Friday, June 7, 2013

Political Status of Puerto Rico - News Review - 6/06 - 5/23/13

Political Status of Puerto Rico - News Review - 6/06 - 5/23/13

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Political Status of Puerto Rico - News Review - Google Search

WSJ: White House Defends Phone-Record Tracking as...

White House Defends Phone-Record Tracking as 'Critical…

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TV Series About Latino James Bond

via Puerto Rico News and Journals's Facebook Wall by Puerto Rico News and Journals on 6/7/13
Robert Rodriguez To Create TV Series About Latino James Bond
Fox News Latino
Robert Rodriguez plans to make a suave, debonair debut with the first series for his new television network “El Rey.” The Mexican-American movie director is developing a …

Robert Rodriguez To Create TV Series About Latino James Bond - Fox News Latino

The Best Of Ricky Martin (Greatest hits) CD1

via Puerto Rico Videos & Songs's Facebook Wall by Puerto Rico Videos & Songs on 6/7/13
The Best Of Ricky Martin (Greatest hits) CD1

CD 1: 1. Fuego contra fuego 2. El amor de mi vida 3. Que dia es hoy (self-control) (remix) 4. Maria (remix spanglish version) 5. Te extrano te olvido te amo …

Eduardo Lalo won the award in Venezuela for his novel...

Puerto Rican wins award for his novel "Simone"

Eduardo Lalo won the award in Venezuela.

New York Times: 'The administration has now lost all credibility'...

Hispanics Are The unhappiest Ethnic Group, According To Harris Poll - 06/07/2013

Hispanics Are The unhappiest Ethnic Group, According To Harris Poll  - 06/07/2013

With 47 Million on Food Assistance, Congress Considers Cuts - 6/6/2013 - PBSNewsHour

Athletes a big draw at this year's gay pride festivals - Outsports - 6/7/2013

Athletes a big draw at this year's gay pride festivals - Outsports - 6/7/2013

Also last weekend, openly gay boxer Orlando Cruz was a busy man at pride events in Queens and Buffalo. He was the grand marshal of the 21st annual Queens Pride Parade and Multicultural Festival.
"I am proud to be who I am — a Puerto Rican and gay," said Cruz, a former Olympian and fourth-ranked featherweight. "I am honored to be grand marshal in the Queens Pride Parade and I hope that the young people watching and marching in the parade are also proud of who they are."
Cruz also found time to attend Buffalo's gay pride event and tweeted out this photo of himself:


Editorial de El Nuevo Día - 07 Jun ' 01:43


07 Jun ' 01:43

Viernes 7 de junio de 2013

los perjuicios del mal uso de fondos

Editorial de El Nuevo Día
El manejo, cuando menos inadecuado, de millonarios fondos federales por parte del Gobierno central y los municipios demanda de un golpe de timón que libere a las agencias de un problema de desidia que, como uno de sus efectos, mantiene a la Comisión para la Seguridad en el Tránsito restringida en el uso de $20 millones destinados a servicios.

control ético a la

Editorial de El Nuevo Día
La denuncia de graves violaciones al otorgar órdenes de compras y pagos en la Superintendencia del Capitolio en los últimos 5 meses del cuatrienio anterior debe servir como coyuntura para incluir a todos los funcionarios y empleados de la Rama Legislativa en las disposiciones del estricto Código de Ética que elaboran ambas cámaras.


Editorial de El Nuevo Día
Ante el hecho de que nuestra economía entró en su octavo año de contracción y nos acecha la posibilidad real de una catastrófica degradación crediticia, los líderes legislativos, del Ejecutivo y del sector privado están llamados a concertar un presupuesto realista, que ataque las deficiencias estructurales que lastran las finanzas públicas.


Editorial de El Nuevo Día
Ante el caótico escenario de delincuencia y criminalidad rampante que vive Puerto Rico, los tribunales no pueden refugiarse en el dogma ni en la aplicación rutinaria de la justicia, sino que deben buscar derroteros que respondan a la realidad social y a los reclamos de seguridad ciudadana.


