Wednesday, June 19, 2013



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19 de junio de 2013
En un país donde la mayoría de los ciudadanos se opone a la aplicación de la pena de muerte, no hay causa alguna que valide el que un hombre que supuestamente asesinó a su pareja y al hijo de ésta haya sido linchado por personas de una comunidad que decidieron tomar la justicia en sus manos.
No es inusual que comunidades azotadas por el crimen y la violencia como las que vemos a diario en las calles de nuestro país, aduzcan desesperación y falta de fe en el sistema judicial para justificar lo que ellos consideran “justicia”, en total menosprecio a la ley.
Pero la realidad es que lo ocurrido en el residencial Pedro Rosario Nieves de Fajardo el pasado fin de semana no fue un acto justiciero de una comunidad, sino un abominable episodio de venganza y menosprecio a la vida de un ser humano, y a nuestro sistema de ley y orden que, aun con sus defectos, es un pilar de nuestra democracia y sin el cual imperaría la anarquía.
¿Podemos imaginar qué país tendríamos si cada quien decidiera imponer su propia interpretación de las leyes, obrando bajo la máxima de ojo por ojo y diente por diente, y cada cual actuara en forma ilegal? Aquellos que infligen daño físico a delincuentes, ya sea porque la Policía no los capturó a tiempo o no fueron convictos en corte, o porque el castigo no los satisfizo, desestabilizan el orden social y escogen un derrotero inaceptable.
Los actos de supuesta justicia popular o de ciudadanos privados “vigilantes”, tienen que verse como lo que son: corrosivos y peligrosos incidentes criminales. Se trata de acciones violentas que se responden con más violencia, en episodios donde se vulnera el derecho universal de la presunción de inocencia, que garantiza nuestro ordenamiento jurídico.
Como pueblo tenemos que condenar con todas nuestras fuerzas humanas el asesinato de Janet Quiñones Torres y su hijo Gabriel Molina Quiñones a manos de Miguel Asencio Ayala. Pero, con la misma fuerza tenemos que condenar la muerte por linchamiento de Asencio Ayala y también el fallecimiento en una secuencia de acontecimientos encadenados en un accidente de tránsito de Edward Jadiel Caraballo Alvira y Albert Parrilla Rosario, dos adolescentes de Río Grande que nada tenían que ver con los trágicos sucesos iniciales. En ese aspecto, debemos apoyar a las autoridades en sus esfuerzos para lograr que el asesinato y el accidente se esclarezcan y que los responsables sean castigados con todo el peso de la ley.
Los responsables de este vil acto tienen que tomar conciencia de que al linchar a Asencio Ayala, actuaron de forma idéntica que el presunto asesino, convirtiéndose en seres igualmente execrables. La Policía por su parte, tiene que actuar con rapidez para hallar a los actores de este linchamiento para enviar con ello un contundente mensaje de que este tipo de acción criminal de individuos que actúan al margen de la ley, no tiene cabida en nuestra sociedad.
Nuestro sistema judicial tiene también una enorme responsabilidad en aplacar las actuaciones de esos supuestos elementos “justicieros”, corrigiendo las deficiencias del sistema que han aflorado en tiempos recientes en el manejo de casos de violencia de género y asesinatos, inequidades que promueven un sentido de impunidad que erosiona la fe de los ciudadanos en la efectividad de nuestra justicia.
La creencia de que cada cual puede actuar por la libre porque no teme consecuencias tiene que erradicarse de Puerto Rico. Ello propiciará, más que cualquier otro esfuerzo, que las comunidades se sientan que cuentan con el apoyo de los controles y castigos del Estado para vencer su situación de indefensión.
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Read the whole story
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Officials investigating death of Puerto Rico bank executive

How can banking culture be changed for the better? - FT

via Financial Times's Facebook Wall by Financial Times on 6/19/13
How can banking culture be changed for the better?

"Personal accountability is little more than an illusion in many parts of banking, especially at senior levels," a parliamentary review of the UK banking sector has found.

But would new criminal sanctions on bankers, deferring bonuses for a decade and more women on the trading floor - as recommended by the report - change behaviour and restore trust?

Image by Getty.

Officials investigating death of Puerto Rico bank executive - Reuters

Officials investigating death of Puerto Rico bank executive

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SAN JUAN | Tue Jun 18, 2013 7:10pm EDT
SAN JUAN (Reuters) - The FBI is investigating allegations that high-ranking bank officials in Puerto Rico conspired to have a former Doral Bank executive killed after he claimed he uncovered fraud, the U.S. attorney for the district of Puerto Rico said on Tuesday.
Maurice Spagnoletti, 56, was shot multiple times while driving home from work to the fashionable Condado beachfront district in rush-hour traffic in June 2011. Authorities have described the shooting as an apparent contract killing, but have made no arrests.
"We have had some leads, but not enough to bring charges. That's why we have been placing more emphasis on this case. It is very important to us," said U.S. Attorney Rosa Emilia Rodriguez, who added that the FBI was investigating the Spagnoletti shooting.
Spagnoletti's family filed a wrongful death and racketeering lawsuit on Friday against the chief executive and four other high-ranking officials at the bank where he worked at the time of his death.
Spagnoletti was chief operating officer at Doral Bank, when he uncovered alleged fraudulent accounting and improper payments by the bank, according to the lawsuit filed by his widow and daughter.
U.S. officials will examine the information in the lawsuit, Rodriguez said.
"All angles are being investigated ... Nothing is being discarded," Rodriguez said.
Doral Financial Corporation, the bank's holding company, issued a statement saying the lawsuit "is false, frivolous and has absolutely no legal basis."
It said the bank "has been fully cooperating with the investigating authorities and we will continue to aid the investigation, as we have done since it was started."
Spagnoletti received warnings and threats after he sought to have a senior bank employee dismissed for allegedly making hundreds of thousands of dollars in improper payments, the lawsuit said.
Doral Bank has 26 branches in Puerto Rico, Florida and New York and nearly $6 billion in assets. It is Puerto Rico's sixth largest bank, and second largest mortgage lender.
(Reporting by Reuters in San Juan; Additional reporting and editing by David Adams; Editing by Stacey Joyce)

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Los líderes del G8 se reúnen en Irlanda del Norte - YouTube

Los líderes del G8 se reúnen en Irlanda del Norte - YouTube

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Published on Jun 18, 2013
Enniskillen (R.Unido), 17 jun (EFE).- Los líderes del G8 (países ricos y Rusia) comenzaron hoy a llegar al aislado y lujoso hotel de Lough Erne, en Irlanda del Norte, donde celebran una cumbre de dos días a partir de las 15.45 GMT dominada por Siria.

Antes de la inauguración oficial en este hotel cercano a la localidad norirlandesa de Enniskillen habrá oportunidad de encuentros bilaterales entre los jefes de Estado y de Gobierno de Estados Unidos, Japón, Reino Unido, Francia, Italia, Canadá, Alemania y Rusia.

Entre los primeros en llegar a Lough Erne estuvieron los líderes europeos, Herman Van Rompuy, presidente del Consejo Europeo, y el presidente de la Comisión Europea, José Manuel Durao Barroso, interesados especialmente en la agenda comercial y económica de la cumbre.

También el primer ministro de Japón, Shinzo Abe, que mantendrá esta mañana un encuentro bilateral con su colega británico, David Cameron.

El presidente de Estados Unidos, Barack Obama, también tiene encuentros bilaterales en la agenda como el que esta tarde mantendrá cara a cara con el mandatario ruso, Vladimir Putin.

Otros temas son la lucha contra la evasión fiscal, la transparencia y la liberalización comercial para un G8 sobre el que planea la revelación, hoy en el diario "The Guardian", de que los servicios secretos británicos espiaron a las delegaciones extranjeras en dos cumbres del G20 en Londres en 2009.

Pierluisi Tells UN Panel Consent for Current Status ‘Has Been Revoked | La Fortaleza Says Doping Test Accusations Against Adviser Based on False Rumors | Nationalist Says His Off-Island Travel Is Restricted by U.S. Authorities - The Star

La Fortaleza Says Doping Test Accusations Against Adviser Based on False Rumors - The Star


The chief of staff at La Fortaleza
Ingrid Vila on Monday rejected
what she referred to as malicious accusations issued in various
media and social networks against a
labor affairs adviser to the governor,
Arturo Ríos Escribano, claiming he
might have tested positive for drugs
in recent tests to which La Fortaleza
employees were submitted.
“The rumors are false,” Vila said.
“Ríos Escribano is a professional and
serious attorney, as has been proven
during his tenure. He is a young Puerto Rican with a genuine commitment
to the country and with workers and
labor groups with which he works directly.”
She stated that local laws and
regulations do not allow her to give
specifi c information about the people
who tested positive when doping tests
were conducted at La Fortaleza a few
weeks ago.
“However,” she said, “we cannot
allow the tainting, without reason, of
the reputation of a young professional
like Ríos Escribano. He has my trust,
support and respect. We therefore
soundly reject the attempts made by
those who intend to sully the reputation and credibility of this dedicated
and descent professional.”
Public policy and regulations
mandate all employees of La Fortaleza
to submit to surprise drug screenings
during their term of service. Legally,
all test results are private and help is
offered to those who may have a need
for addiction-related treatment.
La Fortaleza administrator Harold González also stated that consonant with public policy and regulation,
La Fortaleza did conduct doping tests
for all employees working in the executive mansion. He said that in several
cases, the test result was positive for
presence of controlled substances and
that those people were separated from
their posts and relieved of their responsibilities immediately. He added
that nonetheless, in compliance with
the laws applicable to the administration of these tests, the administration
cannot reveal any information leading
to the identity of any person nor can
the results be made available to the public for scrutiny or disclosure.


Pierluisi Tells UN Panel Consent for Current Status ‘Has Been Revoked

10 Tuesday, June 18, 2013 The Star

Puerto Rico Resident Commissioner Pedro Pierluisi
spoke at the United Nations
(UN) on Monday declaring that
on Nov. 6, 2012, Puerto Rico withdrew its consent for the current
political status of Puerto Rico as a
commonwealth of the United Sates.
“On November 6, 2012, Puerto Rico exercised its right to selfdetermination by submitting a free
and democratic vote on the status
issue,” Pierluisi, who is also president of the pro-statehood New
Progressive Party (NPP), testifi ed
before the UN’s Decolonization
Committee. Results show that 54
percent of voters do not want to
continue with the current status.”
Pierluisi said the plebiscite
results also show that among the
three options to the current status recognized internationally, 61
percent supported statehood and
for the fi rst time in history, more
people want Puerto Rico to become a state of the United States
than those who want to continue
with the status quo.
The resident commissioner
said he testifi ed “on behalf of all
men and women who proudly
carry the Puerto Rican fl ag in one
hand and the American fl ag in the
other, and they know that their
love for Puerto Rico and their
love for the United States complement rather than contradict each
Pierluisi said the statehood
movement and the independence movement share views on the
fundamental principles of the issue.
“I want to clarify an important point. At fi rst glance, those
who want Puerto Rico to become
a state of the United States and
those who want Puerto Rico to
become a sovereign nation seem
to have little in common, given
our different visions for the future of Puerto Rico,” he said. “But
we actually agree on some fundamental aspects, such as the need
to change the current relationship
with the U.S.”
He said that even if the United States adapted a constitution
for Puerto Rico in 1952 and was
relieved of the requirement to report on it, under Article 73 of the
Charter of the United Nations of
1953, Puerto Rico is still a territory
without real self-government.
“As a resident commissioner,
one regularly suffers fi rsthand the
injustices of our current status,”
Pierluisi said. “Every day, I have
to struggle to ensure that Puerto
Rico is not excluded from all bills
for job creation, health and border
safety, among others, which automatically include the 50 states. As
my colleagues in the House of Representatives vote for legislation
that directly affects life in Puerto Rico, I can only be a spectator,
even though I represent more than
fi ve times the number of constituents represented by some of my
fellow statesmen. I must depend
on the good faith of the U.S. senators who were elected to protect
the interests of their constituents,
not ours, and of course, that good
faith is not always present.
“And I must seek the assistance of a president who, even
with the affi nity that he may show
toward Puerto Rico, is bound to
earn votes in favor of the Democratic party.”
The NPP leader said the territorial status of Puerto Rico is the
root of social and economic problems that affect the quality of life
on the island and that when the
people voted for statehood, “the
current status lost its democratic
He explained that 61 percent
of the people of Puerto Rico support statehood and for the fi rst
time in history, “more people
want Puerto Rico to become a
U.S. state than those who want to
continue with the current status.”
Pierluisi also stated that the U.S.
government is legally and morally bound to respond through
legislation to Puerto Rico and to
therein offer one or more options
for a dignifi ed and democratic
“But my faith is not blind,”
he said. “Substantial action is required in Washington. Short of a
specifi c and appropriate action
plan by the government of the
United States, we will not hesitate to raise this issue in the United
Nations and other relevant international forums. As a leader of a
party that aspires for Puerto Rico
to become an integral part of the
American family, I have no desire to publicly criticize the United
States. Nevertheless, it is more
important to me to ensure a fair
deal for my constituents, which I
fi nd to be the most correct course
of action to take, politically.”
Pierluisi expressed his conviction that the international community, as well as the U.S. government, should respect the will of
the people of the unincorporated
territory of Puerto Rico as it is consistent with the UN Charter and
Resolution 1541, under which the
international community should
support a process of self-determination resulting in a dignifi ed
and fully democratic status for
Puerto Rico, either statehood or
full sovereignty. The principle of
self-determination requires it, he

Nationalist Says His Off-Island Travel Is Restricted by U.S. Authorities

Video Review: EL GHETTO "ELA COLONIAL DE AGP EN PR" - YouTube | Informe a cámara: Assange cumple mañana un año refugiado en la embajada de Ecuador - YouTube

Informe a cámara: Assange cumple mañana un año refugiado en la embajada de Ecuador - YouTube

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Published on Jun 18, 2013
Londres, 18 jun (EFE) (Imágenes: Guillermo Ximenis).- El fundador del portal WikiLeaks, Julian Assange, famoso por denunciar los excesos y abusos del poder, cumple mañana un año refugiado en la embajada de Ecuador en Londres, sin visos de que su caso tenga una solución a corto plazo.

El 19 de junio de 2012, el informático australiano, de 41 años, entraba en la legación diplomática ecuatoriana como refugiado para impedir que las autoridades británicas le deportaran a Suecia, donde es requerido por supuestos delitos de agresión sexual.

Assange, detenido en Londres en 2010, buscó refugio tras agotar todos los recursos judiciales para impedir su entrega a Suecia pues considera que es víctima de una persecución política y que detrás de las denuncias se esconde una trama para ser entregado a EEUU.

Su arresto vino precedido de las revelaciones de WikiLeaks sobre actividades bochornosas de EEUU y otros países, lo que le convirtió en símbolo de la defensa de las libertades civiles, algo que ahora comparte con el exempleado de la CIA Edward Snowden, que ha denunciado un ciberespionaje que afecta a millones de personas.

Sin poder salir de la embajada porque sería inmediatamente detenido, Assange quiere que el Gobierno del Reino Unido le conceda un salvoconducto que le permita abandonar el país rumbo a Ecuador.

Un año después de refugiarse en la embajada y diez meses desde que el Gobierno ecuatoriano de Rafael Correa le concediera oficialmente el asilo, su caso sigue sin resolverse.

Ante la falta de avances y la negativa de Londres a concederle el salvoconducto, los Gobiernos británico y ecuatoriano han acordado crear una comisión de juristas para solucionar el caso, tras la reunión de ayer entre el ministro ecuatoriano de Exteriores, Ricardo Patiño, y su colega del Reino Unido, William Hague.

Patiño, que se ha comprometido a mantener la protección a Assange, también se ha solidarizado con Snowden por haber denunciado la violación de los derechos humanos "del mundo entero".

Patiño dijo a la prensa que el Gobierno ecuatoriano estaría dispuesto a estudiar una eventual solicitud de asilo de Snowden, que está oculto en Hong Kong.

"Está en su derecho" de pedir asilo a cualquier país y, si lo hace a Ecuador, el Gobierno "por supuesto, razonablemente", como lo hicieron con Assange, "analizará el pedido de Snowden", afirmó el titular de la diplomacia ecuatoriana.

Assange fue detenido en Londres el 7 de diciembre de 2010 a petición de Suecia, por lo que se inició un largo proceso legal que terminó el 30 de mayo de 2012, cuando la Corte Suprema, máxima instancia judicial británica, dio luz verde a la extradición, pero casi un mes después entraba en la embajada de Ecuador.

Durante el proceso judicial, el antiguo "hacker" vivió bajo arresto domiciliario en una mansión en el este de Inglaterra de un amigo suyo y debía llevar consigo dispositivos electrónicos para que las fuerzas del orden pudieran localizarle y conocer sus mov
Read the whole story
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Published on Jun 17, 2013
Esto es lo que debió decir Alejandro Garcia Padilla esta es LA VERDAD!
"El Ghetto es el ELA Colonial en Puerto Rico con Garcia Padilla y el PPD"
AGP No Sabe Ingles
Playas Nudistas
Prostíbulo Pornografía desde los 12 años

La Estadidad gano por el 61% según resultados oficiales por la comisión estatal de elecciones en PR, si tienes duda, visita su pagina.
Read the whole story
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United States Plus One - The Prospect of Puerto Rico as the 51st State - YouTube

Jul 28, 2011: This 78 Minute Audio Documentary speaks with the participants themselves, and looks into the decade long debate over Puerto Rican Statehood

United States Plus One - The Prospect of Puerto Rico as the 51st State - YouTube

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Uploaded on Jul 28, 2011
When HR.2499, the Puerto Rico Democracy Act of 2010 passed the House 223 - 169, it barely gathered a whimper of press. The prospect of America gaining a new state would normally be newsworthy, yet H.R.2499 missed out. Meanwhile, decade old perceptions of Democratic gerrymandering, and opinions based on the 93 and 98 failed plebiscites re-surfaced.

This 78 Minute Audio Documentary speaks with the participants themselves, and looks into the decade long debate over Puerto Rican Statehood.

Participants Interviewed

Luis Fortuno: Governor of Puerto Rico

Kenneth McClintock: Sectary of State of Puerto Rico

Luis Gutierrez: U.S Congressman for Illinois.

Héctor J. Ferrer Ríos : President of the Popular Demorcratic Party

Jeffrey L. Farrow: White House advsior to Pres. Clinton on Puerto Rico.

Pedro Pierluisi: Resident Commissioner of Puerto Rico / Sole non-voting Congressman of Puerto Rico

Luis Davila Colon: Puerto Rican Author/Columist, Laywer, Radio/Television Presenter, Political Expert.

The Hon. Dr. Hernan Padilla: Co-founder of The U.S. Council for Puerto Rico Statehood, former Mayor of San Juan, and Alternate Representative of the U.S. Mission to the United Nations for Puerto Rico.

Don Soifer: Lexington Foundation

Brian Darling: Political Expert and Fellow at the Hertiage Foundation

Phylis Schlafly: Constitutional Lawyer and Founder of the Eagle Foundation

Eduardo Soto: President of The Puerto Rico Statehood Students Association

(Originally Released:7/12/2010)

LINKS: Download Podcast

H.R.2499 - Puerto Rico Democracy Act of 2009 from <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>

Review of Audio Documentary from La Chuleta Congelá

Download as Audiobook from Learn Out Loud

Published on May 15, 2013: Resident Commissioner Pedro R. Pierluisi introduces the Puerto Rico Status Resolution Act in the United States Congress, Wednesday, May 15, 2013, Washington, D.C.

Introduction of the Puerto Rico Status Resolution Act

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Published on May 15, 2013
Resident Commissioner Pedro R. Pierluisi introduces the Puerto Rico Status Resolution Act in the United States Congress, Wednesday, May 15, 2013, Washington, D.C.