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Puerto Rico's #1 news and information website in English
20 local companies vying for U.S. Dept. of ... - News is my Business
via Puerto Rico Business News's Facebook Wall by Puerto Rico Business News on 3/21/12
20 local companies vying for U.S. Dept. of ... - News is my Business
20 local companies vying for U.S. Dept. of ... - News is my Business
Puerto Rico's semifinalists include public and private sector employers from all corners of the island, namely: the Mennonite Hospital in Aibonito; the Puerto Rico Aqueduct and Sewer Authority in Bayamón; the Puerto Rico ...
Puerto Rico's pointless primary proves GOP inconsistencies - Indiana Daily Student
via puerto rico - Google News on 3/20/12

Puerto Rico's pointless primary proves GOP inconsistencies
Indiana Daily Student
By Nick Sobecki | IDS It's been a long time since I've heard about Puerto Rico. Wait, I can't remember when I've ever heard Puerto Rico mentioned during either parties' primaries. So why all the hype about the primary results of a US commonwealth?
Puerto Ricans on Fire: Long Term Damage for RepublicansPolitic365
New ad, old refrain from Team SantorumCNN (blog)
In Hunt for Latino Votes, Romney Softens Some PositionsABC News (press release) -Ology
all 50 news articles »
First Thoughts: The long haul - (blog)
via Gov. Louis Fortuño - Google News on 3/16/12
First Thoughts: The long haul (blog)
According to reports, National Committeeman (and Gov.) Luis Fortuno and National Committeewoman Zoraida Fonalledas have both endorsed Mitt Romney, while Puerto Rico GOP Chairman Carlos Mendez has publicly endorsed Newt Gingrich.
20 local companies vying for U.S. Dept. of *...* - News is my *Business*
via puerto rico business - Google Blog Search by Michelle Kantrow on 3/21/12
Puerto Rico's semifinalists include public and private sector employers from all corners of the island, namely: the Mennonite Hospital in Aibonito; the Puerto Rico Aqueduct and Sewer Authority in Bayamón; the Puerto Rico ...
Draining Apple's Bulging Bags of Mad Money - E-Commerce Times
via puerto rico business - Google News on 3/21/12

