Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Setting the record straight: A response to Puerto Rico's governor | Panama President Levels Accusations Against Journalist on Twitter by Nina Shield | SUPREME COURT NOTEBOOK: Sotomayor at Yale - | Opinion: For Puerto Rico to ever progress, the politics of status must disappear - NBC Latino | US envoy in Cuba engages critics on and offline | Guatemalan Ex-Dictator Rios Montt Guilty Verdict Overturned by Constitutional Court

May 21, 2013

Setting the record straight: A response to Puerto Rico's governor

Setting the record straight: A response to Puerto Rico's governor - The Hill (blog)

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Setting the record straight: A response to Puerto Rico's governor
The Hill (blog)
Puerto Rico's governor recently wrote about the results of the U.S. territory's November status referendum (“Moving forward together,” May 20), painting a picture that bears little resemblance to what actually transpired. The governor supports Puerto ...

Primera Dama oficializa sus Proyectos de Vida para las comunidades 

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San Juan -  21 de mayo de 2013 – La primera dama, Wilma Pastrana, presentó al país una serie de iniciativas bajo el nombre Proyectos de Vida; con el propósito de impactar de forma positiva la salud, bienestar y desarrollo de la niñez, la juventud y las personas con necesidades especiales. Las propuestas fueron agrupadas en tres programas de alcance comunitario conocidas como Espacios de Vida,  Activa tu Vida y Siembra Vida.
Acompañada por un nutrido grupo de niños en el Pabellón de la Paz, Pastrana esbozó el plan que se sustenta de un abarcador esfuerzo interagencial para redirigir de forma efectiva los servicios en cada disciplina para el resto de la ciudadanía.
“Los Proyectos de Vida son los proyectos de todo un País. Es la forma en que unimos todos los esfuerzos y los ponemos al servicio de nuestra gente: en nuestras comunidades, en nuestras escuelas e incluso en nuestros centros de trabajo. Queremos llevar mejor calidad de vida en todas las facetas de cada individuo y brindarle particular atención a las personas con necesidades especiales”, indicó Pastrana al mencionar el proyecto Espacios de Vida, a través del cual se habilitarán varios centros de cuido diurno para jóvenes con necesidades especiales.
Entretanto, la primera dama explicó que para darle continuidad al mensaje de prevención de obesidad entre la ciudadanía, el proyecto Activa tu Vida agrupará los componentes de actividad física y sana alimentación. Para ello, se propone iniciar una gira informativa a través de las escuelas que incluye un programa de ejercicios, charlas y demostraciones sobre la importancia de establecer mejores patrones de nutrición. Las visitas a los planteles iniciarán en agosto.
Asimismo, Pastrana mencionó su intención de replicar el huerto de La Fortaleza por medio del proyecto Siembra Vida. La iniciativa busca impactar a la población general al establecer varios huertos escolares en los planteles que aún no cuentan con su propio sembrado de alimentos. De igual forma se pretende fomentar los huertos comunitarios junto al Departamento de la Vivienda.
 “El ejemplo tiene que comenzar por la casa, y lo puedo decir firmemente porque ustedes ya conocen el buen fruto que ha dado nuestra siembra en La Fortaleza, y aquí están los niños de La Perla como testigo”, sostuvo Pastrana al agradecer al grupo de la comunidad sanjuanera que le acompañó en la actividad.
El evento contó con la participación del artista puertorriqueño Sie7e, quien ofreció un mensaje de motivación a las familias para unir esfuerzos y fomentar entre las comunidades un mejor estilo de vida. Sie7e también compartió con los asistentes en el lugar y ofreció su canción “Mucha cosa buena” para ayudar a extender el mensaje de la Primera Dama.
Los Proyectos de Vida son respaldados de igual forma por las siguientes dependencias gubernamentales: Departamento de Educación, Departamento de la Familia, Departamento de Salud, Departamento de Agricultura y el Departamento de Recreación y Deportes. De la misma forma, el Departamento de la Vivienda, la Autoridad de Desperdicios Sólidos, y la Administración de Rehabilitación Vocacional se unieron a la convocatoria de la Primera Dama.
Para información adicional visite Participe, además, de la discusión en Twitter (@WilmaPastrana) y
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Arrest in Puerto Rico for Twitter threat toward gay activist - Watermark Online

