Monday, August 13, 2012


via O m a r B a n u c h i on 8/12/12

“Virgen de Talavera”
29 de septiembre de 2010

There was some kind of parade (actually it was the Puerto Rican Day Parade, or more precisely the National Puerto Rican Day Parade - what is "national" about Puerto Ricans in New York?) which held up buses between ...

Memo to the PNPers: the United States trumps you on your desires to keep the Puerto Rican Olympic team intact. All this boricua pride and flag waving would go away. Puerto Ricans would become part of the US team, and ...

Weather's just fine for Meriden's Puerto Rican Festival
Meriden Record-Journal
Weather's just fine for Meriden's Puerto Rican Festival Kimberly Primicerio Record-Journal | 0 comments. MERIDEN — Hubbard Park was full of Puerto Rican pride Sunday afternoon as the city held its 45th annual Puerto Rican Festival. People waved Puerto ...

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via Caribbean Business on 8/12/12
Monday, August 13th, 2012

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AreciboArecibo was the third Spanish settlement
CaguasCaguas derives its name from a local Indian chief (Caguax)
MayagüezHome of the only Zoo in the island

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San JuanCapital city
Monday, August 13, 2012

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via Puerto Rico News - Archive Links's Facebook Wall by Puerto Rico News - Archive Links on 8/13/12
Guaynabo, Puerto Rico - 13/08/12


Guaynabo, Puerto Rico - 13/08/12
Guaynabo, Puerto Rico - 13/08/12 Última Actualización 3:24:31 AM This post has been generated by Page2RSS

Mike Nova's starred items

Puerto Rico's UFO Home (House of the Day)
AOL Real Estate (blog)
Retired industrial arts teacher Roberto Sanchez Rivera built his home in Ponce, Puerto Rico, to look like a spaceship, complete with blinking strobes, technicolor lights and even audio effects. Yes, that's right: The UFO-inspired house makes the five ...

Florida Democrats struggle to attract Hispanic candidates
Sarasota Herald-Tribune
Newer immigrants and the fast-growing Puerto Rican community are more likely to register Democratic but less likely to vote or get involved in campaigns, let alone run for office. Romero, the Broward congressional candidate, said it's simply a question ...

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via Puerto Rico News - Archive Links's Facebook Wall by Puerto Rico News - Archive Links on 8/13/12

The costs of depopulating Puerto Rico.
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via Opinión - El Nuevo Día on 8/13/12


La corroboración del superintendente de la Policía, Héctor Pesquera, de que están investigando denuncias sobre manipulación de estadísticas del crimen que se le atribuye a la Uniformada, debe desembocar en una depuración absoluta de responsabilidades, en bien de la seguridad pública y para tranquilidad del pueblo.

Por el bienestar del pueblo

JOSÉ L. DALMAU SANTIAGO El derecho de toda persona imputada de haber cometido un delito a permanecer libre bajo fianza va de la mano con la presunción de inocencia que tiene todo ciudadano acu

Dos “no” igualitos

WILDA RODRÍGUEZEl domingo 19 de agosto sabremos cuán dañada está el alma boricua a la esperanza y a la fe en nosotros mismos. Si votamos para limitar el derecho a la fianza y reducir la represent

¿Qué hacer?

Rafael AcevedoUna frase de Slavoj Zizek es perfecta para describir nuestro estado de cosas. “Nos sentimos libres porque carecemos del lenguaje para expresar nuestra falta de libertad”. Habría qu

