Good morning, my friends! This is my review of Puerto Rico news for today. Have a day as beautiful and serene as this enchanted island. Mike Nova
Quote of the day:
from Twitter / ElNuevoDia
Puerto Rico News
Last Update: 9:51 AM 4/2/2012
Mike Nova's starred items
Puerto Rico Daily Sun
Sunday, April 1, 2012
via Puerto Rico Daily Sun - Timely news about Puerto Rico, the Caribbean and the world on 4/1/12
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Sunday, April 1, 2012
via Local News - Puerto Rico Daily Sun - Timely news about Puerto Rico, the Caribbean and the world on 4/1/12
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Movement created to search for new Puerto Rico
By Marvin FonsecaInter News ServiceThe social, economic and political crisis experienced by the country in the last years has motivated the foundation of new political organizations that seek to encourage Puerto Ricans to look beyond the traditional political parties in order to accomplish a better quality of life.In the last years citizens have seen the birth of three new political organizations. First, there is Puerto Ricans for Puerto Rico (PPR for its Spanish acronym), a party that surprised many people after getting more votes than the Puerto Rican Pro-Independence Party in the 2008 general elections. In addition to the PPR, the Sovereign Movement Union (MUS for its Spanish acronym)... Read More
Aurelio Mercado, a physical oceanographer who goes to the beach to work April 1, 2012
Island prepares for Holy Week April 1, 2012
from Puerto Rico News's Facebook Wall by Puerto Rico News
Are both Romney and Fortuño Etch-A-Sketch candidates? - Puerto Rico Daily Sun - 01/04/12

Are both Romney and Fortuño Etch-A-Sketch candidates? - Puerto Rico Daily Sun - 01/04/12
It has become obvious to most astute voters that Willard Mitt Romney is an Etch-A-Sketch candidate. All over the United States, he has been trying to convince voters in the local primaries that he is a "conservative" totally against Obama care and other liberal programs for the middle and working class....
Are both Romney and Fortuño Etch-A-Sketch candidates? - Puerto Rico Daily Sun - 01/04/12
via Puerto Rico Newswire on 4/1/12
It has become obvious to most astute voters that Willard Mitt Romney is an Etch-A-Sketch candidate. All over the United States, he has been trying to convince voters in the local primaries that he is a "conservative" totally against Obama care and other liberal programs for the middle and working class. When he arrived in Puerto Rico, he tried to give the impression that he is a moderate or even liberal. He wanted Puerto Ricans to view him as being for the kinds of liberal programs the Democrats made possible stateside and here in Puerto Rico. Local Republican leaders in Puerto Rico promoted what he had done while Governor of Massachusetts years ago and not the far right-wing Republican image he is now giving when campaigning in the states. Romney's sketch changes with locations and time periods. When he arrived in Puerto Rico, he shook his Etch-A-Sketch image from being conservative tea party to being more for the working people. When he returned to the mainland, he shook his image board again back to be a way-to-the-right conservative. If he is nominated and runs against liberal Democrat Barack Obama, he will shake his image board to be more liberal and mainstream. He is always changing images and with no permanent or long lasting convictions. He is constantly shaking his Etch-A-Sketch to get votes and not for what is right for the people. Puerto Rico Luis Fortuño is most certainly an Etch-A-Sketch candidate like Willard Mitt Romney. When among the voters of Puerto Rico, Fortuño sounds a lot like Obama. He is for all those Democrat liberal programs. When he gets on the plane to visit his GOP cohorts in the states, he shakes his Etch-A-Sketch to become as conservative, tea party as Romney. On the return trip to the Enchanted Island. Forfuño needs to shake his image board again to come across to Puerto Rican voters as being more liberal and for the working people. Unfortunately for Fortuño, in some areas of being a leader, he is so right-wing and cannot change no matter how much he shakes his image board. For example, he is not for separation of church and state or for gay rights. Thank God, unlike Heir Schatz of the Puerto Rico Senate, he does not give a duck quacking sound to insult his political opponents. It is obvious that Schatz has no Etch-A.Sketch board. But we all know who Schatz is and wonder exactly who is Luis Fortuño. [Continue in Extended Entry section.]
Puerto Rico Business News
SBA to award small business owners and advocates
Pacific Daily News
Each year, the US Small Business Administration honors the outstanding small business owners for their personal achievements and contributions to our nation's economy. On Guam, as well as the 50 states and Puerto Rico, award ceremonies are held to ...
and more »
Caribbean Business
from PR News - Archive Links's Facebook Wall by Puerto Rico News - Archive Links
EDITORIAL: Rebirth of the Shining Star - Caribbean Business - 27/03/12

EDITORIAL: Rebirth of the Shining Star - Caribbean Business - 27/03/12
EDITORIAL: Rebirth of the Shining Star - Caribbean Business - 27/03/12 For nearly a decade now, Puerto Rico has been stuck in an economic slowdown, with negative growth for six-straight years, high double-digit unemployment, labor participation languishing at a low of 40% and no end to the debacle in sight....
CaribBusiness: The Puerto Rico market remains a bright spot for Spanish Broadcasting System as the largest publicly traded Hispanic-controlled media...
via Twitter / CaribBusiness on 3/30/12
CaribBusiness: The Puerto Rico market remains a bright spot for Spanish Broadcasting System as the largest publicly traded Hispanic-controlled media...
Puerto Rico News - Latest News
from Twitter / ElNuevoDia
ElNuevoDia: Puerto Rican prevail in # Nuestrabellezalatina
from Twitter / primerahora
primerahora: Superintendent of Police will strengthen security at # Vieques
from Primera Hora : Lo Ultimo
"No está establecido que hubo violación", sostuvo rl comandante de la Región de Fajardo, Antonio López, en entrevista con Radio Isla 1320.

