En alerta Chile y Argentina por posible erupción volcánica
Perelló quiere bajar el costo de tarifa del agua
Perelló quiere bajar el costo de tarifa del agua
27 de mayo de 2013 04:58 p.m.
El presidente de la Cámara de Representantes, Jaime R. Perelló Borrás, afirmó que atenderá tan pronto se reciba la medida anunciada por el gobernador Alejandro García Padilla para permitir que la A...
27 de mayo de 2013 04:58 p.m.
El presidente de la Cámara de Representantes, Jaime R. Perelló Borrás, afirmó que atenderá tan pronto se reciba la medida anunciada por el gobernador Alejandro García Padilla para permitir que la A...
Comprometido Pierluisi con los veteranos boricuas
27 de mayo de 2013 04:00 p.m.
El comisionado residente de Puerto Rico en Washington, Pedro Pierluisi, aprovechó el Día de la Recordación para reiterar su compromiso de luchar para que los veteranos puertorriqueños reciban el mi...
27 de mayo de 2013 04:00 p.m.
El comisionado residente de Puerto Rico en Washington, Pedro Pierluisi, aprovechó el Día de la Recordación para reiterar su compromiso de luchar para que los veteranos puertorriqueños reciban el mi...
Gobernador presenta plan para minimizar aumento del agua
27 de mayo de 2013 03:28 p.m.
El gobernador Alejandro García Padilla presentó este lunes su plan para minimizar el impacto del aumento tarifario que entraría en vigor a partir del 1 de julio próximo, en la Autoridad de Acueduct...
27 de mayo de 2013 03:28 p.m.
El gobernador Alejandro García Padilla presentó este lunes su plan para minimizar el impacto del aumento tarifario que entraría en vigor a partir del 1 de julio próximo, en la Autoridad de Acueduct...
Prioridad para el PIP reactivar la juventud
27 de mayo de 2013 12:52 p.m.
La senadora María de Lourdes Santiago anticipó que como parte de la reorganización de su Partido Independentista Puertorriqueño (PIP), una de las prioridades será reactivar la juventud y vincular m...
27 de mayo de 2013 12:52 p.m.
La senadora María de Lourdes Santiago anticipó que como parte de la reorganización de su Partido Independentista Puertorriqueño (PIP), una de las prioridades será reactivar la juventud y vincular m...
- 05/27/13
04:58 p.m.
Perelló quiere bajar el costo de tarifa del agua ...
- 05/27/13
04:00 p.m.
Comprometido Pierluisi con los veteranos boricuas ...
- 05/27/13
03:28 p.m.
Gobernador presenta plan para minimizar aumento de...
- 05/27/13
12:52 p.m.
Prioridad para el PIP reactivar la juventud
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- 05/27/1304:58 p.m.Perelló quiere bajar el costo de tarifa del agua ...
- 05/27/1304:00 p.m.Comprometido Pierluisi con los veteranos boricuas ...
- 05/27/1303:28 p.m.Gobernador presenta plan para minimizar aumento de...
- 05/27/1312:52 p.m.Prioridad para el PIP reactivar la juventud
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Mauer jonronea, Mellizos vencen a Cerveceros
MILWAUKEE (AP) — Joe Mauer terminó con un jonrón en lugar de un doblete, luego que los umpires...
MILWAUKEE (AP) — Joe Mauer terminó con un jonrón en lugar de un doblete, luego que los umpires...

Viviana Ortiz Pastrana confirma que fue víctima de violencia doméstica
Nadal debuta con triunfo en Abierto de Francia
PARIS (AP) — Rafael Nadal se sabía el libreto. Fue algo que sufrió en carne propia durante la...
PARIS (AP) — Rafael Nadal se sabía el libreto. Fue algo que sufrió en carne propia durante la...

The National Puerto Rican Day Parade has little if anything to do with being Puerto Rican by escalona
Here They Go Again!
Coors and the Puerto Rican Parade
The NiLP Network on Latino Issues (May 25, 2013)
From “EMBORICUATE” to this. I think the target of the PR community’s wrath on this matter should be the Nat PR Day Parade’s board, not Coors or their marketing agent! DEMAND they pull the advertising! Recall the product! Take the board president to task for allowing the selling out our people & culture! Challenge this year ‘s parade theme, which is HEALTH, not getting drunk!