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Gay Star News

Arrest in Puerto Rico for Twitter threat toward gay activist
Watermark Online
We have just upgraded to a new site! This means that you may encounter broken links and other such problems. Please report any problems to and we will fix them as soon as possible. A man has been arrested in Puerto ...
Man arrested for anti-gay Twitter threat in Puerto RicoJamaica Observer
Man arrested for threatening to bomb Puerto Rico gay prideGay Star News
Man Arrested After Threat To Turn Puerto Rico Gay Celebration Into Another ...Queerty
Examiner.comRaw Story 
all 8 news articles »

Internet cable from Cuba to Jamaica comes online. Read: 

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Internet cable from Cuba to Jamaica comes online. Read:

Bryan Roberts, Fort Jackson Commander, Suspended On Adultery, Altercation ... - Huffington Post

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Bryan Roberts, Fort Jackson Commander, Suspended On Adultery, Altercation ...
Huffington Post
Gladys E. Sepulveda, left, of Ponce, Puerto Rico, and 2nd Lt. Lois Ferrari, of Pittsburgh, Pa., rest on sandbags at Cam Ranh Bay in South Vietnam, during the Vietnam War. They two were waiting transportation to Nha Trang, to work in the 8th field hospital.

and more »

Laughing at Russia's Eurovision Shooting Spirit

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In 1945, following a visit by the USSR's Dynamo soccer team, George Orwell wrote that sports are “war minus the shooting.” He also said that “serious” sports have “nothing to do with fair play.” Earlier today, May 21, 2013, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov seemed to echo this spirit, when he commented on his country's fifth place finish in this year's Eurovision Song Contest.
At a joint press conference[ru] with his counterpart from Azerbaijan, Lavrov denounced supposed voting irregularities surrounding Russia's representative, Dina Garipova, whom he believes should have earned another ten points from Azerbaijan's voters. Claiming that the points were “stolen,” Russia's chief diplomat called the anomaly “an outrageous act” and promised Russian retaliation.There is a precedent for such Eurovision reprisals: in 2009, Azerbaijani national security officialsresponded[ru] to its own lackluster performance by calling in for questioning several citizens who voted “unpatriotically” in the contest. Such uproar has even prompted a statement from this year's Eurovision organizers, who warned that “any form of political pressure on professional juries” would have consequences.

Dina Garipova performs her song, “What If,” in Eurovision's final round, 18 May 2013.
While Eurovision 2013 is over and Russia's contestant has been defeated, Russian Twitter users continue to find entertainment in Lavrov's bellicose comments. Many juxtaposed the federal government's sensitivity about Eurovision voting to its largely indifferent attitude about election violations in Russia's own, real elections.
Mocking Russia's recently-instituted webcam-monitoring project for polling stations, Oleg Kozyrevtweeted:
В следующем году с целью обеспечения прозрачности голосования на Евровидении Владимир Путин установит в домах всех европейцев веб-камеры
Next year, in order to ensure Eurovision's voting transparency, Putin will place webcams in the homes of every European.
Noting Belorussian President Alexander Lukashenko's similar complaints about Eurovision, activist Ilya Yashin wrote:
ЕС заявлял о фальсификациях на выборах в России и Беларуси. Лавров и Лукашенко заявили о фальсификации на Евровидении. Шах и мат, европейцы.
The European Union declared voting falsifications in Russia and Belarus. Lavrov and Lukashenko declared falsifications in Eurovision. Checkmate, Europeans.
Twitter user VRebyata wrote sarcastically:
В ходе Евровидения оказалось, что Российские власти могут проявлять чрезвычайную принципиальность в подведении итогов голосования
In this year's Eurovision, it turned out that the Russian authorities can indeed display special commitment to vote tabulation.
Oppositionist and anti-corruption blogger Alexey Navalny spun Lavrov's comments into an attack on Russia's leading political party, tweeting facetiously:
Глава МИД Лавров заявил, что в ответ на неправильный подсчет голосов на ‘Евровидении', ‘ЕдРо’ получит дополнительные 15% голосов на выборах
Foreign Affairs Head Lavrov has announced that, in response to the incorrect counting of votes for Eurovision, United Russia will receive an extra 15% of the votes in [future] elections.
Billionaire and Novaya Gazeta newspaper co-owner Alexander Lebedev teased Lavrov with feigned congratulations:
Молодец Лавров по случаю Евровидения!Это и есть внешняя политика
Well done, Lavrov, on [dealing with] Eurovision! Now that's what I call foreign policy
Twitter user Stanislav Burdelyov joked that Vladimir Putin's longtime domination of Russian elections affected voters’ behavior, writing:
Дина Гарипова не выиграла Евровидение потому, что россияне по привычке проголосовали за Путина.
Dina Garipova didn't win Eurovision because Russians [everywhere] are used to voting [only] for Putin.
Ridiculing Prime Minister Dmitri Medvedev's dwindling political clout, Andrey Girich tweeted:
Надо было Медведева на Евровидение отправить
They should have sent Medvedev to Eurovision [instead of Garipova]
Sasha Grey in Vladivostok, Russia, 15 May 2013, screen capture from YouTube.
Sasha Grey in Vladivostok, Russia, 15 May 2013, screen capture from YouTube.
Twitter user Bernard Galt tied Lavrov's hostile remarks to Russia's two other ongoing entertainment-news imbroglios: a nationwide road-tripby former porn star Sasha Grey, and Gérard Depardieu's latest police-motorcaded visit[ru] to Chechnya. Galt wrote:
Депардье ездит с мигалкой. Саша Грей читает лекции в Екатеринбурге. Лавров возмущается, что на Евровидении украли голоса. Упоротая Россия
Depardieu drives around with a siren. Sasha Grey is giving lectures in Ekaterinburg. Lavrov is is outraged that they stole our votes on Eurovision. This country is stoned.
With over 300 retweets, the best-loved Eurovision-related quip belongs to a Twitter account called Fake_MIDRF (The Fake Foreign Affairs Ministry of the Russian Federation). That anonymous satirist mocked the country's past attempts to retaliate against perceived slights by foreigners, alluding to Russia's ban on U.S. adoptions (known as the “Dima Yakovlev law” inside Russia):
В ответ на кражу голосов на “Евровидении” у России будет принят закон Дины Гариповой о запрете концертов иностранных граждан в РФ.
In response to the theft of our votes at Eurovision, Russia will enact the Dina Garipova law, banning music concerts by foreign citizens in the Russian Federation.
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Panama President Levels Accusations Against Journalist on Twitter 

