Saturday, July 28, 2012

Puerto Rico News - Archive Links's Facebook Wall - 7/27/12 - Review

via Puerto Rico News - Archive Links's Facebook Wall by Puerto Rico News - Archive Links on 7/27/12
Guaynabo, Puerto Rico - 28/07/12

Guaynabo, Puerto Rico - 28/07/12
Guaynabo, Puerto Rico - 28/07/12 Última Actualización 1:37:30 AM This post has been generated by Page2RSS

via Puerto Rico News - Archive Links's Facebook Wall by Puerto Rico News - Archive Links on 7/26/12
Guaynabo, Puerto Rico - 27/07/12

Guaynabo, Puerto Rico - 27/07/12
Guaynabo, Puerto Rico - 27/07/12 Última Actualización 12:45:59 AM This post has been generated by Page2RSS

via Puerto Rico News - Archive Links's Facebook Wall by Puerto Rico News - Archive Links on 7/26/12

Viernes 27 de julio de 2012 82 1522 2411 2939 2795 ¿Cómo crees que la sequía en Estados Unidos afectaría el abasto de alimentos aquí? Encarecimiento de muchos productos frescos Escasez o falta de bienes de consumo, en especial cereales y carnes No afectará tanto porque Puerto Rico puede proveerse en otros mercados vecinos Cambio en los hábitos de dieta del puertorriqueño This post has been generated by Page2RSS

via Puerto Rico News - Archive Links's Facebook Wall by Puerto Rico News - Archive Links on 7/27/12

Viernes 27 de julio de 2012 82 Candidata popular al Senado pide explica... García Padilla busca aumentar moral a po... Presentarán querella ante Justicia contr... Curioso anuncio del PPR para dejar de co... Instan a luchar contra enfermedad coloni... CEE certifica 13 candidatos independient... 1533 2414 2943 2801 ¿Cómo crees que la sequía en Estados Unidos afectaría el abasto de alimentos aquí? Encarecimiento de muchos productos frescos Escasez o falta de bienes de consumo, en especial cereales y carnes No afectará tanto porque Puerto Rico puede proveerse en otros mercados vecinos Cambio en los hábitos de dieta del puertorriqueño This post has been generated by Page2RSS

via Puerto Rico News - Archive Links's Facebook Wall by Puerto Rico News - Archive Links on 7/27/12

Viernes 27 de julio de 2012 00:00 am BUSCA HOY A LAS 4:00 P.M. LA TRANSMISIÓN EN VIVO DE LA APERTURA DE LOS JUEGOS OLÍMPICOS LONDRES 2012 A dieta el bolsillo del consumidor Anticipan un alza en el costo de los alimentos importados. ¡Que inicie la fiesta! Inglaterra y su ciudad londinense da paso a la fiesta deportiva más grande del planeta. Vídeo Ironías de la vida Josué Laureano se ha convertido en una conciencia externa para automovilistas y transeúntes Reforzado el patrullaje en Lloréns Torres Vídeo Cuando la muerte me encuentre, que sea volando Mejora salud de niñas baleadas por su padre en Cidra en Puerto Rico Amador Huggins fue acusado solo por carjacking Culson va por el primer oro olímpico para Puerto Rico No se conforma con cualquier posición, el vallista quiere medalla Indignada la made de un acusado de asesinar a DJ por anuncio del PNP Dice que su hijo no es un criminal, que se equivocó como lo hacen los jóvenes Refuerzan la seguridad en Lloréns Torres Distintos bandos han amenazado con tomar la "justicia en sus manos" Consumidores opinan sobre el alza en el precio de los alimentos Ajustan sus compras para ahorrar dinero Video Lely Burgos promete que hará su trabajo Dice que está enfocada en ella y no en sus alrededores Marilyn Monroe sentía atracción por las mujeres Estoy ansioso El vallista llevará hoy la bandera puertorriqueña. Noche de carnaval en Runner Runner Dolorosa conexión Los problemas metabólicos y hormonales parecen ser la causa principal de la dolencia que afecta el túnel carpiano Coma con sana seducción ¿Darse el gustazo o escoger un plato más saludable? 613210 Hallan vacuna efectiva Contra tres tipos de dengue. 23 de julio 22 de agostoLas estrellas te apoyan a lograr tus sueños de amor y a restructurar tu nueva vida. Cambiarás todo lo que no te agrade, trabajarás en tu desarrollo intelectual y espiritual y te prepararás para lo que se va a presentar. Na... Un ideal, diversos los credos La lucha por la estadidad ha enarbolado tantas banderas como líderes la han impulsado Trazada la ruta asesina en Gurabo La Policía ha localizado varios vídeos del paso de los sicarios En riesgo la posibilidad de un juicio justo Ángel Cintrón señaló que el PNP no cancelará los anuncios La angustia de vivir en el clóset Un hombre criado como mujer lidera el relato teatral contado en Contradanza Puedo llegar donde yo quiera La joven lareña Carmen R. Vélez Oliver gana certamen de ensayo sobre Ramón Power Giralt y la Constitución de Cádiz Penélope Cruz canta estupendamente, asegura Miguel Bosé La actriz participa en el nuevo disco de Miguel Bosé "Aquí hay verdaderas estrellas" Manny Pérez presenta hoy en el Museo de Arte de Ponce a diez jóvenes talentos Estoy pensando en meterme a vegetariano Los consumidores barajan nuevas alternativas para lidiar con los aumentos Celebran la Ley ADA y su protección a los discapacitados Dicha legislación tuvo repercusiones en la Isla No hay proyecto más importante para el País La redacción del plan de uso de terrenos debe ser un proceso transparente Aún sin uniforme Por su estatura los sastres aún no le han fabricado su uniforme para el desfile Olímpicos para llevar Los fanáticos de la delegación podrán tener un recuerdo duradero Falla el cálculo Menos de la mitad de los atletas que recibieron dinero de la JATC clasificaron a Londres Los timberwolves firman a Kirilenko Regresa a la NBA luego de jugar en Rusia en el 2011 Crean medida para eximir a los proyectos del pago de arbitrio municipal Nueva ley les permite a los municipios eximir proyectos del pago de arbitrios Golpe a los bonos de Sistemas de Retiro Standard & Poor's cambia a negativa su perspectiva En peligro la leche Grand Pré y Parmalat Alegan que están en desventaja frente a la productora Indulac Acusan de asesinato a esposa de exlíder chino Se imputa a la cónyuge de Bo Xilai la muerte del británico Neil Heywood Castro invita a EE.UU. al diálogo El mandatario cubano dice que la plática debe ser en igualdad de condiciones Optimismo demócrata con alivios tributarios Confían en que pueden ganar las negociaciones luego de las elecciones Al Qaeda infiltra a la oposición siria Estados Unidos alerta sobre la creciente presencia de islamistas radicales AMLO da pruebas del fraude electoral del PRI Sigue polémica en elecciones de México ¿Cómo crees que la sequía en Estados Unidos afectaría el abasto de alimentos aquí? Encarecimiento de muchos productos frescos Escasez o falta de bienes de consumo, en especial cereales y carnes No afectará tanto porque Puerto Rico puede proveerse en otros mercados vecinos Cambio en los hábitos de dieta del puertorriqueño Medallas de América en las olimpiadas Carlos Uriarte González 24 La mesa del lado Pablo A. Jiménez 76 360 666 This post has been generated by Page2RSS

