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Puerto Rico News - https://prnewslinks.blogspot.com/ | NewsLinks℠ to Puerto Rico, Caribbean and Latino Culture - NewsLinks℠ a Puerto Rico, el Caribe y la Cultura Latina
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Noticias de Puerto Rico added a new photo - 3:43 PM 7/29/2012
Noticias de Puerto Rico added a new photo - 3:43 PM 7/29/2012

Noticias de Puerto Rico added a new photo.
12:49 PM 7/29/2012
Cutting Government Spending: An Interview with Puerto Rico Governor Luis Fortuño | Puerto Rican gymnast Tommy Ramos has qualified for the rings final | *Latino* swimmer Ryan Lochte wins first gold for the United States | Puerto Rico: El baile a través del lente de Heriberto Castro | Mundo: ¿es una declaración de libertad en internet lo que necesita internet? | Esther Cepeda: Latino voters like rest of U.S. — multiparty, apathetic - The Tennessean- | Women lazier than men, global survey finds http://ow.ly/czlRZ | PHOTO: Amy Winehouse As Frida Kahlo | In Obama Era, Have Race Relations Improved? | Puerto Rico Cockfighting: Legal Cock Fights In Danger In US Territory - Huffington Post | Experts Say Ron Paul is Right: Drug War “Very Biased Against Minorities” - Politic365 | Vaya con dios - Puerto Rico
PR gymnast Ramos makes rings final
via Caribbean Business on 7/28/12
PR gymnast Ramos makes rings final
Puerto Rican gymnast Tommy Ramos has qualified for the rings final after finishi ...
*Latino* swimmer Ryan Lochte wins first gold for the United States
via latino - Google Blog Search by Ignacio Torres on 7/28/12
Latino swimmer Ryan Lochte wins first gold for the United States. by THE ASSOCIATED PRESS. 3:53 pm on 07/28/2012. LONDON (AP) — Ryan Lochte turned his much-anticipated duel with Michael Phelps into a blowout, pulling away to win ...
via puerto rican community in usa - Google News on 7/28/12
via puerto rico - Google News on 7/29/12
via puerto rico - Google News on 7/24/12
via puerto rico politics - Google Blog Search by unknown on 1/30/12
"For Puerto Ricans, it's the issue of the economy and unemployment and also the issue of Puerto Rico's political status, which they care deeply about." Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney leads the field in Florida in the ...
![]() ![]() Cutting Government Spending: An Interview with Puerto Rico Governor Luis Fortuño Uploaded by ReasonTV on Mar 8, 2011 ![]()
Cutting Government Spending: An Interview with Puerto Rico Governor Luis Fortuño Since coming into power in 2009, Gov. Luis Fortuño (R-Puerto Rico) has cut government spending by 20 percent, lowered taxes and raised the territory's bond status to its highest rating in 35 years -- all during a punishing economic climat...e. Gov. Fortuño sat down with Reason Magazine Editor in Chief Matt Welch to discuss Puerto Rico's turnaround, federal immigration policy, the drug war, education reform, his support of statehood and a possible future in mainland politics. Interview by Matt Welch. Shot byJim Epstein and Meredith Bragg. Edited by Bragg. Approximately 29 minutes. Visit Reason.tv for HD, iPod and audio versions of this video and subscribe to Reason.tv's Youtube channel to receive automatic notification when new material goes live. From: ReasonTV Views: 13287 255 ratingsTime: 29:01 More in News & Politics See More
Source: YouTube Videos
"Preciosa The Slideshow" Produced by James Ayala
via YouTube Videos by welles2002 on 3/17/07
Destination Puerto Rico: Exploring Historic Ponce
via YouTube Videos by jetblue on 10/14/10
Fault Lines - Puerto Rico: The fiscal experiment ![]()
Fault Lines - Puerto Rico: The fiscal experiment Dozens of university students are arrested for demonstrating against a tuition hike. But Puerto Rico Gov. Luis Fortuno remains steadfast in charging students more to help close a $3.2 billion budget gap. The students' fight is representative of a larger debate in Puerto... Rico, and in the US, about how to solve a severe budget crisis -- and at what cost. Gov. Fortuno, a hawkish fiscal conservative, laid off 20000 government workers in 2009, and suspended all labor negotiations, just like governors on the US mainland are doing today. But two years later Puerto Rico's labor unions are still scrambling to reorganize a largely unemployed population -- nearly 17 percent. Puerto Rico is in its fifth year of recession, and expected to be the world's slowest growing economy if its situation doesn't improve. At question is the degree of economic and social responsibility the US has to its commonwealth state. Fault Lines travels to Puerto Rico to investigate America's legacy as the Island's ruler, and the harsh economic policies that are being imposed on the people who live there. This episode of Fault Lines, "Puerto Rico: The Fiscal Experiment" first aired June 27, 2011 on Al Jazeera English. english.aljazeera.net Follow us on Twitter: twitter.com Follow us on Facebook: facebook.com Follow us on Tumblr: ajfaultlines.tumblr.com See all episodes of Fault Lines www.youtube.com Meet the Fault Lines staff: www.youtube.com From: AlJazeeraEnglish Views: 64973 1028 ratingsTime: 23:29 More in ShowsSee More
Vaya con dios - Puerto Rico
Vaya con dios - Puerto Rico
Puerto Rico Cockfighting: Legal Cock Fights In Danger In US Territory - Huffington Post
via puerto rican community in new york - Google News on 7/22/12
In Obama Era, Have Race Relations Improved?
via Latest News by AP on 7/29/12
PHILADELPHIA -- Ask Americans how race relations have changed under their first black president and they are ready with answers.