No estoy de acuerdo con el propuesto cambio a la Constitución para limitar el derecho a fianza. En vez de eso, lo que deben hacer es legislar para que los delitos tengan una pena fija.
Que ningún juez pueda rebajar una fianza ya establecida. Que se eliminen las probatorias, que eliminen las bonificaciones a los presos, y por último, que se les quite a los presos el derecho al voto.
Estos cambios sí que serían beneficiosos. Tomen nota.
Maritza Coll
El mejor récord de Javier Culson en toda su gloriosa carrera es de 47.72 (Ponce Grand Prix 2010). Esa marca es la número 23 entre las mejores de la historia.
Pero, aun si Culson hubiese repetido esa marca el lunes pasado, Félix Sánchez hubiera ganado con sus 47.63.
No es que Culson perdió, es que Sánchez ganó.
José A. González Taboada
Como estudiante de décimo grado, me preocupa mucho la limpieza de nuestras playas. El pasado 23 de junio celebramos la tradicional Noche de San Juan. Que desilusión tan grande ver al otro día nuestras playas destrozadas.
Nunca en mi vida había visto algo así. Pero, no quiero ser una más que critica la problemática, prefiero mejor ser parte de la solución. Sugiero que se desarrolle una campaña, un buen nombre sería “Jóvenes al rescate de nuestras Playas”. Donde escuelas y colegios se unan en un esfuerzo y adopten una playa por un mes.
Así ellos se darían a la tarea de ir los fines de semana y entregar bolsas de basura a los visitantes para que recojan sus desperdicios y no los dejen tirados en la arena e interactuar con los bañistas y tratar de concienciarlos de que así como ellos se toman su tiempo preparando la neverita, ‘munchies’ etc., por qué no hacer lo mismo a la hora de la salida.
Carolina C. Santa Rosa Camacho
El nuevo contrato de Alianzas Público Privada que este gobierno está negociando con una compañía mexicana en realidad es un regalo. Podemos comparar el dicho que le entregamos la carne y nos quedamos con el hueso.
Le estamos entregando un aeropuerto que genera ganancias de sobre $80 millones anualmente y nos quedamos con el hueso de los aeropuertos regionales que solo dejan pérdidas. Ese contrato se debe analizar e incluir todos los aeropuertos en la isla y así se sabe si en verdad los licitadores son buenos administradores y hacen cambios para que los demás aeropuertos sean remodelados y tengan más flujo de vuelos.
Le pido al gobernador Luis Fortuño que tome nota y haga lo que se hizo en la República Dominicana que se le dieron todos los aeropuertos al privatizador y no solo el de la capital, que es el que deja ganancias.
Jaime Muñoz
Santa Isabel

ES FALSO que el aumento de precios se debe a la alimentaria.
Si Puerto Rico cultivara sus alimentos no necesitaría de adquirirlos en el mercado internacional a precios inflados. Hoy los minoristas y mayoristas son los que ganan y los agricultores apenas sobreviven.
Necesitamos una revolución verde donde nuestros mercados estén accesibles y con justicia social.
No hay peor ciego que el que no quiere ver. Llevar bocado de alimento al estómago mañana es lo que hoy tenemos que entender. En la alimentación los monopolios extranjeros nos quitan vida y no aseguran nuestro futuro. Hoteles en nuestras tierras no producen alimentos.
Hay que luchar por tener un número de campesinos/agricultores necesarios para alimentar el resto de la población.
Puerto Rico necesita despertar, ser reaccionario y perceptivo a esta necesidad que está por venir, debido a sequías y a otros problemas en el mundo que nos suple.
La soberanía alimentaria de Puerto Rico tiene que ser parte de la política de nuestra isla.
José Raúl Sánchez

¿Qué te ha impresionado más de las Olimpiadas concluidas ayer?

Las ceremonias de apertura y clausura.
El récord de medallas de Michael Phelps
El dominio en velocidad de Usain Bolt
La demostración del Dream Team

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via Puerto Rico News - Archive Links's Facebook Wall by Puerto Rico News - Archive Links on 8/13/12
Yoani Sanchez: Carlos Alberto Montaner's "The Colonel's Wife": We Show Ourselves to Be Passionate Because We Cannot Show Ourselves to Be Free

Yoani Sanchez: Carlos Alberto Montaner's "The Colonel's Wife": We Show Ourselves to Be Passionate Because We Cannot Show Ourselves to Be Free
A caress for a protest, fleeing to an orgasm so as not to face the anti-riot troops... we show ourselves to be passionate, because we cannot show ourselves to be free. The bed as an escape valve, towards which they push us, but also where they monitor and trap us.

PonceSecond largest city
AguadillaAguadilla is best known to visitors for its beaches

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SuperSport (blog)

Spain players annoyed at Puerto Rico tie
SuperSport (blog)
When asked about the Puerto Rico game last week, the usually diplomatic Andres Iniesta - who was voted best player at Euro 2012 said: "Well, it is not going to be a very comfortable game for us, to say the least." Since Iniesta scored the winning goal ...

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via PUERTO RICO NEWS by Mike Nova on 8/13/12
August 13th 2012

The Puerto Rican “Brain Drain”

After several years of strong migration, more Puerto Ricans now live in the fifty states than in Puerto Rico. According to the 2010 Census, there ... Read more...

