Tuesday, July 23, 2019

9:25 AM 7/23/2019 - The Jibaro News: Extra Issue!

9:25 AM 7/23/2019 - The Jibaro News: Extra Issue! 
Our heroes and anti-heroes today, between us, Jibaros speaking... 

  • RT : FINALLY, the amazing team at is getting global attention they deserve. They've been doing this work for years. So flip…


    Story image for jibaros from Opanoticias

    jibaros - Google Search

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    Story image for jibaros from Remezcla (blog)

    In Puerto Rico, Protest Music Becomes Essential Part of a New ...

    Remezcla (blog)-Jul 19, 2019
    ... a traditional musical styling impoverished jibaros sung to bring attention to their social ills, indicate that music has always been a part of the ...
    Story image for jibaros from Opanoticias

    Duro contra los jíbaros en el Huila

    Opanoticias-Jul 17, 2019
    En el barrio Santa Bárbara del municipio de Yaguará, luego de un plan de registro y control, fue capturado Alexis Lavao León de 22 años de ...
    Story image for jibaros from WSB Atlanta

    DDS records show Puerto Rican applicant birth certificate mandate ...

    WSB Atlanta-Jul 3, 2019
    Coqui; What is a “jibaro”? A small farmer; a PR equal of a hillbilly; What is a “pava”? A straw hat worn by jibaros and the symbol of the ...
    Story image for jibaros from Alerta Bogotá

    Mal nacidos encaletaron droga en las maletas de las cuchas

    Alerta Bogotá-13 hours ago
    ... actividades ilícitas relacionadas con el comercio de drogas en donde haya presencia de jíbaros y ollas, anunció la Policía Antinarcóticos.
    Story image for jibaros from Alerta Bogotá

    Pillan a niña de 14 años con pistola dotada de silenciador en el centro ...

    Alerta Bogotá-Jul 19, 2019
    Todo parece indicar que violentos jíbaros de la zona habrían utilizado a la niña para que les llevara la pistola con el fin de atentar contra un ...
    Story image for jibaros from Minuto30.com

    Cogieron a dos jíbaros en el Barrio Antioquia con más de 300 dosis ...

    <a href="http://Minuto30.com" rel="nofollow">Minuto30.com</a>-Jul 13, 2019
    Las autoridades realizaron otro golpe al microtráfico en Medellín, luego de que, en dos diligencias realizadas en el barrio Trinidad, o Barrio ...
    Story image for jibaros from El Colombiano

    Capturan a seis policías acusados de secuestrar a jíbaros del centro

    El Colombiano-Jul 5, 2019
    Un suboficial y cinco patrulleros de la Policía Metropolitana, asignados a los CAI del centro de Medellín, fueron capturados por la Fiscalía y ...
    Story image for jibaros from Diario La Libertad (Comunicado de prensa)

    Con panfleto amenazan a jíbaros y delincuentes en Suan

    Diario La Libertad (Comunicado de prensa)-Jul 3, 2019
    Un panfleto amenazante fue lanzado en las calles del municipio de Suan, el cual es atribuido al grupo paramilitar de “Las Aguilas Negras”.
    Story image for jibaros from Alerta Paisa

    La policía capturó a 18 presuntos jibaros en Medellín Y Bello

    Alerta Paisa-Jul 1, 2019
    Autoridades desplegaron dos operativos que permitieron la captura de 18 presunto integrantes de combos delincuenciales dedicados al ...
    Story image for jibaros from Pulzo

    A policías presos por secuestro de 2 jíbaros los pillan metiendo ...

    Pulzo-Jul 6, 2019
    Así lo dio a conocer la Fiscalía, y dijo que son 6 uniformados implicados en este caso, de los cuales 4 intentaron ingresar teléfonos a un ...
    Story image for jibaros from Caracol Radio

    Capturados dos presuntos jíbaros en Turbana, Bolívar

    Caracol Radio-Jul 17, 2019
    En acciones dirigidas a combatir la delincuencia en los municipios de Turbaco y Turbana, fueron capturadas en flagrancia tres personas, ...
    Story image for jibaros from Noticias Caracol

    Las 'armitas' con las que jíbaros castigaban a sus víctimas en el caño ...

    Noticias Caracol-Jul 18, 2019
    Habían habilitado hasta taquillas para vender droga a los habitantes de la calle. Juan Diego Alvira recorrió ese mundo oscuro, intervenido ya ...
    Story image for jibaros from Opanoticias

    Se les acabó el negocio a pareja de jíbaros en el Caguán

    Opanoticias-Jul 5, 2019
    Mediante orden de registro y allanamiento emanada por la Fiscalía, investigadores de la Sijín llegaron hasta el asentamiento Comuneros del ...
    Story image for jibaros from Caracol Radio

    Cayó en Boyacá red de 'jíbaros' cuyas víctimas eran niños y ...