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Every so often, President Ricardo Martinelli (@rmartinelli) [es] riles up the Panamanian online community by tweeting controversial and confrontational statements, and even insults.
The most recent example is a tweet directed at journalist Santiago Cumbrera of La Prensa, a newspaper with which the president has clashed in the past:
@rmartinelli: Para el que no conoce el odio de Santiago cumbrera a mi es pq se le despide de Epasa por. coimero y acosador sexual de mujeres. [Nota: en Panamá se le dice "coima" a las mordidas o sobornos]
@rmartinelli: For anyone who doesn't know why Santiago Cumbrera hates me it's because he was fired from Epasa for being crooked and sexually harassing women.
Throughout his term, which is in its final year, the president has had constant altercations with the media, which he insults, accuses of antagonism, and then apologizes to, promising to change.
The accusation against Cumbrera has a history. EPASA [es] is a daily publisher of three widely distributed newspapers: La Crítica, El Panamá América and El Día a Día. El Panamá América used to maintain a line for investigation and complaints against the government, but the publishing group was bought a few months ago by an organization affiliated with government interests.
The sale precipitated a change in editorial policy across the various papers, and although it is not official policy, it is common knowledge that El Panamá América is the government's mouthpiece.
Given this change, several journalists left EPASA, some voluntarily, like Santiago Cumbrera; others were fired for not following the newspaper's new approach.
Santiago Cumbrera published a letter in La Prensa [es] sharing his reasons for resigning. In the letter, he makes it quite clear that his convictions weren't up for negotiation:
Presidente Ricardo Martinelli, foto de Luis Carlos Díaz en Flickr  (CC BY-NC 2.0)
President Ricardo Martinelli, photo by Luis Carlos Díaz on Flickr (CC BY-NC 2.0)
En esa coyuntura, y otras que me reservo, prefiero renunciar antes de aplaudir las cosas que ayer criticaba. De lo que sí pueden estar seguros los lectores es que no claudicaré a mis convicciones y principios. Tampoco me prestaré para publicar informaciones que ya vienen procesadas por alguien intencionado y que, además, buscan distraer la atención de asuntos de interés nacional. Yo no vendo mis convicciones al mejor postor, como aquellos que dicen ser independientes, pero tienen la libertad de un títere y que buscan fama aunque tengan que mentir y manipular informaciones.
At this juncture, and others that I won't discuss, I would rather resign than applaud that which I previously criticized. What readers can be sure of is that I will not waver in my convictions and principles. Nor will I loan myself out and publish information that comes to me already assembled by someone else, and that furthermore is trying to distract everyone from issues of national importance. I don't sell my convictions to the highest bidder, like some who claim to be independent but who have all the freedom of a puppet, and seek fame even if they have to lie and manipulate the facts.
The president's accusations against Cumbrera stemmed from an article published in La Prensa on May 20, 2013, called “The Hydroelectric Industry: A Business of Power” [es], in which Cumbrera links the president and his cohort to companies that manage hydroelectric power.
Santiago Cumbrera (@santcumb) [es] defended himself against the president's accusations on his Twitter page, clarifying that he was not fired, but rather resigned for reasons that he made clear in his open letter:
@santcumb: Yo renuncie a Epasa días después de que se concretó la venta del diario. Las razones constan en una carta que hice pública.
@santcumb: I resigned from Epasa a few days after it finalized the sale of the paper. My reasons are in a letter that I made public.
Another former EPASA journalist, Eduardo Soto, published a brief post on his blog Hojas Sueltas [es] in which he reflects on his departure from the company and reports that in the new editorial guidelines suggest “concealment, double standards, and deception.” Soto also comments on Santiago Cumbrera's resignation:
Recordemos que hasta antes de que cambiara de manos, Panamá América estuvo semana a semana destapando escándalos y jugadas chuecas del actual equipo de gobierno. El nombre de Santiago Cumbrera coronó la mayoría de esas notas. Santiago no esperó que lo echaran; presentó su renuncia diciéndole a la nueva directiva que eran unos impostores.
Let's recall that until it changed hands, Panamá América was constantly uncovering scandals and crooked moves by the current government. Santiago Cumbrera's name was on the majority of these articles. Santiago didn't wait to be kicked out; he tendered his resignation, telling the new board that they were imposters.
Twitter lit up with reactions to the president's remarks.
Luis Castillo (@Luis03Castillo) [es], for example, reminded the president that Cumbrera resigned and was not fired, and asked him to be serious and act in accordance to his position:
@Luis03Castillo@rmartinelli yo trabaje con Santiago Cumbrera en EPASA y el renuncio. Me consta. Sea serio y no olvide su investidura.
@Luis03Castillo@rmartinelli I worked with Santiago Cumbrera at EPASA and he resigned. I'm sure. Be serious and don't forget your inauguration.
Others, however, insisted that the accusations were true. Abel D Pereambro (@AbelDPereambro) [es] said that he had spoken to one of the victims himself:
@AbelDPereambro: @RicardoLombanaG yo hablé con una de las víctimas del acosador sexual Santiago Cumbrera. Pidio favores sexuales y coima. Es un degenerado!
@AbelDPereambro: @RicardoLombanaG I spoke with one of Santiago Cumbrera's sexual harassment victims. He asked for sexual favors and bribes. He's a pervert!
Yodalys Vasquez (@YodalisYodi) [es] says that the president also has the right to freedom of expression:
@YodalisYodi :el presidente TAMBIEN debe tener libertad de expresion!
@YodalisYodi: The president ALSO should have freedom of expression!
Edgardo Vidal (@EVidal1507) [es], though, demanded that the president show evidence of his accusations:
@EVidal1507: Q el Presidente Martinelli presente las pruebas de sus acusaciones al periodista Cumbrera… Que bajo lenguaje para un presidente!
@EVidal1507: President Martinelli must show proof of his accusations against the journalist Cumbrera… What base language for a president!
The Panamanian online community is waiting for clarification from the president, although in previous instances no one was surprised when they ended with a brief apology and a charge of wrongheadedness.
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Yahoo acquiring Tumblr: What it means

