Monday, June 3, 2013

Mystery Shopping in Puerto Rico

Mystery Shopping in Puerto Rico

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2 Comments, last updated on Monday Jun 3 by Nelson Perez

Charice es lesbiana: cantante y actriz de 'Glee' se declara gay

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La cantante y actriz Charice Pempengco ha decidido salir del clóset y admitir abiertamente que es lesbiana.

En una entrevista con The Buzz, la chica de 21 años dijo que era gay y pidió disculpas a sus fanáticos que no llegaran a comprenderla.


Medical Marijuana: 76% Of Doctors Would Prescribe It, Poll Finds 

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Three out of four doctors would prescribe marijuana to a patient who was experiencing pain from cancer, according to the results of a poll published in the New England Journal of Medicine.

The poll included 1,446 votes from 56 states and 72 countries, though most responses came from North America. For the poll, doctors were presented with the case of a 68-year-old woman named Marilyn, who was experiencing symptoms from metastatic breast cancer. They were asked to vote on whether medical marijuana should be prescribed to her for these symptoms, and were also presented with two opinion pieces written for doctors both for and against medical marijuana.


"Israel: Small in Size, Large in Culture" 

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"I'm a friend of the people and I love the country." That's the reason Zubin Mehta, maestro extraordinaire, gives for coming back to Israel each year since 1961 to conduct the Israeli Philharmonic Orchestra (IPO), including as its Musical Director for Life since 1981.

Mehta was in Israel this past week to conduct the IPO at the newly renovated 'Heichal Hatarbut', a Tel Aviv institution, which has housed the IPO since 1957.


The PRH (Personal Responsibility for Health) Chronicles, Part 6: Culture, Power, and Responsibility 

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For prior entries in this series, click here.

Our culture -- at least the movie-going part of it -- seems to have embraced the adage: With great power comes great responsibility. Somehow, at the same time, it seems to have ignored the inevitable, underlying principle: Power and responsibility are conjoined. This, in turn, implies a corollary our culture also neglects routinely, if not universally: Before anyone can reasonably be expected to take responsibility, they must be suitably empowered.


Michael Douglas Oral Sex: Ex-Wife Says She Doesn't Have HPV, Which May Have Caused His Cancer 

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On the heels of Michael Douglas' admission that his throat cancer may have been caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV), which can be transmitted by oral and genital sex, his ex-wife, Diandra Douglas, told TMZ that she does not have the sexually transmitted infection.

In an interview with The Guardian published Sunday, the actor appeared to suggest that the stage-four throat cancer, with which he was diagnosed in August 2010, was caused by HPV that stemmed from oral sex.


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The Search for Mental Illness and Addiction in the Brain, Part IV: The BRAIN Initiative and the Politics of Experience

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In part one in this series, I described the Human Genome Project and its results. In part two, I reviewed how poorly genetics and neuroscience have done to date in addressing the human psyche. In part three, I interpreted the underlying script between DSM-5 objectors and defenders as a confrontation over what being human means and thus how best to categorize and treat mental illness. In this post, I discuss whether the BRAIN Initiative, which the White House describes as "a bold new research effort to revolutionize our understanding of the human mind," stands any chance of succeeding at its aims.

In the first three parts of this series, I have reviewed the manifest failure of reductive genetic and neuroscientific models of the mind to address psychological functioning and to remedy psychopathology. However, not the least daunted by these failures -- described in the New York Times this way, "Decades of spending on neuroscience have taught scientists mostly what they do not know, undermining some of their most elemental assumption" -- neuroscientists, psychiatrists, and the public at large remain fantastically optimistic in their assumption that reductive biochemistry will solve our emotional and social problems. Genetics and neuroscience never have to say they're sorry -- not succeeding in curing addiction and mental illness, as a leading neuroscientist confidently predicted we were on the verge of doing in 1977, when in fact these conditions have worsened -- is no cause for concern or for backtracking. It's simply a matter of time. We may just have to move on and look in different places for this holy grail.


