Tuesday, March 20, 2012

8:38 AM 3/20/2012 - Selected Video

via Puerto Rico News - Archive Links's Facebook Wall by Puerto Rico News - Archive Links on 3/18/12

Puerto Rico News

Puerto Rico Win, Illinois Polling Show Romney's Growing Advantage

via YouTube Videos matching query: puerto rico by slatester on 3/19/12

Puerto Rico Win, Illinois Polling Show Romney's Growing Advantage

In the endless battle for the GOP nomination, the weekend's Puerto Rico primary would seem to be a blip on the radar ... unless you're watching the battle for delegates. Mitt Romney's sweep of the commonwealth over the weekend, likely to net him an additional 20 delegates, is adding to what may soon become an insurmountable lead in the path to a faceoff with President Obama. Santorum's suggestion that Puerto Rico needed to declare English it's official language before becoming a state proved to be a gaffe leading up to the primary. The former Pennsylvania senator's campaign is in damage control today ahead of another important contest: Illinois. In that state, Romney's super PAC has outspent Santorum's 8-to-1, and new polling there shows the former Massachusetts governor ahead 15 points among registered Republicans. Could Romney's campaign of electability finally trump Santorum's conservative credentials? Tuesday's primary might mean another notch on Romney's delegate belt, but don't expect it to be the end of the fight.




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Mitt Romney Wins Puerto Rico Primary

via YouTube Videos matching query: puerto rico news by MOXNEWSd0tCOM on 3/18/12

Mitt Romney Wins Puerto Rico Primary

March 18, 2012 CBS News MOXNews.com




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Gov getting news he won Puerto Rico

via YouTube Videos matching query: puerto rico news by DG Jackson on 3/18/12

Gov getting news he won Puerto Rico




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Romney Wins All of Puerto Rico's Delegates

via YouTube Videos matching query: puerto rico by AssociatedPress on 3/18/12

Romney Wins All of Puerto Rico's Delegates

Republican Mitt Romney took all of Puerto Rico's delegates when the territory held its Republican Presidential primary on Sunday. (March 18)




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Rick Santorum to Puerto Rico: Speak English!

via YouTube Videos matching query: puerto rico by SamSeder on 3/15/12

Rick Santorum to Puerto Rico: Speak English!

From the Majority Report, live MF 11:30am EST and via daily podcast at Majority.FM Rick Santorum really needs to win delegates and Puerto Rico's got some to give. So if you're Rick Santorum, how do yo win the Puerto Rican vote? By telling Puerto Ricans that they need to speak English\ of course!




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Colbert Report Santorum Puerto Rico.m4v

via YouTube Videos matching query: puerto rico by computerrbel on 3/15/12

Colbert Report Santorum Puerto Rico.m4v

All rights to this video belong to Comedy Central and to the Colbert Report.




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Day In 100 Seconds: Pancakes, Porn, And Puerto Rico

via YouTube Videos matching query: puerto rico news tv by tpmtv on 3/19/12

Day In 100 Seconds: Pancakes, Porn, And Puerto Rico

more at talkingpointsmemo.com




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CNN projects Mitt Romney wins Puerto Rico

via YouTube Videos matching query: puerto rico news by CNN on 3/18/12

CNN projects Mitt Romney wins Puerto Rico

Mitt Romney will win the Republican presidential primary in Puerto Rico, CNN projects, based on vote results.




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Monday, March 19, 2012

6:56 PM 3/19/2012 | El Vocero de Puerto Rico - Review

El Vocero de Puerto Rico

El programa de televisión “My Strange Addiction” promete llevar al espectador al más alto nivel de ‘shock’. En el último episodio de esta temporada va a presentar a una mujer con una de las adicciones más extrañas: beber su orina, pero no sólo beberla sino bañarse con ella, lavarse los dientes y lavarse la cara. La mujer asegura que esta práctica la ayudará en su batalla contra el cáncer.

"My Strange Addiction" TV show promises to take the Viewer to the highest level of 'shock'. In the last episode of this season will present a woman with one of the more strange addictions: drink your urine, but not only to drink but bathe with her, brush our teeth and wash the face. The woman says that this practice will help her in her battle against cancer. (Translated by Bing)

Una mujer es adicta a beber y a bañarse en su propia orina | Vocero.com


El Vocero de Puerto Rico shared a link.