ABC News
Draining Apple's Bulging Bags of Mad Money
E-Commerce Times
The company gave in this week, promising $2.65 per share. While under the leadership of Steve Jobs, Apple preferred to keep its wallet stuffed, but at this point, spending billions on dividends and stock buybacks will still leave the company with ...
Biz Break: Apple's dividend decision, iPad sales sends stock to record highContra Costa Times
all 3,061 news articles »
8:25 AM 3/21/2012 | Local Press Review
via Puerto Rico News by Mike Nova on 3/21/12
Viviendas a precio de quemazón │Consejos para aprovechar las ventas de casas en procesos de subasta.
Housing price of burning │Consejos to take advantage of sales of houses in processes of auction. http://end.PR/FQVaHX (Translated by Bing)
Andrea Rodriguez
Se lo que es pasar x la situacion que pasan muchas personas que pierden sus casa y el sufrimiento que se siente estar en una esquina mirando con letargo que pierdes el techo de los tuyos , solo el que el lo padece es el que sabe la angustia... y la impotencia que se sufre , pero bien , hay que pasar la pagina y levantarse . Esa casas se van a vender de todas maneras y posiblemente ya nada se pueda hacer para recuperarla , ojala que la adquieran personas con genuina necesidad y que los que las perdieron sea x que Dios le tiene algo mucho mejor....See More
Monday at 10:33am · LikeUnlike
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Berríos Gy Que mal que tengamos que ver esta situación, y más cuando se piensa que nunca nos vá a tocar. Pero puede haber arreglos, ya que en PR imitan todo, de todos, deberían copiar lo que están haciendo en España. Clientes que se encuentran en el paro (desempleo por x o por y), se les alquila la casa que están perdiendo y no enviarlos a la calle, hacen arreglos con esa deuda y ninguno pierde en cierta forma.
Viviendas a precio de quemazón
Consejos para aprovechar las ventas de casas en procesos de subasta
Por Rebecca Banuchi/
¿Sabía usted que podría adquirir la propiedad que busca con un 20% y hasta un 50% de descuento de su precio de tasación? No se trata de una venta de quemazón, ni un ajuste súbito en el valor de la propiedad. Esa posibilidad existe cuando se compra una residencia por medio de una subasta.
La venta al mejor postor es un mecanismo mediante el cual el comprador compite con otras personas interesadas en adquirir la misma residencia, y desembolsa justo la cantidad que desea -y puede- pagar.
Este método de venta, que se utiliza también para adquirir otro tipo de bienes, ha demostrado ser efectivo cuando al vendedor le urge salir de la propiedad, y no ha podido disponer de ella a través de los mecanismos tradicionales.
En tiempos como estos en los que el exceso de inventario de propiedades constituye todavía un reto para la industria de viviendas, la subasta se ha convertido, según expertos en la materia, en una importante herramienta en el mercado de bienes raíces.
La mayoría de las residencias en subasta son reposeídas por los bancos, pero en algunas ocasiones también se ha utilizado este sistema para la venta de viviendas nuevas.
Los clientes que recurren a este método son tan diversos como sus objetivos. Hay desde curiosos, hasta principiantes y expertos en el proceso. Algunos interesan comprar su vivienda principal, otros buscan una segunda residencia, y están aquellos que lo que les interesa es invertir en un inmueble.
Para quienes no están familiarizados con las subastas, la idea de iniciarse en la práctica puede generarle dudas respecto a los requisitos y su funcionamiento, pero basta con prepararse bien y tomar en cuenta algunas consideraciones para competir de igual a igual con el más versado y aprovechar la oportunidad al máximo.
Antes de la subasta
El grueso de la gestión ocurre previo al día de la subasta. Es importante que comience por obtener una precualificación de una institución bancaria para que sepa hasta cuánto podría apostar.
“Debes ir primero al banco para no enamorarte de casas que no puedes pagar”, advirtió Betsy Pino, coordinadora de las subastas en Centro Casas Subastas, compañía que se dedica a vender bienes muebles e inmuebles a través de este mecanismo.
El cliente también debe estudiar el catálogo informativo de la empresa subastadora, en el que se incluye la lista de propiedades en venta, con fotos y una descripción detallada del inmueble. En ocasiones, el catálogo puede accederse en la web.
Sin embargo, debe también acudir a la propiedad para inspeccionarla con detenimiento pues, al ser reposeídas, la mayoría de estas unidades requieren arreglos, y es necesario que el potencial comprador conozca qué mejoras necesita y cuánto tendría que invertir en ella para que lo reste de la cantidad que está dispuesto a pagar.
“Hay que evaluar las condiciones del techo, que es lo más que se daña, la cocina, los baños, y a base de eso, ir restando. Luego de ese análisis, sacas el número neto, tienes (que invertir) tanto dinero en mejoras, y estarías dispuesto a ofrecer hasta tal número”, dijo Pino.
Cuando una residencia se vende mediante subasta, quien la compre adquiere la propiedad en las condiciones según se ofreció, con todos sus atributos y defectos.
Dilma Meléndez, gerente de ventas de R.E.O. Costumer Solutions, recordó que existe el préstamo FHA 203 (k), que provee para la rehabilitación y restauración de viviendas unifamiliares, cuando el adquiriente convertirá el inmueble en su residencia principal.
“Si es un inversionista o es para un segundo hogar, tiene que tener el dinero para arreglarla”, puntualizó Meléndez.
La ejecutiva de R.E.O. Costumer Solutions advirtió, además, que conviene confirmar con la empresa la agenda de subastas, pues en ocasiones se celebran dos días de evento, y se debe cotejar para cuándo está pautada la venta de la propiedad que se interesa comprar.
El día de la subasta
Finalmente, el día de la subasta arribó, y usted debe tener claro antes de comenzar la jornada la propiedad o propiedades que desea, y cuánto es el máximo que puede dar por ellas.
Las compañías de subastas establecen sus propios requisitos, por lo que es recomendable que verifique lo que aplica con cada una antes de que llegue el día de la subasta.
Por ejemplo, algunas empresas exigen al consumidor que se inscriba para participar previo al día de la actividad, y otras permiten hacerlo justo antes, en el lugar donde se efectuará el evento. Cuando se registra, la persona se somete a los términos y condiciones de los organizadores. Además, algunas compañías exigen presentar un depósito, que se abonará al monto por el que se adjudique la subasta, para constatar que la persona realmente tiene intenciones de comprar una residencia.
En un mismo día, se pueden subastar hasta 100 propiedades. Hay casos en los que toma apenas dos minutos completar la venta, y en otros más reñidos podría demorar hasta 10 minutos.
Es indispensable que los participantes sepan hasta cuánto pueden ofrecer.
“Apueste hasta la cantidad prefijada, trate de ajustarse en lo posible a esta cantidad, ya que durante la subasta es posible que por la emoción y la rapidez se pueda caer en la tentación de pagar más de lo previsto”, aconsejó Pino.
Recuerde que al precio de la adjudicación tiene que añadir los gastos legales que implica el cierre del préstamo hipotecario.
¿Hay incentivos?
Una vez concluida la subasta, quien haya obtenido la propiedad debe llenar una serie de documentos que certifican la adjudicación, y esos formularios son los que presentará en la institución financiera.
Cuando termine ese proceso, deberá completar la solicitud y el cierre en unos 45 días. Cualquier ayuda o incentivo vigente aplica también para quienes usen este sistema de compraventa.
¿El precio justo?
En un mercado de vivienda en el que muchas propiedades han devaluado, es común que surjan dudas respecto a cuál es el precio “justo” que se debe ofrecer por un inmueble.
Según Pino, los consumidores pueden ahorrarse esa preocupación, si antes de la subasta investigan en la comunidad o urbanización donde ubica la vivienda cuánto piden por las que están en venta. De esta forma, puede establecer comparables.
“Tú haces una apuesta consciente de lo que estás comprando. Para eso, tuviste tiempo de analizar lo que quieres comprar. No puedes soñar con que una casa de $500,000 me la van a dejar en $200,000. Está en las manos de uno no soñar. Cada propiedad tiene su valor, no es que la van a regalar, pero sí los precios son más competitivos”, subrayó Pino.
Asimismo, es recomendable que su primera oferta no esté muy cerca del límite que usted puede pagar, para que tenga espacio para negociar y competir con el resto de los asistentes.
Burning rate housing
Tips for getting home sales in auction processes
By Rebecca Banuchi / rebecca.banuchi @
Did you know that could acquire the property you are looking at a 20% and up to 50% discount from its appraised price? This is not a sale of burning, or a sudden adjustment in the value of the property. This possibility exists when you buy a home through an auction.
