4:37 PM 3/31/2012 | Mike Nova's starred items
via Puerto Rico News by Mike Nova on 3/31/12
VoceroPR: #Draco, #Blades y #Guerra hacen vibrar el "Choli" http://t.co/XkCBf4su
via Twitter / VoceroPR on 3/31/12
VoceroPR: #Draco, #Blades y #Guerra hacen vibrar el "Choli" http://t.co/XkCBf4su
VoceroPR: Escalan Alcaldía de Juncos http://t.co/MfHzkl6U
via Twitter / VoceroPR on 3/31/12
VoceroPR: Escalan Alcaldía de Juncos http://t.co/MfHzkl6U
VoceroPR: @Jencarlos Canela visita ONU tras romper récord Guinness http://t.co/SLEVWVUq
via Twitter / VoceroPR on 3/31/12
VoceroPR: @Jencarlos Canela visita ONU tras romper récord Guinness http://t.co/SLEVWVUq
Saturday, March 31, 2012
via Puerto Rico Daily Sun - Timely news about Puerto Rico, the Caribbean and the world on 3/30/12
Saturday, March 31, 2012
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Saturday, March 31, 2012
via Local News - Puerto Rico Daily Sun - Timely news about Puerto Rico, the Caribbean and the world on 3/31/12
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Barceloneta political party falls short of November mayoral bid
March 31, 2012
GDB: Investors interested in Prepa bonds
March 31, 2012
Lawsuit against Figueroa Sancha thrown out
March 31, 2012
‘Paz para Santa Rita’ initiative questioned by students
March 31, 2012
Legislature considers laws to boost gifted children
March 31, 2012
30 Million in Hepatitis C medicines to be trashed
March 31, 2012
McClintock unaware of the IRS fraudRep. Colberg Toro calls for investigation of senator and mayorCoop movement leader bets on power of economic solidarity modelsMarch 30, 2012Hernández Denton reminds sworn judges on Fair PracticesMarch 30, 2012March 30, 2012March 30, 2012March 30, 2012
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APPU: Gov. Fortuño’s reform threatens academic freedom in UPR
via Local News - Puerto Rico Daily Sun - Timely news about Puerto Rico, the Caribbean and the world on 3/30/12
APPU: Gov. Fortuño’s reform threatens academic freedom in UPR
By Rafael R. Díaz TorresOf the Daily Sun staffrdiaz@prdailysun.netAcademic freedom and the principle of democratic participation are threatened at the University of Puerto Rico if the proposed reform prepared by a committee appointed by Gov. Luis Fortuño is implemented, a group of professors said Thursday in a press conference held at the Río Piedras Campus of the island’s state center of higher education.Joining students, as well as academic departments and other academic voices in the entire University of Puerto Rico system, the Puerto Rican Association of University Professors (APPU for its Spanish acronym) rejected the proposed university reform and report prepared by the Advisory...
Fortuño names ex FBI agent Pesquera Police chief March 30, 2012
PREPA bonds downgraded by Moody’s March 30, 2012
March 29, 2012
This post has been generated by Page2RSS
Friday, March 30, 2012
via Puerto Rico Daily Sun - Timely news about Puerto Rico, the Caribbean and the world on 3/30/12
Friday, March 30, 2012
Universal Group Extends Implementation of Guidewire InsuranceSuite - Insurance & Technology
via puerto rico business - Google News on 3/30/12
Universal Group Extends Implementation of Guidewire InsuranceSuite
Insurance & Technology
The Puerto Rico-based P&C insurer has added reinsurance management and client data management to its Guidewire InsuranceSuite implementation. By Anthony O'Donnell Universal Group, Inc. (San Juan, Puerto Rico), a commercial and personal lines carrier ...
Universal Group Extends Guidewire Selection Adding Reinsurance Management and ...Insurance News Net (press release)
all 3 news articles »
Seriously Seeking Solutions towards a Better *Puerto Rico* #140conf
via puerto rico business - Google Blog Search by Raul Colon on 3/31/12
This gave Alan the opportunity to understand very quickly how many of us on the table saw Puerto Rico's business, technology, and economical environment. We sat for a few hours discussing topics related to Puerto Rico with ...
Investor's *Business* Daily - *Puerto Rico* Tribune - *Puerto Rico* News
via puerto rico business - Google Blog Search by admin on 3/30/12
DirecTV Gives Upbeat Outlook For Latin American Unit Investor's Business Daily By REINHARDT KRAUSE, INVESTOR'S BUSINESS DAILY Posted 11:29 AM ET Satellite broadcaster DirecTV Group's rosy near- and long-term outlook for its ...
CaribBusiness: The Puerto Rico market remains a bright spot for Spanish Broadcasting System as the largest publicly traded Hispanic-controlled media...
via Twitter / CaribBusiness on 3/30/12
CaribBusiness: The Puerto Rico market remains a bright spot for Spanish Broadcasting System as the largest publicly traded Hispanic-controlled media...
CaribBusiness: #Holocaust memorial unveiled in #PR. Read more: http://t.co/oltpLCaM http://t.co/TvUdBoJi http://t.co/ZIqaSfaj
via Twitter / CaribBusiness on 3/30/12
CaribBusiness: #Holocaust memorial unveiled in #PR. Read more: http://t.co/oltpLCaM http://t.co/TvUdBoJi http://t.co/ZIqaSfaj
CaribBusiness: #Holocaust memorial unveiled in #PR. Read more: http://t.co/oltpLCaM http://t.co/TvUdBoJi
via Twitter / CaribBusiness on 3/30/12
CaribBusiness: #Holocaust memorial unveiled in #PR. Read more: http://t.co/oltpLCaM http://t.co/TvUdBoJi
via El Nuevo Día - Noticias de Puerto Rico, información de última hora y multimedia - El Nuevo Día on 3/31/12
Sábado 31 de marzo de 2012
Hay 4 vehículos involucrados en el choque. Reabrieron la carretera PR-52 en dirección de San Juan a Ponce.
Ante un Coliseo repleto el trío celebró un nuevo “Encuentro” 10 años después. Fotos y vídeo
Héctor Pesquera está convencido de que logrará transformar a la Policía. Fotos y vídeo
Pitbull recibe el premio Presidencial BMI por su influencia en la música
via El Nuevo dia : Espectáculos Así on 3/31/12
Pitbull, quien actuó en la ceremonia, logró además el premio BMI de compositor del año, un reconocimiento que compartió con Juan Luis Morena Luna "Wisin," Llandel Veguilla Malavé "Yandel" y Espinoza Paz.

