Monday, October 22, 2018

Puerto Rico - Main Current Events Newsletter // October 22

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Puerto Rico: un destino de primera que merece una estrategia de ...

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Pendiente revisar el trato a las foráneas en la reforma contributiva

El Nuevo
Washington - Con su reciente carta al liderato del gobierno electo de Puerto Rico, la Junta de Supervisión Fiscal (JSF) ha presionado a favor de dar permanencia a los recaudos que se generan del arbitrio sobre las ventas de las corporaciones de control foráneo (CFC, en inglés), que rondan los $1,800 millones anuales.
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Sur de Florida Últimas Noticias, Deportes y Crimen |: Arranca en España el juicio a un brasileño por el atroz asesinato de cuatro familiares

Puerto Rico Main News from mikenova (66 sites)
El juicio a un joven brasileño acusado del atroz asesinato de dos tíos y de dos primos de 1 y 4 años en agosto de 2016, para quien la fiscalía pide cadena perpetua revisable, arranca este miércoles en la localidad española de Guadalajara.
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Sur de Florida Últimas Noticias, Deportes y Crimen |: Trump advierte que su Gobierno no aceptará a la caravana de inmigrantes

Puerto Rico Main News from mikenova (66 sites)
El presidente de Estados Unidos, Donald Trump, aseguró el domingo que su Gobierno está haciendo “todos los esfuerzos posibles” para evitar que “la avalancha de extranjeros ilegales” crucen la frontera con México, y les advirtió que, de llegar, las autoridades estadounidenses no aceptarán su entrada.
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Sur de Florida Últimas Noticias, Deportes y Crimen |: Rey saudí y príncipe heredero llaman a hijo de Kashoggi

Puerto Rico Main News from mikenova (66 sites)
El príncipe heredero de la corona saudí Mohamed bin Salman llamó por teléfono al hijo de Jamal Kashoggi, dijo el reino el lunes, para expresar condolencias por la muerte del periodista, asesinado en el consulado saudí en Estambul por funcionarios que presuntamente incluyeron a miembros del círculo íntimo de la familia real.
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Sur de Florida Últimas Noticias, Deportes y Crimen |: Capriles dice que el Gobierno hace “negocio multimillonario” con el hambre

Puerto Rico Main News from mikenova (66 sites)
El dos veces candidato a la Presidencia de Venezuela Henrique Capriles dijo el domingo que el Gobierno de Nicolás Maduro ha hecho un negocio multimillonario con el hambre que sufren millones de venezolanos en medio de la crisis actual.
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PRN from mikenova (108 sites): puerto rico politics - Google News: This RSS feed URL is deprecated

Puerto Rico Main News from mikenova (66 sites)
This RSS feed URL is deprecated, please update. New URLs can be found in the footers at puerto rico politics - Google News PRN from mikenova (108 sites)
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PRN from mikenova (108 sites): puerto rico politics - Google News: Rick Scott en español: New Spanish-language ads rolling out - Florida Politics (blog)

Puerto Rico Main News from mikenova (66 sites)
A pro-Rick Scott group today rolls out a new series of Spanish language ads promoting the Republican senatorial candidate. LIBRE Action, a Tallahassee-based conservative Hispanic outreach organization, released two new video spots.
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Voice of America: EE.UU. reitera que no dejará pasar a caravana con miles de migrantes hondureños

Puerto Rico Main News from mikenova (66 sites)
El gobierno de EE.UU. reiteró en un comunicado el domingo por la noche que "sigue de cerca" y no permitirá la entrada a su territorio de la caravana de uno 5.000 inmigrantes que busca ingresar en su territorio, justo cuando una creciente multitud avanza hacia la frontera estadounidense al sur de México.
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Sur de Florida Últimas Noticias, Deportes y Crimen |: Influyentes: Florida debe encontrar una ‘solución intermedia’ para el salario mínimo

Puerto Rico Main News from mikenova (66 sites)
La Florida debe fijar un salario mínimo más elevado para ayudar a los trabajadores a satisfacer sus necesidades, según un panel de voces destacadas del estado. Pero hay poco consenso sobre hasta dónde se puede llegar.
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Sur de Florida Últimas Noticias, Deportes y Crimen |: Cuando las embajadas dejan de ser santuario