via Puerto Rico News - Archive Links's Facebook Wall by Puerto Rico News - Archive Links on 7/27/12
Cero temor a un ‘voto de castigo

Cero temor a un ‘voto de castigo
Cero temor a un ‘voto de castigo“Se fueron a una plaza de recreo donde apenas la llenaron. O Alejandro no mueve masas o el ELA perdió a su propia gente o todas las anteriores”, añadió. Unidas las familias de Angélica y José Omar Acude el DF al hogar de Casellas Durante horas de la mañana de ayer, el superintendente de la Policía, Héctor Pesquera, también visitó la escena del crimen donde fue asesinada Paredes Compás de espera en Llorens Describen la condición de Javier Culson como la mejor de su vida ¿La veremos bailar o no? Más allá del disparo: El dolor por el hijo que la violencia arrebató Nueva York, Londres y Johannesburgo reportaron problemas para entrar Sequía EE.UU. no afecta la Isla Los empleados del casino del hotel El Conquistador serán cesanteados a partir del 30 de septiembre Un mar de contradicciones Numerosos entrevistados ofrecen versiones diferentes a la de Pablo Casellas... 3 Dijo “Diego”, donde dijo “digo”En su discurso, Alejandro García Padilla aseguró que en la Constitución ... 3 Reconoce mal manejo en caso Lorenzo El niño Lorenzo fue asesinado el 9 de marzo de 2010 en su residencia en Do... 3 De vuelta a Londres Llenos de respeto y tradición deportiva, los atletas boricuas regresan hoy... 0 ¿La veremos bailar o no? Maripily negó que pudiera ser parte del grupo de celebridades que particip... 0 This post has been generated by Page2RSS

via Puerto Rico News - Archive Links's Facebook Wall by Puerto Rico News - Archive Links on 7/27/12

