Saturday, May 25, 2013

PR House OKs anti-discrimination bill

PR House OKs anti-discrimination bill

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PR House OKs anti-discrimination bill

Legislators in Puerto Rico on Friday approved a heavily debated bill that outlaw ...

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#ExGuatemalapresident extradited to US. Read: #caribbeanbusi... 

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#ExGuatemalapresident extradited to US. Read: #caribbeanbusiness

Oklahoma, estado que más desastres sufre en EEUU

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Muchos estados son azotados con frecuencia por los tornados y otras catástrofes naturales, pero...

EE.UU. lanza satélite de comunicaciones al espacio

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Estados Unidos lanzó el viernes al espacio un nuevo satélite militar de comunicaciones. Un cohete...

Capriles lamenta burlas hacia Venezuela por falta de papel higiénico

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El excandidato presidencial opositor de Venezuela, Henrique Capriles, lamentó este viernes las...

Videolinks: Resident Commissioner Pedro Pierluisi intv with CBS Puerto Rico | PR Governor Alejandro Garcia Padilla intv with CBS Puerto Rico | Former Governor Luis Fortuno Talks to CBS Puerto Rico

  1. Rivera talks to CBS Puerto Rico Washington Bureau Chief Jacqueline Policastro.



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La aprobación ayer en la Cámara de Representantes del Proyecto 238 que prohíbe el discrimen por orientación sexual en el empleo representa un paso de avance, pero no es suficiente en una sociedad como la nuestra minada por las desigualdades y que está llamada a elevarse a niveles más óptimos en materia de derechos civiles.

Invitación a la creatividad colectiva

Como resultado del conversatorio “El plan decenal educativo como instrumento de sustentabilidad social y económica”, del pasado 16 de mayo de 2013, ha surgido interés en la ciuda

Héroes, intrigas y tumbas

Desde mi puesto académico en Estados Unidos, como investigadora cuyo actual proyecto de libro incluye un capítulo dedicado a Ramón Power y Giralt, primer diputado por Puerto Rico e

Altar de la Patria

El altar de la patria no es un monumento meramente civil, cuyos objetivos se enmarcan sólo en la ideología liberal y laicista. Conocemos altares patrióticos consagrados por la mis


Yajaira Rodero
Un día cualquiera un don nadie cualquiera tiene su primer encuentro con un micrófono. Ipso facto se convierte en figura pública, referente y entrevistado regular. Sólo es necesaria

Las organizaciones sin fines de lucro, incluyendo las iglesias, y personas jurídicas, en general, que estén exentas, deben tributar por los ingresos de aquellas actividades que realizan, por las que no le otorgaron la clasificación de exentas. O sea, si una de estas entidades recibe ingresos (intereses, dividendos y otros) de inversiones, renta de alquiler de algún edificio que posea, y cualquiera otra similar, debe tributar por esos ingresos.
Los ingresos de ofrendas, en el caso de las iglesias; cuotas, en caso de asociaciones; en fin, de los ingresos de las actividades que justificaron la exención, por esos no deben tributar. Por todo lo demás, sí. Esta recomendación la he enviado a legisladores de los tres partidos en varios períodos eleccionarios y ni siquiera me han acusado recibo. A ver si ahora lo consideran.
Víctor C. Rivera Esterás
San Juan
La niña Génesis L. Ortiz Vega, de tres años, padece de ciertas enfermedades, entre estas hidrocefalia, estrabismo, perlesía cerebral, además de que sufre de infecciones recurrentes del riñón y problemas ortopédicos.
A Génesis le realizan operaciones constantemente y éstas son muy costosas. Por tal razón, su familia ha organizado un Día Familiar (maratón bailable) con el propósito de recaudar fondos para sus tratamientos. La actividad se realizará el sábado, 1 de junio, desde el mediodía en el Rancho de Maelo.
Si desea ayudar a Génesis también puede depositar su aportación en la cuenta #221060 de la Cooperativa A/C Moroveña. Para más información, puede comunicarse al (787) 709-2971; (787) 354-7729.
¿Por qué no votar para proteger los derechos de aquellos con un estilo de vida diferente?
Los que contesten esta pregunta viven en un mundo dominado por prejuicios del pasado. También, podría ser consecuencia de la cruz que carga y afecta el pensamiento de muchos puertorriqueños; el insularismo.
Pero lo más triste sería la razón más obvia; que nuestra política sigue siendo representada por el “Lobo Camaleón” que cambia el color de su vestimenta al del partido en turno.
Este lobo, que lleva décadas haciendo promesas de campaña con su oratoria mentirosa, una vez más, nos demuestra sus intenciones de hacer nada para avanzar la situación en la que vivimos.
Gerardo Lago
San Juan

