Tuesday, July 31, 2012

LINK: PUERTO RICO NEWS: 7/31/2012 - News Review

PUERTO RICO NEWS: 8:39 AM 7/31/2012: 8:39 AM 7/31/2012 Bill aims to spur OTEC power in PR Puerto Rico could take a step toward tapping sea temperature changes to generate ....

7/31/2012 - News Review

News Review - 7/31/2012

Last Update: 7:01 PM 7/31/2012


  • Puerto Rico News Videos

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  • Puerto Rico Updates Penal Code, Increases Sentences For Violent Crimes - Huffington Post - Monday, July 30, 2012

  • Puerto Rico tries tougher sentences in crime fight - Huffington Post - Monday, July 30, 2012

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    A new era... in the history of print journalism in Puerto Rico

    Suscríbete para recibir El Vocero a tu email http://www.vocero.com/impreso/
    See Translation
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    A new era not only in our pages, but in the history of print journalism in Puerto Rico. From tomorrow the paper is distributed for free - EL VOCERO DE PR - Monday, July 30, 2012


    7/31/2012 - News Review

    Puerto Rico tries tougher sentences in crime fight - U.S. News & World Report - Monday, July 30, 2012

    Puerto Rico governor signs bill imposing longer prison sentences for range of ... - Washington Post - Monday, July 30, 2012

    Puerto Rico Updates Penal Code, Increases Sentences For Violent Crimes - Huffing... - Tuesday, July 31, 2012

    CaribBusiness: #PRgovernor signs tougher penal code http://t.co/imr3mkYs - Monday, July 30, 2012

    Puerto Rico tries tougher sentences in crime fight - San Bernardino Sun - Monday, July 30, 2012

    NO DAR ESPACIO A LA EMPRESA CRIMINAL - Tuesday, July 31, 2012 - Puerto Rico News - Archive Links

    Hispanic New York: Ricky Martin to Star in TV Show - By Michael O ... - Tuesday, July 31, 2012

    Orozco Hopes to Help US Team Win Gold | Notizie Curiose - Monday, July 30, 2012

    PR Athletes in London - NaN

    Univision’s Mistake - Monday, July 30, 2012 - KG

    Bill aims to spur OTEC power in PR

    Puerto Rico could take a step toward tapping sea temperature changes to generate ...

    8:39 AM 7/31/2012
    Continuará la lluvia durante todo el día
    via Primera Hora : Lo Ultimo on 7/31/12
    Al momento, hay una vigilancia de inundaciones repentinas para todo el país.


    via Opinión - El Nuevo Día on 7/31/12


    En tiempos en que las organizaciones criminales responden con más violencia al embate de las autoridades, el Estado y todas las agencias responsables de combatir el narcotráfico no pueden cederle espacio al crimen organizado que tiene en jaque la seguridad del País y la vida de los ciudadanos.

    Reflexiones de un “sexygenario”

    SILVERIO PÉREZCuando yo me criaba, una persona de sesenta años era un viejo “escarranchao”. Ahora que pasé de los sesenta me doy cuenta que, o estoy en total negación, o las cosas han cambiado y

    Educación de excelencia gratuita

    NAYDIMAR TORRES SERRANO Como joven puertorriqueña enfrento la cruda realidad de vivir en un país que se ahoga en la criminalidad y en las drogas, en el cual encontrar un desertor escolar o un desempleado