—Ephraim Cruz in May 23, 2013 Facebook posting
A very Americanized Puerto Rican asked me why I was so upset about the parade board of directors making a deal with Coors to place the Puerto Rican flag on its beer can as a promotion. I said that flag symbolizes our nation, our ancestors ,our history, our dignity. No one has the right to grant permission to Coors to place our flag on their promotion. Our parade has become more interested in money than in cultural pride. It’s time to take back our parade . . . now!
—Ramon Jimenez on May 24, 2013 in his Facebook page
It seems like the leadership of the National Puerto Rican Day Parade, to be held on June 9th in NYC, just can’t help themselves! As you can see (—>), they have cut some sort of deal with the MillerCoors company to not only be the official beer of the parade but to display their logo, and the Puerto Rican flag, on cans of their Coors Light beer. As Ephraim Cruz, Ramon Jimenez and others have pointed out, this is unacceptable, but instead of criticizing Coors the cry is going out on the need to hold the Board of Directors of the Parade accountable themselves!
What makes this even more egregious is this year’s parade theme is: Salud — Celebrating Your Health. Among Latinos, Puerto Ricans have the highest rate of alcohol dependence and the highest rate of the need for acohol use treatment, according to the National Institutes of Health. So, in this case, they must be using “salud” as drinkers do,”¡Salud!” and not as a public health message.
You may recall that in 2011, MillerCoors had to discontinue its ‘Emborícuate’ Coors Light Puerto Rican Day Parade advertising campaign after widespread community criticism. This campaign had been running for three years straight until those in social media raised issue as a call by Coors for Puerto Ricans to get drunk on their product. In fact, back in 1984, Coors had signed an unholy agreement with six leading national Latino organizations in which they agreed to getting larger grants from the company if they increased the amount of Coors beer consumed by the Latino community, an agreement that was scrapped after strong criticism by the Institute for Puerto Rican Policy (IPR) (as NiLP was called then) and other community leaders.
So it is surprising to many in the Puerto Rican community that the Parade leadership would allow the Puerto Rican flag to be displayed this year on a beer can. Are they willing to allow the perception that in exchange for money or donated product that they would allow unhealthy messages to their community? The Board and many other volunteers of the Parade work hard every year to pull off this unique and high profile event, why would they want to tarnish their efforts in this way?
Critics have called on the Puerto Rican community to contact the leadership of the Parade to let them know how you feel about this. Besides telling them to junk these beer cans, does the issue of the need for a broader leadership of the Parade need to be raised as well, given this history? According to their website, these are the members of the National Puerto Rican Parade Board of Directors and staff:
Carlos Velazquez, Official Business & Marketing Agent
Madelyn Lugo, Chairperson
Melissa R. Quesada, Vice Chairperson
Trinity A. Padilla, Executive Secretary
Shirley Cox, Treasurer
Luis Rivera, General Coordinator
No Email Available
Rafael E. Dominguez, Director of External Affairs
María Román Dumén, Honorary Member
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Here They Go Again!
Coors and the Puerto Rican Parade
The NiLP Network on Latino Issues (May 25, 2013)
Coors and the Puerto Rican Parade
The NiLP Network on Latino Issues (May 25, 2013)
From “EMBORICUATE” to this. I think the target of the PR community’s wrath on this matter should be the Nat PR Day Parade’s board, not Coors or their marketing agent! DEMAND they pull the advertising! Recall the product! Take the board president to task for allowing the selling out our people & culture! Challenge this year ‘s parade theme, which is HEALTH, not getting drunk!
—Ephraim Cruz in May 23, 2013 Facebook posting
—Ephraim Cruz in May 23, 2013 Facebook posting
A very Americanized Puerto Rican asked me why I was so upset about the parade board of directors making a deal with Coors to place the Puerto Rican flag on its beer can as a promotion. I said that flag symbolizes our nation, our ancestors ,our history, our dignity. No one has the right to grant permission to Coors to place our flag on their promotion. Our parade has become more interested in money than in cultural pride. It’s time to take back our parade . . . now!