from Twitter / primerahora
primerahora: They harass students for being gay | They are punished for doing the same that have not been penalized heterosexuals
from Twitter / primerahora
primerahora: Serial Rapist in Vieques? It has been three women alleged to have assaulted.
from Twitter / ElNuevoDia
ElNuevoDia: Living a nightmare on the mountain after mudslide. Watch the video:
from Twitter / ElNuevoDia
ElNuevoDia: Editorial: A social pact for education:
from Twitter / ElNuevoDia
ElNuevoDia: In Focus: Drug surveillance crashes
from Twitter / primerahora
Noticias de Puerto Rico
from puerto rico - Búsqueda de blogs by Dr. Mathews
It manages as a result, to expose the unreality of the twin myths about Puerto Rico: that it is either a society of colonial servility and docility or a democratic 'showcase of democracy'. It is a story told with sober detail and yet at ...
El Nuevo Día
from El Nuevo Día - Noticias de Puerto Rico, informacion de ultima hora y multimedia - El Nuevo Día
Sunday April 1, 2012
1:47 pm The 29 year old woman was found half-naked, beaten and unconscious on a beach area of La Esperanza
9:26 a.m. The incident occurred last night at about 11:35 pm
8:00 a.m. I could go to jail for not paying child support
10:39 a.m. The young man confessed to the crime against child under 11 years
Known as the "Island of the Famous"
As part of the Craft Fair artists designed sculptures of lions that are on display at the Plaza de las Delicias
from El Nuevo Día - Política
April 1, 2012 03:49 pm
The head of the Popular Democratic Party campaign, Irving Faccio, bet on a campaign to hunt contrast the votes of the voters apathetic get out and vote, as revealed today enc ...
April 1, 2012 3:33 pm
The political conditions that have taken place around him, his talent and charisma suggest a triumph of popular representative Carmen Yulin Cruz Soto as a candidate for mayor of S. ..
April 1, 2012 03:29 pm
By Inter News Service
The four-day collapse in the system David Plus Service Centers Conductor (CESCO), 16 to March 20, created a chaos that resulted in the loss of transaction information ...
April 1, 2012 03:27 pm
Translated by Google - View Original
El Nuevo Día - Opinión »
El Nuevo Día - Opinión
- PUBLIC HOUSING THAT ACCOUNTABLE The existence in the hands of suspected criminals by lush residential apartments under the jurisdiction of the Public Housing Administration (AVP), highlights the... 11:55 PM
from El Nuevo Día - Opinión
The existence in the hands of suspected criminals by lush residential apartments under the jurisdiction of the Public Housing Administration (AVP), highlights the failure of the agency in fulfilling its role as administrator of such vicarious housing projects.
Ana Lydia Vega Now that the chaos of the primaries has led to the despingue count, it was time for one of those reflective pauses prescribing the Department of Education.
Norma Borges We filled the room of birds this week. As the candidate for mayor of St. John speaks here of kingbirds and Guaraguaos, first lady of Syria, Asma Assad, enf
JUAN ANTONIO RAMOSC hen I welcomed me to retire I thought I was rid of the people forever. Zero courses and meetings and partnerships and symposia and conferences and conventions.
It is clear to see the news the lack of cooperation between agencies of law and order.
Everyone makes arrests operating separately, either by drugs, weapons or, recently, identity theft. Only ask for cooperation for the operation, obviously, to counteract the danger of it.
If law and order agencies work together, would be more successful in the effective control of crime.
As a retired officer of the Police, I understand that this is due to a lack of confidence, because now no one knows for sure who is involved in corruption and therefore could harm the effectiveness of the operations.
For maximum effectiveness, we must give emphasis to control corruption and stop sending presentations extolling the people what you're doing.
Is well informed, but let us exalt half results and start working on real team.
I hope the new superintendent Hector Pesquera is clear about the importance of this.
Ivan E. Gregory Sosa
Toa Baja
Nanny Torres
I ask, gives you a blank check to a stranger you have it as he pleases? No. Sure that's the answer of all.
But that's what we do every time a government agency we require copies of personal identification of water and electricity bills and even a passport. Because, supposedly, these documents are required to manage an application, say from a driver's license or birth certificate.
I have long been discussing, such as the dragonfly, in this case. Because I think a sovereign imprudence at a time that has triggered the incidence of document fraud and identity theft on the island, still insist on this practice. Practice last century, Maricastana times.
It is delivered on a silver platter our identity. Because we do not know who or which of these employees working in these offices that handle this information as sensitive, belonging to a network of theft of documents. A year ago I had to renew the license and the clerk handed him shaking the package I demanded copies.
Is there to be careful. It now documents like birth certificate, driver's license and social security card is sold in a combo. Super enlarged. They are called triplets. And they can sell for $ 10,000 in the U.S. and other countries.
See if the issue is of concern that last week the Office of Homeland Security Customs partnered with the Center for Driver Services and the Population Registry to prevent acts of fraud and corruption within these agencies.
Hey, do not go to Harvard to realize that to the extent that these documents are in a desk or computer is easier to develop the scheme. I've lost count of how many times I said it. We are in the 21st century and it is time that the Government has a sophisticated and secure system for handling citizen data.
Doing quite advanced technology to be storing files and documents in drawers.
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ntorres1 @ elnuevodia.
from Twitter / ElNuevoDia
ElNuevoDia: Editorial: A social pact for education:
1 abril 2012
via Puerto Rico News - El Nuevo Día on 4/1/12
Domingo 1 de abril de 2012
Primera Hora
from Primera Hora : Noticias
El agresor se esconde y golpea a las mujeres en la cabeza con un objeto contundente.

from Primera Hora : Noticias
Líderes políticos, estrellas del deporte y artistas se unieron una marcha por las calles de Miami.

from Vocero - Opinión
Monday 02.04.2012
During February 2012 the unemployment rate fell to 15.0% compared with 16.2% recorded for the same month of 2011
Colberg Toro presents initiatives to combat crime
The young 31 year old was last seen near Hiram Bithorn Stadium in San Juan on Tuesday March 27 at night.
Investigate death of baby in Bayamón
from Vocero - Opinión
Sunday 01.04.2012
"I'm gonna sing as I see"
Ron Paul delegates demanded representation in scrutiny
Six decades after entry into force of Law 600 and the Constitution of Puerto Rico, seven to two majority judges of the Supreme Court ended and fully implemented on the island the "common market" with the United States guaranteed by the validity of the Commerce Clause of the federal constitution, in [...]
Focused on results
Will be placed on the disabled list for 15 days
from Caribnews's Facebook Wall by Caribnews
Seis hombre armados roban en supermercado J.F.Montalvo en Caguas
from Caribnews's Facebook Wall by Caribnews
Finance reports rising from 97 million in February revenues
from Caribnews's Facebook Wall by Caribnews
Continues to decrease the unemployment rate on the island, according to the Department of Labor. Last figure is 15%
from Caribnews's Facebook Wall by Caribnews
VIDEO: Cabalgata culmina con un muerto y cuatro heridos de bala en Río Grande
Puerto Rico Local News
from PRN-FB-Media/News/Publishing by Puerto Rico News

Coach sexually assaulted remains in intensive
She was half naked when to seek help staggered on a beach in Vieques. Now remains in intensive neurosurgery Medical Center, accompanied by his mother after being operated on early today.
from Ponce News's Facebook Wall by Ponce News
Police suicide at his home in Salinas. Egberto agent Rolon Morales, 52 years old and assigned to patrol highways in Salinas, is deprived of life with his gun regulation in the back of his residence. The officer was found by his brother Flor Morales Rolon at 6:30 am.
from Ponce News's Facebook Wall by Ponce News
At Last somebody ago!!!! The Weapons Act of Puerto Rico is ILLEGAL FOR MORE THAN HALF A CENTURY!!!!