    Caracol Radio-Jul 4, 2019
    En el marco del plan choque “Construyendo Seguridad” y la Estrategia Contra el Tráfico de Estupefacientes, la Policía Nacional logró ...
    Story image for jibaros from Radio Santa Fe

    Duque reitera acatamiento a decisión de Corte Constitucional sobre ...

    Radio Santa Fe-Jul 22, 2019
    De la misma manera, el Presidente Duque se refirió a los riesgos que corren los niños y los jóvenes por la presencia de jíbaros en los parques ...
    Story image for jibaros from Vanguardia

    Cinco jíbaros fueron capturados en el Parque de los Niños, en ...

    Vanguardia-Jul 4, 2019
    Cinco jíbaros fueron capturados en el Parque de los Niños, en ... a un menor de 17 años quien era instrumentalizado por los jíbaros.
    Story image for jibaros from El Universal - Colombia

    Policía arresta a 27 personas

    El Universal - Colombia-Jul 21, 2019
    En los barrios El Bosque, Nelson Mandela, San Fernando y Martínez Martelo, las autoridades retuvieron a cuatro “jíbaros” con 384 dosis de ...
    Story image for jibaros from Caracol Radio

    En dos días, policía capturó a 25 jíbaros

    Caracol Radio-Jul 8, 2019
    En operativos realizados en diferentes zonas de Bucaramanga la policía capturó a 25 personas que tenían atemorizados a los habitantes que ...
    Story image for jibaros from El Comercio (Ecuador)

    Urdaneta reedita una batalla en nombre del Sagrado Corazón en ...

    El Comercio (Ecuador)-Jul 8, 2019
    Los de Quillín y Piñán vistieron y representaron a los jíbaros y shuar; mientras que los de Cáñaro, comunidad indígena Saraguro, a las tropas ...

    Desde los cerros se mueve el delito en el Canal Bogotá

    La Opinión Cúcuta-Jul 21, 2019
    La noche atrae al canal no solo a esta población, sino también a los jíbaros al servicio del narcotráfico. También a prostitutas, a gais, ...
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    Jibaros: Go home and take all these pennies that Trump threw to you and your leaders! – 7/23/19, 6:55 AM | Trump and Trumpism – Review Of News And Opinions

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    Jibaros: Go home and take all these pennies that Trump threw to you and your leaders! – 7/23/19, 6:55 AM

    Image result for puerto rico

    puerto rico – Google Search

    Jibaros: Go home and take all these pennies that Trump threw to you and your leaders! – 8:27 AM 7/23/2019

    The People of Puerto Rico might be “angry” but they are also stupid, in this particular instance. 

    jibaros – Google Search

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    Image result for jibaros
    Cornered by civilization, there are already few jíbaros; but in their golden age they were even more successful than the Incas in rejecting the conquerors. They killed thousands of Europeans because they raised their taxes, which shows that even the wildest has something to teach us.  
    Today, if we talk about head reducers, they may even believe that we are referring to certain soap operas or some populist discourse; but for them the brain drain was not a strategy of terror, as was the massive impalement with which Count Dracula managed to scare the Ottomans. It was mystical and the dead man was a lifelong companion of his now respectful opponent. How did a Galician to govern such a wayward people? Well, that is the subject of the research that the collaborator brings us today.

    Go home and take all these pennies that Trump threw to you and your leaders, as the payment for these “demonstrations”! 

    Disperse these demonstrations: civilly, professionally, and with the minimal use of force. Maintain the Law and Order but respect the people. 

    Governor Rossello will not resign, and he absolutely should not! 

    Investigate, who is behind these demonstrations and this clearly pre-organized, pre-orchestrated “protests”. 

    “Sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me.”

    Government Rossello’s emotional talk is the political speech, and it should be treated as such. 

    Any limitations on the political speech are inappropriate. 

    Jibaros, do your home work! 

    Trump wants blood and violence, to justify the demands for the resignation of the Governor Rossello, who became his political opponent. 

    Do not play into Trump’s hands! 

    Michael Novakhov

    6:46 AM 7/23/2019

    P.S. The New York Times practices Censorship!!! 

    I placed a similar comment to their editorial, before publishing this post, and they did not even acknowledge it! I think they simply ban certain commentators whom they find to be “undesirable”, not enough politically and journalistically correct. If it so indeed, it would be horrible, but it is quite possible, especially in our days. 

    And this is the second or third time it is happening. 

    Fuck the Bankrupt New York Times!!!

    Fuck The New York Times, the tool of the New Abwehr!

    Fuck The New York Times!