The sale to the highest bidder is a mechanism by which the buyer competes with others interested in acquiring the same residence, and spends just the amount you want-and can-pay.
This method of sale, which is also used to purchase other goods, has proved effective when the seller urges him to leave the property, and could not dispose of it through traditional mechanisms.
In times like these where the excess inventory of properties is still a challenge for the housing industry, the auction has become, according to experts, an important tool in the real estate market.
Most auction houses are foreclosed on by banks, but sometimes also used this system for the sale of new homes.
Customers who use this method are as diverse as its objectives. They range from curious to beginners and experts in the process. Some are interested in buying your main home, others seek a second home, and there are those that they care about is investing in a property.
For those not familiar with the auction, the idea started in practice can generate doubts about the requirements and how it works, but suffice to prepare well and take into account some considerations to compete on an equal footing with the most knowledgeable and take advantage the opportunity to the fullest.
Prior to the auction
The bulk of management occurs prior to auction day. It is important that you start to get a prequalification for a bank to know how much you could gamble.
"You go first to the bank to not fall in love you can not afford houses," said Betsy Pino, coordinator of the auctions in Central Auction Houses, a company that sells personal and real property through this mechanism.
The client should also study the information package of the auctioneers, which includes listings for sale, with photos and a detailed description of the property. Sometimes, the catalog can be accessed on the web.
However, it should also go to the property to inspect it carefully, being foreclosed, most of these units require repairs, and it is necessary that the potential buyer knows what improvements would need and how much to invest in it for the remainder of the amount you are willing to pay.
"You have to evaluate the condition of roof, which is the most that is damaged, the kitchen, bathrooms, and based on that, go subtracting. After that analysis, you get the net number, you (to spend) so much money in improvements, and be willing to offer up such a number, "said Pino.
When a residence is sold by auction, whoever buys the property acquired under the conditions as offered, with all its attributes and defects.
Dilma Melendez, sales manager R.E.O. Costumer Solutions, said that there FHA 203 (k), which provides for the rehabilitation and restoration of houses, when the purchaser will convert the property into your principal residence.
"If you are an investor or is it for a second home, you must have the money to fix it," said Melendez.
The executive R.E.O. Costumer Solutions warned further that should be confirmed with the company's agenda auctions, as they are sometimes held two days of event, and when you should check is scheduled for the sale of the property to be interested in purchasing.
The day of the auction
Finally, the auction day arrived, and you should be clear before starting the day the property or properties you want, and what the most you can afford for them.
The auction companies set their own requirements, so it is advisable to check what applies to each prior to the day of the auction.
For example, some companies require the consumer to register to participate before the day of the activity, and others allow it just before, at the place where the event will take place. When you register, the person is subject to the terms and conditions of the organizers. In addition, some companies require a deposit file, to be paid the amount to be awarded by auction, to make sure the person actually intended to buy a home.
In one day, be allowed to auction up to 100 properties. There are cases where it takes just two minutes to complete the sale, and in others at odds could take up to 10 minutes.
It is essential that participants know how far they offer.
"Bet until the predetermined amount, try as closely as possible to this amount during the auction as it is possible that the excitement and speed can be tempted to pay more than expected," she said Pino.
Remember that the price of the award have to add the legal costs involved in closing the mortgage loan.
Are there incentives?
After the auction, who obtained the property must complete a series of documents confirming the award, and these forms are to be presented in the financial institution.
When you finish this process, you must complete the application and closing in 45 days. Any help or incentive effect also applies to those using this trading system.
Is the price fair?
In a housing market where many properties have been devalued, it is common that doubt arises as to what is "fair" price to be offered by a property.
According to Pino, consumers can save this concern, if before the auction investigated in the community or neighborhood where housing located by asking how they are on sale. In this way, you can set comparable.
"You make a conscious about what you're buying. For that, you had time to analyze what you buy. You can not dream of a $ 500,000 house will leave me at $ 200,000. Is in the hands of one does not dream. Each property has its value, is not that going to give away, but the prices are more competitive, "said Pino.
It is also recommended that your first offer is not too close to the limit you can afford, so you have room to negotiate and compete with other attendees.
El Nuevo Dia
En portada: En medio de un escándalo, la compañía E&C Group, que fue fundada por el senador Roger Iglesias, dio de baja sus polémicos contratos con la Autoridad para el Financiamento de la Infraestructura
On cover: in the midst of a scandal, the company E & C Group, which was founded by Senator Roger churches, gave decommissioned their controversial contracts with the authority for the financing of infrastructure (Translated by Bing)
El Nuevo Dia
"La vida es fascinante: sólo hay que mirarla a través de las gafas correctas", Alejandro Dumas ¡Buen día!
"Life is fascinating: just have to look through the correct glasses", Alexandre Dumas good day! (Translated by Bing)
El Nuevo Dia
Eduardo Bhatia criticó el estilo del presidente del Senado, Thomas Rivera Schatz, y aseguró que no cederá en su misión de fiscalizar al Presidente del Senado. Mira el vídeo:
Eduardo Bhatia criticized the style of Senate President Thomas Rivera Schatz and assured that he will not give in its mission to monitor to the President of the Senate. Watch the video: (Translated by Bing)
“Hemos vivido una época terrible”
Bhatia sostiene que el pueblo está cansado del líder senatorial
El Nuevo Dia
El director ejecutivo de AFI informó que, a través de una carta firmada por Luis A. de Jesús Rodríguez -a quien identificó como ingeniero licenciado-, E&C Group solicitó la cancelación de los contratos efectivo el 31 de marzo.
The executive director of AFI reported that, through a letter signed by Luis a. de Jesús Rodríguez - whom he identified as engineer degree-, E & C Group requested the cancellation of the contracts cash on March 31. http://end.PR/GIo6nK (Translated by Bing)
Empresa fundada por Roger Iglesias pide la cancelación de sus contratos con AFI
Podría tener que devolver el dinero cobrado
El Nuevo Dia
El secretario de Salud, Lorenzo González, admitió que hay un alza sustancial en los casos positivos de influenza en comparación con el año pasado.
Health Secretary Lorenzo Gonzalez admitted that there is a substantial rise in positive cases of influenza compared with last year. http://end.PR/GCBpXj (Translated by Bing)
Confirmado el alza en los contagios de influenza
El nivel de transmisión de la influenza en la Isla es más serio de lo que se piensa
El Nuevo Dia
Ayer funcionarios de la CEE entraban datos de las actas de votación, labor que se supone hubieran completado la noche del domingo.
Yesterday the EEC officials entered the voting records database, work which supposedly had completed the Sunday night. http://end.PR/GCpjNL (Translated by Bing)
Lanzan sombras sobre el proceso electoral
Aspirantes y funcionarios alegan fraude en varias contiendas primaristas
El Nuevo Dia
Increíble: Un simulacro de terremoto en el estado de Chiapas coincidió hoy con el sismo real de 7.8 de magnitud registrado en el sur de México -
Incredible: A mock earthquake in the State of Chiapas agreed today with the real earthquake of magnitude 7.8 in the South Mexico - (Translated by Bing)
Increíble: Simulacro coincidió con el terremoto de hoy en México - El Nuevo Día
Los ciudadanos de Chipas no lo podían creer, pero se movilizaron como estaba pautado y no hubo heridos