Ashley Ray, a white woman, hears more people debating racial issues. "I know a lot of people who really thought we were OK as a nation, a culture, and now they understand that we're not," she says.
Karl Douglass, a black man, sees stereotypes easing. "White people deal with me and my family differently," he says.
Jose Lozano, who is Hispanic by way of Puerto Rico, believes prejudice is emerging from the shadows. "Now the racism is coming out," he says.
In the afterglow of Barack Obama's historic victory, most people in the United States believed that race relations would improve. Nearly four years later, has that dream come true? Americans have no shortage of thoughtful opinions, and no consensus.
As the nation moves toward the multiracial future heralded by this son of an African father and white mother, the events of Obama's first term, and what people make of them, help trace the racial arc of his presidency.
Shortly before the 2008 election, 56 percent of Americans surveyed by the Gallup organization said that race relations would improve if Obama were elected. One day after his victory, 70 percent said race relations would improve and only 10 percent predicted they would get worse.
Just weeks after taking office, Obama said, "There was justifiable pride on the part of the country that we had taken a step to move us beyond some of the searing legacies of racial discrimination."
Then he joked, "But that lasted about a day."
Or, rather, three months.
By July 2009, the black Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates was arrested for yelling at a white police officer who questioned whether Gates had broken into his own home. Asked to comment, Obama said he didn't know all the facts, but Gates was a personal friend and the officer had acted "stupidly."
The uproar was immediate. Obama acknowledged afterward, "I could've calibrated those words differently."
Ed Cattaneo, a retired computer training manager from Cape May, N.J., points to that episode as evidence of how Obama has hurt race relations.
"He's made them terrible," says Cattaneo, who is white. He also sees Obama as siding against white people through actions such as his Justice Department's decision to drop voter intimidation charges against New Black Panthers and in a program to turn out the black vote called "African-Americans for Obama."
Larry Sharkey, also white, draws different conclusions from the past four years.
"Attitudes are much better," Sharkey says as he slices raw meat in a Philadelphia butcher shop. He remembers welcoming a black family that moved next door to him 20 years ago in Claymont, Del. A white neighbor advised him not to associate with the new arrivals, warning, "Your property values are going to go down."
That kind of thing would never happen today, Sharkey says.
As Obama dealt with fallout from the Gates affair during the summer of 2009, the tea party coalesced out of opposition to Obama's stimulus and health care proposals. The vast majority of tea partyers were white. A small number of them displayed racist signs or were connected to white supremacist groups, prompting the question: Are Obama's opponents motivated by dislike of the president's policies, his race – or both?
As that debate grew, Obama retreated to the race-neutral stance that has been a hallmark of his career. An October 2009 Gallup poll showed a large drop in racial optimism since the election, with 41 percent of respondents saying that race relations had improved under Obama. Thirty-five percent said there was no change and 22 percent said race relations were worse.
The president has discussed race in occasional speeches to groups such as the National Urban League or the National Council of La Raza, and in interviews with Hispanic and African-American media outlets. But he usually walks a careful line, allowing the nation to get used to the idea of a black president without doing things to make race seem a central aspect of his governance.
"There is a totally different psychological frame of reference that this country has never had," says William Smith, executive director of the National Center for Race Amity at Wheelock College.
He cites evidence of progress from the mindset of children in his programs to new history curriculums in Deep South schools.
"To me, that's a quantum leap," Smith says.
Douglass, a real estate agent from Columbus, Ga., says white people seem less surprised to see him with his wife and daughter in places such as an art museum or a foreign language school.
"I think white people deal with me and my family differently since an African-American man is leader of the free world and a nuclear black family lives in the White House," he says.
But Steven Chen, an Asian-American graduate student in Philadelphia, points to racial rhetoric he has heard directed toward Obama, in person and online, as proof that race relations have deteriorated.
He also has observed a more visible sign of division: fewer Obama T-shirts.
"When he was elected, it was an American thing. People of all races wore them," says Chen. "Today it's a distinctly black phenomenon."
Ray, a graduate school administrator from Chicago, is uncertain whether race relations have remained the same or gotten worse.
It's good that people are talking about race more, she says, "but I know quite a few people who are sick of those discussions and blame him for all of it."
In the summer of 2010, race and politics collided again when Arizona Republicans passed an immigration law that critics said would lead to racial profiling of Hispanics.
Lozano, the police sergeant, remembers that when Obama visited Arizona and met with the governor, who supported the law, she wagged an angry finger in the president's face.
"That was ugly, I've never seen anything like that," says Lozano, who also is vice president of the Massachusetts Association of Minority Law Enforcement Officers. "There's no way that would have ever happened to a white president."
