Tuesday, June 11, 2013

"The electronic health record is a tool for gaining greater acceptance worldwide..."

ASES firm in continuing to promote the use of electronic medical record 

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ASESSAN JUAN - The executive director of the Health Insurance Administration of Puerto Rico (ASES), Ricardo Rivera Cardona, on Monday reiterated the agency's commitment to continue promoting the use of electronic medical records from doctors, dentists, hospitals and other providers health.
The statements were made during Rivera Cardona participation in professional, Healthcare Information Technology Executive Summit 2013, which conducted the Hospital Association of Puerto Rico.
To do so, Cardona Rivera emphasized the effectiveness and progress of the federal incentive program that is currently in effect. Medicaid Incentive Program provides incentive payments to eligible providers for the adoption, implementation or upgrade of EHR technology (Electronic Health Record) in ways that positively affect the health care of the patient.
"The electronic health record is a tool for gaining greater acceptance worldwide among health care providers because of the immediacy to lead a process that can be vital in a patient, and Puerto Rico should not be the exception. In addition to the assurances and controls it provides, the electronic record is essential for the provision of medical services of the highest quality, comprehensive, complete and comprehensive, "said Rivera Cardona.
He offered as an example, since implementing the incentive program in October 2012, and a nearly $ 40 million has been disbursed among hospitals, dentists, physicians, and others to adopt the use of technology in the Island
Additional payments expected to be paid on June 30, 2013 around $ 1.1 million to eight additional hospitals will be granted EHR incentive for a total of 28 hospitals representing 29 percent of hospitals nationally approved. At present, about 2,298 providers are receiving the incentive.
He said that among the main advantages of using electronic medical record highlights the online information retrieval, management of standards for information exchange, a unified registry, easy to track diagnoses and treatments, among others.

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