El Nuevo Dia
Las empleadas domésticas inmigrantes están entre los trabajadores más vulnerables a la violación de sus derechos.
Domestic workers immigrants are among the workers more vulnerable to violations of their rights. http://end.PR/GCEQxj (Translated by Bing)
Una forma de esclavitud invisible
Algunas prácticas laborales comunes violan los derechos fundamentales de los empleados
El Nuevo Dia
El desnivel en el pavimento provoca constantes estancamientos de agua cada vez que llueve, dejando completamente bloqueadas las rampas para personas con impedimentos.
The unevenness in the pavement leads to constant water lulls everytime it rains, leaving completely blocked the ramps for people with disabilities. http://end.PR/GF5zY6 (Translated by Bing)
Obstáculos para personas con impedimentos en San Juan - El Nuevo Día
Rampas de acceso bloqueadas y cajas de semáforos mal ubicadas son la orden del día en muchas intersecciones y carreteras de San Juan aseguran residentes de la zona.
El Nuevo Dia
El juez Simon Carr sentenció a Jamie Waylett, el bravucón de Hogwarts Vincent Crabbe en seis de las películas de "Potter", a dos años de cárcel.
Judge Simon Carr sentenced Jamie Waylett, the swashbuckling Hogwarts Vincent Crabbe in six of the "Potter" films, to two years in prison. http://end.PR/GE620d (Translated by Bing)
Sentencian a actor de “Harry Potter” a dos años de cárcel - El Nuevo Día
Por participar en unos disturbios en Inglaterra
El Nuevo Dia
Alejandro García Padilla, rechazó la interpretación de que los electores populares que acudieron a las urnas el domingo enviaron un mensaje con la elección de los candidatos soberanistas.
Alejandro García Padilla, rejected the interpretation that popular voters who went to the polls on Sunday sent a message with the election of the next candidates. http://end.PR/GDpEBs (Translated by Bing)
García Padilla dice que el PPD ha vuelto a ser la “casa grande - El Nuevo Día
Rechazó interpretaciones sobre la elección de candidatos soberanistas
El Nuevo Dia
El gobernador Luis Fortuño concedió el próximo viernes libre a los empleados públicos con cargo a vacaciones, lo que permitirá establecer un puente de asueto gubernamental desde el jueves, cuando se conmemora el Día de la Abolición de la Esclavitud.
Governor Luis Fortuño gave free Friday public employees out of holiday, which will make it possible to establish a bridge of Government rest since Thursday, when we commemorate the day of the abolition of slavery. http://end.PR/GAXt5j (Translated by Bing)
Fortuño da el viernes libre a los empleados públicos - El Nuevo Día
Pero con cargo a vacaciones
El Nuevo Dia
Mira las fotos: Durante el movimiento telúrico que sacudió a México, la mayoría de las personas se encontraban en sus trabajos, muchos en oficinas de edificios multipisos, donde el remezón se sintió fuerte -
Look at the photos: during the telluric movement that shook Mexico, most people were in their jobs, many in offices buildings lots, where the Jolt felt strong - (Translated by Bing)
El Nuevo Dia
No te pierdas a la 1:00 p.m. la transmisión en vivo de su conferencia de prensa
Juanma hablará sobre controversia con árbitro - El Nuevo Día
El Nuevo Dia
Aún se siguen cuadrando actas de votación de las primarias del domingo. │Mira los vídeos y las fotogalerías de nuestra cobertura
Even records of vote of the primaries on Sunday still squaring. │Mira the videos and the photo galleries of our coverage (Translated by Bing)
Misterioso cuadre de actas en la CEE - El Nuevo Día
Nadie sabe a qué obedecen esos trabajos
El Nuevo Dia
Ahora EN VIVO: Juanma López hablará sobre controversia con árbitro
Now online: Juanma Lopez discuss dispute with referee (Translated by Bing)
El Nuevo Dia
¿Tienes dudas sobre cómo la reforma contributiva afecta la manera en que llenas tu planilla? Envíanos tus preguntas a
Do you have doubts about how the contributory reform affects the way that you fill out your form? Send your questions to (Translated by Bing)
El Vocero de Puerto Rico
William Levy obtuvo 24 puntos en su primera presentación en “Dancing with the stars”
Brilla William Levy en “Dancing with the Stars”
William Levy obtuvo 24 puntos en su primera presentación en
El Vocero de Puerto Rico via Naíma Rodríguez
Nuestros músicos comentan sobre la musica, la fusión y el jazz...
Our musicians comment on music, fusion and jazz... (Translated by Bing)
Nuestros músicos comentan sobre la musica, la fusión y el jazz... Recuerda que ya comenzó la semana de la mejor fusión musical. Te esperamos en el Jazz Week....
El Vocero de Puerto Rico
Padre de estudiante se roba $7 mil recaudados en diferentes actividades
Father of student steals $7 billion raised in different activities (Translated by Bing)
Se roba dinero de clase graduanda
El Vocero de Puerto Rico Estudios recientes afirman que las mujeres no necesitan de un hombre, vibradores ni otros estímulos sexuales directos para tener orgasmos o placer sexual. recent studies say that women don't need a man, vibrators or other sex stimuli direct to have orgasms and sexual pleasure. (Translated by Bing)
El Vocero de Puerto Rico
Recibirá la distinción por el lanzamiento de su campaña “Déjalo por mí”
Julián Gil será homenajeado en la Cámara de Representantes
Recibirá la distinción por el lanzamiento de su campaña “Déjalo por mí”
El Vocero de Puerto Rico
Entidades de ley y orden del gobierno de los Estados Unidos unidas bajo la sombrilla del Grupo Interagencial de la Frontera Caribeña (CBIG, por sus siglas en inglés) interceptaron esta madrugada una yola con 18 emigrantes indocumentados procedentes de la República Dominicana.
Institutions of law and order of the Government of the United States United under the umbrella of the Caribbean border interagency group (CBIG, by its acronym in English) intercepted this morning a yola with 18 undocumented migrants from the Dominican Republic. (Translated by Bing)
El Vocero de Puerto Rico
Mitt Romney ganó hoy por un margen amplio la elección primaria republicana en Illinois.
Mitt Romney won today by a large margin the Republican primary election in Illinois. (Translated by Bing)
Romney gana ampliamente en Illinois
Romney tenía 522 delegados antes de la primaria de Illinois
El Vocero de Puerto Rico
Published on Mar 20, 2012 by alexdiazad AQUI LES DEJO EL LINK PARA QUE BAJEN LA APP "ALEX DIAZ"
El Vocero de Puerto Rico
Vídeo de temblor en México
Tremor in Mexico video (Translated by Bing)
Temblor Mexico 20 de Marzo 2012
Terremoto en Distrito Federal, en Torre Mayor
El Vocero de Puerto Rico
Con un dominio total de 16 puntos en el actual torneo de fútbol femenino de la Liga Atlética Interuniversitaria (LAI), las Jerezanas de la Universidad de Puerto Rico (UPR) de Río Piedras cierran mañana su serie de partidos al enfrentar a las 4:00 p.m. al equipo de las Vaqueras de la UPR de Bayamón a las 4:00 p.m. en Bayamón.
With a total domination of 16 points in the current tournament of football of the Inter-University Athletic League (LAI), Jerez University of Puerto Rico (UPR) of Río Piedras tomorrow closed its series of matches in the face at 4: 00 pm the cowboy of the UPR of Bayamón team at 4: 00 p.m. in Bayamón. (Translated by Bing)
El Vocero de Puerto Rico
Fue en la parálisis emocional, que el actor Jorge Salinas logró movilizar sus sentimientos como nunca antes.Y es que durante las grabaciones de la telenovela “La que no podía amar”, se enfrentó a una grave crisis de salud que lo hizo reevaluar prioridades, reforzar afectos y deshacerse de lastres como el rencor.
It was the emotional paralysis, that actor Jorge Salinas was able to mobilize their feelings as never before.And it is that during the recordings of the soap opera "which not he could love", faced a serious health crisis which made him reassess priorities, strengthen affections and rid of ballast as the rancor. (Translated by Bing)
Supera parálisis emotiva |
El Vocero de Puerto Rico
Son sospechosos de cometer otros robos en sectores de San Juan
Acusan a trío de ladrones
El Vocero de Puerto Rico
El actor Jamie Waylett fue sentenciado por un juez a dos años de cárcel.
Actor Jamie Waylett was sentenced to two years in prison by a judge. (Translated by Bing)
El Vocero de Puerto Rico via Henry Cole On Drums
Music Hub - Gig Alert: Henry Cole
Henry Cole"Trabajala"Playing on Tuesday at Joe's Pub (425 Lafayette St., East Village, Manhattan)Get: Tickets ($14) | Directions
El Vocero de Puerto Rico
Dos hombre fueron asesinados a tiros de la noche de ayer en el residencial Puerto Real en Fajardo y en el sector San José en Río Piedras.
Two men were killed by shots last night in Port Royal in Fajardo and San José in Río Piedras sector residential. (Translated by Bing)
Asesinatos en Fajardo y Río Piedras |
Mujer de 101 años establece récord en paragliding
Mary Allen Hardison, una abuela de 101 años de edad, ha sido oficialmente reconocida como la
El Vocero de Puerto Rico
