Thursday, June 20, 2013

Jueves via Home - El Nuevo Día on 6/20/13 | Denuncia proyecto a beneficio de abogados Populares via Opinión – Vocero de Puerto Rico on 6/20/13 | García Padilla habla sobre sus decisiones económicas via Política - El Nuevo Día on 6/19/13

via Home - El Nuevo Día on 6/20/13

García Padilla explica el por qué de sus decisiones económicas

Argumenta sobre las razones para establecer nuevos impuestos al sector privado, reformar el Sistema de Retiro y el aumento en la factura del agua

La isla gay creada por el fascismo - By BBC News

Poco se habla del pasado opresor de San Domino, hoy paraíso turístico

Estrena el thriller de zombis "World War Z"

Brad Pitt protagoniza la adaptación del libro de Max Brooks

Encaminado el presupuesto

Podría verse en la Comisión senatorial de Hacienda durante el fin de semana.

Encarrilados los ‘juegos’ en Hacienda

Renuncia de la Secretaria Auxiliar de la Lotería no detendrá los planes trazados
Lucrativa la integración adecuada en la red

20 de junio de 2013 - Columnas, Opinión - Alex Delgado, Director Noti Uno 630

“Mala administración financiera, una población decreciente, una base contributiva menguante y otros factores durante los pasados 45 años han llevado a Detroit al punto de la ruina financiera y operacional”.
- Kevyn Orr
Administrador de Emergencia de Detroit
“Se te nota” - Sandro
El Tribunal Supremo revisó la constitucionalidad de la Ley 18-2013 que lim...


¿La estadidad convertiría la Isla en un gueto? ¿O bajo el Estado Libre Asociado ya lo somos? ¿Está Puerto Rico en mejor condición económica que...

via Financial Times's Facebook Wall by Financial Times on 6/20/13
"The Fed has been the unequivocal friend of the markets for much of the time since 2009, and certainly ever since last September. That comfortable assumption no longer applies."

Read macroeconomist Gavyn Davies on the US Federal Reserve's signal that it was beginning the exit from its programme of unconventional monetary easing:
Image of Ben Bernanke, Fed chairman, by Getty

via Política - El Nuevo Día on 6/19/13

García Padilla habla sobre sus decisiones económicas

20 de junio de 2013 00:00 a.m.
Cerca de cumplir seis meses en el cargo, el gobernador Alejandro García Padilla habla con franqueza acerca de los acuerdos económicos que debieron tomarse para organizar el presupuesto y aseguró que...

Abogados discuten determinación del Supremo sobre la Ley 18

19 de junio de 2013 11:23 p.m.
Por Michelle Estrada Torres /
Muchas preguntas, variadas interpretaciones y pocas respuestas es lo que provoca entre conocedores del derecho la declaración de inconstitucionalidad de dos artículos de la Ley 18 por parte del Trib...

PNP reitera que proyecto sobre JRT beneficia a "amigos del gobernador"

19 de junio de 2013 09:34 p.m.
El discurso sobre los amigos del gobernador con el que el Partido Popular Democrático (PPD) llevó su ofensiva el pasado cuatrienio contra el gobierno de Luis Fortuño pareció resurgir este miércoles...

Se evalúa legislación para limitar transacciones en dinero efectivo

19 de junio de 2013 09:30 p.m.
El Senado tiene ante su consideración un proyecto de ley que prohibe el pago en efectivo de transacciones comerciales y profesionales en exceso de $2,000 y que impone sanciones a las partes que vio...

Cámara aprueba medida para fiscalizar el IVU

19 de junio de 2013 09:11 p.m.
Por Rebecca Banuchi /
La Cámara de Representantes comenzó este miércoles a considerar las medidas con las que el gobierno buscará allegar más capital al erario al aprobar un proyecto de ley que intenta atajar parte de la...


