Friday, March 14, 2014

Opinion: Smokescreen - Metro

Opinion: Smokescreen - Metro

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There is no better way to describe the finding of the Government of Puerto Rico after the issuance of $ 3,500 million in bonds on Tuesday That a mere smokescreen to divert attention from its Consequences and the Underlying Reasons for our economic and fiscal crisis. sense in That , the celebration is the equivalent of holding a family on the brink of bankruptcy makes party Because I was allowed to use your credit card for the last time, although Such purchases will pay a much higher interest.
Incredibly Celebrated as a great achievement That the broadcast was possible at interest rates ranging from 8% to 8.75%, ie, we take a loan to double what other jurisdictions do They are borrowing, but Celebrated. Unfortunately, the lack of capacity in the areas of finance and administration Brought us to this crossroads and the question is now what?
Given it is This Situation still devastating, That we reiterate in making the financial year, the administration in power Should follow the principles Pedro Pierluisi and PNP Outlined Legislative Conference. It has-been over a year since the leadership of the PNP made ​​its recommendations, but as the saying goes, "it's never too late if that is good." There are ten basic principles That Can be Implemented easily. Only this will require the Government to be successful.
First, the government must submit and pass a balanced budget Legislature That you reduce spending adjusting our financial reality, as had to make the vast majority of Puerto Rican families. On the other hand, vacancies May be frozen before the withdrawal of Thousands of public servants as a result of the adoption of the amendment to the Law of Civil Servants Retirement and replace only in cases where it is Those strictly Necessary.
Having Attended to Un certain way the tax case, the government of the day can not lose sight of the economic development of Puerto Rico Largely depends on the conditions exist for That small and medium businesses of our island. With this in mind, to approve a reform of our tax system to redistribute the load Between exempt and non-exempt corporations. Furthermore, It Should repeal national patent and enlarged the SUT, and Control Measures in Place by Which not only capture the SUT, but all taxes are current is Increased. Finally, beyond advertising,: such as "Star Island" should be Effectively Promoted to Puerto Rico as a destination for investment and Ensure That the Necessary conditions for the expansion of Those That Are Already Here businesses are created, thereby propelling the creating jobs.
At the end of the day, Tuesday's celebration does not change our colonial reality. There is Clearly a bad background That we need to address promptly. Beyond Addressing the tax issue and revive our economy, our duty to Achieve equality for all Puerto Ricans. The Consequences of colonial inequality are Largely the cause of the evils That today we meet. That is why we must continue to parallel the struggle for equal rights and privileges enjoyed by our fellow citizens in the states, ie, only fight for equality Brings statehood.
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Opinion: Fifteen hundred less - Metro

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The announcement of the García administration Padilla-targeting potential buyers of bonds, not the people of Puerto Rico, on a reduction of $ 1.500 billion in the next budget may bring solace to the vultures that feed on our debt, but predicts worst times for our country. The demagogic call for the adoption of a budget shrunk hides anticipatable result of such action: in a crisis situation like ours, with a battered private sector and, therefore, unfit to increase their input to the economy, the significant decline government investment will only exacerbate the economic slowdown. In fact, budget cuts depend, to be effective, an expansion of labor participation and revitalizing the market. Both factors are painfully absent from our reality.
The foreseeable consequences of the proposal are not encouraging: utilities already weakened by Act 7 of last term will suffer even more, and some see it as inevitable layoffs or reduced hours. If so, this new wave of unemployed can not find space in the private sector, so that they will become dependent on government assistance-also crippled by budget reductions. In fact, when talking about reducing payroll as the answer to all ills, the fact that in recent years the budget line has declined consistently ignores. In the current fiscal year payroll heading of the consolidated budget is $ 6768.3 million: a reduction of $ 1607.2 million compared to the same item in 2010. 
We are perhaps at the last expedited opportunity to give a more rational government initiatives scattered direction. The government waste has to be replaced by a "good" spending, orderly and sensible. Hiring external resources and advertising costs should be kept to a minimum. The tax base needs to be strengthened not by a new collection of patches to the Internal Revenue Code or special laws dealt festinadamente special treatment to privileged links in the economic chain, but through a comprehensive tax reform, accompanied by audit tools that tackle the scandalous tax evasion. All government-incentive tax privileges, grants, subsidies of all kinds must be subject to strict accountability process, and those who do not respond to a social purpose or not involving a fair reciprocal benefits to the treasury, must be eliminated. In the same way that the state of fiscal emergency has served to justify the dismissal of Act 7 and the dismantling of the retirement systems, should be the basis for revising the exemption decrees approved in dark rooms. Recruitment strategies by the structure of public-private partnerships need to be revised to make collaboration with private companies do not give in unequal conditions that we suffer today. The proposed long-term effect are at present under consideration (Land Use Plan, energy reform) should be based on a rational, consensual and collective interests as northern base.
Communication in the country has to flow in a frank and intelligible, leaving behind pink phrases and half-truths. And above all, determinations about the future of the country should be in the hands of capable people committed to public management. Without these changes-essential and urgent, there is no way to save what we have left, and in 1500 more or less will not make the difference that we desperately need.
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Sin complejo mesiánico García Padilla – Metro