Editorial de El Nuevo Día
El hecho de que las 44 turbinas eólicas ubicadas en Santa Isabel estén apagadas para revisiones de seguridad, y que su salida del panorama de generación de energía no tenga efecto en el mismo, impone que repensemos los criterios para la promoción de proyectos de energía renovable, por más “amigables” que puedan ser para el ambiente.

Liberar a un hombre libre

Lo que ocurrió el miércoles de la semana pasada en Puerto Rico fue lo más cercano al ideal que debe ser el de todos los pueblos y de los hombres que se respeten a sí mismos y sean


Miguel Rodríguez Casellas
Apenas estoy conociendo los debates sobre la presencia aborigen en Australia, país al cual me mudé recientemente. De entrada, ya salieron las incongruencias del political correctne

Los tres derechos de Oscar

Luis Rosado (Maestro)
Todo  ser humano tiene estos tres derechos fundamentales para su existencia: el derecho a la vida, el derecho a la libertad y el derecho a la felicidad. Ninguno de los tres

Marihuana: un cambio necesario de paradigma

José A. Rivera (Abogado y portavoz de la Coalición por la Despenalización del Cannabis)
En Puerto Rico por los últimos 70 años aproximadamente, el tema de la droga se ha manejado de una forma muy poco efectiva. La mal llamada guerra contra las drogas comenzó con la


Danilo Arbilla (Periodista)
Desembozadamente, con esa soberbia del poder común a sus colegas, amigos y correligionarios Rafael Correa, Cristina Kirchner, Daniel Ortega y el extinto Hugo Chávez y sus herede


Sr. Gobernador: La tarde del domingo pasado tuve que visitar la División de Vehículos Hurtados de la Policía de San Juan debido a que me habían robado el auto de en frente a mi casa, el viernes en la madrugada.
Fui a llevar los vídeos de las cámaras de seguridad de la urbanización donde resido, ya que esto podría ayudar en la captura de los ladrones y, para mi sorpresa, me encontré que la División estaba cerrada.
No tan solo estaban las oficinas cerradas, sino que solo había dos agentes en una patrulla para todos los casos del área de San Juan. ¿Usted no encuentra ésto insólito?
Si la seguridad de los ciudadanos es algo de suma importancia para usted, y es una prioridad según lo hizo saber en su campaña política, le exhorto a que evalúe el plan de seguridad vigente y cómo se distribuyen los recursos y los fondos asignados a la Policía, si es que son suficientes.
Es importante también dejarle saber que los dos agentes que me atendieron fueron muy diligentes y altamente profesionales. En dos minutos ya habían hecho una relación de vehículos con otros crímenes relacionados en mi área.
Entiendo que la Uniformada está haciendo un trabajo excepcional, pero necesita más ayuda.
Miguel Díaz
San Juan

El siglo 20 comenzó con la lucha de los obreros y el partido socialista para lograr mejorar las condiciones de trabajo del Pueblo. Después de una ardua lucha y muchas muertes, se obtuvo grandes avances en las condiciones de trabajo, sueldos y beneficios en general. Los jubilados de ahora les debemos nuestro beneficio a esos mártires.
Para la década del 1970 y poco antes, muchas empresas contaban con beneficios tales como planes médicos gratis para sus empleados, planes de retiro con la aportación total o parcial del patrono; y a causa de leyes, otorgando días por enfermedad, maternidad y vacaciones. La mayor parte de los empleos eran a tiempo completo.
¿Qué está pasando ahora? Al llegar las megatiendas y “fast foods” ha proliferado la práctica de tener menos empleados permanentes para reducir el costo de beneficios; la mayoría de las empresas carecen de planes de retiro y médicos. Muchas personas tienen varios empleos para poder sobrevivir. La dependencia del gobierno ha aumentado vertiginosamente. Las condiciones de trabajo han empeorado, las uniones se han desprestigiado. Seguimos retrocediendo en los beneficios alcanzados. ¿Llegaremos al punto de otra revolución?
Víctor Rivera Esterás
San Juan

“Impulso al empleo joven” dice un reciente titular en El Nuevo Día. Conozco el caso de un joven maestro de 29 años recién cumplidos y lleva seis años dando clases (ingles e historia) en el Departamento de Educación.
No le han dado ni “periodo probatorio”.
Él obtuvo su educacion en el Colegio Menonita y en la UPR se certificó como maestro de Historia desde antes de obtener su bachillerato.
Y como ya está desempleado otra vez, puede que Texas se lo lleve a sus escuelas; prácticamente llena sus requisitos.
Él no quiere irse, pero no hay más remedio. Luego se preguntan, ¿por qué se nos va el talento joven?

