April 6, 2012
Colonial education
I would like to speak well of Luis Muñoz Marín for their political projects and the thought made seeking the good of his countrymen even though some of his mistakes were extremely serious and fatally momentous for Puerto Rican nation.
Sometimes he betrayed his ego huge and enlarged by successive electoral victories and convincing evidence that he accepted as certain that he preached and was asserting the truth. The politicians of the time swore that his will and his words were constitutional. Arcilio Alvarado, the then Speaker of the House of Representatives, at a meeting of popular avant-garde that he expressed his opposition to the holding of the plebiscite of 1967, we read: "The problem is that Munoz is never wrong and it is very difficult to organize a group that successfully oppose their plans. "
This absence of criticism and led to extreme brake so irrational as to ensure that freedom of Puerto Rico, expressed full independence would mean economic ruin of our island nation -.
Thereafter, education, already showed traits colonialists who justified the invasion of 1898 as a blessing for our democratic and economic Pueblo, obviated the emphasize the importance of our nationality and culture to promote values of Anglo-Saxon nation we had 'given' citizenship that, while second class, took care of us and fed us.
This psychological dependence affecting our self-esteem was enhanced in primary and secondary school which gave prominence to the Washingtons, Lincolns and the military and economic omnipotence of the United States.
Already committed to accept the stigma of inferiority in exchange for Pan, Earth, Light, Water and shoes, the Popular Party created the panacea of Bootstrap that, after all, he drew his Puerto Rican national consciousness acribillándola to billetazos slogans and annexation of the threshed as Permanent Union.
The Puerto Rican child was brought up accepting and validating the muñocista colonialism that included a Constitution violated in the very womb of self-determination and a Preamble shameful that glorifies citizenship 'American' at the expense of the Puerto Rican nationality and the supreme value of freedom .
So, fellow all these people today, and some old ones too, were educated in a colonial system which was enacted and legislated lies, fraud and abuse imperialist hiding in clear violation of human rights that the United States crow in defending both Urbi et Orbi. The mere mention of a name in the United Nations full: Oscar Lopez Rivera, enough to embarrass the nation that claims to represent the highest concept of democracy.
Product of the colonial education system have been several generations of Puerto Ricans and if so, how to expect men and women of this country, now, go to the polls to vote for independence, that is nothing more than the sum of the concepts freedom and nationality? They have been attacked to humiliate and to abochornarnos to be citizens of our nation.
That's why separatists in Puerto Rico can not pandering to the colonialists and promoting and voting in annexation referendums where the vast majority of voters, colonized at last, despise the supreme values of freedom and of Puerto Rican nationality .
And back to Muñoz Marín, no doubt that in the loneliness of old age, so often recalled having been abused in the views of Bill Fernós - Murray then consider the possibility of being wrong for leaving his people at the mercy of values and people who degrade us.
That Muñoz "cornered by history" and was sad that Pancho drew Rodon.
What to do?
The mission of independence not vote in colonial elections but to preach, educate and create awareness in our youth of our nation renouncing citizenship colonialism 'American' that allows us to project ourselves as free men and distinctly Puerto Rican. Want Freedom and Sovereignty? Let's start by claiming our citizenship demanding recognition of the United Nations.
The Puerto Rican loves his island, treasure their language, know what you want and all you need is to let it be all that is and all you can be.
Santori Fufi
Joseph Santori Coll was born in Santurce and after studying at the Colegio San Jose de Rio Piedras...
Mike Nova comments:
It is very easy to experience and excite nationalistic passions trying to channel social and political discontent into these muddy waters. It is more difficult to fully appreciate the political and social reality. "Puertoricenos" love for this beautiful island and their pride in their language and cultural heritage and traditions are fully understandable and even admirable. The value and veracity of Mr. Santori's laments however are quite questionable. Who and what can be truly "independent" in our highly interdependent and complex world? The so called "independence for Puerto Rico", besides being quite unrealistic, since the majority of Puertoricenos does not support it, would bring wide spread poverty, social and political instability and unrest, inevitable decline and even greater dependence in economic and political matters. Freedom from the "values of Anglo-Saxon nation" (all true values are universal) and the mystical vestiges of "colonial education" and "psychological dependency" means first of all freedom from the narrow minded and trite nationalistic stereotypes on which Mr. Santori seems to be so (almost hopelessly) dependent.
Mike Nova comentarios:
Es muy fácil de experimentar y de excitar las pasiones nacionalistas que tratan de canalizar el descontento social y político en estas aguas turbias. Es más difícil de apreciar por completo la realidad política y social. "Puertoricenos" amor por esta hermosa isla y su orgullo en su lengua y el patrimonio cultural y las tradiciones son completamente comprensible y admirable aún. El valor y la veracidad de los lamentos el Sr. Santori de embargo son bastante cuestionables. ¿Quién y qué puede ser verdaderamente "independiente" en nuestro mundo altamente interdependiente y complejo? La llamada "independencia de Puerto Rico", además de ser muy poco realista, ya que la mayoría de los Puertoricenos no lo soporta, llevaría a la pobreza amplia difusión, social e inestabilidad política y disturbios, la inevitable decadencia y la dependencia aún mayor en los asuntos económicos y políticos. La libertad de los "valores de la nación anglosajona" (todos los verdaderos valores son universales) y los vestigios místicos de la "educación colonial" y "dependencia psicológica" significa, ante todo la libertad de los estrechos estereotipos nacionalistas de mentalidad y trillado en el que el Sr. Santori parece ser que (casi desesperadamente) dependiente.
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