World's Largest Rope Swing


Continúa abierta discoteca de menores 

Miguel Rivera Puig, EL VOCERO

Continúa abierta discoteca de menores

La intervención en la discoteca atestada de menores, algunos niños de 11 y 12 años de edad, no contó con la presencia de personal de dos de las principales agencias que podrían determinar…


Uploaded by elvoceropr on Mar 17, 2012 No description available. Category: News & Politics


See Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico Heineken JazzFest is celebrating its 22nd edition dedicated to the bassist Abraham Laborie during March 29 - April 1! The Tito Puente Amphitheater will be hosting big names such as Poncho Sánchez, Giovanni Hidalgo and the world-famous Flamenco guitarist Paco de Lucía in what has become one of Puerto Rico's most iconic music events!


5:39 PM 3/19/2012: “El Nuevo Dia” Review: Federal agents occupied yesterday at the International Airport Luis Muñoz Marín six kilos of cocaine in luggage on a flight from Dominican Republic | San Juan Mayor Jorge Santini was happy with the results of the primaries yesterday, because all the candidates it supported were elected | A man died last night in a car accident in the marginal of the Baldorioty de Castro intersection Silvya Street billiards in direction of San Juan Carolina | Sunday Puerto Rico held an unusually central role in the political dynamic of the United States.UU. with the completion of the Republican primary, while its inhabitants cannot then vote in the presidential elections of November | Voters gave an electoral agenda and their votes were counted in hundreds of electoral units that were opened during the day yesterday as part of the primarista contest. | In focus: Several new faces will be on the ballot for the November election | The Resident Commissioner in Washington said that no doubt the integrity of the justice prosecutors investigating allegations against Senator Evelyn Vázquez |

El Nuevo Dia

Mitt Romney y Rick Santorum repetirán este martes el duelo que está dominando las primarias republicanas en Illinois - http://end.pr/FQr4IM

Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum will repeat this Tuesday the duel which is dominating the Republican primary in Illinois - http://end.pr/FQr4IM (Translated by Bing)

Repetirán duelo primarista en Illinois - El Nuevo Día


Mitt Romney y Rick Santorum se repartirán 69 delegados

El Nuevo Dia

¿Crees que comerte un guineo mientras haces la compra es un acto de robo?

Do you think that eat a banana while you make the purchase is an act of theft? (Translated by Bing)

El Nuevo Dia

Agentes federales ocuparon ayer en el aeropuerto internacional Luis Muñoz Marín seis kilos de cocaína dentro de un equipaje en un vuelo proveniente de República Dominicana - http://end.pr/FRAHTj

Federal agents occupied yesterday at the International Airport Luis Muñoz Marín six kilos of cocaine in luggage on a flight from Dominican Republic - http://end.pr/FRAHTj (Translated by Bing)


Ocupan seis kilos de cocaína en el aeropuerto Luis Muñoz Marín - El Nuevo Día


La droga estaba dentro de una maleta de un vuelo que llegó de República Dominicana

El Nuevo Dia

El PPD había denunciado que un sinnúmero de unidades asignadas a esa organización estaban cerradas y entorpecieron el proceso http://end.pr/wG19vs

The PPD had denounced a number of units assigned to that organization were closed and hobbled the process http://end.pr/wG19vs (Translated by Bing)

Secretario de educación alaba la labor de su agencia en las primarias


Eduardo Moreno calificó como “exitosa” la participación de su agencia y dijo que fueron mínimos los problemas

El Nuevo Dia

El alcalde de San Juan, Jorge Santini, se expresó feliz con los resultados de las primarias de ayer, porque todos los candidatos que respaldó salieron electos. http://end.pr/xL4b9Y

San Juan Mayor Jorge Santini was happy with the results of the primaries yesterday, because all the candidates it supported were elected. http://end.PR/xL4b9Y (Translated by Bing)

Contento Santini con su victoria en el Senado - El Nuevo Día


Agradece que electores le hayan dado el equipo que solicitó

El Nuevo Dia

Las mujeres que están agobiadas con el trabajo serían más propensas a utilizar la comida para aliviar el estrés, según un estudio. http://end.pr/xQN9QY

Women who are ravaged with labour would be more likely to use food to relieve stress, according to a study. http://end.PR/xQN9QY (Translated by Bing)