    Ruth MerinoEsta vez la violencia se desató en un cine en Colorado, justamente a la medianoche, cuando James Holmes, el joven de los ojos vacíos y el cabello rojo encendido, segó la vida de 12
    El pueblo de Puerto Rico debe agradecer a los agentes de ICE (Immigrations and Customs Enforcement) y DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration) por lograr lo que el gobierno de Puerto Rico, por sí solo, es incapaz de hacer.
    Hoy cuatro maleantes se enfrentan a cargos federales de los cuales no se escaparán tan fácilmente, y otros dos que atacaron a los agentes han ahorrado al pueblo el costo de juicio y encarcelación.
    Muchos que estaban en el lugar han reaccionado asustados e indignados, lo que es comprensible. Pero, no fueron los agentes que escogieron ni el lugar ni la hora.
    Las tácticas de los más violentos de nuestra sociedad han cambiado. Ahora las transacciones no se llevan a cabo en cuartos oscuros detrás de alguna barra de un barrio, sino en parques y centros comerciales atestados de inocentes, con múltiples rutas por donde escapar. Esto es muchísimo más peligroso para los ciudadanos, que nada sospechan, por estar en el lugar inoportuno en el momento inoportuno.
    En Plaza Guaynabo, algunos de los agentes atacaron al enemigo del pueblo mientras otros tantos tomaron posiciones para proteger a la ciudadanía.
    Los agentes de ICE y DEA, junto a la Policía de Puerto Rico son soldados en una guerra sin cuartel, y los aplaudo.
    Temo que si protestamos demasiado, es posible que la única defensa que tenemos se nos vaya.
    Entonces, ¿quién gana la guerra?
    Rob Mariner

    Muchos creemos que no existen personas con sensibilidad, pero hace falta ver una buena acción para cambiar de opinión. En esta época abundan las malas noticias, pero estas líneas son para compartir una buena experiencia. Aún hay esperanza, en Puerto Rico vive gente que quiere hacer la diferencia y se deben reconocer sus buenas obras.
    Les contaré sobre un policía que merece un gran reconocimiento, a quien deseamos mucho éxito y millones de bendiciones. El domingo 20 de mayo, a las 5:30 p.m. transitaba con mi familia por la avenida 65 Infantería y en el cruce de Plaza Escorial mi hijo mayor gritó de alegría y asombro mientras decía: “miren lo que hace ese policía”. Logramos observar que un oficial en motora, tablilla 3470, detuvo el tránsito para que un perrito pudiese cruzar sin ser atropellado.
    Gracias por dar un buen ejemplo, por hacer la diferencia. Nuestras más sinceras felicitaciones por ese gesto de amor y sensibilidad.
    Madeline Vargas y Armando Lúgaro

    Recientemente salió publicado en la sección Cartas de El Nuevo Día una misiva comentando el inconcebible cierre del Museo de Las Américas en pleno verano.
    El Museo anunció este cierre administrativo, del 23 al 29 de julio, al público con antelación y el mismo era necesario para llevar a cabo trabajos de mantenimiento que requerían que no hubiese personas en sus facilidades.
    Lamentamos los inconvenientes que esto pueda haber causado.
    María Ángela López Vilella
    Directora EjecutivaMuseo de Las Américas

    Entiendo que la raíz de la corrupción en la judicatura nace de los responsables por los nombramientos.
    No me extrañaría que varios de los jueces que han probado ser sub-standard en su criterio al sentenciar, o peor aún, liberar u otorgar sentencias mínimas, surgen del grupo de jueces ineptos y partidistas seleccionados por individuos de la calaña de Freddie Valentín, Jorge De Castro Font y Héctor Martínez
    Estos señores, un ejemplo pobre de rectitud y moral, al punto que los tres han sido convictos y presos, son quienes en las ultimas décadas presidieron los Comités de Nombramientos en la legislatura.
    Los mismos que se encargaron de nombrar a muchos de estos jueces a quienes hoy día se les cuestionan las sentencias que irresponsablemente adjudican.
    Ahora tenemos a Roger Iglesias a cargo de ese comité tan importante; otro que tal baila, señalado de representarse como ingeniero sin serlo.
    Con esta realidad, ¿tenemos la necesidad de buscar más a fondo el por qué tenemos tantos casos donde las sentencias no guardan proporción con el crimen?
    Cuqui Santoni
    San Juan

    Baipás es la adaptación gráfica al español de la voz inglesa “by-pass”. Su plural es baipases.

    En la lucha contra el crimen, ¿cuál crees debe ser la prioridad de las autoridades?