Por Rebecca Banuchi /

Con voto favorable unánime, el Senado aprobó este miércoles legislación para crear la “Ley contra el hostigamiento e intimidación o bullying, cuyas disposiciones cubren a todas las instituciones ed...

via puerto rico - Google News on 6/19/13

Puerto Rico hopes to net $100 mn from tax amnesty
Newstrack India
San Juan, June 20 (IANS/EFE) The Puerto Rican government expects to net around $100 million from a tax amnesty that expires June 30, Treasury Secretary Melba Acosta said Wednesday. There are many tax debtors who have the chance to get up to date ...

and more »

via Videos matching: puerto rico news tv by TVPuertoRico on 6/14/09
Efren Arroyo presenta una serie especial con motivo de la transición a la señal digital, y los 55 años de la televisión en Puerto Rico.
From: TVPuertoRico
Views: 4873
Time: 10:16More in Education

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Puerto Rico Statehood? Pedro Pierluisi Urges Obama To Act Or Face UN Intervention [VIDEO]

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Puerto Rico Statehood? Pedro Pierluisi Urges Obama To Act Or Face UN Intervention [VIDEO]

By Megan Taros, Jun 19, 2013 03:40 PM EDT
Pedro Pierluisi
(PHOTO CREDIT: Creative Commons) Puerto Rican Congressman Pedro Pierluisi said Monday that he is willing to take Puerto Rican statehood issue over the White House to the UN if the U.S. does not act soon.
Months of inactivity regarding Puerto Rican statehood has caused an uproar, with nonvoting Congressman for the island Pedro Pierluisi threatening to go over the White House to get it. Pierluisi said Monday that he would take the issue to the United Nations if U.S. President Barack Obama did not act immediately. The resident commissioner made the comments in a meeting before the UN Special Committee on Decolonization, the Huffington Post reported.
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"Let me be clear, Mr. Chairman," Pierluisi said. "In the absence of concrete and timely action from the U.S. government, I will not hesitate to raise this case before the United Nations or any other appropriate international forum."
The New Progressive Party has been particularly adamant about statehood after a non-binding referendum in November that indicated that 54 percent of the island's population opposed the current status of Puerto Rico-U.S. relations. A two-part referedumn took place Nov. 6, revitalizing the statehood movement. The U.S., however, has not yet acted upon the situation.
"The current status has lost its democratic legitimacy," Pierluisi said. "The only path forward is statehood or nationhood."
About 61 percent of Puerto Rican voters favored a statehood option when weighed against other alternatives such as becoming a sovereign state or independent country. The UN Special Committee on Decolonization voted 12 times in support of Puerto Rican self-determination. The issue has yet to appear before the General Assembly. Meanwhile, the Committee pased a resolution presented by Cuba solidifying the island's right to self-determination and asked the U.S. government to release independece fighters Oscar López Rivera and Norberto González Claudio.

Puerto Rico Statehood? Pedro Pierluisi Urges Obama To Act Or Face UN ...
Latin Times
Months of inactivity regarding Puerto Rican statehood has caused an uproar, with nonvoting Congressman for the island Pedro Pierluisi threatening to go over the White House to get it. Pierluisi said Monday that he would take the issue to the United ...

Subdirector DEA niega haber sido contactado por Fortaleza – Vocero de Puerto Rico

Subdirector DEA niega haber sido contactado por Fortaleza – Vocero de Puerto Rico

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Subdirector DEA niega haber sido contactado por Fortaleza

Para ser nombrado como el nuevo Superintendente de la Policía
El subdirector del Negociado Federal Antidrogas (DEA, por sus siglas en inglés), Pedro Janer, rechazó que esté en negociaciones con La Fortaleza para ser nombrado como el nuevo Superintendente de la Policía, ante una posible salida de Héctor Pesquera.
“Es un rumor. Nadie de La Fortaleza me ha hecho un acercamiento sobre eso. Hasta donde sé el superintendente Héctor Pesquera sigue en su posición y yo lo apoyo como Superintendente. Creo que es muy buen Superintendente como necesita la Policía”, afirmó a EL VOCERO.
Empero, Janer no descartó aceptar alguna posición en el sector público o privado.
“He llegado a una etapa de mi carrera que estoy abierto a considerar cualquier opción para el sector público o privado. Es un honor que mi nombre sea mencionado”, acotó.
Informes de prensa señalan que Janer es uno de los candidatos considerados por el gobernador Alejandro García Padilla para sustituir a Pesquera, si finalmente dejara la Policía.
El contrato de Pesquera se reanuda todos los meses de forma automática.
El Primer Ejecutivo ha expresado su deseo que Pesquera permanezca en su puesto.
Pesquera, quien dirigió el Negociado Federal de Investigaciones (FBI) en la Isla hace unos años, fue nombrado como jefe de la uniformada por el exgobernador Luis Fortuño.
El puesto de Pequera es ocupado a manera de destaque, debido a que aun mantiene su posición en el condado de Miami-Dade en la Florida.’
Pesquera recibe cerca de $14 mil mensuales entre salario y beneficios marginales.