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El gobernador Alejandro García Padilla aseguró hoy que él no se considera el salvador del país, sino que es el mismo pueblo puertorriqueño quien está saliendo de la crisis económica y social, confiando en sí mismo.
"Yo no tengo ningún complejo mesiánico. El país, confiando en sí mismo, está saliendo del hoyo", dijo el primer mandatario en entrevista con Las Noticias Univisión.
A preguntas sobre cómo se encuentra el país, tomando en cuenta los primeros seis meses de gestión, el gobernador afirmó que el desempleo se redujo de 15.2% a 13.4%, y que el crimen también ha bajado en todos los renglones.
"Hoy más sectores tienen derechos civiles que antes no tenían, los estudiantes no van a pagar ya más cuota, hay menos crimen, hay menos desempleo, le devolvimos la autonomía a la universidad, hemos protegido más recursos naturales que cualquier otro gobierno en la historia", desglosó el primer mandatario.
García Padilla mencionó a Las Noticias Univisión que sigue trabajando en los puntos medulares de su administración que son: la ventaja competitiva; la creación de un ecosistema más seguro; combatir el crimen; y la creación de empleos.
"Estamos echando esto para adelante. No me voy distraer con la politiquería chiquita, con los políticos que quieren ahora escalar en sus partidos. Ese tipo de cosas no me distraen. Yo estoy trabajando para la gente, y, poniendo la gente primero, se crean empleos y se combate el crimen", dijo García Padilla.
Por otro lado, se mostró satisfecho con el trabajo que está realizando tanto el superintendente de la Policía, Héctor Pesquera, como el secretario del Departamento de Asuntos al Consumidor (DACO), Lcdo. Nery Enoc Adames Soto.
Sobre el escaño vacante en la Cámara que deja el representante por acumulación Eduardo Ferrer, el primer ejecutivo dijo que la determinación de quién ocupará el cargo la tomará la Junta de Gobierno del PPD en los próximos días. Él estará haciendo sus recomendaciones de posibles candidatos. 

García Padilla travel to Spain

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Governor Alejandro García Padilla will travel back in early July, this time his destination is Spain. 
Metro Knew Then That runs THROUGHOUT the budget process and start the new tax year, García Padilla depart on an official trip to the motherland. ACCORDING to unofficial reports, the trip would be to the city of Madrid. The purpose of travel is unknown at the time, but it will be a delegation of government. 
The governor was recently in New York and Washington DC. In the first city I stayed in the same hotel as I did in the past Marimar Perez Riera, former president of the governing board of the Power Authority, and That cost him the job. Fortress That said did not pay the same rate as the exfuncionaria. In Addition, García Padilla Traveled to Brazil and Panama since taking office last January.

Governor Heads Uniting event binds

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As part of the event Uniting Cabezas , Governor Alejandro García Padilla head shaved today NotiUno programming director Alex Delgado.
The Governor was Accompanied an actor Braulio Castillo, Jr., comedian Raymond Arrieta, Alberto Lázaro, executive director of the Water and Sewer Authority (AAA) and some athletes in the Puerto Rico Olympic Committee (PROC).
This activity seeks to raise funds for the CAP Foundation.
We invite you to view the video below: 

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Extra! Extra! Sensation of the year! Gubernador grows a beard! Enough of this baby face silliness and immaturity, now he will at least LOOK more intelligent; not just his usual the used scooter salesman look. But will anyone buy anything from him anyway? I think we all know the answer. Now, sonny; tell him not only to get bearded but to get REAL, and not just for the next two days...

García Padilla debutó su nueva imagen el martes en su última comparecencia pública. (

Resuelto el misterio de la barba del gobernador

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No se trata de moda, ni de un intento deliberado por cambiar su imagen. Tampoco responde al cumplimiento de alguna promesa religiosa, ni significa que le falte el tiempo para afeitarse. Lo que movió al gobernador Alejandro García Padilla a lucir recientemente una incipiente barba fue una petición de su hijo, Juan Pablo.
El segundo de los vástagos del primer ejecutivo simplemente tenía curiosidad de ver a su padre lucir una barba, y le pidió que se la dejara crecer, explicó el secretario de Asuntos Públicos de La Fortaleza, Jorge Colberg Toro.
"No es una promesa ni un nuevo 'look', simplemente fue que su hijo se lo pidió, y él lo complació", dijo Colberg Toro a este medio.
Añadió que la barba no será un cambio permanente para el gobernador, sino que la exhibirá solo por "par de días".
García Padilla debutó su nueva imagen el martes en su última comparecencia pública. Su inusual estilo levantó algunas conjeturas, pues a lo largo de los años, en sus apariciones, siempre se le ha visto afeitado y acicalado.

Revelan las razones del nuevo look barbudo del gobernador

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Por <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> 03/12/2014 | 02:19 p.m.
No se trata de moda, ni de un intento deliberado por cambiar su imagen. Tampoco responde al cumplimiento de alguna promesa religiosa, ni significa que le falte el tiempo para afeitarse. Lo que movió al gobernador Alejandro García Padilla a lucir recientemente una incipiente barba fue una petición de su hijo Juan Pablo.
El segundo de los vástagos del primer ejecutivo simplemente tenía curiosidad de ver a su padre lucir una barba, y le pidió que se la dejara crecer, explicó el secretario de Asuntos Públicos de La Fortaleza, Jorge Colberg Toro.
"No es una promesa ni un nuevo 'look', simplemente fue que su hijo se lo pidió, y él lo complació", dijo Colberg Toro a este medio.
Añadió que la barba no será un cambio permanente para el gobernador, sino que la exhibirá solo por "par de días".
García Padilla debutó su nueva imagen el martes en su última comparecencia pública. Su inusual estilo levantó algunas conjeturas, pues a lo largo de los años, en sus apariciones, siempre se le ha visto afeitado y acicalado.

HELLO PUERTO RICO! Puerto Rico is Sinking, Former senator Roberto Arango comes out!!! (Finally...), but others are still very much focused on the progress of the country - and other stories

Focused on the progress of the country

Bhatia y Perelló, enfocados en el progreso del País

1098 ratings
We arrive! Heres a quick tour. Lots more coming.
From: swiftyirl
Time: 02:39

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From: Blabbeando
Views: 910
Time: 01:27

March 7, 2014
7:44 a.m.Policy

Roberto Arango admits his homosexuality, said he made a mistake by showing a rubber duck to refer to Senate President Eduardo Bhatia

(M.N.: ! - how horrible, to do these things; didn't he have something livelier and more animated to show?!)

