1:42 AM 4/5/2012 - Mike Nova's starred items
via Global Voices en Español » Puerto Rico (E.U.A.) by Robert Valencia on 3/28/12
Rick Santorum y Mitt Romney no solamente compiten por hacerse de la candidatura republicana y enfrentarse a Barack Obama en noviembre próximo, sino también por quién comete el mayor número de errores en un discurso o una entrevista, en lo que también se incluye a su equipo de trabajo. El más reciente fue el del auxiliar Eric Fehrnstrom, quien afirmó que durante la elección general la campaña de Romney será como un “Telesketch”, es decir, “que se sacude y es como volver a empezar. Borrón y cuenta nueva”, con lo que sus críticos y muy en especial Santorum comenzaron a dudar sobre la propuesta de campaña del líder en la contienda. Este error del equipo de Romney se suma al comentario sobre la “poca importancia” que Romney decía sentir sobre los más pobres [en], hace aproximadamente un mes.
Pero Santorum tampoco se escapa de las “meteduras de pata”. El 20 de marzo, Santorum aseguró “no importarle la tasa de desempleo” [en], cuando precisamente el tema económico será un factor decisivo en las elecciones presidenciales. Algunos de estos errores vienen con un alto precio a la hora de las votaciones, como le sucedió a Santorum en Puerto Rico el 18 de marzo. Romney se hizo de los 20 delegados puertorriqueños, luego que Santorum declarara que hablar inglés es un requisito de la isla para incorporarse como el estado número 51 de la unión estadounidense–algo que tocó las fibras más sensibles de los que viven allí.
Dicho sentimiento se ve reflejado en el blog Cuando quise ser escritor:
Rick Santorum ha protagonizado una serie de desaciertos verbales que han hecho cierta mella en su campaña presidencial. Foto de Gage Skidmore (CC BY-SA 2.0)
Los deslices de Santorum encendieron la mecha en Twitter. Ana Navarro (@ananavarro) afirma que Santorum obtuvo otra cosa que delegados puertorriqueños:
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Pero Santorum tampoco se escapa de las “meteduras de pata”. El 20 de marzo, Santorum aseguró “no importarle la tasa de desempleo” [en], cuando precisamente el tema económico será un factor decisivo en las elecciones presidenciales. Algunos de estos errores vienen con un alto precio a la hora de las votaciones, como le sucedió a Santorum en Puerto Rico el 18 de marzo. Romney se hizo de los 20 delegados puertorriqueños, luego que Santorum declarara que hablar inglés es un requisito de la isla para incorporarse como el estado número 51 de la unión estadounidense–algo que tocó las fibras más sensibles de los que viven allí.
Dicho sentimiento se ve reflejado en el blog Cuando quise ser escritor:
¡Por favor, pero si el gobierno federal nunca ha aprobado legislación alguna que establezca que el inglés es el idioma oficial de la federación! Nuestra legislación reconoce la oficialidad de ambos idiomas, pero aun así esto no parece importarle a Santorum contestando: “sí y no”.El blog de Pablo A. Jiménez en el periódico El Nuevo Día de Puerto Rico hizo uso de su bilingüismo como una diatriba contra Santorum:
The question is why you made these unfortunate remarks. Did you know your premises are false? If you didn't know, then you spoke out of ignorance. If you did now, then you twisted the truth. One way or the other, your remarks are not worthy of a presidential candidate. / La pregunta es por qué hizo usted estas expresiones tan desafortunadas. ¿Sabía usted que eran falsas? Si no lo sabía, hablo motivado por la ignorancia. Si lo sabía, tergiversó la verdad. De cualquier manera, sus expresiones no son dignas de un candidato presidencial.
Ok. So Santorum got 0 delegates in Puerto Rico after spending 2 days there. But Hey! He got a tan.
Ok. Santorum obtuvo cero delegados en Puerto Rico luego de pasar dos días allí. Pero hey! Obtuvo un bronceado.