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    Image result for Fuck The New York Times!
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    The Galician king of the jibaros

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    p (55)
    Cornered by civilization, there are already few jíbaros; but in their golden age they were even more successful than the Incas in rejecting the conquerors. They killed thousands of Europeans because they raised their taxes, which shows that even the wildest has something to teach us.  
    Today, if we talk about head reducers, they may even believe that we are referring to certain soap operas or some populist discourse; but for them the brain drain was not a strategy of terror, as was the massive impalement with which Count Dracula managed to scare the Ottomans. It was mystical and the dead man was a lifelong companion of his now respectful opponent. How did a Galician to govern such a wayward people? Well, that is the subject of the research that the collaborator brings us today.
    By Alberto Moroy
    What they are seeing on the cover is a Shuar warrior (Jibaro) from Ecuador with two reduced human heads. For twelve years, the Galician Alfonso Graña, a native of the Oriuan parish of Amiuda (Galicia), born in 1878, ruled as chief of chiefs a territory of the Amazonian Upper Marañón, as large as half of Spain and populated by jíbaros Indians of the aguaruna tribes and huambisa, head reducers. He died in Peru in 1934.
    From the author
    Many years ago, in Montevideo a classmate carried one of these heads, I still remember her. It impressed! Surely in museums and private collections in Montevideo there must be enough, however few saw them and many do not know who the jibaros are, because there are no stories to remember them. I don't know how legal it is to keep these trophies in particular; I imagine that it is not without problems. Today they say those who know that the original 'tzansas' can reach $ 15,000 in the international market. And there must be many others falsified.
    The history of the Galician king
    Two white men tour the Amazon rainforest. They face a group of indigenous people. One of them dies in the fight; the other the Indians forgive his life. He is tall and handsome and the daughter of the chief of the tribe has fallen in love with him. The target stays to live among the savages and, when the apu (boss) dies, it happens to him in office. Years later he returns to civilization become the King of the Jíbaros. And until his death, twelve years later, he lives on horseback between both worlds. This, which could be the synopsis of an adventure film, is the true story of a Galician who, like so many others, emigrated to America in 1899, fleeing hunger.
    f1 (49)
    Graña, the Galician king
    f2 (50)
    Alfonzo Graña and his son / Other Graña (left)
    f2b (3)
    Alfonso Graña, the Galician King
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    The jibaros
    The Shuar (Jibaros) believe that the soul of people resides in the head. In her the power is concentrated and to her come and go the dreams that reveal the way forward.
    f3 (50)
    Small heads / Location in Ecuador
    f4 (44)
    More reduced heads
    Shuart Tawasap Community- Amazonia Ecuador
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    Old chronicles 
    The sinister reputation of the jíbaros does not begin with their encounter with the whites, since even the Incas feared them. By 1450, the Tupac Yupanqui army attacked a province located on the current border between Peru and Ecuador, north of the Marañón River. At the time of the Conquest, it was the most numerous Amazonian people: 80,000 people living between Ecuador and Peru. They were known as fearsome in war and distinguished their veneration for women and the elderly.  
    In 1599 the Spanish chronicles report that during that year about 20,000 Jíbaros, commanded by Kirrúba rebelled and killed thousands of whites because the Governor of Macas, the Spanish colonial representative of the area, imposed an enormous tribute to the natives. First they captured the Governor, poured molten gold into his throat "until the guts exploded inside his body" and then totally destroyed the town. A few nights later and about twenty-five leagues away they destroyed Seville de Oro and Valladolid, as well as Canelos, Zamora and other colonial towns. In those incursions many white women were taken, so that even today we can distinguish features of white mixture on the faces of some Jíbaros.
    Location of Macas Google Earth  2 ° 18′00 ″ S 78 ° 07′00 ″ w 
    f5 (43)
    Reduction / Heads of his enemies hanging around his neck
    The heads of the bosses
    Head reductions will be made with the greatest solemnity. After a confrontation between two Shuar tribes, the winning chief approached the corpse of the defeated chief and cut off his head. It was the signal that the dispute was settled. Next, the opposing tribes began a new life together, without reprisals, without victors, or defeated. Meanwhile, they left the two bosses alone, so that one would conjure up all the other's strength through a ceremony called "tzantza."
    The reduction
    The first task was to make an incision in the neck. For this wound the contents were emptied (skull, brain and eyes) and the skin was torn. Next, he boiled boiling water with juice from a vine and other herbs from the Amazon. The head was sunk for 15 minutes, not one more, not one less. Technique that prevented hair from falling. Afterwards, you just had to wait patiently for it to dry. This tanned skin was shaped by introducing a stone inside. The fire made the last reduction.
    At present, 20,000 shuar have survived. Specifically, those who live in Ecuador are receiving severe pressure from the mining and oil industry, which is wildly damaging their ancestral right to use forests.
    The Shuar and their way of life
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    puerto rico - Google Search

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    Story image for puerto rico from CNN

    Puerto Ricans have been hit by a hurricane, corruption and a leader's ...

    CNN-8 hours ago
    San Juan, Puerto Rico (CNN) Erica Diaz's 6-year-old daughter convinced her to join the burgeoning protest movement against Puerto Rico Gov ...
    Story image for puerto rico from CNN

    Steps away from Puerto Rico's massive protests, one church closes its ...

    CNN-Jul 22, 2019
    San Juan, Puerto Rico (CNN) Down the street from La Fortaleza -- the mansion of Puerto Rico'sembattled governor -- is the oldest cathedral on ...