Demand federal gun law
The plaintiffs argue that it is unconstitutional and declared invalid call for various articles of the statute
by Puerto Rico News

Ponce inaugura la Parada de los Leones
Para proyectar al municipio como eje cultural y artístico a nivel mundial
from PRN-FB-Media/News/Publishing by Puerto Rico News
One dead, five injured was the outcome of a shooting that occurred at midnight in Rio Grande, police said. The victim was a teenager Angel Velazquez Benitez, 19, in events that occurred at 11:35 pm in Rio Grande. In the incident five others were injured. These were identified as Alexander Acevedo Ruiz, 21, Elvin Rivera Calderon, 27, Lexi Olmo Silva, 21 years Toledo Angel Rivera, also 21, and Zuleika Correa, 26. The number of murders so far this year is 236, compared to 305 in 2011-the year with more murders in the history of Puerto Rico-a difference of less than 69.
by Puerto Rico News

Seven road deaths in Puerto Rico - The New Day
Police reported two cyclists rolls, two accidents with motor, a four-car crash and a driver who hit a tree
by Puerto Rico News

Devoción y tradición en Semana Santa
El acto de fe se celebró en Puerto Rico por vez primera hace 500 años en San Juan.
by Puerto Rico News

Lucha en contra de la esclavitud infantil - El Nuevo Día
Exesclavo narra su vida para crear consciencia
by Puerto Rico News Easy is well ... You only have to visit the abandoned warehouses of the Government of PR and there ... Miles and Miles of # of Social Security and sloppy information 100% confidential!

IRS massive fraud affecting Puerto Ricans - New Day
The scheme used stolen identities of Puerto Ricans
by Puerto Rico News

Guard guilty criminal inmate deaths
Around noon the jury of nine women and three men in the judicial area of Arecibo finished listening to instructions of Judge Mabel Ruiz to leave to deliberate.
by Puerto Rico News

Seis meses de cárcel para ‘Piculín’
El ex baloncelista podría salir de prisión en aproximadamente un mes, debido a acreditación de tiempo encarcelado.
by Puerto Rico News

Osama bin Laden had four children in his years as a fugitive - The New Day
He lived in five safe houses in Pakistan and had four children during their years on the run, he told his younger widow
PR News – Video
MIGUEL COTTO speaking at the Floyd Mayweather Presser in Puerto Rico (AUDIO)
via YouTube Videos matching query: puerto rico boxing by BoricuaBoxingNews on 2/27/12
MIGUEL COTTO speaking at the Floyd Mayweather Presser in Puerto Rico (AUDIO) - MIGUEL COTTO speaking at the Floyd Mayweather Press Conference in Puerto Rico Mayweather vs. Cotto, a 12-round fight for Cotto's WBA Super Welterweight World title, is presented by Mayweather Promotions, Golden Boy Promotions and Miguel Cotto Promotions. The 12-round WBA Super Welterweight World Championship bout will be produced and distributed live by HBO Pay-Per-View®.
Miguel COTTO vs Antonio MARGARITO II Official Weigh-In ( 720HD
via YouTube Videos matching query: puerto rico news this week by BoricuaBoxingNews on 12/2/11
Miguel COTTO vs Antonio MARGARITO II Official Weigh-In ( 720HD NEW YORK - Three-division world champion and the Pride of Puerto Rico MIGUEL COTTO and professional rival and three-time welterweight world champion ANTONIO "The Tijuana Tornado" MARGARITO, of México, stepped onto the scale for their Official Weigh-In for their long-awaited world championship rematch on December 2 in the Theater at Madison Square Garden. MIGUEL COTTO 152.25 lbs ANTONIO MARGARITO: 152.5 lbs Cotto will defend his World Boxing Association (WBA) super welterweight title in this high-tension showdown against Margarito, Saturday, December 3, at "The Mecca of Boxing," Madison Square Garden. With approximately 500 tickets remaining, Cotto-Margarito II is projected to sellout in advance of fight night. Cotto has sold more tickets to The Garden in this millennium than any other fighter. Promoted by Top Rank, in association with Cotto Promotions, Tornado Promotions, AT&T, Tecate and Madison Square Garden, Cotto-Margarito II will be produced and distributed Live by HBO Pay-Per-View®, beginning at 9 pm ET / 6 pm PT The previous encounter between Cotto and Margarito took place on July 26, 2008 and was a battle of epic proportion and arguably the Fight of the Year. Cotto and Margarito boast a combined record of 74-9 (56 KOs) -- a winning percentage of 89% and a victory by knockout ratio of 76% -- not to mention seven world titles between them. ****************************** Remaining tickets to Cotto-Margarito II, priced at $600, $400, $300, $200 <b>...</b>
Primary Day! Puerto Rico Votes
via YouTube Videos matching query: puerto rico news this week by mynewsmedia on 3/18/12
Primary Day! Puerto Rico Votes
Primary Day! Puerto Rico Votes. Mitt Romney took a commanding lead Sunday in early voting returns as Puerto Rico weighed in on the fight for the Republican presidential nomination. He and his chief rival, Rick Santorum, however, were nowhere to be found on the Caribbean island, campaigning instead in Illinois and Louisiana ahead of primaries in those states this week. The race was all but certain to continue, regardless of the outcome of the trio of contests. As the day began, Santorum claimed he was in contest for the long haul because Romney is a weak front-runner even though he comfortably leads in the fight for delegates to the nominating convention. "This is a primary process where somebody had a huge advantage, huge money advantage, huge advantage of establishment support and he hasn't been able to close the deal and even come close to closing the deal," Santorum said of Romney. "That tells you that there's a real flaw there." Yet, Santorum sidestepped when asked if he would fight the front-runner on the convention floor if he failed before the August gathering in Tampa, Fla., to stop Romney from getting the 1144 needed to clinch the nomination. Full Article:
More inNews & Politics
Rum Diary: Johnny Depp's praise for Amber Heard
via YouTube Videos matching query: puerto rico news this week by itn on 11/8/11
Rum Diary: Johnny Depp's praise for Amber Heard
Johnny Depp compares his Rum Diary co-star Amber Heard to Hollywood greats. Report by Daniel Smith. Like us on Facebook at and follow us on Twitter at
More inEntertainment
from Puerto Rico News's Facebook Wall by Puerto Rico News
FORUM: Environment at Risk: Crisis and Access Strategies for Natural Resources Defense

FORUM: Environment at Risk: Crisis and Access Strategies for Natural Resources Defense
By: Erika Torres Fontanez. FORUM: Environment at Risk: Crisis and Access Strategies for Natural Resources Defense Recent Supreme Court decisions on environmental issues have closed the doors so that citizens can go to court to claim the defense and protection of natural resources ....
from Puerto Rico News's Facebook Wall by Puerto Rico News
Tourist attacked in Vieques had surgery last night at 1:47 pm Medical Center 29 year old woman was found half-naked, beaten and unconscious on a beach area of La Esperanza - via The New Day on 4/1/12 | Tourist sexually assaulted remains in intensive - : She was half naked when to seek help staggered on a beach in Vieques. Now remains in intensive neurosurgery Medical Center, accompanied by his mother after being operated on early today.
Sunday via The New Day - News from Puerto Rico, last minute information and media - The New Day on 4/1/12 Sunday April 1, 2012 QUINCEAÑERAS Tourist attacked in Vieques had surgery last night at 1:47 PMLA Medical Center woman 29 years was found half-naked, beaten and unconscious on a beach area of La Esperanza (title unknown) via Puerto Rico News's Facebook Wall by Puerto Rico ...
from PRN-FB-Media/News/Publishing by Puerto Rico News

