Sunday, June 2, 2013

Oklahoma Hit by Another Major Tornado, Missouri Declares State of Emergency | Chile judge orders hunt for poet Pablo Neruda’s alleged killer - by Associated Press | Joe Biden y Dilma Rousseff se reúnen para estrechar las relaciones comerciales de ambos países by NTN24

This Week Front Page Story: ‘This should end the debate’. New study points to bi... 

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This Week Front Page Story: ‘This should end the debate’. New study points to bi...

This Week Front Page Story: ‘This should end the debate’. New study points to big gains from the #JonesAct. Read: #caribbeanbusiness

This Week Front Page Story: ‘This should end the debate’. New study points to bi...

BuzzFeed Central

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  1. Soften The Smash

    We wrapped watermelons in socksand slingshot them against a gong.
  2. Liberal Priorities

    Watch Ben Crystal Answer QuestionsAbout Liberal Priorities.Watch Now!
  1. Coamo Culinary Feast, Coamo Plaza, Puerto Rico, May 31, 2013

    Coamo Culinary Feast In The Plaza Of Coamo, P. R. May 31, 2013. Video By Miguel A. Ramos, Press Photographer (American
  2. musica instrumental en cuatro y guitarra en puerto rico

    musica instrumental en cuatro y guitarra esto fue en corozal.
  3. Water Beading - rain Puerto Rico

    Waxed by Freedom Waterless CarWash. Aguacero en .
  4. Promo-2 Cano Estremera (Coliseo de Puerto Rico José M. Agrelot, San Juan) 17 de Agosto 2013

    Cano Estremera "Al Rescate de La Salsa" Fecha: 17 de Aug de 2013 en 8:30 PM Lugar: Coliseo dePuerto Rico José M. Agrelot,
  5. Vacations in Puerto Rico #1

    My Vacations In Puerto Rico. This Is My First Day Coming Form New York, passing by Pinones and Isla Verde.
  6. Marcha en Contra Monsanto Puerto Rico 5 25 13

    El día 23 de mayo, vio el comienzo de una de las luchas mas importante de Puerto Rico y el lucha para llevar a
  7. Puerto Rico 2013 Spring Break

    Trip with the fam.
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  1. Soften The Smash

    We wrapped watermelons in socksand slingshot them against a gong.

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This Week Front Page Story: ‘This should end the debate’. New study points to bi... 

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This Week Front Page Story: ‘This should end the debate’. New study points to big gains from the #JonesAct. Read: #caribbeanbusiness

Descubre el Nueva York de 1939 en color (VÍDEO)

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¿Cómo era Nueva York en 1939? Lo sabemos por las imágenes de aquella época y nuestros compañeros de The Huffington Post han publicado un vídeo que está teniendo éxito en Internet en el que se muestran las calles de la ciudad en color. Sombreros para hombres, faldas largas para las mujeres y niños refrescándose en las fuentes dan una idea de cómo era Nueva York en ese momento.
De acuerdo con el archivero italiano Vincent Romano, estas imagenes pertenecen a una película más larga que grabó un turista francés.

Que vivan los estudiantes... 

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American killed in shootout between cops and robbers in Westmoreland

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It is unclear whether the US national was shot by the police or the crooks during the cross fire.
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Fuertes tormentas se dirigen al este de EE.UU.

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Un tornado mató a nueve personas al entrar por la autopista interestatal 40 en los suburbios del oeste de Oklahoma City.

Oklahoma Hit by Another Major Tornado, Missouri Declares State of Emergency

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Oklahoma Hit by Another Major Tornado, Missouri Declares State of Emergency

Flooding was complicating relief efforts Saturday in the wake of tornadoes that killed at least seven adults and two children in Oklahoma, while Missouri declared a state of emergency due to the twisters. The spokesman for the Oklahoma City Police Department, Lt. Jay Barnett, told reporters that flooding was the biggest problem in the metropolitan area. “Areas of the city that don’t normally flood - we’re seeing flooding,” he said. The Oklahoma City medical examiner’s office confirmed Saturday morning that there were at least nine fatalities, mostly people who were inside their vehicles when the tornadoes struck Friday afternoon. Police and Red Cross personnel were scouring the area affected by the twisters, which caused traffic chaos on a highway that connects the suburbs of eastern and western Oklahoma City. In some areas, floodwaters rose to as high as 1.2 meters (3.9 feet). On Friday night, as the storms moved to the northeast, Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon declared a state of emergency. The St. Louis metropolitan area was hardest hit by the storms, and on Saturday there were 89,000 households without electricity. In Oklahoma, meanwhile, more than 85,000 customers were affected by power outages Saturday morning.