Arecibo Telescope Captures Images Of Asteroid With Moon From Puerto Rico - Fox News Latino | Arecibo Telescope Gets Detailed Look at Passing Asteroid

Asteroid Image Arecibo Main.jpg

» Arecibo Telescope Captures Images Of Asteroid With Moon From Puerto Rico - Fox News Latino
19/06/13 13:43 from puerto rico - Google News
Arecibo Telescope Captures Images Of Asteroid With Moon From Puerto Rico Fox News Latino Looking above from a valley in Puerto Rico , the largest single-dish telescope in the world captured detailed images of an asteroid that passed earth ..

via Puerto Rico News on 6/19/13
An asteroid passed Earth last week, and with the Arecibo radio telescope astronomers got an unprecedented look - along with a couple surprises.

"There are a few ways to process this news..."


It’s a big day of looking forward as Sony seemed to internalize Disney’s announcement and also wanted a piece of May. Sony plopped Amazing Spider-Man 3on June 10th 2016 and Amazing Spider-Man 4 on Cinco De Cuatro in 2018.
There are a few ways to process this news. First, the boring kind: It looks like Marc Webb’s rebooted Spider-Man universe (which he keeps hinting is a full universe, not a trilogy) is going to outlive the Raimi one and – says this Spidey Fan – finally restore the status quo of Gwen Stacy, one of the character’s most pivotal love interests that involves his most famous moment. And we’ll see that moment, guaranteed, though it’s starting to look like Emma Stone’s Gwen might bite it at the end of Amazing Spider-Man 2 at the hands of Chris Cooper’s Norman Osborn. Some rogue set reports have Cooper on set as Goblin already, which is a bit early if we’re treating this as a sequel…

via by Da7e on 6/19/13

GOOD MORNING - 3: June 19, 2013 - The San Juan Daily Star

GOOD MORNING 3 June 19, 2013
The San Juan Daily Star has exclusive New York Times News Service in English in Puerto Rico
The Puerto Rico government has seen a
marked reduction of about $31 million a
year in excise taxes received from horse
racing because the industry has been seriously
hurt by the recession that has been affecting
the island for the past eight years.
Camarero Race Track President Ervin
Rodríguez made his remarks Tuesday during
a Senate Tourism, Culture, Recreation and
Sports and Globalization Committee hearing
that was evaluating the appointment of
Wilfredo Padilla as Horse Racing Industry
Rodríguez said the Camarero racing
season just ended with $134 million in
“The government used to get $50 million
a year from excise taxes,” he said. “Last year,
it earned $19 million.”
He complained that while the government
spends huge sums of money promoting the
electronic lottery, it spends zero money in
promoting the Camarero Race Track, while
taxing the industry heavily.
“The government spends over $20
million in promotion on the electronic
lottery,” Rodríguez said. “It spends zero on
horse racing. But it gets the lion’s share, a 13
percent excise tax on the racing industry. It
took 13 percent when the earnings were at
$284 million and is taking it now when they
are at $134 million, and while spending $20
million on advertising on the lottery.
“It is at this historic moment that it takes
brave men and women who will step forward
to contribute effectively and accurately
to solving this crisis and preventing an
industry and a sport, which is rooted for
the past 130 years among our people, from
There are more than 650 horse race betting
parlors around the island, of which 45 are
new and have created 120 jobs. Around 350
of those have adult entertainment machines,
also known as out-of-casino slot machines.
In response to a question, Padilla said
there has been friction between himself and
the Horse Racing Board, whose fi ve members
were appointed by former Gov. Luis Fortuño,
in particular the chairman of that body, Luis
Manuel García Passalacqua, as they are doing
things they are not authorized to do.
Tax Revenue From Horse
Racing Down $31 Million

So, now the question becomes: who takes these spots and what does that say about Phase III?

via by Da7e on 6/19/13
Welcome to the debut of my new weekly column ‘The Marvelous Da7e!’
Real quick mission statement: this column is for discussion of superhero movie news and superhero movies. Titular allegiance aside, this sphere includes non-Marvel properties.
This week: new superhero movies are announced (and expected) for the coming half-decade and they show evidence of growing story-worlds. Who’s getting full universes and who is joining the one active cinematic universe we already have?