Jencarlos Canela visita la ONU tras romper récord Guinness
via El Nuevo dia : Espectáculos Así on 3/31/12
Jencarlos Canela logró reunir la mayor cantidad de banderas formando el número uno.

Denis de Yo canto busca complacer a las chicas con “I Love You”
via El Nuevo dia : Espectáculos Así on 3/31/12
El intérprete Denis Omar, del extinto dúo Musa, acaba de lanzar su sencillo de pop “I Love You”, el que dedica a sus fanáticas.

Sábado 31.03.2012
via Opinión – Vocero de Puerto Rico on 3/30/12
Sábado 31.03.2012
A las 3:50 de la tarde del viernes, un jurado compuesto por nueve féminas y tres varones halló culpable de homicidio negligente, en su modalidad menos grave, al oficial de custodia Héctor Cruz Santiago.
Aumentan a 15 los refugiados
Los vigentes campeones de la Serie Mundial no se hacen traumas sin el astro dominicano que estableció hitos durante sus 11 años con el equipo
caribnews: Hombre llamó a la policía porque su mujer no lo dejaba ver Facebook http://t.co/ItqaAGv7 - vía @ClaudioNasco
via Twitter / caribnews on 3/31/12
caribnews: Hombre llamó a la policía porque su mujer no lo dejaba ver Facebook http://t.co/ItqaAGv7 - vía @ClaudioNasco
Observación de la Luna, cuatro planetas esta noche en El Morro http://ow.ly/9ZUN9
via Caribnews's Facebook Wall by Caribnews on 3/31/12
Observación de la Luna, cuatro planetas esta noche en El Morro http://ow.ly/9ZUN9
Junte de Juan Luis Guerra, Draco Rosa y Rubén Blades hace vibrar a multitud en e...
via Caribnews's Facebook Wall by Caribnews on 3/31/12
Junte de Juan Luis Guerra, Draco Rosa y Rubén Blades hace vibrar a multitud en el Coliseo de Puerto Rico http://ow.ly/9ZUA1
(title unknown)
via Ponce News's Facebook Wall by Ponce News on 3/31/12

