Mike Nova's starred items - 3:23 PM 3/25/2012
Puerto Rico Current News Links
via Puerto Rico News by Mike Nova on 3/25/12
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El Nuevo Día
Benedicto XVI en Cuba: Pope in Cuba:
Sin choque ser católico y comunista Without being Catholic and communist shock
Crece el entusiasmo ante inminente llegada del Papa. Fotos y vídeos. Growing enthusiasm for the imminent arrival of the Pope. Photos and videos.
Pedro Pierluisi reconoce la insatisfacción de los boricuas Pedro Pierluisi recognizes the dissatisfaction of the Puerto Rican
Admitió que el pueblo quiere ver más empleos y menos criminalidad He admitted that the people want to see more jobs and less crime
El Papa advierte contra la fe superficial y rutinaria Pope warns against superficial faith and routine
02:57 pm Benedicto XVI exhorta a los cristianos a superar el “cansancio de la fe” 2:57 pm Pope urges Christians to overcome the "faith fatigue"
via Opinión - El Nuevo Día on 3/25/12
La visita a Cuba del papa Benedicto XVI, la segunda de un pontífice en 50 años, tiene gran importancia no sólo para la Iglesia, sino para el hermano país en medio de la agenda de cambios económicos, sociopolíticos y en material de derechos humanos que la historia les exige a la Mayor de las Antillas y otras naciones de la región.
¿De quién es ese pipí?
LUIS RAFAEL SÁNCHEZ1.“El lenguaje nunca es inocente” afirma Roland Barthes, escritor francés. La afirmación se comprueba, hasta la saciedad, cuando un padre levanta del suelo al vástago ador
Huáscar Robles CarrasquilloEl proceso de degustación de candidatos presidenciales ha sido menos un “five course meal” y más un “two girls one cup”. Newt Gingrich prometió llevarnos a la Luna y Mitt Romney ca
MAYRA MONTEROESCRITORAL o de la visita de los candidatos republicanos en verdad habría que mirarlo como un extraño fenómeno de creación imaginativa espontánea, que dirían los ps
Dinero para repartir
Ya sabemos el porqué de los despidos en el gobierno. Tenía que haber dinero para repartirlo entre los amigos y familiares del gobierno.
Gracias a la prensa responsable, como El Nuevo Día se sabe todo. Millones y millones de dólares repartidos a contratistas y asesores ilegalmente.
Es tiempo que nos unamos y le exijamos a estos gobiernos que basta ya y que, por favor, tengan moral y ética, que administren bien nuestro dinero.
Jairo Vázquez
Aguarda por respuesta de henry neumanN
Aún estoy esperando la contestación de Henry Neumann, relacionado al nuevo reglamento sobre la lucha libre profesional.
Ya se cumplió un año de aquella reunión de mentiras y engaños de su parte y no ha pasado nada.
Deje de jugar a policía y dedíquese a su departamento que en lo que a los promotores de lucha se refiere, se le está llenando el cuarto de agua.
Edwin Vázquez Ortega
El domingo 18 de marzo, aquellos puertorriqueños que votamos en las primarias, dimos inicio a nuestro ciclo electoral. Como estudiante de ciencia política, esperé con paciencia los primeros resultados. Quedé sorprendido con la lentitud del proceso de escrutinio, y por un momento caí en la trampa del escrutinio electrónico. Fortuño alega que debemos modernizar nuestro proceso de escrutinio. Es un argumento válido y no lo niego pero aquí les dejo un dato:
Para las elecciones del 2010 en el Reino Unido, votaron 29,691,380 electores. Los centros de votación abrieron a las 7:00 a.m. y cerraron a las 10:00 p.m. El método de escrutinio: manual. El Reino Unido, cuyas primeras elecciones surgen aproximadamente en el año 1295, todavía cuenta sus votos a mano.
El primer resultado de la noche salió a los 52 minutos de haber cerrado los centros de votación después de contar 38,201 papeletas. La mayoría de los resultados salieron antes de las 4:00 a.m. (11:00pm hora de Puerto Rico) y ya al día siguiente estaban todos los 29,691,380 votos contados y los ganadores certificados. El escrutinio manual sirve, no se dejen engañar, la tecnología hace todo más fácil, sí, incluyendo robar elecciones.