Puerto Rico Main News from mikenova (66 sites)
Se supone que las embajadas, consulados y misiones diplomáticas son sitios seguros, verdaderos santuarios. Pero no se inusual que sean asociadas con episodios de terror. Cuando el periodista saudí Jamal Khashoggi desapareció tras ingresar al consulado saudí en Estambul la semana pasada, las autoridades y la prensa turcas dijeron que había sido asesinado e incluso descuartizado por un escuadrón que se encontraba en el lugar.
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PRN-SLE-PR Security and Law Enforcement News from mikenova (23 sites): puerto rico police corruption - Google News: Sunburn — The morning read of what's hot in Florida politics — 10.22.18 - Florida Politics (blog)

Puerto Rico Main News from mikenova (66 sites)
Sunburn — The morning read of what’s hot in Florida politics. By Peter Schorsch, Phil Ammann, Daniel McAuliffe, Jim Rosica, and Drew Wilson. Joe Henderson: Lively Florida gubernatorial debate probably didn’t change minds
Read More - RSS Results in ley-y-orden of type article: Pocos los candidatos a cadetes

Puerto Rico Main News from mikenova (66 sites)
La cifra de jóvenes que ha solicitado ingreso a la Policía desde mediados de agosto —cuando el gobernador Ricardo Rosselló anunció la creación de un banco de talento para una nueva academia— se encontraba el viernes en 310.
Read More - RSS Results in gobierno of type article: Otra investigación senatorial sobre la compra de asfalto

Puerto Rico Main News from mikenova (66 sites)
 Aunque el Senado ya aprobó una resolución para investigar la compra y manejo de asfalto líquido por parte de la Autoridad de Carreteras y Transportación (ACT), el senador penepé Ángel Martínez adelantó que hoy radicará otra resolución para establecer dicha investigación revise todos los procesos relacionados al bitumul desde el año 2013.
Read More - RSS Results in gobierno of type article: Adelantada la investigación sobre posibles sobornos en la AEE

Puerto Rico Main News from mikenova (66 sites)
El Departamento de Justicia ya entrevistó a varios empleados de la Autoridad de Energía Eléctrica (AEE) por los presuntos actos de soborno que ocurrieron luego del paso del huracán María cuando un grupo de trabajadores de la corporación pública —que se hacen llamar “Pink Dragon”— se dedicaron presuntamente a energizar áreas que no eran prioritarias y clubes nocturnos de bailarinas exóticas a cambio de dinero.
Read More - RSS Results in gobierno of type article: Semana crucial para la reforma contributiva

Puerto Rico Main News from mikenova (66 sites)
La presidenta de la Comisión senatorial de Hacienda puso en duda que el Senado pueda aprobar esta semana la reforma contributiva que sigue pendiente en el Capitolio. Mientras, el portavoz de la delegación de mayoría en la Cámara, Gabriel Rodríguez Aguiló, dejó saber que esperarán una reunión con la Junta Federal de Control Fiscal en la que se espera discutan este y otros temas presupuestarios.
Read More - RSS Results in gobierno of type article: Tendrá que esperar medida de colegiación compulsoria

Puerto Rico Main News from mikenova (66 sites)
Las propuestas de la Cámara para eliminar la colegiación compulsoria en al menos 25 profesiones no serán llevadas a discusión en el pleno hasta el próximo año, adelantó ayer el representante del Partido Nuevo Progresista (PNP), José Aponte Hernández.
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Sur de Florida Últimas Noticias, Deportes y Crimen |: Brasil: Muchos votarán por “el menor de dos males”

Puerto Rico Main News from mikenova (66 sites)
Antes de las elecciones presidenciales en Brasil, Peter Rooker pasó trabajos para encontrar un candidato al que respaldar entre los 13 en la contienda. De algo estaba seguro: No votaría por el ultraderechista Jair Bolsonaro ni por Fernando Haddad, del Partido de los Trabajadores, plagado por escándalos.
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GJ doctor deploys to catastrophic disasters

The Grand Junction Daily Sentinel
The physical toll Hurricane Michael took on the Florida Panhandle earlier this month seems comparable in some areas to the devastation Hurricanes Irma and Maria brought on Puerto Rico last year, according to a Mesa County surgeon who deployed to help with medical efforts at both disasters.
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Afinan proyecto sobre cambio climático en Puerto Rico

El Nuevo
El representante novoprogresista Joel Franqui no anticipa mayores enmiendas al proyecto de ley que establece la política pública contra el cambio climático en Puerto Rico, y anticipó que la pieza será aprobada antes de que finalice la sesión, en noviembre.
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US Senate race: Elizabeth Warren, Geoff Diehl spar over Puerto Rico hurricane response, public discourse at ...
SPRINGFIELD -- U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Massachusetts, and Republican challenger Geoff Diehl sparred over gun safety, the federal response to hurricanes in Puerto Rico and public discourse Sunday as they met in Springfield for their second debate before the November election. 
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Puerto Rico cae ante Sudcorea y dice adiós en béisbol sub-23