Miles Davis - Sketches of Spain (full album)

Published on Oct 2, 2012
Concierto de Aranjuez 00:00
Will O'The Wisp 16:25
The Pan Piper 20:14
Saeta 24:10
Solea 29:17

Miles Davis - Sketches of Spain (full album) (1080p)

Friday, May 24, 2013

La separación de iglesia y Estado es muy clara en nuestra Constitución, porque algunos no entienden esto? No pedimos nada, solo IGUALDAD.

La separación de iglesia y Estado es muy clara en nuestra Constitución, porque algunos no entienden esto? No pedimos nada, solo IGUALDAD.

Ver el debate aquí:
La separación de iglesia y Estado es muy clara en nuestra Constitución, porque algunos no entienden esto? No pedimos nada, solo IGUALDAD.  

Ver el debate aquí:

Archbishop who promoted homosexual civil union legislation "to allow people of the same sex who reside together to have rights of inheritance, hospital visits, and medical coverage... " | Mike Nova comments: Sounds like a good and reasonable proposal. However, what is wrong with the word "marriage", and why should it not be a complete equality, including the terms? If people are equal, why shouldn't be the words?

Gonzalez Nieves states that the accusations against him are based on four grounds: “1. Protecting pedophile priests, 2. Carrying out an investigation of the Rev. P. Edward Santana without jurisdiction, 3. The ‘Shared Residences,’ 4. The matter of the Altar of the Fatherland.” 

The “Shared Residences” is a reference to a controversial proposal by the archbishop to allow people of the same sex who reside together to have rights of inheritance, hospital visits, and medical coverage, without having the title of “marriage,” according to the Italian news service La Stampa.  Gonzalez Nieves has, however, opposed homosexual adoption, working in a coalition of religious leaders to oppose such proposals. 

Mike Nova comments: Sounds like a good and reasonable proposal. However, what is wrong with the word "marriage", and why should it not be a complete equality, including the terms? If people are equal, why shouldn't be the words?

Ex-Guatemalan President Extradited To U.S. On Money Laundering Charges - 5/24/2013 - AP | Obama Urges Military to Stamp Out Sexual Assaults - 5/24/2013 - Voice of America | #1321 - Straight out of Committee - 5/24/2013

Puerto Rico rejects its present colonial status; wants statehood

By José M. Saldana DMD, MPH and Norman Maldonado MD, MACP 05/24/13 05:30 PM ET

Three consecutive U.S. presidents have encouraged the people of Puerto Rico to make a permanent decision about our island’s political status. This has been the case ever since the Puerto Rico Status Task Force was established in the 1990s by President Clinton, followed by White House Task Force reports from President George W. Bush in 2005 and 2007 and President Obama in 2011. 

The most recent March 11, 2011, White House report clearly expresses the Task Force’s commitment to resolving Puerto Rico’s political status, including “moving resolution of the status issue forward in a meaningful way with the goal of resolving it on a short timetable.”

In this regard, the Task Force’s top two recommendations are as follows: 
1: “The Task Force recommends that all relevant parties-the President, Congress, and the leadership and people of Puerto Rico-work to ensure that Puerto Ricans are able to express their will about status options and have that will acted upon by the end of 2012 or soon thereafter.”
2: “The Task Force recommends that the permissible status options include Statehood, Independence, Free Association, and Commonwealth.”

“Do you agree that Puerto Rico should continue to have its present form of territorial status (Commonwealth)?” 

• Yes: 46 percent
• No: 54 percent
“Irrespective of your answer to the first question, indicate which of the following non-territorial options you prefer.” 
• Statehood: 61 percent                                                                       
• Sovereign Free Associated State: 33 percent 
• Independence: 5 percent
The Plebiscite’s results were ratified and accepted by the White House, and in April President Obama proposed that $2.5 million be appropriated to the Justice Department to be assigned to the Puerto Rico Elections Commission for the purpose of resolving Puerto Rico's status problem by consulting its voters on one or more status options that are compatible with the Constitution, laws and public policy of the United States. This time the vote would be under federal auspices so that the results cannot be disputed by any of the political parties on the island. 