It also leaves open the possibility of a candidacy for mayor of San Juan 
(M.N.: I sincerely wish him good luck and hope that he will become a mayor - the city definitely needs his directness, erectitude and unwavering, firm, non-rubber duck frankness.) 

The former senator Arango resigned from the Senate on August 28, 2011 amid a scandal. (Archive)
After abruptly leaving the Senate by a nude photo scandal and months of speculation about his sexual preference, the former senator Roberto Arango Friday accepted his homosexuality.
In a radio interview with NotiUno, Arango spoke for the first time since his departure from politics on his private life.
Are you gay?, The interviewer asked.
 "Yes," he said firmly before continuing with "besides that I am dealer, I'm a father, I'm a brother, I am the son and, besides that, I like to do community work, I like to help the different communities."
When he realized?, He questioned.
"When I accepted because I am not a psychologist nor those things," he said.
Arango confessed that acceptance came after leaving the Senate. He noted that he had gone through that difficult situation to accept and helped usher in a new life; honest with himself. 
"The output of the Senate and the process was what helped me to accept myself," he said.
He said I have been surprised by the support of the people once left the House of Laws.

 "If I had known the support and solidarity that is in the street ... After that all I got was the support of the people. Myself thought how it is, I can not believe it," said Solidarity received.
Arango said the acceptance process was difficult, denial and a "tough fight", especially having grown up in a Catholic, traditional and conservative family.
 "In the process you accept who you are, you have a big fight with you. It's something that takes years to understand you, appreciate it. It is a psychological process," he said.
In their statements, Arango said he made a mistake by showing a rubber duck to refer to Senate President Eduardo Bhatia. He apologized for the act.
However, he argued on measures against the homosexual community that occurred during his service in the Legislature.
Moreover, the former senator left open the door to a possible run for mayor of San Juan for the New Progressive Party (PNP) and said he was prepared for any trick from their detractors. In fact, said Sunday he will make an announcement about it.
 "I'm ready for that and much more I have today what was not when it happened,. The support and solidarity of San Juan," he said.
As a practicing Catholic, said Arango Francis Pope encourages a change in the Church.
 "The pope is transforming the Church.'s Taking the right message of inclusion, tolerance. Love your neighbor goes over to judge their actions," he said.
On the other hand, to react to the confession, the aspiring president of the municipal committee of San Juan by the PNP, Leo Diaz, said he has no doubt that Arango also aspire for the position.
He noted that the NPP must judge its proposals.
"The discrimination can not be tolerated ... The discrimination destroys society and human beings," he said.
Meanwhile, former Secretary of Labor and aspiring to lead the PNP in San Juan, Miguel Romero, said that voters evaluate what is leadership, ideas and commitment with the candidates.
"He who has the right to make that judgment is the voter, not Miguel Romero," he said when he insisted if being homosexual would be an impediment to seek the mayor of the capital.
The former senator Arango resigned from the Senate on August 28, 2011 amid a scandal for allegedly posting nude photos using a smart phone application called "Grindr", which uses the gay community to network. One of the photos shows the torso of a naked man and the other a subject in a compromising pose.
Arango initially said he did not remember whether he had taken the first of these pictures or not. Alluded to was in a weight loss program, so it was possible that photographs were taken to monitor progress. But again compromising photos were released, he simply said they were a "hoax", neither confirming nor denying that he was the person appearing in the images.
With his resignation, Arango became the sixth legislature to leave the Legislature amid a scandal over the past four years. One was the exportavoz New Progressive Party (PNP) in the House, Rolando Crespo, who resigned after testing positive for cocaine.

Puerto Rico's Resident Commissioner in the United States Congress, Pedro R. Pierluisi, responds to United States Senators Roger Wicker of Mississippi and Joe...
Views: 2277
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Time: 04:15

Venezuela’s Hugo Chávez died a year ago, but the ‘eternal commander’ still won’t be silenced 

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CARACAS, Venezuela — A year after his death, outside the hilltop mausoleum that is the final resting place for late Venezuelan president Hugo Chávez, the “eternal commander” was still putting on a show.
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Student who lives with parents rises as a leader in Venezuela’s protests 

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After nearly a month of anti-government protests and street clashes, the one figure who may be capable of guiding Venezuela out of its crisis is a bearded, disheveled 24-year-old who lives with his parents.
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Pierluisi Announces Senate Confirmation of Judge to Serve on Federal District Court in Puerto Rico 

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Washington, DC—Resident Commissioner Pedro Pierluisi announced that Pedro Delgado-Hernández today was unanimously confirmed, 98-0, by the U.S. Senate for a lifetime judicial appointment on the Federal District Court for the District of Puerto Rico. “I am pleased that Pedro Delgado-Hernández has been confirmed as a federal district court judge.  I am confident that Judge Delgado-Hernández will work tirelessly to dispense justice, based on the facts of the case at hand, and free from any prejudice,” said Pierluisi.  The Resident Commissioner noted that Mr. Delgado-Hernández served as a law clerk to federal judge Juan Torruella; worked as an associate—and later as a partner—at one of Puerto Rico’s most prestigious law firms; and served as Solicitor General of Puerto Rico and as a judge on the Puerto Rico Court of Appeals. In September 2013, Pierluisi introduced Judge Delgado-Hernandez at his confirmation hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee, during which Pierluisi told the Committee:  “Based on his wide-ranging professional experience, his first-rate academic record, his sound judgment, his even temperament, and his passion for public service, Judge Delgado-Hernández is well-prepared to handle the complex criminal and civil cases that would come before him.”  “Judge Delgado-Hernández is the 19th individual to have been confirmed by the U.S. Senate for a lifetime appointment to the U.S. district court in Puerto Rico since 1966, when Congress made the court equivalent to U.S. district courts in the 50 States and the District of Columbia.  Now we have another distinguished Puerto Rican jurist on the federal bench,” said Pierluisi.