Caótico lío con planillas - El Nuevo Día
Hacienda aún no tiene los formularios que utilizan ciertas corporaciones
Tory Cruz Muriel, Descanza en Paz...
via Ponce News's Facebook Wall by Ponce News on 3/31/12
Tory Cruz Muriel, Descanza en Paz...
via Ponce News's Facebook Wall by Ponce News on 3/31/12

Ana Cacho: “Lista para lo que sea”
En la entrevista radial de ayer, Cacho dijo que sabe de sus hijas “por lo que me comentan cuando las ven por ahí”.
via Ponce News's Facebook Wall by Ponce News on 3/31/12

Draco Rosa, Rubén Blades y Juan Luis Guerra dan cátedra de talento y amistad
Tanto el público como los tres cantautores se unieron en un derroche de alegría y buena vibración.
This Week @NASA
via YouTube Videos matching query: puerto rico news this week by Kowch737 on 4/8/11
This Week @NASA
The three new members of the Expedition 27 crew are busy making the International Space Station their new home for the next five months. NASA managers will hold a Flight Readiness Review on Tuesday, April 19, to assess the team's ability to support launch of space shuttle Endeavour on STS-134. NASA headquarters welcomed students from Maryland School for the Blind in Baltimore to Disability Mentoring Day. Inside the Jet Propulsion Laboratory's Spacecraft Assembly Facility, news media donned special clean-room garments for a close-up look at NASA's next Mars rover, Curiosity. Goddard Space Flight Center employees joined with the American Red Cross to kick-off the Gabrielle Giffords Honorary Save-a-Life Campaign. More than 800 students in College Station, Texas, celebrated the end of six weeks of training as part of Mission X: Train Like An Astronaut. Nearly 70 high school and college teams throughout the United States, Puerto Rico, Canada, Germany, India and Russia descended on the US Space & Rocket Center in Huntsville for the 18th annual NASA Great Moonbuggy Race. This year marks the 40th anniversary of the use of the Lunar Roving Vehicle on the surface of the moon, and the Marshall Space Flight Center team, along with Apollo astronauts Charlie Duke and Harrison Schmitt helped celebrate the historic feat. Forty-one years ago this week, on April 11, 1970, Apollo 13 launched from the Kennedy Space Center on what was supposed to be NASA's third manned mission to the moon <b>...</b>
More inScience & Technology
SanSe Video 2012 Friday.MOV
via YouTube Videos matching query: san sebastian festival puerto rico by gerena339 on 1/16/12
SanSe Video 2012 Friday.MOV
Fiesta de la Calle de San Sebastian Friday, January 13th, 2012. Friday was the second day of this annual festival and it was the second procession up the Street of San Sebastian in Old San Juan. It was slightly bigger than the first one on Thursday, the day before. But while it is a small parade what follows is big. Large crowds of people of all ages make their way one way or the other to the congested streets, but in a spirited and safe atmosphere, courtesy of the warmth of the people of Puerto Rico. Tourists from the nearby docked ocean liners can take nice walk uphill to the main site of musical performances as well as the work of the best artisans of the UScolony of Puerto Rico (one of the few official colonies in the world -- if not the only one).
More inEntertainment
Top news channels report God is on Earth! He'll Transform into immortality in 92 days or less!
via YouTube Videos matching query: puerto rico news today by 666PressDept on 3/30/12
Top news channels report God is on Earth! He'll Transform into immortality in 92 days or less!
The planet prepares for the biggest event in history: the Transformation of the Man Christ Jesus, Jose Luis De Jesus. That is the reason why the planet is in birthpains - earthquakes, famine, floods - since it is the period whereby the Image of the Beast (now seen worldwide through his satellite channel) would have power for 42 months to act right before He transforms. Top news channels worldwide have had the honor of interviewing Him, God on Earth....many have dismissed him as just a "regular man" however the prophesies say that His Second coming would be just like the days of Noah, where he would be forewarning about the flood and many would not listen. It's also written that He would suffer and be rejected by this generation, therefore all the erroneous media reports published about him is part of the fulfillment of the prophesies since he does things in the same manner. Many dismissed Jesus of Nazareth as a regular man, but the world was in for a big surprise when he resurrected. Now, in the same manner, the next time the world sees Him, he will be transformed into a body of radiation, fire and immortality in 92 days or less from today March 30, 2012. Later don't say you were not told! Investigate: www.cegenglish.com
More inEducation
ricky martin MARIA
via YouTube Videos matching query: ricky martin by miniatig on 1/13/10
ricky martin MARIA
american on-line present ricky martin and live album ricky martin MARIA
More inMusic
Rashad Evans Meets Felix "Tito" Trinidad in Puerto Rico - TheMMATruth.com
via Puerto Rico News's Facebook Wall by Puerto Rico News on 3/31/12
Rashad Evans Meets Felix "Tito" Trinidad in Puerto Rico - TheMMATruth.com
Rashad Evans Meets Felix "Tito" Trinidad in Puerto Rico - TheMMATruth.com
Rashad Evans Meets Felix "Tito" Trinidad in Puerto Rico - TheMMATruth.com The number one contender to the UFC light heavyweight belt, Rashad Evans, visited Puerto Rico alongside the UFC Primetime cameras to promote UFC 145. Evans met with one of Puerto Rico's biggest boxing legends, Felix "Tito" Trinidad at Training Zone, where Rashad had an open workout for the MMA fans in the Island....
(title unknown)
via Puerto Rico News's Facebook Wall by Puerto Rico News on 3/31/12