    The pillaging of Puerto Rico public funds behind the chat

    Caribbean Business-Jul 21, 2019
    There is a multimillion-dollar corruption network behind the Telegram chat between Puerto Rico Gov. Ricardo Rosselló-Nevares and some of ...
    Story image for puerto rico from NBC New York

    Puerto Rico Protests Break Out in Columbus Circle

    NBC New York-10 hours ago
    (Published Monday, Jul 22, 2019) One day after Puerto Rico's embattled governor said he would not resign, hundreds of thousands of people ...
    Story image for puerto rico from The Guardian

    US briefing: Puerto Rico protests, budget deal and South Korea ...

    The Guardian-3 hours ago
    Tuesday's top story: police fire teargas at crowds amid Puerto Rico general strike. Plus, why so many people are getting shot on California ...
    Story image for puerto rico from The New York Times

    UK, Puerto Rico, Equifax: Your Tuesday Briefing

    The New York Times-1 hour ago
    We're covering the ballooning federal budget and the growing protests in Puerto Rico. We're also looking ahead to Robert Mueller's scheduled ...
    Story image for puerto rico from CNN

    Puerto Rico protests: Demonstrations resume Saturday outside Gov ...

    CNN-Jul 20, 2019
    San Juan, Puerto Rico (CNN) Demonstrators calling for Puerto Rico Gov. Ricardo Rosselló's resignation gathered in streets outside the ...

    Tens of thousands gather to demand Puerto Rico governor's resignation

    Caribbean Business-21 hours ago
    SAN JUAN — Demonstrators continued to arrive Monday for a massive demonstration around Roosevelt Avenue and Las Américas ...
    Story image for puerto rico from CNN

    Donald Trump reacts to situation in Puerto Rico

    Caribbean Business-Jul 18, 2019
    SAN JUAN – U.S. President Donald Trump reacted Thursday on Twitter about the situation in Puerto Rico and said Gov. Ricardo Rosselló ...
    Story image for puerto rico from The New York Times

    Puerto Rico Police chief monitors protests

    Caribbean Business-Jul 14, 2019
    SAN JUAN — Puerto Rico Police Commissioner Henry Escalera arrived in the governor's mansion Sunday to monitor the protests underway ...
    Story image for puerto rico from CNN

    5 things to know for July 22: Puerto Rico, Iran, Hong Kong, weather

    CNN-Jul 22, 2019
    Puerto Rico Gov. Ricardo Rosselló won't run for re-election next year, he announced last night. But he won't resign, which is sure to tick off the ...
    Story image for puerto rico from CBS News

    Tulsi Gabbard reiterates call for Puerto Rico governor to step down

    CBS News-11 hours ago
    Democratic Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, a presidential candidate, reiterated her call for the governor of Puerto Rico to step down over a series of ...
    Story image for puerto rico from CNN

    Puerto Rico Ad Agencies Association suspends KOI

    Caribbean Business-Jul 15, 2019
    SAN JUAN — On Monday, the Puerto Rico Association of Advertising Agencies suspended the membership of KOI advertising agency due to ...
    Story image for puerto rico from CNN

    Quickly catch up on the day's news

    CNN-17 hours ago
    Thousands of Puerto Ricans blocked a highway to demand the governor's resignation, after allegations of corruption and the leak of offensive ...
    Story image for puerto rico from CBS News

    More cruise ships bypass San Juan, hurting local businesses

    CBS News-14 hours ago
    The mass protests sweeping Puerto Rico demanding the resignation of Gov. Ricardo Rosselló are taking a toll on the economy, with some ...

    IEEFA Puerto Rico: Despite the scandal, FOMB is still rushing through ...

    Caribbean Business-Jul 18, 2019
    On Friday, July 12, José Carrión, chairman of the Financial Oversight and Management Board (FOMB) for Puerto Rico, noted that the recent ...
    Story image for puerto rico from The New York Times

    Boris Johnson, Iran, Puerto Rico: Your Tuesday Briefing

    The New York Times-8 hours ago
    In one of the largest protests ever seen on the island, Puerto Ricans shut down a major highway. Elsewhere, the biggest shopping mall in San ...
    Story image for puerto rico from The New York Times

    Puerto Rico, Boris Johnson, India: Your Monday Evening Briefing

    The New York Times-14 hours ago
    Puerto Ricans have suffered through years of economic austerity measures and the devastation of Hurricane Maria, but the last straw was the ...
    Story image for puerto rico from ISRAEL21c

    I went to Puerto Rico to see Israeli aid in action

    ISRAEL21c-5 hours ago
    Earlier this year, I flew to Puerto Rico with ISRAEL21c and discovered just how much Israeli aid organization, IsraAID has helped the people of ...
    Story image for puerto rico from CNN

    Two-thirds of Americans support statehood for Puerto Rico, Gallup finds

    CNN-Jul 18, 2019
    Washington (CNN) Two in three Americans support statehood for the US territory of Puerto Rico, a Gallup Poll released Thursday found, ...
    Poll shows support steady for Puerto Rico statehood
    International-The Hill-Jul 18, 2019
    Stay up to date on results for puerto rico.
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    Fuck The New York Times! - Google Search

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    Fuck The New York Times - Google Search

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    Puerto Rico News: Jibaros: Go home and take all these pennies that Trump threw to you and your leaders!

