Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Video Review: San Juan Mayor On Trump Complaining About Puerto Rico Funding | Hardball | MSNBC by Puerto Rico News Videos Wednesday April 10th, 2019 at 5:21 AM

San Juan Mayor On Trump Complaining About Puerto Rico Funding | Hardball | MSNBC 

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From: Puerto Rico News Videos
Duration: 06:07

As Puerto Rico continues the difficult recovery from that storm a year and a half ago, the President reportedly thinks the island is getting too much help.
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San Juan Mayor On Trump Complaining About Puerto Rico Funding | Hardball | MSNBC

Trump Blasts Dems At Rally, Calls Russia Scrutiny 'Ridiculous Bullsh-t' | The 11th Hour | MSNBC 

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From: Puerto Rico News Videos
Duration: 11:32

At his first rally since the summary of the Mueller report was released by Atty. General Barr, the president unloaded on his critics. Barbara McQuade, Peter Baker, and Tessa Berenson discuss.
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Trump Blasts Dems At Rally, Calls Russia Scrutiny 'Ridiculous Bullsh-t' | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

Fallece en Madrid a los 91 años el escritor Rafael Sánchez Ferlosio 

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From: Puerto Rico News Videos
Duration: 01:28

Madrid, 1 abr (EFE).- El novelista y ensayista Rafael Sánchez Ferlosio, autor de "El Jarama", ha fallecido hoy en Madrid a los 91 años tras ingresar anoche en un hospital de la capital, según informaron hoy a EFE fuentes de su editorial.

Sánchez Ferlosio, que nació en Roma el 4 de diciembre de 1927, segundo de los tres hijos del falangista Rafael Sánchez Mazas y de la italiana Lucia Ferlosio, desarrolló además una intensa carrera periodística y fue colaborador de medios como ABC o El País y de las revistas Cuadernos Hispanoamericanos y Revista de Occidente.
Doctorado en Filosofía y Letras, entró en contacto en la universidad con escritores como Jesús Fernández Santos o Carmen Martín Gaite -con quien se casó en 1954- y juntos conformarían la Generación del 50.


Locución: Rodrigo Fuentes Tello.

UnivisionNoticias's YouTube Videos: Preocupación en albergues para migrantes en Nogales por los casos de varicela en niños 

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From: UnivisionNoticias
Duration: 02:16

Con los albergues desbordados, el contagio de enfermedades y virus es un riesgo latente. En esta población fronteriza también se observan familias viviendo a la intemperie. Algunas organizaciones proporcionan comida, pero no es suficiente.
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noticias247prtv's YouTube Videos: Continúa patrón de calor y poco lluvia para la región 

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From: noticias247prtv
Duration: 03:53

La meteoróloga Ada Monzón nos ofrece el informe del tiempo.

 noticias247prtv's YouTube Videos

WIPR: Prevalece patrón de calor y poca lluvia para la región

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La meteoróloga Ada Monzón nos ofrece el informe del tiempo.

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UnivisionNoticias's YouTube Videos: La Casa Blanca dice que apelará bloqueo de un juez a su política de regresar a México a inmigrantes 

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From: UnivisionNoticias
Duration: 00:28

En un comunicado, el gobierno acusó a una corte de distrito en California de reescribir unilateralmente, suspender y terminar la ley de inmigración.
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Cada día, la información que afecta e interesa a los hispanos en Estados Unidos con nuestros presentadores:

Noticiero Univision 6:30pm
Jorge Ramos e Ilia Calderón

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Enrique Acevedo y Patricia Janiot

Noticiero Univision Edición Digital
Carolina Sarassa y Javier Olivares

Noticiero Univision Fin de Semana
Arantxa Loizaga y Félix de Bedout

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UnivisionNoticias's YouTube Videos: Las palabras de Trump que revelan su frustración luego de que juez frenara una política migratoria 

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From: UnivisionNoticias
Duration: 02:32

El mandatario reaccionó luego de que un juez federal de California bloqueó su política que obliga a ciertos extranjeros solicitantes de asilo en la frontera sur a esperar en México hasta que un juez revise sus casos en una corte de inmigración. Abogados expresan incertidumbre por lo que pueda venir en cuanto a inmigración con el actual gobierno.
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Cada día, la información que afecta e interesa a los hispanos en Estados Unidos con nuestros presentadores:

Noticiero Univision 6:30pm
Jorge Ramos e Ilia Calderón

Noticiero Univision Edición Nocturna
Enrique Acevedo y Patricia Janiot

Noticiero Univision Edición Digital
Carolina Sarassa y Javier Olivares

Noticiero Univision Fin de Semana
Arantxa Loizaga y Félix de Bedout

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UnivisionNoticias's YouTube Videos: Demócratas exigen que el informe sobre el 'Rusiagate' sea entregado al Congreso sin ediciones 

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From: UnivisionNoticias
Duration: 02:07

El fiscal general, William Barr, aseguró en una audiencia ante el Comité de Asignaciones de la Cámara Baja que no se revelará la totalidad del documento para mantener secreta información de inteligencia de casos legales pendientes y de terceras personas que podrían estar implicadas, pero a quienes no se les impuso cargos. Aseguró que no cambiará su conclusión de que no hubo colusión con los rusos ni obstrucción de justicia.
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Cada día, la información que afecta e interesa a los hispanos en Estados Unidos con nuestros presentadores:

Noticiero Univision 6:30pm
Jorge Ramos e Ilia Calderón

Noticiero Univision Edición Nocturna
Enrique Acevedo y Patricia Janiot

Noticiero Univision Edición Digital
Carolina Sarassa y Javier Olivares

Noticiero Univision Fin de Semana
Arantxa Loizaga y Félix de Bedout

 UnivisionNoticias's YouTube Videos
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UnivisionNoticias's YouTube Videos: Preocupación por supuesto retiro de toneladas de oro del Banco Central de Venezuela 

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From: UnivisionNoticias
Duration: 02:10

Para el parlamentario Ángel Alvarado, la extracción de presuntamente ocho toneladas del metal afecta al menos el 20% de las reservas internacionales del país suramericano. El diputado a la Asamblea Nacional, José Guerra, asegura que este supuesto movimiento en las bóvedas del ente emisor es una política económica errada. En lo que va de año Nicolás Maduro habría extraído en varias ocasiones toneladas de oro del Banco Central.
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Cada día, la información que afecta e interesa a los hispanos en Estados Unidos con nuestros presentadores:

Noticiero Univision 6:30pm
Jorge Ramos e Ilia Calderón

Noticiero Univision Edición Nocturna
Enrique Acevedo y Patricia Janiot

Noticiero Univision Edición Digital
Carolina Sarassa y Javier Olivares

Noticiero Univision Fin de Semana
Arantxa Loizaga y Félix de Bedout

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UnivisionNoticias's YouTube Videos: Se duplican los casos de intentos de suicidio en jóvenes en menos de una década, revela estudio 

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From: UnivisionNoticias
Duration: 02:28

La investigación realizada por JAMA Pediatrics recopiló los datos de niños entre 5 y 18 años diagnosticados con ideas o intentos suicidas que llegaron a las salas de emergencias en EEUU y encontró que para el 2007 se registraron 580,000 casos, mientras que en el 2015 la cifra se elevó a mas de 1,200,000. Las estadísticas se basaron en información obtenida por los Centros de Control y Prevención de Enfermedades (CDC).
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Cada día, la información que afecta e interesa a los hispanos en Estados Unidos con nuestros presentadores:

Noticiero Univision 6:30pm
Jorge Ramos e Ilia Calderón

Noticiero Univision Edición Nocturna
Enrique Acevedo y Patricia Janiot

Noticiero Univision Edición Digital
Carolina Sarassa y Javier Olivares

Noticiero Univision Fin de Semana
Arantxa Loizaga y Félix de Bedout

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UnivisionNoticias's YouTube Videos: Los altos costos de mantener activo el sistema de detenciones y deportaciones impulsado por Trump 

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From: UnivisionNoticias
Duration: 02:36

En 2018 el Servicio de Inmigración y Control de Aduanas gastó 107 millones de dólares más de los fondos asignados para este concepto. Varios reportes que se han presentado a miembros del Congreso durante los últimos cinco años concluyen que ahora "se gasta más en seguridad fronteriza que los presupuestos combinados del FBI, la DEA y el Servicio Secreto".
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Cada día, la información que afecta e interesa a los hispanos en Estados Unidos con nuestros presentadores:

Noticiero Univision 6:30pm
Jorge Ramos e Ilia Calderón

Noticiero Univision Edición Nocturna
Enrique Acevedo y Patricia Janiot

Noticiero Univision Edición Digital
Carolina Sarassa y Javier Olivares

Noticiero Univision Fin de Semana
Arantxa Loizaga y Félix de Bedout

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pete buttigieg - Google Search

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pete buttigieg - Google Search

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pete buttigieg - Google Search

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pete buttigieg - Google Search

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Story image for pete buttigieg from BBC News

Pete Buttigieg: How a young, gay mayor became a Democratic star

BBC News-7 hours ago
Pete Buttigieg, a little-known mayor of a modest-sized Midwest city, has become an unlikely rising star in the 2020 Democratic presidential field. How? In just a ...
Story image for pete buttigieg from BuzzFeed News

What Happened When Pete Buttigieg Tore Down Houses In Black And ...

BuzzFeed News-7 hours ago
Pete Buttigieg, the improbable, suddenly upper-tier Democratic contender, treats the initiative as an unfailing example of his executive ...
Story image for pete buttigieg from CNN

Buttigieg is a symbol for a rising Christian left

CNN-9 hours ago
(CNN) I don't think my closeted teen self would've believed the last few weeks of Mayor Pete Buttigieg's campaign could have happened.
Story image for pete buttigieg from CNN

Buttigieg to Pence: 'If you got a problem with who I am, your problem is ...

CNN-Apr 8, 2019
Washington (CNN) Democratic presidential hopeful Pete Buttigieg on Sunday again took on Vice President Mike Pence -- whose stances on ...
Story image for pete buttigieg from Washington Post

Mayor Pete Buttigieg on a religious left revival

Washington Post-9 hours ago
Toluse Olorunnipa on the staffing turmoil within the Department of Homeland Security. Sarah Pulliam Bailey on likely presidential candidate ...
'Post Reports' podcast: Mayor Pete Buttigieg on revival of religious left
<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>-8 hours ago
Story image for pete buttigieg from Yahoo News

Ingraham slams Mayor Pete Buttigieg for being 'self-righteous,' and ...

Yahoo News-11 hours ago
Fox News host Laura Ingraham slammed South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigieg on Monday for being “self-righteous.” It wasn't long before ...
Story image for pete buttigieg from FiveThirtyEight

Bernie Sanders And Pete Buttigieg Had A Good Week On Cable News

FiveThirtyEight-Apr 8, 2019
Pete Buttigieg's mentions also jumped — the number of clips he was mentioned in went from 60 two weeks ago to 216 last week. Many of the ...
Presidential hopeful Pete Buttigieg's unlikely link with Bernie Sanders
International-<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>-Apr 8, 2019
Story image for pete buttigieg from New York Magazine

Erick Erickson Denies Buttigieg Can Be a Christian

New York Magazine-Apr 8, 2019
So it's no surprise that Erickson is now taking up the cudgel against Pete Buttigieg for being outspokenly gay and Christian. Behold this ...
Story image for pete buttigieg from Daily American Online

Pete Buttigieg is not your typical 2020 presidential candidate

Daily American Online-6 hours ago
Pete Buttigieg, mayor of South Bend, Indiana, is not your typical candidate for president. Here are a few facts about 'Mayor Pete.' ...
Story image for pete buttigieg from Vox

The Pete Buttigieg boom

Vox-Apr 3, 2019
A late March Quinnipiac poll had Pete Buttigieg, the 37-year-old ... And at this point, there's no denying that Mayor Pete is a serious candidate.
Story image for pete buttigieg from New York Magazine

Is Pete Buttigieg a Transformational Candidate?

New York Magazine-Apr 5, 2019
I suspect it is this question that is behind the budding candidacy of one Pete Buttigieg. When you think of him in a debate with Trump, ...
Story image for pete buttigieg from CNN

Buttigieg to Pence: Your quarrel is with my creator

CNN-Apr 8, 2019
Democratic presidential hopeful Pete Buttigieg took on Vice President Mike Pence, whose stances on LGBTQ issues have faced criticism from ...
Story image for pete buttigieg from

Buttigieg: 'I would stack up my experience against anybody'

<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>-Apr 7, 2019
WASHINGTON — Pete Buttigieg, the mayor of South Bend, Indiana, defended his lack of experience Sunday, arguing that voters should look at ...
Story image for pete buttigieg from CNN

Pete Buttigieg's not-so-secret weapon is his husband, Chasten

CNN-Apr 6, 2019
(CNN) There are now 17 hopefuls vying for the Democratic vote to become President of the United States, but there's only one whose spouse ...

