Sunday, June 9, 2013

PUerto Rican Parade 2013 - YouTube

PUerto Rican Parade 2013 - YouTube

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Video: San Sebastian and some local 'street dancing'

Published on Jun 9, 2013

PR Videos - Review

Hispanic New York: For *Puerto Ricans*, a Parade of Questions

via puerto rican community in usa - Google Blog Search by Claudio Iván Remeseira on 6/8/13
Read m... For Puerto Ricans, a Parade of Questions. A New York staple since 1958, the Puerto Rican Day Parade has recently come under increased scrutiny over spending and motives. Read more ... Latino Music Festival ...

Reuters on Puerto Rican statehood


  • Puerto Ricans to vote on US territorial status
  • ... over the island's status has long dominated politics in Puerto Rico, where political parties are formed around the preference for statehood, independence or ...
  • Sun Nov 4, 2012 11:13am EST

Political Status of Puerto Rico - Blogs

Miles de personas en parada puertorriqueña de Nueva York | More than 2 million people will take part of the Puerto Rican Day Parade...

» Miles de personas en parada puertorriqueña de Nueva York
09/06/13 10:28 from Primera Hora : Noticias
Entre los participantes del evento festivo figuran políticos y celebridades. 

via Caribnews's Facebook Wall by Caribnews on 6/9/13

TODAY: More than 2 million people will take part of the Puerto Rican Day Parade in New York

Puerto Rican Flags Wave To New York's Parade-Goers : NPR
In terms of Puerto Rican Day parades, New York City's event still takes the cake with its millions of parade watchers. Despite a steady population drop, the city is still home to the largest Puerto Rican...

Tips on Understanding Puerto Rican Spanish

» Tips on Understanding Puerto Rican Spanish | Travel and Escape
09/06/13 11:00 from puerto rico - Google Blog Search
The Spanish you learned in school may trip you up when travelling to Puerto Rico . Make sure you read these tips on understanding and pronouncing Puerto Rican Spanish before you go!

Tips on Understanding Puerto Rican Spanish

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Just like any other Spanish-speaking country, Puerto Ricans speak a unique version of Spanish, all their own. While most Puerto Ricans will have no trouble understanding the textbook Spanish you learned in school, you may struggle a bit when attempting to understand the locals. Here are a few tips on how to understand Puerto Rican Spanish.
Watch out for the dropped “d”
Puerto Ricans tend to skip over the letter “d” in many words, most notably in words that end in “ado.” For example, the word for tired, cansado, might sound more like “cansao” in Puerto Rico. The meaning and spelling are the same, but the pronunciation is just different enough to trip up many travellers on their first trip to the island.
The “r” sound may be replace with the Spanish “j” sound
Once again, Puerto Ricans alter the pronunciation just slightly, but enough to confuse anyone who might not be accustomed to the Puerto Rican accent. You will often hear Puerto Ricans referring to the “cajo,” (pronounced “kah-ho”) which is actually referring to the carro, or car.
English words may be turned into Spanish verbs
If you hear a verb you have never encountered before that sounds remarkably close to an English word, it is most likely based on an English word. Puerto Ricans are a bit infamous for their Spanglish, but they take it a step past incorporating English words into Spanish sentences – they actually morph English words into Spanish ones. Let’s take a look at the word “hang” as in “to hang out.” While the grammatically correct way to say “hang out” in Spanish is pasar tiempo, Puerto Ricans are more likely to say janguear (pronounced “hang-gay-ar”). Similarly, the word friquear (pronounced “free-kay-ar”) means “to freak out.”
Puerto Rican Spanish is truly a Spanish all its own, but once you get used to it, you’ll have as much fun learning the local lingo as the locals will having teaching it to you.

TODAY: More than 2 million people will take part of the Puerto Rican Day Parade in New York - NPR

via Caribnews's Facebook Wall by Caribnews on 6/9/13
BREAKING: Puerto Rico faces uphill budget rush as 'junk' rating looms -- Reuters

Analysis: Puerto Rico faces uphill budget rush as 'junk' rating looms
(Reuters) - Puerto Rico policymakers, desperate to keep the Caribbean island's massive debts out of the junk-bonds bin, are racing against a June 30 deadline to revive sales-tax hikes that are the backbone

via Caribnews's Facebook Wall by Caribnews on 6/9/13
TODAY: More than 2 million people will take part of the Puerto Rican Day Parade in New York

Puerto Rican Flags Wave To New York's Parade-Goers : NPR
In terms of Puerto Rican Day parades, New York City's event still takes the cake with its millions of parade watchers. Despite a steady population drop, the city is still home to the largest Puerto Rican...

via Caribnews's Facebook Wall by Caribnews on 6/8/13
Government likely to open criminal probe into NSA leaks: officials - Reuters

Government likely to open criminal probe into NSA leaks: officials
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama's administration is likely to open a criminal investigation into the leaking of highly classified documents that revealed the secret surveillance of Americans'

via Caribnews's Facebook Wall by Caribnews on 6/8/13
Leno: ‘We Wanted a President That Listens to All Americans - Now We Have One’

Leno: ‘We Wanted a President That Listens to All Americans - Now We Have One’ | NewsBusters
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The New Scouts Oath? | KEEP SPINNIN'

Cruise to Caribbean from San Juan, Puerto Rico and save up...

Cruise to Caribbean from San Juan, Puerto Rico and save up to

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The island's sales-tax bonds offer investors higher yields and a dedicated line of payment amidPuerto Rico's fiscal uncertainty... - WSJ

A Shelter From Puerto Rico's Storm

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