Saturday, November 10, 2018

puerto rico business - Google News: Caribbean Business Survey: Top 200 Locally Owned Companies in Puerto Rico - Caribbean Business

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November 10, 2018
puerto rico business - Google News: Caribbean Business Survey: Top 200 Locally Owned Companies in Puerto Rico - Caribbean Business
puerto rico business - Google News: Startup's Flood-Risk Assessment Prepares for Climate Change - Caribbean Business
Twitter Search / CaribBusiness: Caribbean Business survey: Top 200 Locally Owned Companies in Puerto Rico
Caribbean Business: Puerto Rico Tourism Co. recognized at World Travel Market and City Nation Place awards

puerto rico business - Google News: Caribbean Business Survey: Top 200 Locally Owned Companies in Puerto Rico - Caribbean Business

Puerto Rico News - Caribbean and Latino Business from mikenova (5 sites)
Editor’s note: The following originally appeared in the Nov. 8-14, 2018, issue of Caribbean Business. The latest Caribbean Business survey of locally owned companies indicates resilience in the face of a slow recovery from hurricanes Irma and Maria, which left noticeable scars on island-based businesses.
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puerto rico business - Google News: Startup's Flood-Risk Assessment Prepares for Climate Change - Caribbean Business

Puerto Rico News - Caribbean and Latino Business from mikenova (5 sites)
(Courtesy) Editor’s note: The following originally appeared in the Nov. 8-14, 2018, issue of Caribbean Business. For Albert Slap, an environmental lawyer turned entrepreneur, the growing detrimental effects of climate change are a reality to be dealt with and not something that can be wished away.
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Twitter Search / CaribBusiness: Caribbean Business survey: Top 200 Locally Owned Companies in Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico News - Caribbean and Latino Business from mikenova (5 sites)
Caribbean Business survey: Top 200 Locally Owned Companies in Puerto Rico — Caribbean Business (@CaribBusiness) November 9, 2018
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Caribbean Business: Puerto Rico Tourism Co. recognized at World Travel Market and City Nation Place awards

Puerto Rico News - Caribbean and Latino Business from mikenova (5 sites)
SAN JUAN – The executive director of the Tourism Co. of Puerto Rico (CTPR), Carla Campos, announced that her agency was recognized this week by the international travel and tourism industry with important awards, for its communications efforts and destination’s public relations after last year’s destructive hurricane season.
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latino - Google News: The Illinois Legislative Latino Caucus Foundation holding annual event focusing on Latinos in the workforce - WLS-TV

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November 10, 2018
latino - Google News: The Illinois Legislative Latino Caucus Foundation holding annual event focusing on Latinos in the workforce - WLS-TV
Twitter Search / NBCLatino: Raquel Terán was served with a lawsuit filed by Alice Novoa on Tuesday in the Maricopa County Superior Court asserting Terán was not born in the United States. …
Twitter Search / NBCLatino: Lina Hidalgo became the first Latina and the first woman elected as county judge of Harris County, the county that includes Houston. - @NBCLatino
Twitter Search / NBCLatino: Ideally, families should start to look into scholarship opportunities when students enter high school so that they can become familiar with the process and what is available. - @NBCLatino
latino - Google News: Colorado elected a record number of Latinos to the state legislature - KUSA

latino - Google News: The Illinois Legislative Latino Caucus Foundation holding annual event focusing on Latinos in the workforce - WLS-TV

Puerto Rico News - Caribbean and Latin America from mikenova (11 sites)
The Illinois Legislative Latino Caucus Foundation is making Chicago Proud. The organization has been a voice for Latinos in Illinois since 2002 and holds its annual conference to explore economic and educational opportunities for Latinos.
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Twitter Search / NBCLatino: Raquel Terán was served with a lawsuit filed by Alice Novoa on Tuesday in the Maricopa County Superior Court asserting Terán was not born in the United States. …

Puerto Rico News - Caribbean and Latin America from mikenova (11 sites)
Raquel Terán was served with a lawsuit filed by Alice Novoa on Tuesday in the Maricopa County Superior Court asserting Terán was not born in the United States. …
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Twitter Search / NBCLatino: Lina Hidalgo became the first Latina and the first woman elected as county judge of Harris County, the county that includes Houston. - @NBCLatino

Puerto Rico News - Caribbean and Latin America from mikenova (11 sites)
Lina Hidalgo became the first Latina and the first woman elected as county judge of Harris County, the county that includes Houston. - @NBCLatino — NBC News (@NBCNews) November 10, 2018
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Twitter Search / NBCLatino: Ideally, families should start to look into scholarship opportunities when students enter high school so that they can become familiar with the process and what is available. - @NBCLatino

Puerto Rico News - Caribbean and Latin America from mikenova (11 sites)
Ideally, families should start to look into scholarship opportunities when students enter high school so that they can become familiar with the process and what is available. - @NBCLatino
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latino - Google News: Colorado elected a record number of Latinos to the state legislature - KUSA

