Sábado 8 de junio de 2013
6 muertos en tiroteos cerca de universidad de California
Policía informa que en el área se produjeron al menos 4 incidentes violentos separados
Creando alfombras desde el 1938
Don Fernando Torres es artesano de alfombras y otras piezas hechas con enea
Condición de la madre pone fin al embarazo temprano
Yaviel Kahel tuvo que nacer antes de tiempo cuando su madre Jaqueline Droz desarolló preeclampsia
Hombre ancla sangra en plena transmisión
Sufrió un sangrado nasal antes de que despidiera el noticiero. Vídeos
¿Por qué las mujeres se acuerdan mejor de las caras?
Los hombres no invierten tanto tiempo estudiando las facciones
Isla de olas migratorias
Varía la composición de la inmigración
Surgen incongruencias en testimonios del juicio contra mucama
Un testigo aseguró que la escena había sido modificada
Tras un hombre que timó a Carlos Delgado
Contratista Pacheco desapareció con dinero para losas
Alumnos de la tambora
Latente la influencia del merengue en la Isla
El tango y su historia
Continúa mañana la temporada con un recorrido por la música porteña
Compromiso de acción del Gobierno
Aseguran que impedirán la degradación del crédito
"Engranó la bicicleta" del presupuesto
Esperan presentarle al gobernador un acuerdo sobre medidas el miércoles
Posiciones encontradas
Sin consenso el sector privado sobre posibilidad de una degradación
La huella empresarial de lo inmigrantes
La aportación de este sector a la sociedad puertorriqueña es notable
Boricuas por elección
Atletas nacidos en el extranjero han decidido representar la Isla
Nueva iniciativa deportiva
El programa será para los jóvenes de las barriadas
Complicado panorama para Pedraza
Hoy no tendrá a su padre en la esquina y el rival es más pesado
Buen paso en el peso
Marcó 130.5 libras a ocho días de su choque con el titular Mikey García
Escogido por los Filis
Filadelfia lo pidió en la tercera ronda
- 625
- 818
- 693
- 1301
- Jubilación profesionalENRIQUE VÁZQUEZ QUINTANA
- ¿Quién mató la agricultura en Vieques?CARLOS ZENÓN
- MojadoWelmo Romero
9 firmas de internet ligadas al espionaje
Medios de prensa revelan acceso directo de NSA a los servidores de estos gigantes de internet
Artesano de alfombras de enea
Don Fernando ha practicado su artesanía desde los ocho años cuando su padre le enseñó
Tiroteo deja varios muertos en Santa Mónica
Testigos reportaron ver un hombre prender en fuego una vivienda y disparar contra carros
La quinta edición de la caminata Da Vida con Raymond Arrieta
Caminará por siete días de Mayagüez a San Juan recaudando fondos para pacientes de cáncer
Último día de trabajo para 170 empleados
Fueron trasladados del aeropuerto a dependencias gubernamentales
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6 muertos en tiroteos dentro y cerca de universidad de California
Policía confirma varios incidentes violentos en el área de Santa Mónica. Fotos
"Se hizo justicia" por la muerte de Stefano
"Lo asesinaron vilmente por un trapo de carro", sentenció el jefe del FBI. Fotos y Vídeo
Llorosos los padres de Stefano y de Alexis Amador
Luego que un jurado encontrara al acusado culpable del asesinato del joven
Tiroteo deja varios muertos en Santa Mónica
Testigos reportaron ver un hombre prender en fuego una vivienda y disparar contra carros
Caminata Da Vida llega a San Sebastián
Raymond Arrieta ha encontrado mucha "gente humilde" que ha participado de la caminata este año y muchas "muestas de cariño"
Testifica estilista de Georgina Ortiz Ortiz
En el caso de Aida de los Santos quien enfrenta cargos por el asesinato de la esposa del exjuez Carlos Irizarry Yunqué
Culpable Alexis Amador por la muerte de Stefano Steenbakkers
Un jurado unánime lo encontró culpable del "carjacking" que resultó en la muerte del joven
- 553
- 741
- 632
- 1234
- De mansitos corderos a carneros que embistenEdric E. Vivoni Farage (Abogado y agricultor)
- ¿Cómo es posible?Danilo Arbilla (Periodista}
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Timeline Photos
Prism: does the UK government use the US's secret operation to gather intelligence on Britons? <a href="http://bit.ly/14I0NVo" rel="nofollow">http://bit.ly/14I0NVo</a>
The US-run programme, called Prism, would appear to have allowed GCHQ to circumvent the formal legal process required to seek personal material such as emails, photos and videos from an internet company based outside the UK.