Prensa Latina
Puerto Rico cae ante Sudcorea y dice adiós en béisbol sub-2321 de octubre de 2018, 21:10Barranquilla, Colombia, 21 oct (PL) Puerto Rico perdió hoy en la ciudad de Montería 6-3 ante Sudcorea, su tercera derrota consecutiva en el grupo B de la II Copa Mundial de Béisbol sub-23, torneo del que se despidió.
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Aterriza la Universidad de Puerto Rico (Comunicado de prensa) (blog)
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Carrie Underwood Shares New Selfie in Support of Puerto Rico Relief
Carrie Underwood Shares New Selfie in Support of Puerto Rico Relief By Michael Hein - October 21, 2018 Carrie Underwood is looking to give back, in a new Twitter post encouraging her followers to support ongoing relief work in Puerto Rico.
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Puerto Rico: automóvil chocó se incrustó en una vivienda y un ...

Misiones OnLine
En Puerto Rico, un automóvil chocó contra una vivienda y un adolescente terminó lesionado. El hecho ocurrió este domingo aproximadamente a las 12.50, en el barrio Puerto.
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Current News Newsletter // October 22

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October 22, 2018
mikenov on Twitter: Hurricane Michael unearths Florida shipwreck from 1899: report… #newsreview #feedly
mikenov on Twitter: Hurricane Michael unearths Florida shipwreck from 1899: report… #newsblogs #feedly
mikenov on Twitter: Hurricane Michael unearths Florida shipwreck from 1899: report -… #newsblogs #feedly
mikenov on Twitter: Atlanta-area police officer shot and killed during suspicious vehicle check… #newsblogs #feedly

mikenov on Twitter: Hurricane Michael unearths Florida shipwreck from 1899: report… #newsreview #feedly

1. My News Blogs from mikenova (3 sites)
Hurricane Michael unearths Florida shipwreck from 1899: report… #newsreview #feedly Posted by mikenov on Monday, October 22nd, 2018 7:45am mikenov on Twitter
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mikenov on Twitter: Hurricane Michael unearths Florida shipwreck from 1899: report… #newsblogs #feedly

1. My News Blogs from mikenova (3 sites)
Hurricane Michael unearths Florida shipwreck from 1899: report… #newsblogs #feedly Posted by mikenov on Monday, October 22nd, 2018 5:21am mikenov on Twitter
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mikenov on Twitter: Hurricane Michael unearths Florida shipwreck from 1899: report -… #newsblogs #feedly

1. My News Blogs from mikenova (3 sites)
Hurricane Michael unearths Florida shipwreck from 1899: report -… #newsblogs #feedly Posted by mikenov on Monday, October 22nd, 2018 5:20am
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mikenov on Twitter: Atlanta-area police officer shot and killed during suspicious vehicle check… #newsblogs #feedly

1. My News Blogs from mikenova (3 sites)
Atlanta-area police officer shot and killed during suspicious vehicle check… #newsblogs #feedly Posted by mikenov on Monday, October 22nd, 2018 5:18am
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Armed attack on Crimean college kills 18

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October 21, 2018
Armed attack on Crimean college kills 18
'They promised to call me back but they haven't': Heartbroken mother, 90, of poisoned Russian spy Sergei Skripal tells ...
Delta Air Lines to suspend Orlando-GRU Airport service
Mueller's probe focusing on Stone, WikiLeaks
ISIS releases six of 27 Druze hostages in Syria
Germany AND Novichok - Google News: UK does NOT believe Saudi Arabia claims over Khashoggi death, warns Raab -
Russia supports Syria, Iran ramps up support to Hezbollah
Mikhail Gorbachev: Trump's Withdrawal From Russian Nuclear Treaty Is Not the Work of 'a Great Mind'
Как избежать разоблачения? Советы Петрову и Боширову от экспертов "Валдая"
Salisbury District Hospital brings in £1.6million in parking charges
Town Crier community meetings Oct. 22-28
Charlotte man arrested for having stolen rental car
Salisbury wants feedback for parks and rec planning
Russia says killed 88000 Syria rebels
Sergei Skripal's Mother Speaks Out: 'I Want to Hug Him'
Special counsel reportedly taking closer look at ties between Stone, WikiLeaks
Syria Grants OPCW Requested Access to Research Centers – Minister
Russia claims to have killed thousands of ISIS militants in Syria
THIESSEN: Trump could be the most honest president in modern history
Autumn Wine Festival in Salisbury
Special counsel examines conflicting accounts as scrutiny of Roger Stone and WikiLeaks deepens
Salisbury Novichok suspect´s `real identity revealed´
Military intelligence offers career path in today's Russia
MIT professor accuses Bellingcat's Higgins of enabling 'war criminals' to walk free in Syria (VIDEO)
Лондон представит Москве улики против Петрова и Боширова в "деле Скрипалей"
Police find missing Salisbury boy in Ocean City
Photo At Russian Military Academy Adds To Evidence About Skripal Poisoning Suspect
Sex shop razed in Salisbury on Route 13