El retorno 

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La maleta aparcada en una esquina, los minúsculos regalos que viajaron dentro de ella ya en manos de los amigos y de los parientes. Las anécdotas –por su lado- necesitarán más tiempo, porque son tantas que podría pasarme el resto de la vida desmenuzando sus detalles. Ya estoy de vuelta. Al llegar comencé a sentir las peculiaridades de una Cuba que en tres meses de ausencia apenas si ha cambiado. La cantidad de uniformes fue lo primero que me saltó a la vista: militares, de aduana, de policía… ¿por qué se ven tantos uniformados nada más aterrizar en el Aeropuerto José Martí? ¿Por qué esa sensación de pocos civiles y muchos soldados? Después las luces mustias de los salones, la pregunta sin ninguna amabilidad de una supuesta doctora interesada en si yo había estado en África. ¿De dónde tu vienes, mi’ja? Me lanzó al rostro nada más ver mi pasaporte azulado con el escudo de la república en la portada.
Afuera, un grupo de colegas y familiares esperándome. El abrazo de mi hijo, el más ansiado. Después ha sido volver a entrar en mi espacio y en el tempo singular en el que transcurre la vida aquí. Ponerme al día de historias, sucesos del barrio, la ciudad y el país. Ya estoy de vuelta. Con una energía que los tropiezos cotidianos tratarán de recortar, pero de la que algo me quedará para emprender nuevos proyectos. Una etapa de mi vida termina y otra se perfila. He visto la solidaridad, la he palpado y ahora tengo también el deber de contarle a mis compatriotas de la Isla que no estamos solos. Me he traído tantos buenos recuerdos: el mar en Lima, el Templo Mayor en México DF, la Torre de la Libertad en Miami, la belleza de Río De Janeiro, el afecto de tantos amigos en Italia, Madrid con su Museo del Prado y sus Cibeles, Ámsterdam y los canales que la atraviesan, Estocolmo y los ciber activistas de todo el mundo que conocí allí, Berlín y esos grafitis que cubren lo que una vez fue el Muro que dividió a Alemania, Oslo rodeado de verde, New York que nunca duerme, Ginebra con sus diplomáticos y la sede de la ONU, Gdansk cargado de historia reciente y Praga, la bella, la única. Todos esos lugares, con sus luces y sus sombras, sus graves problemas y sus momentos para el ocio y la risa, me los he traído a La Habana.
Ya estoy de vuelta y no soy la misma persona. Algo de cada sitio en donde estuve se quedó en mí, también los abrazos y las palabras de ánimo que me dieron están hoy aquí, conmigo.
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White House threatens to veto spending...

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  1. Former Pr. George's jail guard sentenced to two years in prison

    Mon Jun 03 13:17:00 EDT 2013
  2. Local

    Eubanks chosen to chair Pr. George's Board of Education

  3. Romero opts out

    Veteran efty reliever J.C. Romero decided to leave the Nationals after he no longer saw an opportunity to help in the majors.
    Adam Kilgore,  The Washington Post   Mon Jun 03 17:27:08 EDT 2013
  4. Baker addresses community about Prince George's schools plan

  5. The risk in Eric Holder's survival

    Just what are the consequences of Justice Department overreach?
    Erik Wemple,  The Washington Post   Mon Jun 03 15:28:15 EDT 2013
  6. IRS hearing: Live updates

    For the fourth time in two weeks, a congressional committee will hold a hearing on the IRS scandal. It starts at 3 p.m.
    Aaron Blake,  The Washington Post   Mon Jun 03 14:46:17 EDT 2013
  7. Prince George's County Council approves $2.7 billion spending plan

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Royal Caribbean International to Receive the 2013 Invest Caribbean Now ... - (press release)

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Royal Caribbean International to Receive the 2013 Invest Caribbean Now ... (press release)
Held during Caribbean Week in New York, one individual or corporation deemed as excelling in its investments in the U.S.' 'Third Border,' is selected to receive the coveted award each year. ICN officials are honouring Royal Caribbean International this ...

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FRONTLINE: Outlawed in Pakistan

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FRONTLINE: Outlawed in Pakistan

FRONTLINE: Outlawed in PakistanTraza la odisea de cinco años de una adolescente víctima de violación a través del viciado sistema de justicia de Pakistán.07-Jun-2013/area-de-especiales/frontline-outlawed-in-pakistan
Homenaje a Francisco “Frankie” Librán en Charla Deportiva
El mundo del deporte puertorriqueño sufrió el pasado 16 de mayo la gran pérdida del que fue considerado el atleta más completo del pa&iacu 

Camarones marinados al estilo Mediterráneo

Memorias del ex árbitro de baloncesto superior Rosendo Rodríguez

Sistema TV felicita a la clase graduanda del 2013

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