Agotamiento en el trabajo te pone a comer - El Nuevo Día


Estudio dice que influye en que las mujeres coman descontroladamente

El Nuevo Dia

Un hombre murió anoche en un accidente de auto en la marginal de la Baldorioty de Castro intersección calle Silvya del Billar en dirección de San Juan a Carolina. http://end.pr/FQX6Qu

A man died last night in a car accident in the marginal of the Baldorioty de Castro intersection Silvya Street billiards in direction of San Juan Carolina. http://end.PR/FQX6Qu (Translated by Bing)

Accidente fatal en la marginal de la Baldorioty de Castro - El Nuevo Día


Conductor salió expulsado del vehículo

El Nuevo Dia

Este domingo Puerto Rico ocupó un inusualmente central papel en la dinámica política de EE.UU. con la realización de las primarias republicanas, pese a que sus habitantes no podrán luego votar en las presidenciales de noviembre. http://end.pr/xUSrHx

Sunday Puerto Rico held an unusually central role in the political dynamic of the United States.UU. with the completion of the Republican primary, while its inhabitants cannot then vote in the presidential elections of November. http://end.PR/xUSrHx (Translated by Bing)

El día que Puerto Rico pesó más en la política de EE.UU. - El Nuevo Día


Diario destaca la situación local

El Nuevo Dia

Tras sobrevivir un atentado a tiros contra su padre, un bebé de año y medio por poco es abandonado a su suerte por agentes de la Policía que atendían una macabra escena. http://end.pr/FPKOLx

After narrowly surviving an attack shot against his father, a year-old baby and a half it is abandoned to their fate by the police officers who were waiting on a macabre scene. http://end.PR/FPKOLx (Translated by Bing)

Bebé se salva tras atentado a tiros contra su padre - El Nuevo Día


Sicarios lo bajan del auto y lo dejan sobre el cadáver de su papá

El Nuevo Dia

El exmilitar fue hallado culpable de homicidio negligente, por lo que evitó una condena de entre 15 a 25 años. http://end.pr/zqcKZ8

The exmilitar was found guilty of negligent homicide, so it avoided a sentence of 15 to 25 years. http://end.PR/zqcKZ8 (Translated by Bing)

Dos años de cárcel para exmilitar que mató a su novia en Guaynabo - El Nuevo Día


La madre del acusado se desmayó en sala al escuchar la sentencia

El Nuevo Dia

En un afán de "universalizar" el legado que dejó en sus manos Albert Einstein, la Universidad Hebrea de Jerusalén anunció hoy el lanzamiento de un avanzado archivo en internet con todos sus documentos personales y obras científicas. http://end.pr/AkFZko

In an effort to "universalize" the legacy that left in their hands Albert Einstein, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem today announced the launch of an advanced file online with all their personal documents and scientific works. http://end.PR/AkFZko (Translated by Bing)

Albert Einstein en internet - El Nuevo Día


La Universidad Hebrea de Jerusalén lanza archivo con todos sus documentos personales y obras

El Nuevo Dia

La salud del cardenal se ha deteriorado. http://end.pr/FReqVG

Cardinal Health has deteriorated. http://end.PR/FReqVG (Translated by Bing)

Grave el cardenal Aponte Martínez


Arzobispo pide al pueblo oración

El Nuevo Dia

Los alcaldes novoprogresistas de Aguada, Arecibo, Ceiba, Florida, Naguabo y Patillas perdieron ayer su pase a la reelección luego de que los electores no favorecieran sus ejecutorias durante las primarias partidistas. │Mira el vídeo y la fotogalería http://end.pr/AhC8Dh

Mayors novoprogresistas of Aguada, Arecibo, Naguabo and Ceiba, Florida, pin yesterday lost his pass to reelection once voters not encouraged their records during the primary partisan. │Mira video and photo gallery http://end.pr/AhC8Dh (Translated by Bing)

Derrotados seis alcaldes del PNP - El Nuevo Día


Electores no favorecieron a los líderes de Aguada, Arecibo, Ceiba, Florida, Naguabo y Patillas

El Nuevo Dia

Vía Deportes El Nuevo Día: José Juan Barea pisa y no arranca en la temporada del 2012 con su nuevo equipo en la NBA, los Timberwolves de Minnesota - http://end.pr/FPpkxH

