Saturday, April 6, 2013

4.6.13 - PUERTO RICO BLOGS Review

"Puerto Rico Blogs" bundle created by Mike Nova

A bundle is a collection of blogs and websites hand-selected by your friend on a particular topic or interest. You can keep up to date with them all in one place by subscribing in Google Reader.
There are 
 15 feeds
 included in this bundle

via Fotos de Hoy on 4/6/13

#mariposa #mimacroverso #sinfiltro #nofilter #macro

via (title unknown) on 4/6/13
2 Comments, last updated on Saturday Apr 6 by Jorge

via puerto rico - Google Blog Search by J.D. Tuccille on 4/5/13
President Obama, just a few months late, will unveil a budget including tax hikes (surprise!) and cuts to Medicare and Social Security. Add Maryland to.

via (title unknown) on 4/5/13
1 Comment, last updated on Friday Apr 5 by Jorge

via (title unknown) on 4/5/13
1 Comment, last updated on Friday Apr 5 by Gitano

via (title unknown) on 4/5/13
13 Comments, last updated on Friday Apr 5 by Jorge

via (title unknown) on 4/6/13
13 Comments, last updated on Saturday Apr 6 by Gitano

via (title unknown) on 4/5/13
1 Comment, last updated on Friday Apr 5 by Jorge

via Puerto Rico Sun by Clarisel Gonzalez on 4/4/13
Updates are being made to our PRSUN social media outlets. This blog is on hiatus. To stay connected, like our FB page at or follow @prsun. Thank you.

via (title unknown) on 4/4/13
3 Comments, last updated on Thursday Apr 4 by Jorge

via (title unknown) on 4/4/13
2 Comments, last updated on Thursday Apr 4 by Jorge

via (title unknown) on 4/5/13
14 Comments, last updated on Friday Apr 5 by Jorge

via (title unknown) on 4/5/13
4 Comments, last updated on Friday Apr 5 by LongIslander1987

via (title unknown) on 4/5/13
18 Comments, last updated on Friday Apr 5 by LongIslander1987

via (title unknown) on 4/4/13
7 Comments, last updated on Thursday Apr 4 by Jorge

via (title unknown) on 4/4/13
5 Comments, last updated on Thursday Apr 4 by Jorge

via (title unknown) on 4/5/13
18 Comments, last updated on Friday Apr 5 by Jorge

via (title unknown) on 4/5/13
5 Comments, last updated on Friday Apr 5 by Jorge

via (title unknown) on 4/4/13
1 Comment, last updated on Thursday Apr 4 by Jorge

via (title unknown) on 4/5/13
27 Comments, last updated on Friday Apr 5 by Jorge

4.6.13 - REUTERS Americas: Puerto Rico Approves Public Pension System Overhaul


Puerto Rico approves public pension system overhaul - Globe and Mail

Puerto Rico approves public pension system overhaul
Globe and Mail
SAN JUAN, April 5 (Reuters) - Puerto Rico Governor Alejandro Garcia Padilla has signed an overhaul of the U.S. territory's cash-short public pension fund into law, after it was passed by lawmakers late on Thursday in a bid to soothe investors and shore ...

Puerto Rico's pension reform positive step -S&P - Reuters

Puerto Rico's pension reform positive step -S&P
NEW YORK, April 5 (Reuters) - Puerto Rico's pension reform approved late on Thursday will help reduce pressure on the island's cash-strapped finances, but the impact on its credit ratings will be largely determined by future progress on the current ...

Official: #Obama proposes cuts to #SocialSecurity. Read: #car...
Official: #Obama proposes cuts to #SocialSecurity. Read: #caribbeanbusiness

S&P: PR’s pension reform is a credit plus, but big budget gap looms

S&P: PR’s pension reform is a credit plus, but big budget gap looms large

Standard & Poor’s on Friday cited Puerto Rico’s newly enacted pension reform ...

Fidel Castro breaks 9-month hiatus as essayist, urging restraint in Koreas

HAVANA — Retired Cuban leader Fidel Castro published his first column in nearly ...

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#Governor signs #pensionreform into law. Read: #caribbeanbusi...
#Governor signs #pensionreform into law. Read: #caribbeanbusiness

#US trade #deficit narrows to $43B in February. Read: #caribb...
#US trade #deficit narrows to $43B in February. Read: #caribbeanbusiness

Twitter Turns Mexicans Into ‘War Correspondents’
Reporting about drug-related crime in Mexico can be fatal. Journalists and citizens are threatened and even killed for reporting on the violence that has overtaken the country. In spite of the danger, many Mexicans are using civic media to inform the public about shootings, harassment, murders and arrests, filling the informative space that the country's mainstream media has abandoned.
Sara Plaza Écija summarized the findings of a new study of the role of citizen journalists as “new war correspondents” in Mexico in the website Periodismo Ciudadano [es] (Citizen Journalism). We're sharing Sara's article here, under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License (CC BY 3.0).
Imagen base | Power_Surf bajo licencia Creative Commons (CC-BY-3.0), via Wikimedia Commons
Image base | Power_Surf under Creative Commons License (CC-BY-3.0), via Wikimedia Commons
An American study that aimed to analyze digital innovation found that Mexican Twitter users have become a reliable source of information about topics related to the country's drug trade, taking on the role of traditional mainstream media.
According to the document “The New War Correspondents: The Rise of Civic Media Curation in Urban Warfare,” Twitter users in cities like Reynosa, Monterey, Veracruz or Saltillo are in charge of informing the public about arrests, shootings and confrontations caused by the Mexican drug trade, thus taking on the informative characteristics and role of traditional forms of media and communication. This information has become increasingly influential for Mexican citizens as the nation's major media outlets continue to lose credibility.
The study, supervised by Microsoft Research, examines the means of information exchange between people living in the cities most affected by the war on drugs in Mexico. It describes the frequency with which citizens use social media to warn others about violence in their communities. The study also investigates the rise of civic media “curators”, or citizens acting as “war correspondents” in terms of spreading information. “This is a group of people, who we refer to as ‘curators’, who have a large number of followers on social media networks, which means they've gained the trust of their communities,” said Andrés Monroy-Hernández, one of the researchers.
The study has focused on the four cities most affected by drug violence: Reynosa, Monterey, Veracruz and Saltillo. The researchers looked for common traits among tweets, hashtags and the Twitter users who were sharing this information. The majority of tweets referred to a location, one of the cities and the word “shooting.” The tweets acted as a “public service announcement” that warned citizens to stay clear of certain neighborhoods. The “curators” are defined by a large number of tweets and followers. They are people who find and share information. “The study shows that 61% of Mexicans use social media, but only 20% use Twitter. About 4.2 % of the online population in Mexico has written something against drugs or the drug trade on Twitter,” added Monroy- Hernández.
Violence in Mexico has increased as a result of the war on drugs, and the media has become one of its targets, which has caused some of the country's media outlets to become much more cautious about reporting on these topics. Because of this, the “curators” have become necessary sources of information. The researchers tried to interview some of these new “war correspondents,” but many of them have remained anonymous in order to avoid the risks faced by traditional journalists.

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Investors Remain Cautious as Puerto Rico Overhauls Pensions - Wall Street Journal

Investors Remain Cautious as Puerto Rico Overhauls Pensions
Wall Street Journal
Puerto Rico's new governor, Alejandro Garcia Padilla, signed a pension overhaul into law Thursday night. It increases employee contributions and raises some retirement ages for a pension system that is in worse shape than any U.S. state. The move comes ...

Puerto Rico-Born Labrador Top Republican on Immigration - Businessweek

Puerto Rico-Born Labrador Top Republican on Immigration
Raul Labrador, a Tea Party favorite, has emerged as House Republicans' go-to negotiator on immigration. He is unusually prepared for the task: The Puerto Rico-born Mormon convert is a lawyer fluent in Spanish who has represented undocumented ...

and more »

Puerto Rico - 30 Day Vlog Challenge Day 5 (video 26)
Views: 0
Time: 05:36More in People & Blogs

Puerto Rico International Regatta ready to set sail
SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico -- Preparations are underway for the seventh edition of the Puerto Rico Heineken International Regatta , which will take place Memorial Day weekend, May 24-27 at the Palmas Yacht Club in Palmas del Mar, Humacao.

#FidelCastro breaks 9-month hiatus as essayist, urging restraint in Koreas. Read...
#FidelCastro breaks 9-month hiatus as essayist, urging restraint in Koreas. Read:

High-skilled #visa requests exceed supply in 1 week. Read: #c...
High-skilled #visa requests exceed supply in 1 week. Read: #caribbeanbusiness

#Venezuela's Capriles: #Maduro won't last. Read: #caribbeanbu...
#Venezuela's Capriles: #Maduro won't last. Read: #caribbeanbusiness

Venezuela's Capriles: Maduro won't last - Caribbean Business
maracay, venezuela venezuela#39;s opposition presidential candidate says he#39;ll cut off subsidized oil to cuba, distance his country from...

imperecedero el legado de power

imperecedero el legado de power

Una vez asentados sus restos en la tierra a la que tan ardorosamente entregó su vida, el espíritu de Ramón Power y Giralt es desde hoy el cercano faro luminoso hacia el cual dirigir sus miradas, con compromiso de fidelidad a Puerto Rico, todos cuantos sientan aquel mismo deber de servicio y lealtad a sus compatriotas.

El fuego de las imágenes

Desde hace por lo menos un cuarto de siglo en todos los festivales de libros, congresos o encuentros literarios a los que asisto en cualquier parte del mundo la primera cara con la

Los controles en la UPR

Todas las personas que hemos laborado en la UPR conocemos a cabalidad lo difícil, a veces fastidioso, que se hace tramitar y cobrar una compensación, adquirir material, financiar u

Un puente hacia nosotros mismos

Conjugar concienzudamente el verbo escuchar puede ser uno de los mayores retos que enfrentamos como país. El martes 19 de marzo, el doctor Harold Saunders, exasesor d


Orlando Alberto Jesús Vélez
En un lado de la avenida, un edificio abandonado es habitado súbitamente por jóvenes con aerosoles en mano y camisetas que cubren sus caras cuales guerrilleros, dispuestos a maquil

Dediqué todo mi tiempo libre desde el pasado viernes hasta el lunes a leer el libro de la jueza asociada del Tribunal Supremo de Estados Unidos, Sonia Sotomayor, titulado “Mi mundo adorado”.
Quedé maravillada con la variedad de áreas tratadas en el mismo. Aunque es una lectura sencilla, me atrapó la inteligencia, sensibilidad, amor a la patria e importancia que la autora le da a la educación y a la unión de la familia.
Felicito a la jueza Sotomayor por este libro que es una joya que debe ser leído por todos.
Milagros Villanueva Sosa
Lianys Zoé González Álamo es una niña con síndrome Down que desde su nacimiento estuvo hospitalizada debido a varias complicaciones de salud. En ese periodo de hospitalización tubo un sangrado neurológico grado cuatro, y al colocarle un suero en su pie izquierdo se formó un coágulo y, a su corta edad, sufrió la amputación de un pie.
La familia de Lianys anhela que la niña dé sus primeros pasos, por tal razón para recaudar fondos celebrará un carnaval de sóftbol, el domingo 2 de junio, en el parque de pelota del Barrio Mameyal, de Dorado. Para más información, puede comunicarse al (787) 216-3732 o al (787) 669-5981.
Felicito al gobernador Alejandro García Padilla por la sabia nominación de la licenciada Rosabelle Padín Batista como administradora de la Administración para el Sustento de Menores (Asume). La licenciada Padín Batista cuenta con todos los recursos necesarios y una exitosa carrera profesional que la faculta en el sano ejercicio de la administración. Pueden estar confiados los y las menores, pues recibirán un trato justo y de excelencia.
Es un privilegio y un gran orgullo para Puerto Rico contar con el servicio y compromiso de la licenciada Padín Batista. Pedimos al Senado de Puerto Rico su pronta confirmación.
Nicasio Mojica Rivera
Las fórmulas de tratamiento se escriben con minúscula. Ejemplos: monseñor, reverendo, doctor, licenciado.
NO PUEDO comprender cómo una ciudadana que escogió laborar -ya que nadie la obligó a trabajar para la empresa privada- verbalice en El Nuevo Día que se le hace difícil apenarse por los jubilados del gobierno de Puerto Rico y compara los beneficios que reciben los empleados del sector privado con los que otorga el gobierno.
Manifiesto con mucho orgullo que laboré para el gobierno de Puerto Rico y a pesar del horario establecido no tenía hora de entrada ni de salida; no nos pagaban las horas extra, no contábamos con la tecnología de hoy día y, sin embargo, el trabajo era mucho, pero cumplíamos con las metas que ese grupo de trabajadores incansables nos trazábamos y trabajamos con la misión y la visión de transformar a Puerto Rico.
Así que no puedo comprender las expresiones de la ciudadana las cuales denotan prejuicio hacia los empleados públicos. Expresiones como estas no abonan ni contribuyen a promover un estado de armonía y de paz cuando más se necesita en estos momentos. Inclusive, y como bien se ha reseñado en la prensa, muchos jubilados reciben pensiones que no les da para vivir.
Nosotros, los jubilados, ni los que están por retirarse no nos autolegislamos pensiones ni beneficios, escogimos trabajar para el gobierno de Puerto Rico como cualquier otro ciudadano.
Invito a la ciudadana retirada de la empresa a reflexionar sobre sus comentarios los cuales lesionan, tergiversan realidades del empleado público trabajador y responsable como la gran mayoría lo es.
María Gómez

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Governor touts creation of 1,415 new jobs

Governor touts creation of 1,415 new jobs

Gov. Alejandro García Padilla is touting the creation of 1,415 new jobs spread o ...

Glimmer of Cuban reconciliation in activist’s trip

MIAMI — For 50 years, Felice Gorordo’s grandmother and great uncle did not speak ...

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Puerto Ricans on the Mainland
We know that there are now more Puerto Ricans living on the mainland than in Puerto Rico, but where do they live? New data released from the American Community Survey of the US Census answers that question.
New York has 1,128,843 people who identify themselves as Puerto Rican, the largest number in any of the states.
Florida has 883,728 residents from Puerto Rico, making them the second largest population on the mainland, while New Jersey follows with 460,551 Puerto Ricans.
However, the Puerto Rican population of New York is just 5.8% — only slightly higher for the state as a whole than California. It’s the concentration of 21.8% in the Bronx that put New York at the top. Connecticutt, with 7.6% Puerto Rican residents, is actually the state with the highest percentage of Puerto Rican residents.
We see relatively high concentrations of Puerto Rican population in two specific counties in less populous states where the total numbers are smaller:
  • 18.5% in Hampden County in Massachussets
  • 12% in Lehigh County in Pennsylvania
According to the Pew Research Hispanic Center, 82% of Puerto Ricans living on the mainland speak English very well. Only 18% do not speak English well, compared with 35% of Mexican immigrants in the United States.
We still hear people saying that Puerto Rico could not be a successful state of the Union because there are too many language or culture differences between Puerto Rico and the 50 states. However, we see that there are quite a few states that already have significant Puerto Rican populations.


Puerto Ricans on the Mainland

We know that there are now more Puerto Ricans living on the mainland than in Puerto Rico, but where do they live? New data released from the American Community Survey of the US Census answers that question.
New York has 1,128,843 people who identify themselves as Puerto Rican, the largest number in any of the states.
Florida has 883,728 residents from Puerto Rico, making them the second largest population on the mainland, while New Jersey follows with 460,551 Puerto Ricans.
However, the Puerto Rican population of New York is just 5.8% — only slightly higher for the state as a whole than California. It’s the concentration of 21.8% in the Bronx that put New York at the top. Connecticutt, with 7.6% Puerto Rican residents, is actually the state with the highest percentage of Puerto Rican residents.
We see relatively high concentrations of Puerto Rican population in two specific counties in less populous states where the total numbers are smaller:
  • 18.5% in Hampden County in Massachussets
  • 12% in Lehigh County in Pennsylvania
According to the Pew Research Hispanic Center, 82% of Puerto Ricans living on the mainland speak English very well. Only 18% do not speak English well, compared with 35% of Mexican immigrants in the United States.
We still hear people saying that Puerto Rico could not be a successful state of the Union because there are too many language or culture differences between Puerto Rico and the 50 states. However, we see that there are quite a few states that already have significant Puerto Rican populations.


Who’s the master of Puerto Rico? Governor Garcia-Padilla or the credit rating agencies?

By Cate Long

APRIL 3, 2013
via Jorge Banilla. Press closed captions for an English translation.
My Twitter thread was abuzz today with tweets about the comments made by Puerto Rico Governor, Alejandro García Padilla about the credit rating agencies (all of whom give PR the lowest investment grade rating of BBB- or Baa3):

via alejandro garcia padilla - Google Blog Search by Cate Long on 4/3/13
GUÁNICA-Governor Alejandro Garcia Padilla, lashed out today against the houses accrediting Moody's, Standard & Poor's and Fitch, on the ground that have been unfair to Puerto Rico. García Padilla cited the famous song of ...


via puerto rico - Google News on 4/3/13

Wall Street Journal

A Shelter From Puerto Rico's Storm
Wall Street Journal
The perilous state of Puerto Rico's finances has sowed fears among some municipal-bond investors. But not when it comes to bonds backed by taxes on the sales of bikinis. Or tobacco. Or most other goods sold on the island. The investors taking the ...

via puerto rico - Google News on 4/5/13

Business Recorder

Investors Remain Cautious as Puerto Rico Overhauls Pensions
Wall Street Journal
Puerto Rico's new governor, Alejandro Garcia Padilla, signed a pension overhaul into law Thursday night. It increases employee contributions and raises some retirement ages for a pension system that is in worse shape than any U.S. state. The move comes ...
Puerto Rico overhauls public pension fund with new lawPensions & Investments
Puerto Rico Moves to Overhaul Public PensionsABC News
Trouble in Puerto Rican Bonds Could Haunt US InvestorsBusinessweek
Fox News -Reuters -Caribbean Journal
all 24 news articles »

via puerto rico - Google News on 4/5/13

Puerto Rico's pension reform positive step -S&P
NEW YORK, April 5 (Reuters) - Puerto Rico's pension reform approved late on Thursday will help reduce pressure on the island's cash-strapped finances, but the impact on its credit ratings will be largely determined by future progress on the current ...

via puerto rico - Google News on 4/3/13

Wall Street Journal

A Shelter From Puerto Rico's Storm
Wall Street Journal
The perilous state of Puerto Rico's finances has sowed fears among some municipal-bond investors. But not when it comes to bonds backed by taxes on the sales of bikinis. Or tobacco. Or most other goods sold on the island. The investors taking the ...

via puerto rico - Google News on 4/5/13

Rent-A-Rican Is Back With Even More Puerto Rican's Stereotypes And Some...
Huffington Post
In 1933, the Nobel in Physics was awarded to Joseph Taylor and Russell Hulse for their research made in the Arecibo Observatory, in the northwest part of Puerto Rico. They managed to confirm the existence of gravitational waves just as predicted by ...

via puerto rico - Google News on 4/4/13

Puerto Rico's muni-bond risk bears watching, BlackRock managers say
If you are looking for signs of cracks in the municipal-bond market, keep your eyes on Puerto Rico, not California. If the market were to begin anticipating a default of the U.S. territory's muni-bond funds, it could start a Meredith Whitney-like run ...

via puerto rico - Google News on 4/5/13

Puerto Rico approves public pension system overhaul
Globe and Mail
SAN JUAN, April 5 (Reuters) - Puerto Rico Governor Alejandro Garcia Padilla has signed an overhaul of the U.S. territory's cash-short public pension fund into law, after it was passed by lawmakers late on Thursday in a bid to soothe investors and shore ...

Business Recorder

Puerto Rico Moves to Overhaul Public Pensions
ABC News
Senators approved a bill Thursday to overhaul Puerto Rico's crumbling pension system after days of heated debate with hundreds of irate public employees protesting outside the U.S. territory's seaside Capitol building. The bill was expected to also be ...
Puerto Rico overhauls public pension fund with new lawPensions & Investments
Trouble in Puerto Rican Bonds Could Haunt US InvestorsBusinessweek
Puerto Rico moves to overhaul public pension system amid protestsFox News
Reuters -Wall Street Journal -Caribbean Journal
all 24 news articles »

Puerto Rico-Born Labrador Top Republican on Immigration
Raul Labrador, a Tea Party favorite, has emerged as House Republicans' go-to negotiator on immigration. He is unusually prepared for the task: ThePuerto Rico-born Mormon convert is a lawyer fluent in Spanish who has represented undocumented ...

and more »

Puerto Rico's pension reform positive step -S&P
NEW YORK, April 5 (Reuters) - Puerto Rico's pension reform approved late on Thursday will help reduce pressure on the island's cash-strapped finances, but the impact on its credit ratings will be largely determined by future progress on the current ...

Dulorme vs. Ankrah tommorw night in Coliseo Guillermo Angulo, Puerto Rico
Carolina, Puerto Rico – DIRECTV will take action to subscribers with the latest edition of “Night of Champions DIRECTV” this Saturday, April 6. One of the most exciting fights of the card, being held at the Coliseo Guillermo Angulo Carolina, will be ...

and more »

Wall Street Journal

A Shelter From Puerto Rico's Storm
Wall Street Journal
The perilous state of Puerto Rico's finances has sowed fears among some municipal-bond investors. But not when it comes to bonds backed by taxes on the sales of bikinis. Or tobacco. Or most other goods sold on the island. The investors taking the ...

Rent-A-Rican Is Back With Even More Puerto Rican's Stereotypes And Some...
Huffington Post
In 1933, the Nobel in Physics was awarded to Joseph Taylor and Russell Hulse for their research made in the Arecibo Observatory, in the northwest part of Puerto Rico. They managed to confirm the existence of gravitational waves just as predicted by ...

T&T stun Puerto Ricans in semis
Trinidad & Tobago Express
LED by two of the country's most promising juniors in over a decade, hosts Trinidad and Tobago's boys stunned regional powerhouses Puerto Rico in commanding fashion yesterday to advance to last night's Under-18 final of the Caribbean Junior Table ...

Exam fees lifted for Puerto Rico public schools
SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico — Puerto Rico's governor says public school students will no longer have to pay to take the standardized entrance exams required by all colleges in the U.S. territory. Alejandro Garcia Padilla said Thursday that the government ...

PR Web (press release)

University of Puerto Rico Upgrades Gymnasium with SnapSports® Athletic...
PR Web (press release)
The University of Puerto Rico's Rio Piedras Campus has retro-fitted their gymnasium with 18,000 square feet of the multi-patented SnapSports BounceBack® flooring with ShockTower® technology. The existing surface consisted of polyurethane over recycled ...

and more »

via puerto rico - Google News on 4/5/13

Puerto Rico approves public pension system overhaul
SAN JUAN (Reuters) - Puerto Rico Governor Alejandro Garcia Padilla has signed an overhaul of the U.S. territory's cash-short public pension fund into law, after it was passed by lawmakers late on Thursday in a bid to soothe investors and shore up the ...


Puerto Rico Approves Public Pension System Overhaul
Puerto Rico's governor has signed an overhaul of the U.S. territory's cash-short public pension system that lawmakers passed late on Thursday in a bid to soothe investors and shore up the country's sputtering economy. The new pension law will raise the retirement age for some state workers, increase worker contributions to the plan and lower monthly pensions and benefits for some public workers. It will also reduce state workers' Christmas bonuses and eliminate summer bonus ...