Chile judge orders hunt for poet Pablo Neruda’s alleged killer

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SANTIAGO, Chile (AP) — Forty years after the death of Chilean poet Pablo Neruda, a judge has issued an order for police to make a portrait of and find the man who prosecutors allege may have poisoned him.
Neruda’s death was attributed at the time to prostate cancer but the case’s plaintiff lawyer, Eduardo Contreras, says there is new evidence showing he was likely murdered by agents of dictator Augusto Pinochet.
Contreras said Dr. Sergio Draper, who originally testified that he was with Neruda at the time of his death on Sept. 23, 1973, is now saying there was another doctor named “Price” with the poet.
But Price did not appear in any of the hospital’s records as a treating doctor and Draper said he never saw him again after the day he left him with Neruda. Moreover Price’s description of a blond, blue eyed, tall man, matches Michael Townley, the CIA double agent who worked with Chilean secret police under Pinochet.
Townley was taken into the U.S. witness protection program after acknowledging having killed prominent Pinochet critics in Washington and Buenos Aires.
For Contreras, whoever the man was, “the important fact is that this was the person who ordered the injection” that allegedly killed Neruda.
Neruda’s former assistant Manuel Araya also said he believed the poet was poisoned by Pinochet’s agents.
The Nobel Prize winner’s body was exhumed on April 8, and is being analyzed by Chilean and international forensic specialists.

Tagged: deaddeathexhumedkillednobel prizepablo nerudapoetpoisoned        

Joe Biden y Dilma Rousseff se reúnen para estrechar las relaciones comerciales de ambos países 

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Visite: - El vicepresidente de Estados Unidos, Joe Biden, terminó este viernes su gira por América Latina visitando Brasil, donde se reu...
From: NTN24
Views: 2
Time: 02:01More in News & Politics

Comienza oficialmente temporada de huracanes en el Atlántico que promete ser muy activa 

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Visite: Comienza oficialmente la temporada de huracanes en el Atlántico, se prevé que la estación se extenderá hasta el próximo 30 de n...
From: NTN24
Views: 6
Time: 00:51More in News & Politics

Madres de los 11 jóvenes desaparecidos en México exigen celeridad en las investigaciones 

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Visite: Madres de los 11 jóvenes desaparecidos el pasado 25 de mayo en la zona rosa de ciudad de México, piden la pronta aparición de sus hijos. Según report...
From: NTN24
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Time: 02:22More in News & Politics
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EE.UU. acusa a China de realizar prácticas de ciberespionaje

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Visite: -- El secretario de Defensa de Estados Unidos, Chuck Hagel, acusó al Gobierno chino de cometer ciberespionaje. Estas declaracion...
From: NTN24
Time: 00:52More in News & Politics

Policía británica interroga al segundo sospechoso del asesinato del soldado Lee Rigby 

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Visite: - La Policía británica interroga este sábado al segundo sospechoso del asesinato a cuchilladas el 22 de mayo del soldado Lee Rig...
From: NTN24
Views: 2
Time: 00:50More in News & Politics

Barack Obama insta al Congreso a agilizar y aprobar la reforma migratoria 

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Visite: - El mandatario de Estados Unidos, Barack Obama utilizó su programa de fin de semana para presionar al Congreso a aprobar la ref...
From: NTN24
Views: 1
Time: 02:33More in News & Politics

Presidente Mujica pide al papa Francisco interceder en procesos de paz en Colombia 

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Visite: - El papa Francisco recibió al segundo mandatario latinoamericano, el pontífice en esta ocasión se reunió con el presidente de U...
From: NTN24
Views: 5
Time: 00:47More in News & Politics

Guatemala se prepara para la Asamblea número 43 de la Organización de Estados Americanos 

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Visite: - El próximo martes Guatemala realizará la ceremonia inaugural de la Asamblea número 43 de la Organización de Estados Americanos...
From: NTN24
Views: 1
Time: 00:58More in News & Politics

PNP está enfocado en la estadidad y la fiscalización

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PNP está enfocado en la estadidad y la fiscalización

1 de junio de 2013 06:21 p.m.
Por Frances Rosario /
El Directorio del Partido Nuevo Progresista (PNP) se reunió este sábado para recapitular sus esfuerzos en favor de la estadidad para Puerto Rico, así como para iniciar un proceso de fiscalización a...