Coach sexually assaulted remains in intensive
She was half naked when to seek help staggered on a beach in Vieques. Now remains in intensive neurosurgery Medical Center, accompanied by his mother after being operated on early today.
from PR News - Archive Links's Facebook Wall by Puerto Rico News - Archive Links
Tourist attacked in Vieques had surgery last night at Medical Center 1:47 PMLA 29 year old woman was found half-naked, beaten and unconscious on a beach area of La Esperanza - via The New Day - News from Puerto Rico, last minute information and multimedia - The New Day on 4/1/12
Tourist attacked in Vieques had surgery last night at Medical Center 1:47 PMLA 29 year old woman was found half-naked, beaten and unconscious on a beach area of La Esperanza - via The New Day - News from Puerto Rico, last minute information and multimedia - The New Day on 4/1/12
Sunday via The New Day - News from Puerto Rico, last minute information and media - The New Day on 4/1/12 Sunday April 1, 2012 72 Quinceanera AS Tourist attacked in Vieques had surgery last night at 1:47 PMLA woman Medical Center 29 year old was found semi-naked, beaten and unconscious in a section of the beach Balacera Hope leaves a dead and five injured in Rio Grande 9:26 ...
from Gay Puerto Rico's Facebook Wall by Gay Puerto Rico
Special Report: Rescuing Chicago's homeless LGBT youth -