Disney and Marvel put their chips on the release date roulette wheel for two mystery projects last week. The new dates are after 2015′s Avengers 2, which puts them andAnt-Man squarely in Phase III: May 6th 2016 and May 5th 2017. The first week of May has been a Marvel sweet spot ever since Iron Man made that weekend Marvel’s week to launch huge movies or to culminate huge projects (both Avengers movies have/will land in that spot).
So, now the question becomes: who takes these spots and what does that say about Phase III?

Video: paul simon born in puerto rico... brilliant music

paul simon born in puerto rico

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Uploaded on Sep 23, 2008
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paul simon born in puerto rico

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Mordaza sobre retiro de policías – Vocero de Puerto Rico

paul simon born in puerto rico brilliant music...

via Puerto Rico Videos & Songs's Facebook Wall by Puerto Rico Videos & Songs on 6/19/13
paul simon born in puerto rico

brilliant music.

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Time: 04:56 More in Music

paul simon born in puerto rico

Ricky Martin Performs Come With Me

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Ricky Martin Performs Come With Me: The Voice Australia Season 2

Published on Jun 17, 2013
Ricky Martin performs his new single 'Come With Me' in a worldwide exclusive performance at The Voice Grand Finale. See more at on web, tablet and mobile, or buy the tracks on iTunes

Ricky Martin Performs Come With Me: The Voice Australia Season 2 - YouTube

Dave Brubeck - Take Five

Dave Brubeck - Take Five

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Uploaded on Jun 2, 2008
Dave Brubeck - Take Five

Dave Brubeck - Take Five

Khalil Gibran’s The Prophet is heading to the big screen...


Khalil Gibran’s The Prophet is heading to the big screen as an animated feature, and now Salma Hayek’s passion project (she’s onboard as producer) has landed an all-star cast that includes John Krasinski, Frank Langella, Alfred Molina, Liam Neeson and Quvenzhané Wallis, along with Hayek.

via by Laura Frances on 6/19/13

Puerto Rico NewsLinks: Puerto Rico News Review

Puerto Rico NewsLinks: Puerto Rico News Review: Click for "Puerto Rico News Review". Powered by RSS Feed Informer

Puerto Rico NewsLinks: Puerto Rico NewsLinks Blog Posts Review

Puerto Rico NewsLinks: Puerto Rico NewsLinks Blog Posts Review: Click for "Puerto Rico NewsLinks Blog Posts Review". Powered by RSS Feed Informer

Puerto Rico NewsLinks: Noticias y Blogs de PR - Review

Puerto Rico NewsLinks: Noticias y Blogs de PR - Review: Click for "Noticias y Blogs de PR - Review". Powered by RSS Feed Informer

Puerto Rico NewsLinks: Political Status of Puerto Rico - Blogs Review

Puerto Rico NewsLinks: Political Status of Puerto Rico - Blogs Review: Click for "Political Status of Puerto Rico - Blogs". Powered by RSS Feed Informer

PR’s San José Church listed as one of most endangered historic via Caribbean Business on 6/19/13

Montreal Gazette

America's 11 most endangered historic places
Fox News
Houston's Astrodome stadium, New York's old Pan Am Worldport Terminal at Kennedy Airport and Montana's one-room schoolhouses are joining a list of the nation's most endangered historic places. On Wednesday, the National Trust for ... 3San Jose Church ...
Astrodome, JFK Flying Saucer Make 2013 Endangered ListBloomberg
Houston Astrodome, JFK terminal land on 'endangered' listUSA TODAY
Abyssinian church in Portland listed among America's most-endangered historic ...The Forecaster
Sacramento Bee
all 56 news articles »

PR’s San José Church listed as one of most endangered historic

via Caribbean Business on 6/19/13

PR’s San José Church listed as one of most endangered historic places in US

Old San Juan’s San José Church is among the most endangered historic places in t ...

Here’s what to watch for from the Fed

WASHINGTON — What the world hopes to hear Wednesday from the Federal Reserve can ...