Armed attack on Crimean college kills 18
At least 18 people have been killed and dozens injured at a college in the Black Sea region of Crimea when at least one attacker set off a bomb in the cafeteria and went through the building shooting at random, officials said.
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'They promised to call me back but they haven't': Heartbroken mother, 90, of poisoned Russian spy Sergei Skripal tells ...

Daily Mail
The mother of the Russian double-agent poisoned by novichok said she fears she will never see her son or granddaughter ever again. Yelena said she hoped to see her son Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia following their brush with death in Salisbury earlier this year.
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Delta Air Lines to suspend Orlando-GRU Airport service

CAPA - Centre for Aviation
CAPA News BriefsCAPA publishes more than 400 global News Briefs every weekday, covering all aspects of the aviation and travel industry. It’s the most comprehensive source of market intelligence in the world, with around 50 per cent of content translated from non-English sources.
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Mueller's probe focusing on Stone, WikiLeaks

Fort Wayne Journal Gazette
WASHINGTON – In recent weeks, a grand jury in Washington has listened to more than a dozen hours of testimony and FBI technicians have pored over gigabytes of electronic messages as part of the special counsel's quest to solve one burning mystery: Did longtime Trump adviser Roger Stone – or any other associate of the president – have advance knowledge of WikiLeaks' plans to release hacked Democratic emails in 2016?
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ISIS releases six of 27 Druze hostages in Syria

The National
ISIS has released six of 27 Druze hostages it seized during a deadly attack in Syria's Sweida province in July in exchange for a prisoner swap and a $27 million ransom, a monitor said on Saturday.
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Germany AND Novichok - Google News: UK does NOT believe Saudi Arabia claims over Khashoggi death, warns Raab -

Salisbury Poisoning 2018 News Review from mikenova (20 sites)
Brexit Secretary Dominic Raab bluntly dismissed the Gulf kingdom's claim that Saudi Arabian Jamal Khashoggi died in Istanbul after a fight broke out. But he rejected growing calls for Britain to sever its arms sales and other links with the repressive state.
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Russia supports Syria, Iran ramps up support to Hezbollah

The Jerusalem Post
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Mikhail Gorbachev: Trump's Withdrawal From Russian Nuclear Treaty Is Not the Work of 'a Great Mind'

Daily Beast
Mikhail Gorbachev slammed President Trump’s decision to withdraw from a nuclear disarmament treaty with Russia that the former Soviet leader established with former President Reagan in 1987, saying in a Sunday interview with Interfax that Trump’s decision was not the work of “a great mind.” The New York Times reports that Gorbachev characterized the decision as a threat to global peace, arguing that “Under no circumstances should we tear up old disarmament agreements.
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Как избежать разоблачения? Советы Петрову и Боширову от экспертов "Валдая"

BBC Русская служба
Продолжительность видео
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Salisbury District Hospital brings in £1.6million in parking charges

Salisbury Journal
SALISBURY District Hospital made more than half a million pounds by charging staff for parking last year, it has been revealed. Figures released by the NHS show the trust raked in £577,640 in the year to March from charges and penalty fines incurred by NHS workers parking across all its sites.
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Town Crier community meetings Oct. 22-28

Salisbury Post
Town Crier community meetings Oct. 22-28  Salisbury PostFull coverage
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Charlotte man arrested for having stolen rental car

Salisbury Post
Charlotte man arrested for having stolen rental car  Salisbury PostFull coverage
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Salisbury wants feedback for parks and rec planning

Salisbury Post
Salisbury wants feedback for parks and rec planning  Salisbury PostFull coverage
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Russia says killed 88000 Syria rebels