Mary Allen Hardison, una abuela de 101 años de edad, ha sido oficialmente reconocida como la “Mujer más anciana en practicar parapente” por el Libro Guinness de los Récords.
Mary Allen Hardison, a 101-year-old grandmother, has been officially recognized as the "oldest woman to practice paragliding" by the Guinness Book of records. (Translated by Bing)
El Vocero de Puerto Rico
Un hombre se suicidó esta mañana lanzándose del Expreso Luis A. Ferre en dirección de Caguas a Cayey.
A man committed suicide this morning by launching the Expreso Luis a. Ferre in direction of Caguas to Cayey. (Translated by Bing)
Hombre se suicida al lanzarse desde autopista |
El Vocero de Puerto Rico
Una mujer resultó herida de bala anoche en la carretera número 5, sector Guadiana cerca del puente atirantado en Naranjito.
A woman was injured bullet last night on the road number 5, sector Guadiana near the bridge cable-stayed in Naranjito. (Translated by Bing)
Hieren de bala a mujer |
El Vocero de Puerto Rico
Un hombre fue asesinado y su pareja resultó herida de bala en hechos ocurridos en la calle 20 de la Urbanización Villas de Loíza en Loíza la madrugada de hoy.
A man was killed and his partner was injured bullet in events in 20 street of the Villas urbanization of Loíza in Loíza dawn today. (Translated by Bing)
Asesinan a hombre y hieren de bala a su pareja |
El Vocero de Puerto Rico
Relacion extraña de Kati con las parejas que la rodean..¿Conoces a alguien así?
Strange relationship of Kati with couples that surround it...Do you know someone as well? (Translated by Bing)
El Vocero de Puerto Rico
Un día como hoy en 1969, uno de los cantantes más conocidos del mundo, John Lennon, se casó con Yoko Ono. Su historia de amor terminó el 8 de diciembre de 1980 con el asesinato del famoso cantante.
A day like today in 1969, one of the best-known singers in the world, John Lennon married Yoko Ono. Their love story ended on December 8, 1980 with the murder of the famous singer. (Translated by Bing)
El Vocero de Puerto Rico
Entrevista AGP
Entrevista AGP
El Vocero de Puerto Rico
Un día como hoy en 1873 la Asamblea Nacional republicana de España aprueba la abolición de la esclavitud en la isla de Puerto Rico.
A day like today in 1873 the Republican National Assembly of Spain approves the abolition of slavery on the island of Puerto Rico. (Translated by Bing)
Primera Hora
En nuestra portada de hoy el debate boricua por el orgasmo en el gimnasio. ¡Échale un vistazo antes de salir a la calle!
In our cover today the Puerto Rican debate by orgasm in the gym. Take a look before going out to the street! http://www.Ow.LY/9Cl2l (Translated by Bing)
HootSuite Photos
Primera Hora
Antes de su entierro, el cuerpo de este líder espiritual fue llevado a una mezquita en Hatillo para realizar allí la oración especial para los difuntos que ordenan los preceptos del islam.
Before his burial, the body of this spiritual leader was taken to a mosque in Hatillo for there the special prayer for the dead who arranged the precepts of islam. (Translated by Bing)
Despiden a un sabio del islam
El féretro de Sheka (en el círculo), estuvo expuesto en la Funeraria Amador, en Hatillo, desde el lunes en la noche y ayer fue sepultado en Quebradillas.
Primera Hora
La educadora ganó el concurso "Miss madre italiana" y trabaja también como modelo los veranos.
The educator won the contest "Miss Italian mother" and also works as a model summer. (Translated by Bing)
Madres y padres se oponen a maestra por ser muy sexy
Un grupo de padres sacaron a sus hijos de un plantel escolar en Italia porque consideran muy sexy a la maestra.
Primera Hora
Las autoridades movilizaron unidades de rescate para liberar a las personas pilladas en los vehículos y trasladarlos al hospital de la Universidad de Puerto Rico en Carolina.
The authorities mobilized rescue units to liberate the people caught in vehicles and transferred to the hospital of the University of Puerto Rico in Carolina. (Translated by Bing)
Varias personas pilladas en autos por choque en Carolina
El movimiento vehicular en ambas vías estaba bien pesado.
Primera Hora
El líder espiritual murió de un ataque cardiaco en medio de un robo en su hogar en Camuy.
The spiritual leader died of a heart attack in the middle of a robbery at his home in Camuy. (Translated by Bing)
Sepultan a líder musulman en Quebradillas
El entierro fue en un cementerio de la comunidad musulmana en Quebradillas.
¿Placer al hacer ejercicios?
Estudio reveló que muchas mujeres sienten orgasmos y placeres sexuales mientras se ejercitan.
Primera Hora
Experimentar un orgasmo, igual o hasta más placentero que el que logras en una relación sexual, en medio de tu rutina de spinning o de yoga es completamente normal.
Experience an orgasm, just as or even more enjoyable which get in a sexual relationship, in the middle of your spinning or yoga routine is completely normal. (Translated by Bing)
Primera Hora
Deben ser pocas las personas que renuncien a su privacidad para exponer públicamente sus problemas. Margarita Martínez es una de ellas. Lo hace por desesperación. Deambula desde hace ocho meses. (Ve vídeo)
Few must be people who renounce their privacy to expose their problems publicly. Margarita Martinez is one of them. It does so out of desperation. He wanders from eight months ago. (Watch video) (Translated by Bing)
Cuando se pierde casi todo
Una mujer abre las puertas de su intimidad ante la desesperación de no tener un techo seguro donde vivir al quedarse sin trabajo para pagar la renta
Primera Hora
Nueva avería en CESCO de Carolina por culpa de iguana.
New breaks down in Carolina CESCO because of iguana. http://ow.LY/9M7uP (Translated by Bing)
Primera Hora
Aníbal Acevedo Vilá salió del Hospital.
Primera Hora
Tiroteo en residencial Vista Hermosa de San Juan.
Shooting in residential Vista Hermosa de San Juan. http://ow.LY/9MqsP (Translated by Bing)
Primera Hora
Visita nuestro especial sobre el eterno papá de la salsa, Frankie Ruiz.
Visit our special on the eternal father of Frankie Ruiz salsa. http://ow.LY/9Mt03 (Translated by Bing)
Primera Hora
"Un año de suspensión es adelantar el retiro de mi carrera", dijo Juanma López. Síguenos EN VIVO:
"A year's suspension is to bring forward the withdrawal of my career," said Juanma Lopez. Follow us live: (Translated by Bing)
Primera Hora
Coffee Break: "Me siento desilusionado y abochornado", sostuvo López en la conferencia de prensa. | ¿Qué opinas de las declaraciones de Juanma?
Coffee Break: "I feel disillusioned and abochornado," said López at the press conference. | What do you think of Juanma statements? http://ow.LY/9M0AI (Translated by Bing)
Primera Hora
Acción NBA: Los Heat de Miami derrotaron esta noche a los Suns de Phoenix, 99-95. Chris Bosh anotó 29 puntos por el Heat.
NBA action: The Miami Heat defeated tonight at the Phoenix Suns 99-95. Chris Bosh scored 29 points for the Heat. (Translated by Bing)
Primera Hora
En vivo: Conferencia de prensa de Juanma López
Live: Juanma Lopez press conference (Translated by Bing)
Primera Hora
Comienza festival de cine Hecho en Europa en Fine Arts Café Miramar.
Primera Hora
Se reportan dos heridos de bala en Trujillo Alto.
Reported two injured by bullet in Trujillo Alto. http://ow.LY/9MfXA (Translated by Bing)
Primera Hora
Juanma López: "vengo a pedir disculpas y perdón al árbitro Roberto Ramirez, a la Comisión y a la OMB". Sigue la conferencia de prensa en vivo:
Juanma Lopez: "I come to ask the referee Roberto Ramirez, the Commission and the OMB apologies and forgiveness". Follow the press conference live: (Translated by Bing)
Primera Hora
Sale del hospital exgobernador Aníbal Acevedo Vilá tras sufrir mareo el pasado domingo.
Former Governor Aníbal Acevedo Vilá after suffering dizziness last Sunday leaves the hospital. (Translated by Bing)
Primera Hora
El Movimiento Unión Soberanista (MUS) finalmente obtiene la certificación de la Comisión Estatal de Elecciones.
The Soberanista Union movement (MUS) finally obtained the certification of the State Commission of elections. http://ow.LY/9McGN (Translated by Bing)
Primera Hora
Emiten advertencia de inundaciones para cuatro pueblos de la montaña.
Flood warning issued for four villages of the mountain. http://ow.LY/9MdM0 (Translated by Bing)
Primera Hora
AHORA EN VIVO: Arranca conferencia de prensa de Juanma López
NOW online: Starts Juanma Lopez press conference (Translated by Bing)
Primera Hora
¡Marian Pabón está celebrando otro año de vida hoy! Dale "like" para unirte a su festejo y cuéntanos: ¿cuál de sus personajes es tu favorito?
Marian Pabón is celebrating another year of life today! Dale "like" to join their celebration and tell us: what your character is your favorite? http://ow.LY/9Lsz7 (Translated by Bing)
7:31 AM 3/21/2012 | CARIBBEAN BUSINESS - Review
via Puerto Rico News by Mike Nova on 3/21/12
House GOP unveils budget blueprin.
House GOP unveils budget blueprin.