Via Sports El Nuevo Día: José Juan Barea steps and does not boot in the 2012 season with his new team in the National Basketball Association, the Minnesota Timberwolves - http://end.pr/FPpkxH (Translated by Bing)

Barea y Love discuten en juego - El Nuevo Día


Los Timberwolves cayeron 115-99 ante los Kings de Sacramento. Mira un vídeo

El Nuevo Dia

Los electores dieron una orden electoral y sus votos fueron contados en cientos de unidades electorales que se abrieron durante el día de ayer como parte de la contienda primarista. │Mira los resultados http://end.pr/xCU0T9

Voters gave an electoral agenda and their votes were counted in hundreds of electoral units that were opened during the day yesterday as part of the primarista contest. │Mira http://end.pr/xCU0T9 results (Translated by Bing)

Resultados oficiales de la CEE - El Nuevo Día


Conoce quiénes llevan la delantera

El Nuevo Dia

Un balance entre caras nuevas y conocidas fue el saldo que dejó la jornada primarista de ayer, en la que se escogieron a los candidatos que aparecerán en la papeleta de las elecciones generales del 6 de noviembre. │Te presentamos un resumen. http://end.pr/wkKjSQ

A balance between new and well-known faces was the balance that left the day primarista yesterday, in which he chose the candidates to appear on the ballot for the general election on November 6. │Te present a summary. http://end.PR/wkKjSQ (Translated by Bing)

Asoman nuevas caras en la papeleta - El Nuevo Día


La jornada primarista trajo un balance en las candidaturas

El Nuevo Dia

El gobernador Luis Fortuño reconoció hoy que el trabajo de la Comisión Estatal de Elecciones durante las primarias partidistas “fue un desastre”. http://end.pr/FQTBK5

Governor Luis Fortuño today acknowledged that the work of the State Commission of elections during the primary partisan "was a disaster". http://end.PR/FQTBK5 (Translated by Bing)

“Fue un desastre” - El Nuevo Día


Fortuño reconoce los fallos de la Comisión Estatal de Elecciones y aboga por el escrutinio electrónico. Fotos y vídeos

El Nuevo Dia

En Portada: Varias caras nuevas estarán en la papeleta para la elección de noviembre. www.elnuevodia.com

In focus: Several new faces will be on the ballot for the November election. www.elnuevodia.com (Translated by Bing)

El Nuevo Dia

La mujer fue hallada en una residencia del sector La Vuelta del Dos, en el barrio Paloma Abajo de Comerío. http://end.pr/yvwDnp

The woman was found in a home in the sector the return of the two, in the neighborhood Paloma Abajo de Comerío. http://end.PR/yvwDnp (Translated by Bing)

Muere joven a causa de herida de bala


La víctima fue identificada como Dayanari Delgado, de 19 años

El Nuevo Dia

El Comisionado Residente en Washington dijo que no duda de la integridad de los fiscales de Justicia que investigaron denuncias contra la senadora Evelyn Vázquez http://end.pr/xKU3ME

The Resident Commissioner in Washington said that no doubt the integrity of the justice prosecutors investigating allegations against Senator Evelyn Vázquez http://end.pr/xKU3ME (Translated by Bing)

Pierluisi confía en la integridad de quienes investigaron a Evelyn Vázquez


Con relación a denuncias relacionadas a la organización de una feria de turismo en el área oeste de Puerto Rico

El Nuevo Dia

José Regillo Soto, el hombre que presuntamente asesinó a una joven de 17 años pareja suya que estaba embarazada se encuentra en una celda del tribunal de Bayamón http://end.pr/FOEum5

José Regillo Soto, the man who allegedly killed a 17-year-old girl his partner was pregnant is found in a cell Bayamón Court http://end.pr/FOEum5 (Translated by Bing)

En el tribunal en Bayamón sospechoso de matar a embarazada


José Regillo pasó la noche en el Centro Médico de Río Piedras luego que recibiera una paliza en el lugar donde fue hallada muerta Thalía Dávila Torres

El Nuevo Dia

El exestudiante de la Universidad de Rutgers en Nueva Jersey acusado de utilizar una webcam para espiar la vida sexual de su “roommate” homosexual fue encontrado culpable de intimidación y de invasión a la privacidad. http://end.pr/FO6PeQ