The Daily Star
  you've reached a subscriber-only article. Sign up now and access the full breadth of The Daily Star content in minutes.
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Sergei Skripal's Mother Speaks Out: 'I Want to Hug Him'

Daily Beast
Nearly eight months since her son and granddaughter’s poisoning, Yelena Skripal has broken her silence. Speaking to the U.K.’s Daily Mirror, the 90-year-old expressed deep longing to be reunited with her son, Sergei, whom she used to speak with once a week.
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Special counsel reportedly taking closer look at ties between Stone, WikiLeaks

The Week Magazine
10:04p.m. Over the last month, Special Counsel Robert Mueller's team has been diligently following up on leads regarding Roger Stone and whether he was in communication with WikiLeaks and its founder, Julian Assange, during the 2016 presidential election, several people familiar with the matter told The Washington Post on Sunday.
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Syria Grants OPCW Requested Access to Research Centers – Minister

Sputnik International
Middle East21:45 21.10.2018Get short URL DAMASCUS (Sputnik) - Syria’s government has approved an inspection by the joint panel of UN experts and a chemical weapons watchdog to two research centers, the deputy foreign minister told Sputnik.
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Russia claims to have killed thousands of ISIS militants in Syria

The National
Russia has claimed that almost 88,000 militants have been killed in Syria since Moscow intervened in backing government forces three years ago.
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THIESSEN: Trump could be the most honest president in modern history

Waxahachie Daily Light
Donald Trump may be remembered as the most honest president in modern American history. Don't get me wrong, Trump lies all the time. He said that he "enacted the biggest tax cuts and reforms in American history" (actually they are the eighth largest) and that "our economy is the strongest it's ever been in the history of our country" (which may one day be true, but not yet).
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Autumn Wine Festival in Salisbury

Autumn Wine Festival in Salisbury Posted: Sunday, October 21, 2018 8:33 PM EDT Updated: Sunday, October 21, 2018 8:33 PM EDT SALISBURY, Md--Sunday was a windy day, that had many people bundled up. 
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Special counsel examines conflicting accounts as scrutiny of Roger Stone and WikiLeaks deepens

Washington Post
Carol D. Leonnig National investigative reporter focused on the White House and government accountability October 21 at 7:59 PM In recent weeks, a grand jury in Washington has listened to more than a dozen hours of testimony and FBI technicians have pored over gigabytes of electronic messages as part of the special counsel’s quest to solve one burning mystery: Did longtime Trump adviser Roger Stone — or any other associate of the president — have advance knowledge of WikiLeaks’ plans to release hacked Democratic emails in 2016?
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Salisbury Novichok suspect´s `real identity revealed´

Daily Mail
Salisbury Novichok suspect´s `real identity revealed´ By Press Association Published: 13:28 EDT, 26 September 2018 | Updated: 13:28 EDT, 26 September 2018
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Military intelligence offers career path in today's Russia

Daily Mail
LOYGA, Russia (AP) - "First time here?" the conductor on the train that stops at the logging outpost of Loyga asks some departing passengers. "My condolences - there isn't even cell phone connection."
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MIT professor accuses Bellingcat's Higgins of enabling 'war criminals' to walk free in Syria (VIDEO)

A debate between Bellingcat’s Eliot Higgins and MIT Professor Theodore Postol on the alleged chemical weapons attack in Khan Sheikhoun, Syria in April 2017 got heated as the two accused each other of covering up war crimes.
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Лондон представит Москве улики против Петрова и Боширова в "деле Скрипалей"

Информационное Агентство "Хакасия"
Великобритания не будет предоставлять России данные о ходе расследования отравления экс-полковника ГРУ Сергея Скрипаля и его дочери в Солсбери до тех пор, пока Москва не ответит на поставленные Лондоном еще более полугода назад вопросы по этому делу, заявил британский посол в РФ Лори Бристоу.
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Police find missing Salisbury boy in Ocean City

Delmarva Daily Times
Ocean Pines has employed Maryland Geese Control to patrol the area with their trained border collies in a new effort to reduce the goose population. Jenna Miller, Salisbury Daily Times
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Photo At Russian Military Academy Adds To Evidence About Skripal Poisoning Suspect

A photograph on display at a Russian military academy is adding to the growing evidence identifying a Russian military intelligence officer who was allegedly involved in the poisoning of a former double agent in England.
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Sex shop razed in Salisbury on Route 13

Delmarva Daily Times
Ocean Pines has employed Maryland Geese Control to patrol the area with their trained border collies in a new effort to reduce the goose population. Jenna Miller, Salisbury Daily Times
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