    Atacar el lavado de dinero
    Atacar el tráfico de armas
    Atacar el narcotráfico
    Atacar todos los anteriores, al mismo nivel y a la vez

    DO NOT GIVE SPACE TO CRIMINAL ENTERPRISEvia Review - The New Day on 7/31/12


    At a time when criminal organizations respond more violently to the onslaught of the authorities, State and all agencies responsible for combating drug trafficking can not cede space to organized crime that is in check security of the country and the lives of citizens.Reflections of a "sexygenario"Silverio PÉREZCuando I was growing up, a person sixty years was an old "escarranchao". Now I spent sixty I realize that, or I'm in denial, or things have changed andExcellent education freeNAYDIMAR TORRES SERRANO As a young Puerto Rican face the harsh reality of living in a country that is drowning in crime and drugs, which find a school dropout or unemployedHolmesRuth MerinoEsta time violence broke out in a theater in Colorado, just at midnight, when James Holmes, the youngest of the empty eyes and flaming red hair, took the lives of 12Soldiers in a war without quarterThe people of Puerto Rico should thank the agents of ICE (Immigrations and Customs Enforcement) and DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration) to achieve what the government of Puerto Rico, by itself, is incapable of doing.Today four thugs are facing federal charges of which will not escape so easily, and two others attacked police have saved the people the cost of trial and incarceration.Many who were at the scene have reacted scared and angry, which is understandable. But were not the agents who chose neither the place nor the time.The tactics of the most violent in our society have changed. Now the transactions are carried out in dark rooms behind a neighborhood bar, but in parks and malls crowded with innocent, with multiple routes for escape. This is far more dangerous to the citizens, who suspected nothing, being in the wrong place at the wrong time.At Plaza Guaynabo, some of the agents attacked the enemy of the people while many others took up positions to protect the public.The ICE and DEA agents, along with the Puerto Rico Police are soldiers in a war without quarter, and I applaud them.I fear that if we protest too much, it is possible that the only defense we have is we go.So who wins the war?Rob MarinerPonce               Gesture of sensitivityMany believe that there are sensitive people, but we need to see a good action to change your mind. At this time the bad news abound, but these lines are to share a good experience. There is still hope, lives in Puerto Rico people who want to make a difference and should recognize their good works.I'll tell you about a cop who deserves great credit, who wish you success and millions of blessings. On Sunday May 20th at 5:30 pm was traveling with my family on 65th Infantry Avenue and at the intersection of Plaza Escorial my oldest son cried with joy and wonder as he said, "look what the police do." We managed to see a motor officer, board 3470, stopped traffic for a puppy could cross without being hit.Thanks for setting a good example by making a difference. Our most sincere congratulations for that gesture of love and tenderness.Madeline Armando Vargas and LugaroResponse of the Museum of the AmericasRecently was published in the Letters section of The New Day a letter commenting on the inconceivable Museum closing of the Americas in mid-summer.The Museum announced administrative closure of 23 to 29 July, the public in advance and it was necessary to perform required maintenance work that would not people in their facilities.We regret any inconvenience this may have caused.Angela Maria Lopez VilellaEjecutivaMuseo Director of the Americas               other such danceI understand that the root of corruption in the judiciary stems from those responsible for the appointments.Would not surprise me that several of the judges who have proven to be sub-standard in its discretion in sentencing, or worse, release or grant minimum sentences, judges emerge from the group of inept and partisan individuals selected by the likes of Freddie Valentin, Jorge De Castro Font and Hector MartinezThese gentlemen, a poor example of righteousness and morality, to the point that all three have been convicted and imprisoned, are the ones who presided over the last decades Nominating Committees in the legislature.The same people who were responsible for naming many of these judges who are now questioning the judgments awarded irresponsibly.Now we have Roger Churches in charge of that important committee, other than such dances, said to represent as an engineer is not.With this reality, we need to look further why we have so many cases where the sentences are disproportionate to the crime?

    Santoni Cuqui
    San Juan

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    Bloguera de Huffington Post exige disculpa a Heidi Wys por tuit racista contra Obama

    31 de julio de 2012 04:11 p.m.
    WASHINGTON - “Los comentarios de Heidi Wys contra el presidente (Obama) son viles y repugnantes”, denunció hoy la concejal boricua de la Ciudad de Nueva York, Melissa Mark-Viverito, quien además...