Puerto Rico News
(title unknown)
via Puerto Rico News's Facebook Wall by Puerto Rico News on 3/31/12

Puerto Rico News SELECTED NEWSLINKS Mike Nova's starred items CURRENT NEWSLINKS Puerto Rico News Puerto Rico Daily Sun Puerto Rico Business News Caribbean Business Puerto Rico News - Latest News Noticias de Puerto Rico El Nuevo Día Primera Hora Vocero Caribnews Puerto Rico Local News Puerto Rico News Video Playlist PR News – Video Puerto Rico News - Facebook Wall Puerto Rico Blogs Global Voices Puerto Rico Sports Caribbean News Latino...
Puerto Rico: Sale el Jefe de la Policía
via Global Voices en Español » Puerto Rico (E.U.A.) by Juan Arellano on 3/31/12
La historiadora y blogger Yvonne Acosta comenta sobre el reciente despido del Jefe de la Policía, Emilio Díaz Colón.
Escrito por Firuzeh Shokooh Valle · Traducido por Juan Arellano · Ver post original [en] · Comentarios (0)
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Puerto Rico: A Small and Modest Art Blog
via Global Voices » Puerto Rico (U.S.) by Firuzeh Shokooh Valle on 3/31/12
Check out artist Omar Banuchi's blog on Tumblr: “a small and modest blog of images.”
Written by Firuzeh Shokooh Valle · comments (0)
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Puerto Rico: Youth, Facebook, and News
via Global Voices » Puerto Rico (U.S.) by Firuzeh Shokooh Valle on 3/31/12
A recent survey of 130 college students [es], mostly from the Río Piedras campus of the University of Puerto Rico, shows that many of them actually use Facebook to read news.
Written by Firuzeh Shokooh Valle · comments (0)
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Puerto Rico: “He Leaves at Last”
via Global Voices » Puerto Rico (U.S.) by Firuzeh Shokooh Valle on 3/31/12
Blogger and historian Yvonne Acosta comments on the recent dismissal [es] of the Superintendent of the Police Emilio Díaz Colón.
Written by Firuzeh Shokooh Valle · comments (0)
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Puerto Rico: Sale el Jefe de la Policía
via Global Voices en Español » Puerto Rico (E.U.A.) by Juan Arellano on 3/31/12
La historiadora y blogger Yvonne Acosta comenta sobre el reciente despido del Jefe de la Policía, Emilio Díaz Colón.
Escrito por Firuzeh Shokooh Valle · Traducido por Juan Arellano · Ver post original [en] · Comentarios (0)
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Real Madrid golea a Osasuna y pone presión al Barsa
via El Nuevo dia : Acción Deportiva on 3/31/12
Gana 5-1 y saca nueve puntos de ventaja contra los catalanes

José Mourinho: “Hemos tenido un partido muy conseguido y todo nos ha salido bien”
via El Nuevo dia : Acción Deportiva on 3/31/12
Expresó satisfacción por la actuación de los suyos en el difícil campo del Osasuna

Kobe Bryant tiene nuevo juguete
via El Nuevo dia : Acción Deportiva on 3/31/12
Pagó sobre $300 mil dólares en el Ferrari 458 Italia

Michael Pineda comenzará la temporada en lista de lesionados
via El Nuevo dia : Acción Deportiva on 3/31/12
Un MRI reveló el sábado que tiene tendonitis en el hombro derecho.