Photograph: David Goddard/Getty Images
America's tech giants continued to deny any knowledge of a giant government surveillance programme called Prism, even as president Barack Obama confirmed the scheme's existence Friday.
With their credibility about privacy issues in sharp focus, all the technology companies said to be involved in the program issued remarkably similar statements.
All said they did not allow the government "direct access" to their systems, all said they had never heard of the Prism program, and all called for greater transparency.
In a blogpost titled 'What the…?' Google co-founder Larry Page and chief legal officer David Drummond said the "level of secrecy" around US surveillance procedures was undermining "freedoms we all cherish."
"First, we have not joined any program that would give the US government – or any other government – direct access to our servers. Indeed, the US government does not have direct access or a 'back door' to the information stored in our data centers. We had not heard of a program called Prism until yesterday," they wrote.
"Second, we provide user data to governments only in accordance with the law. Our legal team reviews each and every request, and frequently pushes back when requests are overly broad or don't follow the correct process."
The Google executives said they were also "very surprised" to learn of the government order made to obtain data from Verizon, first disclosed by the Guardian. "Any suggestion that Google is disclosing information about our users' internet activity on such a scale is completely false," they wrote.
Mark Zuckerberg, the founder and CEO of Facebook, described the press reports about Prism as "outrageous". He insisted that the Facebook was not part of any program to give the US government direct access to its servers.
He said: "Facebook is not and has never been part of any program to give the US or any other government direct access to our servers. We have never received a blanket request or court order from any government agency asking for information or metadata in bulk, like the one Verizon reportedly received. And if we did, we would fight it aggressively. We hadn't even heard of Prism before yesterday."
Zuckerberg also called for greater transparency. "We strongly encourage all governments to be much more transparent about all programs aimed at keeping the public safe. It's the only way to protect everyone's civil liberties and create the safe and free society we all want over the long term."
Yahoo said: "We do not provide the government with direct access to our servers, systems, or network."
The leaked National Security Agency (NSA) document obtained by the Guardian claims Prism operates with the "assistance of communications providers in the US".
The document names AOL, Apple, Facebook, Google, Microsoft, PalTalk and Yahoo and gives dates when they "joined" the scheme, aimed at intercepting data from people outside the US.'' The presentation talks of "legally compelled collection" of data.
All the companies involved have now denied knowledge of the scheme to the Guardian.
In one slide, the presentation identifies two types of data collection: Upstream and Prism. Upstream involves the collection of communications on "fibre cables and infrastructure as data flows past." Prism involves: "Collection directly from the servers of these US service providers: Microsoft, Yahoo, Google, Facebook, PalTalk, AOL, Skype, YouTube, Apple."
Obama confirmed the existence of the scheme Friday and said Congress was "fully apprised" of the situation and that it was being conducted legally with a "whole range of safeguards involved".
But despite Obama's acknowledgment, senior figures said they remained puzzled and surprised by the news. Speaking off the record one said their company regularly complied with subpoenas for information but had never allowed "collection directly" from their servers.
Some speculated that the wording of the document was incorrect or that the author had over-hyped the scheme.
Security experts and civil liberty figures were less convinced. "I was assuming that these tech companies were just lying," said security guru Bruce Schneier. "That's the most obvious explanation."
"Could it possibly be that there's a department within these companies that hides this from the executives? Maybe," he said. "I don't know, we don't know. This points to the problem here. There's so much freaking secrecy that we don't know enough to even know what is going on."
He said he was not surprised by the news. "There are no surprises here. We all knew what was going on and now they have finally admitted it."
"The NSA would not have done this surreptitiously, they want the tech companies on their side," said Jameel Jaffer, director of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). "I can't make sense of their statements at all."
He said it was clear that tech companies in general were more than happy to co-operate with the US authorities and said he was puzzled why there seemed to be such a gap between the two sides' story.
Ali Reza Manouchehri, CEO and co-founder of MetroStar Systems, an IT consultant that works closely with government agencies, said: "There are situations that come up where they have to communicate with the security agencies. At the end of the day they are working in the interest of national security."