Puerto Rico Resorts: Billionaire Looking To Buy San Juan Hotel Complex - The Inquisitr

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The Inquisitr

Puerto Rico Resorts: Billionaire Looking To Buy San Juan Hotel Complex
The Inquisitr
This isn't Paulson's first time investing in Puerto Rico and it likely won't be his last. His hedge fund firm, which is headquartered in New York, invested in two other resorts in the US territory- which is currently being considered for statehood ...

and more »

U.S. Partially To Blame For Puerto Rico Debt Crisis, Representative In ... - Huffington Post

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Partially To Blame For Puerto Rico Debt Crisis, Representative In ...
Huffington Post
WASHINGTON -- Puerto Rico's debt crisis results from the island's status as a United States territory lacking the benefits of statehood, according to Puerto Rico's representative in Congress. "I'd say that this debt that has piled up for decades in ...

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Time for a New Puerto Rican Independence Movement - PanAm Post (blog)

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PanAm Post (blog)

Time for a New Puerto Rican Independence Movement
PanAm Post (blog)
My conversion from pro-statehood to pro-Puerto Rican independence has been a tough one. I've always considered myself more American than Puerto Rican, always been pro-United States, and always been (and still am) a strong supporter of the idea of a...

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Puerto Rico is Sinking | La Respuesta 

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Now in its eighth year of recession, the unemployment rate hovers just above fifteen percent and its poverty rate is twice that of Mississippi, the poorest state in the union. While Puerto Ricans have been moving to the United ...

Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks Review

» Puerto Ricans Negative on Territory; Disappointed in “Commonwealth” Leaders
12/03/14 13:12 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Puerto Rico Report. Puerto Ricans are extremely unhappy and pessimistic.  A scientific poll taken February 19-24 found very negative views regarding: conditions in the territory ; their personal finances a...
» Russian Errs in Suggesting Crimea Have Puerto Rico’s Status
12/03/14 13:12 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Puerto Rico Report. A leading Russian political analyst has suggested that his country establish a relationship with Crimea, the part of Ukraine it invaded this week, similar to the U.S. relationship with ...
» Fortuño Speaks on Puerto Rico’s Economy
12/03/14 13:12 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Puerto Rico Report. Former Gov. Luis Fortuño spoke to the Puerto Rico Chamber of Commerce this week. Fortuño said that his tough financial cuts and transparency with Wall Street had succeeded in keeping at...
» Commonwealthers Write Against Plebiscite on Statehood Their Party Proposed Before
12/03/14 13:12 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Puerto Rico Report. Top leaders of Puerto Rico’s “Commonwealth” party are sending desperate letters to U.S. senators to discourage Federal action on making the territory a State even if Puerto Ricans vote ...
» Territorial Status Makes Fraud Easier
12/03/14 13:12 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Puerto Rico Report. Identity theft has become a familiar concern to many Americans. As consumers become more savvy and businesses tighten up security, thieves have come up with new tactics. In one creative...
» White House Report Shows Puerto Rico Losing Billions by Not Being a State
12/03/14 13:12 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Puerto Rico Report. A new analysis by President Obama’s Office of Management and Budget shows that territory status, often misleadingly called “ Commonwealth ,” is costing Puerto Rico billions of dollars i...
» Why Puerto Rico's bonds are moving to New York | Felix Salmon
12/03/14 13:11 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from puerto rico politics - Google Blog Search. Puerto Rico , which is already junk-rated and which is facing yet another downgrade to its credit rating, is in no position to call any shots when it comes to rai...
» Puerto Ricans' US Citizenship Just “Special Immigrant Status”
12/03/14 13:10 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from puerto rico politics - Google Blog Search. In fact, the closest Puerto Ricans have ever come to being citizens was before the Spanish-American War of 1898, before the United States decided to liberate the ...
» Puerto Rico Should Be Watching Crimea » Gozamos
12/03/14 13:10 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from puerto rico politics - Google Blog Search. Yet, who knew Crimean politics would potentially shine a light on the politics of Puerto Rico ? Nonetheless, after weeks of rioting in the Ukrainian capital of Ki...
» Three years after nude photo scandal Roberto Arango comes out
12/03/14 13:10 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from puerto rico politics - Google Blog Search. There were rumors that Arango might be paving his way to return to Puerto Rican politics but the scandal and the unanswered questions about his sexuality remained...
» Puerto Rico set to debate decriminalizing pot, legalizing medical ...
12/03/14 13:09 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from puerto rico politics - Google Blog Search. Although it has been a U.S. territory since we swiped it from the Spaniards in 1898, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico is rarely taken into consideration when discu...
» Abuse charges roil heavily Catholic Puerto Rico
12/03/14 13:09 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Puerto Rico Newswire. ... have been on this island for a while, it probably means that it's dozens upon dozens of victims out there." Puerto Rico Justice Secretary Cesar Miranda said last week that at leas...
» Catholic Church and Puerto Rico officials at odds in widening sex abuse investigation
12/03/14 13:09 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Puerto Rico Newswire. First, the Catholic Church announced it had defrocked six priests accused of sex abuse in the Puerto Rican town of Arecibo.
» Puerto Rico archbishop: 5 abuse cases being probed
12/03/14 13:08 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Puerto Rico News. The archbishop of Puerto Rico's capital has revealed that government prosecutors are investigating five additional cases of alleged sex abuse within the San Juan Archdiocese.
» Puerto Rican accused of child pornography production involving girl, 14
12/03/14 13:07 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Puerto Rico News. This spectacular 13-acre gated estate offers the ultimate in luxury living and complete privacy.
» Puerto Rico bishops hand over accused priests to civil authorities
12/03/14 13:07 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Puerto Rico News. San Juan, Puerto Rico, Feb 28, 2014 / 03:05 pm .- Archbishop Roberto Gonzalez Nieves of San Juan and Bishop Daniel Fernandez Torres of Arecibo in Puerto Rico have handed over a group of p...
» US agents seize $1.8M worth of marijuana near Puerto Rico
12/03/14 13:07 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Puerto Rico News. After downing stuffed chicken at the glitzy Night of 100 Stars Oscar viewing party at the Beverly Hills Hotel, former Oscar winner Jon Voigt stood up from his seat, looked toward the scre...
» Feds Seize $30 Million Of Cocaine Near Puerto Rico
12/03/14 13:07 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Puerto Rico News. U.S. Attorney Rosa Emilia Rodriguez says agents with U.S. Customs and Border Protection found more than 1,100 kilograms aboard a boat headed toward Puerto Rico with two men who claimed to...
» Go-fast vessel with 38 bales of cocaine intercepted off southern coast of Puerto Rico
12/03/14 13:07 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Puerto Rico News. SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico -- US Customs and Border Protection and US Coast Guard assets intercepted a vessel on Monday evening attempting to smuggle 38 bales of cocaine, totaling 2,432 pounds...
» Former law officers sentenced for attempting to smuggle heroin
12/03/14 13:06 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Puerto Rico News. Today, Acting Assistant Attorney General Mythili Raman of the Justice Department's Criminal Division and U.S. Attorney Rosa Emilia Rodriguez-Velez of the District of Puerto Rico, announce...
» Fitch Releases Report on the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico
12/03/14 13:06 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
» Boyfriend stages first K-...
12/03/14 13:06 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Puerto Rico News. On March 8, the six-member boy group staged its solo concert titled "Boyfriend, fan meeting en Puerto Rico" for 1,700 local fans who gathered at the Centro De Bellas Artes Luis A Ferre in...
» Despite the odds, Puerto Rico can still prosper - VOXXI
12/03/14 13:05 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from puerto rico economy - Google News. Al Jazeera America NYU Washington Square News Despite the odds, Puerto Rico can still prosper VOXXI Last November, I wrote about the dilapidated state of Puerto Rico and ...
» Paulson continues to bet on Puerto Rico - HOTELS