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Apple case seen as possible spur to tax action - Yahoo! News

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Yahoo! News

Apple case seen as possible spur to tax action
Yahoo! News
Microsoft has used "aggressive" transactions to shift assets to subsidiaries in Puerto Rico, Ireland and Singapore, in part to avoid taxes. HP has used complex offshore loan transactions worth billions while using the money to run its U.S. operations ...

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Miles and Minutes: Okla. Tornado By the Numbers

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12:17 AM AST on May 22, 2013
12:11 AM AST
See the facts and figures that defined the Moore, Okla. tornado.
EF5/F5 tornadoes are rare, but Moore has seen two of them in the past 15 years.
Wind, humidity and rainfall combined precisely to create the massive killer tornado in Moore, Okla. And when they did, the awesome amount of energy released over that city dwarfed the power of the atomic bomb that leveled Hiroshima.
Weather Underground midday recap for Tuesday, May 21, 2013. After a devastating severe weather day in the Plains on Monday, severe weather began to fire up again across the nation's mid-section on Tuesday. The nearly stationary low over the Northern Plains showed signs of gradual weakening as it shifted eastward toward the Mississippi River Valley on Tuesday, while the system's associated cold front trailed southwestward from the low across the Mid-Mississippi Valley through the Southern Plains. Favorable energy and conditions ahead of the cold front combined with the moisture laden conditions of the nation's mid-section set the stage for multiple clusters of thunderstorms to develop from the Midwest into the Ozarks and the Southern Plains. Portions of north-central/northeastern Texas, southern Arkansas, northwestern Louisiana and far southeastern Oklahoma remained at moderate risk of severe thunderstorm activity as environmental conditions remained favorable for tornadoes, damaging wind gusts, and very large hail. In particular, substantial severe weather was expected across north-central Texas to the ArkLaTex region this afternoon and evening. Areas surrounding this moderate risk region from the Southern Plains to the Tennessee/Ohio valleys and the Lower Great Lakes/Northeast remained at slight risk of severe thunderstorm development with hail, damaging wind gusts, and isolated tornadoes. In addition to severe storms, heavy rains created chances of flood and possible isolated areas of flash flooding from parts eastern Oklahoma through northern Arkansas. Meanwhile, areas of heavy rain and widely scattered showers continued near the low in the Northern Plains and Upper Mississippi Valley and near and to the north of a nearly stationary frontal boundary extending out ahead of the system from the Great Lakes into the inland areas of the Northeast. Continued precipitation in already saturated areas of the Northern Plains and Upper Midwest maintain flood concerns from parts of North Dakota into northern Wisconsin. Elsewhere, scattered showers and thunderstorms picked up across the Mid-Atlantic and southeastern corner of the nation through the afternoon.
Weather Underground midday recap for Tuesday, May 21, 2013. After a devastating severe weather day in the Plains on Monday, severe weather began to fire up again across the nation's mid-section on Tuesday. The nearly stationary low over the Northern Plains showed signs of gradual weakening as it shifted eastward toward the Mississippi River Valley on Tuesday, while the system's associated cold front trailed southwestward from the low across the Mid-Mississippi Valley through the Southern Plains. Favorable energy and conditions ahead of the cold front combined with the moisture laden conditions of the nation's mid-section set the stage for multiple clusters of thunderstorms to develop from the Midwest into the Ozarks and the Southern Plains. Portions of north-central/northeastern Texas, southern Arkansas, northwestern Louisiana and far southeastern Oklahoma remained at moderate risk of severe thunderstorm activity as environmental conditions remained favorable for tornadoes, damaging wind gusts, and very large