The Maduro's Revenge
The Counterintelligence - Venezuelan - New Abwehr - "Special Operation Retaliation" Hypothesis of the political events in Puerto Rico of July 2019
Maduro decided to get back at Rossello for calling to oust him, and turned the tables: he ousted Rossello himself instead, by complaining to the New Abwehr cum New Nazi Socialist International, which includes Schroeder, Putin, and Netanyahu. The New Abwehr hatched its Special Intelligence and Revenge operation plan, under the code name The Great Hell Knows What Kind Of Socialist Nazi Trumpian Revolution in Puerto Rico, of July 2019. The most poignant and pungent point is that all the players were and are just the New Abwehr's pawns and tools in this plan and game. They used them as their cat paws.
They incited the conflict, on purpose, beween Rossello and Trump, and used their leftist connections (anti-Keleher "Teachers Revolt"), for the well organized demonstrations, interspersed with the Telegramgate revelations.
Only very limited number of players have the capability to hack Telegram chats; in order of likelihood: Mossad, CIA, Russians, Gemans, Others.
Who leaked the transripts to the "Investigative Journalists"? Leff? FBI? Others?
Without a doubt the local FBI played a key role in all these affairs, and the degree to which the cases of the governmental corruption were manufactured, to suit the anti-Rossello political needs at the moment, has to be determined by the careful new investigations and examinations.
The role of the Generalissimo Schatz The Queenmaker in these events also has to be evaluated and determined.
BDO In Puerto Rico case, with its shredding of documents, appears to be the direct link and probably the expendable conduit in this game, conducted by the New Abwehr, and indicating the "German Connection", probably with the BND, as one of the New Abwehr's operational arms.
All this above is just a working investigative hypothesis. The accurate investigations are absolutely needed, it seems to me.
Michael Novakhov
7:00 AM 8/10/2019
Their men in Caracas and their men in San Juan. And who could that be, Mr. Leff? Are you supposed to be in charge of these issues? Maybe, you are one of them?
See also:
The Big San Juan Show: Puerto Rico demonstrations of July 2019 and their Counterintelligence aspects - 8:36 AM 7/26/2019
The Big San Juan Show: Puerto Rico demonstrations of July 2019 and their Counterintelligence aspects - 8:36 AM 7/26/2019
The Big San Juan Show
In my humble opinion, these "investigative leaks" and the demonstrations were absolutely obviously: staged,pre-orchestrated and pre-planned
carefully and artfully filmed and photographed with the distinctive style
reported in the arranged and well organised fashion.
Does it give you a taste of things to come?
Michael Novakhov
8:36 AM 7/26/2019
Puerto Rico demonstrations of July 2019 - Google Search

M.N.: Comments: Quite well fed demonstrators. They are "hungry for the truth and the politically correct (Pro-Trumpian?) vocabulary". Does it sound credible enough to you?
Rossello and regime change in Venezuela
Oct 9, 2018 - Aggression- Puerto Rico governor Ricardo Rossello is hosting Venezuelancounterrevolutionaries for a regime change summit ...
It would be an error of omission, I think, not to consider the counterintelligence aspect of this affair, and namely the issues around the "regime change" whatever it is, in Venezuela:
Gov. Rosselló signs declaration with former Caracas mayor for ‘reconstruction of Venezuela’ via
See Michael Novakhov's other Tweets
“The free nations of the world, which include the United States of America, of which Puerto Rico is a part of, have made compelling expressions so that democracy will be reinstated in Venezuela as soon as possible,” the governor said.
Rosselló added that “based on the responsibility to protect fundamental human rights and the principles of international law, the countries that want the return to democracy in Venezuela are committed to opening humanitarian channels of support to that country, by land, air, and sea.”
According to the governor’s news release, Venezuela’s humanitarian crisis and instability has had “great repercussions throughout the region; this includes Puerto Rico,” which is about 500 miles away from Venezuela.
“Puerto Rico has a population of Venezuelans who, not only are committed to the values of a democratic government, but actively contribute to the economic life of the Island, as well as to its richness and cultural diversity,” the release further says.
According to the joint declaration, Puerto Rico, “as part of the United States—has the guarantees and legitimacy offered by a democratic government that respects human rights and shares with the people of Venezuela a Hispanic tradition and geographical proximity, which results in a cultural and linguistic convergence.
“Faced with this historical-political reality, the Island is the propitious place to articulate a plan that aims at the reconstruction of Venezuela, with full and active participation of the Government of the United States.”"
In retrospect, it seems to me, the prospective Venezuelan "eliminees" took it too closely to their sensitive socialist hearts, and decided to become the "eliminators" themselves, and to eliminate Mr. Rossello as the political force, a quite common line of thought about the actions and the reactions. The "Discounted Venezuelan Oil in Puerto Rico" issue, reported consistently, and just as consistently ignored by those suspected, remains valid, and it apparently is from the same or the closely related opera, namely: the Venezuelan presence in Puerto Rico, sponsored by the certain figures for their own certain purposes, just like other ethnic minority groups.
Ziz iz zi Ztreet with many different and various directions. To put it simpler: Who is subverting whom, and how?
The related bouquet of issues is the forms and ways of finding the conceptual understanding between Trump, his Administration and operatives, and their counterparts in Venezuela and Russia, which takes the protection of Maduro very close to her heart also. And also, possibly in many other places.
I wish, someone of the Specialists would handle this bouquet. And I also wish that some day we will learn the truth.
Another recommendation, or the "tip" as they are called, in this regard:
Investigate Carlos Cases, a former chief of Puerto Rico FBI.
He and Pesquera are the two related boots of the same pair.
Me zinkz that you may find a lot of interezting zinkz in hiz heroic exploitz, bezidez being a regular village idiot, who trained the other village idiotz.
The possible roles of the FBI and the related structures of Puerto Rico in this Rossello Resignation Affair, or the Puerto Rico Coup D'Etat of July 2019, as I call it, are highlighted by the fact that the hair apparent to Rossello isWanda Vazquez, who possibly is the ally of the others, involved in this Coup.
22 hours ago - Vázquez's close political ties to Rosselló, along with her own political history, have many people here viewing her as only a temporary solution.
Investigate all of them, and many others.
Michael Novakhov
10:01 AM 7/26/2019
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