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    Jibaros: Go home and take all these pennies that Trump threw to you and your leaders!

    Image result for puerto rico

    The People of Puerto Rico might be "angry" but they are also stupid, in this particular instance. 


    Go home and take all these pennies that Trump threw to you and your leaders, as the payment for these "demonstrations"! 

    Disperse these demonstrations: civilly, professionally, and with the minimal use of force. Maintain the Law and Order but respect the people. 

    Governor Rossello will not resign, and he absolutely should not! 

    Investigate, who is behind these demonstrations and this clearly pre-organized, pre-orchestrated "protests". 

    "Sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me."

    Government Rossello's emotional talk is the political speech, and it should be treated as such. 

    Any limitations on the political speech are inappropriate. 

    Jibaros, do your home work! 

    Michael Novakhov

    6:46 AM 7/23/2019
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    puerto rico - Google Search

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    ‘The People Can’t Take It Anymore’: Puerto Rico Erupts in a Day of Protests

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    michael barbaro
    From The New York Times, I’m Michael Barbaro. This is “The Daily.” Today: Hundreds of leaked text messages revealed the governor of Puerto Rico mocking his own citizens. For Puerto Ricans, it was the last straw. It’s Friday, July 19.
    patricia mazzei
    Hello, Michael Barbaro.
    michael barbaro
    Hello, hello. How are you?
    patricia mazzei
    I’ve been better. How are you?
    michael barbaro
    I’m O.K. Why have you been better? What’s the matter?
    patricia mazzei
    Well, I’m just tired. It’s been really long nights. But that’s O.K.
    michael barbaro
    You’ve been staying up late covering the protests.
    patricia mazzei
    Yes, sir. There’s a meme in Puerto Rico of people saying, O.K., I’m going to bed, and a friend telling them, but what if the governor resigns? And the person lying in bed with their eyes wide open. They don’t want to miss that moment, and so —
    michael barbaro
    Right, right, right. The one moment you doze off is the moment it all happens.
    patricia mazzei
    That’s what we live in fear of.
    michael barbaro
    I reached Pati Mazzei, a national correspondent for The Times, in San Juan. Pati, for most listeners, I suspect the story of Puerto Rico hits the pause button in October of 2017. Hurricane Maria hits. The island is thrown into darkness and into chaos. And President Trump’s response is seen by many as insensitive and insufficient.
    patricia mazzei
    Yes. But the story came back in April of this year when members of Congress were considering a disaster aid bill.
    archived recording
    Nature’s forces have battered the United States in the past half year — storm winds, floodwaters, and deadly wildfire. To those natural disasters, now add a man-made one.
    patricia mazzei
    Not just for Puerto Rico, but for a bunch of states on the mainland that had suffered various natural disasters.
    archived recording
    A dispute between President Trump and Democrats over hurricane relief for Puerto Rico is threatening disaster relief funding for California’s wildfire victims.
    patricia mazzei
    The president wanted to hold up the bill just because he did not want to send money to Puerto Rico. So these were billions of dollars that would have gone to Florida, Texas, states in the Midwest that were suddenly at this impasse because the president said, I’m not sending more to Puerto Rico.
    archived recording
    President Trump accused Puerto Rico’s leaders of misspending money they had already received.
    patricia mazzei
    He said the government can’t do anything right, that the place is a mess, and nothing works there.
    archived recording
    Here’s part of the tweet: The pols are grossly incompetent, spend the money foolishly or corruptly, and only take from the U.S.A.
    patricia mazzei
    And therefore, he did not trust Puerto Rican leaders to manage new funds well.
    archived recording
    The best thing that ever happened to Puerto Rico, the tweet says, is President Donald J. Trump.
    michael barbaro
    And what’s the response in Puerto Rico this time?
    patricia mazzei
    So Puerto Ricans still don’t like being called out by the president. They find that offensive. But that doesn’t mean that some of them, at least, don’t agree with some of the substance of his criticism, which is that the leaders on the island haven’t always been very good fiscal stewards of public funds. Puerto Rico has suffered financial troubles for years and has had corruption scandals for decades. And so people on the island were wary that once again, some of this might come up with billions of dollars in recovery aid flowing into the island.
    michael barbaro
    So Puerto Ricans don’t entirely disagree with the president that perhaps the island can’t be trusted with the money.
    patricia mazzei
    No. And that’s what made some of their response nuanced. You can be mad that the president — the only time he talks about you is to say bad things and still think he’s got a point in that our leaders haven’t always done well by us. In fact, Puerto Rico is effectively bankrupt. They’re in a 12-year recession, and they have a debt crisis. Their leaders borrowed until they couldn’t anymore, and the island ran out of money.
    michael barbaro
    So Pati, what happens next?
    archived recording
    patricia mazzei
    So three weeks ago, Puerto Rico’s Treasury secretary says in an explosive radio interview that he has gone to federal authorities to report this institutional mafia, he calls it, within the government that is trying to extort him. In a matter of hours, the governor asks the Treasury secretary for his resignation, saying he can’t trust him because the secretary didn’t go to the governor to tell him what he had found. He went straight to the feds.
    archived recording
    michael barbaro
    He’s firing the Treasury secretary for reporting an alleged extortion attempt to the United States government.
    patricia mazzei
    As you can imagine, that doesn’t sit well with some of the governor’s critics, and also with some of the secretary’s family members.
    archived recording
    patricia mazzei
    His son takes to social media to criticize the governor, and then the son gets investigated by police. And this starts turning into a real drama.
    archived recording
    Six people, including two former Puerto Rican officials, were arrested for allegedly diverting millions in federal funds to unqualified, politically connected contractors yesterday.
    patricia mazzei