"I can't comment on what's going on inside the company. It's hard for me to believe that Google doesn't know," he said. "It is either transparent or it is surreptitious. It is hard for me to believe that at this level, at this volume it is surreptitious." He said if the companies really did not know then "we have some serious issues."
The news has sparked widespread concern in the US. Nearly 20,000 people have signed a petition at Progressive Change Campaign Committee calling on Congress to hold investigations.
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Social tolerance and open-mindedness is essential to respect each other and to live together without problems
Everyone, at some point in life, May we be aliens somewhere in the world. And In That case, surely we will not like to be discriminated against, listen to a joke or derogatory comment Because our origin, skin color, or way of being.
Indeed, in acerca That you think when you're tempted to ridicule, stigmatize or exclude someone Because of Their nationality, race, gender or appearance. A Reality That, unfortunately, is very present in Puerto Rican society and still Eradicated not the social subconscious and operational.
That hatred, suspicion, hostility and intolerance towards the alien has name, xenophobia. Although Also Often used to describe the phobia towards different ethnic groups or to people Whose face social, cultural and political is unknown or not understood.
It is in fact a type of discrimination That is based on various prejudices, historical, religious, cultural and national.
So it is not surprising That Also abound jokes and intolerance towards Un certain groups of people who are Perceived as different, psychologist and counselor supports Naychaly Rivera, who highlights the Importance of education to discourage the perpetuation of this behavior.
"Humor Should be used to create moments of relaxation and fun. But it must not be at the cost of morbid ideas, gender or nationality of a person. That it does is create an awkward moment, "said Rivera, while proposing to talk with the person about the inappropriateness of it.
"You must understand That we can go through the same situation and that's not nice," says the psychologist, although I stresses That the person making the joke must Also Realize That ridicule or Decrease to a human being is unacceptable behavior and it leaves much to acerca be say him as a person.
And although I accepts That When shared with a person from another country can be some culture shock Because the customs are not the same, says the important thing is to talk and seek common ground.
"Usually there are more Things That unite us than divide us. And, even if there are diferencias, you can always find equivalences "adds Rivera, while emphasizing the Importance of Combating stereotypes.
"Sometimes Criticized for the accent, the way of being, Their skin color, or Their customs. But do not think That you yourself can spend the same and That in some other part of the world, you too will have an accent and will be different , "says the psychologist.
HENCE The Importance of empathy, to put ourselves in the shoes of the other person. "That means being Able to understand the feelings and emotions of That Other as if They were mine," says Rivera.
Respect and tolerance
But the reality is That we live in a society That has a serious problem of racism, says social psychologist Mariluz Community Franco, Interdisciplinary Research Institute of the University of Puerto Rico, Cayey Campus.
Also see, highlights, who were the foreigners Who Have eats to the Island for the last 100 years and how it has been the discrimination Toward them. And Gives the example of immigration of Cubans and Dominicans.
"To begin with, you there is a stigma differently with Respect to different groups of immigrants. For example, Often looks Dominicans Who Have racism towards darker skin, "says Franco, who Also emphasizes the Importance of early education to learn about the concepts of respect and tolerance.
Something that is not only right and fair but also good public policy That Should be socially and Economically to all.
Indeed, Franco just released, along Isar Godreau, Llorens Canabal Pumarejo Reinat Hilda Mary Agnes Torres, Jessica Gaspar Aymee and Concepción, the book Starting root myths, a guide That says, Provides tools for understanding racism in the Puerto Rican society, while offering practical recommendations to address the problem, Especially in the school context and through primary education.
According To Franco, in Puerto Rico has been a racist teaching of African heritage. A process Which, I says, Arises to justify slavery.
"It is the false notion That there are people who are superior to others. It's the same When making jokes immigrants Described as xenophobic and gross, lazy or criminal and That has an impact, "I adds.
In fact, Franco said one of the Consequences That is That There is a move away from its roots, values and culture richness.
"Much of the problem is That When We Talk About Cultural diversity is still around in a very cursory. It's not just dancing or eating mangú pump. So I think We Should Go further and Recognize racism, "says Franco, who emphasizes That it must be done at personal and institutional level.
And, to be tolerant and open-minded is essential to respect each other and to live together without problems.
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Ante la noticia publicada, sobre un posible aumento en las tarifas por el uso de las lanchas para...
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