José R. Arroyo Rodríguez
El Comandante, Carolina

Dirijo esta carta al Obispo de Mayagüez, Álvaro Corrada del Ríos. El pasado sábado leí una carta en este periódico pidiendo sanciones contra un sacerdote de Mayagüez que tiene la Monoestrellada en el altar del Beato Carlos Manuel.
Monseñor Corrada del Río, le doy las gracias por tener ese sacerdote en nuestra diócesis. Hace años ese sacerdote estuvo con nosotros en Maricao, por lo que conocemos su forma de pensar y apoyamos sus intervenciones en los asuntos “socio-políticos”, culturales y religiosos. Sacerdotes como él despiertan la conciencia adormecida de nuestro pueblo.
Sacerdotes como él hacen falta en toda la iglesia puertorriqueña, que no se sometan ni se dobleguen ante los abusos de poder que muchas veces sufrimos en nuestra tierra.
Soy de los que van con regularidad a esa parroquia y salgo contento, con gusto de haber celebrado la eucaristía. Voy a la eucaristía a hacer oración y encontrarme con Dios por medio de un sacerdote que no ande con paños tibios y sin que me oculte la realidad social en la que vivimos.
Soy de los que esperan que la iglesia nos abra los ojos, despierte nuestra conciencia y nos haga sentir orgullosos de ser católicos puertorriqueños. Soy de los que reconocen a la iglesia todo el derecho de intervenir en los asuntos “del pueblo”, y ese sacerdote, a quien conozco y apoyo, lo hace con firmeza, verticalidad y sin miedo. Como lo hace él, lo hizo El Bautista, lo hizo San Pablo, lo hizo Jesús, lo hizo Monseñor Romero en El Salvador, Mons. Antulio Parrilla en su momento y lo hizo usted en la Diócesis de Caguas cuando Vieques.
Y a ese sacerdote le digo aquello de las Sagradas Escrituras: hay que obedecer a Dios antes que a los hombres.
Carlos Noel Arlequín Rivera
Viernes 7 de junio de 2013


damages for misuse of funds

Editorial of The New Day
The handling, at least inadequate federal funding millionaires by the central government and municipalities demand a change of course to free agencies of neglect problem, as one of its effects, keeps the Safety Commission Traffic restricted in the use of $ 20 million for services.

ethical control the

Editorial of The New Day
The complaint of serious violations by giving purchase orders and payments in the Superintendent of the Capitol in the last five months of the previous four years should serve as a juncture to include all officials and employees of the Legislative Branch of the provisions of strict Code of Ethics produced both chambers.


Editorial of The New Day
Given the fact that our economy went into its eighth year of contraction and lurks the real possibility of a catastrophic degradation credit, legislative leaders, the Executive and the private sector are called to enter a realistic budget that addresses the structural deficiencies weigh on public finances.


Editorial of The New Day
Given the chaotic scene of crime and rampant crime that lives Puerto Rico, the courts can not take refuge in dogma or routine application of justice, but must seek paths that respond to the social reality and the demands of public safety.


Editorial of The New Day
The fact that the 44 wind turbines located in Santa Isabel are off for security checks, and that his departure from power generation scenario has no effect on it, requires that we rethink the criteria for the promotion of renewable energy projects, more "friendly" they can be for the environment.