HootSuite Photos
In wake of big PR win, confident #Romney focuses on #Obama, Illinois. Read more:...
In wake of big PR win, confident #Romney focuses on #Obama, Illinois. Read more:

In wake of big PR win, confident Romney focuses on Obama, Illinois -...
Puerto Rico's #1 news and information website in English
Airlines group warns over rising oil prices. Read more http...
Airlines group warns over rising oil prices. Read more

HootSuite Photos
Several local primary races still too close to call. Read more:
Several local primary races still too close to call. Read more:

HootSuite Photos
Russia offers to back Annan's Syria plan at UN. Read more: ht...
Russia offers to back Annan's Syria plan at UN. Read more:

HootSuite Photos
Peyton Manning is saddling up and heading for Denver.
Peyton Manning is saddling up and heading for Denver.

Reports: Peyton Manning bound for Denver -
Puerto Rico's #1 news and information website in English
(title unknown)

HootSuite Photos
US Census covering Great Depression to be released
US Census covering Great Depression to be released

US Census covering Great Depression to be released -
Puerto Rico's #1 news and information website in English
Rivera Schatz, Bhatia, González, Vega Ramos top at-large vote-getters http://ow....
Rivera Schatz, Bhatia, González, Vega Ramos top at-large vote-getters

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Apple fans buy iPad on 1st day, some wait hours. Read more: h...
Apple fans buy iPad on 1st day, some wait hours. Read more:

HootSuite Photos
(title unknown)

HootSuite Photos
Ruling pulls plug on e-voting in 2012. Read more: http://ow.l...
Ruling pulls plug on e-voting in 2012. Read more:

HootSuite Photos
7:05 AM 3/21/2012 | Commentary: Santorum isn't the only one needing Puerto Rico history lessons - Fort Worth Star Telegram | What Do *Puerto Ricans* Really Think About The *Puerto Rico* Caucus *...* | Politics of Romney's Puerto Rico win - Fox News | Puerto Ricans Party For Mitt, But Don't Quite Know Who He Is - BuzzFeed | BOOOO! Rick Santorum Calls Puerto Rico A 'Spanish-Speaking Country' - | Santorum overreaches on English before statehood - Factcheck - | Several local primary races still too close to call | Puerto Rican bomba a hit across US Zee News | Juan Manuel Lopez apologizes for ref comments
via Puerto Rico News by Mike Nova on 3/21/12
Commentary: Santorum isn't the only one needing Puerto Rico history lessons - Fort Worth Star Telegram
via puerto rico - Google News on 3/20/12
Commentary: Santorum isn't the only one needing Puerto Rico history lessons
Fort Worth Star Telegram
By JR Labbe Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum's brief island hop to Puerto Rico last week didn't turn out well for the former Pennsylvania senator. The photo snapped by a tourist of a shirtless Santorum catching some Caribbean sunshine ...
What Do *Puerto Ricans* Really Think About The *Puerto Rico* Caucus *...*
via puerto rico business - Google Blog Search by Jaywon Choe on 3/16/12
SAN JUAN, PUERTO RICO– The Puerto Rico Republican caucus is this Sunday and with 20 delegates up for grabs, candidates have been playing hard to the island and its voters. But what does the.
BOOOO! Rick Santorum Calls Puerto Rico A 'Spanish-Speaking Country' -
via puerto rico - Google News on 3/19/12
BOOOO! Rick Santorum Calls Puerto Rico A 'Spanish-Speaking Country'
Rick Santorum made another major gaffe this weekend, calling US territory Puerto Rico a "Spanish-speaking country" on ABC's This Week. Srsly. He made the error while trying to explain his original f*cked up comments that Puerto Rico's residents should ...
and more »
Several local primary races still too close to call. Read more:
via Puerto Rico Business News's Facebook Wall by Puerto Rico Business News on 3/20/12
Several local primary races still too close to call. Read more:

Several local primary races still too close to call. Read more:
Several local primary races still too close to call. Read more: Photos
Special Report Panel on *Puerto Rico* and the Republican Primary *...*
via puerto rico - Google Blog Search by Daniel Halper on 3/20/12
Read conservative news, blogs and opinion about 2012, 2012 Elections and Puerto Rico from The Weekly Standard, the must read magazine available in online edition.
Santorum overreaches on English before statehood | Factcheck -
via Puerto Rico Business News's Facebook Wall by Puerto Rico Business News on 3/20/12
Santorum overreaches on English before statehood | Factcheck -

Santorum overreaches on English before statehood | Factcheck -
Washington Times (blog)Santorum overreaches on English before statehood | FactcheckTucsonSentinel.comThe issue of English as a requirement for statehood arose after Santorum made headlines for saying — while campaigning in Puerto Rico — that if Puerto Rico wanted to become a state, residents there needed to speak English. On Puerto Rico ...Santorum's Anti-Immigrant Pander Hurt Him in Puerto RicoU.S....
(title unknown)
via Puerto Rico Daily Sun - Timely news about Puerto Rico, the Caribbean and the world on 3/20/12
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Former WBO champion Juan Manuel Lopez apologizes for accusing referee of ... - Washington Post
via puerto rico - Google News on 3/20/12

Former WBO champion Juan Manuel Lopez apologizes for accusing referee of ...
Washington Post
SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico — Former WBO featherweight champion Juan Manuel Lopez says he has no recollection of accusing a referee of betting following his second career loss to Mexican Orlando Salido. Lopez said at a news conference Tuesday that he did ...
Photos: Juanma's Presser To Apologize To Ref
Juan Manuel Lopez apologizes again for ref commentsUSA TODAY
Juan Manuel Lopez Apologizes to Referee at Press ConferenceBad Left Hook
all 19 news articles »
Politics of Romney's Puerto Rico win - Fox News
via puerto rico business - Google News on 3/20/12

Los Angeles Times
Politics of Romney's Puerto Rico win
Fox News
JUAN WILLIAMS, SENIOR EDITOR, THE HILL: You know, and even people who had endorsed him and turned away when he started this business about you must speak English in order for Puerto Rico to become a state. There is nothing like that in the constitution ...
Romney wins 20 delegates in Puerto RicoCNN
Romney, after Puerto Rico victory, says he can lure Latino votersLos Angeles Times
Update on the latest news, sports, business and entertainmentNECN
all 11,850 news articles »
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Puerto Ricans Party For Mitt, But Don't Quite Know Who He Is - BuzzFeed
via puerto rico politics - Google News on 3/17/12
Puerto Ricans Party For Mitt, But Don't Quite Know Who He Is
SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico — Taking the stage at a raucous political rally here Friday night, Mitt Romney did his best to describe the scene: "Politics in Puerto Rico is spoken with energy and passion!" he intoned. But his wife Ann, speaking moments ...
Eva Longoria: 'Romney On Wrong Side of Every Issue' for Latinos - ABC News (blog)
via puerto rico politics - Google News on 3/20/12

ABC News (blog)
Eva Longoria: 'Romney On Wrong Side of Every Issue' for Latinos
ABC News (blog)
Longoria also took aim at GOP frontrunner Mitt Romney, who fresh off of a primary win in Puerto Rico declared that “conservative principles and Latino voters go together.” “He makes a huge generalization there,” the actress bristled.
'Housewives' actress gets new role – in
Presidential election: GOP risks losing Latino votersAllentown Morning Call
all 111 news articles »
House GOP unveils budget blueprin.
House GOP unveils budget blueprin.

HootSuite Photos
Romney picks up Gingrich PR superdelegate
via Puerto Rico News on 3/20/12
Follow DCW on Twitter Follow DCW on Facebook 2012 Democratic Convention 2012 Republican Convention 2012 GOP Superdelegate List GOP Unbound Delegate List Ultimate Republican Nomination Info Chart Follow DCW on Google+ DCW iPhone App Info A Guide to DemConWatch Tags FAQ 2008 Democratic Primary Links 2008 Democratic National Convention Links ... (more)
Romney routs Santorum in GOP primary in Illinois -
via puerto rico politics - Google News on 3/20/12
Romney routs Santorum in GOP primary in Illinois
Over the weekend, he was humbled in the Puerto Rico primary after saying that to qualify for statehood the island commonwealth should adopt English as an official language. While pre-primary polls taken several days ago in Illinois suggested a close ...
Juan Manuel Lopez apologizes for ref comments -
via puerto rico sports - Google News on 3/20/12
Juan Manuel Lopez apologizes for ref comments
AP Sports SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP) - Former WBO featherweight champion Juan Manuel Lopez says he has no recollection of accusing a referee of betting following his second career loss to Mexican Orlando Salido. Lopez said at a news conference Tuesday ...
and more »
Puerto Rican bomba a hit across US - Zee News
via puerto rico - Google News on 3/21/12