CON LA ESTRELLA EN EL CORAZÓN Sudando optimismo y esperanza, nuestra delegación olímpica izó bandera en Londres para competir de tú a tú con el resto del mundo en los XXX Juegos Olímpicos que se inician oficialmente hoy, con la oportunidad real de que por lo menos un atleta nuestro gane por primera vez una medalla de oro en la gran fiesta del deporte universal. Una sociedad enferma ÁNGEL COLLADO SCHWARZHace un siglo, nuestro insigne escritor, el doctor Manuel Zeno Gandía, escribía sus cuatro novelas de crítica social (“La charca”, “Garduña”, “Los redentores” y “El negocio”) como Hoy Londres se convierte en la capital del mundo con la inauguración de los Juegos Olímpicos, pero nunca antes la escuadra puertorriqueña había estado tan heterogénea como la actua Padres II Welmo RomeroHay padres y hay padres. No es lo mismo que tu padre te enseñe a ser responsable y sensible que tu padre limpie la caca que haces a lo largo de tu vida. La figura del padre y sus Armas para acabar con almas El senador Carmelo Ríos quiere llenar las calles del país con más armas de fuego. Las mismas con las cuales se cometen más del 98% de los crímenes violentos. La segunda Enmienda a la Constitución fue parte de la Carta de Derechos aprobada en 1791. Se aprobó como primera y más importante razón para que los colonos pudieran fortalecer sus milicias en la guerra contra los británicos por la independencia y formación de una nación libre. Esa nación que se llama Estados Unidos de Norteamérica. Los únicos que se favorecerían con su enmienda serían la National Rifle Association (NRA), sus amigos, las armerías y el que reciba donativos de ellos para aprobar leyes. Senador Ríos, nuestro país no está en una guerra militar contra otro país. Está en una guerra contra la falta de valores, el narcotráfico, los pedófilos, los corruptos, la violencia, la desigualdad económica y social. Lo que hacen falta son leyes para eliminar armas. En Japón hubo siete muertes con armas en un año. En Canadá 200. En Estados Unidos 12,000. Países con mucho más población que Puerto Rico. Sea parte de la solución, no parte del problema. Carlos Ayala 81 [Plata]formas Desnudas (Segunda Llamada) Carmen Millán Pabón 1 1574 2438 2966 ¿Cómo crees que la sequía en Estados Unidos afectaría el abasto de alimentos aquí? Encarecimiento de muchos productos frescos Escasez o falta de bienes de consumo, en especial cereales y carnes No afectará tanto porque Puerto Rico puede proveerse en otros mercados vecinos Cambio en los hábitos de dieta del puertorriqueño This post has been generated by Page2RSS

via Puerto Rico News - Archive Links's Facebook Wall by Puerto Rico News - Archive Links on 7/27/12
Héctor Ferrer no descarta regresar al servicio público

Héctor Ferrer no descarta regresar al servicio público
Héctor Ferrer no descarta regresar al servicio público 27 de julio de 2012 06:12 a.m. Por Javier Colón Dávila / El exrepresentante Héctor Ferrer dejó claro anoche que no descarta regresar al servicio público e hizo énfasis en que el candidato a la gobernación por el Partido Popular Democrático (PPD), Alejandro ... Amenazan de muerte a García Padilla y a Cox Alomar 27 de julio de 2012 05:59 a.m. El candidato popular a la gobernación, Alejandro García Padilla, y el candidato a comisionado residente, Rafael Cox Alomar, fueron amenazados de muerte mediante una carta que fue recibida ayer en la s... Por ELNUEVODIA.COM 07/27/12 06:12 a.m. Héctor Ferrer no descarta regresar al servicio púb... 07/27/12 05:59 a.m. Amenazan de muerte a García Padilla y a Cox Alomar... 81 06:12 am Héctor Ferrer no descarta regr... 05:59 am Amenazan de muerte a García Pa... [Plata]formas Desnudas (Segunda Llamada) Carmen Millán Pabón 1 1574 2438 2967 This post has been generated by Page2RSS

via Puerto Rico News - Archive Links's Facebook Wall by Puerto Rico News - Archive Links on 7/27/12
81Sujeto tirotea al azar en un negocio en Río Piedras

81Sujeto tirotea al azar en un negocio en Río Piedras
81 Sujeto tirotea al azar en un negocio en Río Piedras 06:24 a.m.Cinco personas han sido arrestadas por el incidente que dejó dos heridos de bala Amenazan de muerte a García Padilla y a Cox Alomar 05:59 a.m.Llegó una carta a la sede del Partido Popular Democrático Inicia la fiesta deportiva más grande del planeta La ceremonia de apertura estará rodeada de misterio . Viuda denuncia trato preferencial a Vázquez Cuando la muerte me encuentre, que sea volando Amador Huggins fue acusado solo por carjacking Lely Burgos enfocada para la competencia La pesista puertorriqueña se muestra tranquila Conciencia externa para automovilistas y transeúntes Hombre casi llega al espacio y luego se lanza en paracaídas Vacuna efectiva contra tres tipos de dengue Héctor Ferrer no descarta regresar al servicio público 06:12 a.m.Enfatizó, además, que Padilla tiene que "abrazar" la colectividad para que la Pava tenga control en el 2012 Mejora salud de niñas baleadas por su padre en Cidra "Estoy ansioso" Pao Gasol: aún sin uniforme En jaque la leche Grand Pré y Parmalat [Plata]formas Desnudas (Segunda Llamada) Carmen Millán Pabón 7 113 198 423 Con la estrella en el corazón Sudando optimismo y esperanza, nuestra delegación olímpica izó bandera en Londres para competir de tú a tú... Familias Sierra y Pérez dan cristiana sepultura a pareja fallecida en Cidra Los restos fueron sepultados en el Cementerio Municipal de Cidra This post has been generated by Page2RSS

PUERTO RICO NEWS: Gov. Louis Fortuño - Google News - Review: 6/26/12...

PUERTO RICO NEWS: Gov. Louis Fortuño - Google News - Review: 6/26/12...: Gov. Louis Fortuño - Google News  - Review: 6/26/12 - 7/17/12 Mike Nova's starred items childproof evey: Puerto Rico w...

Gov. Louis Fortuño - Google News - Review: 6/26/12 - 7/17/12

Gov. Louis Fortuño - Google News - Review: 6/26/12 - 7/17/12

via Gov. Louis Fortuño - Google Blog Search by reesekit86 on 7/17/12
SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP) ? Puerto Rico's governor has signed another package of tax breaks aimed at luring more Hollywood film crews to the Caribbean island. Gov. Luis Fortuno says the additional incentives will make ...

via Gov. Louis Fortuño - Google Blog Search by Contributed Report on 7/15/12
Other Republican governors attending the meeting agreed with Brewer that Romney's tax returns should not be the focus of the presidential race. Puerto Rico Gov. Luis Fortuno said that he does not believe voters are looking ...

via Gov. Louis Fortuño - Google Blog Search by Mike Nova on 7/19/12
Louis Fortuño - Google News; puerto rico - Google News; Puerto Rico Daily Sun - Local News;; Puerto Rico News; NYT > Puerto Rico; Gov. Louis Fortuño - Google Blog Search; puerto rico - Google Blog ...

via Gov. Louis Fortuño - Google Blog Search by Contributed Report on 7/15/12
Other Republican governors attending the meeting agreed with Brewer that Romney's tax returns should not be the focus of the presidential race. Puerto Rico Gov. Luis Fortuno said that he does not believe voters are looking ...

via Gov. Louis Fortuño - Google Blog Search by unknown on 7/16/12
SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP) - Puerto Rico's governor has signed another package of tax breaks aimed at luring more Hollywood film crews to the Caribbean island. Gov. Luis Fortuno says the additional incentives will make ...

via Gov. Louis Fortuño - Google Blog Search by The Huffington Post News Editors on 7/17/12
SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico -- Puerto Rico's governor has signed another package of tax breaks aimed at luring more Hollywood film crews to the Caribbean island. Gov. Luis Fortuno says the additional incentives will make the ...

via Gov. Louis Fortuño - Google Blog Search by Mike Nova on 7/18/12
SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico -- Puerto Rico's governor has signed another package of tax breaks aimed at luring more Hollywood film crews to the Caribbean island. Gov. Luis Fortuno says the additional incentives will make the .

via Gov. Louis Fortuño - Google Blog Search by Mike Nova on 7/20/12
Google News; Gov. Louis Fortuño - Google News; puerto rican community in new york - Google News; puerto rican community in usa - Google News; puerto rico - Google News; puerto rico - Google News - Search in Spanish ...

via Gov. Louis Fortuño - Google Blog Search by Mike Nova on 7/20/12
July 19 (Reuters) - Puerto Rico's government selected Aerostar Airport Holdings LLC to run its Luis Munoz Marin International Airport, the largest in the Caribbean, Gov. Luis Fortuno said on Thursday. The deal is worth $2.57 ...


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Luis Fortuño ... This led to legal contests in St. Louis which affected the outcome of the Missouri's U.S. Senate race. By closing the polling places before ... He also promoted election reform, ethics in government and government accountability ...

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Dave Steward is a longtime friend from my hometown of St. Louis. ... WWT is a major systems integrator of technology that provides powerful, yet cost-effective technology and supply chain solutions to the commercial, government and telecom sectors.

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Can we do – as some have suggested for the sake of “preserving the Union” – put proficiency tests into place for potential voters so that we have assurances that our citizen government is created through a more-educated voting base? We can always find ...

Luis Fortuño
Luis Fortuño is the governor of Puerto Rico. In the 1990s, Fortuño served as the first Secretary of the Puerto Rico Department of Economic Development and Commerce, the Executive Director of the Puerto Rico Tourism Company, and as the President of ...

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The St. Louis Post-Dispatch's Editorial Board presents their take on the story here. Latina Lista discusses the story here. [...] Missouri adoption trial illustrates how ... For a second time, Missouri courts refuse to let undocumented mother regain ...

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Romney enacted a similar mandate in Massachusetts when he was governor, calling the requirement a penalty instead of a tax. After the Supreme Court decision, a senior Romney adviser .... Puerto Rico Gov. Luis Fortuño Berates US over Drug War ...

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On Sunday, computers at United Airlines erroneously let passengers book flights to Hong Kong — or other places in Asia connecting in Hong Kong — in exchange for 4 miles, plus government taxes. Frequent fliers quickly shared the error on blogs and ...

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PUERTO RICO NEWS: Opinión - El Nuevo Día - Review: 7/19 - 27/12

PUERTO RICO NEWS: Opinión - El Nuevo Día - Review: 7/19 - 27/12: Opinión - El Nuevo Día - Review: 7/19 - 27/12 Mike Nova's starred items DESCONTROL Y ABUSO DE FUERZA via Opinión -...

PUERTO RICO NEWS: Global Voices » Puerto Rico (U.S.) - Review: 6/24 ...

PUERTO RICO NEWS: Global Voices » Puerto Rico (U.S.) - Review: 6/24 ...: Global Voices » Puerto Rico (U.S.) - Review: 6/24 - 7/25 - 2012   Mike Nova's starred items Puerto Rico: It's a Bird…...

Global Voices » Puerto Rico (U.S.) - Review: 6/24 - 7/25 - 2012

Global Voices » Puerto Rico (U.S.) - Review: 6/24 - 7/25 - 2012

via Global Voices » Puerto Rico (U.S.) by Alfredo Richner on 7/25/12
Enrique “Kike” Arce is known online and on walls as Aslan, one of the most innovative street artists working in Puerto Rico. His online presence has developed into a key instrument for promoting his work while actively engaging with his followers and fans. Aslan's projects mix the more traditional art tools - pencils, ink, paper, acrylics on canvas - with cutting edge social tools like Instagram, blogger platforms, as well as more playful components like toys, t-shirts, vinyl records, and tiles.
Aslan's blog is a virtual gallery of his works and ideas, which reveal a joyful, highly stylized and colorful world filled with wonder and nostalgia, and influenced in large part by American and Japanese popular culture. Enrique recognizes his art as fun for both him and his audience - and it is precisely that preoccupation which brings cohesion to his various projects.
His series of airplane photographs, #parriba [es] (upwards), is perhaps Aslan's most ambitious and engaging project yet. Using his iPhone and the popular photo application Instagram, Enrique documents airplanes flying high above - collecting hundreds of samples in the process. A selection of photographs is then printed and pasted unto tiles which are scattered throughout San Juan's buildings, walls, and streets. People are invited through his blog and Instagram to participate on a “Scavenger Hunt” [es]: the first person to find each tile and take a picture of its location wins his own copy.
Selections from the #parriba series.
The #parriba series is a powerful example of the interactions possible between artists and the public at large online. By blending technology, exploratory elements, and serialization, Aslan has arrived at something that is both rigorous and accessible, art that can be enjoyed far from the galleries that often alienate artists from potential followers - and clients.
Global Voices (GV): How would you describe your work? What do you think are its most distinctive features?
Aslan (A): My work demonstrates the passion I felt as a kid towards japanese Otaku culture and the Pop Culture of the 80's. In a very spontaneous way, I've decided to illustrate these fantastic themes that congregate in my mind, creating characters or creatures from how I see the surreal world.
GV: Do you feel as part of a wider artistic movement?
A: I think that my work has made me part of a group of emergent artists in Puerto Rico. Puerto Ricans are known around the world for being helpful, for extending a helping hand to neighbors, friends, co-workers - and that is not an exception in the art world. The support that each of my projects receives is grand, it transcends barriers and turns into friendships. Criticism is constructive and helps us to improve.
GV: Why Instagram?
A: I decided to use the medium as a means of expression towards an artistic goal. I'm an impulsive and hyperactive person that always needs to find something to do and I found the perfect medium - social networks, which have so much happening that they are a perfect match. They represent a new lifestyle where we acquire tons of information. I decided to show my work through them in order to help in educating Puerto Ricans to appreciate art.
GV: How did you arrive at the concept for #parriba and why your fascination with airplanes?
A: If you only knew - I have no fascination with planes. It's more like an obsession with posting (photos). When I first decided to think about what to do with Instagram that was different to how it is normally used for - photos from daily life - I found planes interesting because of their abundance and the monothematic capacity that proved to be a perfect fit with my vision.
I started collecting them at first without a clear motive. It wasn't until I decided to work on the series that I realized that this exploration could lend itself to a different type of artistic creation that would attract attention. Its interesting to see how simple ideas such as looking up (or “p'arriba”) and photographing an airplane are the ones that attract more people.
GV: How many pictures of airplanes do you currently have? How many do you need?
A: Over the past six months - or more - I've been taking more and more pictures. It has become part of me, to the point I've collected over 600 photos. I think for a project like this to take flight you need at least 200 photographs or more. Although it is never enough - I've thought about expanding the project to the whole island and I would need more than a thousand photos. It's something I have been thinking about and will decide sometime. For the time being I keep preparing myself by taking photos each time I can.
Learn more about Aslan and his work by visiting his blog and following him on Twitter.
This interview is edited for length and context. The full interview was published (in Spanish) in and can be read here.
Written by Alfredo Richner · comments (0)
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via Global Voices » Puerto Rico (U.S.) by Alan Bailey on 7/19/12
[All links lead to Spanish language pages, except when otherwise noted.]
Dozens of people gathered in front of La Fortaleza [the governor's mansion] in San Juan on July 11 to demonstrate in support of the lands of the Agricultural Research Station, which belongs to the College of Agricultural Science of the University of Puerto Rico (UPR), as part of the Mayagüez campus. The demonstration, organized by the Coalition in Support of Research Stations and Agricultural Reserves (CODERA) and the Agricultural Rescue Front (FRA), was demanding that the governor, Luis Fortuño, veto the recently approved bill that orders the UPR to transfer, at no cost, around 50 acres of the Agricultural Research Station to the municipality of Gurabo, where it is located.
The lands that the UPR are ordered to transfer to the municipality of Gurabo are considered among the best agricultural lands of Puerto Rico. The first organic farm to be established in the country and certified by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) is on the land, where much research is currently being done on the best methods of cultivation and prevention of plagues. In exchange for granting land to the municipality of Gurabo, unsuitable land located in floodplains would be transferred to the Agricultural Research Station. The mayor of Gurabo, Víctor M. Díaz, wants to use the lands of the research station for several infrastructure projects, among them a hospital, a public housing project, and a school.
The demonstration took place in Old San Juan in front of La Fortaleza, the executive mansion of Puerto Rico. Photo by Christopher Torres Lugo. Courtesy of UPR Students Reporting. Used with permission.
United behind the demands of CODERA were various civic organizations, such as the Sierra Club, the General Council of Students of the Río Piedras Campus, and the recently formed Worker's People Party.
Currently, very little of the food that is consumed in Puerto Rico is also produced in the country. More than 85% of the food is imported, which means that the island is in a position of almost total dependence for its food supply. Along with this, it must be added that between 2002 and 2005 Puerto Rico lost 20% of its already scarce agricultural lands. Some experts, like the agriculturist Ián Pagán Roig, have warned of the implications for the country:
Los precios de alimentos han alcanzado picos históricos en los últimos 2 años. Tan reciente como en abril, el Banco Mundial reportó un aumento de 8% de los precios de los alimentos. La crisis alimentaria mundial está causando hambre y estragos en el planeta. Tan solo en la región Sahel en África alrededor de 17 millones de personas están sufriendo de hambruna a causa de la crisis alimentaria desencadenada por los altos precios de los alimentos y el cambio climático, según informa el Banco Mundial. Este panorama pone en especial peligro a Puerto Rico de sufrir de los estragos de la crisis alimentaria si no actuamos y defendemos las tierras agrícolas que quedan y potenciamos la agricultura local. La posibilidad de sufrir hambre en Puerto Rico es real y más probable de lo que todos creemos cuando dependemos de más de un 85% de importaciones del extranjero para nuestro sustento alimentario. No estamos en posición de perder ni una cuerda más de terreno agrícola. Cada espacio protegido para la agricultura representa la seguridad de un plato de comida para nuestro pueblo y las futuras generaciones.
The price of food has reached historic peaks in the last 2 years. As recently as April, the World Bank reported an 8% increase in the price of food. The global food crisis is causing hunger and havoc on the planet. In the Sahara region of Africa alone around 17 million people are suffering from famine because of the food crisis triggered by the high prices of food and climate change, according to the World Bank. This outlook puts Puerto Rico in particular risk of suffering from the devastation of the food crisis if we don't work to defend the agricultural lands that remain and strengthen local agriculture. The possibility of experiencing famine in Puerto Rico is real and more probable than we all believe, when we depend on foreign imports for more than 85% of our food and sustenance. We aren't in a position to lose even an acre more of agricultural land. Each area protected for agriculture represents the security of a plate of food for our people and future generations.
In order to raise awareness about the importance of the lands of the Agricultural Research Station, the Facebook group UPR Students Reporting organized a trip last year to the research station. The magazine Diálogo Digital posted a video of the trip on YouTube:
CODERA and the FRA have started an intensive campaign to prevent the governor from signing into law the land exchange, urging citizens to express their disapproval of the exchange by calling La Fortaleza, sending messages to the Twitter account of the governor, and signing a petition on
Written by Ángel Carrión · Translated by Alan Bailey · View original post [es] · comments (0)
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via Global Voices » Puerto Rico (U.S.) by Marianna Breytman on 7/9/12
The Puerto Rican government's announcement that starting in the new school year beginning next August, the language in which classes are taught throughout the country's public schools will gradually change from Spanish to English, has provoked strong reactions from supporters as well as critics.
The measure, driven by the Governor of Puerto Rico, Luis Fortuño, seeks to have all of the country's public schools teaching classes in English within the next ten years, with the exception of Spanish and history, with the aim of having the population's youth being completely bilingual by the end of this time period.
Teaching classes in English in Puerto Rico's public schools is something that the country already lived through during the first half of the 20th century. The United States government, which had recently invaded the former Spanish colony in 1898, imposed a law in 1900 [es] that stated that all public schools must teach their classes in English as part of a project for the “Americanization” of the Puerto Rican population. The project failed from the start, but it was not until 1948 that Spanish was established as the official language in education.
With the memory of those years still alive throughout a large portion of the country's population, the fact that the initiative for bilingual schools has clear political motivations does not come as a surprise. On his blog, ortizfeliciano [es], Roberto “Pachi” Ortiz Feliciano says:
Fortuño, tras negarlo, busca implantar el “English only” para congraciarse con el Partido Republicano y sometemos que su propuesta es principalmente motivada por sus muy personales ambiciones.
Fortuño, after denying it, looks to institute the “English only” initiative to establish himself in good graces with the Republican Party and we submit that his proposal is motivated mainly by his very personal ambitions.
For many it seems as though public schools do not have the capacity to effectively educate people who dominate both languages, and people have talked about how they learned English without the help of any formal classes. Twitter user @ᶥᵗˢ K! highlighted, as proof of her English fluency without the help of a class, her high score on a standardized test designed to show fluency in English:
@EpicPachi: Series gringas y Videojuegos. Un TOEFL [Test of English as a Foreign Language] mejor que varios de “escuelas bilingües” lo demuestran.
@EpicPachi: American television shows and video games. A TOEFL [Test of English as a Foreign Language] demonstrate it better than various “bilingual schools.”
Nevertheless, others are of the opinion that it would be quite advantageous for all students to study in an immersion program of sorts much like the one the government proposes, as Paola Alcazar expressed on Twitter:
@palcazarh: Yo soy fruto de escuela pública y hoy en día desearía haber estudiado en colegio bilingüe.
@palcazarh: I am a product of public schooling and today I would like to have studied in a bilingual school.
On his blog [es], Kofla Olivieri is shocked at the idea that people who are not fluent in English would want to impose that on the rest of the public [es]:
…el gobernador Fortuño, decidió implementar Inglés en nuestras escuelas sin consultar con los maestros que son los responsables de educar a nuestros hijos en el contrayao idioma. A pesar que muchos de ellos, nuestros maestros, no saben hablar Inglés. Esto incluye la gran mayoría de nuestros honorables legisladores, los que quieren impulsar esta idiotez, que TAMPOCO saben hablar Inglés.
… Governor Fortuño decided to implement English in our schools without consulting the teachers [es], who are responsible for teaching our children the damned language. Despite this, many of them — our teachers — do not speak English. This includes the large majority of our honorable legislators, those who want to implement this idiocy and ALSO do not speak English [es].
Héctor Meléndez, writing for online magazine 80 grados, has a different opinion [es]:
La sugerencia de algunos independentistas y autonomistas de que los políticos del PNP [Partido Nuevo Progresista] hacen el ridículo al reclamar la imposición del inglés sin saber inglés sugiere un prejuicio clasista, tal vez insensible hacia el significado que le dan los pobres a poder acceder al inglés. Precisamente porque anexionistas de mayor edad no saben inglés es que desean que sus hijos lo aprendan. Su ignorancia no les resta autenticidad, sino que en cierto modo la expresa.
The suggestion from those in favor of independence and autonomy that the PNP [New Progressive Party-which is pro-statehood] politicians are making fools of themselves by demanding the implementation of English without speaking the language suggests a classist prejudice, perhaps insensitive to the significance that the poor give to the power of learning English. It is precisely because older annexationists cannot speak English that they want their children to learn it. Their ignorance does not take their authority away, but rather expresses it to some degree.
The consensus among critics of the so-called bilingual schools project seems to be that it is advantageous and necessary to learn English, but not at the cost of the vernacular language and not to merely better compete in markets on the global level. According to Ed Morales [es], who also writes for 80 grados, bilingualism is good if it is part of a space where cultural exchange is constantly developing:
Es un bilingüismo que nos informa que el gobierno no tiene el derecho de negar acceso a los procesos legislativos ni pegarnos en la cabeza cuando protestamos. Es una expresión de la negritud, como hablan los reggaetoneros y los pleneros sin aparentemente hablar inglés. Es un bilingüismo que acaba con el puertorriqueño dócil (que en realidad nunca existía), que convierte el vacilón en acción.
It is bilingualism that informs us that the government does not have the right to deny access to legislative processes nor hit us in the head when we protest. It is an expression of négritude, as the reggaeton and plena musicians talk without evidently speaking English. It is a bilingualism that ends with the docile Puerto Rican (which, in reality, never existed), who changes the joke to action.
The image used in this article is owned by Gage Skidmore, under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic (CC BY SA 2.0) License. Visit Gage Skidmore's photo collection on Flickr.
Written by Ángel Carrión · Translated by Marianna Breytman · View original post [es] · comments (0)
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via Global Voices » Puerto Rico (U.S.) by Georgi McCarthy on 6/27/12
[All links lead to sites in Spanish.]
Puerto Rico is in a state of shock after the ruling of a judge from the Superior Court of San Juan in the case of a young woman, Francheska Duarte, who was run over and later abandoned in an emergency medical centre by her ex-boyfriend on December 19, 2011. The young mother was caught between two cars and lost both her legs due to the extent of her injuries.
Nerisvel Durán, the judge presiding over the case, found Francheska's former boyfriend Jorge Ramos guilty only of the less serious misdemeanor of negligent injury and violation of Puerto Rico's traffic laws; the charges of aggravated battery that were brought against him were dismissed. Ramos was also on probation for charges related to drug trafficking. The judge justified his decision by saying that the prosecution failed to prove that Ramos intended to hurt the young woman.
The governor of Puerto Rico, Luis Fortuño, interceded on behalf of Francheska calling for the maximum sentence to be imposed upon the offender, which in this case would be three years' imprisonment. He said he found the judge's decision strange:
Desgraciadamente, tenemos que respetar el tercer poder, el poder judicial. No quiero que se malinterpreten mis comentarios… pero choca, a base de los hechos que conocemos públicamente, uno esperaría que (la decisión judicial) sea más fuerte.
Unfortunately, we must respect the third power: the judiciary. I do not want my comments to be misinterpreted… but it is shocking, based on publicly known facts. One would expect (the ruling) to be stronger.
The general sense of disbelief at the judge's decision can be seen on social networks. Several people have shared news of the judge's shortcomings, and at least two Facebook pages showing support for Francheska Duarte have been launched. Twitter user David Rivera said:
@davidrivera1285: Como la jueza tiene sus piernas pues q se joda!
@davidrivera1285: Since the judge has her two legs, she doesn't give a damn!
Kay.Emn directed her frustration at Puerto Rico's judicial system:
@karlivyris: Sistema judicial tan basura
@karlivyris: The judicial system is a load of rubbish.
Journalist Benjamín Torres Gotay made the following observation:
@TorresGotay: Miren el caso de Francheska Duarte y pregúntense por qué es que nadie cree nada en este país.
@TorresGotay: Look at Francheska Duarte's case and ask yourselves why nobody believes anything in this country.
Francheska's case is part of an alarming trend of violence against women in Puerto Rico. In recent years there has been an increase in the number of cases of violence against women. A dramatic example of this was in 2011, the year in which a four-month period saw 16 women killed by their partners, which equalled the total number of murders of women in the entire 2007. Professor Diana Valle Ferrer, in an article published last year in Prensa Comunitaria, says:
Este entramado de violencia ejercido contra las mujeres ha sido reconocido a nivel global como una epidemia o pandemia, y en Puerto Rico como una emergencia social. Tal vez algunas personas piensan que esto es una exageración o una hipérbole pero los números y los hechos no mienten.
This network of violence against women has been recognized globally as an epidemic or pandemic, and in Puerto Rico as a social emergency. Maybe some people think this is an exaggeration or hyperbole, but the facts and figures do not lie.
It is necessary to add that the Dominican community in Puerto Rico (Francheska is Dominican) has been and continues to be victimised by ethnic violence and discrimination. Puerto Rico's Consul of the Dominican Republic, Maximo Taveras, said that the judge's ruling could be a result of this discrimination:
Este fallo puede ser interpretado como una acción discriminatoria por el origen de la perjudicada, lo que consideramos como un revés y un precedente nefasto para la administración de justicia en Puerto Rico, especialmente en el procesamiento de los casos en que las víctimas son inmigrantes.
This ruling can be interpreted as a discriminatory action because of the injured woman's origins. We consider this a setback and an ominous precedent for the administration of justice in Puerto Rico, especially in the processing of cases in which victims are immigrants.
The Consul said that he has asked the Attorney General, Guillermo Somoza, to see if there is a way the case can be reviewed. Somoza has affirmed that the case cannot be reviewed because the law prohibits double jeopardy, which is known in legal terms as non bis in idem.
The Dominican community is holding a march scheduled for next July 1 in support of Francheska Duarte and all the survivors of domestic violence and their families. Luis Aguasvivas, one of the coordinators of the march and president of the Dominican Parade in Puerto Rico said:
Necesitamos darle un importante espaldarazo y apoyo como sociedad, a las víctimas y sus familiares, enviarles el mensaje claro de que no están solos, que cada ciudadano de buen corazón estamos con ellos.
We need to give a major boost and support victims and their families as a society, sending them a clear message that they are not alone, and that every good-hearted citizen is behind them.
Written by Ángel Carrión · Translated by Georgi McCarthy · View original post [es] · comments (1)
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via Global Voices » Puerto Rico (U.S.) by Firuzeh Shokooh Valle on 6/25/12
The feminist coalition Coordinadora Paz para la Mujer has convened people to send contributions (in Spanish) for the next edition of their magazine, which will be dedicated to cyberactivism and feminism. Deadline is July 16, 2012.
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via Global Voices » Puerto Rico (U.S.) by Firuzeh Shokooh Valle on 6/25/12
The music blog Puerto Rico Indie announces [es] it's next edition of the video series Archipiélago, in which the bands Las Robertas from Costa Rica and Dávila 666 from Puerto Rico will be performing. Stay tuned.
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via Global Voices » Puerto Rico (U.S.) by Firuzeh Shokooh Valle on 6/24/12
The digital magazine that covers issues of the Puerto Rican diaspora in the United States, En Punto, interviews artist Nora Maité Nieves [es], who lives in Chicago.
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via Global Voices » Puerto Rico (U.S.) by Firuzeh Shokooh Valle on 6/24/12
Blogger Ed Morales comments on recently released American Civil Liberty Union's (ACLU) report (PDF) on police brutality in Puerto Rico: “The report echoes a previous, scathing one on police brutality and abuse of civil rights in Puerto Rico released last September (PDF) by the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), which put the island commonwealth’s police department on notice, providing some hope that the situation might change. But that couldn’t be further from reality. The new report goes on to say that the use of excessive or lethal force is routine, and civil and human rights violations are rampant.”
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via Global Voices » Puerto Rico (U.S.) by Firuzeh Shokooh Valle on 6/24/12
The digital magazine 80 Grados dedicates [es] it's edition to scholar and professor of the University of Puerto Rico Mara Negrón, 51, who died in Paris due to a very recently diagnosed leucemia.
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