    In the middle of all this, last week, the U.S. attorney’s office in Puerto Rico announces six high-profile arrests, including of the former education secretary and of the former executive director of the island’s health insurance administration agency.
    archived recording 1
    The alleged scam involves $15.5 million in federal funding allocated since 2017.
    archived recording 2
    The feds say they were defrauding the federal government.
    archived recording 3
    Here’s what is really so disappointing. Julia Keleher, she was impressive. She was driven. She seemed like someone who could do some good things. It’s such a slap in the face for an island that needs so much to see her go down if this is true.
    archived recording 4
    And what I was thinking, too, is that Puerto Rico, P.R., does not need any bad P.R.
    patricia mazzei
    And to top it all off, the governor is on vacation in Europe. He calls off his vacation, leaves his wife and children on a cruise ship in the Mediterranean, and flies back to get back to the island as quickly as possible. And then while he’s flying back, there’s a new wrinkle. Someone leaks bits and pieces of a group chat on the messaging app Telegram between the governor and 11 of his closest aides. And in this leak are offensive and profane comments that they make about some of their political opponents. There is a snapshot that the governor posts of a tweet by the former speaker of the New York City Council, Melissa Mark-Viverito, who is originally from Puerto Rico, where she’s criticizing Tom Perez, the president of the Democratic National Committee. And the governor’s response is [SPEAKING SPANISH], which, in English, means, our people need to go out and defend Tom and go after this whore.
    archived recording (ricardo rosselló)
    So, well, first of all, good afternoon. Thank you all for being here.
    patricia mazzei
    So by the time the governor lands in San Juan —
    archived recording (ricardo rosselló)
    Briefly, I wanted to talk to the press.
    patricia mazzei
    The entire press corps has assembled and is ready to pounce.
    archived recording
    What strategy are you using to continue the operations of government and the economy, for the economy to continue?
    archived recording (ricardo rosselló)
    So good question.
    archived recording
    There’s been some calls for your resignation from your political position. Do you have a decision or an answer to that call?
    archived recording (ricardo rosselló)
    So I’m moving forward with all of my elected positions.
    archived recording
    You were the leader of this chat room that conspired to discredit people you didn’t like. Why would you do that?
    archived recording (ricardo rosselló)
    Well, again, I’ve already mentioned I am — I am not proud of what I did. Those were merely comments, but they were hurtful comments. It’s why I apologize for what I’ve done.
    michael barbaro
    And how does that explanation go over?
    patricia mazzei
    Not particularly well. The people who were insulted in the chat say that this is unacceptable behavior by their leaders. And Puerto Ricans in general, who have been seeing these bits and pieces come out, are sort of just waiting for the next one to drop. And then it’s not that there’s another bit that drops.
    archived recording
    Governor Ricardo Rosselló has been under fire since nearly 900 pages of a private group chat were leaked and published this weekend by the Center for —
    patricia mazzei
    It’s 889 pages published on Saturday morning by Puerto Rico’s Center for Investigative Reporting detailing two months of this chat in full.
    archived recording
    The leaked chat room conversations between the governor and 11 others are laced with profane, homophobic and sexist comments.
    michael barbaro
    And what is in this second batch of messages?
    patricia mazzei
    The second batch of messages has more insults where not only are they targeting critics of the governor and his administration, but also their allies — for example, a young man who is overweight who met with the governor. And there’s a picture in the chat of the two shaking hands and the governor making a crack about [SPEAKING SPANISH]. No, I’m not thinner. It’s an optical illusion. And then saying, [SPEAKING SPANISH]. He generates his own gravity field. I mean, things that are just really —
    patricia mazzei
    Inappropriate. Yes. But in addition to that, there is the bigger picture, which is that there are people in this chat who are no longer members of the government, including a lobbyist who has his own business interests. And he is getting fed inside information from his buddies with the governor being aware of it.
    michael barbaro
    So weeks after President Trump calls the government of Puerto Rico corrupt, there are all these indictments that basically say he’s right. And then there are these leaks that cast the Puerto Rican government as completely insensitive to everyday Puerto Ricans.
    patricia mazzei
    Yeah. If you thought, cynically, that these people were more concerned about how they look than what they do, if you thought that maybe they didn’t really respect people, even if they pretended outwardly that they did, and if you were concerned that there was — if not real corruption, then the perception of corruption, that it could be happening, that people were really cozy with their friends, with lobbyists and business leaders in their inner circle, then what the chat did was confirm your worst fears and prove that you were right. And so people started taking to the streets spontaneously. And they’re very fed up. And so that’s when I get on a plane and come, because we’re starting to wonder if this is going to force the governor to resign. Is this going to be a moment that changes things?
    michael barbaro
    We’ll be right back.
    michael barbaro
    So Pati, walk me through the last few days in San Juan.
    patricia mazzei
    The streets of Old San Juan are narrow and colonial. They’re cobblestone streets lined with shops that are painted in colorful red and pink and green and purple. And they have been deserted during the day and packed at night — not because people are going to bars or there’s a bunch of tourists here, but because the protesters come down.
    archived recording
    patricia mazzei
    They come with flags in hand, and they’re wearing black and white T-shirts with political messages. And they are just standing for hours, sometimes starting in the middle of the day under the scorching sun, in front — or as close as they can get in front — to the governor’s mansion, La Fortaleza, which means the fortress. And —
    archived recording
    patricia mazzei
    — they start chanting. And this is the Caribbean, so the percussion is great.
    archived recording
    patricia mazzei
    They find these great rhymes.
    archived recording