Freeing a free man

What happened on Wednesday of last week in Puerto Rico was the closest to the ideal should be to all people and men to respect themselves and are


Miguel Rodríguez Casellas
I'm just knowing debates about Aboriginal presence in Australia, a country which recently moved. Input, and the inconsistencies of the political left correctne

The three rights of Oscar

Luis Rosado (Master)
Everyone has these three basic rights for their existence: the right to life, the right to liberty and the right to happiness. None of the three

Marijuana: a necessary change of paradigm

José A. Rivera (Lawyer and spokesperson for the Coalition for the Legalization of Cannabis)
In Puerto Rico for the past 70 years or so, the drug issue has been handled in a very very effective. The so-called war on drugs began with the


Danilo Arbilla (Reporter)
Unabashedly, with the arrogance of power common to colleagues, friends and fellow Rafael Correa, Cristina Kirchner, the late Daniel Ortega and Hugo Chavez and his heir


Mr. Governor: last Sunday afternoon I had to visit Stolen Vehicles Division of Police of San Juan because I had stolen the car in front of my house, on Friday morning.
I went to take videos from the security cameras in the neighborhood where I live, as this could help catch the thieves and, to my surprise, I found that the Division was closed.
Not only were the offices closed, but there were only two officers on patrol for all cases from the San Juan. Do not you find this strange?
If the safety of citizens is something very important to you, and is a priority as made known in his political campaign, I encourage you to evaluate the current security plan and how resources are distributed and the funds allocated to the Police , if they are sufficient.
It is also important to let you know that the two officers who assisted me were very diligent and highly professional. In two minutes I had made a list of vehicles with other related crimes in my area.
I understand the Uniformed are doing an outstanding job, but need more help.
Miguel Diaz
San Juan

The 20th century began with the struggle of the workers and the Socialist Party in order to improve the working conditions of the people. After a hard fight and many deaths, obtained great progress in working conditions, wages and benefits in general. Retirees now owe them our benefit to these martyrs.
For the 1970 and shortly before, many companies had benefits such as free medical plans for employees, retirement plans with full or partial contribution of the employer, and because of laws, granting sick leave, maternity leave and vacation. Most of the jobs were full time.
What is happening now? Upon reaching the megastores and "fast foods" has proliferated practice of having fewer permanent employees to reduce the cost of benefits, most companies lack of medical and retirement plans. Many people have several jobs to survive. The government agency has soared. Working conditions have worsened, unions have been discredited. We back in the benefits achieved. Will we get to the point of another revolution?
Victor Rivera mats
San Juan

"Boosting youth employment" reads a recent headline in El Nuevo Dia I know of a young teacher just turned 29 and spent six years teaching (English and history) at the Department of Education.
Do not have given "probation".
He received his education at the College Mennonite and the UPR was certified as a teacher of history from before earning his baccalaureate.
And as is unemployed again, that Texas can take to their schools, practically met your criteria.
He does not want to leave, but there is no choice. Then they wonder why we are going young talent?

José R. Arroyo Rodriguez
The Commander, Carolina

I address this letter to the Bishop of Mayagüez, Alvaro Corrada del Rios. On Saturday I read a letter in this newspaper calling for sanctions against a priest who has the Monoestrellada Mayagüez on the altar of Blessed Carlos Manuel.
Bishop Corrada del Rio, I thank you for having that priest in our diocese. Years ago this priest was with us in Maricao, so we know their thinking and support their interventions in the affairs "socio-political", cultural and religious. Priests as he awakened the slumbering conscience of our people.
Priests like him are needed throughout the church Rican, who will not bow or bow down to the abuses of power that often suffer in our land.
I am one who run regularly to the parish and leave happy, we are happy to have celebrated the Eucharist. I go to Mass to pray and meet with God through a priest he walk with no warm cloths and I hide the social reality in which we live.
I am among those who hope that the church open our eyes, awaken our consciousness and make us feel proud to be Puerto Rican Catholics. I am among those who recognize the church every right to intervene in the affairs "of the people", and that priest, whom I know and support, it does firmly, verticality and fearless. As he does, he did the Baptist, St. Paul did, what Jesus did, what did Archbishop Romero in El Salvador, Archbishop Antulio Grill at the time and what you did in the Diocese of Caguas when Vieques.
And I say that that priest of Holy Scripture: we must obey God rather than men.
Noel Harlequin Carlos Rivera

    "It's time for the whole country to divorce him..."

