by island's ...Fox News Drugmaker to cut 400 jobs in Puerto RicoNew York Daily News Puerto Rico Police Officer Sues to Stop Department's Compelled PrayersAmerican Civil Liberties Union News and Information (press release) GlobalPost all 5 news articles » |
via Puerto Rico Videos & Songs's Facebook Wall by Puerto Rico Videos & Songs on 3/8/13
Ricky Martin habla de sus nuevos proyectos en 2013. No lo cuentes
Ricky Martin habla de sus nuevos proyectos en 2013. No lo cuentes
Ricky Martin nos da un adelanto de sus proyectos en el 2013, incluyendo una nueva producción musical y construirá …
Ricky Martin habla de sus nuevos proyectos en 2013. No lo cuentes
Ricky Martin habla de sus nuevos proyectos en 2013. No lo cuentes
Ricky Martin nos da un adelanto de sus proyectos en el 2013, incluyendo una nueva producción musical y construirá …
Ricky Martin habla de sus nuevos proyectos en 2013. No lo cuentes
via puerto rico - Google News on 3/8/13
MLB.com |
With interest in baseball waning, Puerto Rico playing for more than wins in ...
MiamiHerald.com SAN JUAN -- When Edwin Rodriguez became the first Puerto Rican manager in Major League Baseball history three years ago, he wasn't handed the keys to a Ferrari. It was just another mediocre group of Marlins – a couple of legit stars sprinkled in with ... Puerto Rico not looking past SpainMLB.com Team Puerto Rico World Baseball Classic 2013: Schedule, Roster and PredictionsBleacher Report Dominican Republic beats Venezuela 9-3 in WBCAnchorage Daily News Getty Images -Huffington Post -The Associated Press all 92 news articles » |
via Latin American Herald Tribune on 3/9/13
A retired army captain serving 20 years in prison for the 1998 assassination of a Catholic bishop is trying to intimidate the reporter who wrote about the convict’s apparent ties to President Otto Perez Molina, Guatemala’s El Periodico newspaper said Friday.
via Latin American Herald Tribune on 3/9/13
President Barack Obama asked leaders of faith communities from around the country to say prayers so that Congress will pass comprehensive immigration reform this year, participants said after a closed-door meeting at the White House.
via Videos matching: puerto rico by Ormúz Sojo on 3/8/13
Download it from Adobe. Miguel Montero en rueda de prensa de Venezuela en Puerto Rico. Ormúz Sojo·28 videos. Subscribe Subscribed Unsubscribe 3. No views. Like 0 Dislike 0. Like. Sign in to YouTube. Sign in with your YouTube Account (YouTube, Google+, Gmail, Orkut, Picasa, or Chrome) to like Ormúz Sojo's video. Sign in. I dislike this. Sign in to YouTube. Sign in with your YouTube Account (YouTube, Google+, Gmail, Orkut, Picasa, or Chrome) to dislike Ormúz Sojo's video. Sign in. About Share <b>...</b>
From:Ormúz Sojo
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Time:01:13 | More inSports |
via Latin American Herald Tribune on 3/9/13
Hoy son las exequias de Hugo Chávez, aunque según se anuncia estará en cuerpo presente en la capilla ardiente en el Fuerte Tiuna por siete días más.
Mike Nova's starred items
via Latin American Herald Tribune on 3/9/13
On Friday, President Hugo Chavez’s last funeral services are being held; however, as announced by the government, his remains will be displayed at the Capilla Ardiente chapel, located in a military facility in Caracas, for seven more days.
via Latin American Herald Tribune on 3/9/13
Honduran Jimmy Samir Mendoza-Valle was sentenced to 15 months in federal prison for obstruction of justice and perjury charges.
NY Times spotlights PR lawyer in report on growing power of Latino fundraisers. Read:
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http://ow.ly/izdVO #caribbeanbusiness

via Videos matching: puerto rico news by Daliok23 on 3/8/13
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Time:04:34 | More inEntertainment |
via Videos matching: puerto rico news by La Revista Dianeris on 3/7/13
A tono con el mes del amor, el cantautor Alex Ubago ofreció el 6 de febero un espectáculo privado en el Teatro Ambassador, el cual denominó como una fiesta d...