    El abogado boricua Andrés López ocupa puesto directivo de la convención presidencial demócrata

    31 de julio de 2012 03:46 p.m.
    WASHINGTON – El abogado Andrés López, el principal recaudador y enlace del presidente Barack Obama en Puerto Rico, ha sido nombrado a uno de los puestos directivos de la convención presidencial ...

    García Padilla denuncia extorsión en AFI

    31 de julio de 2012 02:12 p.m.
    Por Antonio R. Gómez / antonio.gomez@gfrmedia.com
    “Lo que está pasando en cuanto a la extorsión en la AFI (Autoridad para el Financiamiento de Infraestructura) en un asunto muy serio”, afirmó hoy el candidato a la gobernación por el Partido Popular D...

    En suspenso el juicio contra exempleados de “El Chuchin”

    31 de julio de 2012 02:05 p.m.
    Por Cynthia López Cabán / cynthia.lopez@gfrmedia.com
    El inicio del juicio contra los dos exempleados del exsenador Antonio “el Chuchin” Soto quedó hoy en suspenso luego que los abogados de la defensa radicaron varias mociones para el descubrimiento de p...

    Fortuño dice que están protegidas la libertad de expresión y de prensa

    31 de julio de 2012 01:22 p.m.
    Por Antonio R. Gómez / antonio.gomez@gfrmedia.com
    Loíza- “La libertad de expresión y la libertad de prensa están protegidas por la Constitución, tanto de Estados Unidos como de Puerto Rico. Y soy el primero que voy a continuar defendiendo q...

    Por José A. Delgado / jdelgado@elnuevodia.com

    Martes 31 de julio de 2012

    Golpe a la lucha civil

    Las enmiendas al Código Penal castigarían la desobediencia civil con tres años de cárcel. Fotos y vídeo

    Obstáculos a la prensa

    El nuevo orden legaliza que se coarte el derecho a informar

    Se desvincula de las expresiones racistas de su ayudante

    La presidenta de la Cámara no indicó si tomará alguna acción para sancionar a Heidi Wys


    via Caribnews's Facebook Wall by Caribnews on 7/31/12
    DETALLES: Lo qué paso y originó el tiroteo de Plaza Guaynabo http://ow.ly/cCFzK

    Artificial ventaja en recaudos de AGP

    La campaña popular logró superar a la del PNP en el mes de junio, aunque Fortuño sigue en la delantera


    via Caribbean Business on 7/30/12

    PR governor signs tougher penal code

    Gov. Luis Fortuño signed Monday a new penal code that includes stiffer fixed sen ...


    via Twitter / caribnews on 7/31/12
    caribnews: Alejandro García Padilla censura aprobación de nuevo Código Penal http://t.co/wQgnZgmi

    Puerto Rico governor signs bill imposing longer prison sentences for range of ...
    Minneapolis Star Tribune
    SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico - An updated penal code signed into law Monday by the Puerto Rican governor increases prison sentences for homicide, assault and other offenses as the U.S. island territory struggles to contain crime and the widespread perception ...

    Puerto Rico tries tougher sentences in crime fight
    Knoxville News Sentinel
    SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP) — An updated penal code signed into law Monday by the Puerto Rican governor increases prison sentences for homicide, assault and other offenses as the U.S. island territory struggles to contain crime and the widespread ...

    Puerto Rico Updates Penal Code, Increases Sentences For Violent Crimes
    Huffington Post
    HuffPost's QuickRead... Loading... Latino Entertainment; Latinos & Hispanics; Hispanic Heritage; Latino Politics. More. Log in Create Account. Notifications .... SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico -- An updated penal code signed into law Monday by the Puerto Rican ...

    Puerto Rico governor signs bill imposing longer prison sentences for range of ...
    Greenfield Daily Reporter
    SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico — An updated penal code signed into law Monday by the Puerto Rican governor increases prison sentences for homicide, assault and other offenses as the U.S. island territory struggles to contain crime and the widespread perception ...