    “Divorce Putin-Style,” spoofing the 2006 American romantic comedy, The Break-Up. 
    Anonymous image circulated widely on the Internet.

    Putin Loses His First Lady & RuNet Snarks

    Russian President Vladimir Putin and his wife Lyudmila sit in front of the Taj Mahal while touring the city of Agra in this October 4, 2000 file photograph. REUTERS-Pawel Kopczynski-Files
    MOSCOW | Fri Jun 7, 2013 4:59am EDT

    (Reuters) - President Vladimir Putin and his wife, Lyudmila, told Russians on Thursday that their 30-year marriage was over, confirming longstanding speculation that they had separated.
    In a rare appearance together on state television, Putin was asked about rumors that they no longer lived together and answered: "That is true."
    The announcement removes a big question mark about the private life of a president who has increasingly touted traditional values and championed the conservative Russian Orthodox Church as a moral authority.
    Politically, Putin may have calculated that it was better to be seen coming clean about a separation many Russians have long taken as fact than to be suspected of hiding the truth or living a secret second life.
    The couple looked nervous as they stood side by side in the Kremlin, speaking to a lone reporter. They referred to each other formally by first name and patronymic, adding a respectful but uncomfortable touch.
    Putin smiled woodenly and nodded as Lyudmila spoke, though they both appeared more relaxed after making the announcement.

    A top-secret arm of the controversial Stellar Wind... | PRISM scandal: tech giants Allowing NSA flatly deny direct access to servers ... - 07/06/2013 - The Guardian

    CBS NEWS/ June 6, 2013, 11:23 PM

    NSA secretly mining user data from U.S. Internet giants

    Updated 11:40 a.m. ET June 7, 2013
    A top-secret arm of the controversial Stellar Wind program set up in the wake of 9/11 is allowing the National Security Agency and the FBI to tap directly into the central servers of nine major Internet companies to extract audio, video, photos, emails and documents that let analysts track an individual's communication, CBS News has learned.
    The program, called PRISM, was established in 2007, according to The Washington Post, which broke the story Thursday evening. CBS News senior correspondent John Miller said it doesn't deal with names but was designed as a way for the government to track suspected terrorists. It culls metadata from Microsoft, Yahoo, Google, Facebook, PalTalk, AOL, Skype, YouTube and Apple and will soon include Dropbox.

    via world - Google News on 6/6/13

    The Guardian

    Anger swells after NSA phone records court order revelations
    The Guardian
    The scale of America's surveillance state was laid bare on Thursday as senior politicians revealed that the US counter-terrorism effort had swept up swaths of personal data from the phone calls of millions of citizens for years. After the revelation by ...

    and more »

    via world - Google News on 6/6/13

    Washington Post

    'No Such Agency' spies on the communications of the world
    Washington Post
    The National Security Agency, nicknamed “No Such Agency” because of its ultra-secrecy, is the government's eavesdropper-in-chief. Charged primarily with electronic spying around the globe, the NSA collects billions of pieces of intelligence from ...
    Verizon court order: telephone call metadata and what it can showThe Guardian
    Is Congress Responsible for NSA Phone Data Mining?U.S. News & World Report
    The National Security Agency: surveillance giant with eyes on AmericaThe Guardian
    Yeshiva World News
    all 1,002 news articles »

    Neptune/Poseidon in his sea chariot drawn by a team...

    Neptune/Poseidon in his sea chariot drawn by a team of hippocampus horse sea-serpents with dolphin escorts ....

    MOSCOW (Reuters) - President Vladimir Putin and his wife...

    MOSCOW (Reuters) - President Vladimir Putin and his wife, Lyudmila, told Russians on Thursday that their 30-year marriage was over, confirming longstanding speculation that they had separated.
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    What if the credit agencies degrade Boricua? - ENDia | Si degradan el crédito boricua - El Nuevo Día

    What if credit degrade Boricua

    Study reveals impact chaotic experience of the Island