hail. In particular, substantial severe weather was expected across north-central Texas to the ArkLaTex region this afternoon and evening. Areas surrounding this moderate risk region from the Southern Plains to the Tennessee/Ohio valleys and the Lower Great Lakes/Northeast remained at slight risk of severe thunderstorm development with hail, damaging wind gusts, and isolated tornadoes. In addition to severe storms, heavy rains created chances of flood and possible isolated areas of flash flooding from parts eastern Oklahoma through northern Arkansas. Meanwhile, areas of heavy rain and widely scattered showers continued near the low in the Northern Plains and Upper Mississippi Valley and near and to the north of a nearly stationary frontal boundary extending out ahead of the system from the Great Lakes into the inland areas of the Northeast. Continued precipitation in already saturated areas of the Northern Plains and Upper Midwest maintain flood concerns from parts of North Dakota into northern Wisconsin. Elsewhere, scattered showers and thunderstorms picked up across the Mid-Atlantic and southeastern corner of the nation through the afternoon.
12:11 AM AST
75 °F
40% chance of precipitation
75 °F
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20% chance of precipitation
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40% chance of precipitation
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Today is forecast to be temperature as yesterday.
Not available.
METAR TJSJ 220356Z 08011KT 10SM FEW020 SCT026 SCT033 26/23 A3000 RMK AO2 SLP159 VCSH NE T02610228 402890239
Partly cloudy with thunderstorms and rain showers. High of 86F. Breezy. Winds from the East at 20 to 25 mph shifting to the West in the afternoon. Chance of rain 40%.
Wednesday Night
Partly cloudy with rain showers. Low of 75F. Breezy. Winds from the West at 10 to 20 mph. Chance of rain 30%.
Partly cloudy with rain showers. High of 86F. Breezy. Winds from the North at 15 to 20 mph shifting to the West in the afternoon. Chance of rain 20%.
Partly cloudy with rain showers. Low of 75F. Breezy. Winds from the North at 15 to 20 mph shifting to the West after midnight. Chance of rain 30%.
Partly cloudy with rain showers, then thunderstorms and rain showers in the afternoon. High of 86F with a heat index of 93F. Breezy. Winds from the SE at 10 to 20 mph. Chance of rain 40%.
Overcast with rain showers, then a chance of a thunderstorm and rain after midnight. Low of 75F. Winds from the East at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of rain 20%.
Overcast with a chance of a thunderstorm and rain. High of 88F with a heat index of 93F. Winds from the East at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of rain 50%.
Saturday Night
Overcast with a chance of a thunderstorm and rain in the evening, then partly cloudy with a chance of a thunderstorm and rain. Low of 75F. Winds from the East at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of rain 50%.
Overcast with a chance of rain, then a chance of a thunderstorm and rain in the afternoon. High of 86F. Winds from the East at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of rain 20%.
Overcast with a chance of a thunderstorm. Low of 75F. Winds from the East at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of rain 20%.
Overcast with a chance of a thunderstorm. High of 88F. Winds from the East at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of rain 50%.
Overcast with a chance of a thunderstorm. Low of 75F. Winds from the ESE at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of rain 20%.
Mostly cloudy with thunderstorms. High of 86F. Winds from the SE at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of rain 80% with rainfall amounts near 0.9 in. possible.
Mostly cloudy with a chance of a thunderstorm. High of 88F. Winds from the ESE at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of rain 40%.
Mostly cloudy with a chance of a thunderstorm. High of 88F. Winds from the ESE at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of rain 40%.
Mostly cloudy with a chance of a thunderstorm. Low of 77F. Winds from the ESE at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 50% with rainfall amounts near 0.2 in. possible.