See Translation

Culpable joven que espió a su “roommate” homosexual con una webcam


La víctima se suicidó. Convicto podría enfrentar 10 años de cárcel

El Nuevo Dia

Un joven boricua, que figuraba en la lista de “Los Más Buscados”, fue capturado anoche en Connecticut por agentes del US Marshall. http://end.pr/xqMGn9

A young Puerto Rican, contained in the "Top the most wanted" list, was captured last night in Connecticut by agents of the US Marshall. http://end.PR/xqMGn9 (Translated by Bing)

Arrestan en Connecticut a uno de “Los Más Buscados”


El joven de 21 años había sido sentenciado a 30 años de prisión por un asesinato en Yabucoa

El Nuevo Dia

Un sargento de la Policía se encuentra en condición crítica en el CDT de Morovis luego de recibir al menos un disparo en el pecho de un individuo a quien intentaba arrestar - http://end.pr/ztKVTA

A Police Sergeant is in critical condition in Morovis CDT after receiving at least one shot in the chest of an individual who was trying to arrest - http://end.pr/ztKVTA (Translated by Bing)

Asaltante hiere a policía en Morovis - El Nuevo Día


El sargento está en condición crítica en el CDT de Morovis y será trasladado en ambulancia aérea al Centro Médico en Río Piedras

El Nuevo Dia

El exrepresentante Héctor Ferrer está corriendo el Ironman 70.3 de San Juan, que coincide con la celebración de las primarias del Partido Popular Democrático al que pertenece. http://end.pr/x702Pv

Héctor Ferrer participa del Ironman en San Juan - El Nuevo Día


Se desconoce si el exrepresentante irá a votar cuando finalice el evento

El Nuevo Dia

El joven de 20 años fue acusado por utilizar un arma de fuego durante la comisión de un crimen violento, realizar un carjacking que resultó en serio daño corporal y por poseer un arma de fuego robada. http://end.pr/x0qK9b

The 20-year-old girl was accused by using a firearm during the Commission of a violent crime, perform a carjacking resulting in serious bodily harm and possession of a stolen firearm. http://end.PR/x0qK9b (Translated by Bing)

Tres cargos federales contra joven que disparó a sargento de la Policía


Juan Félix Santiago Rivera fue acusado por utilizar un arma de fuego durante la comisión de un crimen violento, entre otros cargos

El Nuevo Dia

“Un mecánico le indicó que uno de los motores tenía un fallo”, dijo Herrera, quien aseguró no sorprenderle que Bristol decidiera aún así pilotear la nave. http://end.pr/Atl48n

"A mechanic told that one of the engines had a failure", said Herrera, who claimed to not be surprised you that Bristol decided yet so piloting the ship. http://end.PR/Atl48n (Translated by Bing)

Piloto sabía que nave que se estrelló tenía desperfectos mecánicos


Empleado de la compañía dijo que mecánico había alertado a Uriel Bristol

El Nuevo Dia

Un agente resultó herido de bala esta noche, en la calle 906, cerca del complejo de vivienda pública Las Camelias, en Río Piedras - http://end.pr/zMYXVk

An agent was shot tonight, in the 906 Street, near the complex of Las Camelias in Rio Piedras public housing - http://end.pr/zMYXVk (Translated by Bing)

Hieren de bala a otro agente de la Uniformada - El Nuevo Día


El policía está en condición estable en el Centro Médico en Río Piedras, donde también se encuentra el sargento de la Uniformada baleado en Morovis


3:44 PM 3/19/2012 | The Party Behind the Puerto Rico Primary - Huffington Post | Romney, Santorum head to Ill., next battleground–Politics - KBOI 2 | Jewish GOPer Fred Karger's (sort of) surge… ahead of Ron Paul… in Puerto Rico Jewish Telegraphic Agency (blog) | Puerto Rico Primary Gives A Push To Luis Fortuno's Statehood Bid Fox News

Mike Nova's starred items

via Puerto Rico Daily Sun - Timely news about Puerto Rico, the Caribbean and the world on 3/19/12


Romney, Santorum head to Ill., next battleground | Politics | KBOI 2 *...*

via Gov. Louis Fortuño - Google Blog Search by unknown on 3/18/12

Romney campaigned Saturday morning with Puerto Rican Gov. Luis Fortuno, shopping for tropical fruit and meeting with voters a day after a massive, energetic rally in San Juan celebrated his arrival here. "It was Ronald ...