From:La Revista Dianeris
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Time:02:10 | More inMusic |
via Videos matching: puerto rico news by fluegelmobil on 3/8/13
A slideshow created in iPhoto and edited in Final Cut Express. Music by Arful Dice.
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Time:06:22 | More inTravel & Events |
via Videos matching: puerto rico news by pgatour on 3/8/13
PGA TOUR Rookie James Hahn and PGA TOUR LatinoAmerica player Rafael Campos took time out during the Puerto Rico Open to explore the El Yunque Rainforest and ...
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Time:01:41 | More inEntertainment |
via puerto rico news - Google News on 3/8/13
The New Civil Rights Movement |
'We Hate Fags' Is Puerto Rico ATM's Receipt Message
The New Civil Rights Movement Instead of “Gracias” or “Have a nice day,” an ATM at a local bar in San Juan, Puerto Rico, is printing “WE HATE FAGS” at the bottom of its receipts. Bar owners say they have nothing to do with the machine — it's owned and run by a separate company ... |
via Puerto Rico News on 3/8/13
SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico - An SUV has been stopped in Puerto Rico with a load of cocaine valued by federal agents at $16 million dollars, a spokesman for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement said Friday.
via puerto rico news - Google Blog Search by The Huffington Post News Editors on 3/8/13
Al Madrigal's got a question for Puerto Rican statehood supporters: what do you want with this mess? "The Daily Show" correspondent visited a protest demanding Congress to make Puerto Rico the 51s... Related News On ...
via puerto rico - Google News on 3/8/13
Puerto Rico Cruises Past Spain
Baseball America (blog) Puerto Rico put up three runs in the first inning off former Astros farmhand Sergio Perez, a minor league free agent who battled his control. Angel Pagan (Giants) singled and scored on Carlos Beltran's double, and a sacrifice fly and bases-loaded walk ... |
via puerto rico - Google News on 3/8/13
CBC.ca |
Puerto Rico ready for challenging weekend in WBC
USA TODAY SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico – The host team's 3-0 victory over first-time participant Spain in their opening game of the World Baseball Classic was regarded by Puerto Ricans as more a formality than a true measure of the state of the game in the island. The ... The WBC shifts to US, Puerto RicoBrattleboro Reformer all 60 news articles » |
via puerto rico - Google News on 3/8/13
NBCSports.com |
Puerto Rico shuts out Spain in World Baseball Classic
USA TODAY The Game: Puerto Rico defeated Spain 3-0 behind the strong pitching of Giancarlo Alvarado and Hiram Burgos, who combined for 8 2/3 innings. Puerto Rico took advantage of erratic Spain starter Sergio Perez, who gave up three hits and four walks and hit ... Beltran leads Puerto Rico past Spain 3-0 at WBCYahoo! Sports With interest in baseball waning, Puerto Rico playing for more than wins in ...MiamiHerald.com Puerto Rico blanks Spain 3-0NBCSports.com MLB.com -Bangkok Post all 118 news articles » |
via puerto rico - Google News on 3/8/13
The Guardian |
Puerto Rico ready for challenging weekend in WBC
USA TODAY SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico – The host team's 3-0 victory over first-time participant Spain in their opening game of the World Baseball Classic was regarded by Puerto Ricans as more a formality than a true measure of the state of the game in the island. The ... The WBC shifts to US, Puerto RicoBrattleboro Reformer all 248 news articles » |
via puerto rico - Google News on 3/8/13
Latin American Herald Tribune |
More Than 200 Federal Agents Search Puerto Rico Jail
Latin American Herald Tribune SAN JUAN – More than 200 federal agents from different departments carried out a search operation Friday in the Metropolitan Detention Center Guaynabo in suburban San Juan, the FBI office in Puerto Rico said. The agents examined the entire prison, FBI ... Drugmaker Baxter to cut 400 jobs in Puerto RicoGlobalPost all 5 news articles » |
via puerto rico - Google News on 3/8/13
Bleacher Report |
Romero 1 clear in Puerto Rico
Fox News Rio Grande, Puerto Rico – Andres Romero shot his second consecutive 7-under 65 on Friday and maintained a 1-stroke lead through two rounds of the Puerto Rico Open. Romero, an overnight co-leader, carded nine birdies against a double bogey on Friday ... Puerto Rico Open A Stepping-stone On TourESPN Argentina's Andres Romero leads Puerto Rico OpenMiamiHerald.com Puerto Rico Open 2013: Day 2 Leaderboard, Analysis and MoreBleacher Report SB Nation -SPORT24 all 68 news articles » |
via puerto rico - Google News on 3/8/13
NBCSports.com |
Puerto Rico opens Classic with shutout of Spain