Ana Kerman (@proyturma) asevera que Santorum insultó a Puerto RicoSantorum ataca sin asco a la cultura de Puerto Rico http://www.impre.com/la-gente-dice/viewArticle.action?articleId=281474978953910#.T2qTiUY-hnE.twitter vía @AddThisPor su parte, Joe Farahnak (@joefarahnamone) alega que el comentario de Santorum fue una jugada rara:
English Only: Extraña estrategia de Santorum en Puerto Rico - http://Terra.comTelesketch, conocido en inglés como “Etch a Sketch” se ubicó como uno de los trends principales del 22 de marzo en Twitter. La cadena ABC News (@abc) afirma que Romney podría oprimir el “botón de reinicio” (en) con algunas minorías:
Romney Could Use Etch A Sketch “Restart” With Latinos, Women, the Poor http://abcn.ws/GHQ4hi
Romney podría usar un reinicio “Etch A Sketch” con los latinos, mujeres y los pobres http://abcn.ws/GHQ4hi
Escrito por Robert Valencia · Comentarios (0) Compártalo: Meneame · facebook · twitter · reddit · StumbleUpon · delicious · Instapaper
via Global Voices » Puerto Rico (U.S.) by Kevin Clayton on 3/15/12
Rick Santorum and Mitt Romney are not only competing to become the Republican candidate who will face Barack Obama this coming November, but also to be the one who commits the most factual errors and blunders in a speech or interview, a competition that also includes their teams. One of the most commented blunders was made by Romney’s advisor, Eric Fehrnstrom, who stated that during the general election Romney’s campaign will be like an “Etch A Sketch”, that is, “You can kind of shake it up and we start all over again,” something his critics, particularly Santorum, have used to question his campaign promises. This joins a comment, made about two months ago, about the lack of concern that Romney said he feels toward the poor.
But Santorum hasn’t managed to avoided errors either. On the 20th of March, Santorum stated “I don’t care [about] the unemployment rate, when the subject of the economy will clearly be a decisive factor in the presidential elections. Some of these mistakes will come with a high price at the time of voting, as happened to Santorum in Puerto Rico on March 18th. Romney won all 20 of the Puerto Rican delegates, thanks to Santorum’s declaration that speaking English is a requirement for the island to become the United States’ 51st state – something that hit a raw nerve for the people that live there.
This feeling is reflected in the blog Cuando quise ser escritor [es]:
Rick Santorum has committed a series of verbal mistakes that have made a certain dent on his presidential campaign. Photo of Gage Skidmore (CC BY-SA 2.0)
In addition, Santorum’s slip-ups started a firestorm on Twitter. Ana Navarro (@ananavarro) said that Santorum got something else besides Puerto Rican delegates:
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from Puerto Rico News's Facebook Wall by Puerto Rico News
Are both Romney and Fortuño Etch-A-Sketch candidates? - Puerto Rico Daily Sun - 01/04/12
Are both Romney and Fortuño Etch-A-Sketch candidates? - Puerto Rico Daily Sun - 01/04/12
It has become obvious to most astute voters that Willard Mitt Romney is an Etch-A-Sketch candidate. All over the United States, he has been trying to convince voters in the local primaries that he is a "conservative" totally against Obama care and other liberal programs for the middle and working class....
Are both Romney and Fortuño Etch-A-Sketch candidates? - Puerto Rico Daily Sun - 01/04/12
via Puerto Rico Newswire on 4/1/12
It has become obvious to most astute voters that Willard Mitt Romney is an Etch-A-Sketch candidate. All over the United States, he has been trying to convince voters in the local primaries that he is a "conservative" totally against Obama care and other liberal programs for the middle and working class. When he arrived in Puerto Rico, he tried to give the impression that he is a moderate or even liberal. He wanted Puerto Ricans to view him as being for the kinds of liberal programs the Democrats made possible stateside and here in Puerto Rico. Local Republican leaders in Puerto Rico promoted what he had done while Governor of Massachusetts years ago and not the far right-wing Republican image he is now giving when campaigning in the states. Romney's sketch changes with locations and time periods. When he arrived in Puerto Rico, he shook his Etch-A-Sketch image from being conservative tea party to being more for the working people. When he returned to the mainland, he shook his image board again back to be a way-to-the-right conservative. If he is nominated and runs against liberal Democrat Barack Obama, he will shake his image board to be more liberal and mainstream. He is always changing images and with no permanent or long lasting convictions. He is constantly shaking his Etch-A-Sketch to get votes and not for what is right for the people. Puerto Rico Luis Fortuño is most certainly an Etch-A-Sketch candidate like Willard Mitt Romney. When among the voters of Puerto Rico, Fortuño sounds a lot like Obama. He is for all those Democrat liberal programs. When he gets on the plane to visit his GOP cohorts in the states, he shakes his Etch-A-Sketch to become as conservative, tea party as Romney. On the return trip to the Enchanted Island. Forfuño needs to shake his image board again to come across to Puerto Rican voters as being more liberal and for the working people. Unfortunately for Fortuño, in some areas of being a leader, he is so right-wing and cannot change no matter how much he shakes his image board. For example, he is not for separation of church and state or for gay rights. Thank God, unlike Heir Schatz of the Puerto Rico Senate, he does not give a duck quacking sound to insult his political opponents. It is obvious that Schatz has no Etch-A.Sketch board. But we all know who Schatz is and wonder exactly who is Luis Fortuño. [Continue in Extended Entry section.]