By the fall of 2010, Republicans had triumphed in the midterm elections and made history by electing Hispanic and Indian-American governors in New Mexico, South Carolina, and Nevada. Two black Republicans also went to Congress, from South Carolina and Florida.
Less than a year later, an August 2011 Gallup poll showed a further decline in racial optimism: 35 percent said race relations had improved due to Obama's election, 41 percent said no change, and 23 percent said things were worse.
Around this time, some African-American lawmakers and pundits openly complained about the president's refusal to specifically target any programs at high black unemployment. An interviewer from Black Entertainment Television asked Obama why not.
"That's not how America works," Obama replied.
Then came this February's killing of unarmed black teenager Trayvon Martin by neighborhood watchman George Zimmerman, whose father is white and mother is from Peru. Authorities initially declined to charge Zimmerman with a crime, causing a polarizing uproar.
This time, when asked about the case, Obama delivered a carefully calibrated message. He said all the facts were not known, the legal system should take its course – and that "if I had a son, he would look like Trayvon."
The comment was factual, but it still strikes Cattaneo as a coded message to black people that Obama is on their side. "A lot of people I talk to can't understand why a man who's half-white and half-black is so anti-white."
This April, in a poll by the National Journal and the University of Phoenix, 33 percent felt race relations were getting better, 23 percent said they were getting worse, and 42 percent said they were staying about the same.
So where are we now?
Four years after Obama smashed the nation's highest racial barrier, and less than four months before America will decide whether he deserves a second term, the nation is uncertain about the meaning of a black president.
Recently, Obama was asked in a Rolling Stone magazine interview if race relations were any different than when he took office.
"I never bought into the notion," Obama said, "that by electing me, somehow we were entering into a postracial period."
via Gov. Louis Fortuño - Google News on 7/27/12
via Fotos de Hoy on 7/25/12
Jangueando con @ar0n (Taken with Instagram at PetSmart)
“Spider Sense Tingling” 16 de mayo 2010
via O m a r B a n u c h i on 7/27/12
“Spider Sense Tingling”
16 de mayo 2010
Puerto Rico: El baile a través del lente de Heriberto Castro
via Global Voices en Español » Puerto Rico (E.U.A.) by Ángel Carrión on 7/29/12
El baile es una de las de las manifestaciones artísticas más antiguas. Sin embargo, es también una de las más perecederas. Un baile no existe a menos que haya alguien bailándolo; una vez acaba, no queda rastro de él. Ese aspecto del baile es lo que hace la labor de personas como Heriberto Castro tan importante en el esfuerzo por sostener el quehacer cultural y artístico de un país. Gracias a personas como él, un baile hecho en un momento y lugar determinados se logra capturar de forma tangible para la posteridad.
Heriberto Castro es un fotógrafo que le fascinan las posibilidades de movimiento que tiene el cuerpo humano. Al hablar con él, pude apreciar un entusiasmo tan efervescente por lo que hace, que me pareció estar hablando con una de esas personas afortunadas que no han perdido la capacidad de maravillarse tan propia de niños y que de alguna manera tendemos a echar a un lado muy fácilmente. Él se reunió conmigo para hablar un poco sobre su blog, En la punta del pie, dedicado al mundo de la danza.
GV: ¿Cómo surge el espacio?
Heriberto Castro (HC): Viene originalmente de mi necesidad de cubrir baile. Fascinado por la estética de los cuerpos en movimiento desplazándose en un espacio. Luego el qué hacer con las imágenes me mueve a escribir, pues el quehacer cultural está dominado por otras disciplinas. Comencé a escribir de baile en Claridad en el ‘93. Era una forma de ver mis imágenes publicadas y a la vez honrar a los artistas del movimiento y darme a conocer como fotógrafo.
GV: Acerca del nombre del blog, ¿eso es un juego de palabras? ¿Viene de la expresión “en la punta de la lengua”?
HC: Viene, precisamente, de la plena “En la punta del pie”. Es una plena de Puerto Rico, tiene que ver con baile y la idea es que estás abarcando diferentes géneros. […] Así surge el espacio e inmediatamente que empiezo a escribir, vi la acogida, por la necesidad de la documentación.
GV: Además de fotos, tu blog tiene unos artículos excelentes sobre las actividades que fotografías. ¿Has tenido alguna formación en baile?
HC: No, no tengo formación académica en baile. Sin embargo comencé a fotografiar baile a finales de los ‘70 para la época de los juegos panamericanos del ‘79, produciendo varios viajes a Rincón para capturar fotos de los ensayos de COPANI [Comité Organizador Panamericanos Instrucción Pública]. Estas imágenes provocaron la cobertura de bailes folklóricos de forma tal que la compañía Gíbaro de Puerto Rico me lleva a documentarlos en una de sus participaciones a un Festival de Bailes Folklóricos en España por espacio de un mes. Aquí no solo documenté a Puerto Rico, sino a diferentes países y regiones de España.
GV: Cuando leí el blog, me pareció genial porque habían unos artículos ahí que me hicieron pensar “Esto debería estar en un periódico”. Porque ahora mismo no hay este tipo de cobertura en los periódicos, en donde se haga un comentario más profundo sobre las actividades culturales.