David A. Rodríguez Díaz
San Juan
Recordar es vivir
¿QUIERE USTED RESUCITAR TIEMPOS PASADOS Y REVIVIR LOS MOMENTOS GLORIOSOS, JOCOSOS O CURIOSOS DE SU VIDA ESTUDIANTIL? Envíenos su fotografía con un pequeño comentario del evento a: recordaresvivir@elnuevodia.com o por correo a El Nuevo Día, Sección Cartas, P.O. Box 9227512, San Juan, P.R. 00922-7512.
Carta a la AEE
Nanny Torres
Estimado director de la Autoridad de Energía Eléctrica, Otoniel Cruz Carrillo:
Primero, mis excusas por no haberle felicitado por su nombramiento como director de la mencionada corporación en octubre del año pasado.
Me imagino que debe estar muy ocupado en estos días manejando el nuevo sistema de servicio al cliente que estrenará en abril y que permitirá servicios más ágiles para los 1.5 millones de abonados y una eventual reducción en la tarifa mensual de luz. (Que así sea.) Al menos eso es lo que usted le aseguró al País hace unos días.
La razón de esta misiva es mi preocupación por la poca respuesta de la corporación que dirige a los reclamos de los abonados publicados en esta sección en torno al servicio de electricidad. Muchos de ellos, cansados de acudir a las oficinas de la AEE y de radicar querellas, como último recurso recurren a este periódico y escriben con la esperanza de que usted, o alguno de sus ayudantes, lean sus reclamos y tomen la decisión de ayudarles.
Pues de eso es que se trata la sección que dirijo. Es un espacio que le da voz a quien siente que no la tiene. Que le da presencia a quien, en ocasiones, pasa inadvertido, por no decir abandonado, en las agencias llamadas a dar servicio, incluyendo la que usted dirige. Recuerde, la que usted dirige. Un servicio que no es gratis y que, a propósito, se paga caro.
A esta sección constantemente llegan cartas de abonados con problemas de voltaje en sus residencias que les provocan serios daños no solo a los enseres, sino a sus bolsillos. También envían cartas, ciudadanos que se exponen al crimen, más de lo que están, porque los alrededores de sus viviendas lucen como boca de lobo debido a la falta de postes y a focos fundidos. Además, recibo reclamos de personas que se cansan de llamar a sus oficinas para solicitar podas de árboles que, en muchas ocasiones, provocan cortocircuitos poniendo en peligro sus vidas. No son demandas tontas ni insignificantes. Son genuinas y la gran mayoría se hace por la frustración de no recibir un servicio adecuado.
¿Qué espero de esta misiva? No mucho. Solo su interés por los derechos de estos ciudadanos, quienes aguardan porque en su corporación usted o alguien les ayude a resolver sus problemas. ¿Simple, verdad?
Aguardo su respuesta.
Escriba a ntorres1@elnuevodia.com
Domingo 25 de marzo de 2012
The visit to Cuba of Pope Benedict XVI, the second of a pontiff in 50 years, is of great importance not only for the Church, but to the neighboring country in the midst of the agenda of economic, socio-political and human rights in material that history required the Greater Antilles and other nations in the region.
March 25, 2012
La visita a Cuba del papa Benedicto XVI, la segunda de un pontífice en 50 años, tiene gran importancia no sólo para la Iglesia, sino para el hermano país en medio de la agenda de cambios económicos, sociopolíticos y en material de derechos humanos que la historia les exige a la Mayor de las Antillas y otras naciones de la región. The visit to Cuba of Pope Benedict XVI, the second of a pontiff in 50 years, is of great importance not only for the Church, but to the neighboring country in the midst of the agenda of economic, socio-political and human rights in material that history required the Greater Antilles and other nations in the region.
Con las declaraciones que hizo Juan Pablo II en su visita de 1998 sobre la apertura recíproca de Cuba y del mundo como trasfondo, no hay duda de que esta nueva visita pastoral tendrá efectos que trascenderán la celebración de los cuatrocientos años del hallazgo de la Virgen de la Caridad del Cobre, patrona de Cuba, y la naturaleza de un encuentro al que el Vaticano se ha referido como “un viaje a la esperanza”. The statements made John Paul II during his visit of 1998 on the mutual opening of Cuba and the world as a backdrop, there is no doubt that this new pastoral visit will have effects that transcend the conclusion of four years of the discovery of the Virgin of Charity of Cobre, patroness of Cuba, and the nature of a meeting that the Vatican has referred to as "a journey of hope."