MLB.com SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico -- The game plan when playing as a favorite against a team that's perceived to be an extreme underdog is to knock the opponent down early and not let them get back up, lest the underdog feel it has a chance to climb back into the ... Puerto Rico shuts out Spain in World Baseball ClassicUSA TODAY Beltran leads Puerto Rico past Spain 3-0 at WBCYahoo! Sports With interest in baseball waning, Puerto Rico playing for more than wins in ...MiamiHerald.com NBCSports.com -Baseball America (blog) all 112 news articles » |
Mike Nova's starred items
via Puerto Rico News - Archive Links's Facebook Wall by Puerto Rico News - Archive Links on 3/8/13
Steve Roberson: Immigrants - The Once, and Future, Story of Jobs
Shouldn't we start with the assumption that people should be free to live and work where they please? We believe in that within our borders. Why should that belief stop at the Rio …
Steve Roberson: Immigrants - The Once, and Future, Story of Jobs
Shouldn't we start with the assumption that people should be free to live and work where they please? We believe in that within our borders. Why should that belief stop at the Rio …
Steve Roberson: Immigrants - The Once, and Future, Story of Jobs
via Puerto Rico News - Archive Links's Facebook Wall by Puerto Rico News - Archive Links on 3/8/13
Crean 236,000 empleos en Estados Unidos en febrero
Crean 236,000 empleos en Estados Unidos en febrero
En 3 meses se crearon 584,000 plazas de trabajo, reduciéndose el desempleo a 7.7%, lo más bajo en cuatro años
Un satélite sintió la vibración del …

Crean 236,000 empleos en Estados Unidos en febrero
Crean 236,000 empleos en Estados Unidos en febrero
En 3 meses se crearon 584,000 plazas de trabajo, reduciéndose el desempleo a 7.7%, lo más bajo en cuatro años
Un satélite sintió la vibración del …

Crean 236,000 empleos en Estados Unidos en febrero
via puerto rico - Google News on 3/8/13
Latin American Herald Tribune |
More Than 200 Federal Agents Search Puerto Rico Jail
Latin American Herald Tribune SAN JUAN – More than 200 federal agents from different departments carried out a search operation Friday in the Metropolitan Detention Center Guaynabo in suburban San Juan, the FBI office in Puerto Rico said. The agents examined the entire prison, FBI ... Drugmaker Baxter to cut 400 jobs in Puerto RicoGlobalPost all 5 news articles » |
via Puerto Rico Newswire on 3/8/13
Six years of Pure Flavor was the slogan chosen for the announcement of the most important culinary event in the Caribbean, Saborea Puerto Rico .
via puerto rican community in usa - Google News on 3/7/13
Puerto Rico Governor Endorses Licenses For Undocumented Immigrants
Huffington Post SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico -- The governor of Puerto Rico on Thursday endorsed a proposal that would allow illegal immigrants living in the U.S. territory to apply for a provisional driver's license. The license would be granted only to those who have lived ... |
via Puerto Rico Newswire on 3/8/13
Six years of Pure Flavor was the slogan chosen for the announcement of the most important culinary event in the Caribbean, Saborea Puerto Rico .
via puerto rican community in usa - Google News on 3/7/13
Puerto Rico Governor Endorses Licenses For Undocumented Immigrants
Huffington Post SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico -- The governor of Puerto Rico on Thursday endorsed a proposal that would allow illegal immigrants living in the U.S. territory to apply for a provisional driver's license. The license would be granted only to those who have lived ... |
via Caribbean Business on 3/8/13
Cuba moves toward wholesale for small businessesHAVANA — Cuba is shuttering a state-run company that supplied government busines ...US budget cuts curb LatAm drug fightDeep federal budget cuts are forcing the U.S. to send fewer surveillance planes ... |
Mike Nova's starred items
via Caribbean Business on 3/8/13
Atheist cop files discrimination suitLawyers filed a lawsuit Friday against some of Puerto Rico’s top police official ...Atheist cop files discrimination suitLawyers filed a lawsuit Friday against some of Puerto Rico’s top police official ... |
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via Caribbean Business on 3/8/13
Saturday, March 9th, 2013 |
PR opens Classic with shutout of SpainThe game plan when playing as a favorite against a team that's perceived to ...US budget cuts curb LatAm drug fightDeep federal budget cuts are forcing the U.S. to send fewer surveillance planes ... |
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via Videos matching: puerto rico by pgatour on 3/8/13
In the second round of the Puerto Rico Open presented by seepuertorico.com, Andres Romero leads at 14-under par.