    Puerto Rico tries tougher sentences in crime fight
    San Bernardino Sun
    SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico—An updated penal code signed into law Monday by the Puerto Rican governor increases prison sentences for homicide, assault and other offenses as the U.S. island territory struggles to contain crime and the widespread perception ...

    Puerto Rico tries tougher sentences in crime fight
    U.S. News & World Report
    SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP) — An updated penal code signed into law Monday by the Puerto Rican governor increases prison sentences for homicide, assault and other offenses as the U.S. island territory struggles to contain crime and the widespread ...


    $2M slated for Puerto Ricans with HIV/AIDS
    CBS News
    The announcement comes after the U.S. territory recently received $17 million to boost prevention and treatment programs in metropolitan areas. More than 44000 people on the island of nearly 4 million inhabitants have been diagnosed with HIV/AIDS.

    and more »

    via The Guardian's Facebook Wall by The Guardian on 7/31/12
    The popularity of civil partnerships has far outstripped official expectations, with new figures showing five times as many couples have made the commitment as was originally envisaged

    Civil partnerships are five times more popular than expected, figures show
    More than 100,000 people have entered a civil partnership since they became legal in 2005, with the number rising 6% last year

    via WSJ.com Video - World on 7/31/12
    Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalnyi was charged with embezzlement while the trial of punk-rock band "Pussy Riot" continued in Moscow. WSJ's Greg White reports. Photo: AP

    Russian authorities have charged anti-corruption campaigner Alexei Navalny with embezzlement. The blogger, who helped spearhead anti-Kremlin protests earlier this year, has said the charges against him are "absurd."

    via BBC News - World on 7/31/12
    An Islamist group in the United Arab Emirates calls on the authorities to release dozens of opposition activists arrested in recent months.

    via puerto rico business - Google Blog Search by Michelle Kantrow on 7/31/12
    AT&T Puerto Rico is looking to take a bite out of the island's residential telephone market with the introduction of wireless home phone service.

    AT&T dials into island’s home phone market

    Written by // July 31, 2012 // In-Brief // No comments

    AT&T de Puerto Rico is looking to take a bite out of the island’s residential telephone market with the introduction of its new wireless home phone service. With monthly rate plans that include unlimited talk on the island and the U.S. mainland, the carrier is looking to take on Claro de Puerto Rico’s landline division.
    It is also re-introducing a service similar to the one once offered by Centennial de Puerto Rico, which AT&T acquired in November 2009.
    Through its wireless home phone service AT&T will allow customers to keep their current phone number and existing home telephones, which must be plugged into a wireless base unit to work.
    “You can use your home phone anywhere you have a strong cellular signal and available electrical outlet. Set it up in the kitchen, bedroom — or take it with you on vacation. It’s your call,” AT&T said.
    Plans start at $9.99 a month if an existing AT&T customer adds the line to their FamilyTalk plan or $19.99 a month for unlimited local and nationwide calling for new customers.


    via WSJ.com Video - World on 7/31/12
    Sixteen-year-old Wojdan Shaherkani strolled through the Olympic judo venue in a lacy, light-pink head scarf, accompanied by her father and unsure whether she would leave the Games a trailblazer or diplomatic casualty. WSJ's David Enrich discusses his chance meeting with Ms. Shaherkani. Photo: AP

    via Puerto Rico Videos & Songs's Facebook Wall by Puerto Rico Videos & Songs on 7/31/12
    Traditional Puerto Rican Music

    Traditional Puerto Rican Music
    Traditional Puerto Rican Music Classic Puerto Rican Music.. Video And Picz Made by Slim.. From: 6155slim Views: 36298 80 ratingsTime: 03:04 More in Music

    via puerto rican community in new york - Google Blog Search by noreply@blogger.com (Hispanic New York Project) on 7/31/12
    Ricky Martin to Star in TV Show - By Michael O'Connell (Hollywood Reporter). The Puerto Rican singer Ricky Martin, who recently appeared on an episode of Glee and is currently starring in Broadway's Evita revival, has signed a talent holding deal with NBCUniversal ... read more .... The New Community College Try - By Richard Pérez-Peña (The New York Times). The first class ever admitted to the City University of New York's new two-year college , set to open ...