Entre las consecuencias más significativas hemos de esperar que se acreciente el debate de los últimos años sobre el derrotero cubano y un proyecto de reformas que abarque desde el desarrollo económico de la isla, la situación social de su pueblo y el inevitable tema de los derechos políticos y humanos. Among the most significant consequences we expect to increase a debate in recent years over the course of Cuba and a draft amendment that extends from the island's economic development, the social situation of his people and the inevitable topic of political rights and humans. Cambios que, para que puedan ser efectivos, tienen que darse sin intervencionismos, sin represión y en un clima de libertad y de reconciliación. Changes so they can be effective, must occur without interventionism, without repression and a climate of freedom and reconciliation.
Abonaría grandemente a esa reconciliación una decidida acción gubernamental de garantía de las libertades públicas, como la de la libre expresión, y un plan que conlleve la excarcelación de los presos políticos. Greatly to that reconciliation would pay a determined government action guarantee civil liberties such as free speech, and a plan that involves the release of political prisoners.
La doctrina cristiana es un componente en la formación de la nacionalidad cubana. The Christian doctrine is a component in the formation of the Cuban nationality. Por lo tanto, la vida religiosa y los valores que promueve la Iglesia por medio de sus representantes, desde el párroco del pueblo hasta el Sumo Pontífice, constituirán componentes imprescindibles en esas discusiones y en la convergencia que debe darse entre el pueblo cubano en la identificación de soluciones a los problemas comunes. Therefore, the religious life and the values promoted by the Church through their representatives, from the parish priest to the Pope, constitute essential components in these discussions and the convergence that must occur between the Cuban people in identifying solutions to common problems.
En ese sentido deben enmarcarse tanto la visita desde este lunes del papa Joseph Ratzinger, como la postura de la Iglesia a favor de la integración de Cuba a la comunidad de naciones. In this regard must be framed so the visit starting Monday, the pope Joseph Ratzinger, as the position of the Church in favor of the integration of Cuba into the community of nations.
Aprovechando que los ojos del mundo estarán posados sobre Cuba, no debe desperdiciarse tampoco esta visita para retomar ante la comunidad internacional la discusión sobre el fin del bloqueo comercial a la isla y sobre el estado de sus relaciones con los países vecinos. Taking advantage of the world's eyes are fixed upon Cuba, not to be missed visit to the international community to resume the discussion about the end of the trade embargo with the island and the state of its relations with neighboring countries.
De la misma manera, el ambiente de inclusión, espiritualidad y reflexión que acompaña la presencia del máximo líder del pueblo católico en cualquier país, ofrece un marco apropiado para que el gobierno cubano someta a revisión autocrítica sus políticas restrictivas y de censura contra quienes ejercen el derecho a disentir. Similarly, the inclusive environment, spirituality and reflection that accompanies the presence of the top leader of the Catholic people in any country, provides an appropriate framework for the Cuban government to submit to self review their restrictive policies and censorship against those who exercise right to dissent. Y debe poner coto a sus métodos de respuesta a pacíficas manifestaciones ciudadanas que claman por libertades. And it must curb their methods of response to peaceful demonstrations calling for civic freedoms.
Se espera que un millón de personas, entre las que figura una delegación de Puerto Rico, asistirá a una misa con la que culminará la visita apostólica en la Plaza de la Revolución. It is expected that one million people, which include a delegation from Puerto Rico, will attend a Mass with the apostolic visit that will culminate in the Revolution Square. En representación de tantos otros que no podrán acudir a la celebración, esos fieles darán testimonio con su presencia del fervor religioso que, en décadas, nada ni nadie ha podido apagar. On behalf of many others who can not attend the celebration, those faithful give witness by their presence of religious fervor in decades, nothing and no one has ever put out.
Que se haga así la voluntad de que, en toda su extensión y desde el más mínimo hasta el mayor de sus resultados, esta misión del líder vaticano quede materializada como “un viaje a la esperanza”. That will be done so that, in its entirety and from the smallest to the largest of its results, the Vatican mission leader be materialized as a "journey of hope."
Que así sea. So be it.
March 25, 2012
The visit to Cuba of Pope Benedict XVI, the second of a pontiff in 50 years, is of great importance not only for the Church, but to the neighboring country in the midst of the agenda of economic, socio-political and human rights in material that history required the Greater Antilles and other nations in the region. The visit to Cuba of Pope Benedict XVI, the second of a pontiff in 50 years, is of great Importance not only for the Church, But to the Neighboring country in the Midst of the Agenda of Economic, socio-political and human rights in materials That the Greater Antilles history required and other nations in the region.