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Time:02:14 | More inEntertainment |
via puerto rico - Google News on 3/8/13
NBCSports.com |
Beltran leads Puerto Rico past Spain 3-0 at WBC
Yahoo! Sports Carlos Beltran's RBI double keyed a three-run first inning and a trio of Puerto Rico pitchers combined on a five-hitter in a 3-0 victory over Spain at the World Baseball Classic on Friday. In the tournament opener for both teams, Angel Pagan got Puerto ... Puerto Rico shuts out Spain in World Baseball ClassicUSA TODAY With interest in baseball waning, Puerto Rico playing for more than wins in ...MiamiHerald.com Puerto Rico opens Classic with shutout of SpainMLB.com NBCSports.com -Bangkok Post all 118 news articles » |
via puerto rico - Google News on 3/8/13
Drugmaker to cut 400 jobs in Puerto Rico
New York Daily News San Juan, March 9 (IANS/EFE) The Puerto Rico unit of Baxter International Inc. plans to eliminate 400 jobs at its pharmaceutical production facility in Aibonito, the town's mayor said Friday. Layoffs will begin in June with the loss of 100 positions as ... |
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via puerto rico - Google News on 3/8/13
Washington Post |
Atheist Puerto Rico cop files lawsuit charging discrimination by island's ...
Washington Post SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico — Lawyers filed a lawsuit Friday against some of Puerto Rico's top police officials, accusing them of discriminating against an officer for being an atheist and not adhering to the separation of church and state. It is one of the ... |
via puerto rican community in usa - Google Blog Search by Alexandra Quinn on 3/8/13
“Días” has also moved closer to the current Puerto Rican comic, where the diversity of stories and styles is uniting many different artists under one community. “It's true that this ... More stories about Puerto Rico (U.S.). Read this ...
via Videos matching: puerto rico news by Jungamalungo on 3/8/13
Ave endemica de nuestra isla.Es comun observarla en los bosques de toda la isla.Se alimenta de insectos y larvas que encuentra bajo la corteza de los arboles.
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Time:02:16 | More inPets & Animals |
via Videos matching: puerto rico news by pgatour on 3/8/13
In the second round of the Puerto Rico Open presented by seepuertorico.com, Andres Romero leads at 14-under par.
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Time:02:14 | More inEntertainment |
via Videos matching: puerto rico news tv by pgatour on 3/7/13
In the opening round of the Puerto Rico Open presented by seepuertorico.com, Cameron Percy and Andres Romero lead at 7-under par.
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Time:02:02 | More inEntertainment |
via Videos matching: puerto rico news tv by teleSUR tv on 11/7/12
Los habitantes de Puerto Rico salieron a votar masivamente por su gobernador y otras autoridades locales. Los ciudadanos también decidirán cual quieren que s...
From:teleSUR tv
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Time:02:39 | More inNews & Politics |
via Videos matching: puerto rico news tv by Cubainformación TV on 1/18/13
Entrevista a José Rivera, luchador independentista del Frente Socialista y miembro del Comité de Solidaridad con Cuba en Puerto Rico, en el marco del VIII Co...
From:Cubainformación TV
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Time:11:13 | More inNews & Politics |
via Videos matching: puerto rico news tv by teleSUR tv on 11/2/12
Puerto Rico se prepara para decidir si continúa o no como territorio independiente de Estados Unidos en una consulta popular sobre la situación de colonia qu...