HC: Antes lo había; lamentablemente, se ha ido perdiendo.
GV: ¿Qué quisieras lograr con el blog?
HC: Mi intención con el blog, cuando lo hice, […] era simplemente documentar y de alguna manera aglutinar la comunidad de baile. En estos momentos deseo se convierta en una revista que contenga la historia y el acontecer del baile en Puerto Rico, incluyendo los intercambios culturales con otros países y sentir haber contribuido con el quehacer cultural de mi patria. De alguna forma he tenido feedback de muchos bailarines que agradecen la cobertura que he logrado, porque ellos a veces no tienen tiempo de ver algunas funciones por ensayos y esto me satisface.
GV: ¿Cómo te gustaría que se desarrollara el blog en el futuro?
HC: A mí me gustaría en el futuro poder cubrir funciones de danza, movimiento en todas las comunidades donde hayan puertorriqueños, en Nueva York, California… Eso me encantaría, poder hacer eso, expandirme a esa zona y con la cobertura servir de puente a la comunidad de baile en Puerto Rico […] Es increíble, porque, igual que en teatro: hay gente de teatro en Nueva York y se conocen, pero ¿qué está haciendo cada cual? Porque estamos aparte, nadie sabe; y lo mismo en baile.
GV: ¿Utilizas alguna otra plataforma en Internet para dar a conocer el blog?
HC: Lo estoy haciendo a través de Facebook, cuando me encuentro con gente de baile fuera de Puerto Rico, que son hispanos, o que veo que son puertorriqueños, les envío el blog. De esta forma mucha gente de allá lo han estado siguiendo. Pero muchos de ellos no sé si son puertorriqueños o no; algunos sí sé que lo son. […] Ya hice la página en YouTube para vídeos y en estos días tengo que hacer la de Facebook. Y qué interesante, ¿verdad? que ahora hay esos medios, que podemos hacer esto. […] Lo más interesante para mí ha sido también conectarme con compañías de baile, que tú dices “Esa gente no me van a responder a mí” […] y te responden, y se hacen miembros del blog y tú dices “¡Ea, diache! ¡Qué chévere!” Porque, volvemos, el Internet se está convirtiendo realmente en un medio importante para todo el mundo que tiene un espacio, y eso ha sido chévere porque de la manera más sencilla nos comunicamos con gente de forma insospechada. Qué yo iba a pensar que me iba a comunicar con la primera bailarina de tal compañía; no hay manera de llegar a ella. Sin embargo a través de Facebook, tú te comunicas, le mandas el site, ella te responde agradecida. […] Y cuando vienes a ver, se abre una puerta.
GV: ¿Qué influencia ha tenido la Internet en el mundo del fotoperiodismo?
HC: Facilita la propagación del trabajo que uno hace y no está sujeto a la representación por un medio en particular. Su resultado lo ves cuando tú llamas, y saben quién eres y lo que estas haciendo. Tu trabajo te sostiene. Personalmente, estoy comprometido con mis lectores y seguidores presentando un trabajo con honestidad basado en mis vivencias y documentar la labor de los artistas sin pretensiones. Esto me obliga a continuar educándome.
GV: ¿Por qué fotografiar el mundo del baile en Puerto Rico? ¿Qué fue lo que te atrajo de ese mundo?
HC: Es que realmente el fotógrafo es visual; y como todas las artes visuales ocurre un proceso, igual que el artista plástico, el escultor, el bailarín… existe un sentimiento que te hace trazar una línea, esculpir con cierta fuerza, exigir un desplazamiento de tu cuerpo en un espacio y mi proceso de determinar en qué momento capto una imagen, qué luz enciende mi estética, y es aquí dónde me conecto con el baile. Por eso a pesar de formas distintas, hay una conexión. Uno visualmente responde a unas líneas, a unos diseños. […] El interés siempre en fotografía, de cierta manera, el mayor interés es la parte humana, lo que me dice tal o cual cosa del otro, y tú lo quieres tener ahí en una foto. Qué pasa: en baile hay líneas, hay diseño, hay… una energía, un qué se yo, cuando alguien viene y hace una extensión con el pie y la falda hace ¡shhhhm! y crea un visual, dices “¡Wow!”, es una cosa como “¡Wow!” Y qué pasa: el visual, a nivel de ojo, que tú lo estás mirando, pasa bien rápido, pero si tú lo detienes y tú ves exactamente ahí, ¡pap! la forma y la línea. Y tan pronto tú lo tienes ahí paralizado, y lo ves en una imagen, ¡pap! te comunica algo. […] Algunas coreografías corresponden a lo que está pasando en la actualidad.