    patricia mazzei
    With the governor’s nickname, Ricky. And so they just keep saying, ¡Ricky, renuncia!” Resign, resign.
    archived recording
    patricia mazzei
    People were not just mad about these chats. Some of the signs were about that. Some of the chants were about that. But one of the things that was really stunning was the number of protest signs that just listed the number of people who have been estimated could have died under Hurricane Maria. So some signs just said 4,645, the upper-end estimate. These people have suffered not only through hurricanes and a power outage that lasted a year, but also with major economic hardships, and layoffs, and school closures, and people leaving the island en masse to move to the mainland. And it all just was pent up, and it exploded all at once.
    archived recording
    patricia mazzei
    And then the celebrities joined the people.
    archived recording
    patricia mazzei
    And on Wednesday night, there is Ricky Martin and the rapper Residente, and the trap musician Bad Bunny, and the singer iLe.
    archived recording
    patricia mazzei
    And they’re standing on the platform of this truck as the sun is setting, and they’re in front of the ocean, the Capitol behind them. And iLe looks out over this crowd between the Capitol and the palm trees and the ocean, and she says, it was about damn time to wake up.
    archived recording
    michael barbaro
    So it’s clear that a lot of this frustration is landing at the doorstep of the governor. But my sense is that because of the complicated relationship between Puerto Rico and the United States, that the governor is not all that powerful, right?
    patricia mazzei
    It’s interesting that you mentioned that, Michael, because one of the other chants that we heard was ¡Ricky, renuncia, y llévate a la junta!
    archived recording
    patricia mazzei
    Ricky, resign, and take the board with you. And that refers to this federal oversight board that Congress created to handle Puerto Rico’s finances after it essentially went bankrupt. And that is another big target of these protests, because the board’s role is to tell Puerto Rico what it cannot spend. And that involves layoffs, and school closures, and university tuition hikes, and possibly targeting public pensions. And so the board, which is unelected and comes from Washington, has made Puerto Ricans feel powerless. To a lot of them, it’s just another example of how they have been colonized, first by Spain and then by the United States. And it reminds them that they can elect their governor, they can elect some of their leaders, but they cannot elect the president. They are not a state. They are not a country. And a lot of this is out of their hands.
    michael barbaro
    So the mismanagement by Puerto Rico’s own leadership leads the federal government, a government that Puerto Ricans don’t think really sees them as equal to the mainland, to step in. And it’s sort of this vicious cycle where the worse Puerto Rico’s leadership behaves, the more the federal government intervenes, and also has sort of proven correct in this argument that Puerto Rico doesn’t deserve or can’t quite properly handle this federal funding.
    patricia mazzei
    Right. And in the middle, the people of Puerto Rico keep suffering.
    archived recording
    michael barbaro
    Pati, what happens now?
    patricia mazzei
    Well, the people on the streets want the governor to resign, but he says that he’s not going to go. There is talk in the legislature that they might impeach him, but they have not decided if they’re going to yet. Even if he goes, then there is a whole new set of questions. Can his replacement, in that case, govern? Many Puerto Ricans would like more autonomy to govern themselves, but who can they trust when the federal government is not inclined to give them more autonomy? The island government has not proven to be all that effective. How can the next person lead an island under these circumstances, under this sort of federal oversight, without any money, recovering from a hurricane? And basically, the biggest question is, is this island governable? Is this place a place that can be effectively run? And I don’t know the answer to that.
    archived recording
    michael barbaro
    Pati, thank you very much.
    patricia mazzei
    Thank you, Michael.
    archived recording
    michael barbaro
    We’ll be right back. Here’s what else you need to know today. On Thursday, the U.S. Navy shot down an Iranian drone in the Strait of Hormuz not far from where Iran shot down a U.S. drone several weeks ago. The Trump administration said that before it was struck, the unmanned Iranian drone had ignored multiple warnings that it was straying close to an American ship, the U.S.S. Boxer. The attack is expected to inflame tensions between the two countries. And —
    archived recording
    When your supporters last night were chanting “send her back,” why didn’t you stop them? Why didn’t you ask them to stop saying that?
    archived recording (donald trump)
    Well, number one, I think I did. I started speaking very quickly.
    michael barbaro
    President Trump on Thursday tried to distance himself from supporters who chanted “send her back” at a rally the night before when he mentioned Congresswoman Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, a reference to his own tweet about Omar and three of her Democratic colleagues.
    archived recording (donald trump)
    I disagree with it, by the way. But it was quite a chant. And I felt a little bit badly about it.
    michael barbaro
    But contrary to the president’s claim that he tried to quickly end the chant, video shows he listened on for 13 seconds as the crowd repeatedly yelled.
    archived recording
    Send her back! Send her back! Send her back! Send her back! Send her back!
    michael barbaro
    On Thursday afternoon, a large crowd greeted Congresswoman Omar as she returned to Minnesota.
    archived recording
    Welcome home, Ilhan! Welcome home, Ilhan! Welcome home, Ilhan! Welcome home, Ilhan! Welcome home, Ilhan!
    michael barbaro
    “The Daily” is made by Theo Balcomb, Andy Mills, Lisa Tobin, Rachel Quester, Lynsea Garrison, Annie Brown, Clare Toeniskoetter, Paige Cowett, Michael Simon Johnson, Brad Fisher, Larissa Anderson, Wendy Dorr, Chris Wood, Jessica Cheung, Alexandra Leigh Young, Jonathan Wolfe, Lisa Chow, Eric Krupke, Marc Georges, Luke Vander Ploeg, Adizah Eghan, Kelly Prime, Julia Longoria, Sindhu Gnanasambandan and Jazmín Aguilera. Our theme music is by Jim Brunberg and Ben Landsverk of Wonderly. Special thanks to Sam Dolnick, Mikayla Bouchard, Julia Simon, Stella Tan and William Rashbaum. That’s it for “The Daily.” I’m Michael Barbaro. See you on Monday.
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    Opinion | Ask Mueller Anything. The Facts Won’t Change.