Mike Nova's starred items

via Puerto Rico Report by KG on 8/13/12
After several years of strong migration, more Puerto Ricans now live in the fifty states than in Puerto Rico. According to the 2010 Census, there are 4.7 million Puerto Ricans living in the non-territorial United States and 3.7 million living in Puerto Rico. All states but one experienced an increase in their Puerto Rican populations between 2000 and 2010, with 300,000 additional people moving from Puerto Rico to the states between 2005 and 2009 as the territory experienced a recession.
Although Puerto Ricans remain most concentrated in the Northeast and Florida, Puerto Rican communities appear in almost every state throughout the country. For example, according to the U.S. Census Bureau’s American Community Survey from 2008 and 2009, the Puerto Rican population of Alaska grew nine percent - from 4,587 to 5,000. Texas saw one of the largest growths in its Puerto Rican populations: a 12 percent increase, from 104,564 to 115,871.
The Midwest also experienced an influx of Puerto Ricans during this time. The American Community Survey raised its estimate for Puerto Ricans in Ohio 9.4 percent, from 78,549 to 85,909 between its 2008 and 2009 estimates, an increase of 7,360 people. Over the same time period, the Puerto Rican population in Indiana grew five percent from 26,768 to , a difference of 1,333.
Populations also grew in areas already known for their strong Puerto Rican constituencies. In Florida, the state with the second-largest number of Puerto Ricans, the population grew 7.1 percent from 714,153 to 764,611, an increase of 50,458. Even in New York, which is losing Puerto Ricans to Florida and Puerto Rico, the Puerto Rican population slightly expanded between 2008 and 2009 from 1,084,417 to 1,090,272, or 0.5 percent. Connecticut had a similar story, with its population increasing by 6,395, or 2.9 percent, over the same time period (2008 to 2009).
In the South, the number of Puerto Ricans grew 12.2 percent in Virginia, up 7,165 from 58, 577 to 65,742. The population grew 8.4 percent (from 50,762 to 55,032) in North Carolina and 6.4 percent (from 53,850 to 57,277) in Georgia.
Finally, the Mid-Atlantic States have not been left out of this population growth. Delaware experienced the largest percentage increase in the region, with the Puerto Rican population growing 10 percent from 17,902 to 19,691. Pennsylvania’s Puerto Rican population also grew significantly from 312,730 to 339,222, an increase of 8.5 percent.
According to the Statistical Institute of Puerto Rico, people leaving Puerto Rico tend to be younger and more educated than those who chose to remain. This may stem from Puerto Rico’s unusually high unemployment rate, which significantly exceeds those of the fifty states and has done so for many years. Economists and others who care about Puerto Rico’s future are concerned about the impact of the Island’s “brain drain.” There is a common lament that if only Puerto Rico could finally resolve its status debate, officials could dedicate the time and attention necessary to address economic challenges and end the wave of migration from Puerto Rico.

via Puerto Rico News - Archive Links's Facebook Wall by Puerto Rico News - Archive Links on 8/13/12
The Puerto Rican “Brain Drain” - Puerto Rico Report

The Puerto Rican “Brain Drain” - Puerto Rico Report
August 13th 2012The Puerto Rican “Brain Drain”After several years of strong migration, more Puerto Ricans now live in the fifty states than in Puerto Rico. According to the 2010 Census, there ... Read more...

Why some stocks are sinking despite big profits. Read more: #caribbeanbusiness

HootSuite Photos

Illegal Slot Machines Threaten Puerto Rico Casinos
ABC News
He is just one man gambling alone, his face lit by the pink glow of a slot machine in a dark neighborhood bar, but 69-year-old Pedro Rodriguez represents a threat to one of Puerto Rico's most important money makers — legal gambling. As Rodriguez ...

Illegal slot machines threaten Puerto Rico casinos
The Associated Press
SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP) — He is just one man gambling alone, his face lit by the pink glow of a slot machine in a dark neighborhood bar, but 69-year-old Pedro Rodriguez represents a threat to one of Puerto Rico's most important money makers ...