12/03/14 13:05 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from puerto rico economy - Google News. Latin American Herald Tribune Paulson continues to bet on Puerto Rico HOTELS Despite a US$72 billion debt load and an economy that has shrunk 14% since 2006, billionaire ...
» Puerto Rico Sells $3.5 Billion of Bonds to Yield 8.727% - Wall Street Journal
12/03/14 13:01 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from puerto rico - Google News. Puerto Rico Sells $3.5 Billion of Bonds to Yield 8.727% Wall Street Journal Puerto Rico sold $3.5 billion of bonds on Tuesday, according to investors familiar with the offering, ...
» Puerto Rico's travails hit muni bond firm that bet big - MarketWatch
12/03/14 12:50 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from political status of puerto rico - Google News. Puerto Rico's travails hit muni bond firm that bet big MarketWatch Bond buyers sought Puerto Rico's higher yields and triple tax exemption — from fed...
» Anti-Gay Puerto Rican GOP Senator Who Resigned Over Grindr Photos Comes ... - Towleroad
12/03/14 12:50 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from political status of puerto rico - Google News. Anti-Gay Puerto Rican GOP Senator Who Resigned Over Grindr Photos Comes ... Towleroad ... he mocked a San Juan mayoral candidate during a political rally by i...
» Maybe Puerto Rico needed trip to bond junkyard -
12/03/14 12:49 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from political status of puerto rico - Google News. Maybe Puerto Rico needed trip to bond junkyard The news that S&P, Moody's and Fitch have downgraded several Puerto Rican bonds to junk s...
» Abuse charges roil heavily Catholic Puerto Rico -
12/03/14 12:48 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from political status of puerto rico - Google News. Abuse charges roil heavily Catholic Puerto Rico ARECIBO, Puerto Rico (AP) - First, the Catholic Church announced it had defrocked six priests accused...
» Equities flat but Puerto Rico hot - Times of Malta
12/03/14 12:48 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from political status of puerto rico - Google News. San Francisco Chronicle Equities flat but Puerto Rico hot Times of Malta Credit market investors, meanwhile, were jumping all over Puerto Rico...
» Debt Trouble in Puerto Rico - Outside The Beltway
12/03/14 12:48 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from political status of puerto rico - Google Blog Search. Via the BBC: Puerto Rico's debt cut to junk status by Fitch Puerto Rico's debt is 93% of the island's gross domestic product - a ratio that is higher.
» Puerto Rico's potential statehood must clear partisan hurdles ...
12/03/14 12:48 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from political status of puerto rico - Google Blog Search. “That is something that hardly happens because of the political consequences.” Making Puerto Rico the 51st state would add two senators and six to eigh...
» Puerto Rico and Wall Street's 21st Century Debt Peonage ...
12/03/14 12:47 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from political status of puerto rico - Google Blog Search. Unfortunately for Puerto Rico , its fuzzy political relationship with the United States is always described with euphemisms (“Commonwealth”) in order t...
» Puerto Rico and the Insular Cases - Brown Political Review
12/03/14 12:47 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from political status of puerto rico - Google Blog Search. Judge Juan Torruella's pronouncements on the Cases and the colonial relationship between the U.S. and Puerto Rico were among those that best captured t...
» Brooklyn Group Rallies for Release of Puerto Rican Political Prisoner
12/03/14 12:47 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from political status of puerto rico - Google Blog Search. United in their struggle, this group packed a Sunset Park church Monday night, calling for the release of Puerto Rican political prisoner Oscar Lopez R...
» Puerto Ricans' US Citizenship Just “Special Immigrant Status”
12/03/14 12:46 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from political status of puerto rico - Google Blog Search. Under its current status , Puerto Rico is entirely under the plenary powers of the U.S. Congress, where Puerto Ricans living on the island don't have e...
» Russian Political Analyst Suggests Crimea Can Be Russia's Puerto ...
12/03/14 12:46 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from political status of puerto rico - Google Blog Search. We totally understand that the situation in Ukraine is serious, but when our founder gets the following tweet from our friends at Puerto Rico Serio, we...
» Russian Errs in Suggesting Crimea Have Puerto Rico's Status ...
12/03/14 12:46 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from political status of puerto rico - Google Blog Search. A leading Russian political analyst has suggested that his country establish a relationship with Crimea, the part of Ukraine it invaded this week, simi...
» California State Senator Ron Calderon indicted for public corruption
12/03/14 12:45 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from jeanvidal | Politic365. California State Senator Ron Calderon indicted for public corruption This post has been generated by Page2RSS
» Puerto Rico's Debt Sale Is Met With Strong Demand
12/03/14 12:40 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from NYT > Puerto Rico. The commonwealth sold The commonwealth sells $3.5 billion of debt — more than it originally planned — at an 8.72 percent yield.
» Art Matters | San Juan's New Wave
12/03/14 12:39 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from NYT > Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico’s capital is emerging as a hotspot for innovative art.
» Puerto Rico Gets a Break With Rates on Its Bonds
12/03/14 12:39 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from NYT > Puerto Rico. The commonwealth, which is selling $3 billion in bonds on Tuesday, is also raising concern that it may be planning to revamp its existing debt.
» Puerto Rico Sells $3.5 Billion of Bonds to Yield 8.727%
12/03/14 12:38 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from News, Articles, Videos and Photos Search Results - Puerto Rico Sells $3.5 Billion of Bonds to Yield 8.727% sold $3.5 billion of bonds on Tuesday, according to investors familiar with the offering,...
» Gov. supports fight for fair Medicare funding for P.R.
12/03/14 12:38 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from News is my Business. Gov. supports fight for fair Medicare funding for P.R. March 7, 2014 // No Comments Bahía Plaza joins upscale Paseo Caribe complex March 7, 2014 Caribbean Property Group offered a prev...
» Puerto Rico gov’t lays out risks ahead of bond issue
12/03/14 12:37 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from News is my Business. Puerto Rico gov’t lays out risks ahead of bond issue March 10, 2014 // No Comments InterAmerican Univ partners with Airways New Zealand March 10, 2014 The Inter American University of ...
» Puerto Rico Said to Offer $3 Billion at 8.625%-8.875% Yield (1)
12/03/14 12:37 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from News is my Business. Puerto Rico Said to Offer $3 Billion at 8.625%-8.875% Yield (1) This post has been generated by Page2RSS
» Paulson & Co. buys Condado Vanderbilt, La Concha duo
12/03/14 12:37 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from News is my Business. Paulson & Co. buys Condado Vanderbilt, La Concha duo March 11, 2014 // No Comments Investors buy Punta Candelero Beach Resort March 11, 2014 // No Comments Op-Ed: Is there any good...