But Santorum hasn’t managed to avoided errors either. On the 20th of March, Santorum stated “I don’t care [about] the unemployment rate, when the subject of the economy will clearly be a decisive factor in the presidential elections. Some of these mistakes will come with a high price at the time of voting, as happened to Santorum in Puerto Rico on March 18th. Romney won all 20 of the Puerto Rican delegates, thanks to Santorum’s declaration that speaking English is a requirement for the island to become the United States’ 51st state – something that hit a raw nerve for the people that live there.
This feeling is reflected in the blog Cuando quise ser escritor [es]:
¡Por favor, pero si el gobierno federal nunca ha aprobado legislación alguna que establezca que el inglés es el idioma oficial de la federación! Nuestra legislación reconoce la oficialidad de ambos idiomas, pero aun así esto no parece importarle a Santorum contestando: “sí y no”.
Come on, but the federal government has never passed legislation that establishes English as the official language of the federation! Our legislation recognises that both languages are official, but even so this does not seem to matter to Santorum answering: “yes and no.”
The blog of Pablo A. Jiménez in the Puerto Rican newspaper El Nuevo Día used his bilingualism in a diatribe against Santorum:The question is why you made these unfortunate remarks. Did you know your premises are false? If you didn't know, then you spoke out of ignorance. If you did now, then you twisted the truth. One way or the other, your remarks are not worthy of a presidential candidate. / La pregunta es por qué hizo usted estas expresiones tan desafortunadas. ¿Sabía usted que eran falsas? Si no lo sabía, hablo motivado por la ignorancia. Si lo sabía, tergiversó la verdad. De cualquier manera, sus expresiones no son dignas de un candidato presidencial.
Ok. So Santorum got 0 delegates in Puerto Rico after spending 2 days there. But Hey! He got a tan.Ana Kerman (@proyturma) [es] asserted that Santorum insulted Puerto Rico:
Santorum ataca sin asco a la cultura de Puerto Rico http://www.impre.com/la-gente-dice/viewArticle.action?articleId=281474978953910#.T2qTiUY-hnE.twitter vía @AddThis
Santorum shamelessly attacks the culture of Puerto Rico http://www.impre.com/la-gente-dice/viewArticle.action?articleId=281474978953910#.T2qTiUY-hnE.twitter vía @AddThis
For his part, Joe Farahnak (@joefarahnamone) [es] alleged that Santorum’s comment was a strange move:English Only: Extraña estrategia de Santorum en Puerto Rico - http://Terra.com
English Only: Strange strategy of Santorum in Puerto Rico - http://Terra.com
Finally, Etch A Sketch became one of the principal trends of the 22nd of March on Twitter, while ABC News channel (@abc) stated that Romney could use an “Etch A Sketch ‘Restart’” with some minorities:Romney Could Use Etch A Sketch “Restart” With Latinos, Women, the Poor http://abcn.ws/GHQ4hiWritten by Robert Valencia · Translated by Kevin Clayton · View original post [es] · comments (0)
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Are both Romney and Fortuño Etch-A-Sketch candidates? - Puerto Rico Daily Sun -...
from Puerto Rico News's Facebook Wall by Puerto Rico News
Are both Romney and Fortuño Etch-A-Sketch candidates? - Puerto Rico Daily Sun - 01/04/12
Are both Romney and Fortuño Etch-A-Sketch candidates? - Puerto Rico Daily Sun - 01/04/12
It has become obvious to most astute voters that Willard Mitt Romney is an Etch-A-Sketch candidate. All over the United States, he has been trying to convince voters in the local primaries that he is a "conservative" totally against Obama care and other liberal programs for the middle and working class....
