15/09/13 13:37 from El Nuevo Día : Política
Rodríguez Aguiló radicó una resolución para investigar los hechos
» Emplazan a García Padilla a que diga si instruyó a ocultar situación en Hospital UPR
15/09/13 12:36 from Primera Hora : Noticias
El representante Gabriel Rodríguez Aguiló aseguró que radicó una resolución.
» Puerto Rico Hospital Deaths Investigated, Health Secretary Resigns - Fox News Latino
14/09/13 12:26 from alejandro garcia padilla - Google News
Puerto Rico Hospital Deaths Investigated, Health Secretary ResignsFox News LatinoAlejandro Garcia Padilla of his "immediate and irrevocable" resignation, though he did not give any specific reasons for his decision, nor did he ...
Hospital Moves to Curb Bacteria Scare as Health Chief Agrees to Probe - SJDS
» García Padilla rechaza que le pidiera la renuncia al secretario d... - El Nuevo Dia.com
14/09/13 03:35 from alejandro garcia padilla - Google News
García Padilla rechaza que le pidiera la renuncia al secretario d...El Nuevo Dia.comJuana Díaz - El gobernador Alejandro García Padilla destacó el profesionalismo del doctor Francisco Joglar al anunciar que aceptó su renuncia al puesto d...
» Dimite secretario Salud de Puerto Rico en polémica por muerte de 10 pacientes - Sur Digital (Andalucía)
13/09/13 21:00 from alejandro garcia padilla efe - Google News
Dimite secretario Salud de Puerto Rico en polémica por muerte de 10 pacientesSur Digital (Andalucía)Joglar informó al gobernador de Puerto Rico, Alejandro García Padilla, de su renuncia en una misiva en la que afirmó que su dimisión es &...
» Dimite titular de Salud de Puerto Rico por muerte de 10 pacientes - Telemetro
13/09/13 19:02 from alejandro garcia padilla efe - Google News
EFEDimite titular de Salud de Puerto Rico por muerte de 10 pacientesTelemetroSan Juan (EFE). El secretario (ministro) de Salud de Puerto Rico, Francisco Joglar, dimitió hoy de su cargo en medio de la polémica generada por la muerte de di...
» Puerto Rico health sec'y resigns after deaths at public hospital - GlobalPost
13/09/13 17:58 from alejandro garcia padilla efe - Google News
Puerto Rico health sec'y resigns after deaths at public hospitalGlobalPostSan Juan, Sep 13 (EFE).- Puerto Rico's health secretary resigned Friday amid a controversy over the death of 10 patients at a public hospital due to a bact...
» García Padilla rechaza que le pidiera la renuncia al secretario de ...
13/09/13 17:47 from alejandro garcia padilla - Google Blog Search
» Dimite secretario Salud de Puerto Rico en polémica por muerte de 10 pacientes - Diario Vasco
13/09/13 14:58 from alejandro garcia padilla efe - Google News
Dimite secretario Salud de Puerto Rico en polémica por muerte de 10 pacientesDiario Vasco... bacteria Acinetobacter baumannii. Joglar informó al gobernador de Puerto Rico, Alejandro García Padilla, de su renuncia en una misiva en la que ...
» Dimite secretario Salud de Puerto Rico en polémica por muerte de 10 pacientes - El Confidencial
13/09/13 14:53 from alejandro garcia padilla efe - Google News
Dimite secretario Salud de Puerto Rico en polémica por muerte de 10 pacientesEl ConfidencialSan Juan, 13 sep (EFE).- El secretario de Salud de Puerto Rico, Francisco Joglar, dimitió hoy en medio de la polémica generada por la muerte de d...
» García Padilla responsabiliza a administradores de hospital UPR por contagios ... - El Nuevo Dia.com
12/09/13 18:04 from alejandro garcia padilla - Google News
EFEGarcía Padilla responsabiliza a administradores de hospital UPR por contagios ...El Nuevo Dia.comEl gobernador Alejandro García Padilla fijó en los administradores la responsabilidad primaria de la situación de emergencia en un área d...
» Puerto Rico health official resigns after outbreak - Business Standard
13/09/13 22:01 from puerto rico business - Google News
Puerto Rico health official resigns after outbreakBusiness StandardHis comments come days after the epidemiology director of the island's health department said at least 10 patients at the University of Puerto Rico Hospital in the no...