The Party Behind the Puerto Rico Primary - Huffington Post

via puerto rico politics - Google News on 3/19/12


The Party Behind the Puerto Rico Primary
Huffington Post
However, behind Governor Romney's landslide victory, there is a scene that could go unnoticed --a vibrant political party with a unique history and vast untapped potential. The Republican Party of Puerto Rico is older than five states of the Union.
Romney wins Puerto Rico GOP primary handilyCNN International
Romney compares Puerto Rico win to pancakes (0:33)Washington Post
Puerto Rico votes; GOP candidates battle elsewhereUSA TODAY
NECN -msnbc.com
all 6,566 news articles »

Jewish GOPer Fred Karger's (sort of) surge… ahead of Ron Paul… in Puerto Rico - Jewish Telegraphic Agency (blog)

via puerto rico politics - Google News on 3/19/12

International Business Times

Jewish GOPer Fred Karger's (sort of) surge… ahead of Ron Paul… in Puerto Rico
Jewish Telegraphic Agency (blog)
News campaign blog The Ticket reports: Ron Paul not only placed last in Sunday's Puerto Rico primary, he lost to Fred Karger, the former actor and political consultant who has never before held elected office. Karger, who brands himself as the first ...
Puerto Rico Statehood: GOP Primary Highlights MovementInternational Business Times
Puerto Rican influence growing in Election 2012Boston Herald
Top-tier candidates defeated by long-shot candidates in GOP Puerto Rico primaryDaily Caller
all 21 news articles »

What Are the Gobshites Saying These Days? - Esquire (blog)

via puerto rico politics - Google News on 3/19/12

What Are the Gobshites Saying These Days?
Esquire (blog)
By Charles P. Pierce We begin our semi-regular weekly feature with newly minted conquistador Willard Romney, who won all the delegates Puerto Rico could offer over the weekend and has concluded therefore, ipso facto, Speedy Gonzales, that he has all ...

Puerto Rico Primary Gives A Push To Luis Fortuno's Statehood Bid - Fox News

via puerto rico - Google News on 3/19/12

ABC News (blog)

Puerto Rico Primary Gives A Push To Luis Fortuno's Statehood Bid
Fox News
Luis Fortuño during Puerto Rico's GOP primary may not be at the top of the list for most Latinos, but Mitt Romney hopes his endorsement will help win Latino voters. Fortuño is pushing for Puerto Rico to become a state—and he sees Romney as an ally.
What Rick Santorum's Puerto Rico sideshow tells us about his campaignWashington Post (blog)
Romney wins Puerto Rico GOP primary handilyCNN International
The Party Behind the Puerto Rico PrimaryHuffington Post
TIME -ABC News (blog)
all 6,313 news articles »

Police in Puerto Rico find infant alongside man shot to death - Washington Post

via puerto rico - Google News on 3/19/12

Police in Puerto Rico find infant alongside man shot to death
Washington Post
SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico — Police in Puerto Rico say masked gunmen shot a man to death, then placed his baby alongside the corpse. Agent Luis Fontanez says two gunmen crept up on the 23-year-old man as he stood outside his car talking to a friend in the ...
and more »

DC Councilmember Michael Brown Presses Rick Santorum On DC Statehood Position - Huffington Post

via puerto rico - Google News on 3/19/12

New York Times (blog)

DC Councilmember Michael Brown Presses Rick Santorum On DC Statehood Position
Huffington Post
Rick Santorum attends a town meeting in San Juan, Puerto Rico, Wednesday, March 14, 2012. WASHINGTON -- What, if anything, is Rick Santorum's position on statehood for the District of Columbia? Brown also invited Santorum to "join us in our fight for ...
Puerto Rico Holds Primary With Statehood In MindNPR
Statehood Support Should Help Romney in Puerto RicoNew York Times (blog)
Romney Supports Statehood for Puerto Rico, Sin CondicionesDCist.com
Fox News -Washington Times (blog)
all 1,128 news articles »

Romney wins Puerto Rico, race moves to Ill., La. - Denver Post

via puerto rico - Google News on 3/18/12

Romney wins Puerto Rico, race moves to Ill., La.
Denver Post
By PHILIP ELLIOTT and BEN FOX AP SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico—Mitt Romney scored an overwhelming win Sunday in Puerto Rico's Republican presidential primary, trouncing chief rival Rick Santorum on the Caribbean island even as the two rivals looked ahead to ...