From:teleSUR tv
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Time:01:40 | More inNews & Politics |
via Puerto Rico News - Archive Links's Facebook Wall by Puerto Rico News - Archive Links on 3/8/13
09.03.2013 Actualización 2:45 AM
09.03.2013 Actualización 2:45 AM
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09.03.2013 Actualización 2:45 AM
09.03.2013 Actualización 2:45 AM
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09.03.2013 Actualización 2:45 AM
Mike Nova's starred items
via puerto rico - Google News on 3/8/13
Washington Post |
Atheist Puerto Rico cop files lawsuit charging discrimination by island's ...
Washington Post SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico — Lawyers filed a lawsuit Friday against some of Puerto Rico's top police officials, accusing them of discriminating against an officer for being an atheist and not adhering to the separation of church and state. It is one of the ... |
via puerto rican community in usa - Google Blog Search by Alexandra Quinn on 3/8/13
“Días” has also moved closer to the current Puerto Rican comic, where the diversity of stories and styles is uniting many different artists under one community. “It's true that this ... More stories about Puerto Rico (U.S.). Read this ...
via Videos matching: puerto rico news by Jungamalungo on 3/8/13
Ave endemica de nuestra isla.Es comun observarla en los bosques de toda la isla.Se alimenta de insectos y larvas que encuentra bajo la corteza de los arboles.
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Time:02:16 | More inPets & Animals |
via Videos matching: puerto rico news by pgatour on 3/8/13
In the second round of the Puerto Rico Open presented by seepuertorico.com, Andres Romero leads at 14-under par.
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Time:02:14 | More inEntertainment |
via Videos matching: puerto rico news tv by pgatour on 3/7/13
In the opening round of the Puerto Rico Open presented by seepuertorico.com, Cameron Percy and Andres Romero lead at 7-under par.
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Time:02:02 | More inEntertainment |
via Videos matching: puerto rico news tv by teleSUR tv on 11/7/12
Los habitantes de Puerto Rico salieron a votar masivamente por su gobernador y otras autoridades locales. Los ciudadanos también decidirán cual quieren que s...
From:teleSUR tv
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Time:02:39 | More inNews & Politics |
via Videos matching: puerto rico news tv by Cubainformación TV on 1/18/13
Entrevista a José Rivera, luchador independentista del Frente Socialista y miembro del Comité de Solidaridad con Cuba en Puerto Rico, en el marco del VIII Co...
From:Cubainformación TV
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Time:11:13 | More inNews & Politics |
via Videos matching: puerto rico news tv by teleSUR tv on 11/2/12
Puerto Rico se prepara para decidir si continúa o no como territorio independiente de Estados Unidos en una consulta popular sobre la situación de colonia qu...
From:teleSUR tv
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Time:01:40 | More inNews & Politics |
via Puerto Rico News - Archive Links's Facebook Wall by Puerto Rico News - Archive Links on 3/8/13
09.03.2013 Actualización 2:45 AM
09.03.2013 Actualización 2:45 AM
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09.03.2013 Actualización 2:45 AM
09.03.2013 Actualización 2:45 AM
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09.03.2013 Actualización 2:45 AM
Mike Nova's starred items
via puerto rico news - Google News on 3/8/13
Washington Post |
Atheist Puerto Rico cop files lawsuit charging discrimination by island's ...
Washington Post SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico — Lawyers filed a lawsuit Friday against some of Puerto Rico's top police officials, accusing them of discriminating against an officer for being an atheist and not adhering to the separation of church and state. It is one of the ... |
via puerto rico news - Google News on 3/8/13
NBCSports.com |
Puerto Rico shuts out Spain in World Baseball Classic
USA TODAY The Game: Puerto Rico defeated Spain 3-0 behind the strong pitching of Giancarlo Alvarado and Hiram Burgos, who combined for 8 2/3 innings. Puerto Rico took advantage of erratic Spain starter Sergio Perez, who gave up three hits and four walks and hit ... Puerto Rico scores three in first inning, beats Spain 3-0SportingNews.com Puerto Rico blanks Spain 3-0NBCSports.com Puerto Rico opens Classic with shutout of SpainMLB.com MiamiHerald.com -FOXSports.com -Bangkok Post all 118 news articles » |
via Videos matching: puerto rico by efe on 3/8/13
Puerto Rico recibe al Galeón de la Constitución. Uploaded by efe on Mar 08, 2013. San Juan, mar (EFE).- (Imagen: Alfonso RodrÃguez) El Galeón de la Constitución, que hace escala en San Juan como parte de su gira iberoamericana como embajador itinerante de la Constitución de Cádiz (España) de 1812 y su dimensión ultramarina, abrió sus puertas al público de Puerto Rico.