Special Report: Rescuing Chicago's homeless LGBT youth -
ChicagoPride.comSpecial Report: Rescuing Chicago's homeless LGBT youthChicagoPride.comWhile gay men and women can now fight for their homes and same-sex couples are gaining acceptance and building homes together, LGBT youth across the nation are struggling to find a home. This issue is as old as the Gay Rights Movement itself.
Puerto Rico Blogs
from Global Voices en Español » Puerto Rico (E.U.A.) by Juan Arellano
Chequeen el blog del artista Omar Banuchi en Tumblr: “un pequeño y modesto blog de imágenes.”
Escrito por Firuzeh Shokooh Valle · Traducido por Juan Arellano · Ver post original [en] · Comentarios (0)
Compártalo: Meneame · facebook · twitter · reddit · StumbleUpon · delicious · Instapaper
Puerto Rico: Un pequeño y modesto blog de arte
via Global Voices en Español » Puerto Rico (E.U.A.) by Juan Arellano on 4/1/12
Chequeen el blog del artista Omar Banuchi en Tumblr: “un pequeño y modesto blog de imágenes.”
Escrito por Firuzeh Shokooh Valle · Traducido por Juan Arellano · Ver post original [en] · Comentarios (0)
Compártalo: Meneame · facebook · twitter · reddit · StumbleUpon · delicious · Instapaper
“El fin del mundo” 14 de septiembre del 2010
via O m a r B a n u c h i on 3/30/12
“El fin del mundo”
14 de septiembre del 2010
“Zun Zun, el gato” 9 de agosto del 2010
via O m a r B a n u c h i on 4/1/12
“Zun Zun, el gato”
9 de agosto del 2010
from Global Voices » Puerto Rico (U.S.) by Juliana Rincón Parra
This aims to showcase interesting and recent posts in Global Voices that show the many ways in which videos are helping people tell stories all around the world. You can follow the activity by regions in our YouTube channel.
The Earth, image by Esparta Palma CCBy on Flickr
India: The Last Handwritten Newspaper in the World
Figueroa Agosto se declara culpable en un tribunal de *Puerto Rico* *...*
via puerto rico - Búsqueda de blogs by Santiago on 4/1/12
SanJuan, PR/Agencias.-José David Figueroa Agosto, también conocido como Junior Cápsula, se declaró culpable a eso de las 5:30 de esta tarde por narcotráfico, según el periódico puertorriqueño El Nuevo Diario, en su ...
Library of Dr. Thomas G. Mathews: *Puerto Rico*: A Socio-Historic *...*
via puerto rico - Búsqueda de blogs by Dr. Mathews on 4/1/12
It manages as a result, to expose the unreality of the twin myths about Puerto Rico: that it is either a society of colonial servility and docility or a democratic 'showcase of democracy'. It is a story told with sober detail and yet at ...
from Global Voices en Español » Puerto Rico (E.U.A.) by Juan Arellano
Una reciente encuesta a 130 estudiantes, principalmente del campus de Río Piedras de la Universidad de Puerto Rico, muestra que muchos de ellos usan Facebook para leer las noticias.
Escrito por Firuzeh Shokooh Valle · Traducido por Juan Arellano · Ver post original [en] · Comentarios (0)
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Santini contrata a Calle 13 para nuevo jingle de *...* - *Puerto Rico* Indie
via puerto rico - Búsqueda de blogs by Colaboradores de PRI on 3/31/12
La ciudad capital amaneció hoy con una sorpresa - el anuncio por parte del alcalde de San Juan, Jorge Santini, de que sus diferencias con René Pérez del.
from Puerto Rico Indie by Colaboradores de PRI
The capital woke up today with a surprise - the announcement by the mayor of San Juan, Jorge Santini, that their differences with René Pérez of Calle 13 have been healed. "After a long private conversation from our respective Twitter accounts Rene and I have made the passes and I am very pleased to announce that we will be working together on a new song that will serve as a launching pad for my candidacy for re-election. "
The partnership with Calle 13 is not limited to the creation of what will be the new campaign jingle. Santini ahead of an unprecedented collaboration between an artist and a politician. The mayor explained that starting today, April 1, 2012, any person who has obtained a Card Santini can use it to get the complete discography of Calle 13 at half price at participating in the capital city the same way the Santini ID Card will serve only for a great concert that the municipality will organize at the Coliseo Roberto Clemente.
Taken with Instagram at Viejo San Juan
via Fotos de Hoy on 3/31/12
Taken with Instagram at Viejo San Juan
El documental y la calle en Puerto Rico
via by 80grados on 3/29/12
Sábado y domingo en el MAC conversatorios sobre retomar las calles y la realización de documentales como un saludo al lanzamiento del documental Ejkei, exhibiéndose ahora.
Legislature module for state legislature of *Puerto Rico* |
via puerto rico - Google Blog Search by Nosferican on 4/1/12
I wish to organize a project to develop a legislature module kind of US Congress that Opencongress uses, but at a state level for Puerto Rico. Login or register to post comments ⋅ Categories: Module Development and Code ...
Ex director de FBI, nominado para jefe de Policía en *Puerto Rico* *...*
via puerto rico - Búsqueda de blogs by AP on 1/4/12
SAN JUAN .- Un ex director de la oficina del FBI en Puerto Rico fue nominado para dirigir el vapuleado departamento de Policía de la isla, el cual.
Estrategias para la Defensa de los Recursos Naturales
via derechoalderecho by Érika Fontánez Torres on 4/1/12
Por: Érika Fontánez Torres.
FORO: Ambiente en Riesgo: Crisis de Acceso y Estrategias para la Defensa de los Recursos Naturales
Las últimas decisiones del Tribunal Supremo sobre temas ambientales han cerrado las puertas para que la ciudadanía pueda recurrir a los tribunales a reclamar la defensa y protección de los recursos naturales. La llamada crisis de acceso agrava la crisis de legitimidad del más alto foro judicial del País que sigue limitando la posibilidad de que grupos marginados reciban el remedio y protección adecuados. Entonces, surge la pregunta, cada vez más válida y pertinente, sobre la idoneidad del foro judicial para canalizar las luchas ambientales.
Actividades Eventos *Puerto Rico* | El Día del Planeta Tierra SAN *...*
via puerto rico - Búsqueda de blogs by on 3/30/12
propiedades-puertorico.com_alquiler_venta_casas_apts_pr_bienes_raices_apartamentos_. El Museo de Arte de Puerto Rico celebra el Día del Planeta Tierra con un recorrido por sus jardines. Habrá exhibiciones de yoga, ...
Global Voices
Cuba: Los bloggers siguen hablando acerca de la visita del Papa
via Global Voices en Español » Caribe by Gabriela Garcia Calderon Orbe on 3/26/12
El inminente vaje del Papa Benedicto XVI a Cuba será el primero del jefe de la Iglesia Católica en más de una década. A medida que se acerca la llegada del pontífice, los bloggers siguen expresando sus opiniones, incluso a pesar de que supuestamente continúan las violaciones a los derechos humanos.
El blog Pedazos de la Isla se dedicó la semana pasada (antes de la llegada del Papa, programada para el lunes 26 de marzo) a volver a publicar “declaraciones de numerosos disidentes y activistas cubanos” que se relacionan con la visita:
La pregunta que se hace es: independientemente de si se está a favor o en contra de la visita del Papa, es cierto que las cámaras del mundo estarán enfocadas sobre Cuba, ¿Qué mensaje le mandarías al mundo y al Papa Benedicto XVI?
El blogger empezó su serie destacando la perspectiva de Berta Soler, lideresa de las Damas de Blanco:
Somos mujeres pacificas y aquí [en Cuba] realmente estamos necesitados de ese mensaje que va a traer el Santo Padre de amor, paz, fe y de libertad. El pueblo de Cuba necesita libertad. Pero la libertad no la va traer el Papa, la libertad depende de los cubanos. Pero si es bueno que el Papa sepa la situación, y nosotras las Damas de Blanco quisiéramos tener un minuto con el Santo Padre para que él sepa que aquí hay presos políticos, que se violan los derechos humanos, que existen mujeres marginadas, mujeres reprimidas por el gobierno castrista solamente por participar en las misas dominicales. Y si le pudiera dar un listado de los presos políticos actuales en Cuba, se lo daría.
Es interesante mencionar que el esposo de Soler, el disidente Ángel Moya Acosta, fue detenido el fin de semana, y repitió su llamado para que el Papa se reuniera con miembros de la oposición cubana. Pedazos de la Isla publicó esta entrada para compartir la perspectiva de Moya, y explicó:
Moya Acosta aprovechó la ocasión y le comunicó a este blog que aún mantiene su posición acerca de la visita del Papa a la isla en tan solo días: “el Papa Benedicto XVI no es el libertador de Cuba. La libertad de Cuba es el derecho de los cubanos de aquí [en la isla] y en el exilio. Los cubanos tenemos que ser protagonistas de nuestra propia historia”. Así todo, Moya declaró que “como Benedicto llegará a un país en donde la oposición pacífica está siendo fuertemente reprimida y acosada, debe dedicarle un minuto a las Damas de Blanco para escucharlas y ellas ponerlo al tanto sobre la situación de la isla”.
Ángel Moya reitero que la visita del Papa Benedicto el 26 de marzo hasta el 28 será manipulada por el régimen cubano y que si se reúne o no con los opositores depende en el Cardenal Jaime Ortega, “la máxima autoridad religiosa de Cuba”.
