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I wonder if Ivan González Cancel likes this commentary by me that was published in the Puerto Rico Daily Sun VOICES and in Puerto Rico News Topix. It keeps showing up on websites advocating his candidacy for Governor of Puerto Rico. I used the top photo in my posings instead of the photo used by Gonzalez Cancel? I would like to know whether Ivan González Cancel agrees with me and many of my friends that the Puerto Rico and Federal governments should investigate for possible illegalities Sprint’s extremely poor service and even non-service in certain areas – like where I live – yet still charge customers for service not provided. – Isn’t this stealing to sell what you know is not available? -- I have a feeling Ivan González would not be a political leader greedy for contributions from corporations more interested in getting rich at the expense of the middle class and lower income people. He would protect the people of Puerto Rico instead of looking the other way when greedy corporations, who are big contributors to politicians wanting cash more than serving the people, are ripping off the people – the Ninety-Nine Percenters. I am convinced that the 2012 Election for President will be about whether we want government by the Ninety-Nine Percent or by the One Percent including greedy corporations who buy political power. It is time to end Corporate Greed in not only the national election but in the local elections! --- Whistle Blower Robert McCarroll ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ https://sites.google.com/ 08/2011 06:42 por Ivan Gonzalez Cancel [ actualizado el 11/08/2011 17:55 ] Could González Cancel be a male “Joan of Arc” to save Puerto Rico? Posted by: Upfront Yankee When I opened the Daily Sun to pages 4 & 5, I decided that this must be another boring political story about an unappealing candidate. However, as I read the Peggy Ann Bliss commentary: “González Cancel launches NPP primary fight,” I kept saying enthusiastically to my self, “Yes... Yes... Yes...” to everyone of the points that González Cancel made regarding what is wrong with Puerto Rico and what he would do as governor to correct these problems. He blames corruption for almost all of Puerto Rico’s ills, including the bad economy and the failure to advance the statehood ideal. Often when I read about the high crime rate and political corruption in Puerto Rico, I would wonder why would any stateside American want Puerto Rico to join the Union. It seems that I and González Cancel are on the same wave length that Puerto Rico needs to change or improve to have statehood appeal here and there. Recently, Fortuño said that what he has done for Puerto Rico could be a learning lesson for Washington. I think he has it backwards. What the Tea Party Republicans in Washington are doing to harm the middle, working and disadvantaged classes in the United States, Republican Fortuño is doing the same to the people here in Puerto Rico. Is he influenced by his Tea Party friends in Washington and the red states? What he can teach Washington, is how to make the people wait two to three hours – even more – for a public bus to go to work. How to have the murder rate and other violent crimes become the highest rate in the history of Puerto Rico. Many stateside jurisdictions are reducing crime while Puerto Rico continues to increase crime under Fortuño. I hope the anticipated indictments expected from the United States Department of Justice – FBI will be issued to corrupt officials before the NPP primary. We don’t want to nominate candidates and then find out that they have been indicted for serious crimes. It would be worse if they got elected; and then, we learn that they are corrupt. In addition to serious problems with law enforcement, little has been done under Fortuño to improve the Education Department and Public Health Department to properly serve the people. He fired a lot of public workers to the point where areas to serve the people are now seriously understaffed and in complete disarray. It seems “no one is minding the store.” González recognizes the need to improve these services for the people and has offer many excellent ideas on how to make government better serve all the people in Puerto Rico. Why did I keep thinking of Joan of Arc as I read the many ideas González Cancel offers to make Puerto Rico worthy for statehood and accepted by stateside Americans? How can the people follow this male Joan of Arc to save Puerto Rico? Robert McCarroll - Carolina, Puerto Rico |