Are both Romney and Fortuño Etch-A-Sketch candidates? - Puerto Rico Daily Sun - 01/04/12
via Puerto Rico Newswire on 4/1/12
It has become obvious to most astute voters that Willard Mitt Romney is an Etch-A-Sketch candidate. All over the United States, he has been trying to convince voters in the local primaries that he is a "conservative" totally against Obama care and other liberal programs for the middle and working class. When he arrived in Puerto Rico, he tried to give the impression that he is a moderate or even liberal. He wanted Puerto Ricans to view him as being for the kinds of liberal programs the Democrats made possible stateside and here in Puerto Rico. Local Republican leaders in Puerto Rico promoted what he had done while Governor of Massachusetts years ago and not the far right-wing Republican image he is now giving when campaigning in the states. Romney's sketch changes with locations and time periods. When he arrived in Puerto Rico, he shook his Etch-A-Sketch image from being conservative tea party to being more for the working people. When he returned to the mainland, he shook his image board again back to be a way-to-the-right conservative. If he is nominated and runs against liberal Democrat Barack Obama, he will shake his image board to be more liberal and mainstream. He is always changing images and with no permanent or long lasting convictions. He is constantly shaking his Etch-A-Sketch to get votes and not for what is right for the people. Puerto Rico Luis Fortuño is most certainly an Etch-A-Sketch candidate like Willard Mitt Romney. When among the voters of Puerto Rico, Fortuño sounds a lot like Obama. He is for all those Democrat liberal programs. When he gets on the plane to visit his GOP cohorts in the states, he shakes his Etch-A-Sketch to become as conservative, tea party as Romney. On the return trip to the Enchanted Island. Forfuño needs to shake his image board again to come across to Puerto Rican voters as being more liberal and for the working people. Unfortunately for Fortuño, in some areas of being a leader, he is so right-wing and cannot change no matter how much he shakes his image board. For example, he is not for separation of church and state or for gay rights. Thank God, unlike Heir Schatz of the Puerto Rico Senate, he does not give a duck quacking sound to insult his political opponents. It is obvious that Schatz has no Etch-A.Sketch board. But we all know who Schatz is and wonder exactly who is Luis Fortuño. [Continue in Extended Entry section.]
via Puerto Rico News - Archive Links's Facebook Wall by Puerto Rico News - Archive Links on 4/4/12
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Google Reader - Mike Nova's starred items2:04 PM 4/4/2012 | Mike Nova's starred itemsDNA tests were taken from two possible suspects involved in the case of a touristvia Puerto Rico News by Mike Nova on 4/4/12Take two possible DNA involved in the case of tourist-Primerahora.com 9 CommentsDNA tests were taken from two possible suspects involved in the case of a tourist For Ivan Ayala, the father of one of the individuals...
2:04 PM 4/4/2012 | Mike Nova's starred items
Google Reader - Mike Nova's starred items2:04 PM 4/4/2012 | Mike Nova's starred itemsDNA tests were taken from two possible suspects involved in the case of a touristvia Puerto Rico News by Mike Nova on 4/4/12Take two possible DNA involved in the case of tourist-Primerahora.com 9 CommentsDNA tests were taken from two possible suspects involved in the case of a tourist For Ivan Ayala, the father of one of the individuals...
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Puerto Rico News - Archive Links | Facebook Puerto Rico News - Archive Links48 minutes ago via RSS GraffitiPuerto Rico News - Archive Links 11:15 AM 4/4/2012 | Mike Nova's starred itemsTribunal Supremo paraliza escrutinio y recuento de ley sobre las primariasvia » Puerto Rico by caribnews on 4/3/12SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (Inter News Service) El Tribunal Supremo detuvo hoy el escrutinio y recuento de ley sobre las primarias, momentos antes...
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via Puerto Rico News - Archive Links's Facebook Wall by Puerto Rico News - Archive Links on 4/4/12
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Puerto Rico News - Archive Links | FacebookPuerto Rico News - Archive Links9 minutes ago via RSS GraffitiPuerto Rico News - Archive Links HootSuite Photos | FacebookHootSuite Photos | Facebook HootSuite Photos | FacebookCARIBBEAN BUSINESS#Forbes: OSJ among prettiest US towns. Read more: http://ow.ly/a3o8v http://ow.ly/i/xRwwValerie Ann Hernández-Rodríguez, Orlando Suarez Cariño, Tessie Acosta-Rodriguez and 2 others like this.Source: Puerto Rico NewsPublished: 2012-04-04 16:36:00 GMT
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Puerto Rico News - Archive Links | FacebookPuerto Rico News - Archive Links9 minutes ago via RSS GraffitiPuerto Rico News - Archive Links HootSuite Photos | FacebookHootSuite Photos | Facebook HootSuite Photos | FacebookCARIBBEAN BUSINESS#Forbes: OSJ among prettiest US towns. Read more: http://ow.ly/a3o8v http://ow.ly/i/xRwwValerie Ann Hernández-Rodríguez, Orlando Suarez Cariño, Tessie Acosta-Rodriguez and 2 others like this.Source: Puerto Rico NewsPublished: 2012-04-04 16:36:00 GMT
via Puerto Rico News - Archive Links's Facebook Wall by Puerto Rico News - Archive Links on 4/4/12
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