WATCH: The United States of Inequality
Huffington Post Microsoft, which avoided $4.5 billion in taxes over three years by shifting its income to Puerto Rico. Citigroup, which maintains 20 ... But those were the days when our political system rallied to the defense of everyday Americans. Now a petty ... |
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... Horizon will call Packer 52 times a year, providing weekly service between the Northeast U.S. and San Juan, Puerto Rico. The Horizon relocation to Packer from Elizabeth, New Jersey will create an estimated 400 full-time direct and related jobs at ...
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Doyle McManus commentary: Americans are safer than they think they are
Columbus Dispatch Terrorism wasn't unknown in the U.S. before 2001; far from it. Anarchists and labor ... From the 1960s through the 1990s, attacks were mounted by anti-Castro activists, Puerto Rican nationalists and a right-wing extremist named Timothy McVeigh, among ... and more » |
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A Look Inside New York's Oldest Latin Music Store
WFUV News When he was growing up in Puerto Rico, he taught himself how to play with his grandfather's guitar. "I couldn't touch that guitar. If I did my grandfather would kick my butt," he said, "It hanged there and once in awhile he would be away and I would ... |
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The Catalan edition of WikipediaViquipèdia, a fundamental support to a language and culture historically discriminated against because it belongs to astateless
nation, has registered a record number of active users, with its article count reaching 400,000.
Viquipèdiacontains half as many articles as the Spanish Wikipedia, even though 420 million people speakSpanishin the world, and there are under 10 millionCatalanspeakers.
At a time when
Catalonia is involved in a debate about becoming independent from Spain, Viquipèdia‘s role in raising global awarenessabout the region and its people has increased massively. This is one of the main motivations that compels 1600 active Catalan Wikipedists to edit.Viquipèdia'sfirst article
[ca] was the first non-English article to go live on Wikipedia. It was published only two months after the original version of the Wikipedia in English went live. Out of the free encyclopedia's 285 language editions, Catalan Wikipedia now ranks at number 15 in terms of article count. It occupies first place in an index compiled by the Wikimedia Foundation, which measures the quality of the thousand most important articles.On the evening of 12 April 2013, the Viquipèdia article counter reached 400,000 [ca]. Everyone had been preparing to celebrate the milestone for a while, and it finally arrived with article Heli-4 [ca]. This is how David Parreño (@dapamont),17 year-old active Wikipedist and Wikimediacat (@Wikimediacat) communications coordinator, announced it [ca]:
Tool for Defending Catalan Culture
The Catalan version of Wikipedia is unique, because it has become central to the activism around the language.
According to a study by Amical Viquipèdia (@Wikimediacat), the association that promotes the free encyclopediaamong the Catalan community, this is one of the main motivations that compel Catalan Wikipedists to edit. Àlex Hinojo (@Kippelboy), project manager at Wikimediacat [ca] and creator of@CatalanMuseums, says [ca]:
Tension with the Spanish Version
A study by Mark Graham (@geoplace), researcher at Oxford University, based on figures obtained by combining geolocated data from WikiLocation and Georeferenzierung, shows that 35,000 articles have been created in Spanish territory with coordinates in Catalan, and nineteen thousand in Spanish. According to Graham,“nowhere else in the world enjoys such a high visibility for a language that is relatively little spoken.”
Viquipèdia is viewed by Catalan-speaking users as a tool for defending their culture, which can occasionally create friction with the Spanish edition due to the issue of identity. Wikipedists not only translate; they often bring their own cultural perspective, which can clash with other cultural perspectives. Despite the desire to understand, conflicts are not always easily resolved. A news item that appeared in the digital newspaper Vilaweb [ca] in December 2012, told how blogger Joan Inglada [ca] (@jinglada) translated the entry about writer Anna Rosselló [es] into Spanish, but another Wikipedist changed ‘Catalan writer’ to ‘Spanish writer in Catalan language’, even against Rosselló's will. In the end, Inglada requested the article be removed. Because of this, Inglada investigated other articles, such as the one about Valencian author and reference in Catalan culture, Joan Fuster, and found identical corrections, as detailed in an entry in his blog [ca].
The Fight for their own Chapter
For years, Catalan Wikipedists have been negotiating with the Wikimedia Foundation, the international Foundation that promotes Wikipedia and its sister projects, to obtain official recognition for the Catalan version, since the organisational structure of the free encyclopaedia is based on border criteria and Catalonia is a stateless nation. Hinojo says [ca]:
nation, has registered a record number of active users, with its article count reaching 400,000.