While the results of last November’s Plebiscite are clear and were ratified by the White House, we would endorse the president’s call for another Plebiscite under federal auspices. However, we would reject the inclusion of the current territorial, colonial status in any future plebiscite given that the current status has already been resoundingly rejected by a clear majority of the people of Puerto Rico and does not provide a permanent resolution to the status problem because it itself is the problem.
Puerto Rico’s Resident Commissioner, Pedro Pierluisi has just introduced a bill in Congress — H.R. 2000 — which should resolve our status predicament of being the oldest colony in the world. It provides “for a federally authorized ratification vote in Puerto Rico on the admission of Puerto Rico into the Union as a State and if a majority of voters ratify Puerto Rico’s desire for statehood, to describe the steps that the President and Congress shall take to enable the admission of Puerto Rico as a State of the Union.” 
Puerto Rico deserves to become the 51st State of the Union with the same rights that legislation pending in the U.S. Senate would grant to 11 million of undocumented immigrants in this country. After all, we have been American citizens since 1917 and more than 200,000 of us have honorably served in the U.S. Armed Forces and have fought and died for our democratic way of life.
It would be a very unfair and undemocratic act of prejudice on the part of Congress to ignore the plight for equality of 3.7 million of American citizens.

Saldana and Maldonado are former presidents of the University of Puerto Rico.

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Puerto Rico House approves non-discrimination bill - Washington Blade

» Puerto Rico House approves non-discrimination bill - Washington Blade
24/05/13 16:49 from puerto rico - Google News
Puerto Rico House approves non-discrimination bill Washington Blade The Puerto Rico House of Representatives on Friday approved two bills that would ban anti-LGBT discrimination in the U.S. territory and add sexual orientation and gender i..

Ricky Martin Takes to Twitter to Ask for Help

Ricky Martin backstage at the Marc Jacobs fashion show
getty images
We’ve told you how Ricky Martin often uses his fame to bring awareness to important issues via social media. This week, the Boricua superstar took toTwitter to ask his Puerto Rican fans to petition members of his native island’s House of Representatives.
The reason?
To try to approve Senate Bill 238, which would end legal discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation.
“My people, I ask that you go to the following Facebook pages and ask these representatives of to support PS238….” read part of Martin’s tweet, along with the names of select representatives: Brenda López de ArrarásVictor 'Cacho' Vassallo,Armando FrancoEfraín De Jesus, andCésar Hernández.
Earlier that morning, 41-year-old Martin tweeted in Spanish: “Extraño mi isla [I miss my island.”

Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks Review - 6:29 PM 5/24/2013: Enfilan cañones a legisladores del PNP para que voten a favor del 238…