Clear with a chance of a thunderstorm. High of 88F. Winds from the SE at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 30%.
Saturday Night
Clear. Low of 77F. Winds from the SE at 5 to 10 mph.
| 75 °F
| 75 °F
| 75 °F
| 75 °F
| 75 °F
| 75 °F
Friday, 31
at 10:24 PM AST on May 21, 2013
Partly cloudy with thunderstorms and rain showers. High of 86F. Breezy. Winds from the East at 20 to 25 mph shifting to the West in the afternoon. Chance of rain 40%.
Partly cloudy with rain showers. Low of 75F. Breezy. Winds from the West at 10 to 20 mph. Chance of rain 30%.
21 mph
at 10:24 PM AST on May 21, 2013
Partly cloudy with rain showers. High of 86F. Breezy. Winds from the North at 15 to 20 mph shifting to the West in the afternoon. Chance of rain 20%.
Partly cloudy with rain showers. Low of 75F. Breezy. Winds from the North at 15 to 20 mph shifting to the West after midnight. Chance of rain 30%.
West18 mphWest
Rain ShowersRain Showers
at 10:24 PM AST on May 21, 2013
Partly cloudy with rain showers, then thunderstorms and rain showers in the afternoon. High of 86F with a heat index of 93F. Breezy. Winds from the SE at 10 to 20 mph. Chance of rain 40%.
Overcast with rain showers, then a chance of a thunderstorm and rain after midnight. Low of 75F. Winds from the East at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of rain 20%.
West11 mph
at 10:24 PM AST on May 21, 2013
Overcast with a chance of a thunderstorm and rain. High of 88F with a heat index of 93F. Winds from the East at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of rain 50%.
Overcast with a chance of a thunderstorm and rain in the evening, then partly cloudy with a chance of a thunderstorm and rain. Low of 75F. Winds from the East at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of rain 50%.
at 10:24 PM AST on May 21, 2013
Overcast with a chance of rain, then a chance of a thunderstorm and rain in the afternoon. High of 86F. Winds from the East at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of rain 20%.
Overcast with a chance of a thunderstorm. Low of 75F. Winds from the East at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of rain 20%.
at 10:24 PM AST on May 21, 2013
Overcast with a chance of a thunderstorm. High of 88F. Winds from the East at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of rain 50%.
Overcast with a chance of a thunderstorm. Low of 75F. Winds from the ESE at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of rain 20%.
at 10:24 PM AST on May 21, 2013
Mostly cloudy with thunderstorms. High of 86F. Winds from the SE at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of rain 80% with rainfall amounts near 0.9 in. possible.
at 10:24 PM AST on May 21, 2013
Mostly cloudy with a chance of a thunderstorm. High of 88F. Winds from the ESE at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of rain 40%.
at 10:24 PM AST on May 21, 2013
11 mph11 mph
at 10:24 PM AST on May 21, 2013
Mostly cloudy with a chance of a thunderstorm. High of 88F. Winds from the ESE at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of rain 40%.
Mostly cloudy with a chance of a thunderstorm. Low of 77F. Winds from the ESE at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 50% with rainfall amounts near 0.2 in. possible.
at 10:24 PM AST on May 21, 2013
Clear with a chance of a thunderstorm. High of 88F. Winds from the SE at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 30%.
Clear. Low of 77F. Winds from the SE at 5 to 10 mph.
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May 22, 2013
May. 22, 2013
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13h 52m
13h 05m
0m 36s longer
Waxing Gibbous, 88% of the Moon is Illuminated
1,613,793 photos uploaded!
5 days ago
4 hours ago
11:56 PM AST
Scattered Clouds11:53 PM AST
Partly Cloudy11:50 PM AST
Scattered Clouds11:50 PM AST
90° (East)
METAR TJSJ 220356Z 08011KT 10SM FEW020 SCT026 SCT033 26/23 A3000 RMK AO2 SLP159 VCSH NE T02610228 402890239
Clear, High 68° F/ 20° C
Mostly Cloudy,
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She was greeted by adoring crowds in her parents' native Puerto Rico. She has appeared on CBS' "60 Minutes," bantered with Stephen Colbert and Jon Stewart on Comedy Central, toured her old school with Oprah Winfrey and sat with the co-hosts on ABC's ...