Escrito por Ángel Carrión · Comentarios (0)
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Juan de los muertos 92 min | Comedia, Horror Director: Alejandro Brugués Alexis Díaz de Villegas, Jorge Molina y Andrea Duro • Véanla • Si quieren una visión de Cuba desprovista de romanticismo decimonónico; si disfrutan de la híper-violencia y la chabacanería. • Evítela • Si no tienen espacio para una película más de zombis; si, como un baby boomer cascarrabias, consideran que la chabacanería y la híper-violencia en una película de zombis está demás. Exhibiéndose desde el 26 de julio en las salas de Fine Arts de Puerto Rico.
via Puerto Rico Indie by oniricvonnegut on 7/26/12
¿Qué puede ser refrescante y original sobre los zombis? Con esta pregunta entré a ver Juan de los muertos: Matamos a sus seres queridos (Brugués, 2011). Los zombis salieron de África occidental, llegaron al Caribe, a las mentes de Raimi, Romero, diseñadores de video juegos; en fin, todos los medios han tocado el tema. Sin embargo, salí de Juan de los muertos — título que recuerda mucho al wordplay usado en Shawn Of The Dead —bastante satisfecho. ¿Cuáles eran mis expectativas? Todavía no estoy seguro, pero puedo decir que me reí bastante; también miré la historia reciente de Cuba desde un ángulo diferente. La Habana actual, la de Juan, se encuentra en una etapa sin precedentes: atraviesa una transición que ha permitido DVD’s, celulares y aumentos en remesas desde Miami; Raúl Castro, hermano de Fidel, es el encargado de velar por la ya anémica revolución; los ojos del mundo están puestos en Chávez y Fidel – ambos, como zombis, parecen estar
via Global Voices en Español » Inglés by Gabriela Garcia Calderon Orbe on 7/27/12
El 4 de julio de 2012, un grupo de organizaciones de derechos digitales, entre otras, revelaron un conjunto de derechos y principios para Internet llamado la Declaración de Libertad de Internet. Entre sus suscriptores iniciales estaban organizaciones como Free Press, Access, el Centro para la Democracia y la Tecnología y la Fundación Electronic Frontier, así como Global Voices Advocacy.
También estaban incluidos en la lista inicial de suscriptores individuales varios autores de Global Voices, así como la cofundadora Rebecca MacKinnon. Aunque el plan es para que los participantes contribuyan, mezclen y exhorten a la evolución del documento, la declaración simple fue publicada en este sentido:
Logo de la Declaración de Libertad en Internet. Imagen del sitio web de Free Press, usada con autorización.
via Latest News by Cristina Costantini on 7/28/12
Amy Winehouse dressed as Frida Kahlo?
Argentinean artist Carolina Gallo created this striking image of the late English singer and song writer dressed as Mexican painter Frida Kahlo, with an emblematic unibrow and slight facial hair. The image closely resembles Kahlo's "Self-portrait with Thorn Necklace and Hummingbird." We're not sure exactly what the painting means, but some say the comparison between the two artists is obvious. Michael Lopez of MTV Tr3s writes, "They were both immensely talented, fiercely original and gone from this world way too soon." What do you think of the image? Pointless or poignant? Let us know in the comment section below. PHOTO: Diagnóstico: Pussy Whipped Syndrome
via Mala Vida, Buena Música by NaturalBornCritic on 7/27/12
El amor es extraño y descontrolado. Más aún cuando estás en la etapa inicial de toda relación, la infatuación. Todo es bello y tu nuevo amor es la persona más gloriosa que jamás haya habitado la tierra. Pero además de cariños, chocolates y peluches tecatos que compras en Walgreen's, en esta etapa se definen muchas cosas que posteriormente influyen profundamente en la relación. Es durante esta fase que se establece el balance de poderes entre ambos. Ahora es tu amante corazón, pero eventualmente uno de los dos tendrá un poder inmesurable sobre el otro. Algunos lo llaman chantaje emocional, otros lo llaman manipuleo, pero Jimmy-Bobby y yo lo llamamos "pussy whipped". Para fines de comunicar adecuadamente aquello a lo cual nos referimos, tratamos de encontrar una traducción al español de esa frase. No la encontramos, pero fuck it, ustedes saben de lo que hablamos.
How will statehood benefit the island's economic oligarchy?
via (title unknown) on 7/28/12
8 Comments, last updated on Saturday Jul 28 by USMail XXXII
via puerto rico - Google Blog Search by Miranda Leitsinger on 3/15/12
Republican presidential hopeful Rick Santorum appeared Thursday to try to undo some of the damage done by his comments that English should be Puerto Rico's official language if the predominantly Spanish-speaking ...
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via puerto rico politics - Google News on 7/25/12
via puerto rico politics - Google News on 7/25/12
via puerto rico politics - Google News on 7/26/12
via puerto rico politics - Google News on 7/26/12
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via Caribnews's Facebook Wall by Caribnews on 7/28/12
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via Gov. Louis Fortuño - Google Blog Search by Mike Nova on 7/28/12
via PUERTO RICO NEWS by Mike Nova on 7/28/12. PUERTO RICO NEWS: Gov. Louis Fortuño - Google News - Review: 6/26/12...: Gov. Louis Fortuño - Google News - Review: 6/26/12 - 7/17/12 Mike Nova's starred items ...