Sobre ese último punto, babalu [en] respondió con un enlace a una historia acerca del obispo checo Vaclav Maly [en], que ha escrito una carta al presidente cubano Raúl Castro pidiéndole que libere a los presos políticos:
Si La Habana tuviera un obispo como el de Praga… solamente se puede soñar con las posibilidades.
En otro post [en], el blogger (en tono firmemente sarcástico) dio una lista de todas las maneras en que “el régimen de Castro ha despachado por la isla sus considerables recursos para prepararse para la visita papal y para asegurarse de que los acontecimientos programados se lleven a cabo sin vergonzosos inconvenientes”:
Marta Beatriz Roque, activista en derechos humanos está actualmente bajo asedio y atrapada dentro de su casa con la policía política cubana rodeando el domicilio.
Juan Carlos Vazquez Osoria, activista pacífico de derechos humanos, fue arrestado arbitrariamente por la Seguridad del Estado Cubano afuera del centro de trabajo de su esposa en Holguín, Cuba.
Más de cien activistas a favor de la democracia fueron arrestados en la provincia cubana oriental de Granma, donde tomaron las calles en una protesta pacífica.
Berta Soler, la líder de las Damas de Blanco Laura Pollán, informa que su esposo, el exprisionero de conciencia Ángel Moya, sigue desaparecido desde su arresto por la Seguridad del Estado de Castro el último domingo.
Karina Quintana Hernandez, miembro de las Damas de Blanco, informa que ella y otros miembros del grupo fueron aprehendidos y deportados de la capital de La Habana y enviados de vuelta a sus lugares natales por agentes de la Seguridad del Estado de Castro.
Mientras tanto, Armando Chaguaceda, que bloguea en Havana Times, dijo que:
Las “tomas” de templos y los preparativos por la visita papal a Cuba han sido noticias en días pasados y me han generado difíciles intercambios con amigos católicos.
En el caso de las ocupaciones, no se trata de personas refugiadas por causa del Terrorismo de Estado – como solía suceder en Centroamérica cuando las guerras civiles de los 80.
En cambio es una táctica desesperada para llamar la atención del máximo líder de la Iglesia Católica y de la Opinión Pública mundial ante la situación de la oposición en la isla.
Creo en lo personal que el recurso ha sido errado. Además, estos hechos han tenido como resultado un balance negativo para la Iglesia Católica, que queda en deuda con el gobierno por la fuerza que se necesita para desocupar los templos.
Conviene recordar que en Cuba el catolicismo no es “LA” cultura o religión nacionales… mucha de nuestra religiosidad tiene raíces africanas y anclaje comunitario, la misma que es sistemáticamente ignorada y discriminada.
Mientras, los asuntos reales se van cocinando -y arreglando- entre élites: políticos y militares de la isla, eclesiales de la isla y el Vaticano, políticas y empresariales del exilio.
La gente común- como yo, mi familia y amigos –tenemos poco que esperar.
Translating Cuba [en] tradujo un artículo de opinión de Diario de Cuba, que expresó que “Cuba no es la misma de 1998, cuando Juan Pablo II realizó la primera visita papal de nuestra historia”; en otro post, la blogger Lilianne Ruz compartió sus razones para no ir a ver al Papa.
Pero, Through the Eye of the Needle tuvo la última palabra [en] sobre el próximo “recorrido” del Papa:
Escuchando a un periodista hablar en radio de onda corta sobre la próxima presencia del Papa en Cuba, se refirió y usó la palabra ‘recorrido'. Esto me dio mucho que pensar al respecto, porque la iglesia se ha cuidado mucho de enfatizar que la visita de Benedicto XVI a nuestro país es un peregrinaje de Nuestra Señora de la Caridad del Cobre. Hasta ahí, todo bien, pero lo que ha molestado a la población en general, y a muchos creyentes como yo en particular, es el hecho de que el portavoz de Su Santidad haya expresado públicamente el deseo de reunirse con Fidel Castro.
Si realmente está viniendo como peregrinaje a la Virgen, no entiendo para qué necesita reunirse con Fidel Castro, que ya no es el presidente de este país, y según lo que he entendido, ha sido excomulgado por la propia Iglesia Católica. Entiendo que el Papa, como cabeza de El Vaticano, se reúna con Raúl, pues ambos son jefes de estado, pero ¿por qué Fidel y no con las Damas de Blanco?
Si la iglesia es apolítica, como tanto lo ha proclamado, ¿por qué dar una misa para la salud y pronta recuperación de un hombre que ha sumergido a este pueblo en la más cruel oscuridad, y nunca llamaron a misa en la iglesia por Zapata Tamayo ni Laura Pollán?
Veré la misa en televisión. No porque me considere un mal devoto, Soy católico de corazón, pero mi fe no me ciega. Detesto que me manipulen, ni nadie ni nada. Creo en Dios, soy devoto de Nuestra Señora de la Caridad, pero hace pocos años dejé de ir al a iglesia. Pero creo que esta visita puede dejar un balance positivo: todo depende ahora de Su Santidad Benedicto XVI y la actitud pública posterior.
La imagen de miniatura usada en este post, “Papa Benedicto XVI”, es de Lawrence OP, usada con licencia de Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.0 Generic (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0). Visita la galería de fotos de Lawrence OP en flickr.
Escrito por Janine Mendes-Franco · Traducido por Gabriela Garcia Calderon Orbe · Ver post original [en] · Comentarios (1)
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from Global Voices en Español » Caribe by Gabriela Garcia Calderon Orbe
The imminent vaje the Pope to Cuba will be the first head of the Catholic Church more than a decade. As we approach the pontiff's arrival, bloggers continue to express their views, even though alleged continuing violations of human rights .
The blog Pieces of the island was dedicated last week (before the arrival of the Pope, scheduled for Monday, March 26) to re-publish "statements of numerous Cuban dissidents and activists" that are related to the visit:
The question being asked is whether you are for or against the Pope's visit, it is true that the world's cameras will focus on Cuba, what message would you send him to the world and Pope Benedict XVI?
The blogger started his series highlighting the perspective of Berta Soler , leader of the Ladies in White :
We are women and peaceful here [in Cuba] are really in need of that message that will bring the Holy Father of love, peace, faith and freedom. The people of Cuba need freedom. But freedom is not going to bring the pope, freedom depends on the Cubans. But if it is good that the Pope knows the situation, and we would like the Ladies in White have a minute with the Holy Father that he knows that here are no political prisoners, which human rights are violated, that there are women marginalized, repressed women the Castro government only participate in the Sunday Masses. And if you could give a list of political prisoners in Cuba today, have it.
Interestingly Soler's husband, Angel Moya Acosta dissident, was arrested over the weekend, and repeated his call for the Pope to meet with members of the Cuban opposition. Pieces of the island published this post to share the perspective of Moya, and explained:
Moya Acosta took the opportunity and told this blog that still maintains its position on the Pope's visit to the island in just days, "Pope Benedict XVI is not the liberator of Cuba. Cuba's freedom is the right of Cubans here [on the island] and in exile. The Cubans have to be protagonists of our own history. " So all, Moya stated that "as Benedict will come to a country where peaceful opposition is being strongly repressed and harassed, should spend one minute to the Ladies in White to listen and put them up to date on the status of the isl a".
Angel Moya reiterated that the visit of Pope Benedict on March 26 to 28 will be manipulated by the Cuban regime and that if he meets with opposition or not depends on the Cardinal Jaime Ortega, "the highest religious authority in Cuba."
On that last point, babalu [in] responded with a link to a story about the Czech Bishop Vaclav Maly [in] which has written a letter asking President Raul Castro to release political prisoners :
If Havana had a bishop as the Prague ... you can only dream about the possibilities.
In another post [at] the blogger (in sarcastic tone firm) gave a list of all the ways in which "the Castro regime has dispatched around the island its considerable resources to prepare for the papal visit and to ensure that events scheduled to be carried out without embarrassing problems ":
Marta Beatriz Roque, human rights activist is currently under siege and trapped inside her home with the Cuban political police surrounding the house.
Juan Carlos Vazquez Osoria, peaceful activist for human rights, was arbitrarily arrested by the Cuban State Security outside the workplace of his wife in Holguin, Cuba.
More than a hundred activists of democracy were arrested in the eastern Cuban province of Granma, where he took to the streets in peaceful protest.
Berta Soler, the leader of the Ladies in White Laura Pollan, reports that her husband, former prisoner of conscience Angel Moya, remains missing since his arrest by State Security Castro last Sunday.