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via NYT > Global Home by By SIMON ROMERO on 8/13/12
Buenos Aires now provides pensions to about 80 writers, and as other countries trim social programs, Argentina is considering expanding the literary benefit nationwide.

via NYT > Global Home by By JACKIE CALMES on 8/12/12
While it is not uncommon for a presidential candidate to know his opponent’s No. 2 better, the history between President Obama and Paul Ryan sets up an especially intriguing showdown.

via Mike Nova - Google Blog Search by Mike Nova on 7/27/12
Posted by Mike Nova at 7/27/2012 09:08:00 AM · Email ThisBlogThis ... Mike Nova's starred items Santorum's Gaffe May Cost Him in Puerto Rico via U.S. News - News on 3/17/12 Santorum, Romney face off in Puer... 2:14 PM ...

via Uploads by TheVillageLTD by TheVillageLTD on 6/19/12
WE Party & Gay-ville Present: MADRID PRIDE 2012 Get your tickets now - Produced and directed by Eliad Cohen and Victor Pallas Shooting by Nir Sarig Editing and post production - Yosi Lagzeal Music by Barak Ben David Starring- Eliad Cohen, Antonio Collado Garcia, Gila Goldstein, Jack Jefferson. Special thanks to Ohad Heim, Kristina Deetox, Elad Baron.
Time:01:19More inComedy

The Puerto Rican “Brain Drain” - Puerto Rico Report

August 13th 2012

The Puerto Rican “Brain Drain”

After several years of strong migration, more Puerto Ricans now live in the fifty states than in Puerto Rico. According to the 2010 Census, there ... Read more...

Saturday, August 11, 2012

The traveling exhibition of images and documents on immigration, "Spanish in the U.S. and Puerto Rico from 1880 to today" opened at the House of Spain in San Juan. Arrives in Puerto Rico exhibition on the ...

The presence of illustrious Spanish migrants in Puerto Rico, especially after the Civil War (1936-1939), is proven with photographic documents in the sample of Casals, permanently installed on the island from ...



Llega a Puerto Rico una exposición sobre la inmigración española en EE.UU. Puerto Rico comes to an exhibition of Spanish immigration in the U.S.

La muestra itinerante de imágenes y documentos sobre inmigración "Españoles en Estados Unidos y Puerto Rico desde 1880 hasta nuestros días" se inauguró en la Casa de España de San Juan. The traveling exhibition of images and documents on immigration, "Spanish in the U.S. and Puerto Rico from 1880 to today" opened at the House of Spain to San Juan.
La exposición cuenta con fotografías y documentos aportados por asociaciones de españoles establecidas en Puerto Rico como la Casa Balear, el Centro Asturiano o la propia Casa de España. The exhibition includes photographs and documents provided by Spanish associations established in Puerto Rico and the Balearic House, the Asturian Center or the House itself in Spain.
La presencia de emigrantes ilustres españoles en Puerto Rico, en especial tras la Guerra Civil (1936-1939), queda constatada con documentos fotográficos de Pau Casals, instalado en la isla definitivamente desde 1956. The presence of illustrious Spanish migrants in Puerto Rico, especially after the Civil War (1936-1939), is proven with photographic records of Pau Casals, permanently installed on the island since 1956.
News / Culture and Varieties


Llega a Puerto Rico gran exposición de obras sobre la inmigración española en EE.UU. Puerto Rico comes to major exhibition of works on Spanish immigration in the U.S.

Puerto Rico comes to major exhibition of works on Spanish immigration in the U.S.
Archivo EFE Photo EFE
La muestra itinerante de imágenes y documentos sobre inmigración "Españoles en Estados Unidos y Puerto Rico desde 1880 hasta nuestros días" se inauguró en la Casa de España de San Juan. The traveling exhibition of images and documents on immigration, "Spanish in the U.S. and Puerto Rico from 1880 to today" opened at the House of Spain to San Juan.