via Puerto Rico Videos & Songs's Facebook Wall by Puerto Rico Videos & Songs on 7/28/12
Jennifer Lopez Goin in Feat. Florida (New Song 2012) (HD)
Jennifer Lopez Goin in Feat. Florida (New Song 2012) (HD) Jennifer Lopez Goin in Feat. Florida (New Song 2012) (HD) Watch the Video of Goin in Here:www.youtube.com Lyrics: Tonight feels like we can do anything we like, oh Tonight feels like the best night of my life I'm goin' in, i'm goin' in, i'm goin' in I'm goin' in, i'm goin' in, in in in in (put your, put your hands up) [Beat break] It's 'go' time, press my button yeah blow the stage, grenade Oh my, tonight we gon' ring the tank, bananas No hold, there ain't no stopping us tonight I'm on my crazy, she on a crazy, we on this crazy We are amazing Tonight feels like we can do anything we like, oh Tonight feels like the best night of my life I'm goin' in, i'm goin' in, i'm goin' in I'm goin' in, i'm goin' in, in in in in (put your, put your hands up) [Beat break] Take it to the head Take it off the edge Nothing but the best Feeling like a million, million people everywhere Put it in the air We don't give a damn Feeling like a billion, billion No hold, there ain't no stopping us tonight I'm on my crazy, she on a crazy, we on this crazy We are amazing Tonight feels like we can do anything we like, oh Tonight feels like the best night of my life I'm goin' in, i'm goin' in, i'm goin' in I'm goin' in, i'm goin' in, in in in in [Flo Rida - Rap Verse] Hey you hands on the ceiling Nobody move, nobody get shot Lip pounds on me I love it how a mami went around on me So I never get enough of yelling, ven aqui Officer on duty, j.lo what they call her Take me to jail, cause I wanna be your robber Put me in a cell if you really need to holler Put ...From: manoskaiba007 Views: 239111 734 ratingsTime: 04:15 More in Music
via puerto rico - Google News on 7/28/12
via puerto rico - Google Blog Search by Alicia Graef on 7/28/12
Most people find cockfighting, or any blood-sport involving animals simply abhorrent, but a recent article by the AP highlights the fact that cockfighting is still alive in Puerto Rico and the territory is fighting to keep it going.
via puerto rican community in usa - Google News on 7/26/12
via puerto rican community in usa - Google News on 7/28/12
via Puerto Rico Videos & Songs's Facebook Wall by Puerto Rico Videos & Songs on 7/28/12
Ricky Martin - Livin' La Vida Loca
Ricky Martin - Livin' La Vida Loca Ricky Martin - Livin' La Vida Loca Music video by Ricky Martin performing Livin' La Vida Loca. © 1999 SONY BMG MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT (Holland) BV From: RickyMartinVEVO Views: 18988569 40261 ratingsTime: 03:43 More in Music
Lexington Herald Leader |
Puerto Rico Cockfighting: Legal Cock Fights In Danger In US Territory
Huffington Post The Internet Newspaper: News, Blogs, Video, Community. Edition: U.S.. CA Canada .... Terry Mills, who investigates blood sports for the New York-based American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, said the group opposes all cockfights ... Puerto Rico Battles to Keep Cockfighting ProfitableFox News Puerto Rico moves to save legal cockfightsSan Jose Mercury News all 107 news articles » |
via The Guardian's Facebook Wall by The Guardian on 7/29/12
The Russian feminist punk collective Pussy Riot hit the headlines when three members were arrested after an anti-Putin protest. Now they face up to seven years in jail, a prospect that has shocked and radicalised many Russians. On the eve of their trial, some of the women speak exclusively to the Observer New Review
Photograph: Denis Sinyakov/Reuters

Photograph: Denis Sinyakov/Reuters

Mike Nova's starred items
via Puerto Rico Videos & Songs's Facebook Wall by Puerto Rico Videos & Songs on 7/29/12
Ricky Martin - La Bomba
Ricky Martin - La Bomba
Ricky Martin - La Bomba Music video by Ricky Martin performing La Bomba. (C) 2008 SONY BMG MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT From: RickyMartinVEVO Views: 4576097 7328 ratingsTime: 03:46 More in Music
Ricky Martin - La Bomba
Ricky Martin - La Bomba Music video by Ricky Martin performing La Bomba. (C) 2008 SONY BMG MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT From: RickyMartinVEVO Views: 4576097 7328 ratingsTime: 03:46 More in Music
via Puerto Rico Newswire on 7/29/12
Foreign Policy 07/27/2012 By Ryan Evans [Printer Friendly Version] There is talk of civil war in the mountains of Khost, the fields of the Helmand River Valley, and on the streets of Kabul.