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Time:01:05 | More inNews & Politics |
via Videos matching: puerto rico news by Luis Anthony on 3/4/13
La crisis fiscal que enfrenta el País no impidió que 16 Alcaldes se incrementaran su salario, aun cuando violaban la ley porque la mitad de esos ayuntamiento...
From:Luis Anthony
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Time:03:13 | More inNews & Politics |
via The Guardian's Facebook Wall by The Guardian on 3/9/13
In Guardian Cook this weekend
The 10 best coconut recipes: Make the most of this tropical nut with a delicate soup, a spicy sambal, a refreshing sorbet, a pillow-like cake
Photo: Coconut cream pies with raw ginger crust. Credit: Yuki Sugiura for the Guardian

The 10 best coconut recipes: Make the most of this tropical nut with a delicate soup, a spicy sambal, a refreshing sorbet, a pillow-like cake
Photo: Coconut cream pies with raw ginger crust. Credit: Yuki Sugiura for the Guardian

via puerto rico - Google News on 3/8/13
Bleacher Report |
Argentina's Andres Romero leads Puerto Rico Open
USA TODAY RIO GRANDE, Puerto Rico (AP) — Andres Romero of Argentina shot his second straight 7-under 65 on Friday to take a one-stroke lead in the PGA Tour's Puerto Rico Open. Romero, who won the PGA Tour's 2008 New Orleans event and the European Tour's ... Romero 1 clear in Puerto RicoFox News Puerto Rico Open 2013: Day 2 Leaderboard, Analysis and MoreBleacher Report Puerto Rico Open 2013 scores: Andreas Romero leading the pack after two roundsSB Nation SPORT24 all 69 news articles » |
via Opinión - El Nuevo Día on 3/9/13
La impactante agresión de una estudiante de décimo grado a manos de otra en una escuela de Ponce revela significativas carencias a múltiples niveles en el plantel que el Departamento de Educación debe corregir y exige un castigo ejemplar para la alumna perpetradora de la golpiza y su cómplice instigadora.Oh sí, hablaremos
ÁNGEL DARÍO CARREROLa poesía no se sitúa, ni siquiera la más intimista, al margen de las tensiones de la historia. Su mayor acto reivindicativo consiste justo en no callar en medio de tanto silencioEl impuesto notarial
ÁNGEL ORTIZ GUZMÁNSe encuentra ante la consideración del Senado un proyecto de ley a los fines de otorgar al Colegio de Abogados el importe producto de la venta del arancel de impuesto notarial queCogidos de la mano
ENRIQUE VÁZQUEZ QUINTANALa Constitución de Estados Unidos ha estado siendo violada durante 114 años por el Congreso norteamericano. La Declaración de Independencia de ese país lee como sigue: “We hold thDicotomía
Gabino IglesiasPuerto Rico lo hace mejor. La frase cuelga sobre nosotros como la cuchilla de una guillotina ideológica que el día menos pensado nos degüella el último sueño. Por desgracia, son po
Escuela Superior Hostos, de
Mayagüez, celebrará su 50 aniversario el 1 de junio en el Mayagüez Resort & Casino. (787) 833-1301; (787) 614-3295
Mayagüez, celebrará su 50 aniversario el 1 de junio en el Mayagüez Resort & Casino. (787) 833-1301; (787) 614-3295
Se está acercando abril y los ciudadanos “común y corriente” tiemblan ante las llamadas planillas sobre contribución de ingresos esperando salvar algún dinerito del poco que reciben por su trabajo. Los legisladores que son ciudadanos ejemplares y que tienen un jugoso salario se saben todas las maniobras para “olvidar” pagos recibidos.
El Departamento de Hacienda reconoce ahora que tienen que mejorar la fiscalización de las planillas recibidas. Desde 1994 se requería la presentación de las planillas contributivas a todos los aspirantes a legisladores. Ahora Hacienda exhorta a los ciudadanos a contribuir información dizque confidencial a evasores de asociaciones, privados, etc. A todo esto Hacienda tiene dichas planillas bajo sus narices.