The statements made John Paul II during his visit of 1998 on the mutual opening of Cuba and the world as a backdrop, there is no doubt that this new pastoral visit will have effects that transcend the conclusion of four years of the discovery of the Virgin of Charity of Cobre, patroness of Cuba, and the nature of a meeting that the Vatican has referred to as "a journey of hope." The statements made John Paul II DURING historical visit of 1998 on the mutual opening of Cuba and the world as a backdrop, there is no doubt That This New pastoral visit will transcend That Have the effects of four years Conclusion of the discovery of the Virgin of Charity of Cobre, patroness of Cuba, and the nature of a meeting That the Vatican has Referred to as "a journey of hope."
Among the most significant consequences we expect to increase a debate in recent years over the course of Cuba and a draft amendment that extends from the island's economic development, the social situation of his people and the inevitable topic of political rights and humans. Among the Most Significant Consequences we expect to increase in recent years of debate over the course of Cuba and to draft Amendment That extends from the island's Economic Development, the social situation of historical people and the unavoidable topic of Political rights and humans. Changes so they can be effective, must occur without interventionism, without repression and a climate of freedom and reconciliation. So They can be Changes Effective, Must OCCUR without interventionism, without repression and a climate of freedom and reconciliation.
Greatly to that reconciliation would pay a determined government action guarantee civil liberties such as free speech, and a plan that involves the release of political prisoners. That reconciliation would Greatly to pay to Government Determined action civil liberties guarantee Such As free speech, and to plan That Involves the release of Political prisoners.
The Christian doctrine is a component in the formation of the Cuban nationality. The Christian doctrine is a component in the formation of the Cuban Nationality. Therefore, the religious life and the values promoted by the Church through their representatives, from the parish priest to the Pope, constitute essential components in these discussions and the convergence that must occur between the Cuban people in identifying solutions to common problems. THEREFORE, the religious life and the values Promoted by the Church-through Their Representatives, from the parish priest to the Pope, essential components CONSTITUTES In These discussions and the convergence That must OCCUR Between the Cuban people in Identifying solutions to common problems.
In this regard must be framed so the visit starting Monday, the pope Joseph Ratzinger, as the position of the Church in favor of the integration of Cuba into the community of nations. In This Regard Must be framed so the visit starting Monday, the pope Joseph Ratzinger, as the position of the Church in behalf of the integration of Cuba Into the community of nations.
Taking advantage of the world's eyes are fixed upon Cuba, not to be missed visit to the international community to resume the discussion about the end of the trade embargo with the island and the state of its relations with neighboring countries. Taking Advantage of the world's eyes are fixed upon Cuba, not to be missed visit to the international community to resume the discussion about the end of the trade But With The island and the state of Relations with Neighboring ITS countries.
Similarly, the inclusive environment, spirituality and reflection that accompanies the presence of the top leader of the Catholic people in any country, provides an appropriate framework for the Cuban government to submit to self review their restrictive policies and censorship against those who exercise right to dissent. Similarly, even the environment, spirituality and reflection That accompanies the Presence of the top leader of the Catholic people in Any Country, Provides an Appropriate framework for the Cuban Government to submit to self review and censorship Their Restrictive Policies Against Those Who Exercise right to dissent . And it must curb their methods of response to peaceful demonstrations calling for civic freedoms. And it Must Curb Their methods of response to peaceful Demonstrations calling for civic freedoms.
It is expected that one million people, which include a delegation from Puerto Rico, will attend a Mass with the apostolic visit that will culminate in the Revolution Square. It is expected That one million people, Which include a delegation from Puerto Rico, will to Attend Mass With The apostolic visit will culminate That in the Revolution Square. On behalf of many others who can not attend the celebration, those faithful give witness by their presence of religious fervor in decades, nothing and no one has ever put out. On behalf of Many Others Who Can not Attend the celebration, faithful give witness by Those Their Presence of religious fervor in Decades, nothing and no one has ever put out.
That will be done so that, in its entirety and from the smallest to the largest of its results, the Vatican mission leader be materialized as a "journey of hope." That will be done so That, In Its entirety and from the Smallest to the largest of STI results, the Vatican mission leader be materialized as a "journey of hope."
So be it. So be it.
Who is that pee?
RAFAEL SÁNCHEZ LUIS1. "Language is never innocent," says Roland Barthes, French writer. The claim is proven, over and over again, when a parent raises from floor to stem poppy
Huascar Robles CarrasquilloThe tasting process of presidential candidates has been less a "five course meal" and a "two girls one cup". Newt Gingrich promised to take us to the moon and Mitt Romney ca
MAYRA MONTEROESCRITORAL or visit the Republican candidates really have to look at it as a strange phenomenon of spontaneous imaginative creation, who say the ps
Money to go around
We know the reason for the layoffs in the government. There must be money to distribute among friends and relatives of government.