Puerto Rico News - Caribbean and Latin America from mikenova (11 sites)
KUSA — Among the newest faces of the legislature are more people of color. Colorado leaders say this election cycle breaks the record for the highest number of Latino legislators ever.
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News / MN Newsletter // November 10

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November 10, 2018
Twitter Search / VoceroPR: La estación está valorada en 30 mil dólares
Twitter Search / VoceroPR: El accidente se produjo en el morro da Boa Esperança, localizado en Niteroi
Voice of America: Turquía: Erdogan dice que compartió audios sobre muerte de Khashoggi con otros gobiernos
Twitter Search / VoceroPR: El programa también impactará el alumbrado, la rotulación y la limpieza de las áreas verdes
Twitter Search / VoceroPR: Columna de opinión:

Twitter Search / VoceroPR: La estación está valorada en 30 mil dólares

Noticias de Puerto Rico from mikenova (34 sites)
La estación está valorada en 30 mil dólares — El Vocero de PR (@VoceroPR) November 10, 2018
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Twitter Search / VoceroPR: El accidente se produjo en el morro da Boa Esperança, localizado en Niteroi

Noticias de Puerto Rico from mikenova (34 sites)
El accidente se produjo en el morro da Boa Esperança, localizado en Niteroi — El Vocero de PR (@VoceroPR) November 10, 2018
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Voice of America: Turquía: Erdogan dice que compartió audios sobre muerte de Khashoggi con otros gobiernos

Noticias de Puerto Rico from mikenova (34 sites)
Turquía entregó grabaciones relacionadas con el asesinato del periodista saudí Jamal Khashoggi a Arabia Saudí, Estados Unidos, Alemania, Francia y Reino Unido, dijo el sábado el presidente Tayyip Erdogan.
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Twitter Search / VoceroPR: El programa también impactará el alumbrado, la rotulación y la limpieza de las áreas verdes

Noticias de Puerto Rico from mikenova (34 sites)
El programa también impactará el alumbrado, la rotulación y la limpieza de las áreas verdes — El Vocero de PR (@VoceroPR) November 10, 2018
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Twitter Search / VoceroPR: Columna de opinión:

Noticias de Puerto Rico from mikenova (34 sites)
Columna de opinión: — El Vocero de PR (@VoceroPR) November 10, 2018
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1. Podcasts from mikenova (19 sites): NPR News Now: NPR News: 11-10-2018 12PM ET
Puerto Rico News Videos - EFE from mikenova (1 sites): efe's YouTube Videos: A sus 86 años, el japonés Yuichiro Miura quiere coronar el Aconcagua
1. Podcasts from mikenova (19 sites): NPR News Now: NPR News: 11-10-2018 11AM ET
1. Podcasts from mikenova (19 sites): NPR News Now: NPR News: 11-10-2018 10AM ET
Puerto Rico News Videos from mikenova (20 sites): canalNTN24's YouTube Videos: ¿Logrará Trump acuerdos con los demócratas en la Cámara

1. Podcasts from mikenova (19 sites): NPR News Now: NPR News: 11-10-2018 12PM ET

Puerto Rico News - Audio and Video Review from mikenova (6 sites)
NPR News: 11-10-2018 12PM ET Download audio:
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Puerto Rico News Videos - EFE from mikenova (1 sites): efe's YouTube Videos: A sus 86 años, el japonés Yuichiro Miura quiere coronar el Aconcagua

Puerto Rico News - Audio and Video Review from mikenova (6 sites)
From: efe Duration: 01:24 Tokio (Japón), 10 nov (EFE).- (Imagen: Nora Olivé).- A sus 86 años, el japonés Yuichiro Miura está entrenando para un nuevo reto en su apasionante vida, ascender al Aconcagua, mientras sueña con coronar por cuarta vez el Everest y batir su propio récord como la persona más longeva en hacerlo.
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1. Podcasts from mikenova (19 sites): NPR News Now: NPR News: 11-10-2018 11AM ET

Puerto Rico News - Audio and Video Review from mikenova (6 sites)
NPR News: 11-10-2018 11AM ET Download audio:
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1. Podcasts from mikenova (19 sites): NPR News Now: NPR News: 11-10-2018 10AM ET

Puerto Rico News - Audio and Video Review from mikenova (6 sites)
NPR News: 11-10-2018 10AM ET Download audio:
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Puerto Rico News Videos from mikenova (20 sites): canalNTN24's YouTube Videos: ¿Logrará Trump acuerdos con los demócratas en la Cámara

Puerto Rico News - Audio and Video Review from mikenova (6 sites)
From: canalNTN24 Duration: 07:51 Tras las elecciones legislativas que se llevaron a cabo el 6 de noviembre, la agenda política del mandatario estadounidense se verá afectada debido a que los demócratas son mayoría en la Cámara de representantes.
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el nueva dia opinion - Google News: Bloques de arte - El Nuevo

