Wednesday, April 4, 2012

2:04 PM 4/4/2012 | Mike Nova's starred items

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via Puerto Rico News by Mike Nova on 4/4/12
Take two possible DNA involved in the case of

DNA tests were taken from two possible suspects involved in the case of a tourist
For Ivan Ayala, the father of one of the individuals interviewed by the police interest, his son would be unable to rape a woman. (First Time / Canine Teresa Rivera)

Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Leysa Caro Gonzalez / First Time

The two men were taken on Monday night in a cloak of secrecy and have been identified by police as persons of interest in the case of tourist sexually assaulted while on vacation in Vieques, underwent tests yesterday collection of genetic material (DNA) at the Institute of Forensic Science (ICF).

"We had to take today (yesterday ICF), because on Thursday they could not appear", certified the commander Antonio Lopez, head of the police area of ​​Fajardo, adding that the two men will have to appear again next week for an interview monitoring.
So the picture, three others would lack of interest in being subjected to DNA testing, a process that is scheduled to take place tomorrow at 9:00 am Residents of the island municipality are referred to the ICC of Fajardo, where you will be transferred to the ICF by uniformed staff.
The police has found the five men, whose ages range between 19 and 27 years, thanks to the many secrets that have been received from residents of Vieques, said the director of the Sex Crimes Division Fajardo, Wilfredo Santos.

The sergeant acknowledged that they had received rumors of threats against the two individuals mobilized on Monday, as there is unrest on the island due to the damage he has caused the case to tourism.

He clarified that respondents did not necessarily have direct contact with the victim and her friends, but that may have been to some of the places frequented by the women during their stay of five days.
All have sung outside events. "That's what they're saying, but one researcher has their tips as," Santos said.
I do not feel confident Ivan Ayala acknowledges that his son is not a saint, but do not feel confident to sexually assaulting a woman.
"I think not (able) to rape a woman. My son will do other things but not that ... pa 'me he can not reach that limit, "he said, who identified his son as Erick Manuel Ayala.
He said his son was on Saturday, day of the events, sharing with his wife and four year old son on the beach of the dock area. On Sunday celebrated the birthday of their child.
The security guard did not rule out the case of a prosecution against his son, who is unemployed, with the other problems he has had with the law. "People have the right to change and transform. Now that my son was little calm, back problems, "he lamented.
Ayala asked to investigate the facts straight, still arises adverse information against his son. "If he is guilty, as guilty, because I can not go against justice, but rather to investigate the case," he claimed.

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via Puerto Rico News by Mike Nova on 4/4/12
Rexach Benitez will be on display this afternoon at Arecibo - The New Day



April 4, 2012

10:36 a.m.

Rexach Benitez will lay in state this afternoon at Arecibo

The accumulation exrepresentante by the Popular Democratic Party and former senator for the New Progressive Party died this morning

Original Text:
Poco después su familia regresó a Puerto Rico. Rexach Benítez recibió su educación primaria en Juncos y Arecibo y se graduó de escuela superior en Río Piedras, según una biografía que publicó el Senado en Internet. En 1951 obtuvo un bachillerato en Ciencias Sociales en la Universidad de Puerto Rico (UPR) y al año siguiente una maestría en Ciencias Políticas de la Universidad de Maryland. También cursó dos años de estudios en la Escuela de Derecho de la UPR. En 1973 fue electo representante por acumulación por el Partido Popular Democrático (PPD), del que se desafilió años más tarde para luego ingresar al Partido Nuevo Progresista (PNP). En 1984 fue electo senador por acumulación por el PNP y en enero de 1985 fue designado portavoz de la delegación de su partido en el Senado.
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The Senate president, Roberto Rexach Benitez, died this morning because of his lung condition, confirmed his son, Juan Manuel Rexach Urdaz. His body will be on display this afternoon at the funeral home and cemetery Gonzalez Holy Cross Arecibo reported. He said that tomorrow the Senate President Thomas Rivera Schatz, held at the funeral a guard of honor. It is expected that tomorrow at 2:00 pm and then culminate the funeral will be cremated, he said. "That was his last will, they watch and be cremated. He was a very simple person for that, "said the son. "Thanks to all who have supported us right now," said Rexach Urdaz, in an interview with El Nuevo Dia . Rexach Benitez was born in New York Puerto Rican parents, the December 18, 1929. Shortly after his family returned to Puerto Rico. Rexach Benitez received his primary education in Juncos and Arecibo and graduated from high school in Rio Piedras, according to a biography published by the Senate on the Internet. In 1951 he earned a BA in Social Sciences at the University of Puerto Rico (UPR) and the following year an MA in Political Science from the University of Maryland. also attended two years of study at the School of Law of the UPR. In 1973 he was elected Representative at Large for the Popular Democratic Party (PDP ), which disaffiliated years later and then enter the New Progressive Party (PNP). In 1984 he was elected senator at large by the PNP and in January 1985 was appointed spokesman of the delegation of his party in the Senate. In 1988 he was re-elected and ratified as a spokesman for Senate Minority progressive. He was reelected in the general elections of 1992 and in 1993 was selected as President of the Senate. In 1996 he was reelected to the Senate, he resigned in 1999. In 1958 Rexach Benitez a professor of political science at UPR. That year he was appointed Assistant Dean of Administration and in 1980 served as assistant to the President, Jaime Benitez. From 1961 to 1967 he held the positions of Director and Regional Dean of the College of Humacao, UPR and the 1967 to 1970 he held the same position in the Arecibo Regional College. From 1981 to 1985 he was consultant to the Governor Carlos Romero Barcelo. Rexach Benitez was a columnist for El Nuevo Dia and the former newspaper El Mundo.

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