Observación de la Luna, cuatro planetas esta noche en El Morro http://ow.ly/9ZUN9
via Caribnews's Facebook Wall by Caribnews on 3/31/12
Observación de la Luna, cuatro planetas esta noche en El Morro http://ow.ly/9ZUN9
Junte de Juan Luis Guerra, Draco Rosa y Rubén Blades hace vibrar a multitud en e...
via Caribnews's Facebook Wall by Caribnews on 3/31/12
Junte de Juan Luis Guerra, Draco Rosa y Rubén Blades hace vibrar a multitud en el Coliseo de Puerto Rico http://ow.ly/9ZUA1
Comienzan las inscripciones para la segunda edición de Idol Puerto Rico http://...
via Caribnews's Facebook Wall by Caribnews on 3/31/12
Comienzan las inscripciones para la segunda edición de Idol Puerto Rico http://ow.ly/9ZTPA
España suma casi 250,000 nuevos nacionales gracias a la ‘ley de nietos’ http://o...
via Caribnews's Facebook Wall by Caribnews on 3/31/12
España suma casi 250,000 nuevos nacionales gracias a la ‘ley de nietos’ http://ow.ly/9ZOoQ
Mexican Man Denied Entry to US for Son's Funeral
via Latino.FoxNews.com on 3/31/12
Immigration authorities purportedly denied a Mexican man entry to the U.S. for his 10-year old son's funeral.
Anor marca gol en triunfo de Columbus sobre Toronto
via Latino.FoxNews.com on 3/31/12
Bernardo Anor anotó a los 56 minutos y el Crew de Columbus se impuso el sábado 1-0 al Toronto FC.
Wrestler Mockingly Praises 'Mother' Jan Brewer
via Latino Voices on HuffingtonPost.com by AP on 3/31/12
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. -- Defiantly waving an Arizona state flag, the self-described American patriot leaps into an octagon-shaped ring amid blaring music and loud boos from an overwhelmingly Latino audience, who hold aloft signs in Spanish supporting his masked Mexican opponents.
"My name is RJ Brewer and I'm from Phoenix, Arizona," the wrestler proclaims in a video of a recent match provided by the promoter. Taunts from inside the arena get louder.
He proceeds to rail against Mexican beer and to demand that people speak English. Then he points to the message painted on the backside of his red trunks: "SB1070" – a reference to Arizona's controversial immigration law. The crowd, some wearing masks of their favorite Mexican wrestlers, shrieks ever louder. He then brags that his "mother," Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer, is helping "save" America by pushing policies that limit immigration (he's not really her son).
When his masked opponent in a red cape appears, the crowd erupts into cheers.
Lucha libre – or "free wrestling" in Spanish – is a brand of Mexican wrestling that dates to the 1930s. The sport came north to the United States, along with Mexican immigrants, and over the years spawned clubs in some larger U.S. cities with large Latino communities.
Who else benefits from lottery sales?
via Uploads by CNN by CNN on 3/31/12
Who else benefits from lottery sales?
CNN's Randi Kaye talks to a lottery official about how money from lottery ticket sales is divided.
More inShows
Mega Millions winner used Quick Pick
via Uploads by CNN by CNN on 3/31/12
Mega Millions winner used Quick Pick
CNN's Athena Jones gives the details on the store in Maryland where one of the winning Mega Millions tickets was sold.
More inShows
Titanic's legacy: A fascination with disasters
via AP Top Headlines At 5:23 p.m. EDT by By SETH BORENSTEIN on 3/31/12
Epic disasters (AP) -- the anguished cries, the stories of heroism - are the central narratives of our age, both enthralling and horrifying. And our obsession began a century ago, unfolding in just 160 terrifying minutes, on a supposedly unsinkable ship, as more than 1,500 souls slipped into the icy waters of the North Atlantic. And the band played on....
It's a holiday in Kentucky for Final Four fans
via AP Top Headlines At 5:23 p.m. EDT by By BRUCE SCHREINER on 3/31/12
LOUISVILLE, Ky. (AP) -- A few hours before Saturday's tipoff in a Final Four matchup that has the state of Kentucky in holiday mode, Kentucky and Louisville fans were getting ready for a rowdy game in bars - not to mention homes and even wedding receptions....
One person killed in Kenyan coast explosions
via Reuters: World News on 3/31/12
MOMBASA, Kenya (Reuters) - Two blasts in the Kenyan port city of Mombasa and a nearby town killed one person and wounded more than 20 on Saturday, the latest in a string of attacks to hit the east African country since it sent troops into neighboring Somalia.
European Finance Ministers Clear Way for Credit Rating Competition
via NYT > World by By JAMES KANTER on 3/31/12
The ministers agreed to require companies to rotate ratings agencies, though the rules still must be approved by governments and the European Parliament.
Obama postpones many issues until elections
via Yahoo! News - Top Stories on 3/31/12
Missile defense isn't the only area in which President Barack Obama will have "more flexibility" if he's re-elected. Immigration, the Canada-to-Texas oil pipeline, gay marriage, tax policy and other issues could invite bold initiatives by a president who knows he will never run for office again, especially if his party gains ground in congressional elections.
Junior, the Kid, the Fight - New York Times
via gay men puerto rico - Google News on 3/31/12
Junior, the Kid, the Fight
New York Times
The 10-day coma, the funeral home, the Cuban mother-in-law arrived, courtesy of Pan Am. She detested you as a light-skinned Puerto Rican, wondered about the purse, went back home, and you never heard a word from her again. Fifty years of struggle, ...
Buccament Bay Location offering the very best vacations along with *...*
via gay san juan puerto rico - Google Blog Search by playonnet on 3/31/12
... the France along with Nederlander Buccament Bay Holiday resort islands possess standing with regard to patience; along with Puerto Rico bars discrimination by law (San Juan contains the finest gay nightlife in the region).
(title unknown)
via Gay Puerto Rico Links's Facebook Wall by Gay Puerto Rico Links on 3/31/12