Amelia Cortés- Monllor
Se está acercando abril y los ciudadanos “común y corriente” tiemblan ante las llamadas planillas sobre contribución de ingresos esperando salvar algún dinerito del poco que reciben por su trabajo. Los legisladores que son ciudadanos ejemplares y que tienen un jugoso salario se saben todas las maniobras para “olvidar” pagos recibidos.
El Departamento de Hacienda reconoce ahora que tienen que mejorar la fiscalización de las planillas recibidas. Desde 1994 se requería la presentación de las planillas contributivas a todos los aspirantes a legisladores. Ahora Hacienda exhorta a los ciudadanos a contribuir información dizque confidencial a evasores de asociaciones, privados, etc. A todo esto Hacienda tiene dichas planillas bajo sus narices.
Amelia Cortés- Monllor
Hilvia L. Negrón Pabón, de Cayey, sufre de presión alta y diabetes lo que le provocó que se afectaran sus riñones y, por ende, es paciente de diálisis.
Hilvia urge de un trasplante de riñón y por ello recaba la ayuda de la comunidad para sufragar los gastos de la intervención quirúrgica.
Si desea cooperar con Hilvia, puede depositar su donativo en la cuenta Pro fondos Hivi, #047-371455 del Banco Popular.
Es sabido que los mal llamados “honorables” de la legislatura, cuando son mayoría- no importa a que partido pertenecen- son expertos cuadrando sus finanzas y tienen a sus correligionarios a su favor.
Esto significa que siempre cuentan con el Contralor de turno, con el Secretario de Hacienda, y, por supuesto, con la OEG. Además, los presidentes de ambas cámaras siempre les van a tirar la toalla a sus “fieles” camaradas.
Por lo tanto, personajes tales como Roger Iglesias, Thomas Rivera Schatz, Larry Seilhamer, Georgie Navarro, Liza Fernández y Ángel Pérez siempre van a pasar con A+ en sus evaluaciones.
Por supuesto, estos legisladores son solo parte del “iceberg”.
Santos Vega
Esto significa que siempre cuentan con el Contralor de turno, con el Secretario de Hacienda, y, por supuesto, con la OEG. Además, los presidentes de ambas cámaras siempre les van a tirar la toalla a sus “fieles” camaradas.
Por lo tanto, personajes tales como Roger Iglesias, Thomas Rivera Schatz, Larry Seilhamer, Georgie Navarro, Liza Fernández y Ángel Pérez siempre van a pasar con A+ en sus evaluaciones.
Por supuesto, estos legisladores son solo parte del “iceberg”.
Santos Vega
Escuela José Severo Quiñones celebrará su 50 aniversario el sábado 25 de mayo, desde las 7:00 p.m., en el centro comunitario de Sabana Seca, en Manatí. (787) 238-0944; (787) 645-8196
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via Puerto Rico News - Archive Links's Facebook Wall by Puerto Rico News - Archive Links on 3/9/13
La impactante agresión de una estudiante de décimo grado a manos de otra en una escuela de Ponce revela significativas carencias a múltiples niveles en el plantel que el …
La impactante agresión de una estudiante de décimo grado a manos de otra en una escuela de Ponce revela significativas carencias a múltiples niveles en el plantel que el …
Mike Nova's starred items
The new administration's #economic development plan is a multifaceted strategy that goes beyond #JobsNow http://ow.ly/iAE7B

A tall task: Creating wealth, revenue and jobs - Caribbean Business
Two months into the Alejandro García Padilla administration, much emphasis has been placed on whether the recently enacted Jobs Now Act has the...

A tall task: Creating wealth, revenue and jobs - Caribbean Business
Two months into the Alejandro García Padilla administration, much emphasis has been placed on whether the recently enacted Jobs Now Act has the...
Atheist Puerto Rico cop files lawsuit charging discrimination by island’s police department
By Associated Press,
© The Washington Post Company
via puerto rico - Google News on 3/8/13
Washington Post |
Atheist Puerto Rico cop files lawsuit charging discrimination by island's ...
Washington Post SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico — Lawyers filed a lawsuit Friday against some of Puerto Rico's top police officials, accusing them of discriminating against an officer for being an atheist and not adhering to the separation of church and state. It is one of the ... Saturday, March 9th, 2013
via Caribbean Business on 3/8/13