Thanks to the responsible press, as El Nuevo Dia know everything. Millions and millions of dollars distributed to contractors and consultants illegally.
It is time that we unite and we demand the governments concerned and that's enough, please be moral and ethical, they manage our money.
Jairo Vasquez
Wait for an answer of Henry Neumann
I'm still waiting for the answer to Henry Neumann, related to the new regulations on professional wrestling.
It was a year of that meeting of lies and deception on his part and nothing happened.
Stop playing the police and take charge of your department as far as fight promoters are concerned, he is filling the room with water.
Edwin Vazquez Ortega
On Sunday March 18, those Puerto Ricans who voted in the primaries, we launched our election cycle. As a political science student, I waited patiently for the first results. I was surprised by the slow process of scrutiny, and for a moment I fell into the trap of electronic scrutiny. Fortuño argues that we must modernize our screening process. It is a valid argument and do not deny it but here I leave a tip:
For the 2010 elections in the United Kingdom, 29,691,380 voters voted. The polls opened at 7:00 am and closed at 10:00 pm The screening method: manual. The UK, whose first elections come around the year 1295,
yet their votes by hand.
The first result of the night came at 52 minutes after polls closed after counting ballots 38.201. Most of the results came out before 4:00 am (11:00 pm Puerto Rico time) and already the next day were all the 29,691,380 votes counted and the winners certificates. The manual count is used, do not be fooled, technology makes things easier, yes, including stealing elections.
David A. Rodriguez Diaz
San Juan
Remember is to live
WANT TO RAISE THE PAST AND REVIVE THE GLORIOUS MOMENTS, humorous or CURIOUS OF STUDENT LIFE? Send your photo with a brief commentary of the event: recordaresvivir@elnuevodia.com or mail to El Nuevo Dia, Letters Section, PO Box 9227512, San Juan, PR 00922-7512.
Como en Miss Universo
Los sueños de Guillermo Somoza
Benjamín Torres Gotay
Mayra Montero
¿Cómo calificas el estado de la seguridad infantil en las escuelas públicas del País?
Muy buena
Un desastre
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*Puerto Rico* Accommodation Offers Every Traveler Something *...*
via puerto rico sports - Google Blog Search by admin on 3/25/12
As well as the amazing golden beaches, crystal clear waters, and stunning scenery there are numerous golf courses and water sports to enjoy. You will never have an excuse to be bored whilst in Puerto Rico. If you do tire of ...
via Twitter / caribnews on 3/25/12
caribnews: ESTA TARDE: Heineken + jazz + buenos amigos en la Ventana al JazzFest en el Condado. Date la vuelta y vive la experiencia #HeinekenJazz #ad
via Twitter / caribnews on 3/25/12
caribnews: 1:54pm AVISO Tronada Severa para Hatillo, Lares, Utuado, San Sebastian, Isabela, Camuy y Quebradillas hasta las 2:45pm
Egypt's Islamists dispute military's intentions
via Yahoo! News - Top Stories on 3/25/12
Egypt's largest political group, the Muslim Brotherhood, has accused the nation's ruling generals of trying to "hinder" the transition to democratic rule.
Pope brings message of hope at giant Mass
via Yahoo! News - Top Stories on 3/25/12
Pope Benedict XVI addressed hundreds of thousands of Mexicans seeking a message of hope for their violence-plagued country at an open-air Mass on Sunday, saying renewing their hearts and faith would help them in troubled times.
Baseballs, beer, masks: Cuba's patron saint ready for pope
via Yahoo! News - Top Stories on 3/25/12
EL COBRE, Cuba (Reuters) - Dressed in a billowing pink ball gown for her 15th birthday celebrations, Lisette Catanares smiles at the myriad offerings on a shrine to Cuba's patron saint, a doll-sized figurine that Pope Benedict will visit this week. A can of strong 'Bucanero' beer, a medal, carnival masks, signed baseballs, locks of hair: Cubans of all beliefs make offerings here when they ask for miracles and blessings from The Virgin of Charity of El Cobre, a symbol of nationalism that transcends religion. ...
Israeli court rejects 2015 settlement evacuation
via Yahoo! News - Top Stories on 3/25/12
The Israeli Supreme Court on Sunday rejected the state's request to postpone dismantling a large, unsanctioned West Bank settler enclave until late 2015, dealing a serious blow to settler hopes to keep dozens of rogue outposts standing.
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