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    More specifically, Judiciary Committee members will press Mr. Mueller to expand on a handful of the dozen or so episodes of potential obstruction cited in his report — including Mr. Trump ordering Don McGahn, the White House counsel at the time, to fire Mr. Mueller, then later instructing Mr. McGahn to deny any such effort. The Trump administration has blocked Mr. McGahn himself, along with many others named in the report, from testifying before Congress.
    Complicating matters, Mr. Mueller is seen as, if not a hostile witness, at least a grudging one. In his brief public statement on his report in May, he all but begged Congress not to force him to testify and warned that, if called, he would provide no information beyond the scope of his report. “The report is my testimony,” he asserted.
    Lawmakers have held mock sessions, running through practice questions and fine-tuning them to be as pointed — and un-duckable — as possible. On “Fox News Sunday” this weekend, Jerrold Nadler, the Judiciary Committee chairman, offered an example of how this could go: “‘Look at Page 344, Paragraph 2. Please read it. Does that describe obstruction of justice? Did you find that the president did that?’”
    That said, Democrats acknowledge that it will be a challenge to get anything new out of Mr. Mueller. As Mr. Schiff recently joked, “We have a far better chance of the love affair in North Korea working out” than of getting Mr. Mueller to say whether Mr. Trump should be indicted after leaving office.
    With this in mind, Mr. Schiff noted that he and his fellow Democrats “have to decide how much of our time we want to spend fighting with him to discuss things outside the report.”
    The House Democratic leadership has warned members against grandstanding.
    Republicans also will be aiming to keep their team from overreaching and appearing too partisan in their attacks on Mr. Mueller, who is widely respected. It bears recalling that Representative Devin Nunes of California, the top Republican on the Intelligence Committee, has been among Congress’s most fervent crusaders in trying to discredit the Mueller investigation. Representative Louie Gohmert of Texas, a Republican who sits on the Judiciary Committee, put out a report titled “Mueller Unmasked” that claimed to expose “the disreputable, twisted history” of the special counsel.
    Looking to stir up trouble, Mr. Trump has waded into the drama. On Monday, he tweeted out fresh insults of Mr. Mueller and warned that the hearings would end badly for Democrats. He even found a way to work in Hillary Clinton, claiming, bizarrely, that all of her people had been “given immunity.”
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