Viquipèdiacontains half as many articles as the Spanish Wikipedia, even though 420 million people speakSpanishin the world, and there are under 10 millionCatalanspeakers.
At a time when
Catalonia is involved in a debate about becoming independent from Spain, Viquipèdia‘s role in raising global awarenessabout the region and its people has increased massively. This is one of the main motivations that compels 1600 active Catalan Wikipedists to edit.Viquipèdia'sfirst article
[ca] was the first non-English article to go live on Wikipedia. It was published only two months after the original version of the Wikipedia in English went live. Out of the free encyclopedia's 285 language editions, Catalan Wikipedia now ranks at number 15 in terms of article count. It occupies first place in an index compiled by the Wikimedia Foundation, which measures the quality of the thousand most important articles.On the evening of 12 April 2013, the Viquipèdia article counter reached 400,000 [ca]. Everyone had been preparing to celebrate the milestone for a while, and it finally arrived with article Heli-4 [ca]. This is how David Parreño (@dapamont),17 year-old active Wikipedist and Wikimediacat (@Wikimediacat) communications coordinator, announced it [ca]:
@dapamont: URGENT | Nota: La Viquipèdia en català assoleix els 400.000 articles i marca el rècord d'usuaris actiusèdia
@dapamont: URGENT | Notice: Wikipedia in Catalan reaches 400,000 articles and registers a record number of active users .
Tool for Defending Catalan Culture
The Catalan version of Wikipedia is unique, because it has become central to the activism around the language.
According to a study by Amical Viquipèdia (@Wikimediacat), the association that promotes the free encyclopediaamong the Catalan community, this is one of the main motivations that compel Catalan Wikipedists to edit. Àlex Hinojo (@Kippelboy), project manager at Wikimediacat [ca] and creator of@CatalanMuseums, says [ca]:
Molta gent diu que edita perquè és divertit, per aprofundir en un tema…i per fer país. Com en altres temes, la societat civil catalanoparlant sempre manté un cert activisme en favor de la seva llengua.
Many people say they edit because it's fun, they can provide more information about a topic…and they are building a country. Catalan-speaking civil society always maintains a certain activism in favour of its language, just as it does with other topics.
WikiMarathon at Drassanes Reials (Barcelona), on Wikipedia's 12th anniversary. March 2013. Photo by @Kippelboy.
A study by Mark Graham (@geoplace), researcher at Oxford University, based on figures obtained by combining geolocated data from WikiLocation and Georeferenzierung, shows that 35,000 articles have been created in Spanish territory with coordinates in Catalan, and nineteen thousand in Spanish. According to Graham,“nowhere else in the world enjoys such a high visibility for a language that is relatively little spoken.”
Viquipèdia is viewed by Catalan-speaking users as a tool for defending their culture, which can occasionally create friction with the Spanish edition due to the issue of identity. Wikipedists not only translate; they often bring their own cultural perspective, which can clash with other cultural perspectives. Despite the desire to understand, conflicts are not always easily resolved. A news item that appeared in the digital newspaper Vilaweb [ca] in December 2012, told how blogger Joan Inglada [ca] (@jinglada) translated the entry about writer Anna Rosselló [es] into Spanish, but another Wikipedist changed ‘Catalan writer’ to ‘Spanish writer in Catalan language’, even against Rosselló's will. In the end, Inglada requested the article be removed. Because of this, Inglada investigated other articles, such as the one about Valencian author and reference in Catalan culture, Joan Fuster, and found identical corrections, as detailed in an entry in his blog [ca].
The Fight for their own Chapter
For years, Catalan Wikipedists have been negotiating with the Wikimedia Foundation, the international Foundation that promotes Wikipedia and its sister projects, to obtain official recognition for the Catalan version, since the organisational structure of the free encyclopaedia is based on border criteria and Catalonia is a stateless nation. Hinojo says [ca]:
Existeixen diverses associacions locals arreu del món anomenades “chapters”. El que passa és que aquestes associacions es basen en delimitacions frontereres i nosaltres ens basem en interessos temàtics (la cultura catalana), i no fronterers. En ser un país sense Estat, vam proposar a la Wikimedia Foundation que ens donés un “reconeixement oficial” com a “chapter” i portem més de 4 anys de negociacions. Encara no tenim l'aprovació oficial.
There are different local associations around the world called “chapters”. These associations are based on border boundaries and we are based on topical interests (Catalan culture), not borders. Since we are a stateless nation, we suggested that the Wikimedia Foundation give us “official recognition” as a “chapter” and we've been in negotiation for over 4 years. We still don't have official approval.As a temporary solution to this situation, the Amical Viquipèdia (@WikimediaCat) was created in 2008 to pave the way. This association, which currently has around 60 members, promotes the online encyclopaedia in Catalan through activities such as WikiMarathons, competitions in schools, and collaborations with institutions such as universities,museums and libraries.