July 28, 2012
M 3.1, Puerto Rico region
A Socialite's Life
July 27, 2012Ben Affleck And Justin Timberlake Look Like They Get Along Just Fine
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via puerto rican community in usa - Google News on 7/28/12
Olympics: Puerto Rican Hurdler Focused on Running His Race
Fox News London – Puerto Rican hurdler Javier Culson, last year's world No. 2 and unbeaten this year in the ... Latinos Representing USA in the 2012 Olympics. Best Sports Pix of the Week ... Anaheim Shootings Shed Light on Divide Between Officials and Community ... |
via Puerto Rico Videos & Songs's Facebook Wall by Puerto Rico Videos & Songs on 7/29/12
Ricky Martin - María
Ricky Martin - María
Ricky Martin - María Music video by Ricky Martin performing María. (C) 2008 SONY BMG MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT From: RickyMartinVEVO Views: 10090906 20678 ratingsTime: 04:08 More in Music
Ricky Martin - María
Ricky Martin - María Music video by Ricky Martin performing María. (C) 2008 SONY BMG MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT From: RickyMartinVEVO Views: 10090906 20678 ratingsTime: 04:08 More in Music
via puerto rican community in usa - Google Blog Search by Razib Khan on 7/25/12
Hindus earn like Episcopalians, vote like Puerto Ricans. A few years ago I pointed out that as among American whites religious affiliation was often the best predictor of voting patterns among Asian Americans. The Republican ...
via puerto rican community in usa - Google Blog Search by admin on 7/28/12
John Orozco is a Bronx, N.Y., native who sees success in London as a way to better the life of his family and to serve as a role model for the Latino community. His quest for gold comes with a lot of pressure to perform when it counts. ... Get 'em, John! We'll be watching, supporting & praying for you & Team USA. REPRESENT! God bless… 123paramorefan says: ... Im 100% Puerto … Im 100% Puerto Rican and Im dark as hell. Youre seriously ignorant! TheTwinmomplus1 says: ...
via puerto rican community in usa - Google Blog Search by hngwiusa on 7/29/12
Hispanic News Network USA Blog · Home · About ... According to his Facebook biography, in 1994, Alvarado Lopez started dancing ballet, jazz, modern/lyrical, hip-hop, Afro-cuban and Puerto Rican folklore. From 1996 until ...
via puerto rico news - Google Blog Search by TheSpook on 7/17/12
Chicken Bones · Field Negro · The Electronic Village · Freedom Rider · African American Pundit · Jack and Jill Politics · Indy Bay Police State & Prison News ... From [HERE] Authorities in Puerto Rico are investigating a policeman accused of firing at an 85-year-old handicapped woman who failed to stop after she backed into a car while leaving the grocery store. The officer, who was on his bicycle, shot at the woman's car nine times and hit it five times, Victor Carbonell, ...
Mike Nova's starred items
via Puerto Rico Videos & Songs's Facebook Wall by Puerto Rico Videos & Songs on 7/28/12
Ricky Martin - Frio ft. Wisin & Yandel
Ricky Martin - Frio ft. Wisin & Yandel
Ricky Martin - Frio ft. Wisin & Yandel Music video by Ricky Martin Feat. Wisín & Yandel performing Frío. (C) 2011 Sony Music Entertainment US Latin LLC From: RickyMartinVEVO Views: 21254209 64826 ratingsTime: 03:44 More in Music
Ricky Martin - Frio ft. Wisin & Yandel
Ricky Martin - Frio ft. Wisin & Yandel Music video by Ricky Martin Feat. Wisín & Yandel performing Frío. (C) 2011 Sony Music Entertainment US Latin LLC From: RickyMartinVEVO Views: 21254209 64826 ratingsTime: 03:44 More in Music
via Puerto Rico Videos & Songs's Facebook Wall by Puerto Rico Videos & Songs on 7/28/12
Ricky Martin - La Bomba
Ricky Martin - La Bomba
Ricky Martin - La Bomba Music video by Ricky Martin performing La Bomba. (C) 2008 SONY BMG MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT From: RickyMartinVEVO Views: 4572058 7316 ratingsTime: 03:46 More in Music
Ricky Martin - La Bomba
Ricky Martin - La Bomba Music video by Ricky Martin performing La Bomba. (C) 2008 SONY BMG MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT From: RickyMartinVEVO Views: 4572058 7316 ratingsTime: 03:46 More in Music
via Puerto Rico Videos & Songs's Facebook Wall by Puerto Rico Videos & Songs on 7/28/12
Ricky Martin - María
Ricky Martin - María
Ricky Martin - María Music video by Ricky Martin performing María. (C) 2008 SONY BMG MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT From: RickyMartinVEVO Views: 10077844 20647 ratingsTime: 04:08 More in Music
Ricky Martin - María
Ricky Martin - María Music video by Ricky Martin performing María. (C) 2008 SONY BMG MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT From: RickyMartinVEVO Views: 10077844 20647 ratingsTime: 04:08 More in Music
via Puerto Rico Videos & Songs's Facebook Wall by Puerto Rico Videos & Songs on 7/28/12
Ricky Martin - Lo Mejor De Mi Vida Eres Tú
Ricky Martin - Lo Mejor De Mi Vida Eres Tú
Ricky Martin - Lo Mejor De Mi Vida Eres Tú Music video by Ricky Martin Feat. Natalia Jiménez performing Lo Mejor De Mi Vida Eres Tú. (C) 2010 Sony Music Entertainment US Latin LLC From: RickyMartinVEVO Views: 20748041 47552 ratingsTime: 04:03 More in Music
Ricky Martin - Lo Mejor De Mi Vida Eres Tú
Ricky Martin - Lo Mejor De Mi Vida Eres Tú Music video by Ricky Martin Feat. Natalia Jiménez performing Lo Mejor De Mi Vida Eres Tú. (C) 2010 Sony Music Entertainment US Latin LLC From: RickyMartinVEVO Views: 20748041 47552 ratingsTime: 04:03 More in Music
via Puerto Rico Videos & Songs's Facebook Wall by Puerto Rico Videos & Songs on 7/28/12
Ricky Martin - Livin' La Vida Loca
Ricky Martin - Livin' La Vida Loca
Ricky Martin - Livin' La Vida Loca Music video by Ricky Martin performing Livin' La Vida Loca. © 1999 SONY BMG MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT (Holland) BV From: RickyMartinVEVO Views: 18972318 40219 ratingsTime: 03:43 More in Music
Ricky Martin - Livin' La Vida Loca
Ricky Martin - Livin' La Vida Loca Music video by Ricky Martin performing Livin' La Vida Loca. © 1999 SONY BMG MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT (Holland) BV From: RickyMartinVEVO Views: 18972318 40219 ratingsTime: 03:43 More in Music
via The Guardian's Facebook Wall by The Guardian on 7/28/12
Our Soulmates site has a special discount at the moment that's worth a mention - 20% on standard three-month and six-month subscriptions until 31 July

You have a special offer - Guardian Soulmates
Offer available until 31 July 2012. 18 years and over only. Discount applies to initial payment on three or six month subscription packages, subscription renewal will be charged at the standard rate. Full t&cs at the link.