La consejera de Trabajo e Inmigración de la Embajada de España en Washington, Elisa Carolina de Santos, dijo que se trata de una exposición que da a conocer mejor el proceso migratorio hacia Estados Unidos, incluido su territorio de Puerto Rico. The Minister of Employment and Immigration, Embassy of Spain in Washington, Elisa Carolina de Santos said that this is an exhibition that gives a better understanding of the process of migration to the United States, including the territory of Puerto Rico.
De Santos señaló que en el caso de Puerto Rico la emigración tuvo unas características especiales, ya que durante el pasado siglo XX llegaron a la isla caribeña renombrados especialistas españoles de diferentes disciplinas que contribuyeron a la formación de generaciones de profesionales en la universidad local. De Santos said that in the case of Puerto Rico emigration had special characteristics, since during the last century came to the Caribbean island renowned Spanish specialists from different disciplines who contributed to the formation of generations of professionals at the local university.
La exposición cuenta con fotografías y documentos aportados por asociaciones de españoles establecidas en Puerto Rico como la Casa Balear, el Centro Asturiano o la propia Casa de España. The exhibition includes photographs and documents provided by Spanish associations established in Puerto Rico and the Balearic House, the Asturian Center or the House itself in Spain.
La muestra recoge fotos de la familia asturiana del propio Santiago en San Juan, del músico catalán Pau Casals o documentos de 1912 del Hospital de la Sociedad Española de Auxilio Mutuo y Beneficencia de Puerto Rico, institución que hoy se mantiene como el primer centro médico de la isla. The exhibition includes photos of Asturian own family in San Juan Santiago, the Catalan musician Pau Casals or documents of 1912 the Hospital of the Spanish Society of Mutual Aid and Welfare of Puerto Rico, an institution which today remains the first medical center the island.
La presencia de emigrantes ilustres españoles en Puerto Rico, en especial tras la Guerra Civil (1936-1939), queda constatada con documentos fotográficos en la muestra de Casals, instalado en la isla definitivamente desde 1956. The presence of illustrious Spanish migrants in Puerto Rico, especially after the Civil War (1936-1939), is proven with photographic documents in the sample of Casals, permanently installed on the island since 1956.
El censo estadounidense de 2010 identifica como españoles a 635.000 personas, siete veces más que los 82.858 de hace solo una década. The 2010 U.S. census identifies as Spanish to 635,000 people, seven times more than 82,858 just a decade ago.
La tendencia creciente de inmigrantes españoles altamente cualificados se refleja en las más de ochenta asociaciones de españoles en Estados Unidos y Puerto Rico que existen actualmente. The growing trend of highly qualified Spanish immigrants is reflected in the more than eighty associations of Spanish in the U.S. and Puerto Rico that currently exist.
Publicado el 10 Agosto 2012 Published on August 10, 2012
Fuentes: EFE Sources: Reuters

Puerto Rico comes to an exhibition of Spanish immigration in the U.S.
The traveling exhibition of images and documents on immigration, "Spanish in the U.S. and Puerto Rico from 1880 to today" opened at the House of Spain to San Juan.
The exhibition includes photographs and documents provided by Spanish associations established in Puerto Rico and the Balearic House, the Asturian Center or the House itself in Spain.
The presence of illustrious Spanish migrants in Puerto Rico, especially after the Civil War (1936-1939), is proven with photographic records of Pau Casals, permanently installed on the island since 1956.
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Home > Get to Puerto Rico major exhibition of works on Spanish immigration in the U.S.
Puerto Rico comes to major exhibition of works on Spanish immigration in the U.S.
Created 10/08/2012 15:42


The traveling exhibition of images and documents on immigration, "Spanish in the U.S. and Puerto Rico from 1880 to today" opened at the House of Spain to San Juan.
The Minister of Employment and Immigration, Embassy of Spain in Washington, Elisa Carolina de Santos said that this is an exhibition that gives a better understanding of the process of migration to the United States, including the territory of Puerto Rico.

De Santos said that in the case of Puerto Rico emigration had special characteristics, since during the last century came to the Caribbean island renowned Spanish specialists from different disciplines who contributed to the formation of generations of professionals at the local university.

The exhibition includes photographs and documents provided by Spanish associations established in Puerto Rico and the Balearic House, the Asturian Center or the House itself in Spain.

The exhibition includes photos of Asturian own family in San Juan Santiago, the Catalan musician Pau Casals or documents of 1912 the Hospital of the Spanish Society of Mutual Aid and Welfare of Puerto Rico, an institution which today remains the first medical center the island.

The presence of illustrious Spanish migrants in Puerto Rico, especially after the Civil War (1936-1939), is proven with photographic documents in the sample of Casals, permanently installed on the island since 1956.

The 2010 U.S. census identifies as Spanish to 635,000 people, seven times more than 82,858 just a decade ago.

The growing trend of highly qualified Spanish immigrants is reflected in the more than eighty associations of Spanish in the U.S. and Puerto Rico that currently exist.

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 Culture and Varieties
Puerto Rico