Zee News
Puerto Rican bomba a hit across US
Zee News
Washington: Puerto Rico`s oldest musical rhythm, is growing in the US thanks to workshops given by maestro Angel Luis Reyes. Born in Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico, but raised in New York, Reyes was still a youngster when he learned to play percussion and ...
Puerto Rican Bomba Making a Hit Across AmericaLatin American Herald Tribune
all 2 news articles »
via Puerto Rico Videos & Songs's Facebook Wall by Puerto Rico Videos & Songs on 2/21/12
EL GRAN COMBO DE PUERTO RICO - Asi Son Las Mujeres El Gran Combo de Puerto Rico, commonly known as El Gran Combo, is a Puerto Rican Salsa music orchestra. It is Puerto Rico's most successful musical group, and one of the most popular salsa orchestras across Latin America. The group received the moniker La Universidad de la Salsa (The University of Salsa) in Colombia, due to the sheer number of famous...
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(title unknown)
via Puerto Rico Videos & Songs's Facebook Wall by Puerto Rico Videos & Songs on 3/6/12

Nido de Amor
El Gran Combo
(title unknown)
via A List's Facebook Wall by A List on 3/19/12

Bach - Harpsichord Concerto No.1 in D Minor BWV 1052 - 1/3
♥ ♥•.¸¸.•´¯`•♥ • • ♥ •.¸¸.•´¯`•♥ ♥ (Classical mussiC) ♥ •.¸¸.•´¯`•♥ ♥ (Classical mussiC) ♥ ♥•.¸¸.•´¯`•♥ • • ♥ •.¸¸.•´¯`•♥ ♥ I. ALLEGRO Trevor Pinnock The English Concert
Santorum Stumps for Illinois Win over Romney - *Politics* - CBN News *...*
via puerto rico politics - Google Blog Search by unknown on 3/16/12
Romney is hoping that Illinois will burnish his front-runner standing after a win this past weekend in Puerto Rico, where he took all 20 delegates. "I appreciate your willingness to vote on Tuesday. I need your vote on Tuesday," ...
A plain blog about politics: *Puerto Rico*
via puerto rico - Google Blog Search by Jonathan Bernstein on 3/19/12
Puerto Rico. Well, that was decisive, no? Mitt Romney gets about 83% of the vote to sweep all 20 delegates from Puerto Rico. Overkill: he only needed to break 50% to get it. Either way, it's a large delegate win, and part of an ...
House GOP unveils budget blueprint
House GOP unveils budget blueprint

House GOP unveils budget blueprint -
Puerto Rico's #1 news and information website in English
Cat stuck in tree
via Puerto Rico Newswire on 6/20/10
... isn't impressed with the religious signal-caller is New England. WASHINGTON - Mitt Romney easily won the Puerto Rico primary Sunday, continuing his dominance in GOP contests in America's island territories. Romney went into the vote heavily favored, ...
Politics of Romney's Puerto Rico win - Fox News
via puerto rico politics - Google News on 3/20/12

Politics of Romney's Puerto Rico win
Fox News
BRET BAIER, ANCHOR: After a win in Puerto Rico all of the delegates on the table going to Mitt Romney, the next battle Illinois tomorrow, and it's a big one. Here is the real clear politics average of polls. It shows Romney up 39.5 percent to 31 ...
The Party Behind the Puerto Rico PrimaryHuffington Post
Romney handily wins Puerto Rico's GOP primaryCNN
Romney wins Puerto Rico RepublicanRealClearPolitics
CNN International -USA TODAY
all 11,874 news articles »
Fact Check – Santorum: English Before Statehood - NJ TODAY
via Puerto Rico Business News's Facebook Wall by Puerto Rico Business News on 3/20/12
Fact Check – Santorum: English Before Statehood - NJ TODAY

Fact Check – Santorum: English Before Statehood - NJ TODAY
The Associated PressFact Check – Santorum: English Before StatehoodNJ TODAYThe issue of English as a requirement for statehood arose after Santorum made headlines for saying — while campaigning in Puerto Rico — that if Puerto Rico wanted to become a state, residents there needed to speak English. On Puerto Rico ...Romney Criticizes Sotomayor in Puerto RicoFox NewsRomney defends Sotomayor criticism, underscores GOP struggles in Puerto RicoWashington PostIn Puerto Rico, Romney repeats...
Russia offers to back Annan's Syria plan at UN
via on 3/20/12
MOSCOW — Russia said Tuesday it's ready to support a United Nations resoluti ...
GENEVA — The global aviation industry could run up losses of over $5 billion thi ...
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MuskegonPundit: Puerto Rico's *Governor* Confident About Statehood
via Gov. Louis Fortuño - Google Blog Search by Jim Riley on 3/18/12
Puerto Rico's Governor Confident About Statehood - Fox News But, they will vote on a statehood referendum on that day. Gov. Luis Fortuno tells Fox News it will be a process but he is confident it will happen. Posted by Jim ...
The Last Tradition: Puerto Rico's *Luis Fortuño*: Rick Santorum *...*
via Gov. Louis Fortuño - Google Blog Search by Samuel Gonzalez on 3/17/12
Puerto Rico's Luis Fortuño: Rick Santorum fumbled English question - I'm still surprised that this is still dogging Santorum. Politico *reports **Puerto Rico Gov. Luis Fortuño **said Friday that Rick Santorum went the wron.
Mitt Romney Wins Puerto Rico Primary
via YouTube Videos matching query: puerto rico by MOXNEWSd0tCOM on 3/18/12
Mitt Romney Wins Puerto Rico Primary
March 18, 2012 CBS News
More inNews & Politics
Puerto Rican bomba a hit across US - Zee News
via Puerto Rico News's Facebook Wall by Puerto Rico News on 3/21/12
Puerto Rican bomba a hit across US - Zee News

Puerto Rican bomba a hit across US - Zee News
Zee NewsPuerto Rican bomba a hit across USZee NewsWashington: Puerto Rico`s oldest musical rhythm, is growing in the US thanks to workshops given by maestro Angel Luis Reyes. Born in Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico, but raised in New York, Reyes was still a youngster when he learned to play percussion and ...Puerto Rican Bomba Making a Hit Across AmericaLatin American Herald Tribuneall 2 news articles »
Puerto Rico's pointless primary proves GOP inconsistencies - Indiana Daily Student
via Puerto Rico News's Facebook Wall by Puerto Rico News on 3/20/12
Puerto Rico's pointless primary proves GOP inconsistencies - Indiana Daily Student

Puerto Rico's pointless primary proves GOP inconsistencies - Indiana Daily Student
OlogyPuerto Rico's pointless primary proves GOP inconsistenciesIndiana Daily StudentBy Nick Sobecki | IDS It's been a long time since I've heard about Puerto Rico. Wait, I can't remember when I've ever heard Puerto Rico mentioned during either parties' primaries. So why all the hype about the primary results of a US commonwealth?New ad, old refrain from Team SantorumCNN (blog)In Hunt for Latino Votes, Romney Softens Some PositionsABC NewsSantorum Seeks To Turn...
Romney picks up Gingrich PR superdelegate
via Puerto Rico News's Facebook Wall by Puerto Rico News on 3/20/12
Romney picks up Gingrich PR superdelegate
Romney picks up Gingrich PR superdelegate
Follow DCW on Twitter Follow DCW on Facebook 2012 Democratic Convention 2012 Republican Convention 2012 GOP Superdelegate List GOP Unbound Delegate List Ultimate Republican Nomination Info Chart Follow DCW on Google+ DCW iPhone App Info A Guide to DemConWatch Tags FAQ 2008 Democratic Primary Links 2008 Democratic National Convention Links ......
House GOP unveils budget blueprin.
via Puerto Rico News's Facebook Wall by Puerto Rico News on 3/20/12
House GOP unveils budget blueprin.