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Opinion: For Puerto Rico to ever progress, the politics of status must disappear - NBC Latino

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Opinion: For Puerto Rico to ever progress, the politics of status must disappear
NBC Latino
Quite frankly, Pierluisi is taking a huge political gamble, based on a November plebiscite vote that rejected Puerto Rico's current commonwealth system with the United States and favored statehood. However, the results of last year's plebiscite were ...

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US envoy in Cuba engages critics on and offline

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US envoy in Cuba engages critics on and offline

HAVANA — The meeting on a sunny Havana square was a little bit revolutionary for ...

Santa Rosa leads ‘Forever Tango’ to B’way

NEW YORK — The singer known as the Gentleman of Salsa is temporarily turning to ...

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Guatemalan Ex-Dictator Rios Montt Guilty Verdict Overturned by Constitutional Court

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Guatemalan Ex-Dictator Rios Montt Guilty Verdict Overturned by Constitutional Court

Guatemala’s Constitutional Court overturned former dictator Efrain Rios Montt’s genocide conviction and ordered a partial retrial. Rios Montt was sentenced to 80 years in prison for the deaths of 1,771 Ixil Indians between March 1982 and August 1983 as part of a counter-insurgency campaign. By a vote of 3-2, the Constitutional Court threw out the verdict and the sentence - as well as the acquittal of another defendant - and ordered the trial court to repeat the segment of the process that took place between April 19 and May 10. The CC ruling means that retired Gen. Jose Rodriguez, who was head of military intelligence in 1982-1983, will be re-tried despite his having been found not guilty in the original process. Rios Montt, 86, is currently at the Military Hospital in Guatemala City, where he was taken eight days ago after fainting while en route to court. His conviction marked the first time any Guatemalan ruler has been called to account for the massacres and atrocities of the country’s 1960-1996 civil war. Prosecutors say 5.5 percent of Guatemala’s Ixils were killed during the rule of Rios Montt, which coincided with the bloodiest phase of a conflict that claimed more than 200,000 lives. Most of the dead were Indian peasants slaughtered by the army and its paramilitary allies.