Joshua J Cook's Photos
You don't have to be in wet white briefs tonight, unless you want to...
Gay filmmaker flees Russia after attacks on homosexuals - New York Daily News
via Gay News - New York's Facebook Wall by Gay News - New York on 3/31/12
Gay filmmaker flees Russia after attacks on homosexuals - New York Daily News

Gay filmmaker flees Russia after attacks on homosexuals - New York Daily News
New York Daily NewsGay filmmaker flees Russia after attacks on homosexualsNew York Daily NewsThe clash punctuated a series of attacks — from skinheads with brass knuckles outside a gay club and by thugs who set up a fake online dating profile and jumped him when he arrived to meet his “date.” But the 27-year-old Brooklyn filmmaker believes ...Add Gay Russians to List of Asylum SeekersEDGEOnTheNetall 5 news articles »
Opening Act: !Puerto Rico! - Slate Magazine (blog)
via Gay Puerto Rico's Facebook Wall by Gay Puerto Rico on 3/31/12
Opening Act: !Puerto Rico! - Slate Magazine (blog)

Opening Act: !Puerto Rico! - Slate Magazine (blog)
Slate Magazine (blog)Opening Act: !Puerto Rico!Slate Magazine (blog)coverage after suggesting English as a precondition for Puerto Rican statehood (totally reasonable, by the way), and he did have a gay blogger publish a photo of him lying shirtless and prone on a beach. A comparison: Barack Obama was hopelessly behind ...Santorum's off-the-cuff problemMinneapolis Star TribuneIn 1996, Romney led NYC search for runaway teenDeseret NewsPuerto Rico's 'Sui Generis' Presidential PrimaryFCIRall 1,045 news articles »
Opening Act: !Puerto Rico! - Slate Magazine (blog)
via Gay Puerto Rico's Facebook Wall by Gay Puerto Rico on 3/31/12
Opening Act: !Puerto Rico! - Slate Magazine (blog)

