Our Ideals And Practices Of Liberty:
equals among equals and "e pluribus unum"

Mike Nova comments on "el proyecto 238" situation:
The job is not done! More arm twisting is needed, Mr. Padilla. And where is your voice, Your Grace?
By denying the gay people of Puerto Rico their basic rights and equal protection under the law, you condone and perpetuate the fear, hatred and abuse of this part of your society, culture and families, which was going on for centuries and took many innocent lives and souls. In our era, which appears to be a pinnacle in a history of civilization this attitude is legally, morally and from a "common sense" point of view, WRONG, UNHEALTHY and UNACCEPTABLE!El Projecto 238 has to pass in the "Camera"! This is a matter of simple but absolutely essential, in all aspects and in all respects, FAIRNESS. Your friends, your brothers and sisters expect more understanding, wisdom, fair treatment and "IGUALDAD" from you, the esteemed Representatives of The Camera. They are not "a second sort citizens".
This is also an issue of normal, healthy integration and functioning of the society and a harmony between its majority and various minority groups. And LGBT community is a very special and unique minority group. And it is undeniable that sometimes its members are the object of intense, irrational, sick hatred on the part of some disturbed individuals and groups. That is why LGBT community needs a law which would spell out very clearly, definitively and comprehensively: in all aspects of life and not just in employment, as some politicians suggested; their absolutely equal treatment and their absolutely equal rights. Furthermore, and more generally speaking, human sexuality (in difference with relatively simple, even with the inclusion of homosexual behaviors, animal sexuality) is very complex, sometimes changeable and fluid; it is more of a color (and not necessarily and always of a rainbow type only) spectrum, than artificially simplified, for the purposes of moral mass consumption, "black and white". Social coercion, pressure, moral or religious "policing" of various legal types of sexual behaviors (beyond the generally accepted norms of civilized behavior, applicable to any type of sexuality) which was practiced, again, for centuries, and very rigorously and sometimes lethally; are counterproductive and incompatible with our ideals and practices of liberty and with our patterns and needs for normal and healthy mental functioning and lives. Flowers blossom from within and the excess of external pressure of any kind might destroy them. There is no place for hidden biases of any sort (pay attention to this part, the esteemed Representatives, por favor) in these matters.
In Russia, recently they introduced the anti - "homosexual propaganda" law and people there are getting tortured and killed on the streets. The traditions of Puerto Rican culture, as I see it, with its respect for others, for their individuality, style and affections, including the affections and closeness between men (or women, for that matter) is much more compatible with something like passing the El Projecto 238. Probably because the Puerto Rican culture is undeniably a part of old European and Mediteranian cultures where the affections and closeness between men, in their various types, were always historically accepted and respected. And nowadays take Spain, for example, where gay marriage was legalized a long time ago, one of the first among European countries and where gay lifestyle was also accepted a long time ago. I guess, colonies were always a little behind. Wake up, guys; there is some catching up to do, especially now, when the issue of Puerto Rico statehood is very much on the agenda (or agendas, or isn't). Everything has to be on a par: equals among equals and "e pluribus unum". Sounds good, for both the people and the states.
History always takes its course and what has to happen will happen, sooner or later. But those, who are left behind its movement, might also will be left behind morally, logically and politically.
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