Written by Cristina Simón · Translated by Dani Easton · View original post [ca] · comments (1)
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Miss Puerto Rico - Mariana Paola Vicente VS Viviana Ortiz VS Bodine Koehler.
From: Diego Lima
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Time: 02:53 | More in Entertainment |
Alianza para un cambio educativo
La Alianza de Medios de Comunicación por Puerto Rico y su primera decisión de impulsar un Plan Decenal Educativo, propuesto por una mesa de trabajo compuesta por decenas de organizaciones convocadas por la Fundación Agenda Ciudadana, crea nuevas condiciones de responsabilidad, gobernanza y atención a los asuntos públicos del país.
Hoy en día tiene más impacto las decisiones de un burócrata del Gobierno federal sobre la vida diaria puertorriqueña, que el mismísimo presidente o el Congreso estadounidense. Un b
Mari Mari Narváez
Me disculpan pero la “primera dama” parece sacada de un episodio de “Father knows best” o cualquiera de esos programas mitológicos de “esposas perfectas” de los años 50. “Feminism
Durante la administración de doña Felisa Rincón de Gautier se colocaron varias placas conmemorativa en las obras que se construyeron. Es lamentable que la mayor parte de esas placas han sido robadas.
Las placas desaparecidas de las avenidas José Fidalgo Díaz, Universidad, Roberto H. Todd, el Centro de Diagnóstico M. Díaz García, Hogar de Ancianos de Miramar y la última en desaparecer fue la de la avenida Américo Miranda. En dicha avenida se comenzó a trabajar en las ampliaciones de la misma este mes y no han podido informar sobre el paradero de la placa.
Varios han sido los esfuerzos que se han realizado por recobrarlas pero no han rendido frutos. Es lamentable que estas placas ya no estén pero más lamentable es que hayan sido compradas y/o fundidas.
L. Rodríguez
El nombre correcto del país asiático es Corea del Norte (no Norcorea).
Nuestros políticos, grandes protectores de nuestra legislatura, a sabiendas de la crisis fiscal del sistema de retiro de los empleados públicos, tratan infructuosamente de resolver aumentar los ingresos del fisco desde sus escritorios sin hacer el menor esfuerzo para lograrlo.
“Le quito el dinero a las cooperativas, le aumento un chavo al IVU, le quito a las empresas foráneas, etc, etc”. Yo, como consumidor vivo día a día el incumplimiento de registrar las ventas a través del IVU en la gran mayoría de los comercios que visito.
La Legislatura tiene en sus manos el deber de hacer que la ley del IVU se cumpla. La famosa excusa de que no se tiene suficiente personal no es un impedimento para no lleva a cabo una masiva auditoría de ese recurso (el IVU) de captación de capital tan necesario e inmediato hoy día.
El gobierno federal cuando necesita grandes cantidades de empleados para realizar trabajo que puede ser de tipo temporero solicita, empleados por un tiempo temporero definido, lleva a cabo el trabajo, cumple la misión y obtiene los resultados esperados.
La Legislatura debe aprovechar la crisis de empleo existente y reclutar una compañía que administre estos empleados temporeros para llevar a cabo dicha auditoría.
Herminio FigueroaCidra
Es tiempo ya que el gobierno obligue a los restaurantes de comidas rápida, a que ayuden a mantener a Puerto Rico limpio. Solo basta con pasar cerca de uno de éstos y verá la cantidad de basura que tiran sus clientes a las calles y avenidas.
Estas cadenas de comida rápida, incluyendo las locales, ganan exorbitantes cantidades de dinero y no veo el porqué el gobierno tenga que gastar dinero en la limpieza y manejo de sus desperdicios.
Que se les imponga un impuesto, o que ayuden a crear campañas de limpieza para concienciar a la población, de que mantener a Puerto Rico limpio, es tarea de todos.
José A. Torruellas Iglesias
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Puerto Rico Governor Alejandro Garcia Padilla said Sunday that he would not call for an assembly to propose a new political status for the islands next year because of President Obama’s proposal for a status plebiscite under Federal auspices.
Garcia said that his “campaign promise … was that if the President did not take action in the first year [of a Garcia administration], in the second year we would take action.” He went on to note that, “The President is taking action.”