Opening Act: !Puerto Rico! - Slate Magazine (blog)
ABC News (blog)Opening Act: !Puerto Rico!Slate Magazine (blog)SAN JUAN, PUERTO RICO - MARCH 16: Republican presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney attends a New Progressive Party rally on the North Side of the Capitol building March 16, 2012 in San Juan, Puerto Rico.In 1996, Romney led NYC search for runaway teenDeseret NewsRick Santorum Defends Call for Puerto Rico to Adopt English After Delegate ...ABC News (blog)all 1,045 news articles »
Opening Act: !Puerto Rico! - Slate Magazine (blog)
via Gay Puerto Rico's Facebook Wall by Gay Puerto Rico on 3/31/12
Opening Act: !Puerto Rico! - Slate Magazine (blog)

Opening Act: !Puerto Rico! - Slate Magazine (blog)
Slate Magazine (blog)Opening Act: !Puerto Rico!Slate Magazine (blog)coverage after suggesting English as a precondition for Puerto Rican statehood (totally reasonable, by the way), and he did have a gay blogger publish a photo of him lying shirtless and prone on a beach. A comparison: Barack Obama was hopelessly behind ...Puerto Rico's 'Sui Generis' Presidential PrimaryFCIRSantorum's off-the-cuff problemMinneapolis Star TribuneIn 1996, Romney led NYC search for runaway teenDeseret Newsall 1,045 news articles »
Mitt Romney Announces His Puerto Rico Win: VIDEO |Gay News ...
via Gay Puerto Rico's Facebook Wall by Gay Puerto Rico on 3/31/12
Mitt Romney Announces His Puerto Rico Win: VIDEO |Gay News ...
Mitt Romney Announces His Puerto Rico Win: VIDEO |Gay News ...
Mitt Romney gives a plug to his cheerleader Matt Drudge in a video from Puerto Rico, which he swept. Watch, AFTER THE JUMP... Reuters reports: With about 60 percent of the ballots counted, Romney had about 83 percent ...
Romney Takes All In Puerto Rico Primary - NPR
via Gay Puerto Rico's Facebook Wall by Gay Puerto Rico on 3/31/12
Romney Takes All In Puerto Rico Primary - NPR

Romney Takes All In Puerto Rico Primary - NPR
Boston.comRomney Takes All In Puerto Rico PrimaryNPRby AP Mitt Romney won an overwhelming victory Sunday over chief rival Rick Santorum in Puerto Rico's Republican presidential primary. But Romney was campaigning far away in the critical heartland state of Illinois ahead of Tuesday's primary which ...Romney wins Puerto Rico, race moves to Ill., La.Houston ChronicleMitt Romney Wins Puerto Rico GOP Primary in Landslide VoteFox NewsPuerto Rico votes; GOP candidates battle elsewhereBoston.comRealClearPoliticsall 12,644...
Romney Takes All In Puerto Rico Primary - NPR
via Gay Puerto Rico's Facebook Wall by Gay Puerto Rico on 3/31/12
Romney Takes All In Puerto Rico Primary - NPR

Romney Takes All In Puerto Rico Primary - NPR
The Associated PressRomney Takes All In Puerto Rico PrimaryNPRby AP Mitt Romney won an overwhelming victory Sunday over chief rival Rick Santorum in Puerto Rico's Republican presidential primary. But Romney was campaigning far away in the critical heartland state of Illinois ahead of Tuesday's primary which ...Romney wins Puerto Rico RepublicanRealClearPoliticsMitt Romney Wins Puerto Rico GOP Primary in Landslide VoteFox NewsPuerto Rico votes; GOP candidates battle elsewhereBoston.comThe Associated Pressall 12,644 news...
State's Gay Marriage Law Faces Challenge
via Gay Voices by AP on 3/31/12
BOSTON -- A legal battle over a law that denies federal benefits to married gay couples is headed to a federal appeals court in Massachusetts, the first state in the nation to legalize gay marriage.
The federal Defense of Marriage Act, enacted by Congress in 1996, defines marriage as a union between a man and a woman and prevents the federal government from recognizing same-sex marriages.
A federal judge in Massachusetts declared a key section of the law unconstitutional in 2010 after Attorney General Martha Coakley and the legal group Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders sued. Judge Joseph Tauro found that the law is unconstitutional because it interferes with the right of a state to define marriage and denies married gay couples an array of federal benefits given to heterosexual married couples, including the ability to file joint tax returns.