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November 10, 2018
el nueva dia opinion - Google News: Bloques de arte - El Nuevo
el nueva dia opinion - Google News: Crucial afinar pesos y contrapesos de la justicia - El Nuevo
el nueva dia opinion - Google News: El pecado de ser DH en las Grandes Ligas - El Nuevo
el nueva dia opinion - Google News: Con derecho a pedir asilo y protección - El Nuevo
el nueva dia opinion - Google News: Las reformas impostergables - El Nuevo

el nueva dia opinion - Google News: Bloques de arte - El Nuevo

Puerto Rico Media - Opinions from mikenova (7 sites)
EN TURÍN Diminutos bloques Lego son la materia prima para crear impresionantes esculturas que esta semana cautivan a los visitantes en Turín, Italia.
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el nueva dia opinion - Google News: Crucial afinar pesos y contrapesos de la justicia - El Nuevo

Puerto Rico Media - Opinions from mikenova (7 sites)
La designación de Matthew Whitaker como secretario interino de Justicia de Estados Unidos representa nuevos desafíos para la estabilidad del país y para el sostenimiento mismo de la Constitución, que establece las normas para un sistema democrático.
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el nueva dia opinion - Google News: El pecado de ser DH en las Grandes Ligas - El Nuevo

Puerto Rico Media - Opinions from mikenova (7 sites)
Frank Thomas tronó en su cuenta de Twitter: “¿Por qué no dejar a los jugadores obtener lo que ellos merecen en el béisbol?
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el nueva dia opinion - Google News: Con derecho a pedir asilo y protección - El Nuevo

Puerto Rico Media - Opinions from mikenova (7 sites)
Estas últimas semanas hemos vistos las impactantes imágenes de miles de migrantes centroamericanos que se desplazan por México con la esperanza de llegar a la frontera de los Estados Unidos para pedir asilo.
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el nueva dia opinion - Google News: Las reformas impostergables - El Nuevo

Puerto Rico Media - Opinions from mikenova (7 sites)
Aunque las reformas del lado de la oferta han sido cuestionadas incluso por el mismísimo Fondo Monetario Internacional, la Junta de Control Fiscal (JCF) continúa pregonándolas como “reformas estructurales necesarias”.
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puerto rico restaurants - Google News: Veterans Day Freebies 2018: Full List Of Restaurants Offering Free Food On Nov. 11 - International Business Times

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November 10, 2018
puerto rico restaurants - Google News: Veterans Day Freebies 2018: Full List Of Restaurants Offering Free Food On Nov. 11 - International Business Times
puerto rico restaurants - Google News: Denny's (DENN) Upgraded by Zacks Investment Research to Hold - Fairfield Current
puerto rico restaurants - Google News: Denny's (DENN) Upgraded at Stephens - Fairfield Current
puerto rico food - Google News: Watershed is a box of matches - Union Democrat
puerto rico food - Google News: Clark celebrates progress, but struggle in Puerto Rico far from over - Worcester Telegram

puerto rico restaurants - Google News: Veterans Day Freebies 2018: Full List Of Restaurants Offering Free Food On Nov. 11 - International Business Times

Puerto Rico Food from mikenova (8 sites)
Sunday, Nov. 11 marks Veterans Day, a day which the U.S. observes annually in order to honor military veterans and current members of the U.S. Armed Forces. To show their appreciation for our troops, restaurants and other businesses nationwide are giving veterans and active military members free food and other big discounts.
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puerto rico restaurants - Google News: Denny's (DENN) Upgraded by Zacks Investment Research to Hold - Fairfield Current

Puerto Rico Food from mikenova (8 sites)
Zacks Investment Research upgraded shares of Denny’s (NASDAQ:DENN) from a sell rating to a hold rating in a research report report published on Thursday. According to Zacks, “Denny’s Corp., formerly Advantica Restaurant Group, Inc., is one of the largest restaurant companies, operating moderately-priced restaurants: Denny’s, Hardee’s, Quincy’s, El Pollo Loco, Coco’s and Carrows.
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puerto rico restaurants - Google News: Denny's (DENN) Upgraded at Stephens - Fairfield Current

Puerto Rico Food from mikenova (8 sites)
Denny’s (DENN) Upgraded at Stephens Posted by Gemma Cottrell on Nov 9th, 2018
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puerto rico food - Google News: Watershed is a box of matches - Union Democrat

Puerto Rico Food from mikenova (8 sites)
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puerto rico food - Google News: Clark celebrates progress, but struggle in Puerto Rico far from over - Worcester Telegram

Puerto Rico Food from mikenova (8 sites)
WORCESTER - In today's sped-up news cycle, the national consciousness has largely moved on from the struggle of Puerto Rico to retain its footing after Hurricane Maria.
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