—Ramon Jimenez on May 24, 2013 in his Facebook page
—Ramon Jimenez on May 24, 2013 in his Facebook page
It seems like the leadership of the National Puerto Rican Day Parade, to be held on June 9th in NYC, just can’t help themselves! As you can see (—>), they have cut some sort of deal with the MillerCoors company to not only be the official beer of the parade but to display their logo, and the Puerto Rican flag, on cans of their Coors Light beer. As Ephraim Cruz, Ramon Jimenez and others have pointed out, this is unacceptable, but instead of criticizing Coors the cry is going out on the need to hold the Board of Directors of the Parade accountable themselves!
What makes this even more egregious is this year’s parade theme is: Salud — Celebrating Your Health. Among Latinos, Puerto Ricans have the highest rate of alcohol dependence and the highest rate of the need for acohol use treatment, according to the National Institutes of Health. So, in this case, they must be using “salud” as drinkers do,”¡Salud!” and not as a public health message.
You may recall that in 2011, MillerCoors had to discontinue its ‘Emborícuate’ Coors Light Puerto Rican Day Parade advertising campaign after widespread community criticism. This campaign had been running for three years straight until those in social media raised issue as a call by Coors for Puerto Ricans to get drunk on their product. In fact, back in 1984, Coors had signed an unholy agreement with six leading national Latino organizations in which they agreed to getting larger grants from the company if they increased the amount of Coors beer consumed by the Latino community, an agreement that was scrapped after strong criticism by the Institute for Puerto Rican Policy (IPR) (as NiLP was called then) and other community leaders.
So it is surprising to many in the Puerto Rican community that the Parade leadership would allow the Puerto Rican flag to be displayed this year on a beer can. Are they willing to allow the perception that in exchange for money or donated product that they would allow unhealthy messages to their community? The Board and many other volunteers of the Parade work hard every year to pull off this unique and high profile event, why would they want to tarnish their efforts in this way?
Critics have called on the Puerto Rican community to contact the leadership of the Parade to let them know how you feel about this. Besides telling them to junk these beer cans, does the issue of the need for a broader leadership of the Parade need to be raised as well, given this history? According to their website, these are the members of the National Puerto Rican Parade Board of Directors and staff:
Carlos Velazquez, Official Business & Marketing Agent
Madelyn Lugo, Chairperson
Melissa R. Quesada, Vice Chairperson
Trinity A. Padilla, Executive Secretary
Shirley Cox, Treasurer
Luis Rivera, General Coordinator
No Email Available
No Email Available
Rafael E. Dominguez, Director of External Affairs
María Román Dumén, Honorary Member
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East Harlem City Councilor: Coors Light Official Puerto Rican Day Parade Beer “Disrespectful” by Rebeldes
Yesterday we published the news of a campaign organized by Boricuas for a Positive Image calling for MillerCoors to stop the distribution and production of a limited edition Coors Light product classified as the official beer of the Puerto Rican Day Parade. The can displays the parade organization’s logo and includes the colors of the Puerto Rican flag.
Critics of the Coors Light product have called on the parade’s board of directors to comment about the partnership with Coors, especially since in 2011 the parade and the beer company were taken to task for a series of “Emborícuate” ads leading up to the parade, an annual New York City tradition.
Over the weekend East Harlem City Councilor Melissa Mark-Viverito commented to DNAInfo.com about the Coors Light can, saying that it was “disrespectful.”
“It’s disrespectful and it’s not a good fit,” Mark-Viverito told the outlet. “When you are talking about a flag and what it represents, being linked to an alcoholic beverage is not reflective of what our culture symbolizes.”
Mark-Viverito is of Puerto Rican descent.
When asked about whether the parade’s board of directors should be held accountable for this latest incident, Mark-Viverito said the following: “”Not only is this an indictment of Coors but the board of the Puerto Rican Day Parade has to also be questioned. What criteria are they using to determine what a sponsor can or cannot do? You would like some semblance of accountability and transparency about what the money being raised is being used for.”
Yesterday Latino Rebels wrote to all the members of the parade’s board, asking for comment. So far, no one of the board has responded to our requests for comment.
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Yesterday we published the news of a campaign organized by Boricuas for a Positive Image calling for MillerCoors to stop the distribution and production of a limited edition Coors Light product classified as the official beer of the Puerto Rican Day Parade. The can displays the parade organization’s logo and includes the colors of the Puerto Rican flag.