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En un intento de robo en Pittsburgh

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En un intento de robo en Pittsburgh
Indiana impuso su fuerza en la pintura y ahora jugarán un partido decisivo...

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Salsero Víctor Manuelle inicia gira de conciertos para celebrar sus dos décadas de carrera 

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El salsero puertorriqueño Víctor Manuelle inició este sábado en su tierra natal su gira de conciertos para celebrar sus dos décadas de carrera, "Casi 20", junto a destacados artistas como la española Natalia Jiménez y el argentino Noel Schajris.
Helmer Coronel - Yuranis Caballero

Fuertes tormentas se dirigen al este de EEUU


  • June 2 '5:18


    The fact that the 44 wind turbines located in Santa Isabel are off for security checks, and that his departure from power generation scenario has no effect on it, requires that we rethink the criteria for the promotion of renewable energy projects, more "friendly" they can be for the environment.


    I read that the 44 turbine windfarm "Finca de Viento Santa Isabel" in the village of the same name, have been arrested for mysterious reasons. A spokesman for the company that oper

    The dream jailed

    A cell set in a public place is an unusual setting. A continuous row of people occupying that cell for twenty-four hours straight is a memorable event.

    People gray

    Norma Borges
    It all depends on the eye of the beholder. Never better said about the Aguacerito that fell up to our Bronx diva, JLo, this past week in London. Pa

    The streets of Park and St. George, are areas where there are a lot of children and pedestrians. Both streets have no speeders and motorists do not respect the school zone warnings and hospital area.
    I wonder which department should I write to request that, at least, installing two speed bumps at each of these streets. Already several fatalities have occurred with pets, should we expect to happen further tragedy to take action?
    I would also request that Antonsanti Street, between Park Street and Calle de Diego, to become, at once and for all, on a street in both directions. All you have to do is to prohibit the parking of automobiles (the middle of the street is used in both directions). Who should I apply?
    Maria B. Vazquez
    San Juan
    There is a dangerous cycle in our country at the expense of untouchable power of those running a microphone or a newspaper column. These and these common criticism professionals almost never appreciate the virtues of individuals and groups who constantly throw their poison darts.
    They seem to have the solutions to all social, political and even religious, demanding and mercilessly attacking because apparently "their truth" matching "the truth" from elsewhere in the world, where everything goes swimmingly, contrary to Puerto Rico whose Christian values ​​are no longer valid. For these people with microphone in hand and columns in the newspaper, we in Borinquen, we are a minority backward attitudes and beliefs.
    You can have lots and excellent education in law, journalism and literature. I congratulate you on this, but education is forgotten and that has to do with the soul, which generates no college degree in any country in the world can not be bought with arrogance nor provocation or offense. The education of the soul, which we learn and live in the country, which abounds in respect, love, decency and solidarity has been thrown into contempt.
    Education contains civility, sensitivity, values ​​and courtesy. So they are trained to communicate the country for microphone or in writing.
    Ivan Rivera July
    San Juan

    The correct expression is the best dressed people (not the people best dressed).
    A government should consider the monopoly of violence by the police is a relative concept given the inability of any force to ensure security for all.
    For this reason, instead of arming the general population, should provide less or no weapons lethality but to neutralize the aggressor, with an effective training alone who suffer from imminent danger.
    The technology and science provide opportunities for defense and the clear need to kill to defend themselves, to be made available to any citizen who needs at a specific time.
    The real problem would be the cost of these instruments defensive staff, but that society in its constitutional duty to provide even temporarily and free, not to turn this into another extreme defensive solution privilege of the wealthy. Many murders are part of the cluster of deaths announced that receivers leave a look of helplessness news and on the street a brood of surviving infants who collect an unhealthy legacy of hatred.
    No punitive justice concept, because nothing is then expected that for fear of further punishment as a crazed suicidal subject stop committing his crime.
    The defense is a natural right, not a social prerogative, which should not have limitations or gender or class.
    Ruben Dario Alomía