Quintana Karina Hernandez, a member of the Ladies in White, reports that she and other members of the group were arrested and deported from the capital of Havana and sent back to their native places by agents of the State Security Castro.
Meanwhile, Armando Chaguaceda, who blogs at Havana Times , said:
The "takings" of temples and the preparations for the papal visit to Cuba have been news in recent days and I have created difficult exchanges with Catholic friends.
In the case of occupations, not about refugees because of state terrorism - as often happened in Central America when the civil wars of the 80.
Instead it is a desperate tactic to draw attention of the leader of the Catholic Church and world public opinion about the situation of the opposition on the island.
I think personally that the action has been wrong. Furthermore, these events have resulted in a negative balance for the Catholic Church, which is indebted to the government by force is required to vacate the temples.
Cuba should be recalled that in Catholicism is not "THE" national culture or religion ... much of our religion has African roots and community anchor, it is systematically ignored and discriminated against.
Meanwhile, the real issues are cooking, and mending, among elites: politicians and military on the island, the island's church and the Vatican, business and political exile.
Ordinary people, like me, my family and friends, we have little to expect.
Translating Cuba [es] resulted in an opinion article Journal of Cuba , who said that "Cuba is not the same as 1998, when John Paul II made the first papal visit in our history," in another post , the blogger shared Ruz Lilianne their reasons for not going to see the Pope.
But, Through the Eye of the Needle had the last word [in] on the next "tour" of the Pope:
Listening to a journalist speaking shortwave radio on the next Pope's presence in Cuba, spoke and used the word 'tour'. This gave me much to think about it, because the church has taken great care to emphasize that the visit of Benedict XVI to our country is a pilgrimage of Our Lady of Charity of Cobre. So far, so good, but what has upset the general population, and many believers like me in particular is the fact that the spokesman of His Holiness has publicly expressed a desire to meet with Fidel Castro.
If you are really coming as a pilgrim to Our Lady, I do not understand why you need to meet with Fidel Castro, who is no longer the president of this country, and as I understand, has been excommunicated by the Catholic Church itself. I understand that the Pope, as head of the Vatican to meet with Raul, as both are heads of state, but why Fidel and the Ladies in White?
If the church is apolitical, and therefore has proclaimed, why give a mass for the health and speedy recovery of a man who has plunged the town into the most cruel darkness, and never called to Mass in the church for Zapata Tamayo or Laura Pollan?
I see the Mass on television. Not because I consider a poor devotee, I am a Catholic at heart, but my faith is not blind me. I hate being handled, or anyone or anything. I believe in God, I am a devotee of Our Lady of Charity, but a few years ago I stopped going to a church. But I think that this visit can leave a positive balance: it all depends now Pope Benedict XVI and the subsequent public attitudes.
The thumbnail image used in this post , "Pope Benedict XVI" is Lawrence OP, used under license from Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.0 Generic (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0) . Visit the photo gallery on flickr Lawrence OP .
Written by Janine Mendes-Franco · Translated by Gabriela Garcia Calderon Orbe · View original post [en] · Comments (1)
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Cuba: Los bloggers siguen hablando acerca de la visita del Papa
via Global Voices en Español » Caribe by Gabriela Garcia Calderon Orbe on 3/26/12
El inminente vaje del Papa Benedicto XVI a Cuba será el primero del jefe de la Iglesia Católica en más de una década. A medida que se acerca la llegada del pontífice, los bloggers siguen expresando sus opiniones, incluso a pesar de que supuestamente continúan las violaciones a los derechos humanos.
El blog Pedazos de la Isla se dedicó la semana pasada (antes de la llegada del Papa, programada para el lunes 26 de marzo) a volver a publicar “declaraciones de numerosos disidentes y activistas cubanos” que se relacionan con la visita:
La pregunta que se hace es: independientemente de si se está a favor o en contra de la visita del Papa, es cierto que las cámaras del mundo estarán enfocadas sobre Cuba, ¿Qué mensaje le mandarías al mundo y al Papa Benedicto XVI?
El blogger empezó su serie destacando la perspectiva de Berta Soler, lideresa de las Damas de Blanco:
Somos mujeres pacificas y aquí [en Cuba] realmente estamos necesitados de ese mensaje que va a traer el Santo Padre de amor, paz, fe y de libertad. El pueblo de Cuba necesita libertad. Pero la libertad no la va traer el Papa, la libertad depende de los cubanos. Pero si es bueno que el Papa sepa la situación, y nosotras las Damas de Blanco quisiéramos tener un minuto con el Santo Padre para que él sepa que aquí hay presos políticos, que se violan los derechos humanos, que existen mujeres marginadas, mujeres reprimidas por el gobierno castrista solamente por participar en las misas dominicales. Y si le pudiera dar un listado de los presos políticos actuales en Cuba, se lo daría.
Es interesante mencionar que el esposo de Soler, el disidente Ángel Moya Acosta, fue detenido el fin de semana, y repitió su llamado para que el Papa se reuniera con miembros de la oposición cubana. Pedazos de la Isla publicó esta entrada para compartir la perspectiva de Moya, y explicó:
Moya Acosta aprovechó la ocasión y le comunicó a este blog que aún mantiene su posición acerca de la visita del Papa a la isla en tan solo días: “el Papa Benedicto XVI no es el libertador de Cuba. La libertad de Cuba es el derecho de los cubanos de aquí [en la isla] y en el exilio. Los cubanos tenemos que ser protagonistas de nuestra propia historia”. Así todo, Moya declaró que “como Benedicto llegará a un país en donde la oposición pacífica está siendo fuertemente reprimida y acosada, debe dedicarle un minuto a las Damas de Blanco para escucharlas y ellas ponerlo al tanto sobre la situación de la isla”.
Ángel Moya reitero que la visita del Papa Benedicto el 26 de marzo hasta el 28 será manipulada por el régimen cubano y que si se reúne o no con los opositores depende en el Cardenal Jaime Ortega, “la máxima autoridad religiosa de Cuba”.
Sobre ese último punto, babalu [en] respondió con un enlace a una historia acerca del obispo checo Vaclav Maly [en], que ha escrito una carta al presidente cubano Raúl Castro pidiéndole que libere a los presos políticos:
Si La Habana tuviera un obispo como el de Praga… solamente se puede soñar con las posibilidades.
En otro post [en], el blogger (en tono firmemente sarcástico) dio una lista de todas las maneras en que “el régimen de Castro ha despachado por la isla sus considerables recursos para prepararse para la visita papal y para asegurarse de que los acontecimientos programados se lleven a cabo sin vergonzosos inconvenientes”:
Marta Beatriz Roque, activista en derechos humanos está actualmente bajo asedio y atrapada dentro de su casa con la policía política cubana rodeando el domicilio.
Juan Carlos Vazquez Osoria, activista pacífico de derechos humanos, fue arrestado arbitrariamente por la Seguridad del Estado Cubano afuera del centro de trabajo de su esposa en Holguín, Cuba.
Más de cien activistas a favor de la democracia fueron arrestados en la provincia cubana oriental de Granma, donde tomaron las calles en una protesta pacífica.
Berta Soler, la líder de las Damas de Blanco Laura Pollán, informa que su esposo, el exprisionero de conciencia Ángel Moya, sigue desaparecido desde su arresto por la Seguridad del Estado de Castro el último domingo.
Karina Quintana Hernandez, miembro de las Damas de Blanco, informa que ella y otros miembros del grupo fueron aprehendidos y deportados de la capital de La Habana y enviados de vuelta a sus lugares natales por agentes de la Seguridad del Estado de Castro.
Mientras tanto, Armando Chaguaceda, que bloguea en Havana Times, dijo que:
Las “tomas” de templos y los preparativos por la visita papal a Cuba han sido noticias en días pasados y me han generado difíciles intercambios con amigos católicos.
En el caso de las ocupaciones, no se trata de personas refugiadas por causa del Terrorismo de Estado – como solía suceder en Centroamérica cuando las guerras civiles de los 80.
En cambio es una táctica desesperada para llamar la atención del máximo líder de la Iglesia Católica y de la Opinión Pública mundial ante la situación de la oposición en la isla.
Creo en lo personal que el recurso ha sido errado. Además, estos hechos han tenido como resultado un balance negativo para la Iglesia Católica, que queda en deuda con el gobierno por la fuerza que se necesita para desocupar los templos.