Critics of the Coors Light product have called on the parade’s board of directors to comment about the partnership with Coors, especially since in 2011 the parade and the beer company were taken to task for a series of “Emborícuate” ads leading up to the parade, an annual New York City tradition.
Over the weekend East Harlem City Councilor Melissa Mark-Viverito commented to DNAInfo.com about the Coors Light can, saying that it was “disrespectful.”
“It’s disrespectful and it’s not a good fit,” Mark-Viverito told the outlet. “When you are talking about a flag and what it represents, being linked to an alcoholic beverage is not reflective of what our culture symbolizes.”
Mark-Viverito is of Puerto Rican descent.
When asked about whether the parade’s board of directors should be held accountable for this latest incident, Mark-Viverito said the following: “”Not only is this an indictment of Coors but the board of the Puerto Rican Day Parade has to also be questioned. What criteria are they using to determine what a sponsor can or cannot do? You would like some semblance of accountability and transparency about what the money being raised is being used for.”
Yesterday Latino Rebels wrote to all the members of the parade’s board, asking for comment. So far, no one of the board has responded to our requests for comment.
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Mariage pour tous: la France redore son blason à l'étrangerby Esther Benbassa
D'après les chiffres de la Préfecture de police, quelque 150 000 personnes ont manifesté hier dimanche contre le mariage pour tous. La loi a pourtant été dûment votée par les deux chambres du Parlement et elle a d'ores et déjà été promulguée. L'UMP a joué avec le feu, essayant de récupérer à son profit l'hostilité des couches conservatrices de la France à une évolution qui n'est rien de plus, en fait, que le juste rétablissement de l'égalité dans notre pays. Aujourd'hui, parmi ces opposants, ce sont des groupuscules d'extrême droite qui sont en première ligne, échappant aussi bien à l'UMP qu'aux organisateurs historiques de "La Manif Pour Tous". Le retrait, in extremis, de Frigide Barjot elle-même, au motif qu'elle se sentait menacée, est l'un des signes les plus patents de cette dérive.
La France, une référence pour le monde ?
D'après les chiffres de la Préfecture de police, quelque 150 000 personnes ont manifesté hier dimanche contre le mariage pour tous. La loi a pourtant été dûment votée par les deux chambres du Parlement et elle a d'ores et déjà été promulguée. L'UMP a joué avec le feu, essayant de récupérer à son profit l'hostilité des couches conservatrices de la France à une évolution qui n'est rien de plus, en fait, que le juste rétablissement de l'égalité dans notre pays. Aujourd'hui, parmi ces opposants, ce sont des groupuscules d'extrême droite qui sont en première ligne, échappant aussi bien à l'UMP qu'aux organisateurs historiques de "La Manif Pour Tous". Le retrait, in extremis, de Frigide Barjot elle-même, au motif qu'elle se sentait menacée, est l'un des signes les plus patents de cette dérive.
La France, une référence pour le monde ?
La France, une référence pour le monde ?
Remember the Veterans by Jerry Nelson
In 2010, I was honored by Vietnam Veterans in North Carolina when they chose me to accompany them to The Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington D.C.
In 2010, I was honored by Vietnam Veterans in North Carolina when they chose me to accompany them to The Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington D.C.
A network to track #Caribbean hazards. Read: http://ow.ly/lqPC4 #caribbeanbusinessby CARIBBEAN BUSINESS
The Wall Street Journal
Puerto Rico, entre encanto turístico y espanto económico
- WorldNews244
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recinto de Río Piedras señalan los distintos problemas de infraestructura ...
- TNT We Know Drama
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- WorldNews244
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- recinto de Río Piedras señalan los distintos problemas de infraestructura ...
- TNT We Know Drama
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#Obama: Don’t take troops for granted.; Read: http://ow.ly/lraha #caribbeanbusi... by CARIBBEAN BUSINESS
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Who Will Remake Puerto Rico for the 21st-Century Social Economy?
In late 2011 - a year that helped me take a major turn in my vocation - I visited Puerto Rico to speak at a conference.
In late 2011 - a year that helped me take a major turn in my vocation - I visited Puerto Rico to speak at a conference.
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