» Enfilan cañones a legisladores del PNP para que voten a favor del 238…

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mikenova shared this story from Opinión - El Nuevo Día. La cultura, puente al desarrollo socioeconómico María Elba Torres Muñoz (Profesora universitaria de la UPR) El principal patrimonio de la humanidad son sus culturas. Las culturas tien..
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mikenova shared this story from Metro - Últimas noticias. PONTE DI LEGNO, Italia (AP) — La 19na etapa del Giro de Italia fue cancelada el viernes debido a... 
» Reconstruyendo a Puerto Rico: IVU a 6.5%
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mikenova shared this story from La Fortaleza. Son incorrectos los argumentos que se oponen a las nuevas aplicaciones propuestas para el IVU. EFECTO CASCADA Incorrecto: Alegan que el pueblo terminará pagando un alza en todos los productos. ..
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24/05/13 06:33 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from La Fortaleza. 23 de mayo de 2013 – Bayamón – El gobernador Alejandro García Padilla inauguró hoy la primera Clínica de Tratamiento Integrado Asistido por Medicamentos (CTIAM) de Bayamón iniciando así la tran..
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24/05/13 06:33 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Caribbean News Now!: News from Puerto Rico. Five historic adventures on Tobago Seaborne Airlines launches new direct service from San Juan to Martinique More cocaine seized on board Puerto Rico-Dominican Rep..
» Ricky Martin Calls On Puerto Rico To Approve Gay Rights Law - On ...
24/05/13 06:30 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from puerto rico - Google Blog Search. Puerto Rico's most famous openly gay singer on Wednesday called on lawmakers to approve a gay rights law.
» Stolen Valor Act Passes Congress - Huffington Post
24/05/13 06:30 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from puerto rico politics - Google News. Stolen Valor Act Passes Congress Huffington Post Gladys E. Sepulveda, left, of Ponce, Puerto Rico , and 2nd Lt. Lois Ferrari, of Pittsburgh, Pa., rest on sandbags at Cam R..
» Peru: New Collectible Coin
24/05/13 06:30 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Global Voices. Temple of Kotosh, image by Flickr user madiko83 (CC BY 2.0). The Central Reserve Bank of Peru released on May 22, 2013, the thirteenth collectible coin part of the numismatic series “ Wealth a..
» Spanish TV Offers Parents Tips on How to Dress Kids Appropriately
24/05/13 06:29 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Global Voices. [All links lead to Spanish-language pages, except where noted. ] On May 14 Spain's main public television station channel 1, featured a workshop for parents on “how to teach their children to ..
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24/05/13 06:29 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from puerto rico news - Google News. ABC News Musician Builds World's Largest Acoustic Instrument ABC News A musician from Puerto Rico says that he has built the world's largest acoustic instrument, a 30 foot lon..
» Puerto Rican Republican Rep. Raúl Labrador Supports Statehood Bill
24/05/13 06:28 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from puerto rico - Google Blog Search. Rep. Raúl Labrador, a Republican from Idaho, is one of three voting members of Congress to be born in Puerto Rico . Labrador was born in Carolina, Puerto Rico , while Democr..
» 'Tea Party' Hispanic in Congress Endorses Statehood Bill | Puerto ...
24/05/13 06:28 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from political status of puerto rico - Google Blog Search. The bill was sponsored by Puerto Rico's representative to the Federal government, Pedro Pierluisi (D/statehood party) and 37 other members of the U.S. Ho..
» ‘Tea Party’ Hispanic Republican in Congress Backs Statehood Bill
24/05/13 06:28 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Puerto Rico Report. A favorite of the ‘tea party’ and a leading Hispanic Republican became the latest member of the U.S. House of Representatives to endorse a bill on statehood for Puerto Rico. U.S. Represen..
» New York Design Week 2013: the highlights -
24/05/13 06:27 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from puerto rican community in new york - Google News. New York Design Week 2013: the highlights The Merchant's House Museum, the only family home from the 19th Century preserved in ta..
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24/05/13 06:27 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from political status of puerto rico - Google News. First on CNN: Bill Clinton's $106 million speech circuit windfall CNN (blog) "There are a whole lot of motivational speakers, pundits, journalists, athletes, an..
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mikenova shared this story from CARIBBEAN BUSINESS's Facebook Wall. #Obama nominates Latina to federal personnel agency. Read: #caribbeanbusiness 
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24/05/13 06:27 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from CARIBBEAN BUSINESS's Facebook Wall. Median #CEO pay up to $9.7M in 2012. Read: #caribbeanbusiness 
» 81 SER, o no ser
24/05/13 06:22 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Opinión - El Nuevo Día. 81 SER, o no ser Carmen Millán Pabón 7 EL LÍO DE LOS PASTORES Fufi Santori 179 1246 1167 This post has been generated by Page2RSS 
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24/05/13 06:22 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Videos matching: puerto rico news. El futuro de Puerto Rico esta en Juego From: Christian Badillo Views: 2 1 ratings Time: 04:56 More in People & Blogs 
» Turks and Caicos recovers cash, land amid probe -
24/05/13 06:22 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from puerto rico news - Google News. Turks and Caicos recovers cash, land amid probe SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico -- Officials in the Turks and Caicos Islands have recovered $19.5 million and more than 2..
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24/05/13 06:22 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Puerto Rico Newswire. Two straight wins for Juan Manuel Lopez has cranked up his confidence level. "It shows me what I can do while being on a good conditioning and nutritional schedule," Juanma said from Ca..
» Turks and Caicos recovers cash, land amid probe - News & Observer
24/05/13 06:21 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from puerto rico - Google News. Turks and Caicos recovers cash, land amid probe News & Observer SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico — Officials in the Turks and Caicos Islands have recovered $19.5 million and more than 2,500 a..