Conviene recordar que en Cuba el catolicismo no es “LA” cultura o religión nacionales… mucha de nuestra religiosidad tiene raíces africanas y anclaje comunitario, la misma que es sistemáticamente ignorada y discriminada.
Mientras, los asuntos reales se van cocinando -y arreglando- entre élites: políticos y militares de la isla, eclesiales de la isla y el Vaticano, políticas y empresariales del exilio.
La gente común- como yo, mi familia y amigos –tenemos poco que esperar.
Translating Cuba [en] tradujo un artículo de opinión de Diario de Cuba, que expresó que “Cuba no es la misma de 1998, cuando Juan Pablo II realizó la primera visita papal de nuestra historia”; en otro post, la blogger Lilianne Ruz compartió sus razones para no ir a ver al Papa.
Pero, Through the Eye of the Needle tuvo la última palabra [en] sobre el próximo “recorrido” del Papa:
Escuchando a un periodista hablar en radio de onda corta sobre la próxima presencia del Papa en Cuba, se refirió y usó la palabra ‘recorrido'. Esto me dio mucho que pensar al respecto, porque la iglesia se ha cuidado mucho de enfatizar que la visita de Benedicto XVI a nuestro país es un peregrinaje de Nuestra Señora de la Caridad del Cobre. Hasta ahí, todo bien, pero lo que ha molestado a la población en general, y a muchos creyentes como yo en particular, es el hecho de que el portavoz de Su Santidad haya expresado públicamente el deseo de reunirse con Fidel Castro.
Si realmente está viniendo como peregrinaje a la Virgen, no entiendo para qué necesita reunirse con Fidel Castro, que ya no es el presidente de este país, y según lo que he entendido, ha sido excomulgado por la propia Iglesia Católica. Entiendo que el Papa, como cabeza de El Vaticano, se reúna con Raúl, pues ambos son jefes de estado, pero ¿por qué Fidel y no con las Damas de Blanco?
Si la iglesia es apolítica, como tanto lo ha proclamado, ¿por qué dar una misa para la salud y pronta recuperación de un hombre que ha sumergido a este pueblo en la más cruel oscuridad, y nunca llamaron a misa en la iglesia por Zapata Tamayo ni Laura Pollán?
Veré la misa en televisión. No porque me considere un mal devoto, Soy católico de corazón, pero mi fe no me ciega. Detesto que me manipulen, ni nadie ni nada. Creo en Dios, soy devoto de Nuestra Señora de la Caridad, pero hace pocos años dejé de ir al a iglesia. Pero creo que esta visita puede dejar un balance positivo: todo depende ahora de Su Santidad Benedicto XVI y la actitud pública posterior.
La imagen de miniatura usada en este post, “Papa Benedicto XVI”, es de Lawrence OP, usada con licencia de Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.0 Generic (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0). Visita la galería de fotos de Lawrence OP en flickr.
Escrito por Janine Mendes-Franco · Traducido por Gabriela Garcia Calderon Orbe · Ver post original [en] · Comentarios (1)
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from by Fernando Esquivel
In “American Reunion” all the “American Pie” characters we met a little more than a decade ago return to their high school reunion. In a long over due weekend, they will discover what has changed, who hasn’t and that time and distance can’t break the bonds of friendship. In the years that have passed Jim (Jason Biggs) and Michelle (Alyson Hannigan) married while Kevin (Thomas Ian Nicholas) and Vicky (Tara Reid) said goodbye. Oz (Chris Klein) and Heather (Mena Suvari) grew apart, but Finch (Eddie Kay Thomas) still longs for Stifler’s mom (Jennifer Coolidge). And Stifler (Sean William Scott) remains the same as he ever was.
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via The Blog by Alex Nowrasteh on 4/2/12
On April Fools' Day Alabama's immigration law (HB 56) mandates E-Verify for all employers. E-Verify is a federally run electronic employment verification system that checks employee identification against government records to weed unauthorized immigrants out of the workforce. E-Verify will hurt Alabaman businesses, Alabaman workers, and economic growth in that state and anywhere else it is tried. On April 1st, Alabama's politicians will be the fools.
It's not difficult to understand how E-Verify hurts businesses. Section 15 of the law imposes punishments for employers who knowingly or intentionally hire undocumented workers. For a first offense, the employer must fire all undocumented workers, sign an affidavit promising not to repeat the infraction, and have his business licenses suspended for 10 business days.
A second such violation incurs the business death penalty. You heard that right. All of the business' licenses and permits for the location where the infraction occurred are suspended forever. For a third violation, all of the business's licenses throughout the state are suspended forever. Alabama lawmakers, in trying to curb illegal immigration by shutting down businesses, are cutting their nose to spite their face.
As an expensive regulatory mandate, E-Verify ranks with the worst of them. Arizona has had mandatory E-Verify since early 2008 and its main effect has been to push unauthorized immigrants deeper in to the black market, burden businesses with an over-regulated labor market, and undermine the relationship between an employer and employee by coming between them.
According to a 2011 report by the non-partisan Public Policy Institute of California, E-Verify removed some unauthorized immigrants from the labor market but drove others into "less formal work arrangements," also known as the cash economy or greyer shades of the black market.
But that's not E-Verify's only failure. The Government Accountability Office (GAO) reports that 2.6 percent of workers are denied by E-Verify checks, even though many of them are citizens or legal immigrants caught in the regulatory net. Another audit of E-Verify conducted by the research service Westat found that about 1 percent of legal American workers-both immigrants and citizens-are often denied employment by E-Verify.
Additionally, 4.1 percent of initial E-Verify results are erroneous due to incorrect information in government databases. Workers have a 120 days to sort out these errors. The government holds reams of information about each of us, so a denied worker must file a Privacy Act request to discover which bit of information is incorrect. In 2009, a Privacy Act request took an average 104 days. Those delays will increase as more employers sign up for E-Verify.
Stories of E-Verify checks going awry abound. MCL Enterprises, which owns 24 Burger King restaurants in Arizona, reported that over 14 percent of its employees were initially deemed unauthorized by E-Verify. Ken Nagel, co-owner of two popular restaurants in Phoenix tried to hire his American-born daughter, but she flunked E-Verify. Mike Castillo, owner of PostalMax in Scottsdale, wanted to hire a part-time worker but an E-Verify glitch made the filing difficult. After taking days to fix the problem, Castillo said, "I don't think people are going to really embrace E-Verify."
E-Verify will incentivize people to flout the law. In the first year after E-Verify was mandated in Arizona, most employers ignored it. From late 2008 to late 2009, 1.3 million people were hired in Arizona but only 732,455 E-Verify checks were made.
Arizona's experience was bad enough, but Alabama farmers will be especially hard hit by E-Verify. Alabama's farming industry accounts for more than $5 billion a year, and undocumented immigrants are a major source of labor, perhaps even a majority of pickers according to some estimates. The Federal H-2A visa for low skilled workers is inadequate to supply the quantity labor demanded by Alabama's farmers.
If you think dealing with the tax man is frustrating, just try dealing with the immigration bureaucracy. A recent survey of farmers in neighboring Georgia revealed the level of impatience and disgust ordinary farmers experience while trying to apply for the small number of H-2A visas available. One frustrated farmer wrote, "I was 15-20 workers short this year. Due to laws that [a]ffected the migration of seasonal help." A plea for liberalization couldn't be clearer.
The I-9 form was mandated in 1986 to keep employers from hiring unauthorized immigrants. But instead, it has burdened American businesses and workers with an estimated 13.5 million additional hours of paperwork a year. E-Verify would add to that cost.
As Adam Smith stated in The Wealth of Nations, an open economy requires the "free circulation of labour and stock, both from employment to employment and from place to place," including across borders. Only when legal immigration barriers are removed, will the black market and red tape that characterize America's current immigration system disappear.
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Turista atacada en Vieques fue operada anoche en Centro Médico 01:47 p.m.La mujer de 29 años fue encontrada semidesnuda, golpeada e inconsciente en un sector de la playa La Esperanza - via El Nuevo Día - Noticias de Puerto Rico, información de última hora y multimedia - El Nuevo Día on 4/1/12
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