A Look At How Pete Buttigieg Is Reaching Out To Voters

NPR-Apr 4, 2019
Many Democrats are focused on winning back white, working-class voters. South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigieg, an emerging 2020 ...
Story image for pete buttigieg from Vox

Democrats are increasingly critical of Israel. Not Pete Buttigieg.

Vox-Apr 3, 2019
Pete Buttigieg may be a rising star in the 2020 Democratic field, but his strong pro-Israel views may put him at odds with the increasingly ...
Story image for pete buttigieg from BuzzFeed News

Can You Pronounce Pete Buttigieg?

BuzzFeed News-Mar 22, 2019
That's right! It's Pete Buttigieg, the mayor of South Bend, Indiana, and one of the 2020 Democratic presidential hopefuls. Charles Krupa / AP ...
Story image for pete buttigieg from CNN

Pete Buttigieg on faith, his marriage and Mike Pence

CNN-Apr 2, 2019
And at his town hall a few weeks ago, Pete Buttigieg, mayor of South Bend, Indiana, discussed his views, contrasting them with those of Vice ...
Story image for pete buttigieg from Vulture

Pete Buttigieg's Favorite Book Is Ulysses, and That's Great

Vulture-Apr 5, 2019
What's most intriguing about Pete Buttigieg choosing Ulysses as his favorite novel in several media venues, which caused tiny but very loud ...
Story image for pete buttigieg from

In New Hampshire, many older Democrats see Pete Buttigieg's age as ...

<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>-Apr 6, 2019
Concord, N.H. — It was, in some ways, an incongruous scene: Pete Buttigieg, the 37-year-old Democratic presidential hopeful running on a ...
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PBSNewsHour's YouTube Videos: WATCH: Will Barr let any members of Congress see the full report? 

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From: PBSNewsHour
Duration: 07:20

Rep. Ed Case, D-Hawaii, asked U.S. Attorney General William Barr in a hearing whether Barr thought that there was any circumstance that any member of Congress would have access to the full Mueller report. "We're sitting here, from my persepctive, with virtually unlimited discretion for you to redact from that document," Case said. "And maybe if I trusted my government more, I would be comfortable with that." Case said he was looking for some way that Barr's discretion would be subject to oversight. Barr said that, when the report was ready for release, he would give it to the chairmen of the judiciary committees and discuss what additional information they wanted and why.
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A historic rebuke, a historic foreign policy debacle - The Washington Post

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A historic rebuke, a historic foreign policy debacle  The Washington Post
President Trump is unique in his lack of credibility and consistency on foreign policy. It therefore was stunning but not surprising that, after losing control of policy ...

Pete Buttigieg, Democratic candidate, bucks progressives on free college - Inside Higher Ed

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Pete Buttigieg, Democratic candidate, bucks progressives on free college  Inside Higher Ed
After debate over free college defined 2016 Democratic primary campaign, South Bend, Ind., mayor is the second Democratic presidential candidate to take a ...

Top US lawmakers demand Turkey choose between America's F-35 and Russia's S-400 -

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Top US lawmakers demand Turkey choose between America's F-35 and Russia's S-400
WASHINGTON — Top U.S. lawmakers are threatening to pass legislation that would bar NATO ally Turkey from buying the F-35 fighter jet, and sanction the ...

Erdogan and Putin in weapons deal incompatible with Nato - EUobserver

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Erdogan and Putin in weapons deal incompatible with Nato  EUobserver
Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Russian president Vladimir Putin on Monday in Moscow discussed a deal for Turkey to purchase Russia's S-400 ...

NATO Came and NATO Went - LobeLog

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NATO Came and NATO Went  LobeLog
by Robert E. Hunter. Lasts week's NATO mini-ministerial in Washington was designed to inject new lifeblood into the alliance, demonstrate solidarity, and send a ...

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Polygraph: Are NATO states sending Ukraine's navy 'junk' vessels? | KyivPost - Ukraine's Global Voice - Kyiv Post

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Polygraph: Are NATO states sending Ukraine's navy 'junk' vessels? | KyivPost - Ukraine's Global Voice  Kyiv Post
On April 3, as North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) foreign ministers gathered in Washington, DC to mark the alliance’s 70th anniversary, the Russian ...