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In wake of big PR win, confident #Romney focuses on #Obama, #Illinois http://ow....

via Puerto Rico Business News's Facebook Wall by Puerto Rico Business News on 3/19/12

In wake of big PR win, confident #Romney focuses on #Obama, #Illinois http://ow....

In wake of big PR win, confident #Romney focuses on #Obama, #Illinois http://ow....
In wake of big PR win, confident #Romney focuses on #Obama, #Illinois http://ow.ly/9K7pg http://ow.ly/i/w93yHootSuite Photos

Rivera Schatz, Bhatia, González, Vega Ramos top at-large vote-getters http://ow....

via Puerto Rico Business News's Facebook Wall by Puerto Rico Business News on 3/19/12

Rivera Schatz, Bhatia, González, Vega Ramos top at-large vote-getters http://ow....

Rivera Schatz, Bhatia, González, Vega Ramos top at-large vote-getters http://ow....
Rivera Schatz, Bhatia, González, Vega Ramos top at-large vote-getters http://ow.ly/9K6B7 http://ow.ly/i/w90sHootSuite Photos

Mitt Romney's 'blowout' Puerto Rico victory: What it means

via Puerto Rico Newswire on 3/19/12

... territory's 20 delegates. Romney and had both personally campaigned on the island, but Romney has the support of Puerto Rico Gov. Luis Fortuno, and Santorum spent the last part of the week trying to atone for insulting Puerto Ricans by suggesting ...

Poll Question: Should U.S. States Matter More Than Territories in Presidential Primaries?

via Puerto Rico Newswire on 3/19/12

MARCH 16: Presidential candidate and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney shakes hands with Puerto Rico Gov.

Opening Act: !Puerto Rico

via Puerto Rico Newswire on 3/19/12

... Slate. You can follow authors and sections, track comment threads you're interested in, and more. SAN JUAN, PUERTO RICO - MARCH 16: Republican presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney attends a New Progressive Party rally on the ...


Ahead of tomorrow's first anniversary of the uprising, Suhair Atassi, the Syrian...

via FT World News's Facebook Wall by FT World News on 3/14/12

Ahead of tomorrow's first anniversary of the uprising, Suhair Atassi, the Syrian activist tells Roula Khalaf she fears for her country
Thorn in the side of the Assad regime - FT.com
Suhair Atassi’s revolution against Bashar al-Assad began weeks before the first “dignity” march in Damascus on March 15 last year. Since the early tremors of the Arab uprising in Tunisia, the 40-year-old divorced mother had resorted to every trick to mobilise the Syrian streets.

Wen Jiabao takes aim at Bo Xilai as China’s Communist party leadership prepares...

via FT World News's Facebook Wall by FT World News on 3/14/12

Wen Jiabao takes aim at Bo Xilai as China’s Communist party leadership prepares for a once in a decade transition
Wen attacks Communist party conservatives - FT.com
Wen Jiabao, China’s premier, has attacked conservative rivals in the ruling Communist party by warning that China could face another Cultural Revolution unless it undertakes urgent political reforms.

The Kremlin takes a big gamble with its new political experiment - today's Globa...

via FT World News's Facebook Wall by FT World News on 3/15/12

The Kremlin takes a big gamble with its new political experiment - today's Global Insight by Neil Buckley
Russia’s risky political experiment - FT.com
Moscow’s pro-democracy street protests are losing momentum. But the country’s political reawakening is not over – it will simply take on different forms. And in this next stage, Russia’s regions may start to play as important a role as the capital’s middle-class marchers.

Bo Xilai dismissed as party secretary of Chongqing municipality, effectively end...

via FT World News's Facebook Wall by FT World News on 3/15/12

Bo Xilai dismissed as party secretary of Chongqing municipality, effectively ending his political career
Bo Xilai replaced as Chongqing chief - FT.com
Bo Xilai, the maverick Chinese politician who until recently was a frontrunner for promotion to the top decision-making body of the ruling Communist party, has been dismissed as party secretary of Chongqing municipality.

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