Joglar resigns from Health Department | ||||
Issued: September 13, 2013 | ||||
Health Secretary Francisco Joglar tendered his resignation Friday as the He ... | ||||
» #Joglar resigns from Health Department. Read: http://ow.ly/oQMij #caribbeanbusin...
13/09/13 20:16 from Puerto Rico Business Newss Facebook Wall
#Joglar resigns from Health Department. Read: http://ow.ly/oQMij #caribbeanbusiness #Joglar resigns from Health Department. Read: http://ow.ly/oQMij #caribbeanbusiness#Joglar resigns from Health Department. Read: http://ow.ly/oQMij #car...
Governor assures that Puerto Rico is on the route out of the crisis
La Fortaleza News Review
» Popular Extends Drop on Doubt About Puerto Rico Debt Load - Bloomberg
13/09/13 13:16 from alejandro garcia padilla - Google News Popular Extends Drop on Doubt About Puerto Rico Debt LoadBloombergThe self-governing commonwealth of about 3.7 million people is on the brink of speculative grade as Governor Alejandro Garcia Padilla strives to reduce budget deficits and... » OppenheimerFunds Loses Most as Puerto Rico Tumbles: Muni Credit - Businessweek 13/09/13 08:39 from alejandro garcia padilla - Google News BloombergOppenheimerFunds Loses Most as Puerto Rico Tumbles: Muni CreditBusinessweekA self-governing commonwealth of about 3.7 million people, Puerto Rico is on the brink of speculative grade as Governor Alejandro Garcia Padilla, 42, str... » Puerto Rico analyzes financing plan amid bond cuts - Sacramento BeeLa prensa... 13/09/13 19:47 from Puerto Rico Business Newss Facebook Wall Puerto Rico analyzes financing plan amid bond cuts - Sacramento Bee La prensa Puerto Rico analyzes financing plan amid bond cuts Sacramento Bee Tanya Valle, a spokeswoman for OppenheimerFunds Inc., said the company believes that Puert...
» Puerto Rico reassesses financing plan amid cut in bond sales - Victoria Times Colonist
13/09/13 16:30 from puerto rico business - Google News Latin American Herald TribunePuerto Rico reassesses financing plan amid cut in bond salesVictoria Times ColonistSAN JUAN, Puerto Rico - Puerto Rico is crafting a new financing plan as it seeks to reassure investors that it will not defau...
» Puerto Rico seen waiting out market storm before big deals - Reuters
13/09/13 16:24 from puerto rico economy - Google News Puerto Rico seen waiting out market storm before big dealsReutersSickly economy a key driver. By Michael Connor. Sept 12 (Reuters) - Puerto Rico's policymakers are expected to weather with short-term borrowings a storm of worry in Am...
» Puerto Rico reassesses financing plan amid cut in bond sales - Nanaimo Daily New...
13/09/13 16:20 from Puerto Rico Business Newss Facebook Wall Puerto Rico reassesses financing plan amid cut in bond sales - Nanaimo Daily News Puerto Rico reassesses financing plan amid cut in bond sales Nanaimo Daily News SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico - Puerto Rico is crafting a new financing plan as it..
» Bond market turns against Puerto Rico - GlobalPost
15/09/13 14:36 from alejandro garcia padilla - Google News Bond market turns against Puerto RicoGlobalPostAlejandro Garcia Padilla, who took office in January. Puerto Rico's credit is solid and the island should benefit from the tax reforms and economic plan implemented by the governor, Paga...
» Bond market turns against Puerto Rico - GlobalPost
15/09/13 14:36 from alejandro garcia padilla efe - Google News Bond market turns against Puerto RicoGlobalPostAlejandro Garcia Padilla, who took office in January. Puerto Rico's credit is ... Puerto Rico's securities are being treated by investors as if they were "junk bonds," Univ...
» Bond market turns against Puerto Rico - La prensa
15/09/13 14:15 from alejandro garcia padilla efe - Google News La prensaBond market turns against Puerto RicoLa prensaAlejandro Garcia Padilla, who took office in January. Puerto Rico's credit is ... Puerto Rico's securities are being treated by investors as if they were "junk bonds,&qu... |