» GDB sells $3.5B in tax-exempt General Obligation bonds
12/03/14 12:37 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from News is my Business. GDB sells $3.5B in tax-exempt General Obligation bonds March 11, 2014 // No Comments 30.44 +0.36 +1.20% 12.406 -0.584 -4.50% 17.07 +0.13 +0.77% 5.71 +0.09 +1.60% 16.83 -0.28 -1.64% 24....
» Moody’s removes ‘provisional’ designation after GO sale
12/03/14 12:36 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from News is my Business. Moody’s removes ‘provisional’ designation after GO sale March 12, 2014  //  No Comments Puerto Rico auto sales -9.3% in Feb., -7.6% YOY March 12, 2014  //  No Comments Gov’t hopes majo...
» Puerto Rico avanza hacia la despenalización de la marihuana
12/03/14 12:35 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from RSS for Alejandro. Puerto Rico está cada vez más cerca de despenalizar la tenencia de marihuana en pequeñas cantidades y la legalización de su consumo para fines medicinales, después de que los correspondi...
» Proponen limitar por ley el salario de altos cargos públicos en Puerto Rico
12/03/14 12:34 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from RSS for Alejandro. El principal partido de la oposición en Puerto Rico ha presentado una propuesta para limitar por ley el salario de los máximos cargos públicos de la isla, e impedir que estos se puedan c...
» In Puerto Rico's Largest Mall, Teachers Protest Planned Pension Reforms
12/03/14 12:34 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from RSS for Alejandro. Dozens of teachers took part in a protest at Plaza Las Americas, Puerto Rico's largest mall, against planned pension system reforms.
» Teachers stage protest at Puerto Rico's largest mall
12/03/14 12:34 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from RSS for Alejandro. Dozens of teachers took part in a protest at Plaza Las Americas, Puerto Rico's largest mall, against planned pension system reforms.
» Universitarios protestan en previsión de subida de matrícula en Puerto Rico
12/03/14 12:34 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from RSS for Alejandro. Estudiantes universitarios de Puerto Rico protestaron hoy ante la posibilidad de que la universidad pública de la isla decida elevar las matrículas para lidiar con la bajada de ingresos ...
» Puerto Rico volverá a los mercados de deuda en los próximos días
12/03/14 12:33 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from RSS for Alejandro. Puerto Rico volverá a los mercados de deuda en los próximos días para pedir prestados cerca de 2.900 millones de dólares, y lo hará por primera vez en su historia en calidad de emisor de...
» Maestros de Puerto Rico confían en que el Supremo de Puerto Rico les apoye
12/03/14 12:33 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from RSS for Alejandro. Los maestros de Puerto Rico confían en que la decisión del Tribunal Supremo de la isla sobre la reforma de sus pensiones, una opinión que puede darse a conocer a partir de hoy mismo, apo...
» Líder opositor de Puerto Rico dice que es el momento de anexionarse a EE.UU.
12/03/14 12:33 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from RSS for Alejandro. El líder de la oposición en Puerto Rico, Pedro Pierluisi, aseguró hoy que la mala situación financiera de la isla es consecuencia directa de su particular estatus político y que es momen...
» Exgobernador pide bajar impuestos para estimular la economía de Puerto Rico
12/03/14 12:32 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from RSS for Alejandro. El exgobernador de Puerto Rico Luis Fortuño pidió hoy al Ejecutivo de Alejandro García Padilla que baje los impuestos, como mecanismo para estimular una economía en decadencia desde hace...
» El presidente del Tribunal Supremo de Puerto Rico anuncia su retiro
12/03/14 12:32 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from RSS for Alejandro. El presidente del Tribunal Supremo de Puerto Rico, Federico Hernández Denton, anunció hoy, a solo un mes para su jubilación obligatoria, que hará efectivo su retiro del cargo el próximo ...
» Un grupo de trabajo propondrá estrategias para los problemas de Puerto Rico
12/03/14 12:32 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from RSS for Alejandro. El gobernador Alejandro García Padilla anunció hoy la creación de un grupo de trabajo que tendrá como encomienda proponer estrategias para atender en Puerto Rico el problema de la econom...
» Mexican Cartel Leader Long Declared Dead Killed, Again
12/03/14 12:32 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from RSS for Alejandro. Mexico's government confirmed late Sunday that Nazario Moreno González, the leader of the Knights Templar Cartel, was killed in an early-morning shootout with troops despite being declar...
» Panamá reafirma la necesidad regional de ayudar a Venezuela
12/03/14 12:31 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from RSS for Alejandro. Panamá hará uso de los instrumentos internacionales a su alcance para ayudar a Venezuela a encontrar una solución a sus problemas, dijo hoy en una entrevista con Acan-Efe el canciller pa...
» El consulado de Costa Rica en Puerto Rico reabre tras cinco años
12/03/14 12:31 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from RSS for Alejandro. Costa Rica reabrió hoy las puertas de su Consulado General en Puerto Rico, tras cinco años cerrada, para brindar servicios a los costarricenses residentes en la isla y para que ambos ter...
» Puerto Rico recauda con éxito 3.500 millones a menos del 9 % de interés
12/03/14 12:31 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from RSS for Alejandro. San Juan, 11 mar (EFEUSA).- Una demanda 4,5 veces superior a la oferta permitió hoy a Puerto Rico recaudar 3.500 millones de dólares en los mercados de deuda a un interés inferior al 9 %...
» Gobernador de Puerto Rico celebra el "éxito" de su vuelta al mercado de deuda
12/03/14 12:31 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from RSS for Alejandro. El gobernador de Puerto Rico, Alejandro García Padilla, celebró hoy el "éxito" de la colocación de 3.500 millones de dólares en deuda, porque "coloca al país en posición de impulsar más ...
» Costa Rica y Puerto Rico reactivan sus relaciones económicas y culturales
12/03/14 12:30 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from RSS for Alejandro. Los Gobiernos de Puerto Rico y Costa Rica se han propuesto reactivar sus relaciones económicas y culturales, comenzando por la reapertura del Consulado General del país centroamericano e...
» México: Jefe narcotraficante muere por segunda vez
12/03/14 12:30 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from RSS for Alejandro. Nazario Moreno González, jefe del violento cartel narcotraficante de Los Caballeros Templarios, tuvo dos vidas.
» Obama Naval Doctrine: Anchors Away?
12/03/14 12:30 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Congress Blog Archive. While the recent announcement by Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel focused attention on the proposed cuts to the Army, this administration’s evolving doctrine that diminishes the Navy...
» Russian invasion of Ukraine demands NATO response
12/03/14 12:29 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Congress Blog Archive. The invasion of Ukraine by Russian President Vladimir Putin is a watershed in European history. It may also become the defining moment for the presidency of Barack Obama. Unfortunate...
» Why NATO is the lynchpin of U.S. response to Russia
