The Big San Juan Show: Puerto Rico demonstrations of July 2019 and their Counterintelligence aspects - 8:36 AM 7/26/2019
The Big San Juan Show
In my humble opinion, these "investigative leaks" and the demonstrations were absolutely obviously: staged,pre-orchestrated and pre-planned
carefully and artfully filmed and photographed with the distinctive style
reported in the arranged and well organised fashion.
Does it give you a taste of things to come?
Michael Novakhov
8:36 AM 7/26/2019
Puerto Rico demonstrations of July 2019 - Google Search

M.N.: Comments: Quite well fed demonstrators. They are "hungry for the truth and the politically correct (Pro-Trumpian?) vocabulary". Does it sound credible enough to you?
Rossello and regime change in Venezuela
Oct 9, 2018 - Aggression- Puerto Rico governor Ricardo Rossello is hosting Venezuelancounterrevolutionaries for a regime change summit ...
It would be an error of omission, I think, not to consider the counterintelligence aspect of this affair, and namely the issues around the "regime change" whatever it is, in Venezuela: