- Hundreds of Puerto Ricans rallied this week to call for the United States to release the Puerto Rican independence activist Osc...
From: democracynow
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Time: 15:40 | More in News & Politics |
Asteroid-mining venture also seeking money to build space telescope #PRnews

Asteroid-mining venture also seeking money to build space telescope -...
seattle a washington company that wants to send robots into space to mine precious metals from asteroids has found another way to use the...

Asteroid-mining venture also seeking money to build space telescope -...
seattle a washington company that wants to send robots into space to mine precious metals from asteroids has found another way to use the...
IT website Delimiter reports what would seem inconceivable to most people with an interest on Internet security: a senior Australian public servant responsible for cyber security policy has confessed to not being familiar with the TOR encryption service.
Written by Kevin Rennie · comments (0)
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#Federalfunds lost as #PRgovernment works to pay bill for reservoir projects #PRnews

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Social Security: A solution, not a problemby (Lisa Mensah and William Arnone)
The long-term financing shortfall that Social Security faces does not come as a surprise and is eminently manageable. With some timely improvements, the program can continue to provide the bedrock economic security that Americans have long been able to count on. Meanwhile we need to see Social Security not as a problem but as a continuing solution to the challenges we face as a nation.
Madrid, 30 may (EFE).- (Imágenes: Jorge Zapata) La Policía Nacional ha recuperado dos obras de Picasso y una de Joan Miró que fueron robadas en 2010 de una s...
From: efe
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Time: 01:26 | More in News & Politics |
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