12/03/14 12:29 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Congress Blog Archive. Russia’s swift and unprovoked intervention in Crimea sent the world into frenzy faster than you can say “Tennyson." Cold War analogies now abound in political commentary, most out of...
» El precio de la desigualdad
12/03/14 12:25 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from CNE - Centro Para Una Nueva Economía - Center for a New Economy. Joseph Stiglitz será el orador invitado a la Conferencia Anual del Centro para una Nueva Economía 2014 que se llevará a cabo el viernes 21 d...
» Política fiscal y degradación del crédito de Puerto Rico
12/03/14 12:25 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from CNE - Centro Para Una Nueva Economía - Center for a New Economy. Presentación de Sergio M. Marxuach, director de Política Pública del Centro para una Nueva Economía, en la Facultad de Derecho de la Univ...
» Meeting of cyber crime experts to strengthen legal cooperation
12/03/14 12:23 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Caribbean News Now!: News from Puerto Rico. Meeting of cyber crime experts to strengthen legal cooperation opens at OAS St Lucia records major increases in stay-over-arrivals for January OAS anti-corruptio...
» Jamaican arrested in seizure of 30 bales of marijuana off Puerto
12/03/14 12:23 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Caribbean News Now!: News from Puerto Rico. Jamaican arrested in seizure of 30 bales of marijuana off Puerto Rico March 4, 2014 SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico -- US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and US Coast ...
» Letter: Where is the social and moral consciousness of CARICOM
12/03/14 12:23 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Caribbean News Now!: News from Puerto Rico. Letter: Where is the social and moral consciousness of CARICOM II? Commonwealth ICT ministers meet in London to discuss future of cyber-governance Jamaican arres...
» Two former Puerto Rico law enforcement officers sentenced for
12/03/14 12:13 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Caribbean News Now!: News from Puerto Rico. Two former Puerto Rico law enforcement officers sentenced for scheme to smuggle heroin to inmates March 8, 2014 SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico -- A former state marshal a...
» US: Central America/Mexico corridor still main route for smugglers
12/03/14 12:12 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Caribbean Business. US: Central America/Mexico corridor still main route for smugglers — by far A new U.S. State Department report suggests that the Central America/Mexico corr ... PR to issue $3B in GO bo...
» Governor: Panel to tackle brain drain, informal economy, labor participation
12/03/14 12:11 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Caribbean Business. Governor: Panel to tackle brain drain, informal economy, labor participation Alejandro García Padilla announced Friday the creation of a working group to dra ... Issued: March 7, 2014 L...
» Protests continue after Venezuelan diplomatic win
12/03/14 12:11 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Caribbean Business. Protests continue after Venezuelan diplomatic win Issued: March 8, 2014 CARACAS, Venezuela — Venezuelans returned to the streets in protest Saturday, while the government continued to c...
» Caricom bloc leaders to eye economic benefits of marijuana legalization
12/03/14 12:11 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Caribbean Business. Caricom bloc leaders to eye economic benefits of marijuana legalization GEORGETOWN, Guyana — Researchers with a Caribbean trade bloc have found that dec ... Issued: March 10, 2014 Sea S...
» Paulson & Co. paying $260 million for Condado Vanderbilt, La Concha hotels
12/03/14 12:10 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Caribbean Business. Paulson & Co. paying $260 million for Condado Vanderbilt, La Concha hotels Paulson & Co. Inc, a New York-based investment firm, confirmed Monday that i ... Encanto Group buys in...
» Survey: Sluggish 2Q job market for PR
12/03/14 11:52 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Caribbean Business. Survey: Sluggish 2Q job market for PR Employers in Puerto Rico expect to hire at a sluggish pace during the second qua ... PR university students launch rocket Issued: March 11, 2014 A ...
» PR ramps up bond sale to full $3.5B as demand for junk-rated GOs skyrockets
12/03/14 11:51 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Caribbean Business. PR ramps up bond sale to full $3.5B as demand for junk-rated GOs skyrockets With demand for Puerto Rico’s bonds outstripping demand by more than four times ... Police officer slain in l...
» Experts: Bond deal buys PR some time
12/03/14 11:51 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Caribbean Business. Experts: Bond deal buys PR some time Financial industry professionals were weighing in Tuesday on Puerto Rico’s recor ... PR fiscal team touts $3.5B bond sale Puerto Rico Gov. Alejandro...
» Lawmakers Criticize Latin American Democracies for Inaction in Venezuela - Washington Free Beacon
12/03/14 11:50 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from alba bloc - Google News. New Yorker Lawmakers Criticize Latin American Democracies for Inaction in Venezuela Washington Free Beacon Maduro and former Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez have long used their c...
» Argentina Aligned With Venezuela Goes to Bed With Iran - Guardian Liberty Voice
12/03/14 11:49 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from alba bloc - Google News. Guardian Liberty Voice Argentina Aligned With Venezuela Goes to Bed With Iran Guardian Liberty Voice The socialist ALBA bloc , which consists of Cuba, Ecuador, Nicaragua and Bolivi...
» Venezuela: Demonstrations Continue, Gov't Reiterates Call for Dialogue - InSerbia News
12/03/14 11:49 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from alba bloc - Google News. InSerbia News Venezuela: Demonstrations Continue, Gov't Reiterates Call for Dialogue InSerbia News Regardless, the 29-3 vote showed that the bloc aims for peace and dialogue, not i...
» Venezuela: US Leadership Needed Eurasia Review
12/03/14 11:49 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from alba bloc - Google Blog Search. Via the socialist ALBA bloc —composed of Cuba, Ecuador, Nicaragua, and Bolivia—the government of Venezuela has spearheaded the unprecedented wave of anti-Americanism in Lati...
» Report: US investigating clerical abuse in Puerto Rico; bishop accused
12/03/14 11:47 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Puerto Rico Newswire. A wave of abuse allegations has swept the island since January, according to the wire service.
» Gateway to the Russian invasion
12/03/14 11:46 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from PR Videos - Review. Gateway to the Russian invasion CNN's Anna Coren travels to Kerch where Russian troops are moving in. From: CNNInternational Views: 1 0 ratings Time: 02:06 More in News & Politics
» James Tuller discute problema de la criminalidad en Vieques
12/03/14 10:31 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . El Jefe de la Policía se reunió con el alcalde de Vieques, Víctor Emeric, y con el comisionado especial para el Desarrollo Sostenible para Vieques y Culebra, Carlos Severino El superintendente ...
» Obama Meeting Ukraine's New PM at White House
12/03/14 10:06 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Voice of America. U.S. President Barack Obama is hosting Ukraine's interim prime minister at the White House Wednesday, as the standoff between Russia and the West over the Ukrainian region of Crimea conti...