In fact, Garcia and his “commonwealth” status party said that they would hold a “constitutional assembly” on a future status if they won the elections and the Federal government did not enact a law providing for a Puerto Rican status choice that would be automatically implemented.
The assembly plan was a strategy to avoid a public choice regarding the territory’s future status. Party leaders have noted that, in a plebiscite, voters would cast ballots for their preferred status but, in an assembly, ‘commonwealthers’ could try to form a coalition with Puerto Rico nationalists to outvote statehood delegates.
An additional ‘backroom’ strategy for an assembly would be to develop a status proposal that Federal officials would say in a plebiscite with options set in advance is impossible for constitutional and fundamental policy reasons.
The “commonwealth” party wants an unprecedented “commonwealth” status under which Puerto Rico would be permanently empowered to nullify the application of Federal laws to the islands and Federal court jurisdiction and to enter into international agreements and organizations limited to sovereign nations.
In addition, the United States would also be permanently obligated to grant all current Federal program benefits to Puerto Ricans and citizenship based on birth in the islands, a new subsidy to the insular government, and free entry to goods shipped from Puerto Rico.
The Obama, George W. Bush, and Clinton Administrations and congressional officials have said that the proposal is impossible for constitutional and other reasons. A fundamental deficiency is that Congress cannot give up its power to govern the islands under the Constitution’s Territory Clause unless it makes the islands a State or a nation.
Commonwealthers had hoped that an assembly’s adoption of such a proposal would force Federal officials to accept it despite these flaws because it represents the “self-determination will” of Puerto Rico.
Avoiding such a situation is one of the reasons that the Obama White House last week proposed a plebiscite on options to resolve the territory’s future status in its budget for Federal Fiscal Year 2014, which begins October 1st.
The proposal requires that the U.S. attorney general approve the final options for the plebiscite, along with all explanatory materials, to ensure that the options proposed by Puerto Rico’s Elections Commission do not conflict with the Constitution, laws, and policies of the U.S.
Obama Administration officials recognized that opposition from Garcia and other “commonwealth” party Puerto Rico elected leaders would block action in Congress on the territory’s petition for statehood made through a status plebiscite held under local law last November.
Garcia said that his “campaign promise … was that if the President did not take action in the first year [of a Garcia administration], in the second year we would take action.” He went on to note that, “The President is taking action.”
In fact, Garcia and his “commonwealth” status party said that they would hold a “constitutional assembly” on a future status if they won the elections and the Federal government did not enact a law providing for a Puerto Rican status choice that would be automatically implemented.
The assembly plan was a strategy to avoid a public choice regarding the territory’s future status. Party leaders have noted that, in a plebiscite, voters would cast ballots for their preferred status but, in an assembly, ‘commonwealthers’ could try to form a coalition with Puerto Rico nationalists to outvote statehood delegates.
An additional ‘backroom’ strategy for an assembly would be to develop a status proposal that Federal officials would say in a plebiscite with options set in advance is impossible for constitutional and fundamental policy reasons.
The “commonwealth” party wants an unprecedented “commonwealth” status under which Puerto Rico would be permanently empowered to nullify the application of Federal laws to the islands and Federal court jurisdiction and to enter into international agreements and organizations limited to sovereign nations.
In addition, the United States would also be permanently obligated to grant all current Federal program benefits to Puerto Ricans and citizenship based on birth in the islands, a new subsidy to the insular government, and free entry to goods shipped from Puerto Rico.
The Obama, George W. Bush, and Clinton Administrations and congressional officials have said that the proposal is impossible for constitutional and other reasons. A fundamental deficiency is that Congress cannot give up its power to govern the islands under the Constitution’s Territory Clause unless it makes the islands a State or a nation.
Commonwealthers had hoped that an assembly’s adoption of such a proposal would force Federal officials to accept it despite these flaws because it represents the “self-determination will” of Puerto Rico.
Avoiding such a situation is one of the reasons that the Obama White House last week proposed a plebiscite on options to resolve the territory’s future status in its budget for Federal Fiscal Year 2014, which begins October 1st.
The proposal requires that the U.S. attorney general approve the final options for the plebiscite, along with all explanatory materials, to ensure that the options proposed by Puerto Rico’s Elections Commission do not conflict with the Constitution, laws, and policies of the U.S.
Obama Administration officials recognized that opposition from Garcia and other “commonwealth” party Puerto Rico elected leaders would block action in Congress on the territory’s petition for statehood made through a status plebiscite held under local law last November.
#Obama offers reassurance in #Boston as feds hunt bomb suspects. Read: #caribbeanbusiness #caribbeanbusiness