You have a special offer - Guardian Soulmates
Offer available until 31 July 2012. 18 years and over only. Discount applies to initial payment on three or six month subscription packages, subscription renewal will be charged at the standard rate. Full t&cs at the link.
via PUERTO RICO NEWS by Mike Nova on 7/28/12
REVIEW - 7/28/12
Mike Nova's starred items
via PUERTO RICO NEWS by Mike Nova on 7/28/12
PUERTO RICO NEWS: Business News Review: 7/21 - 28/2012: Business News Review: 7/21 - 28/2012 Mike Nova's starred items - 7:02 AM 7/28/201 PR jobless rate falls to 13.8% in June ...
via PUERTO RICO NEWS by Mike Nova on 7/28/12
PUERTO RICO NEWS: Global Voices » Puerto Rico (U.S.) - Review: 6/24 ...: Global Voices » Puerto Rico (U.S.) - Review: 6/24 - 7/25 - 2012 Mike Nova's starred items Puerto Rico: It's a Bird…...
via PUERTO RICO NEWS by Mike Nova on 7/28/12
PUERTO RICO NEWS: Opinión - El Nuevo Día - Review: 7/19 - 27/12: Opinión - El Nuevo Día - Review: 7/19 - 27/12 Mike Nova's starred items DESCONTROL Y ABUSO DE FUERZA via Opinión -...
via PUERTO RICO NEWS by Mike Nova on 7/28/12
PUERTO RICO NEWS: Gov. Louis Fortuño - Google News - Review: 6/26/12...: Gov. Louis Fortuño - Google News - Review: 6/26/12 - 7/17/12 Mike Nova's starred items childproof evey: Puerto Rico w...
via PUERTO RICO NEWS by Mike Nova on 7/28/12
PUERTO RICO NEWS: Puerto Rico News - Archive Links's Facebook Wall -...: Puerto Rico News - Archive Links's Facebook Wall - 7/27/12 - Review Mike Nova's starred items Guaynabo, Puerto Ri...
via PUERTO RICO NEWS by Mike Nova on 7/28/12
PUERTO RICO NEWS: Puerto Rico - Google News - Review: 7/24/12 - 7/26...: puerto rico - Google News - Review: 7/24/12 - 7/26/12 Mike Nova's starred items Battling for Future Space Shutt...
via PUERTO RICO NEWS by Mike Nova on 7/28/12
PUERTO RICO NEWS: PUERTO RICO NEWS: Puerto Rico Daily Sun - Review: ...: PUERTO RICO NEWS: Puerto Rico Daily Sun - Review: 7/14/12 - 7/27/12 : Puerto Rico Daily Sun - Review: 7/14/12 - 7/27/12 Mike ...
via PUERTO RICO NEWS by Mike Nova on 7/28/12
PUERTO RICO NEWS: Puerto Rico Statesman and Puerto Rico Report Revie...: Puerto Rico Statesman and Puerto Rico Report Review: 7/17/12 - 7/28/12 Mike Nova's starred items Manifesto for...
via PUERTO RICO NEWS by Mike Nova on 7/28/12
PUERTO RICO NEWS: YouTube Videos: puerto rico news - Review: 3/20/12...: YouTube Videos: puerto rico news - Review: 3/20/12 - 7/27/12 Mike Nova's starred items TV Martí Noticias — Romne...
See more of Mike Nova's starred items ...
via PUERTO RICO NEWS by Mike Nova on 7/28/12
PUERTO RICO NEWS: REVIEW - 7/28/12: NEWS REVIEW - 7/28/12 Mike Nova's starred items PUERTO RICO NEWS: Business News Review: 7/21 - 28/2012 via PUERTO R...
via Caribbean Business on 7/28/12
Study questions CT scans to rule out heart attacksIf you're having chest pains, an advanced type of CT scan can quickly rule o ... |
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