Saturday, March 31, 2012

10:37 AM 3/31/2012| via Opinión - El Nuevo Día on 3/30/12: “The Lack of Affection: The good relationship between nations is cultivated with the affections that develop between their people. The estadoístas really and conveniently hope that the United States promote the integration of Puerto Rico to the Federal Union. The Anglo-Saxon nation that invaded us in 1898 lets us know right away that it is interested in the territory and its inhabitants are despised. They were, for them, culturally and economically different and certainly categorized as inferior. The Puerto Ricans, despite being part of a poor society treasure their Spanish language, are proud of their customs and are eager to work and share with "American" democracy, but in a plane of equality and respect.”


The Lack of Affection
The good relationship between nations is cultivated with the affections that develop between their people. The estadoístas really and conveniently hope that the United States promote the integration of Puerto Rico to the Federal Union.
The Anglo-Saxon nation that invaded us in 1898 lets us know right away that it is interested in the territory and its inhabitants are despised. They were, for them, culturally and economically different and certainly categorized as inferior.
The Puerto Ricans, despite being part of a poor society treasure their Spanish language, are proud of their customs and are eager to work and share with "American" democracy, but in a plane of equality and respect.
Washington never saw us as equals and that has created between them and us a deficit of affection. So when the Puerto Rican people is consulted at the polls to vote overwhelmingly for statehood, it explodes in your face to a rejection like estadoístas reflected in the survey of El Nuevo Dia
And they're surprised that Puerto Ricans do not want to melt in the nation "American" and want to continue speaking Spanish and identifying with their National Basketball Team in the London Olympics.
Because in life there is nothing more important than affection. Something that is not bought with money.

via Review - The New Day on 3/30/12
The unveiling yesterday at the Capitol Holocaust Memorial, in memory of six million Jewish victims of Nazi extermination in Europe, should be erected on a platform for reflection in Puerto Rico about the intransigence and xenophobia lead to big crimes against Humanity is prohibited horrendous crimes forgotten.
In the Baskets Batey, the Indians seem more Chiefs than Indians, by rank, not by tribal rank, of course, which shows once more that a handful of men in community


Déficits de afectos

La buena relación entre naciones se cultiva con los afectos que se desarrollan entre su gente. Los estadoístas cifran en lo material y la conveniencia sus esperanzas de que Estados Unidos promueva la integración de Puerto Rico a la Unión Federal.

La nación anglosajona que nos invadiera en 1898 nos hizo saber enseguida que interesaba el territorio y despreciaba a sus habitantes. Eran, para ellos, cultural y económicamente distintos y ciertamente categorizados como inferiores.

El puertorriqueño, a pesar de ser parte de una sociedad pobre, atesora su lengua española, se siente orgulloso de sus costumbres y muy dispuesto a trabajar y compartir con la democracia “americana”, pero en un plano de igualdad y respeto.

Washington nunca nos ha visto como iguales y eso ha creado entre ellos y nosotros un déficit de afectos. Por eso, cuando al pueblo puertorriqueño se le consulta para en las urnas votar mayoritariamente por la estadidad; le revienta en la cara a los estadoístas un rechazo parecido al reflejado en la encuesta de El Nuevo Día.

Y se sorprenden que los puertorriqueños no quieran fundirse en la nación “americana”; y que quieran seguir hablando español e identificándose con su Equipo Nacional de Baloncesto en las Olimpiadas de Londres.

Porque en la vida no hay nada más importante que los afectos. Algo que no se compra con dinero.



via Opinión - El Nuevo Día on 3/30/12


La develación ayer en el Capitolio del Memorial del Holocausto, en recordación de los más de seis millones de judíos víctimas del exterminio nazi en Europa, debe erigirse en una plataforma de reflexión en Puerto Rico sobre cómo la intransigencia y la xenofobia conducen a grandes crímenes contra la Humanidad, crímenes horrendos que está prohibido olvidar.

En el Batey de las Canastas, los Indios parecen más Caciques que Indios, por jerarquía, no por rango tribal, claro, lo que evidencia una vez más que un puñado de hombres en comu


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