    PR jockey Velazquez back in saddle

    SARATAOGA SPRINGS, N.Y. -- Slowly but surely, jockey John Velazquez is getting b ...

    This post has been generated by Page2RSS

    Cinco pechas para seperar en la próxima temporada de NBA


    Directed by Emmy Award winner Juan Agustín Márquez, THE LAST COLONY takes a close look at Puerto Rico's political situation and its relation with the United States. This teaser features interviews with former governor Aníbal Acevedo Vilá (pro-commonwealth) as well as current Secretary of State Kenneth McClintock (pro-statehood). The documentary is still on development. Please visit our site www.TheLastColony.com for more information. Music by: Tyler Finck Special thanks to: Mari Rodriguez, Gerardo Rodríguez, Andres Anglade, Pili Montilla, Carmen Guzman, Anibal Acevedo Vilá, Kenneth McClintock, Hector Ortíz, Agustín Márquez, Juanita Colombani, Ken Oliver, Jeremy Guarisco.


    The Grand Prix Sports car race in Puerto Ricoset to the tune No Me Digan
    Time:04:12More inTravel & Events

    A slideshow showcasing the beauty of Puerto Rico. The song is performed by Marc Anthony
    Time:04:30More inTravel & Events


    via Mala Vida, Buena Música by Jimmy-Bobby on 7/30/12

    Sin mucha pregunta o rodeo, Mazzy Star es una de mis agrupaciones favoritas de todos los tiempos. Es como un culto sagrado o misa negra que hace que matar bebes sea algo hermoso y agradable. Con la nueva noticia de una reunión, tour, nuevo sencillo y un nuevo disco para finales del 2012...la pinga se me hace agua!

    Aqui les dejo mis 5 canciones favoritas.....No Fade In To You en la lista!!...disfruten


    via puerto rico - Google Blog Search by The Huffington Post News Editors on 7/30/12
    SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico -- An updated penal code signed into law Monday by the Puerto Rican governor increases prison sentences for homicide, assault and other offenses as the U.S. island territory struggles to contain ...

    via (title unknown) on 7/30/12
    2 Comments, last updated on Monday Jul 30 by Jorge

    via Cultura on Huffington Post by The Huffington Post News Team on 7/30/12
    JoJo Diaz grew up as part of a poor family in a rough part of El Monte, Calif. Kids in his neighborhood wanted him to join one of the local gangs, but... Read more: Mexican Immigrants, Cultura, Olympics, Jospeh Diaz Jr., Hispanics, Boxing, Lazaro Alvarez, Slideexpand, Ukraine, Latino Prosperity, London, Cuba, Bantamweight, Video, Latino Voices News

    via puerto rico - Búsqueda de blogs by The Associated Press on 7/30/12
    SAN JUAN (AP) — El gobernador de Puerto Rico firmó un proyecto de ley que amplía las penas carcelarias en una amplia gama de delitos a fin de combatir la violencia en este Estado Libre Asociado. Las enmiendas al ...

    via puerto rico - Búsqueda de blogs by soylatino on 7/30/12
    Ruiz tiene experiencia en los certámenes de belleza. El año pasado resultó primera finalista en Miss Earth Puerto Rico 2011, representó a Estados Unidos internacionalmente, donde se posicionó como tercera finalista y este ...

    via puerto rico - Búsqueda de blogs by Iván Oliveros on 7/30/12
    Juliao Henriques Neto y Yamaguchi Falcao Florentino echaron bálsamo en las heridas de Brasil al ganar el lunes sus combates, en la tercera fecha del boxeo de Londres-2012, con destaque también del boricua Jeyvier ...


    via Uploads by FoxNewsChannel by FoxNewsChannel on 7/30/12
    Air traffic controllers urged to disclose errors in exchange for amnesty from punishment
    Time:02:42More inNews & Politics

    Mike Nova shared Primera Hora's photo.
    Niña de dos años ofrece su primer concierto de piano (Foto: YouTube) - http://ow.ly/cC6WU -Ve vídeo
    8:39 AM 7/31/2012