House GOP unveils budget blueprin.
House GOP unveils budget blueprin.Read more: t Photos
Former WBO champion Juan Manuel Lopez apologizes for accusing referee of ... - W...
via Puerto Rico News's Facebook Wall by Puerto Rico News on 3/20/12
Former WBO champion Juan Manuel Lopez apologizes for accusing referee of ... - Washington Post

Former WBO champion Juan Manuel Lopez apologizes for accusing referee of ... - Washington Post
TSNFormer WBO champion Juan Manuel Lopez apologizes for accusing referee of ...Washington PostSAN JUAN, Puerto Rico — Former WBO featherweight champion Juan Manuel Lopez says he has no recollection of accusing a referee of betting following his second career loss to Mexican Orlando Salido. Lopez said at a news conference Tuesday that he did ...Photos: Juanma's Presser To Apologize To Ref RamirezBoxingScene.comJuanma apologizes to refereefightnews.comJUANMA LOPEZ APOLOGIES TO REFEREE ROBERTO RAMIREZEastsideBoxing.comall...
House GOP unveils budget blueprint
via Puerto Rico News's Facebook Wall by Puerto Rico News on 3/20/12
House GOP unveils budget blueprint

House GOP unveils budget blueprint
House GOP unveils budget blueprintHouse GOP unveils budget blueprint - caribbeanbusiness.prcb.prPuerto Rico's #1 news and information website in English
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12:39 PM 3/20/2012 - Puerto Rico Videos & Songs
via Puerto Rico News - Archive Links's Facebook Wall by Puerto Rico News - Archive Links on 3/20/12
12:39 PM 3/20/2012 - Puerto Rico Videos & Songs

12:39 PM 3/20/2012 - Puerto Rico Videos & Songs
Yanni Live At El Morro Puerto Rico (Lisa Lavie)Yanni Live At El Morro Puerto Rico (Lisa Lavie) This is Just breath Taking! Stunning~!!! I own Nothing! Copy Rights Belong to UMPG Publishing From: deltaguy28 Views: 28 2 ratings Time: 11:20 More in Music... Uploaded by deltaguy28 on Mar 17, 2012 This is Just breath Taking!...
Juanma apologizes to referee -
via Puerto Rico Sports's Facebook Wall by Puerto Rico Sports on 3/20/12
Juanma apologizes to referee -

Juanma apologizes to referee -
fightnews.comJuanma apologizes to refereefightnews.comFormer two-division world champion Juan Manuel “Juanma” Lopez appeared today before the Puerto Rican media to apologize to referee Roberto Ramirez for statements he made after his defeat against WBO lightweight champion Orlando Salido on March 10.
Juan Manuel Lopez apologizes for ref com -
via Puerto Rico Sports's Facebook Wall by Puerto Rico Sports on 3/20/12
Juan Manuel Lopez apologizes for ref com -
Juan Manuel Lopez apologizes for ref com -
Juan Manuel Lopez apologizes for ref comFOXSports.comHe said he was embarrassed and asked the people of Puerto Rico to forgive him. Lopez spoke just days after Puerto Rico's Professional Boxing Commission suspended him as it investigates the allegations. Lopez is scheduled to meet with officials on ...
via Puerto Rico Sports's Facebook Wall by Puerto Rico Sports on 3/20/12
GUAYNABO, PUERTO RICO- Former two time world champion Juan Manuel “Juanma” Lopez presented today to the media in Puerto Rico to apologize to referee Roberto.
Juan Manuel Lopez apologizes for ref comments -
via Puerto Rico Sports's Facebook Wall by Puerto Rico Sports on 3/20/12
Juan Manuel Lopez apologizes for ref comments -
Juan Manuel Lopez apologizes for ref comments -
TSNJuan Manuel Lopez apologizes for ref commentsSI.comSAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP) - Former WBO featherweight champion Juan Manuel Lopez says he has no recollection of accusing a referee of betting following his second career loss to Mexican Orlando Salido. Lopez said at a news conference Tuesday that he ...Juan Manuel Lopez apologizes for ref comFOXSports.comPhotos: Juanma's Presser To Apologize To Ref RamirezBoxingScene.comJuanma apologizes to refereefightnews.comEastsideBoxing.comall 12 news articles »
Juan Manuel Lopez apologizes for ref comments -
via Puerto Rico Sports's Facebook Wall by Puerto Rico Sports on 3/20/12
Juan Manuel Lopez apologizes for ref comments -
Juan Manuel Lopez apologizes for ref comments -
Juan Manuel Lopez apologizes for ref commentsNBCSports.comAP Sports SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP) - Former WBO featherweight champion Juan Manuel Lopez says he has no recollection of accusing a referee of betting following his second career loss to Mexican Orlando Salido. Lopez said at a news conference Tuesday ...and more »
Boxing News: Lopez apologizes for ref comments - Brownsville Herald
via Puerto Rico Sports's Facebook Wall by Puerto Rico Sports on 3/20/12
Boxing News: Lopez apologizes for ref comments - Brownsville Herald

Boxing News: Lopez apologizes for ref comments - Brownsville Herald
TSNBoxing News: Lopez apologizes for ref commentsBrownsville HeraldAP SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP) — Former WBO featherweight champion Juan Manuel Lopez says he has no recollection of accusing a referee of betting following his second career loss to Mexican Orlando Salido. Lopez said at a news conference Tuesday that ...JuanMa Lopez Apologizes To Referee Roberto RamirezEastsideBoxing.comPhotos: Juanma's Presser To Apologize To Ref RamirezBoxingScene.comJuanma apologizes to refereefightnews.comall 13 news articles »
Boxing News: Lopez apologizes for ref comments - The #1 ...
via Puerto Rico Sports's Facebook Wall by Puerto Rico Sports on 3/20/12
Boxing News: Lopez apologizes for ref comments - The #1 ...
Boxing News: Lopez apologizes for ref comments - The #1 ...
Lopez spoke just days after Puerto Rico's Professional Boxing Commission suspended him as it investigates the allegations. Lopez is scheduled to meet with officials on Monday. He said if the commission suspends him for a ...
Violence mars Anambra South senatorial rerun poll
via Puerto Rico News's Facebook Wall by Puerto Rico News on 3/20/12
Violence mars Anambra South senatorial rerun poll
Violence mars Anambra South senatorial rerun poll
By ENYIM ENYIM ONITSHA- Violence, confusion and low voter turn out yesterday marrred the re-run election in Anambra South Senatorial zone between Dr Andy Uba of the People's Democratic Party, PDP,A and Chief Chuma Nzeribe of the All Progressive Grand Alliance, APGA.
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9:50 AM 3/20/2012 - Local Press Review
via Puerto Rico News by Mike Nova on 3/20/12
El Nuevo Dia
En portada: En "shock" los derrotados
On cover: in "shock" the defeated (Translated by Bing)
El Nuevo Dia
Editorial:Debe afrontar sus fallas la CEE
Publisher: Must face its faults the EEC (Translated by Bing)
El Nuevo Dia
Tribunal de Apelaciones se negó a revocar hoy la orden de protección expedida a favor de la senadora Melinda Romero Donelly contra su exesposo, el agente William Fuentes López -
Court of Appeal refused to revoke the order of protection issued in favour of Senator Melinda Romero Donnelly against his exesposo, Agent William sources López - today (Translated by Bing)
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